B. Chancey, Publisher, Union, Or. PACIFIC COAST. The Strike in the Wash ington Coal Mines. BIG MECHANIC'S LIEN FILED. The Troops Sent After the Arizona Indians Return Because They Had No Trailer. Tlio population of Arizona is 50,020, an increase of 10,180. During an clcctrir.il etorrn nt Sal cm trees were shattered by lightning. There is a strong probability of tho Reno reduction works being rebuilt. Washoe farmers are cutting the first crop of bay, tho Benson being u month Into. It is reported nt San Diego that the Rock Island has purchased the Cuya mnca railroad. The women employed in tho Sacra mento canneries earn on an avemgo $1 to $1.50 per day. The saw mills between Truckeo and Reno are not cutting one-half tho quan tity of lumber cut last year. Tho strike in the Washington coal mines appears to bo broken, the ship ments of coal being on the increase. A mcchnnic's lien for $208,000 has been filed nt Boise City on tho property of tho Idaho Mining nnd Irrigation Company. Tho Peninsuln, San Diego nnd Yuma railroad is to be pushed to completion. Eighteen miles are under contract to be completed in August. Tho total overflow into the Colorado Desert is now estimated nt nbout -,000 uqunro miles, tho greater part of which ia across the line in Old Mexico. The water continues to rise. 8. M. Perry, principal stockholder in the plumbing company at Los Angeles which bears his name, is insolvent. Li abilities, M l, 71)1 ; assets, $00,062 in real estate nnd personal property. The troops sent in search of tho In dians who attacked the mining camp in the Hunchucn Mountains in Arizona had to return because they could not follow the Indians, having no trailer. A number of farmers around Love locks, Nov., have combined to build an irrigation canal to Big Meadows. Tho canal will tap the bed of Humboldt river near Orena and do nwny with dams alto gether. Tho representatives of the two great railroad systems in Southern California tho Santa Fo nnd Southern Pacific nro making mysterious movements, which strengthen the impression of an impending war. Dr. Crossman, who went away several weeks ago from his wife at Hrownsvlllo, Yuba county, Cal., but returned nnd of fered excuses, which wero accepted, is again missing, and it is thought lie has committed suicide. Tho sloop Florn of Senttlo has been seized near Victoria, 1$. O., with sixteen Chinamen on board, who wero to be smuggled into tho United States. Tho vessel neglected to report inward, and a tine of $400 was imposed. Tho Taxpayers' Union at Los Armeies him passed n resolution demanding that the Supervisors hold their meetings nt specified times j that they spenk in a voice audible in the lobby, and that they Invito and make provision for nowspa ler rojxjrtora. Captnin A. N. Thornton, who was last month appointed special Deputy Col lector of Customs by Collector Osborne nt Wilmington, has been offered and has accented the position of Treasurer at the Soldiers' Homo at Santa Monica, vice Major Krdmnn. A company liaa boon formally organ ired at Pasadona, Cal.. to build an elec tric road up Mount Wilson, 0,000 feet high, and the most famous peak in that section. Tho survey has already been made, and tho distance covered will be about nine miles. J Tho examination of applicants for fore-1 mauships nt tho navy yard nt Maro Isl-j nnd, which hna been in progress during i the past three weeks, has lioon conclud ed, nnd tho Hoard is now propnring its I roiort, which will be forwarded to Sec- 1 retary Tracy booh. Tho city assessment at Los Angeles shows a total assessment of 45.flS2. 4:ti). ns ngainBt $48,081,109 InBt year. The as Bcasinent of IiuiiIh bIiowh a falling-oil' oi over $4,000,000, improvements a decrease of $500,000, while tho personal property assessment is $500,000. Tho San Jose Hoard of Trade has re fused to indorse the action of a former meeting, which passed n resolution de nouncing the editor of the Jldltr Timtt, who was charged with supporting Chi nese highbinders. The resolution, it was decided, was uncalled for and unjust. It ia stated that a ranch near Seattlo s vis ted almost dally by n largo black Dour irom um wowts near ov. llo min. i it gleswith the stock on th'o place, and makes himself nuite at home. The vis. i its have continued for a long time, and ! tho rancher will not permit " Bruin" to bo molested. 1 It is rumored at San Diego that the Canadian Pacific has made a iiroiKisitlon 1 to the Santa Fe Railroad Company to I put on a steamer from its Pacille Coast terminus to Honolulu, stopping at San Francisco for tho Southern and Central Pacific business and at Sun Diego for tho Santa Fo trafllc. Chief Buchanan of tho Department ol Aerlculturo and in chiiruo of tho Dennrt. ment of Forestr . --- :r ...... i - i ry of the world's rlrmu,,7 "r 1 VroT' has asked the California Couunisslonera to furnish threo California trees, each twenty-llvo feet in height and not less than sixteen nor more than twenty inches In diameter, to Ik) used as pillars in the forestry building, All of the Rates have lcen askeri to contribute tlio twine. The trees coming from the dlf (Wiit StatCH will each hav a tablet at tiw'liwl to them, giving a uKwutity 4X eoiuMM'iilug Uiwtu, TI1E NATIONAL CAPITAL. Further Tout of Aiiierlnin Armor IMatn l'rovo Very tiiillfactor J Acting Secretary Wharton of the De partment of State has sent instructions to Profs. Mendenhnll and Merriatn, ex pert agents appointed to go to Alaska to learn all facts respecting seal fisheries. These instructions are to collect all pos sible information upon the subject of breeding places, efTect of p-lagio sealing, diminution of the number of seals, proper lines of demarkation in the event that close seasons are regarded neces sary and the proper months to be in cluded in such seasons. For the past year the- authorities have been attempting to improve tho quality of recruits in the regular army so as to lessen the percentage of desertion, which was growing alarmingly. Kxtra endeav ors were made to secure young men who sought the nrmv ns n profession rather than a haven of refugo. To this end the efforts of officials hnvo been systematic ally turned from cities to country. Tho effect of these efforts nre beginning to show results, and they arc more gratify ing than was expected. Olivers nre well satisfied that the policy is a good one. Further tests of American nrmor plate have been made at the Annapolis prov ing grounds with gratifying resultH. Two three-inch all-steel plates were prepared by Carnegio with surfaces treited by tho new Harvey process to give the process a complete test under better conditions than heretofore realized. The plates ware inaao vmi less ruruon in ineir composition than the three plates tested eomo months ago. The official report is eomo months ago. flie of hcial report is Senator Stewart is out in another vig not yet received, but tho olhcers present ' oroug nrtjclo on freo siivcr 1Io believes say the plates satisfactorily resisted firo j tho pnrty who opposes tho question is from n six-pound Hotchkiss rifle, a so- iost. vere test. , Ti,0 sjonx on the Lower Brule in Robert J. Creighton of San I'rnncisco South Dakota celebrated the Fourth of is in Washington. His business there is j jiv nn(l took part j a ejmm battle on in relation to the Australian mail serv ice, with which he has been prominently identified for many venrs. " Up to tho close of 188!)," said Mr. Creighton, " tho Australian mail lino wiib supported by the colonies of New Zealand nnd New South Wales. Last year tho latter gov ernment withdrew absolutely, but New i Zealand continued it for another year, j hoping tho United States government . would step in nnd contribute an adequato share to its support, as this country was the principnl gainer by the service. Tho sliipping act of tho last session may bo regnrded ns n beginning in that direc tion, but it is by no menns sufficient, nor doeB it appropriate nearly as much money for conveying our bulky Austra lian mail as the small colony of New Zealand paid American steamship com panies for many years for carrying its English mail to ami from San Francisco. Doubtless Congress would see the wis dom of extending this policy and build ing American commerce with the British-Australian settlements, which are among tho richest communities in tho world." CABLEGRAMS. Tim Iuk of CiiinlirllB Vorlilil Ornnco LodKUH In Hi" JlrltUh Army. Com is selling nt $2 n bushel in Gua temala. Russia will hnvo no grain for export thiB year. Famine prevails in Tarapacn and An tofogasta, Chili. Cotton-seed oil is sold in largo quanti ties in Paris ns olive. A general strike of railway employes is threatened in I'aris. President Barillas of Guatemala is re ported to bo preparing for a light. Tho entire Pacific Coust of Central America is suffering from drought. Tho cholera is extending in Southern Syria. Hundreds of deaths have oc curred. The Hnglish peoplo hnvo taken n fancy for Hmporor William, nnd he is warmly reciprocal. Tho British garrison at Aden is to be strengthened to be ready for any demon atration in that qunrter." The Duke of Cambridge has issued an order forbidding the existence of Orango lodges in tho British army. Tho Cnrlow election has been the death blow to Pamell's control. Ho is being! ucsortcu uy inoso no onco led. Herr Wolfstoimer, a largo hop dealer of Nuremberg, Germany, having exten sive connections in tho United States, has been declared a bankrupt. Internal feuds among Socialists in Germany are increasing in intensity, and meetings held tho past week show an open rupture Iwtween tho young and old suctions of the party, Henri Rochefort has telegraphed to PariH that Kinperor William has had two epileptic attacks .ince he left Holland, I nnd that his wound is suppurating free- i i?.u.i.f.t.. i.i..o !... i.'.. j nuvuvt ii v iiiiun (14I lliu IJlllflVIUr is guilty of overiudulgonce nt the table. An old lady has just died nt Spa, leav ing 100,01)0 francs us n prize to nstion omers, French or foreigners, who witliin ten years shall bo able to eoniinunicato with any planet orstar. M. Flanimarion, uio great, i-reneu astronomer, is not 1 without hope. Tho Cologne Gn:ttle in an attack upon America and Russia, whom it terms " tho bitterest enemies to German in dustries," advocates refusal to both of the " favored-nations" treatment except for tho necessaries of life, such as grain ami petroleum. Tho Guatonmlan government has do cided that nil taxes and duties must I Hi paid in silver; that tho tax on coffee ex ported shall Ik extended one year, nnd mt taxes on li.iuors hhall bo increased ; lui ll,,.t II ,!.,. II 1... . .1.11. .,.,-... ... if .V u AdvlceB from tho Island of Sardinia show that two bauds of outlaws, ouu having about 100 members and the other seventy, nro gradually becoming tho Tii V1 1 t ,,nJiV "T1 ,Yil"u ""VX .,,! , "J1 lc7,n b,"i t will t, 1111WUV iviti i out uccniiii 1 1 olBltllll u from the local attthoritirs. The Italian (ioverument hns ordered a whole bat talion of infantry to proceed to the scene of the lawlessness. The establishment of a distillerv upon o nver iToweryn turns out to hnvo l....... ........ i......ii n,i... mix ture of barley and hot water, writes a corrosjiondcnt of tho Ixmdon Mtltl, which the distillery disgorges at regular intervals, has decidedly improved tho size and and quality of tho tlsh. Tho mine correK)ndont says that in the Deo and Don and other rivers in Scot land tlio naino change Is clleeted the million through tho prcbenco tlllurtes. EASTERN ITEMS. Minister Lincoln Was at the Reception. MR. WANAMAKER EXPLAINS. William G. Forsyth's Nomination Re ferred Back to the National Board of Control. William K. Vandcrbilt pays $8,000 rentage tor ttie season at Newport. It is believed in Chicago thatthestock- i yard trouble has been compromised. i Tho National Council of tho National 1 Education Association is in session nt , Toronto. j I Tho ticket scalpers at Chicago have i 1 begun a fight on the Western Passenger Association. 1 I New York bns been chosen ns the next meeting place of the Convention of Christinn Endeavor Societies. j Owing to tho McKinley bill, a now t plate-glass factory will soon start up at Irwin. Vn., which will employ 500 men. the plains. Heavv and continuous rains in North Dakota havo caused ninny washouts, de lays to passenger trains nnd destruction to property. A now method of undervaluing im- Corts has been unearthed at New York, y which tho government has been a heavy loser. Tho first diploma which Yalo Univer- sity has ever granted to n woman has j just been received by Miss Irene W. Colt of Norwich, Conn Chicago officials have seized 200 pounds of opium hidden in the false lottoin of n box similar to those used by carpen ters for their tools. The Texas State Farmers' Alliance in session nt Fort Worth has placed on rec ord its opposition to tho subtreasury scheme and a third party. An organization has been formed in Wisconsin to build an electric railway between Milwaukee and Chicago, with a capital stock of $10,00,),000. Both Mississippi United States Sena tors expect re-election Geoig, because he opposes tho subtreasury scheino, and Walthall, because ho doesn't. Intruders and citizens who do not life slept in tho same lied. Ho has a show permits are being driven from the i touch of heart disease, and fears any Cherokee Strip over the Texas border at change will cause instant death, the rate of from 25 to 1,200 daily. j i)om Pedro, who ha- gone to Vichy to The Western Association of Amateur . take the waters, will probablv return to Athletics has been formed at St. Louis. I England aliout the middleof next month, Thi is the result of tho Unnteur Union 'when he is to reside for a few weeks at refusing to permit games on Sunday. Bushy Park, which has been placed nt Tho Boston irerald savs the assessed llis disposal by the Due de Nemours, vnluo of real estato in'Boston for the James Campbell of Philadelphia, who present year will show an increase of was a member of President Pieree'3Cab $30,000,000 over tho valuation of last jnet, is the oldest living Cabinet oflicer year. in tho country. Although nearly 80 vein s Tho Board of Inspectors of the Na- o'd, bo may be seen on the streets daily, tionnl Soldiers' Homes nre in Chicago, U's interest m pubhcaflairs is una...ted. 1 mi ii f ii ii tii 1 t mi nf Stiotinolinn rf A til fl tl 11 HI 11 H n T A II II Gt f M tl ( flu 1 ttMt ri rwl the different homes throughout tho who with half a dozen followers captured country. n train in Turkey recently, is nn ex-res- Afninilv feud bns broken out nt Kdin-1 tiu,n,nt. ?'niter described ns nbput 35 boro, Pa.."thos-atof the Kdinboro State vo'l.rs ol,i a"cl vory handsome, dressed German School, which involves most of . w,t.h '"ipulous care and most graceful tho lKipulation, nnd already a bloody 1 "lul t'"11""1 '."8 treatment of the la conflict has taken place. ' LiHcomi o- ' ' dnunutlc' The Immigration Burenu nt New York j c'mc 'erat1' , . lt hns been instructed to take extra care in I ,lf. Har01l H80" l."ggs, tho new Dean the examination of in.migrnnts. it hav-1 of , IIrvnrd University, is known to the ing been learned that destitute Russian : 'dside public ns n writer of farces am Jews aro being sent to this country. comediejtas, which have been published in the magazines. He is a man of about At Ellis, Neb., John H. Puterbaugh j 3o, and his appointment to the impor killed his wifo and threo children and tant office of Dean is an additional indi then himself. Putorbaugh was not a ; cation of the university's now policy of drinking man, but his system was j putting voung men into positions of're wrecked by tho grip, which ho had last sponsibility. Bm""1'' I A distinguished Hindoo traveling in I he report from London thnt Minister , this country is Komanii Dinslnuvji Petit, and Mrs. Lincoln and the United States who is one of tho wealthiest ns well aa legation wero nbsont Irom the Marllxir- ough House garden party given to Em peror William is mnmirnto. They have Wen present nt every important func tion. John Collier, living near Monrovia, Intl., has found a piece of gold ore on his farm weighing altout. ten ounces. For sovornl yea is gold hns been found in gvcainoro ereek W"10, , C, ontiro neighbor litis find hits set the ighborhood wild with excite ment. Tho Railway Age Btntietica show that from January 1 to July 1, 1SSH, there hnvo lieon constructed 1,728 inilej of main track in thirty-eight States and Territories on 130 roads. Tho South nnd Northwest continue to show the greatest activity. Tho Now York newspapers sav that Siniler, one of the men killed by olec trieity, had his face seared as though with a hot iron : that there wero horri ble scars on either cheek and forehead, i , 41... At... t.,.. .t 1 l ' ' and mat tno noso was snriveiea nnd eye- 1. t lt .lt il t brows singed by tho fluid The Supremo Court of Louisiana has atllrmed the decision of tho New Orleans Criminal Court In tho cases of Tho Stnte vs. Thomas McChrystol and The Stato vs. Bernard Claude, consignlm: tho two i accused to tho penitentiary. Tho court I holds that the statuto embraces tides I jurors as well as other jurors. Theso I nro two of tho Hennessy jury-bribery uisea. Mr. Wanamnker was before the Keystone Hnnk Investigating Committee tho other day. llo explained his busi ness relations with the bank, and em phatically denied statements purporting to come from lJardslev, tho defaulting City Treasurer, regarding his (Wana makcr's) connection with tho over-Usuo Donds ol the hank, and Invited au exam inatlon of his books. ' The World's Fair DirectoryCommittee ted Its report, which is slmnlv nn imfn. vorablenTn ,nendatlonso his con - flrination, hut expresses no opinion as to tho accusations. Forsyth's nomina- i ou.: .n,.K:, nor.con.ri!w 9r rejected. PERSONAL MENTION. General Karly Will lie Orator nt the Un Trlllnif of tlie Jtickion Monument. Patti repents dyeing her hair, since red hair has gone out of fashion. Tennyson has been greatly benefited by his cruise in the English Channel. Octave Thanet, the novelist, is Alice French in private life. She is an Iowa girl. Emin Pasha is alwut to send n scien tific expedition to the Mountains of the Moon. The King of Denmark tops Queen Vic toria by one year aa the senior t-ive reign of Europe. Mark Twain is in Paris. As In cannot write French, the gay city is open to con gratulations. Despite Mrs. Stowo's failing mental powers her physician thinks she may live many years. The latest story is that Andrew Car negie desins to run for Parliament in the next English election. Uncle Jerry Rusk in his new role of weather prognostieator will henceforth be known ns tho Prophet Jereminh. It was John Hright who said that Eng-1 land would remain a monarchy until she 1 had a Prince unworthy of her throne. ' j Henry George is hard nt work on his ' answer to the Pope's recent encyclical dealing with the land question and So cialism. John Sherman is the onlv remaining I United States Senator who sat in that body during Hannibal Hamli.i's term in it a nil (lit Judge H. A. Hill, Judge for the North - .1. .,f nt:,.,,:,,.,!....; ...:n ..... ui ll uisn lut ui iu icainoi ''i in ciun iu , tire. Ho was appointed by President! Johnson, and is 81 years old." Goethe wrote Cliarlotte von Stein 1,000 letters in ten years. When a man of letters goeb in for the tender passion bow he does squander his ink 1 Colonel Tom Ochiltree is credited with matrimonial designs upon the daughter of Colonel North, the nitrate king, who has $2,500,000 in her own right. The verv t:ood picture of Mrs. O'Phea printed in one of the weeklies gives an impression of a cold, fair woman, with a great deal of blonde hair nnd nerve, Rochefort is to have his sentence re - mitted and to be free to return to Paris. Constans thinks that he has been pun ished enough for having brought Bou langor into public notice. Whittier is quoted as saying the other day that there wero times when it seemed to him that he must take up his pen and write, but that he felt that he had done enough, and that his work was really completed. A. M. Henry owti3 the farm upon which the first battle of Bull Run was fought, nnd owned it at the t'me of the fight. He was away from homo, but his mother was killed in her bed by a shell from a Federal battery William Miller of Grauby, Mass., is (iO years of age, has not been 10 rods tr.im his home in eleven years and has all hu one of the most famous men of India. Ho is a Pnrseo. iv millionaire several times over nnd known in Asia for his great ork? of philanthropy. The esti mation in which he is held at home is shown by the fact that he has been knighted by the Queen for his charities. Queen Victoria's family circle now numbers fifty living descendants, includ ing sons nnd daughters, grandsons nnd granddaughters, great grandsons and great granddaughters. Besides theso she CRIME CRIMINALS. Uuroolprornteil I.ove Ii tho Cauie of s JMuriler mid Sulalilu. In n fight between circus emnloves nnu a crowd oi rowdies nt vlncennes. .! ii tii m t ' Iud., one of tho latter was killed and a number of both sides injured. Percy Hudson, proprietor of tho hotel at Silverton, Col., shot and killed n girl with whom ho was in love, and fatally wounded himself. The girl had refused to marry him. Ex-Policomnn Crowley of Kansas City fatally shot his wife, to whom ho had been married six months. Ho thon made an unsuccessful attempt at suicide. Jealousy wns tho cause. Frank Naglo murdered bis wife by chopping her head off with an nx at Deiiham, Mass. He then attempted to brain himself with thn same ax, but failed. No cattso is known. At Old Jefferson, Tenn., Prof. John Lloyd was instantly killed. The assassin is supposed to Ihj Tom Moore, husband of tlm murdered man's nle Tv-l , SlSlt 'r '-' "r"' arrtstwi, cnarcu iin mo murder ' rXMSSX; ZwmTjlSv 4 ioollv SM in.t if, fffi,! a files orate luSlS - , " '"? V' V" r ? 1) Z " ins lour sons-in- nw. four nm iti.r.!n. llu wiwi iur. uauour on mo subject oi law, live gnuHsons-in-Inw nnd one grand- .advanciiiR money temporarily for the f.'P aftTO,! erection ot laborers' ilwellino8 in Irlnmi ihujioui., long, uinti.o, sm.ur- son. ono daughter, five grandsons, one penrline the allocation tor thnt purpose hnps, 10w20e; tnllow, good to choice, 3 SSlirl'0!rMtgr"nllS0,1 mC PrV,ded hl U'0 la"durcha6e1 koSXltte VnHey, 17(,10c; -1 m , a ii - 'Eastern Oreiron. lOdflO'.c per pound. FOREIGN LANDS. Excessive Heat in South of Russia. the SLAVERS ROUTED IN AfRICA. The Influenza Epidemic in the City of London is Reported to Be Subsiding. The Trince of Wales is to do Europe incog. j The flow of. lava at Vesuvius is in creasing. I Turkey will not permit the Jews to ' colonize "in Jerusalem. I President Cnrnot of France will prob- , ably visit .fcnglnnd eooh. I A revolt is reported in tho district of tjtiezaltenango, Guatemala. The very finest brand of Havana ci- gars letclies $1,500 per l,uuu in rans. b . ' ' ' ' , . . Guatemala proposes to 'bring Mexico nnd the United States into closer rein - tions The month of Mny, 1891, was tho wet ' J.1 1,1 Europe for ncarl' BeveI,ty sears. The people in Madras, India, threatened with famine, owing to are the failure of crops. Influenza is raging in the Province of Toledo, Spain. There are 700 cases nt Morn and 400 nt Orgaz. The little Republic of Switzerland will Ihj 000 years old on August 1, and the anniversary will be celebrated. Lawyer William (). Judge of London is to be the successor of Mine. Blavatsky in the leadership in the occult world. The Pono has bestowed upon Bishop i Headly a medal in commendation of his 1 translation of tho encyclical into bug- lish The Kaiser announces his intention of participating with his brother Henry in n yncht race ntTraveland, near Lubeck, on August 9. I It is reported in Germany that Turkey ! has invited France to assume the initia tive of a movement against English oc- cupation of Egypt. I The action of the Porte in limiting i the privileges of the Greek Christians in Rethiehem has caused an appeal both to Russia and Greece. I Heinrich Sehmilinski, the greatest millionaire of Hamburg, has decided to leave his immense fortune to build an I asylum for unmarried women. Kmperor William is delighted with Uh v:a:t to Kmrland. He savs his reception was such as would be expected in hit own country, but not out of it. but not out of i Tho Arab slavers on the Upper Congo nnd tire Aruwimi rivers in Africa have been routed everywhere by the Congo Free State troops, and are suing for peace. Constantinople ndvices stnte that the latest news from Yemen is very discour aging. The insurgents have proved suc cessful at all points on the coast nnd in the interior. Many of the Americans now in Lon don are of the "high-roller" variety, whose disposition is to show how big a fool a man away from homo with money can make of himself. A Polish Countess has been graduated from the Geneva University a full fledged doctor. What makes her case more than commonly interesting is that she intends to treat the poor of her own country gratuitously. The Russian srovernment is buvincr corn intended for export, and will dis- tribute it among the starving people in tho provinces where distress prevails. Excessivo heat in the south of Russia is causing many deaths. Rome is going in for a supply of tricky, which is to come all the elec- ie wav irom nvoii, wnere me motive power is to lo obtained from the River Arno nt a distance of eighteen and one-half miles from the Eternal City. The influenza epidemic in London is reported to be subsidintr. It is calculated t m 1 1 i , , mat, during eignt weeks tlio total mini- ber of deaths in London duo either di- rectly or indirectly to the epidemic amounted to between -,500 nnd 4,000. Italy will hold nn Italian-American Exposition, to open September, 1892, in commomoration of tho discovery of America. Tho aim will bo to show the progress made by two countries nnd to uoveiop tneir commercinl relations, Mr. Pnrnell line been in communicn-1 dered by the Supreme Court nt Berlin sntlv Socinlists nro ns much entitled to tho privilege of displaying a red flag in pub lic processions as are members of any other political body carrying their ban ners. Three Englishmen in Bcnrch of noto riety have started to row n smnll bont from tho source of the Danube to its mouth. This feat hns been tried before, but hns never been accomplished. Five Englishmen essayed it several venrs ago, but fniled. In tho International Postal Congress at Vionna, owing to Germany's opposi tion, two Americnn proposnls wero re jectedfirst, for the creation of interna tional postage stamps, and second, for the free carriage of mails from country to country. A new plan has been adopted bv the municipal authorities of Rome to" pre vent adulteration. Recognizing the fact ' that tho public can gain but little knowl edge from the nnnunl reports of food in spectors, thoy have required the names of nil makers and sellers of alimentary Bulwtances i Injurious to health or adtif- p-nrSSSlliZS ,tll....i i. ..., n..t, l&7 Mk w.ero eaton nt ,"BM Jri her 1 tiwirnwn lm.!l.M and nelKUlwni. Hiiinun lloah miiier tlie inline ut. i t.i i ii ii i i ii' h. i 1 1' i ' i p 1 1 1 1 1 r ii i it rnn I Portland market. A Jteume of the Condition of Ilk I) If. fercnt Depart mrnt. i Trade is steady, though not brisk, ex cept with the dealers in fruit, who find n strong demand, occasioned by the warm weather. Peaches, which are now the principnl item in the market, are moving off well. Melons are beginning to make their appearance, but in very small quantities. Produce iB arriving more freely. Poultry comes in well, nnd the receipts of eggs had the efTect of lower ing the market. rroiluco, l'rult, Ktc. Wheat Nominal ; Wnlln Walla, $1.30 1.32& ; Vallev, $1.401.42. Flouk Standard, $4.85; Walla Walla, $4.00 per barrel. Oats 5355c per bushel, i Hay $15'lt! per ton. 1 Millstikfs Bran, $22(52.",; tbortp, nominal, $25 20; ground barlev. $ 0 32; choo feed, $25(20 per ton;' barley, $1.201 25 per cental. HuTTKit Oregon fancy creamery, 27!$c; fancy dairy, 25c; fair to good, 20 22c; common, 15!17jsc; Califor nia, 2'2(itL'4c per pound. Ciikese Oregon, 1212,'2cj Califor nia, 12c per pound. .hoos uregon, --uc; eastern, per dozen. I'oi'itky - Old chickens, j; young ' i . V ' geese, nominal, $8 per dozen; turkeys, per pound, , v cental ; cauliflower, $1 25 per dozen ; Onions, lc per pound ; beets, $l..r0 per sack; turnips, $1 per sack; potatoes, 70 fa sue per cental ; new potatoes, title per cental; tomatoes, ifjQfi.'Jo per box; as paragus, Oregon, 1015c per pound ; let tuce, 12W-C per dozen ; green peas, 3(a4c per pound; string beans. 7(7,ac per pound; rhubarb, 4c per pound; arti chokes, 40c per dozen ; radishes, 10c per dozen bunches; young onions, 10c per dozen bunches; cucumbers, $1.50 per box; carrots, $1 per sack; corn, 15c per dozen. Fruits Riverside oranges, $4.50; Sic ily lemons, $7(Ji7. 50; California, $4. 50( 5 per box; apples, $1.50 per box; ba- anaa, H.oU4 a uunen: pineapples, $o I 0 per dozen ; cherries, 75(8.jc per box; gooseDernes,, 4(.'2c per pound ; apri- cots, !fi per uox; rnspuerrics, .ftiic per pound ; peaches, 50c per box ; blackber ries, 10c per pound ; plums, $1 per box. Nuts Cal i fornia wa Inn ts.l 1 ("c 1 2 K c ; hickory, 8c; Brazils, 10(fllo; al monds", 10(?il8c; filberts, 130?14c; pino nuts; 1718c; pecans, 1718c; cocoa nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, Sc per pound. Stapl," fJrocerlrH. CorKKE Costa Rica, 21c; Rio, 23c; Mocha, 30c; Java, 25'ec; Arbuckle's, 100-pound cases, 2t)'c per pound. Suaut Golden C,4stc; extra C.4lc; granulated, 57-gC ; cube crushed and pow dered, OKc; confectioners' A, 534c per pound. y ! T, A Iikans fcmaii winte, ivic; pint, 3M c; bayos, 4?ic; butter, 4,lyc; limas, oc per pound. I 4, Honey 18(?20c per pound. S m.t Liverpool, $l(i,$10.5017 ; stock, $11 per ton in carload lots. Canned Goods Table fruits, $1.75, 2ls: reaches. $2.25: Bartlett pears. I $2.25; plums, $1.05; strawberries, $2.50; cherries, $L'((i;.oU; blackberries, W.-b', raspberries, $2.75; pineapples, $2.75 apricots, $2.25. Vegetables: Corn,$1.3 1.05, according to quality; tomatoes, $1.103.25; sugnr pens, $1.25; string I beans, $1.10 per dozen. Pie fruit : As sorted, $1.50; peaches, $1.05; plums, I $125; blackberries. $105 per dozen. Fish: Sardines, 85c( 1.05; lobsters, -t2.35 (rt3.50; oysters. $1.50(71 8. 25 per d zen. .Salmon, standard No. 1, $1 25(1.50 per 'case; No. 2, $2.55. Condensed milk: Eagle brand, $S.1(); Crown, $7; High land, $0.75; Champion, $0; Monroe, 40.75 per case. I SYitie Eastern, in bnrrels, 47tfi5c; half-barrels, 5058c; in caFes, 55(80c per gallon; $2.l'5(?2.50 per keg. Cali fornia, in barrels, 40c per gallon; $2.25 ner U-eir. Dkied Fkcits Italian prunes, 10?, 12c; Petite and German, 10c per pound ; raisins, $1.75(2.25 per box; phimmer ' dried pears. lOffllc: sun-dried and fac- ' tory plums, 1103 12c ; evaporated peaches, J8ar-uc; Smyrna ngs, -uc; uuuioriua, figs, 0c per pound. Rice $5.25 per cental. The Mfiit IMiirkrt. Bi:i:r Live, 3c; dressed, 50? 0c. Mutton Live, sheared, 3("3,4'c; uressed. 7c Hoos Live, 0c; dressed, 8rtlflc S.MoKhi) Mkats Eastern ham, 12L. 13c; Oregon, llt'oOie; breakfast ba con, 1213c; other varieties, 80i 11c per pound. Laud 9.11?4C per pound. llitlri, Wool and Hop. Hides Dry hides, selected prime, 8'h flu ' h ,08 for cull: green, selected, over oj pouniis.tc; miner oo pounus, tc; according to conditions nnd stirinknge. lioi'S nominal ; l.Uc per pound. VEGETABLE PANACEA PREPARED FRtM ROOTS 8c HERBS, FOR TH C CURE OF AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO FROM A DISORDERED STATEorTHE STOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVER. FOR SAIE UY ALU DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS