The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 16, 1891, Image 2

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Uiere dwelt a miller hale and bold.
Uosldo the Ulri'r Deo;
He worked und rang from morn till night,
Ko lark- more Millie tlinn lie;
And thU the burden of hi bong
Forurer iw-il to lw
"I envy uo one. tin, not t.
And do one fiiHK inn i'
Thou'rt wroiiK. my fnend," said old King Halo,
"An wrong uh wrong can ua
For could my ln-nrt lo light oh thine
Td gladly cIiuuro with thoe.
and tell nut now h lint makes thco sing
With volcu so loud ii rid tree.
While I am Roil though 1 am the king
Bcsido the IliTt-r Deo?
The miller smiled and dofTed liLi cap.
"I oarn tny broad," quoth ho;
"I lovo my uit'o, I loro my friend,
I lave my children thrco.
Itow o no nmn I cannot jmy,
I thank the Ulver Deo
mwrt turns the mill that grinds the. corn
To feed my buben aud mo."
"Oood frl'.ind," Hald Unit-, and sighed tho while,
"Kamwull thee, happy bo;
flat tay no mora If tlioti'dst bo true
That uo ono envies mo.
Tby mealy cop is worth ray crow n.
Thy mill my kingdom feo;
Such men a.i thou nro I'ngland'ii boast,
O, miller of tho Doo."
The sergeant was homo from Tonquin
bo said ull tho village and was stay
ing at tho inn. "too proud to speak to
any one" ho added thoso who envied
him the attention excited by ids gor
geous uniform.
But Jules and Gaston, Jean and Emil,
said bluntly that they know better, and
to show their faith in their old comrade
invited him to-tako botip with them as
lio (used to do before lie went into the
Behold, then, tho fivo friends around
tho table. What have they to talk of
after their long separation? Wo will
Tho sergeant Ut speaking:
"Indeed, I hardly know how one lives
tat all in those tropics. Without boast
ing, 1 myself bear things as well as most
of my noighliors, but I confess it, my
friends, 1 have been frightened by the
tropics. Think of it, my boys, a French
ofliccr afraid of the weather!"
"Of the weatherf" asked Emil.
"I cannot seo that," said Jules.
''It is no moro than tho truth," ro
Buined tho bcrgeant. "In Tonquin wo
have thunder and lightning for I can
not otherwise namo them but not such
as como to thebo villages littlogroans of
thunder hero and sparks of lightning
there, but thunder storms to terrify a
""How so?" asked Gaston, curiously.
Theewant had enjoyed hissoup, and
'truly his innguo talked of itself.
"In Tonquin," said he, rising to his
feet (for so ono gestures moro easily),
"the lightest of our thunder cracks can
non IkiIIh in two, and ono peal follows
another so fast that thero is nover but
one, which, however, lusts ns long as tho
"Strange enough," said Jules, with his
tjnouth open, his spoon in tho air.
"And tho lightning?" asked Jean,
"Tho lightning?" repeated tho ser
geant, "much tho same sort. It is nover
neon. All tho world stays indoors and
puts on green spectacles ono or two
"A curious custom!" remarked Emil,
.looking sidowlso at the veteran.
"As you say curious indeed," replied
"tho sergeant, smiling "You would en
joy tho oddity of it. I havo little doubt.
But thero is something moro worthy of
notice. Thero is tho rain. In Tonquin
tho rain falls so fast that it doesn't reach
tho ground I"
"But, sergeant," orld Gaston, rising to
protest, "your last statement is hardly
"Oh, you demand an explanation,"
ealil the sergeant with somo warmth,
and pounding the table with his still' lin
ers, "it is iH'cnuso tho raindrops fall so
fast they tiro dried up by tho friction of
the nir lmt is. of course, all but a little.
I do not mean to say that nono of the
wator falls to tho ground that would bo
"So 1 thought." said Gaston, nodding
fcls head wisely,
"You wero right, Gaston," said tho ser
geant, grandly. "Always tell mo if you
ilnd my stories Incredible. I am u little
irritable, but not proud. Aud 1 know
slnco 1, too, lived in this littlo village
onco so long ago!) how seldom you hear
euch adventures!"
"My won!, but I havo heard things as
strange!" said Gaston, dryly.
"Then tuy stories do not surprlso you?"
asked tho soldier, with somo disappoint
ment, "Why should they?" replied Gaston.
"I have never been in Tonquin, I havo
heard of queerer things, howovor; yoa,
and in this very town!"
"Such as?'' Kitd tho sergeant, look
Ing hard til tho other aud twisting his
mustache ends into two needle points.
"Somo people would say your Tonquin
ttorins wcro not largo," Gaston said,
frankly. "Hut 1 am not so foolish.
Freely 1 admit that such storms arc raro
in this village. Hut 1 do contend that
wo havo hero tho smallest storms that
can well bo."
Tho sergeant moved uneasily on his
(our Icggi? htool, and ut Gaston
with Ids eyelids half cloood.
"Did you nover hear of thom?" said
Gaston, seeming to U much surprised.
"Novor," bind llio bergeunt, In a pecu
liar voice.
"It Is said thul onco at tho Inn, where
you nro slaying, a man who had been a
sailor 1 think it was u sailor cuino
homo from Algeria and told of many
wonderful excrioncos. Son serpents,
laud elides, unicorns, rocs' eggs and mer
maids such was his stock in trudo.
Well, ono morning, that soldier"
"Sailor!" said llio sergeant, frowning.
"Bailor, of courwi that sailor camo to
breakfast tolling of a terrlblo storm, a
thunder storm -n true Touquiu storm, if
Yqu will Kriult mo, sergeant." Tho wr
gwtil hawed, still frowning, "But,
trangely onoiigli." (lantoii went on, "uo
nc flbo had nm utiy sign of a (toriu
'hatovcr. U hud btfemud to every one
ese a bright moonlight night! Now. I
cull that woitltf of remark!"
"Truly so." said the sorgent, uneasily
"And. strangely enough," went on the
villager, "there is a legend that such
Etorms are the work of goblins, who thus
punish teller. of big stories, as. if scorns,
this sailor must have been!"
The sergeant made no comment, but
drummed a quickstep iijwn tho table,
whittling a noiseless life accompaniment
Emil. Jules and Jean had been listen
ing open mouthed and ransacking their
brains to (bid some trace of this wonder
ful legend. Hut no one of them could
recall it, and, while they wern collecting
their wits to question Gaston, tho ser
geant asked:
"Where was it you said this sailor
"At your Inn, In the front room on the
left your room, by the way, borgeant.
is it not?"
"That is where they havo put mo," re
plied tho veteran. Then rising, ho shook
hands nil round, saying: "Good night,
my lads, good night. Remarkable place,
tho tropics."
"Uemarkable. indeed!" they answered.
No sooner was their guest out of sight
thun the others turned to Gaston, who
was laughing to himself at their wonder
ing fnces
After a short explanation, during
which tho four heads were very close to
gether, Jules went in ono direction for a
dark lantern, Gaston set forth in another
to borrow a drum, Jean went in a third
for tho big watering pot. while Emil was
to llll a basket with sand and gravel
When they came back, later in tho even
ing, each had succeeded In his errand.
"Wo will givo the sergeant a goblin
thunder storm," Gaston said, with a
smilo. Then nil four laughed aloud
They were sharp fellows, and thoy com
prehended his plan
Although tho moon shone brightly
that night tho conspirators set forth for
tho inn, walking in a single file, and
grinning with anticipation.
About midnight they were in front of
tho window of tho "front room on the
left." Emil threw tho sand against the
panes, Gaston beat a terrible roll upon
tho drum, and Jules (lashed tho light of
his lantern through tho window, while
Jean spattered water upon tho glass.
Tho sergeant arose, camo to tho win
dow and gazed curiously out. Ap
parently there was bright moonlight and
a cloudless sky: hut ho had seen the
lightning, heard tho thunder, and surely
thoso were drops of rain upon tho panes
of tho window.
Tho four mischief makers had crouched
closely ugaiust tho wall, aud with difll
cultv restrained themselves from noisy
Tho steps retreated from tho window.
After waiting a moment smother 'Gob
lin Storm" was created, and brought the
puzzled man again to tho window; but
so closely llultened against the inn were
tho four friends that thero was no clew
to tho mystery, and the sergeant onco
moro retired, too sleepy to inako any
further Investigation that night.
A third repetition of their trick brought
their victim running In tho door as they
had expected
Being ready for him, Jean deluged the
poor sergeant with water, Gaston deaf
ened him with tho drum. Jules blinded
his eyes with the lantern, while Emil
pelted him with the gravel, and ho stag
gered back indoors with his hands over
ins eyes :md Ins breath almost gone.
Next day the sergeant asked tho land
lord at breakfast time whether tho ter
rible storm had not kept him nwsiko.
Tho landlord stared at him in silence
for a moment, aud then said:
"Sergeant, are you crazy?"
"Landlord, what do you menu?" re
plied the soldier with much dignity, ris
ing to his feet.
"it was si calm, bright moonlight night,
as suiy ono will tell you. Why do you
ask such st foolish question? To snako me
"it was but li poor joke, wasn't it, mine
host?" said tho sergeant, with a twist at
his big mustaches while his cheeks grow
very reil. "l'ray say nothing about it,
and 1 will promise not to repeat so ill
timed a pleasantry," and awny ho
marched, very erect aud very proud in
deed. Strangely enough, not only did the
sergeant seek uo explanation of Ids re
markable experience at tho inn, but oven
his wonderful adventures in Tonquin
woro no more recalled
As for Gaston, Jules, Emil und Jean
thoy nover met together without chuck
ling aud poking one another, and this
thoy continued to do until next fair tima
Benjamin Webster in St. Nieholus,
Tim IVtiriiiu Homo I'ly,
Of tho lly s!eVics iho horso fly is the
most cruel and bloodthirsty of tho entire
family. Ho is armed with a most for
midable weapon, which consists of four
lancets, ho sharp and strong that they
will penetrate leather. When not in use
they nro nicely folded away in a sucker.
He makes his upponinuco in June, aud
may often be seen in the vicinity of small
streams of wuler lie is said to subsitin
part upon an airy diet, and to pass his
lifo harmlessly Not so tho female, for
shots armed with six lancets, with which
tsho bleeds both cattle and horses, and
oven human beings. She lays her eggs
in moist places, and, after they are, hutched
into footless maggots, they make all nec
essary journeys by stretching and closing
tho segments of their bodies, their heads
Inilng supplied b,v two hooks, by which
thoy gel their food In process of time
this innggot gin down into moist earth,
where It revises lor somo wcoks, sifter
which it buiXsthe pupa case, and comes
forth si large black lly, armed and
equipped like Its predecessors. Country
A man was driving rapidly down the
street when he accidentally ran over a
uogro. Unable to stop his horses, the
driver, true to his nutuie, called out:
"HI, there! got out of tlio-wayl"
At that moment the dated negro, not
much hurt, plclstd himself up and shout
e4 (u reply i "To' the Ian' sake, boss, yo'
ain't coniln' utiofc ngln, bo yo?" Loulu
rUJu Courier-Journal
(111 l' (illlRhiklll iO1ll.
The Mmplest of i hit 1 cotton frocks lor
a miss have a giithun skirt with a four
Inch hem, rowed to tho edge of si round
waist, rhirred at tho center, back and
front of the waist lino and buttoned in
tho back. Tho high collar and cuffs on
tho full topped sleeves are of embroidery
or white cotton passementerie. A can
vas leather or ribbon belt may be worn.
Suede belts and those of the dress in
brie are very stylish for mis&es, while
sashes of tho dress material sire again
worn by littlo girls, unless they are pre
ferred of white nainsook, with a plaited
V or vtvt to correspond. Plaids uro gen
erally mado up on tho bias, aud all skirts
are ample, full and gathered.
Skirts are no longer cut sufficiently
grandmotherish to trip tho child when
in them. Shirt waists aro worn with
gathered skirts by misses, tho waists
having a drawing string at their waist
lino and enough length to tuck under tho
skirt, with a pointed yoke, shirred cen
ter, front and back or plaits.
Gimp dresses will probably never go
entirely out, but they do not appear as
frequently this season sis last lor girls
over seven years. For si tot of four years
a bluo smd white plaid is out on the bias,
tho skirt hemmed and gathered, with
shirt sleeves aud a high bodice, which
fastens in tho back, having Ave sido plaits
back aud front, and revere of embroidery,
imitating a low neck, or a trimming of
cotton passementerie shapes a yoko in
pointed tabs.
Pearl buttons aro used for a trimming
as well as for their original purpose of
fastening. Tho white nainsook gimps
and full sleeves aro pretty, with a sash
of tho same around tho waist aud tied in
tho back, with tucked ends. Tho sash is
fifteen inches wide and hemmed all
uround. Dry Goods Economist.
Worhlni; IIiiiuIh tint lent.
Rightly cared for thero is no need of
having hands grow stump' and thick
with work. They wero made to work,
und somo of the hardest working races
in the world havo the finest hands and
feet. Mark what Mr. Stanley says of
tho African pigmies who hunt and grub
for a living and yet havo tho most beau
tiful extremities, as do many of tho sav
ngo tribes. Tho Japanese, tho Hindoos,
Italians and Finns work and drudge, yet
their hands nro moro shapely und tho
skin finer than of thoso of somo of our
idlo ladies. If kept from injurious hent
and silkali uso really packs the cells of
tho skin together, and in pluco of horny
callous you will find tho palms of work
ing hands a fine, smooth, incredibly
tough membrane I can't say tender
but smooth und supple, which a lifetime
of work will not deface, whether it holds
tho plow handle or the helm of house
keeping. An application of tho right sort will
aid this refining and toughening of tho
tissues, as every amateur pedestrian
knows, and one woman writes that
sho has been able for tho first winter in
her lifo to go through it comfortably
without cracked and roughened hands
by grace of a clever cosmetic.
Mittens of lino crash aro indispensable
for women's hands when housekeeping,
a yard making half a dozen pair, which
csin bo kept clean for daily use. Dirty
gloves and mittens injure hands more
than soap and water together sometimes,
I sun fain to believe from observation.
Shirley Dare's Letter.
Tho Clillilri'iiN riowor Urdu.
Most children seem to havo a natural
desire to cultivate flowers and havo somo
of their own, and if this propensity was
duly encouraged it would become a per
manent trait of their characters. It
would make them observing and famil
iar with tho laws of nature. To know
tho names of the different flowers and
plants of one's country and tho wondrous
processes of their growth is almost equiv
alent to si liberal education. Such kuowl
edgo enlarges tho mind and softens aud
refines tho nature, and therefore wo
should allow our children, boys and
girls alike, to havo their littlo flower
beds in pleasant and well prepared
places instead of in out of tho way spots,
as is usually the If our boys wore
taught to lovo and cultivate flowers thoy
would not when they become husbands,
us husbands now sometimes do, begrudge
their wives Hufllciout land for a decent
flower garden. Mrs. Burton W. Potter
in Springlleld Homestead.
Model (.ill Haying Stump.
"One two cent stamp, plesise."
It was a young and pretty woman who
said this in tho postollico the other day.
Sho was at tho head of a long lino of
men waiting to bo served, and every
man expected thero would bo ono of
those long and exasperating delays Unit
usually occur when a woman steps up to
Uio stamp window.
But nothing of tho kind happened and
everybody was pleasantly disappointed.
In tho first place, sho had tho exact
change, and again, when she got tho
stamp, she did not stop to ask questions
or wait to aflix it to her letter. She
simply took her purchase and wout awny
unmindful uf tho broudfido of admiring
glances thO veeiived. She was a model
young woman. Now York Herald.
l'utilnnulhi SIioon nro 1 iiuxpmulve.
If you have n pair of soiled white or
tinted boots unlit for use you can con
vert them iuto quite the latest und most
fashionable footwear by covering them
with coatings of tf.hl or silver enamel.
A pretty girl with more cleverness than
Buofiuls tipjwaivil at an evening party
in a palo mauve gown with a wide silver
girdle knotted ut trout and falling to
tho horn of her gown, silver shoulder
knots and sv wlver liilet about hor head,
and with tho prettiest of silver shoes,
which wero hor hist year's bull bIiocs
silvered by her own fair lingers. Mrs,
Stanley as Miss Dorothy Tenuant intro
duced tho custom of wearing silver
wedding boo, which are very inexpen
sive as well as attractive. Exchange.
Mm. Ulyaaus S. Grant b:is beou enter
tainltig cotiiiidonibly ihl.i winter, giving
u sorted of lunu)aiii, ilinnera unit "Tuea
days In Fubrimry." At tho lust ono tliero
wiu u notable nttuuilunuo.
The kmx1 old doctor, too pujpt In illputtv
Klew high; iiinl nr hl. C.'irl-llnii fury roc,
ll.nnlieit nil for heretlt-i hu dnred ojko.
And tliiiold Ignorant fiiniitlc
Woll.of course, was imtl II biogenetic.
Vomit JJnxi), Wash., June 12, ISM.
ltr.J. llugfHf.hrdan, Statttc, IW,-Bkaii
Sin: 1 am happy to say that two weeks'
u?eof your medicines Las done me so much
good that 1 am going to start out prospect
ing to-morrow. The pain in my eyes has
almost entirely vanished. Yours truly,
IIkkmkkt O. I'cjwkrs.
Tacoma, Wash., June 1, ISM.
Dr. J. K. Jordan, Seattle, HVmA. H:.nStit:
I have been tuking your medicine seven
weeks", and it gives me the greatest pleasure
to tell you and every one else who will lis
ten how much good they have done me.
When I think of what I have sullen-d and
how many doctors have tried their skill on
me to no earthly good, how they have filled
me with morphine, chloral and other poi
sons until 1 was nearly crazy, and how
! many hundreds of-dollurs my poor husband
has paid out in the lai-t three years before
I wc heard of your wonderful cures, I cm us-
touished to seo myself to-dny able to ro all
over the city, able to do my housework and
: after a busy da' to lie down and have a
! whole nitiht's stood sleen. Bear Doctor, my
husband and 1 are very thankful to you for
what your medicines have done for me.
Mas. Julia Lonsd.u.h,
12101 l'acilic avenue, Kooni 21.
Br. Jordan's office is at the residence of
ex-Mayor Ycsler, Third and James.
Consultations and prescriptions absolute
ly free.
Send for free book explaining the Histo
genetic system.
Caution. The Ilistogcnetio Medicines
are sold in but one agency in each town.
The label around the bottle bears the fol
lowing inscription: "Or. J. Eugene Jor
dun; Ilistogeiiftic Medicine." Every other
device is a fraud.
" Mlp:ili," ulio s.'ild coftly, its lie wns iibriut to.
leave. "No," he iald llrinly, " I'm not ufrild. 1
shiill see him."
When auarticle has been sold for 21 years, i
in suite of competition anil cheap unit.';-'
tions, it have superior quality. l)ol
bins' Electric Soap sum been constantly
made and sold since 1805. Ask your grocer
for it. Best of all.
Mmlue I'd much mther n mini culled me u
knave than a fool. YalIey Of Kiun-e, ttV tho
truth Dint hurts.
If success be the true test of merit, it is a
settled fact that "llrown's Bronchial Troche"
have no equal for the prompt relief of
coughs, colds and throat troubles.
The devil doenn't know what to do with n man
who will behae hlim-elf when he Isn't watched.
I'fttmlcr'N Orrgnu II ooil Purifier Is
the best remedy for that dread disease dyspep
sia, for It reftulfttes tho lymphatic system and
had Foer-iMonn
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky
Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome.
No other baking powder does such work.
Here is au incident from the South
Mississippi, written in April, 1890,
just after the Grippe had visited that
country. "lam a fanner, one of
those who have to rise early aud
work late. At the beginning of last
Winter I was on 11 trip to the City
of Vickshurg, Miss., where I got well
drenched in a shower of rain. I
went home and was soon after seized
with a dry, hacking cough. This
grew worse every day, until I had
to seek relief. 1 consulted Dr. Dixou
who has since died, and he told me
to get a bottle of Boschee's German
Syrup. Meantime my cough grew
worse aud worse and then the Grippe
came along aud I caught that also
very severely. My condition then
compelled me to do something. I
got two bottles of German Syrup. I
began using them, and before taking
much of the second bottle, I was
entirely clear of the Cough that had
hung to me so long, the Grippe, and
all its bad effects. I felt tip-top and
have felt that way ever since."
PTKRj.lliUAi.s,Jr.,Cayuga, Hines
Co,, Miss. O
for n mm
OracrU ted HLf.VOUO I)EUILIT 1'!
Wcakoitiof L'oJy atlJKIni, Xtftjtt
if ErroraorHutftitf in Old or Yfinrr.
Kttul, .I.B4illOOlr.llT tnlmi i
Kr.flk..lIHV.l JDtkLoVU0li.R-ikTtl0HirDt
IkMlnlvl; va'tl'Ui IlllIK TKUTBlr-Klll la a Uj,
Mm ImiiI; tnw U- Slutt 4 I rtl TvaalrlM. HrlM lk,
lMiHpU. Ivl, ltaauaaa fnt, al4 (MtlJ tr.
Fresno and tec Lands.
Home on enyterma lu th level Orehart
l.ud I'olony. Two raua'n through the trtet.
Teruil, 15 per rent. down, t alaueo oil tlvs yr
tiiuo. Our UuJi nro ilaptw to tho Oiub.
lUliln uJ DcelJuoiu r'rult" Avny to
a'. OlMtTIS
Itvtllvfi I'lvriio I'ounlj, 01,
We oiler One Hundred Dollar' reward for nn
cum; of catarrh that cannot be wired by tnkliiK
Hull's fiitnrlh Cure. , ,
F. J. CHBNhY A ',., l'n.. Toledo, O.
We. the utidendfincd, have know li 1-. J. n'-ni')
for the IhM 1.1 yiiins iittfl believe Mm purfe't
honornble in nil biiidnei-K trunwicttons and flnaa
nnllv nVle to curry out any obligation--,!'' u
their firm. WKSjI' y'Vv
hoe.-nle Dnn.-drti'. i",1.1"'.0'
Wholc-ile linifO-'iid". Toledo, O.
IInll'M Catarrh Cute i taken Internally, nctliijr
dlrectlv iixili the Mood anil mucoufl surfiitipl
the cvhtein. Testimonial cent free, l'rue, .iX'
ler bottle. Sold by nil Drupislstc.
More Than Some Others Have.-" Hiibbh mar
ried? You Hiirprixe inc. What did he have to
set married with?" "The t-'irl."
Wo po.MtlToly cure rupture an J all rectal div
y.'-er without pain or detention from biiBlncss
''o'mrc.uopay: and uo pay until cured. A
trees for pamphlet Iirs. PorturCcld it Lnwy SjS
'i-artct Mreet. San KrancK'o.
The viiln and brainless fop escaM.'S a pood deal
of mollification: he hiin't sens..- enough to be
disgusted with hliiiMdi
Dr. Williams' Indian l'ile Ointment will cure ul I. .1.1. ... Utlua trhtl nil othtir
UJIUU. Jll .;'J ill nuuiitmuf, .
ointment have failed. It absorbs the tumor.,,
allavstno ncninc i once, acm a? iiuuu.'c.
fires: lantunt relief. Dr Williams' Indian Pile
Olulment is prepared ouly for PIleo and licnlnp
Ul nil- iiiinbu J'onr. ........ ..... . ,
box ii warranted. Sold by drtWKists, or cnt by
mull on roceim 01 one-, tw hum i lic. w.
Proprietors. (Jleve land, 0.
Try Gkumka for breakfast.
Uo Kimmellno Stove Polish: noduft: jiPmiU.
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs if taken; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to the tuyte, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver aud Bowels, cleanses the sy&
tern cfleotually, dispels colds, head
miles and fevers and cures habitue
constipation permanently. For sale
in -jOaand SI bottles by all druggists.
Sun Francisco,
N. EJor. Sansome and SutterSts.
For S to 20 years. In umnimt.s of f.100 to N'W.OOO, at I!
per cent, annual interest, with prlvllece to pay the
whole any time after :i years. We loan 75 per cent,
on farm and IIihImt lauds, city Improved and acre
iu;c. We loan full amount to buy or build hoinex,
and let you pay us at the rates named below: jT.'ii
monthly, oi-sH.J'l bi-monthly, or f.'l.Wl quarterly. or
every six months $M.20, or once a yeurSVi.'il. The
above payments: rii'ei red to an1 payments un the
loan ot l.(). and said payments Include Interest
and principal. To net rntet on larKrr loans double
the lijoires fnr each additional JI,(KJ wanted, jl.nw
will buy a hit aud laulil you a home, the money cost
you (Interest and principal j $7.20 a month, und is
applied hi the pavment of a home. Isn't this better
than pnydiK H' or S2D per month rent and get
Ijnthliu,' back? A house at fin per mouth would cost
you $I2i) per year, and a home of your own would
only cost ss7 12 still less than rent. Call or send
anil Ket piospectus (,'ivliin all particulars. The Mu
tual Laud, I.oi.n and ItuildluK Syndicate (home of
fice, 7i! MnutKonu-ry street, Jersey City, New Jer
sey), (ieneral Northwestern olllce. No. t:S2 Third
street. Portland, Oiiwm. II. Ii. LOWl.'t. Auent.
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
ThU Picture, Panel sis.;, mailed f o. 4 cents.
J. F. SMITH & CO.,
Makers of "Bile Beans,"
255 &. 257 Greenwich St., N. Y. City.
m K m a?swm
Premier Bicycles.
Fire Arms and Sporting: Goods,
Ueet Cougli Metlicino. Recommended by Physicians.
tTnrofl wlinro nil lco fntla .H.l n . . ,
VVi V ivwum aim ugrvi'auie to uie
taste. Chihircii take it without objection, lly druggista.
Buy Your Own Goods if your
( hcil'irjil I-
ir. K
' ki HxtinRuUhfr. Hre
a.'ierv 1
O l 110 H . I k. I Till It. Ilrrt. ubU
i z i
. , f mlmihniiuii tflti mi yr Utmri'll
I I WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OR.
Pains and Aches
Sprains, Bruises, Hurts,
Cuts, Wounds, Backache,
We oiler 1'.' yiK Victoria KultitiKs', nn elegant
w.'.sh faliric in htripes, plaidM or coiubhmtion.
ior $l.i.
e oiler 12 vds. of Novelty Dress l'laidn, '21 de
signs, all lilucV, white, and other modest color,
mostlv hiree plaids, f UK).
We oiler 10 viIk. select patterns of Dress l'laid,
fast colrrs- In extra ualltv, t;ood for loni; wear,
a few strleH and comhiuatious amoiiK them,
plain at Fame price.
Do iu want samples? Do you want our .Q
paye June list '
Smith's Cash Store,
ttarn. lias ttvvi t.i tci tit U hv n9 on uu r iciiio 0..t,
w,ttHitai lure when direct "iua.i follow i. In itifApTttVui
the lrutf, aii 1 ai -vriVY rs- tna a. ip u u Opio In
uy form, tfnoklng AnUd te t'J irl orSTK'tMf.tft
Ind'ty Aual trtatmyut fnro' hermo'iBuf All cmtjmiiTitiu
tlout cmfMcutUd. Vc'r te to I'm 'no JlruiUHK Out Kiti Kra
eiio, iule agent &. JJaJl LJdres?, Cat.k io 102.
Wit ONE DOLLAR tent us by mall, wo iriH do-
liver, flee, of ail charges, to any person in the
Culted Htates, all Die followinKartlulut carefully
packed in a neat box:
One two-o'iudo Ihottlo of Pure VaRelIuu...l0 ct.
One tno-ouncu bottle Vaseline Vouiude...l3 "
One Jar of Vaseline Cold Cream 15 ' I
One cake of Vo-seline. Camphor Ice 10 "
Oue cake, of Vaseline Boap, uuEcented..10 "
One cake o Var.ellue Hoati, ncentod jZo "
Ono two-ounce kettle of White Vaiellue,2i "
fl 10
Or for staiiipD any single ortlcln at the price named.
If you have eccasifju to uao Vancltne in any form be
carol ul to accept cniy geaulno iioxls pat up by us In
oiiirlmil ruicliaeea. A Krcat many ch'lKt-idtH are trjtag to
persttjvie buyers to take VA8KLINE pat up by tbtim.
NeVer yield to such fter3u:i4lon, us Ihe article Is an Imitft
tl(u wfthrnit value nd will aoi javo you the result ytju
eirt. A bottls i( Uiue Beal Vawllae la rold by all
dnwiU at 10 ccnM.
Chesebrcugb M'f'g Co., 2 State St.,Now York.
STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Planoi
Menuluit Uie Bkht IIano Maiik, aud the f.ivoritH
obeapor l'ianon; nil Musical InDtnunputs; Hands Sup
plied; largo stock of Bbwt Jliitto. Htkihwav
506ad 108 l'Mt Slrit; Mjiitiiias Obat Oo. 011
wA 'a mil n rtwtinj nd nw tAi
W'e want the name and ad
dress of every suflcrer In the
U.S. and Canada. Address,
P. Hirold Eayes, U.D , Baffalo, K.Y.
BCtOOCU.VN 10'l i:i,, Himh St.. lt. Moot
gciuery & Saiibomti, H. I'.; coudiictel on Isith tho
Kurupeaa und Auirrlcan ilan. Tlda Hotel is uncler
tl.o umuiiement nf i!bark-H MonUromPiy, and Is the
brat family and Busline Men's Hotel in Han Fran
ciuo. Hume coiufurts, culrlne iUjOIO'IImI, flntt-clam
service, bU:liest stiindexd of repertabillty cuitrantoed.
lloinl ami room per ibiy ?1.25 to $2.00; sinRlo room, 50
ccuts to $1.00 per uiglit. 1'reo coicli to aud from Uie
J. rVtcCRAKEW & CO.,
Roche Harbor Lint, Portland Cement. Gol
den Gate and Utah Plaster. Hair. Fire Urlclc
and Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER.
60 North Front Street, Cor. I,
WANTED Theaddressesof all Foldicrswbo
cm nir dc hometteaded n less number of
ouluicks acres than 160 nun mado final
UflMCOTrnnO proof on the same before June
nUlllLOi tflUO 'l', 1S7I. W. E. JIOSE8. P. O.
llnx Denver Colo Mention this paper
CU SEE Biiiousness
Sick Headache.
Dealer Does Not Carry Them.
parry carts ahd roud wagoss,
Qest and Cheapest In the World.
Carts, S15 Up. Wagons, S50 Up.
Hon' hi1 I)t-iwirtinpiit sm.i.n.-, Ki-.n T.ln.irv
I 11 a... . . . .
IfAYu bi$ frS M , I ffl 1 1. i,u'i.-r -.d i.. tb.
ms h y vi n ta w y. ? j saui i. .rmpi,