The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 09, 1891, Image 6

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    B. CHANCEY, Publisher, Union, Or.
A Minister Convicted of
Smuggling Opium.
The Anti-Sunday Saloon Pooplo
Tacoma Succeed in Obtaining
a Conviction.
There is a slack in tho salmon catch
in the Columbia.
Spokane has voted to issue $1,200,000
for public improvements.
The Northern Pacific will build coal
bunkers at Tacoma that will cost $50,
000. Freightmen think tho total potato
shipments from Southern California will
reach 18,000 carloads.
The disafTected Indians on the Ban
ning reservation have chosen William
"Williams, a full-blooded Indian, as chief.
A Sacramento firm has got the con
tract for the new public building at tho
State Capital. It will bo of lono sand
stone. The bid was $116,000.
General Ghipman's appointment to
be Chief of tho Horticultural Depart
ment at tho Chicago Fair gives great
satisfaction all over Northern California.
Tho World's Fair Committee of the
San Diego County Chamber of Com
merco has adopted dofinito plans for a
grand exhibit of growing citrus and de
ciduous fruit trees at Chicago.
The Fortland Distillery and Cattle
Feeding Company is building a distillery
a fow miles east of Portland on tho lino
of the Union Pacific. It will have a ca
pacity of 1,000 bushola of grain "ri day.
The anti-Sunday saloon people at Ta
coma have succeeded in obtaining a con
viction, and bhIooiih and gambling
houses will hereafter bo cloecd on Sun
days. Tho saloon people have appealed
the case
Tlie Bradstreet mercantile agency re
ported twenty-two failures in the Pacific
Coast States and Territories for tin.' past
week, as compared with ten for tho pre
vious week and nine for tho correspond
ing week Of 180Q,
x,Four new wells are now being drilled
in the Nowhall oil fields in Los Angeles
county, and several more will soon bo
commenced. The product of the Now
i Stall section is now 000 barrels a day,
mail IB steadily increasing.
Tho "Los Angeles City Council has
passed a sweeping retrenchment ordi
nance, abolishing soveral offices and ro
ducing tho salaries of many others. Tho
total annual saving by this ordiiuuico is
estimated at about $45,000.
An unusually largo amount of wild
oats is growing in Southern Oregon this
year, owing to tho lute, wot spring. In
consoqueneo tho grain crop will not bo
as large as at first expected, while the
yield of hay will be corrcsjxjndingly
Elder Gerrard, a Presbyterian divino.
wlio was dotoctod at Port Townsond in
smuggling opium in a llowor-pot con
tabling a largo geranium, has been con
victed of tho ollenso by tho United
States Court. The flower-pot hold
nineteen cutis of prepared opium.
- The banks of Los Angeles pay on an
avcrago taxes on ulxnit $500 worth of
property, and tho City Assessor Is de
termined that thoy shall pay something
like a fair proportion of the law's ox-
actions, and has prepared a sorics of
questions to bo asked the cashiers.
Tho Sunset Irrigation district has
voted $2,000,000 of bonds for tlw con
txuctlon of canals by which to lead
water to lands on tho west side of tho
Han Joaquin river. It is calculated that
the canal will open up to cultivation
400,000 acres of land, which now is
nearly valueless.
Tho Oregon Hoard of Charities baa
Teon in session during tho past week,
llov, Gllno. Messrs. Cohen and if trang
liavo boon investigating the prison, and
Kev. Whito, Drs. Holt and Carlo went
through tho asylum, and reported ver
bally. It is understood that both visits
were satisfactory.
Two members of tho Death Valley sci
entist expedition report having seen tho
trail of a man and horse, who seemed to
bo lost. Tho man was uvldontlvBoeking
-water, and at ono point left the trail
-within a fow hundred yards of what ho
ought. Thoro is no doubt that death
vertook tho man.
It is said nt Tacoma that tho Northern
Pacific Hailroad Company now owns the
ftaattlo and Northern railway, extend
ing from Hamilton on tho Skagit rivei
through Sedro to Anacortcs, a distance
ef about thirty-eight miles, the most
productive farming districts in the State,
and at Hamilton tho road strikes the
rich Skagit river mining district.
8. J. Fleming, tho Methodist minister
who was sentenced at Los Angeles to
three years at hard lalwr for a criminal
assault, and wiiols confined In tho county
jail awaiting tho ruling on tho motion
admitting him to bail pending the de
rision of his appeal to tho Supremo
Otirt, lias become a raving maniac,
liavlng a succession of violent fits.
Doctors say his case Is dangerous ami
that the suspenso is killing him. It is
Immorally considered that the eontenco
jwBsed upon l' Joining was severe.
Within n month California's much-lalked-of
naval reserve will lw uftalp
lislied. At the last cession of the Legis
lature a bill was passed creating a naval
reserve, an auxiliary to the National
Guard, It has boon ascertained that
Adjutant-General Allen had received u
reply to h letter written to tho naval au
thorities for information concerning tho
plans for its creation. It has Um'ii tie
eidwd. to have a battalion of four com pa
l, Each company will nuniU'r itlwut
tftUiy imn, no that llio total slruiigOi on
m rwMwve will U JW0 uwh,
AttlMnnt Srcretiirj- Nettloton I)lr-ot the
ltuturu of a !HUtur Immigrant.
The President has recognized Vladi
mir Artzimocvitch as Consul of Itupsia
at San Francisco, and J. O'Connor, Con
sul of Belgium, nt Portland for Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and Montana.
Commissioner Carter of the general
land office has issued an order directing
a survey of Forts Sifsoton and Mtginnis
(abandoned military reservations) for
the purpose of throwing tho land open
to settlement.
Secretary Proctor has prepared a state
ment showing tho dcpertioiiB from the
army are less now than at anytime since
the war closed. The desertions for May
are less than half what they were for
several years past, and the ratio of the
decrease is constantly increasing.
Secretary Foster has received a dis
patch from General Grosvenor, Chnir
man of the Immigration Commission to
visit Europe, stating that, fearing tho
acsaulta upon him or misrepresentations
will Impair, if not destroy, his useful
ness in the commission, ho tenders his
resignation. He cannot afford to hold
office to the injury of the party. It is
understood that Secretary Foster will
appoint General Grosvenor to another
position of equal responsibility.
Assistant Secretary Nettleton has di
rected tho return to Kegan, Havana, of
John Hramo, a pauper immigrant, who
arrived in this country on the steamer
Elder January 15. It is nhown that
Hrahmo was not apprehended on his ar
rival, but made his way to Milwaukee,
Wis., where he became a public charge.
It is further shown that Hramo was a
public charge in tho city of Kegan for
five years prior to his departure for this
country, and that his passage was paid
by the local authorities at Kegan.
Acting Secrotary Wharton and tho
Chineso Minister held a lengthy inter
view regarding tho case of Blair, ap
pointed Minister to tho Celestial Einnira
soon after tho adjournment of the last
Congress. After tho interview Wharton
said tho Chinese government had not re
ceded from itB position regirding HInir
and would prefer some ono else should
bo appointed United Statos Minister to
that country. "It is clearlv evident."
continued Wharton, "tho Chinee do
not want Mr. Blair, and the United
States cannot forco a Minister upon a
friendly power in tho face of unmistak
able opposition."
Secretary Foster has telegraphed Cap
tain Hooper, commanding tho revenuo
stoamer Corwin, at 8an Francisco to pro
ceed with all possible dispatch to the
PribylofT Islands with copies of tho Pres
ident's proclamation for distribution to
interested parties, commanders of all
United States and British war or revenuo
vessels, and then proceed to enforco the
provisions of tho proclamation. Assist
ant Secretary of tlvo Navy Soloy said
that the Unitod States men-of-war The
tis, Alert and Mohican would sail imme
diately for tho sealing waters to prevent
tho further catching of seals this season
as agreed upon by tho United State and
Great Hritain,
Clilnoao Government Will Give Satisfac
tion to tlic l'owom
Baring Bros.' liquidators report a bal
anco of $8,750,000.
The Irish land purchase bill has passed
to the third rending in tho British Houso
of Commons.
Tho Chinese government ban decided
to givo satisfaction to tho powers nlfected
by tho riots at Wtihu.
Cold weather has put back tho Egyp
tian cotton crop, and tho appearance of
locusts causes uneasiness.
Thoro is danger of a financial crisis in
Morocco. Tho price of slave girls has
fallen from 21 to A' 12 each.
Tho Chinese Emperor's edict orders
beheading of all persona implicated in
tho recent riots and massncrcs.
The religious conferences of various
denominations in England are memori
alizing tho Prince of Walos to abstain
from further gambling.
Tho Upper Houso of tho Prussian Diet
has passed a bill restoring to tho Uoman
Catholic dioceses tho funds seized at tho
time of the kulturkampf.
Mrs. Grimwood, tho heroine of tho
Maui pur massacre in India, is to receivo
from Queen Victoria tho Victoria Cross
in addition to tho Red Cross.
Goddard Clarko. tho iurvman who
questioned tho Prince of Wales so sham
ly, Is a Fellow of tho Royal Statistical
bocioiy. no is llkowiso a follow ot in
finite auducity.
The London Speaker predicts very great
prosperity in the United States Ix'cause
of Its large crops. It predicts ineonvo-
nioutly large exports of gold from Eu
rope to America in tho autumn.
British land valuos keep declining.
Tho splendid Dunnlastair estates in
Perthshire havo just boon sold for130,
000, 155,000 having boon paid for them
in 1885 and very costly improvements
having been added since.
Thoro Is an unconfirmed rumor in
London that Lord Brooke, sou of tho
Earl of Warwick, has filed a petition for
divorce from his wife on tho ground of
adultery, tho Prince of Wales being
charged as co-respondent.
Tho last census of Ireland shows that
the Roman Catholics number 3.510,745,
n decrease of 411,1-lU during tho last dec
ado. Tho Protestant Episcopalians num
ber (W0,8JK), n decrease of 38,741; tho
Presbyterians 440,087, a decrease of 24,
017, and tho Methodists 65,2;55, an in
crease of 0,300.
Tho game of baccarat was not tho first
game of cardH that Iiiih brought disaster
to tho fortunes of tho Gordon-dimming
family. Tho present Baronet's grand
mother had a weakness for whist that
led her to play for stakes as high as $5.-
000 a point. In ono night during a run
of ill luck she is said to havo lost thirty
two jvoints, and her husband was com
pelled to part with n largo property to
settle tho dobt.
Tho Chinese govornmont has issued a
stringent decree against immoral litera
ture. It Is ordered that "all government
officials who allow immoral looks to bo
published within their respective juris
dictions shall bo discharged, Every pri
vate person publishing such a book shall
receivo 100 blows, and shall lie banished
from his place of residence to a distance
of 3,000 lees, The seller of an oImcouo
book bhull get 100 blows, Within thirty
day of the issue of this law all oheccnu
books of the Empire hull bo destroyed,
beginning with tlioio now in print," '
A New Explosive to be
Tested by Experts.
An Attempt to Amend the Compulsory
Education Bill of Illinois
Has Failed.
The Odd Fellows are to build a
000 temple at Chicago.
The anti-trust law in Iowa proves to
Ihj inadequate to accomplish the pur
pose desired.
Ordnance experts are to test a new
explosive manufactured in Virginia and
1 1 ,
cuueu .Yinuricanuu.
Milwaukee linuor dealers nro to build
a distillery of their own. so as to be free
from wlnsky-trust exactions.
II. C. Hilo of Los Angeles has been
engaged as Professor of Greek at Black
burn University, located at Carlinville,
Bank Examiner Drew at Philadelphia
has been suspended pending a complete
investigation of the matters now under
Armour, Morris nnd Swift aro to es
tablish stock yards at Tolleston, Ind.,
where their packing houses are to bo es
tablished. Tho World's Fair Association of Com
mercial Travelers has been formed at
Chicago. Foreign drummers will bo
asked to join.
Tho appropriation for completing the
work of tho last census is rHiining low,
and an army of clerks will be dismissed,
delaying tho work.
The whole audience at tho Princeton
commencement cheered Dr. McCosh as
ho entered the church whero tho exer
cises were being held.
One of tho railway tunnels under tho
Hudson, connecting New York city with
tho Jersey shore at Hoboken, will bo
finished in about six months.
Comptroller of tho Currency Laccy has
made his report relativo to the downfall
of tho keystone .Hank of Philadelphia
It contains about 0,000 words.
Crowds aro still calling upon tho priest
physician, ltev. Father Mollinger, nt
Pittsburg. No cures of a miraculous na
turo have been reported lately.
It is now announced that tho Kentucky
log cabin in which Abraham Lincoln's
parents were married has leen secured
for exhibition at tho World's Fair.
Idlers and criminals are. it is said, sent
to Canada from England, and from there
tltev come across tho border into the
United States m violation of tho immi
gration laws.
Tho International Typographical
Union in convention nt Boston has re
fused to admit women compositors into
local unions on an equal footing, wages,
etc., with men.
Tho Indians in the Lower Brush reser
vation in South Dakota nre much op
posed to their removal. Tho agency is
to bo removed to a point nearly opposite
tno urow Ureek agency.
The attompt to amend tho compulsory
education bill of Illinois has failed, isc
foro tho Legislature adjourned a bill was
passed granting women the right ot suf
frage in school elections.
1). C. Knight, a former Director of tho
Nicaragua canal, charges tho Nicaragua
Canal Construction Company with gross
extravagance. Counsel lor tho company
declares tho charges false.
The striko of ore handlers at Ashta
bula, O., threatens to become serious,
mid tho calling out of tho militia to pro
tect those who aro desirous of returning
to work is being considered.
The total gross exchanges of tho prin
cipal cities of the United States and
Canada for tho past week were if 1)90,2(11,
U00; decrease, 20.1 per cent, as compared
with tho same week last year.
Tho following officers of tho Missouri,
Kansas and Texas havo loen elected :
President, H.C.Cross; Vice-President.
J. Waldo; Treasurer. J. F. Neaville
Chairman of the Hoard of Directors, Joel
F. Freeman.
The Colorado Conference of tho Meth
odist Episcopal Church nt Denver has
dropped from membership in tho churcL
Rov. Sam Small because of his trouble
in connection with the Methodist Uni
vorsity nt Ogdon, Utah.
Tho graduating class of eixty-fivo ca
dets at tho Military Academy received
tholr commissions as Second Lieuten
ants at the bands of Secretary of Wai
Proctor, who delivered an address full oJ
good advico to young soldiers.
Dr. Henry A. Todd, nssociato in Ro
mance languages at the John Hopkins
University, has accepted tho Professor
ship of Romance languages in tho Stan
ford University. Ho was graduated al
Princeton in 1870 with honor.
Tho Conference Committoo of tho Il
linois legislature has agreed on an ap
propriation of $800,000 for tho Illinois
exhibit nt tho World's Fair. Tho Sen
ate has adopted tho report, and the
Houso will undoubtedly do so.
Tho full bench of tho Massachusetts
Supreme Court has decided that an
adopted child has all tho rights to prop
erty on the death ot tho adopting par
ent's that it would havo if it were born
to such parents in lawful wedlock.
In order to determine exact longitude
of Montreal and other points the observ
atory at tno Alciitll university sent by
way of tho Canadian Pacific Telegraph
and the Commercial Cable 120 signals to
Greenwich observatory. Tho average
time of transmission over tho round cir
cuit of 8,000 miles was 1.05 seconds, tho
wholo number ranging between 1 aud 1.1
President Patton tn his closing ad
dress at Princeton announced tho follow
ing gifts ; $430,000, including the Com
mencement Hall, from Mrs. Charles
Alexander to the college; $10,000 from
Professor Osborne for a now athletic
clubhouse; $10,000 from a woman of
New York; $10,000 from Spencer Trask
of New York for a course of lectures on
general subjects during the year and
150,000 for a college Infirmary, The cob
lege received $100,000 ttlw how thw Fay w
wuthsr witttte.
The Infant Klnir of Sjialn in a ItrMJes
and I'recocloun I,lttl Creature.
. Count D'Abraz, the French
Now York, has a neat little
$11,000 a year.
Consul nt
salary of
President Eliot, of Harvard, has a
powerful bass voice that is noticeable in
congregational singing.
Sim iieeves, the noted English tenor,
who has just retired from the stnue. was
quite well-known us a singer over half
a century ago.
Miss llattie Blaine has gone to Eng
land. She has had letters from home
assuring her that her father is in no
respect seriously ill.
Senator Vilas owns 2,200 acres of land
in Wood county, Wisconsin, 000 acres of
which will be planted with cranberries.
He may yet come to bo known us the
Cranberry Statesman.
Charles Dudley Warner is described,
in what is perhaps meant to be a com
plimentary way, by u Western news
paper ns "Our American flash-light
photographer of social fads."
General Lew Wallace, of "Ben Hur"
fame, says that he is not a candidate for
the republican gubernatorial nomination
in Indiana, and that he would not have
it were it offered to him on a silver
Herbert Spencer is not so greatly ab
sorbed in abstruse philosophy but that
lie can take an interest in the humane
and concrete. Ho has joined the British
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
The $1,000 which Miss Juch was to re
ceive for singing nt tho Indianapolis
May festival was attached on the suit of
a Montana bank last week. When the
fair songstress received the news she ob
served, "How horrid 1"
Professor Burt Green Wilder, of Cor
nell university, wants to annihilate all
intercollegiate sports. It's evident, that
the athletic sido of college life was de
veloped after the professor had his in
nings as an undergraduate.
The infant king of Spain is a restless
and precocious littlo creature. He has
already, though only 5 years old, out
grown his toys and yearns for live
horses instead of tin ones. He Rpeaks
English quite correctly nnd is learning
m T,iie ssertion of that bright Irishman, I
T. P. O'Connor, that hereditary royalty i
in England is now passing through the1
severest ordeal it has been subjected to
for generations, has somo truth in it;
yet it is well to remember that English
royalty is a hard nut to crack.
Selectman Lounsbury, of Seymour.
Conn., ono of the officials in the United
States Pin Company, is going to build a
eidcwnlk of pins. Ho has at tho pin
company's shop some twenty barrels of
old and imperfect pins, the accumula
tions of years, and these he will now
Ex-Speaker Thomas B. Reed is stay-
ing at a quiet boarding house in Paris, withdraw from bamoa altogether. Hie
At the request of Minister Reed, M. Chief Justice there says his life is en
Floquet put his private gallery in the dangered by conspiracies, and he is gen-
Chamber of Deputies at the disposal of
the ex-speaker, who is seen there fre-
quently, following debates with close
The foreign ministers to Pekin who
saw tho emperor at the recent roynl
audience, carried away an agreeable nn-1
pression of the Oriental sovereign. He
was eimpiy attired in silk unci bore no
scepter or other emblem of authority,
Instead of a crown he wore a plain
Chinese felt hat surmounted by a button
of crimson silk. He appeared mild and
somewhat melancholy, ad his pale face
wore an expression of great refinement
and dignity
Tho Russian Grand Duke Sergius is 1
snui to do profoundly devout in man
ners. If he happens upon an image of re
puted sanctity he will prostrato himself
before it. If there are relics of somo
old ecclesiastic or by-gone generations,
he will not be happy till he kisses them.
If there is n shrine where pilgrims
gather, thoro ho must alto worship.
And the lady (almost an English
princess, since tho granddaughter of the
queen) to whom he is married has had
to learn to accommodnto herself to his
Gcronlino, tho Mont DftMimrnte Outlnw la
I lui Southweat, Killed.
Bob Clark, a mulatto, under arrest at
Bristol, Tenn., for ravishing Mrs. John
Warren, was taken from lail by a
mob :
and hanged.
Harley McCoy, convicted of shooting
Inspector of I'olico Hawley, in Denver,
last January, was sentenced nt (jreeloy,
Col., to the penitentiary for life.
Julio Morzbacher. the Spanish-Ameri
can agent of tho New York Life Insur-I
anco Company, is said to bo a dofaulterl
between $300,000 and
An Italian murderer of Camden, N. J.,
pleaded guilty to murder, his counsel
saying tlmt after the Now Orleans lynch
ing his client preferred to thus avoid a
jury trial.
Geronimo. tho most desperate outlaw
in the Southwest, was killed alwut
thirty miles from Benson, Cochise ,
county, A. T. A roward of $3,000 had
been offered for him. I
John Macmlllan, a well-known lawyer 1
nnd a member of the Pnris council, i
missing. Ho is said to bo a defaulter to
tho extent of $7,000. He is suppobed to j
nave gone to tlie United States.
injudgo trout a court at ban Iran-
Cisco riim hnn. mnviclMi nf mm,.
in....i.r..: : .. ...:"Jr;c '
for ten years. Ho was ono of a gang ol
highbinders which raided Taim Foo's
house of ill-fame nnd killed the pro
Jr r. iii ti .i
neck with a cleaver In tho hands of an
... . i. uiu nit uiu
other butcher. Tho killing was the re
sult of a quarrel over a trivial matter.
Emery leaves a family. The murderer
was arrested.
Jndgo Murphy, of San Francisco, dor
uicd ti motion for a now trial in the case
of Hong J ing, convicted of tho murder
of Ohu Wy. The jury having fixed the 1
penalty at life imprisonment, the court '
pronounced a sentence In accordance!
with the verdict, i
The fourth trial of L. A. Powell for ' cost of maintaining members in Parlla
tho killing of Editor Smith nt Rodwi od nient a heavy parochial drain, nro work
City, Cul., has bogun. but it is not lie- i ing to secure a return to the Commons
Moved a verdict will. bo obtained. Tho at tho next general election of wt-althy
interest In the trial, owing to the lap&o candidates who will form the ihicIi-hh ol
of time since the crime waa committed, 1 a new Catholic partv.and it U btated
him been much reduced, , the selection of theeo candidates has al
ready mu commenced.
Repeated Earthquakes
Occur in Italy.
Germany is Said to be Anxious
Withdraw From Samoa Alto
gether Other News.
The Czar's royal yacht, the Polar Star,
cost over $5,000000.
It is expected the erupt ion of Vesuvius
will assume vast proportions.
The influenza continues to rage in
Hamburg, and is on the increase.
Tho repeated earthquakes in Italy aro
creating panics among the people.
The Czar receives from his Siberian
gold mines about .$18,000 annually.
Tho increase of the population of Lon
don in the last ten years is S95,8G3.
Over 100 miles of country has been de
vastated by fire in New Brunswick.
It is again reported that Parnell will
marry Mrs. O'Shen at an early date.
Fishing off the Newfoundland coast is
said to be remarkably good this season.
The total wheat crop of France this
year will be but little more than half tho
Pirates in tho Black Sea fired upon
nnd killed six Russian soldiers nnd two
officers and then made their escape.
It is said the Queen has reprimanded
the Prince of Wales and exacted a prom-,
ise from him to never handle cards again.
Senapnty, commander-in-chief of the
Manipuri forces, has been condemned to
hung for tho crime of rebellion ngainst
the British.
Earth tremois, sometiniPs of terrrify
ing violence, continue in the Verona dis
trict, Italy, threatening the complete do-
struction of the towns
A i:anni, v
. 4 4!!f AL"1!
Edinburgh Journal
states that a divorce suit to be instituted
bv Lord Brooke and naming tho Prince
of Wales as co-respondent is imminent.
Burial ground being very scarco in
Hongkong colony, tho government pro
poses to Uike up and burn Chinese un
claimed dead buried for five or six years.
Tho famous crater of Solfatara of Hoz
zuoli near Naples is showing signs of re
newed activity. This volcano was activo
long before Vesuvius, but for ages has
been nearly extinct.
Germany is anxious for a pretext to
erally made miserable,
The new ltussian municipal reform
bill completely sweeps the municipalities
out of existence. Mayors will no longer
have any power. Tlio Governors will
, hereafter be State officials,
Admiral Vallon of the French navy
says : " Our navy is still capable of beat-
1 ing the allied fleets of the dreibund. If
j the British navv was against us, bow-
ever, we could do nothing but retreat
into port."
Tho natives of the Cameroons, West
ern Africa, aro reported to have cruelly
tortured tho German prisoners beforo
executing them, nnd that miinv m-innn-
era committed suicide in order to escape
Le Jour of Paris announces that Liqui
dator Monchicourt, with Chrispohle,
Governor ot the Credit Foncier, has ar
ranged so that the affairs of the Panama
Company shall be taken over by a group I
of financial houses. I
The harbor authorities of Pouthamp-'
ton. England, the great mail ioi-t. hnv !
decided to adopt electric cranes for the
unloading of vessels on account of the
greater rapidity with which they will
enable work to be performed.
M. Eiffel, tho daring civil engineer
who conceived the tower in Pnris which
bears his name, lives up on the Jinnr-
!?!" Swiss Alps. He has just ob-1
tained permission to bui
m n rnuroau up ,
the mountain to his very dwelling.
Mine. Sarah Bernlmrdt has just bought
bv cabin a lnr trnnf. nf lnnd ut Vunillv
n suburb of Paris, for nil ,nniI
during ner recent American tour. It is
said that sho will build a veritable pal
ace after she has finished her travels.
The London Spectator prints a some
what clooinv nrticlft cm tho ifnplinn in
- --- ,r, , .... .....
the rate of London's growth, as Bhown
s just
n this fi
made public. Tho 1
writor sees i
I . ...
Inn. T lint, f in nntntnt
. iias passed ine meridian oi greatness.
There are now in Moscow 13,000 per-
I sons waiting to be transported to Siberia.
Five thousand nre convicts, tho others
i nre their wives or children who volun
teered to follow them into exile. The
number has accumulated since the new
Great distress is in the government ol
Odessa, owing to poor crops nnd the fail-
ro of the Volga to rise. In Simbriski ,
tho winter crops are ruined altogether,.
nnd the pensnnts have no grain to sow
?r, ,th snmmer. Moro tnau jinI( thfl
acMa lio 1
The latest olection returns in thoNe--
tnorianiis snow ttmt out of 100 peats
I . .1. n o r,i t j i - -r !
,,rn H mvo aou 41 tb PnH,nHn o-
.. , . . . .: . --
o rrotesiani tinn.:ox u. v Per
nnd tho Protestant Orthodox 11.
ond ballot is necesmiy for the remaining
twenty-six scats.
The Arabs at Yemen (Arabia IViO
have revolted nnd attacked the itnptrnl
ilVtAIVIl ffti 1 . ilium A w.rv 4 m
lunula i iiuii i w ii'ii r' , x riu
Tho Grand Council at Constantinople
has decided to dispatch 10,000 troops
from the Syrian garrisous.
The number of cattle in Australia is
estimated nt 8,000,000, nn increase of
more than 2,500,000 in the last fifteen
years. Sheep have aleo increased from
53,000,000 to 00,003,000. Tho po.ple of
England view figures with great
satisfaction, inasmuch as thoy indicate
an increased meat supply for tho mother
The Bishops of Ireland, fimlt nt fit
I hH (iruil
It Clones Qnlrt in All Urnnclic, Ex
ccptlnj; I-'luiU.
Strawberries came in at their usual
heavy rate. Cherries are more plentiful
and cheaper. Gooseberries now being
received nre of a better quality and
cheaper. Thero aro plenty of oranges
and lemons in the market, yet prices are
advancing steadily. California peaches
of very fair quality are in moderate wip-i
ply. Eggs arc scarce. Poultry is
and in good demand. There was but
iittle doing in the grocery line.
Froiluce, Krult, Ktc.
Wheat Walla Walla, $1.50; VaHey,
$1.00 per cental.
Flouk Quote: Standard, $5.25 ; Walla
Walla, $5.00 per barrel.
Oats Quote: G0G2Jc per bushel.
Hay Quote : $1017 per ton.
Mjllstufts Quote: Bran, $21.00;
Shorts, $25.00; Ground Barley, $33.00
34.00; Chop Feed, $252($ per ton; Har
py, $1.251.30 percental.
BuTTim Quote : Oregon fancy cream
ery, 25j; fancy dairy, 22c; fair to
good, 17)Ci'20c; common, 14e; Cali
fornia, 22,'2(il!24c per pound.
Chkrsk Quote: Oregon, 13 15c; Cal
ifornia, 12c per pound.
Eaas Quote: Oregon, 22WJ25c per
dozen; Eastern, 22c,
Poultry Quote: Old Chickens,
$C; young chickens, $3.50(S5.00; Docks,
$7.008.00 ; Geese, nominal, $10 per
dozen; Turkeys, 15c per pound.
Vkgetahlks Quote: Cabbage, $1.60
, per
cental; Cauliflower, $1.25 per
dozen; Onions, lVal?4C per pound;
Beets, $1.50 per sack; 'lurmps,
$1.75 per sack; Potatoes, 00(570c
per cental; New Potatoes, lje per
pound; Tomatoes, $2.50 per box;
Asparagus, 4(a5o per pound;. Oregon,
104?15e per pound; Ixittuee, 12jc per
dozen ; Green Peas, Ce per pound ; String
Boons, 8c per pound; Rhubarb, 4c per
pound ; Artichokes, -iw, per dozen ; Rad
ishes, 10c per dozen bunches; young
Onions, 10c per dozen bunches; Cucum
bers, 75c per dozen; Carrots, $1.25 per
Fnurrs Quote: Los Angeles Oranges,
$2.252.50; Riverside, $3."003.25; Na
vels, $4.505.50 per box; Sicily Lemons,
$77.50; California, $4.5005 per box;
Apples, $1.00(?2.50 per box; Bananas,
$2.002.50 per bunch ; Pineapples, $5.00
8.00 per dozen ; Strawberries, 56lo
per pound; Cherries, $1.001.25 per
box ; Gooseberries, 45c per pound ; Cttr
rants,5c per pemnd; Apricots, $2.0050
per box; Raspberries, 9c per poind;
Peaches, $2.50 per box.
Nuts Quote: California Walnuts,!!)
12J$c; Hickory, 8)c; Brazils, 10lle;
Almonds, lGi8c; "Filberts, 1314c;
Pino Nuts, 1718c; Pecans, 1718c;
Coconnuts, 8c; Hazel, 8c; Peanuts, 8c
per pound.
Staple Grocerle.
Coffee Quote: Costa Rica, 23c;
Rio, 23c; Mocha, 30c; Java, 25ac; Ar
buckle's, 100-poun4 cases, 26c per
Sugars Quote : Golden 0, 4c ; extra
O, 4Jgc; dry granulated, 5c; cube
crushed and powdered, 0c per pound ;
confectioners' A, 5c per pound.
Syrups Eastern, in barrels, 4755c;
half barrels, 5058c; in cases, 5580e
per gallon; $2.252.50 per keg; Califor
nia, in barrels, 40c per gallon; $2.25 per
Beans Qnote: Small Whites, 3c;.
J'ink, H,14(ft3,lc; Kayos, 4fc: Butter,
44c; Limas, 4?45c per pound.
Dmnn Fruits Quote: Italian Prunes,.
!.J!12c; Petito and German Prunes,
10c per pound; Raisins, $1.752.25 per
box; Plummer-dried Pears, 10llc;
sun-dried and factory Plums, ll12c;
evaporated Peaches, 1820c; Smyrna.
Figs, 20o: California Figs, 9c per pound.
Rice Quote: $5.500.75 per cental.
Honey Quote: 18020c per pound.
Salt Quote: Liverpool, $10, $10.50,
$17 : stock, $11 per ton in carload lots.
Canned Goods Quote: Table
fruits. $2.00, 2s: Peaches, $2.50;
Bartlett Pears, $2.25; Plums. $1.05;
Strawberries. $2.50: Cherries. $2(32.50:
Hlack berries, $2.25; Raspberries, $2.75;
Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2.40. Pio
"uit: Assorted, $1.50 per dozen; Peaches,
$1.05; Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.65
per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.35
L(i5, according to quality; Tomatoes,
$1.153.50; Sugar Peas, $1.251.60;
StringBeans, $1.10perdozen. Fish: Sal
mon, ; sardines, 85c$1.65;
lobsters, $2.2o3.25; oysters, $1.50
Condensed milk : Eaclo
;i b m.
brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; Highland.
$.75; Chnmpion, $6.00; Monroe, $f.7&
per case.
The lazy man never makes ends meet
on a poultry farm. Drones can never
expect to have hens keep them in idle
ness. It is not the state of the market that
causes failure in poultry-keeping, but
the state of mind of the poultry keeper.
At least once a week the hens shonld
have a feeding of charcoal, or nubbins
of corn on the ear may be burned nnd
fed. At this nenson, after a long winter's
confinement in small pens nnd before art
i nbundnnce ol green food can beoutained,
I the charcoal will be found a good nlter
i native, and an improved condition will
follow its use.
i-ui.irtui.u jri-avz-iuw-v
wii i ii k wunt. up