r " THURSDAY, JULY 9. 1891. ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT. This department of Tim Scout Is open to any one who wishr to contribute an articlo on tlmclv topics of interest to the nlllrttict'. Write plainly and on only one side of the mnnti script." Alliance Directory. SUMMEKVlI.i.K Al.UANrE No. -17-Kegulnr meetings first and third cdncs ncsdnysofeadi month. T. A. Mauvis. Pres. A. V. Ouvr.ii. See. 1 0., Alien). MoAI.MSTBIt ALI.I ANCE So.6l-nca-tilar meetings first ami third Saturdays in each month at 1 o'clock 1. m. 0. 1). HumiAN. l'res. H. M. (inKr.r.r.n, Sec. P. 0., La Orande. TELOCASKT AI.UANCE No. G'J-Kog-ultir meeting fir.M and third Saturdays in each moiith at 7 o'clock p. in. V. C. HiwcKlky, Pres. W. A. Gates, Sec. P. O., Tolocnsot. PLEASANT IIIMi ALLIANCE No 57 Kegular moi-tings uvory Saturday at -o'clock pi m. Jons Vamak, Pre. ' PKTI.IC McjjUAIN. SCO. P. 0., Elgin. UNION COUNTY ALLIANCE No. 07 Ilegular meeting tliird Wednesday of each montli at 10 o'clock a. in. O. 1. Ooohaix. Pres., La Orande. W. A. Gate, Sec. Telocaset. Alllanco Moctlnc. Tho next regular mooting of tho cotmty alliance will bo held ut Union July lfitli. Thuro will bo an nlliiuico picnic at tho Oovo .luly 11th, com mencing ut 10 o'clock a. m. THE PROTEST OF THE FARMER. An Adtlroan to tho Alllanco by Froaldont L. L. Pollr. C0NTItJl!KI FltOM I.AHT WKKK. On questions of linuncc, on lcgisla lation for the relief of tho people, there ih n liighr court in this country than even our supremo judiciary. l sits enthroned in Wall street, reveling in tho strength of itn ill-gotten power, and lovit'H tribute at will on tho indus trial energies of the people. In the coining contest between labor and capital, "Financial Kefonn" must and will be, tho tdogun and rallying cry of tho people They want gold robbed of its power to oppress. Tlioy demand that silver shail bo restored to all tho rights in coinage and to all the' qualities of legal tender which gold possesses. Thoy demand that tho circu lating medium of tho country shall bo ibsued direct to tho people at a low rate of interest and in sufficient vol ume to do tho business of tho country, and that in whatever form it may bo issued, if it bear tho imprint of the government and is denominated a dol lar, that it shall bo worth ono hundred cents in payment of all duos, public and private. Thoy demand tho prohi bition of gambling in futures of all agricultural and mechanical products. Thoy beliovo that every acre of our publio domain should bo secured to actual settlors, and that not ono foot of our territory should bo held except by citizens of Ibis country. Thoy be liovo that barriers should bo erected between corporate power and tho rights of tho people. Thoy favor ab solute governmental control of trans portation and telegraph lines, because thoy profor that tho government should control these great agoncies of power, rather than that thoy should control tho government. Thoy demand a just systom of graduated tax on incomes. Thoy doiuaud that an amendment to tho Constitution shall bo submitted to tho people, by which United Stales Eonators Bhall bo elected by a direct voto of tho people. Thoy boliovo that no intorost, or class, or industry, should bo taxed to build up any othor intor cst, or class, or industry. Thoy do mand that all rovonucs shall bo limited to tho necessary oxpensos of an hon estly and economically administered government. From these groat ques tions thov cannot and will not bo di verted. Hvon tho protectivo tariff, with all its abominable iniquities cannot supplant them. Force bills, 'bloody shirts," tho cry of "nogro su premacy in tho South," and of "robols" in tho North, will loso all tho powor of their baleful charm in the presence of Uioko great, overshadowing questions. Tho great mass of tho industrial classes, North and South, democrats and republicans, without regard to sectional or geographical lines, with ono purpobo and with ono heart, havo looked their hands and shields in a common causo Iho cuuso of a coin moH country. Tho ovils under which thoy suffer, and which threaten tho destruction of the republic and its in stitutions, are national in their charac ter and cannot he corrected by koctionul romodio. Hence, recognizing but ono Hag tho Hug of our common country impelled by a common ptu jMibo, iiDtuatud by a common motive, coufrontyl by a coinmsm dmxor, thoy UMVti omiily rolvl to turn tholr backs upon the past and make ono mighty effort to rescuo our govern- taent and institutions from impending I peril. They havo wiped out, and for i over, tho last traco of Mason and Dix- on's lino across alliance territory. Af 1 rican slavery is gone, thank God, and ' in the spirit of manly magnanimity and fraternity the allianccmcn of tho i "blue" 'and tho allianccmcn of tho "gray" say : "Let tho bitterness, ani : mositics and predjudiccs, born of its t existence, perish with it and forever. ' The proud Saxon spirit, and courage, and patriotism, which crowned the heroism of tho 'blue and the gray" with undying fame, are now sum moned to break tho galling and de grading chains of white slavery, tho slaveryof honest labor, and how fitting that they should lend in this glorious struggle for God and humanity. Yo bravo men of tho North 1 who stood by tho stars and stripes with a devotion and a courago that would havo added now luster to tho splendor of Homo's legions in her palmiest days yo bravo men of the South! who stood by the sinking star of a doomed cause while you boro in your manly hearts a more forlorn hope than that which inspired the six hundred at 13alaklava America's heroes I Did yo win glory in the dread conflict of arms? Standing now under tho alliance banner, on whoso folds glows in radi ant beauty : "On earth, peace, good will to men," how grandly and resplon dently sublime that glory shall become when crowned with your nobler achievements as citizens in peace 1 Grant and Lee, Jackson and Mc Fherson, Sherman and Johnston, Stowart and Custer, with thousands of their bravo and devoted followers, havo crossed over tho Kiver, and are bivou acked under tho uhado of tho trees, where thoy will rest peacefully until tho archangel shall sound tho final roveillo and summon them to tho Grand Koviow on the Eternal Plains. Lot tho living, and those who aro to follow us, rcmomber only their virtue their superb manhood and heroism. Inscribe it on imperishable tablet! Embalm it in undying hong? Lot tho genius of pencil and chisel embellish it with its most resplendent inspira tion! Lot famo place it among her richest treasures in tho Pantheon of Immortality, and let tho time-swopt harp of tho ages swell in grander strain tho giant anthem of its praiso! Fathers, brothers, husbands and sons, who aro nroro profoundly inter ested and coneornod in all that per tains to tho pence, tho happiness, and prosperity of our country than tho noblo women of tho land? Thoy arc hero tonight. I would bo false to them, false to tho occasion, false to the alliance, and false to myself, did I fail to tender to thorn my profound acknowledgements for tho honor thoy havo thus done mo. Proud as wo aro, and should bo, of tho splendid rocord of tho American soldiery to which I havo reforred, yet in honor of her pa tient endurance, hor devotion, hor constancy and her suporb moral cour ago, wo stand uneovored in her pres ence. Do you ask mo for a model of moral heroism? I would not go to tho muster rolls of tho splendid armies of a Grant or a Leo; 1 would not point to the waving plume in victorious bat tle, but 1 would point you to that isolated country homo, with its canw and trials, its loneliness and anxieties in sickness and in health, presided over by tho queenly spirit of hor whoso hours of anguish through four long years of war wore more trying than tho ordeal of battle. And 1 would summon all tho grand old horoos among tho living, and the spirits of our immortal dead, and align thorn in her prosonco and ask thorn to join mo in saluting hor as tho queen of tho heroes of tho world. A colebratod English barrister when defending a criminal, was reminded by tho court that ho was extending his( argument to very great length. Turning to his honor ho said: "He member,, sir, that 1 am pleading for tho lifo of a human being 1" My frionds, if in my zoal I have transcouded tho proprieties of tho oc casion and havo wearied your patience, I enter the plea in extenuation that 1 am pleading for tho lifo of the republic and tho liberties of tho people. CONCLUSION'. BIO CREEK ALLIANCE. Iteiui of lutereit from the Banner Pre cluot of Union Bounty. July 0, 1801. Wo havo been so biuy with our gar dens and harvest that you have not hud your share ot tho attention you so juitly deserve, but us you havo other corroiionduuU you havo not missed many of lU tn.K.rtuiU notes except from (he nlltunco- ' Wo hio HourUhing Ado and at each meeting wo initiate several or take in a number of names and it is only a question of a, few days when every man and woman of years of under standing will bo ono of us. Wo aro taking steps to tho establish ment of local places to buy goods, groceries etc., and it is the intention of tho alliance to stand lirm together (as you once had an example of in re gard to the county seat,) and if every precinct is as firmly united as Big creek on the great questions of tho day tho alliance will soon settle them. We havo elected our officers for the ensuing year as follows. E. II. Par ker, president, Geo. Corpe vice presi dent, Emma It. Parker secretary, Jos. Vandovanter, treasurer, John McClurg chaplain, Mrs. Delia Coffman stowart, Mr. L. G. llowmiui, doorkeeper, Mrs. lloldah H.irsin assistant doorkeeper, Dunham Wright lecttrior. Our in stallment took place the first meeting in July which was largely attended. Our fourth passed off very quietly and although wo did not expect to celebrate in regular stylo we met in the beautiful grovo of W. D. Emclc near tho school house and had a fine dinner mostly alliance grub. After wo had gazed on the beautiful Hag pre sented to tho peoplo bv tho city of Union, as it unfurled itself proudly in tho breeze, raised by tender hands (not any the less strong) of tho ladies of the Park and valley, our hearts throbbed with delight and our Fourth was spent in a way long to be remembered. Long live the Park and Big creekers. We arc coming to Union on the lfith to tho coun'y alliance with a delega tion of people, gieat, fat, honest men and their better halves and a good time is expected and tho prayers of the al liance is that much good may lie done. Thoy aro going to take a tent and camp while thoro and unite business with pleasure. The delegates are J. B. Sams, Dunham Wright, Mr. and Mrs. It. M. South, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Eniolo and Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Parker. As we will soon see you wo will close for the present. Mas. Emma It. Paiikku rwiTiox von i.iot'ou ucessk. To the Honorable County Court of Union Oonutv, Oregon: We tho undersigned legal voters of Eagle valley precinct, in said county, would re- spoctf ully petition your Honorable liodv to grant a license to Orla .Moody to sell spirit uous, malt and vinous liquors in less quan tities than one gallon in said county and state, for the period of ono year; and in duty bound your petitioners will ever pray: It I) (lib-oli, A Augustus, II P Swisher, Sam Johnson. A H linidman, W W Kirby. .1 A Kirbv, K S Kirby, James Monuchan, Daniel Drown, A l'enton, Tim Quigley, Fred Simonis. II K Kllburn, 15 Dieh, W 1 Nash. J P Smith, V L Strange W M Nash. SI, Smith, Kd Smith. Dugene Sullivan, 13 II Swisher. .1 K Hitter. .lames Dutterlicld. II A Danows, A J Hilton, David F Kirby, O A Wheeler, F M Crow. Paul Bruckner, John (J Peterson, J G Wcstervelt, A II Wheeler, .1 V Camahan, A N Young Dy ron Craig, Frank Craig, T D Ewing, Win Dabeock, J N Holeonih, A O Waldron. Wm Samples, Jus F ('It aver. W N Young. C Darnard, I'd Drown, Frank Jennings Gnus I.ogau, A .J Tarter, Will Hudclson, (i N Deed, E W Adams, Henrv Martin. II J Fuller, C II Craig, Christian Kwi. M II lllndes, W P Williams. S ., England, I Mil ler. Hugh I. Moody, LE Chandler. I'll Silvis, II T !labeiek C l-Vrrv, 0 M W'titer burv. 11 C Payne, Arthur F Clark. I' 1C Makiimon, I. L llnlcomb, J I. Hungerford, I, F Jennings. A W Parker, Jasper i-Vatm, J 1) Evans, J Hvjiiis. J L Tavlor, TV T llen nehoir, O W Dcnnehoir, W Knbl.nugh, A C Chase, John Sullivan, (i W Motdy, TvT W Darnard, John Fraser. Win Viners. Peter S.18S..IJ Martin, 1) W Allen. V N Young, Don I.onglev. Louis Fermison, W K Dar ber, C A Darber, Levi L ltusaoll, It Key nobis, Smith Uiehurdson, W II Tobin, .1 P Parker, N A Gardener, A V Cleaver, A Dover, W It Usher. To Whom It May Concern: You are hereby notified that in accord ance with and pursuant to tho foregoing petition 1 will on the 5th day of August, 1891, at tho hour one o'clock In tho after noon of said day, present said petition to the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Union County, for a licenso to sell spir ituous, malt ami vinous liiiuors in less quan tities than one gallon, in Kaglo valley pre cinct, Union County and State of Oregon, for tho period of ouu vear from August 11, 1S91. OKLA MOODY. SUKUll'T'S SAI.U. VTOTICH IS HKUKDY GIVF.N THAT !.i hv virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Union countv, bearing date the ltd day of June, 181)1, and to mo directed and delivered up on a Judgment and deoreo of foreclosure and sale tlioreln entered onthoTihd y of March, ist)l, wherein the A. P Hotaling Co. is plaintiff, and J. C. Clavhurn ct al aro defendants, for the sum ot Futeen Hun dred Dollars with mtorest thereon at tho rate of S per cent, per annum from the Gth day of October, 1S80, and tho further sum of Ono Hundred and Seventv-live Dollars attorneys' fees, together with costs and dis bursements herein and decreeing tho sale of tho following described mortgaged real estate, to wit: Commencing at the north east corner of lot number twelve til1) in block number ono hundred anil fourteen (111) In Chaplin's addition to La Grande, Union county, Oregon, running thence southwesterly along tho cast lino of said lot twelve, twenty-two (J) feet; thenco at right angles to said tirst lino In a north westerly direction ninety-four (91) feet; thence at right angles to said last lino In a northeastern' direction twonty-two (2i) feet to tho alley lino of said block ono hundred, and fourteen (ill); thence at right angles in a southeasterly direction along said alley line ninety-four (01) feet to the placo of be ginning in satisfaction ot sild judgment nnd decree. Now, therefore, under and by virtue of said execution and order of sale as aforesaid I will sell ut public auction at the court house door at I'nion. Union county. Oregon, on Monday . July i. is) I. at 1 ..to p. m. of mild day, all the right, title and inter est of in and to tho altovo described prom IsettliHt the mild J. C.CIuyburn had therein on the llth day of October, IRStl. or has cilice acquired thereto, and any und till pemoim clitlniiig by. through or uiuler him by right acquired incu ld nth tiny t Oc tolwr, livMl, or mitllcieut tliuro'f to atWfy faid Judgmcut, attorney' fee. Intercut, out, dUtairicmeiiU nnd accruing ouiO liureltt. .... Term of alo Ciuli to mo In bund hi U. H gold coin. Dated ut Union IhU M day of June, 1MJ1. J, r HOI.Ll y W, It I ii mi. rihrriK. PcH'HY, ! A. n nounce m e n t. N V r a I PI Jl ill fl PITV JTuTMIL Hayc on the way and now Agricultural The Company ill hereafter 5SPThis department will bo under 2-19-tf. -DEALER IN- Latest Styles. Just Received, Direct from the East, a Large Invoico of LADIES' and MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, the Rest Ever brought to this Market. Also a Fino Assortment of GENT'S -:- FURNISHING -:- GOODS. My Prices will suit the times. Drop in and see me. G. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or. Are You troiusto Plant an Orcliarfl? 1 14111:11 Of Payette, Ada County. Idaho. lias tho Largest General XTursory Stock in the Mountain Country 125 Acres. Tree-, from Payette Nursery will reach Grande Rondo "valley i;i fix hours from the lime they ar taken from the ground. loimtain Crown Trees are Hardy, Vigorous and Wealthy. Do not ordor until you have visited our prices. Wholosale and retail. I have now on the road from the east two ear loads of F U R N I T U R B , Which will arrive About March 15th, and in connection with what I now havo on hand will comprise tho LARGEST AUD FINEST STOCK of Furniture over Brought to Eastern Oregon. SCgDo not fail to call and select before the rush. S. C. MILLEE. The Centennial Hotel, Union, Oregon. A. J. GOODBROD, - Proprietor, KecoguUcd by all as tho Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon! V1KU I.AllflK SAMri.K KDOMS 1'or tho Accomodation of Coinmurciiil Traveler- CHARGES REASONABLE. IB 1 Ml FEED STABLE (OITOSITK f ENTENNIAL HOTEL.) Wm. E. Bowker. HvoryibfttK ltri CIimm. Twins Vm Itotuon.ible. 'Bus to ami horn tiV Depot Making ( onnection with all Pass- hmiim Train arriving, several ar oa Implements. carry a full and complete stock of tho management of Mr. Kllpatrick. THE M. & M. CO. All Kinds our nurecry, seen our agent or got G-2G-yl Proprietor. 0.&W.T.R.R. "The Hunt Line" In Connection with tho NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILR'D Forms the Quickest and Best Route Between Eastern Oregon and Washington and PURct Sound points, as well as the Popular and Direct Lino to all POINTS BAST and SOUTHEAST PULLM . SLEEPING OARS, SUPERB DINING OARS, and FREE SECOND GLASS SLEEPERS TliroiiRli to Cliienco vin tills Lino. Passenger Trains of this Company are rim ing regularly between DAYTON, WAITSBUKG, WALLA WALLA, WASH., nnd PEN DLETON, OR.. Making close connection at Hunt's Junc tion with Northern Pacific trains for Toco ma, Seattle, Victoria, 15. C Elleiisburg, North Yakima. Pasco, Sprague, Cheney, Davenport, Spok-ine Falls, Uutte, Helena. St. Paul. Minneapolis, AND ALL POINTS EAST. Passenger Train, making above connec tions leaves Pendleton daily, at 7:40 p. m. Through Tickets Sold to all Points East at the Lowest Rates. W. F. WAMSLEY, Gon'l Fr't and Pass'gr Agt. Walla Walla. Wash. G. W. HUNT ,r President and Gen'l Manager. II. L. DEACON, Tieke it, Union, Or The CoTe Drug Store JASPER G. STEVENS, Propr. DF.AI.HU IN PURE DRUGS, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Paints and Oils. Prescription) Carefully Prepared. also ii:ai.i:i! in SPORTING GOODS, Consisting of Rifles,' Shotguns, Pistols, and Cartridges. Imported and Domestic Cigars, School Books, Etc. PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent lluslue&s attended to Promptly und for Moderate Fees. Ourollice is opposite the IT. S. Patent Otllce, and we can obtain Patenis in less time than those remote from Wasohigton. Send MODKLor DRAWING. Wo adviso as to pantentabililv free of charge; and wo mako NO CHAlKiK UNLESS PATENT IS SECUKED - We refer, here, to the Postmaster, tho Supt. of Moncv Order Div., and to ollicials of the U. S. Patent Ollice. Foi circular, advice, terms and rcllerenrcs to actual cli ents in your own State or County, write to C. A, SNOW & Co., Opposite Patent Oiilro Washington, D. 0, Thomson & Ptirsel aro agents for tho celebrated Cyclone WiiuDIill, nnd ns tho prices on them have been great ly reduced they nre now within tho reach of all. Sample mill to be seen at their planer in North Union. Call aud examine it. l A namnhlpt nf Infnrm.Mnn . t. . airucL in i h inn,., iii.iiii. i.r.w. t a xl.: -'sr " ".? Ms-vui iironanny, "Sic LITTLE LIVER PILLS. 01 HOT CRICE, SICKEN OB COHCTITATE. tun Cuii mi Sick Hcaoachz. aa til titmbUf irUlm iron IittU r CmU4UM; Th4o4. Usle.lrJ..j,J u ik.nM, i (.III 'r toa Utit 4tM. If j to t klcb b tvrrl.J in ml i.Klt 1 L"f .. i ll 1rU u4 N.u..i, Mfc.aUil4 MI"lf...l"Tl4i a.a M4ii.rl.i..t. WiJk I.M Ll. a i Lira . Ul a". ... mi m, fiANl H HtOIOINE CO, ST,