. ST Entered at the pottofftcc at Union, Oregon, as teond-ciats mail matter. B. Chanoey, Editor and Proprietoh. KATES OF KUnxOltllTlON. One copy, one year One copy, fix months One copy, tlirco months $1 f0 . 1 00 . 75 Invariably Ciih in Advance. If by chance xnlmrriptiong arc not paid till end of year, two dollar will he chargal. Hates of advertising nmilo known on ap plication. jr-Uorrcspnntlpnw from nil parts of the country solicited. THURSDAY, JULY '.), 185)1. KIHTOUIAI. NOTHS. Dk. J. M. Uovi) lias purchased the linker City Made of F. 1 Croticmiller. . John V. Ckawkokd Ihih boon ap pointed agent for tho Indians at tho Umatilla agency. 'Till? Onklixnd Ohporvor came to uh this week printed in red and bltio ink in honor of tho American Hug. UoVKitNon Phnnoykk Iuih appointed T. L. Davidson, democrat, of Salem, county judge of Marion county, vice Win. 'Waldo resigned. Tm: Portland World uia been changed in form from a fi-column quarto to a J-cqlumn 10 page paper and i issued as an illustrated literary and scientific journal. HvmiYTHiNO hns had to make way for the tin plate tho last few days of June. Tho warehouses aro flllecd with it, and tho supply is enormous, but tho prices will go up rather than down. TliH protection idea regarding food is just as outrageous as tho 'tin-plate hoax; for, if tho duty upon any article of food mites tho price of that articlo it increase tho cost of living to tho poor as well as tho rich, and those least able to bear tho burden aro hurt the most. Clay County Critic. In tho new ballot act tho democrats succeeded in passing in tho Ohio legis lature provision was made for a dis tinctive emblem at tho head of tho names of each parly on tho ticket. Tho selection it made by tho olllcials of tho party organizations. In pursu nnco of this provision tho prohibition ists havo sulected tho white rose, tho republicans tho eaglo and tho demo crats tho flag. Tho (armors' will como in later with some agricultural figure, perhaps tho llcoco of a sheep, symbol izing tho way they havo boon sheared in tho MeKinloy business. Cenlialia News. Tin: favorable proposition for tho establishment of a woolen mill, of which our citizens had tho first oppor tunity, will very likely bo given to Union, whor-o people arc alivo to every industry which will bo a factor of de velopment. If our capitalists had boon Hufh'ciontly alivo to their own in terests tho factory would bo in opera tion today, giving employment to fifty or sixty consumers; but like tho sloth ful servant mentioned in Holy Writ, they havo been idle and lazy and tho golilon advantage has passed. Wo do not want to growl all tho timo, nor do wo fool like scolding; but tlio fact is as clear as daylight, if our citizous do not bestir themselves Tho Dalles will gradually retrograde until business becomes loss and loss, and tho city will not bo able to support oiio-half the business houses it now has. Timos Mountainoor. Tin: advantages to bo derived by tho building of a Hume from this city to tap the immense timber belt east of town, and tho erection of a number of largo saw mills, is apparent to all and it is to bo hoped tho ontorpriso will bo pushed to completion. Wo do not think that any one will refuse to give tho right of way for tho Hume through their land where it does not in anyway interfere with thorn, It will not only bo a great bouiit to tho town of Union, but to all our farmers and residents adjacent, as a large number of men will bo employed, thereby giving our farmers a ready cash market for all they can produce. Our farmer, in order to bo prosperous, must have a ready market for thoir products. Where do they find this market? It is in tho mines and cities where they nio not produced. Men who work in minus, mills and factoring by the day are the onus who consume tho pro ducts of tho farm. Without towns and oUioti tbero would be no market for tho produoU) of tho farm. Our farmers can suroly fcue this uii'd will in no way upvoo any enterprise that tends to build up tho town and thus furnish thorn n butter uiarkgt for thsir products. OIUIANI.H CUIUS. Senator Urico, chairman of the na- J tional democratic committee, has written a letter of warning and advice to his follow members of tho national committee. The letter ombodios ad vice in regard to tho organization of democratic clubs and tho necessity ol the national committee co-operating with them. The plan of campaign of tho republicans, lie suvs, in a colossal system of clubs to be maintained and supported by unlimited moans drawn from tho pockets of beneficiaries of the monopoly policy. This system, he urges, can only bo mot by an equally extensive system of voluntary demo cratic clubs, that is, associations of people in thoir Hevor.il neighborhoods for the dofonso of their rights and in terests against those banded together to assail them. Brico thinks tho ap proaching struggle is to bo ono mainly between tho clubs, and it is greatly to bo desired that a uniform and perfect system of democratic societies, thor oughly organized and in intimate as sociation with each other, shall bo established before the beginning of next year. This is a mattor of much import ance and stops should bo immediately taken for tho organization of a demo cratic club in ovory precinct in the county and state. By concentrating tho forces of the party in this way, and working in harmony, a grout amount of work can bo accomplished. Union county should not bo behind in this matter. Organize at once and got the young men interested in order that tlioy may study and discuss the political issues of tho day. A GOOD COMPARISON. On Sunday laht the lOaglo fish editor noticed a man on tho banks of tho Walla Walla river who sat all day long, -villi a fish polo in his hands, looking at tho water. He said ho saw no iish and it was no use to throw out his lino. A boy canio along and in a moment a lino trout roto to his fly on the rippling water. Tho boy had not seenjjtho fish, but he know if there wero any in tho creek ho could catch thorn by throwing in his lino. Tho man on tho bank saw, but was not convinced, for ho belonged to a past age. How many men thoro aro in tho world who aro just liko the man on the bank I Thoy aro in business and thoy say it docs not pay to advertise. Thoy cannot see customers at their door and they will not throw out their lines. The man who does advertise, liko ,that boy, catches all tho fish. Milton Hnglc. Tony Noi.tnku, of tho Portland Dispatch, horotoforo a most rabid ad vocate of "stick to tho democratic party," gives utterance to tho follow ing in his paper, which is well worth publicity: "Political education in a country liko ours is essential to tho progress and purity of our institutions, and to the administration of :i Hairs. Intelligence is tho foundation stone of lioorty, and tho freedom of tho bal lot can only be rightly exercised when each volar does his own thinking. A servile obedience to political bosses is a burlesque on freedom. Lot each voter do his own thinking and vote in accordance with his woll matured con victions. Then will that political party whoso principles most nearly conform to the principles of patriotism gain and hold the reins of govern ment." Crop-Woathor, Bullotln No. 17. The observer of tho Oregon Weather Hureauf of Portland, Orogon, has is sued the bulletin for tho weok ending Saturday, July-1, 18!) 1, tho same be ing basod upon roports received from 147 correspondents, which is as follows : WHBTKKN OltlWON. Weather. Warmer, generally cloud loss weather prevailed during tho weok. No rain foil. Tho night temperatures varied from -15 to 00 dogreos; tho heat of the day varied from 70 to 1)0 de grees. Tho winds have been northorly and fresh in force. Crops. Tho woathor conditions havo been very favorable to tho growth of crops. Wheat is hoading nicoly and the excellent prospects for the wheat orop horotoforo noted continue Tho weather is oxtrotnoly favorable to haying operations, which aro now in full blast. Tho previous wet woathor damaged tho hay crop to omo extent, but nevertheloM the yield will bo above tho average, both as to quality and qimnlity. The fruit crop it doing very woll. Huynl Ann cherritw are fully equal to former yours. The Dluok Republican is not so good. Prunes and plums will generally mako about an avuragc crop. Hop lio aro prevalent, damage ' lwiug dune, yet hop growers hope -for an average yield. Corn is doing well and promises a good average yield. Early peaches aro ripening and will be in market in side tho next ton days. Strawberries are nearly over. Hasp and blackber ries aro till plentiful. KASTKItN OUEOON. Weather. Warmer and generally cloudless weather has prevailed. No rain has fallen. On Juno 2!)th and 150th, July 1st, 2nd and .'Ird it was very warm, tho temperature in the heat wf the day ranging from 85 to 95 degrees, except of course in tho more moun tainous regions and highor elevations where it was cooler. Crops. The woathor lias been just what was needed and desired. Hay ing operations arc in .full sway. Wheat, oats and ryo nro heading in excellent shape. There has been an absence of tho hot drying winds and tho previous excellent wheat prospects continue. Spring wheat has especi ally made vast improvement. On July 1st tho first Oregon peaches were ripe and shipped from The Dalles. Chcriies aro ripo in Grant county. Throughout tho entire section tho present prospects are most flattering for a successful harvest. B. S. PAGUE, Observer, U. S. Weather Bureau. FROM IDAHO. News Items as Noted by an Old Sub scriber. HoiSK Vam.ky, June L'2, 1S91. Everybody trying to hay. It has been raining about ovory day for the past two weeks. Cherries aro ripo, and there will bo plenty of fruit this year for everybody. It bailed today until tho ground was covered, and afterwards u heavy rain foil, covering tho ground with water. ' Almost all of tho first crop of alfalfa has been cut, but will soon spoil if it does not clear oil' so tho farmer can put it up. Tho grain crop looks well and is heading out. Corn and vegetables all doing lino. Young potatoes are largo enough to oat. Butter is 25 cents per pound; eggs 25 cents per dozen ; young chickens $3.00 por dozen; wages in tho hay field, .$ 1.50 a day. Thoro will bo a celebration at Star on tho Fourth, at McDowell's grovo. All aro looking forward to a good time. A dance will will bo given at night. Thoro has boon a great amount of wind bore lately, and the most of it comes'from toward Oregon. Pleaso do something with that wind bag of yours until wo get our hay up, for it always brings rain with it. If you don't tho hay in Boiso valley is bound to spoil, for tho most of it has been cut over a weok and hasn't got dry enough to rako yet. BAlKlllNAlTnilCI.AUOIIHKIt. A QOAKKll'S DOZEN- Rlebunl Stcgo, tho well known proprtefpr al tho Quuker Dairy, No, na E11U St., San rrancfO, Inst week scut tho (ollorrluc letter to tho Edrrin W. Joy Co. "My inmny nnvo iveu wnng Joy's Ycgetttbl SursaparilU now for months with splendid ruttjte Ourexpcilonct bus beon thafaAt taking It regularly for a short ttoo ami getting tho systcmstsHed rigbt, au uccuilcmul doso thereafter tho systen lu perfect condition. X peculiarity of your vegeUbl com pound Inexplicable, to mo is, thst It does uot lose, its effect, but seems to accomplish the fame, results continually. As n liver uud bowel regulator aud corrective it li per fection. Wo would not be without it la our houso. In fact I havo just bought a dojen bot tles to get tho reduced price." A. M. Howo, of 623 Jones street, S. P., also writes llmt it has been bis babit for years to awake lu tho mornings with a headache and au exhausted fccliug: but slnco tho first bottle be Ima had no return of his old time dobUIU'tla: headarbes. 1115 LI HKT'f I3R THAN A MrVvminii GOLDMINE! Noam WAITED! mil lu-edall No risk, but $10 toflfS a day profit! Teachers, Stu dents, Ministers, Bright men and Ladies wanted in every town and county. No ox iiorloiuv needed, t'redit given If desired, llo early this tinio ami M-euro llrst choice of exclusive territ ry on tills grand NHV HOOK Dtm't lio nu Ostrlt-ht AVrlto nml i;tt ill liifuriiiiitloii nuil anllil fnotit about FOOTPRINTS OF THE WORLD'S HISTORY lty 'Win. S. ltryaii nml .loliu Clark lthl ath,tlio Worlil Ct'lotirnti-il HUloriiiiiM. The Story of tho Nation as told in the brilliant deeds and grand achievements of tho World's Heroes and Heroines. A rich storehouse of History, Travel, Adven ture nud thfl weird and wonderful events of tho "times Hint tried men's souls." Thrilling stories of tho days of chivalry, startling heroic achlcwiiionts of warriors and crusaders. Als.i a vutd collection of the rarest gums ot l"ttHli ami American Historical Liientturu. l'lie most wonder ful New Hook of the day, the ircat olt educator; jtut tho book the lieoiile want, Ovor .150 cruiul Histonoul Illiiiultititioiis, HaU-TMiieftteW KutcmviiiRs, nud brilliant Oil-oolorod plattM. Everyl'inly tiiiiU It a boiiansa of uee It ell without ak iiiK No Oniitul, no rink. jtraUjiit uunl hm ami bit; profit. Splendid illiutraitxl circular ami lull particulars cent ire. Addres. lllbTOlllUAL n n Co., hT l. ll-, Mo YAfOOI) WANTED -TarUo- .leMm.u to 1 py thoir tmlffbUMluiMs to lulv tmntir In wood, van no do o. 7-17-tl. SHKKIFF'5 HAr.n. NOTICE IS IIEKEBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution nml order of calo issued out of tho Honorable Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union county, bearing date the 15th day of June, 1891, and to me directed uud deliTvrcd upon a judgment and order of sale of heretofore attached property, entered on the 10th day of February, 1831, wherein Mary Uiggers is pluintiirund E. ii. Hill is defendant, for the sum of Three Hundred and Ninety and 02-100 Dollars, with interest thereon nt the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 10th day of February, 1891, and the further sum of Fifty Dollars attorney's fee, and Sixty ono aud 71-100 Dollurs for costs and dis bursements, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the clerk's office of said court on tho 21st day f February. 1S91, and ordering tho sale of the following described heretofore attached real estate, situated in Union county, State of Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at n point on the southeast imartcr of Sec. 13, in Tp. 4 South, of range M!) cast of the Willamette meridian, 50 feet west and 215 feet south of the northwest corner of land transferred by C. L. Ulakcs leo and Caroline lilukeslcc to M. E. Warren, by deed dated March 17, 1880, and extend ing thence west 200 feet, thence north 215 feet to the land owned by Mrs. Ucnsun; thence cast 200 feet; thence north 215 feet to the place of beginning, containing one acre more or less of land; said parcel being a portion of the ."-outheast quarter of section 13, township -1 south, of range 30 cast of the Willamette meridian in Union county. Oregon ; also all of block number 0 of Han nah's addition to the town of West Union, Union count', Oregon, according to the plat of said addition now on tile aud record in the recorder's oilico of said county and state, and said property so ordered to bo sold not being deemed sufficient to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing costs, I havo by virtue of such execution and the law in such cases mado and proTidcd, and by order of plaintiffs attorney, on the l(Jth day of June, 1891, lericd upon and fcized all tho right, title and interest of the said defendant, E. 15. Hill, of, in and to the fol lowing described property, to-wit: Com mencing at a point on the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 13, town ship i south, of range 39 east of the Willam ette meridian, sixty feet west and 215 feet south of tho northwest corner of the land transferred by C. L. Klakeslce and Caroline lllakcslcu to M. S. Warren, by deed dated March 17, 1880, and extending thence west 200 feet, thence houth 215 feet to the land owned by Mrs. Demon; thence east 200 feet, thence north 215 feet to the place of beginning, containing ono aero more or less of laud ; said parcel being a portion of the H&A of SEJ4 of Sec. 13. Tp. 1 S. It 39 E. W. M., not having been able to lind any per sonal property of said defendant iti the county of Union. Now, therefore, under ami by virtue of said execution and order of sale, and the levy, as aforesaid, I will sell at public auction' at the court house door at Union, Union eountv, Oregon, on Saturday the 18th day of .July, 1891, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, all tho right, title and interest of, in and to block number 9, of Hannah's addition to tho town of West Union, Union eountv, Oregon, that the de fendant, E. I!. Hill, had on the 4th day of August, 18.10, or lias since acquired; also all tho right, title and interest that the said E. IJ. Hill had in and to the above do scribed portion of tho SEJ of SE14 of Sec. 13, Tp. l S, K. 39 E. W. M. on the ICtli day of June, 1891, or has since acquired in or toho above described real estate to satisfy said judgment, attorney's fees, costs, dis bursements and interest, as aforesaid and accruing costs. Terms of sale: U. S. gold coin. Dated June 10 Cash to mo in hand in 1891. J. T. HO LLES. Sheriff. Ily W. It. Usiimt, Deputy. G-18-5t SIlKltlKK'S SALK. -VrOTICE IS IIEKEI5Y GIVEN THAT .LN by virtue of an execution issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Union county, bearing date the5tliday of June, 1891. tome directed and delivered, upon a judgment entered therein on the 27tli day of May, 1891, wherein Darbura Groth is plaiutiir and Ja cob Groth is defendant, for the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, and the further sum of Forty and 21-100 Dollars for costs and dis bursements, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the dork's office of said court on tho 29th day of May, 1891, com manding me tiiat out of the personal prop erty of tho defendant herein, Jacob Groth, or if sufficient can not bo found, then out of tho real property belonging to said defend ant in mv county, on or after the 20th day of May, i891, I pay and satisfy tho sum o'f Two Hundred Dollar, and the further sum of Forty and 20-100 Dollars costs and dis bursements of and upon this writ. Ily virtue of said writ una command I have levied upon the following described real estate (no personal property being found) situated in Union county, Oregon, to-wit; Tho of tho NW4 andthcSE of SWM ami tho HW'K of NEJ of Sec. 33, Tp. 1 North, of Kangc -10 E. W. M. situated in Union county, Oregon, and by virtue of said execution and levy, 1 will sell at pub lic outcry at the court house door in Un ion, Union county, Oregon, on the 17th day of July, 1801, at 2 o'clock p. 111. of said day, all tho right, title and interest, in said above described real estate that the said defend ant had on or sifter tho 29th day of May, 1S9I, or .sufficient thereof to satisfy said judgment, fonts, disbursements and accru ing costs. Terms of sale; Cash to me in hand in U. S. gold coin. Dated at Union this the Kith day ot June, 1891. J. T. KOLLES, Sheriff. Uv W- U. Umu:ii, Deputy. 0-13 SIIlCKiri"S SAl.K. TVTOT1CE IS HEKEIIY GIVEN THAT J-N by virtue of an execution and order of salo issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court, of tho State of Oregon for Union County bearing date the 5th day of Juno. 185)1, and to mo directed ami delivered, up on a judgment and order of sale of horo toforo attached property, entered on the 27lh day of May. 1891, wherein Jasper G, Stevens" is plaintiil and A. C. Cook and Win, Wilkinson are defendants for the sum of Two Hundred and Thirteen and 33-100 Dol lars, witli interest thereon at the into of 10 per cent per annum from tho 27th dav of May, 1S91, and the further sum of Forty Dollars attorney's feo and Thirty-threo and 93-100 Dollars for costs and disburse ments, which judgment was enrolled ami docketed in tho clerk's olllcoof said court on tho 29th day of May, 1891, and ordering tho salo of tho following described hereto fore attached real estate, to wit; All tho right, title and interest of the defendant, A. C. Cook, in and to tho undivided one-half ofNWw of NE'.i Sec. 20, and SJ-j of NEK and N Vi ot Sl:i of See. 20, Tp. 4 S, It. 10 E. W. M., in Union county, Oregon. Now, therefore. under and bv virtue of said execution ami order of salo as aforesaid, I will sell at public auction at the court house door at Union, Union eountv, State of Oregon, on Wed uokday the 15tli day of July, 1891, at 1 o'clock j. 111 of stud day. all the right, title, interest and claim that the said defendant, A. C. Cook, bad on the 15th day of May, 1891, or has since acquired in or to the above dokortbotl real tiatato to satisfy said Judgment, fo, ousts, disbursements ami interest an uforostud and accruing eo.its. Terms ot sale: Cash to me in hand in gold coin of tins United States. DhUhI Juu&. 1801. J. T. HOLLlCS, bhorirt of Union county. Orttgon. ily W. K. Utiimii. Dtjmty. 17UHNISIIHD H0OMS FOH HUNT Mm M. J. Chunky, CornorSSeaoiHl ami 11 St. I'nlon. Oregon. 7-17-tf, i n o f Public An Address of Welcome, Oration and Singing. Ceremonies commenco at 7 p. m. JULY 3, 1891, after which there will bo a The proceeds to bo applied in improving tho I. O. O. P. hall. Good Music has been Secured for the Occasion, Tickets Including Supper $2.50. Committkk on Invitation :Chas Palmer, Geo. Chandler, Baker City; John Shaw, Herman Rothchild, North Powder; C. H. Finn, A. T. Ncill, La Grande; Tom Childcrs, .Tas. Woodell, Summerville; Win. Shaw, C. 11. Bid well, Island City; D. P. McDanicl, E. P. Mc Daniel, Covo; 11. V. Lee, Sanger; J. A. Dcnnoy, Pine Valley; D. J. Davis, Valley. Hkckption : E. N. North, A. M. Benson, A. Levy, G. F. Hall. Flooii Manacjkks : W. S. Long, S. C. Miller, Ford Bloch. Everybody Invited. A Good Time Guaranteed. -RETAILERS OF- Shelf Hardware, Cutlery, Farmers' Steel Goods, Pumps, Saws, Wedges, Sledges, etc. Agent for A Full Equipped Tin SHOP Is run In Connection with our Store, We make a Specialty of this Line. Call and see ns. SUMMERS it LAYNE. one door south of Jaxcox's store, Union, Or. TO CARRY AWAY BARGAINS, at -A-ZDoidifih: lbyts store. 1 uni overstocked in Clothing, Dry Goods, and all kinds of Dress Goods, which must be sold REGARDLESS OF COST. Call Early 'and Secure BIG : BARGAINS! IglThcse goods are of the latest styles and importations, but must and will be sold at a sacrifice. GKElIO. saird, Dealer in Iff 3 lb I! 1 iiM STATIOHEBT, Tobacco, Cigars aM M EiMs of Fruit, Candies, .v Ms, Novel. , 1- i-liing Tackle, -le. BARBER SHOP In Connection. i-30-tf. c Carries a full lino ot all kinds of Harvesting Machinery and Agricultural implements, Traction Engines and Vibrator Threshers. At"1 will sell ns cheap as any dealer in tho valley. 3-2G-tf J . A. BELL, 7 House Painter Paper Hanger. I rr-. ... 1 , - All Kinds of Graining Neatly Done I'NION, OKKUON. Flint door 1 mill Cent. inn.! h. .1 ! .. ti, Or. OFFIWBERRY, !nso&Uj Oregon,