The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 02, 1891, Image 1

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    Sf?e Oregor? Scout
Is recognized as the leading
paper of Union county.
Sfye Oregon Scout
Has double the circulation of
any paper in the county.
More Will tlio Press tlio People's Wtclitt Ntiitntiiln.
XO. 2.
iy (Mr
J. V. SlIKI.T't. . M. CAKRoM,.
Attorneys ac L a V,
Special attention given to all business
entrusted to its.
Oilice two doors soutli of bank.
Attorney at Law,
Prompt attention paid to all business en
trusted to me.
Oflice one door soutli of tbardware
store of Summers tfc Lay no.
Ph vsician nn& Surgeon.
union ok::gon.
All calls promptly attended to, day or
Oilice one door south of the hardware
store of Summers .t I.ayne. Itesidenco on
A St,, fourth house west f Wright's store.
E. BROOKS, M. 1).,
Physician & Surgeon,
Prompt attention given to all profes
sional calls, day or night.
Physician & Surgeon,
VA1I calls promptly attended to, day
or night.
MRS. A. M. PKLHAM, M. 1).
Disease of 'hildron a Specialty.
Can be found at the residence of 0. V,
Ames, north of town.
V. II. 12 WIN, M. I)..
Physician and Surgeon,
All Culls attended to day or night.
Has the fmest anaesthetic for extracting
teeth without pain known to the profession.
Will practice in ul1 the branches of modern
dentistry. Silver android work a specialty.
Finosetsof teeth alw.iy- on hand. First
class work and sail-faction guaranteed.
Oilice. Main street Union. Oregon.
City Meat Market,
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Hams
Lard, Etc,,
Cornucopia Saloon,
Finest of ines, Liquors and Ci
gars Kept in Stock.
Lijuors for medicinal purposes a
Good billiard table. Drop In and be so
ciable, LUMBER for SALE
at the High Valley
Saw Mill.
All kinds of lumber constantly on hand
or furnished on short notice. Prices cheap
as tho cheapest,
Patronage - Solicited.
L. J. Bootiik, Propr.
Opposite the Court House, Union, Oregon
Having again tuauiued control of this
popular house, I cwliully invite the
public to give me a call.
.Tables Furnished with the Best
the Market Affords.
Pirit-clan Ludgiug. Everything no ly
anil nwtly fitud up.
.r 1 9.
PZ Cer.cs.
cl s, ' Cents,
None but white tuuka muIovmJ,
Hood I" sll out luiiirul line ul
(er ha" ! V. .-.M u.jr jI tti kalarjr
'., i,i ill. r t . i..u . tint-'
I . M 'I ' I di M III l "I
i M
-Dealer in
mi nro
It;, I J UXLVi
1 i i i i t .
A Complete ami Varied Stock of Wall
Paper on hand.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Day or Night.
A full supply of school books con
stantly on hiiiitl.
Cien'l Blacisniiii
Care and attention paid to
Shoeing Trotting Horses, In
terfering and Contracted
Feet a Specialty.
$SffPlow work, Laying of Cylinder
Teeth, Balancing, etc., given special
Shop, Main St., Union, Oregon.
Livery and Feed Stable,
(Xcar the Court Ilnusc.)
Hulick & Wright, Proprietors.
Good Teams, Buggies and Hacks
for the accomodation of customers.
'Bus to and from the depot to con
nect with trains. (i-l-tf.
Can now cure himse lf of the deplora
ble results of Early Abuse and Perfoctly
Restore his Vigor and Vitality by our
Home Treatment. The Kemarkable Cures
of hopeless eases of Nervous Debility am
Private Complaints are stamping out
quackery everywhere Treaties and
Question List, a physician's gift to
humanity, will be Sent Free to those
afflicted. Address with stamp
10i) Kearney St. Room 2
5-7-yl. San Francisco, Cul.
it For Him.
G. W. Mackoy has rented
Jones Bros.' photograph
gallery and will open up
the same on
AUGUST fist.
All View and Portrait
work by the Lightning: pro
cess. Will beat La Grande
till after the Fourth.
Do You Want to
On Every Dollar You Spend?
If so, write for our Illustrated Catalogue,
containing illustrations and prices of every
thing manufactured in the I'liited b'tutes,
ut manufacturers' prices. 10,000 illustra
tions, all linos represented. Catalogue
mailed free on application. Ad dross,
17s West Van Huron St., Chicago, 111.
Union and ' rnucopia
Stage Line !
Quickest and Cheapest
Route to the Pine Creek
KAHK. fllKIUllT.
nlon Ut Park - f I 60 (e
" fcuwr - 8 00 lWe
" (ruitwiptn 0 00 H
Druirs aMleiicines
VNll i"ir.'i' iB t
iiii,iii ..... y M m k 'I
rr - I i I' f K A Iv I o
u cce. ji.iMy traveled with
. "!c r.-Lh vtcaith or any
, :i 1,1 l.'p requires the full
i piitloi r( c!l tho (ac-nl-'e
his endowed us with.
1 ;.in'.'tloASCiRnct exist unless tho
Iiclnij Is In perfect viorklng
9f, :.r.i i.'.ls It lr.-.poislblo when tho
m.r Knil spleen are torpid, thus obstruct
ing ilio sccrctlor.s, causing Indigestion
tr.ti dFpcp:!a, Kith all of their accom-
parolng horrors.
English Dandelion Tonic
cxcrlc a specific Influence over tho liver,
excites It to healthy action, resolves Its
chronic engorgements, and promotes the
secretions : cures Indigestion and consti
pation, sharpens tho appetite, tones up
the entire system, and makes 1 If o worth
YYPIKIIKAS. on the L'l'nd day of .T.uni
Vi nry. lsh7, by lon-idi-ration of the
Circuit Court of the St.ite of Orison f-n- tin'
County of I'nion, I, Hetornud L. .Mav
partiu-ri loin; lmnifss under nie linn
name of Ilexier t May, and Cli.i le 11
Dodd, plaintiff-. recovered judgment
ajrainst Daniel Chajplin, defendau;, f r the
sum df $;i3!:).00 with interest from Aii-iti-t
lSSi, less 'JOOO paid Jumiarv 1. ST).
which judgment was enrolled ami docketed
in the clerk's oilice of said court in aiu
county on the l'.lth day of Kebru iry,
on which judgment tliero was ntadc nu ex
ecution in September 1!), 1W7. .$.'I7H HI ; on
Mav 10. 1SSII. $.500.4 1 ; in September, ISS;),
$13."i.00; on September '.':i 1SK). K), leav
ing a balance duo at the present time,
counting interest, of iXll'.SO, and whi reus
an execution was issued out of s.nd circuit
court, to me directed and delivered, bear
hiK date .June, IS, 1S!)1, comuianilniK' me
that out ol the personal property ol said
defendant, Uaniel Chaplin, or if "sullicicnt
cannot be found, then out ol the real pi op
erty of said defendant 1 make the said sum of
SL'.'iOi-'.N) and aNo tho costs oi and upon this
writ, and whereas no personal property
was found. I did, by virtue of said -.vrir. on
theL'Oth day of .lunc. IS!)!, levy upon all
the right, title, interest or claiiu of the aid
defendant, Daniel Chaplin, on or after the
lUth day of February, 1SS7, in and to 10
acres in a square from out of the KH corner
of the KV'4 of the of Sec. J.S, Tp. !!
South, of Range ;ts K. V. M., situated in
Union county, Oregon, together with the
privilege for a ditch and the right ol wav
therefor Hi feet 111 width running through
the said XWJ-4 of the N VSt of said See. IS
in the place, and as the same is now occu
pied and used by the pipes and dlt( It of the
La Grande llydraul c Water Company.
And by virtue of said execution and levy
1 will sell at public auction at the c nir't
house door in Union, Union county. Ore
gon, on Saturday the2."ith day ot.luly. I -ill.
at '1 o'clock p. ni. of said day", all the right,
title, claim and interest that the said de
fendant hud on or after the said l!)th dav of
February, 1Ss7, in or to the above described
premises, or siillicient thereof to satisfy
said judgment, costs, disbursements and
accruing costs.
Terms of salo: Cash to me in hand in
gold coin of the United States.
Dated June'J3, 1M)1.
.1. T. HOLLHS.
SheriH'of Union Coiiutv, Oregon.
I5y W. It. Csiuiit, Deputy. " (J-lj
Nil 1:1:1 IT'S sai.i:
by virtue of an execution and order
of sale issued out of the Honorable Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Union
County, bearing date the Sth day of June,
ISitl. and to 1110 directed and delivered, up
on a judgment and decree of foreclosure
and sale of heretofore attached property
entered on the 18th day of May, 1S!)1,
wherein .1. II. ltinchart it Son are plaintiffs
and G. W Mcintosh is defendant for the
sum of One Hundred and Twcntv-niiie and
lfi-lOO Dollars, with interest thereon at tho
rate of 10 per cent per auiiiim from the ISth
day of May, 1K91, and the further sum 01
Th'irty Dollars attorney fee, and Thirty five
and 10-100 Dollars for costs and disburse
incuts, which judgment sas enrolled and
docketed In the clerk's oilice of said court
on the L'Oth day of .May, 1S!)1. and ordering
the sale of tho following de-cribed hereto
fore attached real estate, to wit: All the
right, title, interest and claim that the de
fendant, G. W. Mcintosh, had on the Lt'nd
day of March, 1MJ1, or has since acipiired
in and to the following described real es
tate, to wit: Lots (1) one and Ci) two in
Block (II) eleven in Coggan' Addition to
the town of La Grande In Union county,
Oregon. Now. therefore, under and by
virtue of said execution and order of sale as
aforesaid, I will sell at public auction al the
court house door at Union, Union county,
Oregon, 011 Tuesday the 128th day of duly,
1891, at '' o'clock p. in. of said day, all the
right, title, Interest and claim that, the said
defemhiit. G W. Mcintosh, had 011 the
li.'nd day of March. 181)1, or -ince acquired
ill or to the above dcsctlhcd real estate, to
satisfy said judgment, fee-., costs, disburse
ments and intcicst as aforcbaid and accru
ing costs.
Terms of sale: Cash to me In ham) in
gold eoiu of the United States.
Dated this 2,'ird day of June. 1KP1.
SheriH'of Union County, Oregon. NOTicu.
Union County, Oregon, April 10, 1811.
To William II. Fowler, or to Ida heirs ex
ecutors, administrators or assigns:
A r O V A K H 1 1 K It HI 1 Y N O T I F 1 1 ; D T 1 1 A T
1 we have expended $200.00 in labor
and improvement upon the Forest Queen
Lode, situated in Granite Mining District.
Union county, Oregon, In order to hold
said premises under the provisions of sec
tion J2S Hevii-cd Statutes of the United
States, bciiiL' the amount required to hold
the same for the years ending DecomborUlst
1889, and December Hlfct. 1890, lo-wit : the
of sum $100. during each of Mild years, and
if, within ninety days after the tirt publica
tion of this notice, you or your personal
representative) fail or refu-u to contribute
your proportion of such expenditure n a co
owner, your lntorot in said claim will be
come 1 hti property of the ubcriber under
wild kOctlon'JXit.
J. T. l'YI'ISlt.
An I'.xecMUir uf lUttitu of Itufu Porklnn,
1.10 J. II, Mi DONOUliJI.
TMilW I'l'.
Oh Mirrvl mur. wrialit uttml " imiimU.
brnmlwl tt leitwrR enill in u nr
le on nulii liiiildr and iIhI.i lillu, uUo
J J it-d. 1 he uUjvi ilu. nixjd uulioul
jmnimi-'t no in .it li ir -I't In" K l'V
brij'tt. Iio -wntrwn 11 mu uil r
News of the Week From Our Regular Cor
respondent at the Capital.
WxsutNiiTox, .liwe 19, 1S91.
KniTOii Orkho.n- Scovt:
Mr. Harrison lias iwognizivl the La
bor organizations hy aipoiuting Mr.
11. ,1. Selmltios, of tho District of Co
lumbia, who is prominently eonneetod
with tho I'Yderution of Lubor, tin ailtli
tional nioiubor of the iinntigiation
commission provided for bv the last
l congress, the duties of which wjll ho to
' proceed to Ktirope for the purpose of
1 investigating immigration. The ap
, pointment of Mr. Salinities may also
be considered as 11 nvo :
j nition of the people's party recently
formed at Cincinnati, us he was ly
that convention named as one of the
District of Columbia representatives
on the national committee of the new
Kx-Congressinan Grosvonor, of Ohio,
who was originally appointed chair
man of the immigration commission,
and whose ill-advi-ed criticism of for
eign born American citizens rai-eii
such a row a few weeks ago, wired his
resignation to Secretary Foster and it
was promptly accepted. It was such a
relief to Secretary Foster and Mr. Har
rison to receive Gen. Grosvenor's tva
iguution that they rewarded him for
sending it in hy making him a sjieci tl
World's Fair commissioner, a position
that pays precisely the same and which
also includes an allowance for a trip to
ICuropo. There are people malicious
enough to say that Grosvenor would
not have resigned if ho had not been
promised the other place beforehand.
Oilice seekers are always an unmiti
gated nuisance to those whom tln-y
suppose to he possessed of inlhtencc
with tho appointing powers, and .1
striking instance of how they made
life a torture for the friends of an esti
mable old .-entlemtin who-o goodness
of heart prevented his snubbing I ho j
whole tribe as they deserved to be in- j
stead of worrying himself sick in try- j
ing to get them appointments or pro-
motions, as the ease might be, lias just j
come to light here. Tho peivecutcd
old gentleman in this case is no less a
personage than Piesident Harrison's
father-in-law, Kev. Dr. Scott, who has
for some months been an honored in
mate of the White House, hut who has
now gone on an indefinite visit to his
i-oii who resides away out on the Pa
cilio coast. Dr. Scott is now in his
eighty-third year, and it seems a bhunio
that ho should have to bo sunt across
the continent to got him away from
the persistent odice-seekers, but there
is little doubt that such is the fact.
Ho did not resent this persecution; on
the contrary ho seeined to like it, and
his only worry wan that tho heads of
departments would not make the ap
pointments and promotions which lie I
was constantly asking for and oven
insisting upon. It was only recently
that President and Mrs. Harmon be
came aware of tho number and per
sistency of Dr. Scott's, calls upon tho
heads of the departments in behalf of
some one who had convinced him by
some plausible story that they were
deserving of receiving an appointment,
and it was extremely mortifying to
thorn both. Persuasion failing to slop
him, he was sent on this visit.
Vorily tho way of tho political organ
is a hard one. Tho backers of tho Na
tional Democrat have become tired of
throwing good money down a "rat"
hole, and unless a purchaser for the
paper can bo found it will probably
soon suspend.
There are lots of rumors, somo of
thorn highly sensational, as to why
Secretary Poster did not attend tho
Ohio convention, after having an
nounced his intention to do ho, and
what makes it look still queerer is that
he did go to Ohio yosterday, tho day
after tho convention had adjourned.
Important public business is given out
as thecauso of his not getting away in
time to attend tho convention, hut
somehow nobody believes that to have
bean the real can mo.
Secretary Noble, who 1ms rottimod
to hU duties, Hays lie lias no intention
of retiring from the cabinet. He cer
tainly oui'.ht lo know.
It is now stated with 111110I1 punitive
nuns that (leu. Itatiiu u to oontiiiiiu at
tiio luuil of the poiitfioii ofllco.
Mr ami Mrn. Harrison oft (own
yesterday with their uruipluliililruii (or
tlmr uuili ioIIuhu Air llarruoii
will ftj i ipl u niiuli mnu willi Ilium 114
' J If
Crop Weather, Bulletin No. 16.
The observer of the Oregon Weather
Bureau, of Portland, Oregon, has is
sued the bulletin for the week ending
Saturday, .lune 127, lS'.H, the same bp
ins based upon reports received from
117 correspondents, which is as follows:
Weather. The weather has con
tinued cloudy and cool, and general
showers have prevailed, especially in
the fore part of the week. While the
rainfall tho present month has been
unusually heavy, yM in June 1SS8
mere tain fell at most stations. About
one inch of rain fell tho past week in
the Willamette valley and about one
half an inch fell in Southern Oregon.
Crops. The fall wheat has had
wonderful growth and is reported very
high. Wheat seven feet high is re
ported from Yamhill county. There
has been no rust so fur, I bough in
places it. is very heavy and has lodged
somewhat. Spring wheat has a good
stand and will yield remarkably well.
Warmth mid sunshine are needed to
ripen the wheat and lo prevent ru-d
and further lodging. ('lover bus been, j close nt Telocaset. I believe the peo
to some extent, damaged. Ilav is nil ! plo of that district are about to hiro
ready to cut, bul the wet weather lias
greatly retarded it. Strawberries and
cherries have rotted considerably, ow-
ing to cool, wet weather. Hup grow
ers Hope thai, the wet. weather will
help kill the hup lice. The cool nighls
have piovented the lli-jlits of Hie
coillin moth and they are less ap
parent than usual. Corn is doing
well, but like all vegetation needs moie
sunshine and warmer weather. West
ern Oiegon prospects wer never bet
ter at this season of the year, than ut
present, for a most bountiful harvest.
Weather. Tho weather has con
tinued cool and paitly cloudy, and
general rains have fallen, with snow
on the higher elevations south of the
IMuc mountains. The total rainfall
this mouth h is been in excess, ut most
places, of any previous record.
Crops. Tho rains have been most
beneficial to the growing wheat, other
cereals, corn, fruit and garden pio
duets, also to the liny and stock feed.
All vegetation has a brighter prospect
for a good harvest than for in my pre
vious years. Summer fallow wheat
will yield enormously. Spring and
volunteer wheat will be good crops ex
cept in some few sections whore it was
burnt in .May. Fruit is thriving and
doing well, but, needs warmer weather.
Oregon as a whole bus boon carefully
estimated and conclusions made that
tho present prospects indicate at least
one million more bushels of wheat this
year than last.
Obssorvur, U. S. Weather Bureau.
SrAisKitr, Oregon, Juno 2(1, 18D1,
Stilt she mini.
Plenty of mud and (nine.
Where is 1 1 to man who predicted a
dry summer?
Tho rye in this paradiso of ours is in
full bloom and the click of tho mower
will soon bo heard in tho laud.
Mr. J. F. Alden, formerly of this
place, but late' of Ililgurd, has become
tired of sinlo blessedness and taken
unto himself a wife. Krank, wo wish
you gooil luck with your chance in
life's lottery ns we still go plodding
along in single harness.
Another special school meeting was
called on last Saturday for the purpose
of voting a tax to repair the school
house and also purchase new desks for
the same, as tho old ones were not
considered good enough. Tho meet
ing was called to order hy chairman
G. F. Dunn. After an eloquent debate
both for and against, a vole was taken
which ended m a defeat of tho tax to
the ttinu of 17 to -1. Jt was then de
cided to try and raise the necessary
funds hy subscription, this being the
way in whioh tho school hotiw was
built. Wo think it is thu duty of
everyone (old stags inoludud) to be
liberal in this iiiidurtnkiiig. Although
the majority of our citizens are taking
a lively Interact In our uihuol, it is tho
wish of many that this will be thu lust
intuiting for I&U1, us w lmv liuil threa
iilrouify. Ol.U Hot'KH.
Nuwlypu iiiel innleriul put n ulvml Ul
l,inollti.u, whi' l Utter ci.uhi 1 IH hi pumlu
Brief Personal Mention Epitome of tho
Happenings of tha Past Week.
AXTKi.oi'i:, .Line '.'7, ls').
Hurrah for the Kourth of July!
Mr. Win. Cusick bus a line garden
this summer.
The I Illinium boys, George and
Marshall, are hauling hay to town
where thoy find 11 readv market for it.
Tho late rains have soaked the
ground so thoroughly that Mr. Win.
Cates has been breaking sod Mi.-list
Mr, Williitni Clark is confiiii d m his
bed badly injured by a tree initio, on
him white ut work in tho Jnliiison
The hills are commencing to take
on their new coat, of green. There
will soon be splendid feed 'i the
Mr. Titus, of Uaymo Hat, is the
happy father of a pair of twins, a boy
and girl. Mother and babies all doing
line, llully for him.
The school term is drawing lo a
the lonelier to continue .in with the
school, which speaks volumes for tier
ability as a teacher.
A bridge outfit, consisting of several
ears, is side tracked at Teloc set.
They are employed there in taking
down the old wind mill on the water
tank. The Union Pacific will erect a
new seli-regulating mill anil also an
engine to pump water.
Mr. John W. Lee's new wind mill
works to a charm and irrigates his
garden nicely, lie now has I wo men
at work sinking a welt on the moun
tain side in his pasture, and if success
ful in finding plenty of water, will
erect another mill or lend the water
down in pipes.
Tlie white winter barley sown on
tiie farms in A ntolopo last fall for tho
f 1 it-1 time, us an experiment, did not
winterkill. It now looks fine. This
has been an unusually dry, cold, back
ward spring and fall sown grain did
not grow as fast as in ordinary spring
weather. I believe it is the grain for
the dry warm lands of Antelope.
I seo by the papers that tho fruit
canneries down in Wobfoot cannot
supply tho trade in canned gooseber
ries. What a pity there is no fruit
cannery at Union. Hut tliero will bo
some day. Hundreds of tons of tho
luscious fruit annually go to waste in
Eastern Oregon for want of a cannery.
Wo can heat tho world raising goose
berries. Thuio is a fortune for tho
man that invents a machine for gat ti
ering gooseberries and another fortuno
for the man that establishes a fruit
cannery in Union.
1 noticed an item in the Republican
last week advising correspondents to
avoid all personal wrangles "remem
ber thoy are of no interest to the peo
ple generally" wiltcli is very good ad
vice. But groat Ciosar's ghost! It
sounds strange to hear such advice
lromonoof Union county's editors. It
is a flagrant case of the pot calling tho
kcttlo black. I low can the editors of
the Union county newspapers blame
their correspondents for engaging now
and then in a poroonal wrangle hut
perhaps thoy give their correspondents
the credit of possessing more sonso
than thomsolves When week aftor
week their papers, to the soul aflliction
of a long Htitforing public, are filled
with thu personal wrangles of tho edi
tors. Tho last week or two tho county
papers have been quite decent, hut it
is only tho calm that precedes a storm.
The public will bo agreeably surprised
and delighted if in loss than thirty
days the editors of tho Union county
papers are not indicting their personal
wrangles on tho people calling ono
another liars, and saying you don't
writo your loaders yoursoUor that
you peddled salt and soap onco-upon
a unto, nnu woar a jho. o nat, ami
have another lie nailed, etc., etc., to tho
groat edification of the rising genera
tion. Don't bo hypocritos, ye editors.
Practice what you proachi nml remem
ber the people think that tho editors
should set the oxamplo and ayold all
porouul wrangles. Hemembor thoy
are of no intercut to the pooplo gener
ally, (live us thu nows wild planty of
Id nml give UM u rout on thu wraHtfU
oriuo, Tn Ui
n Hixiim hi I ('' fur ii'it "
)l II lltk
J)im"t furt iq ill ut Th V
I lil'-M
Hue Hi wefk on Hi rt 11 11 u, nvi ill 1
Hll If 'il AWIll II I ")'l 1141 jD