The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, August 14, 1890, Image 3

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A Paragraphic Record of Rficont Happen
ings in and Around the City.
I f Wood i in demand.
Go to Levy's for merchandise.
There is not mi unoccupied dwelling in the
The IJakor county j ttii contains but two
A street faker held forth on thu streets
two night, recently, and hold huge quan
tities of shoddy gouds.
Those wanting a good wanon will do well
to call on Hall l!ros. They are handling
the celebrated Newton wa!?on. S-lt-tf
Grain will be plenty and money can he
pocketed even by poor folks tins fall, so
draw .slightly from your hoarded wealth
and pay your overdue Cove drug storo ac
count. The east hound oxprCfS train now carries
a through wail pouch from Portland to Un
ion. This gives us two east bound mails a
day and is u gieat convenience to our busi
ness men.
A wing of the salvation army, in the
shape of two women, visited Union last
Friday. They did not find it u very prom
ising Held, and loft about as suddenly as
they came.
Ed. Marvin, catcher for the Summervillo
baseball club, had the misfortune in a prac
tice game of ball last Sunday to fracture a
finger on his right hand. His club will not
be able to play in this city Sunday, -as a
The will of the late John Dobbin was filed
for probate last Monday. His wife is named
in the instrument as the sole executrix.
The estimated value of the estate is if 10.000
which is bequeathed to his wife and live
The Umatilla Indians arc fast catching
on to the Doston man's modes and man
ners. A number of dusky farmers were
in lVndleton recently securing money on
their crops, after the same manner of their
pale-faced brothers
The programme committee of the Farm
ers Institute to bo held in this city Sep
tember 10th, have completed the pro
gramme and forwarded the same to the
faculty of the agricultural college for their
approval, It v ill appear next week.
Tho Shasta county, Cal., Iron Dollar
scratches our back in this way: "The
Oregon Scout, published at Union, Union
county, a paper with considerable enter
prise and more than average editorial abili
ty, has entered upon its seventh volume."
A telegram was received this week from
J. W. Shelton. who is in I'ortland, to dis
continue the advertisement of the Kailroad
Addition to Union, as the same had been
withdrawn from the market. We are not
informed as to the reason for this.
The children of Mr. lid. Kiddle found a
rattlesnake in their yard in .North Union.
ot knowing tho natuie of the brute they
called the attention of their mother to it
who hastily got tliein fioin within danger.
J.t made its disappearance under the house,
A freight train was wrecked in Pleasant
valley last Friday, caused by the air brakes
giving; away. The train became unman
ageable and left the track, resulting in a
general smash-up. lirakeman Frank Wells
was instantly killed and another man se
riously injured.
Main street Is in a deplorable condition
caused by gravel and rock falling from the
wagons used in excavating for the new
buildings being erected in town, Tho
street commissioner should sec that the
largo rock are removed, as they are a nui
sance and an impediment to travel.
A merchant in a neighboring town who
never advertised was found lying dead on
the counter of his store a few days ago.
The physicians think the body had lain
there sovcral days "before ho was found.
We did not learn Jhe cause of his demise,
but.suppose ho starved to death.
Attention Is called to the ad. of the Ore
gon State Fair, which appears elsewhere in
this issue. It begins Monday, September
Jfl, 1S!X) and continues for one week. Tho
purses and premiums aggregate the sum
of .?15,G00, and the fair gives promise of be
ing a graud success in every particular,
ltedueed ra es will be had on all trains.
A wealthy London merchant gives the
secret of his business .success as follows: "I
always.fcel happy when I am advertising,
for thou I know that waking or sleepiug,
1 have a strong though silont orator work
ing, for me; one who never tires, never
makes mistakes, and who Is certain to
enter tho households, from which, if at
all, my trade must come.
A man by tho name of Ward, of Hilgard,
vas chloroformed and robbed last Friday
by "Dr." Maxeu and a colleague. The
"Dr." went to Pendleton where lie was ar
rested on a charge 'of insanity. Sheriir
Furnish telegraphed Shorifl' Holies of his
capture and asked Hollos to procure n
warrant mid come after his man, hut tho
. warrant was not forthcoming.
, A couple of young snipes, advertising
thoniselvos as 'Prof. E. Myers .fe Co," were
in tho city fcevcral days last week and ad
vertised to tench a "new method of ivory
typo oil painting" all for a dollar and a
half". They, didn't seem to make It pan
out very well and lit out botween two days
for parts unknown, leaving their hoard bill
unpaid and taking several articles of value
i with them. Our exchanges should show
them up wherever they go.
Tho latest premium list of the San Fran
,dwo Examiner is on our Ublt. Sueli a
JJT )ifct of valuable and uwful ant. lt?s has never
hven nflt'i'id hr any weekly newspaper In
the worM. A mt in'-' thr premium in .in
OHM' ' ' -1 " :i- v..')i a 1 1 1 1 ill
COtl-'tr U'l'l bum, Ul imc tittle m fJ,.TUU.
The if' il -i '""HI '.f thf value of the prt -!iii;iin-n
v; i ..i .m-mil i ! I'imihi. Wri.e
t., ,i . i . .ii'.iM' , .'-.'ii t iin .t i. It r
H ,ln m . i,., I. .i.. !i. t .iluminn
a uini it - I i ui prt niiuiii-
Scverai families enjoying the mountain
i breezes lor a time.
' The large brick kiln of the Union llrick
, Manufacturing Co. is now being burned.
It ci ntatii- about 253,000 fine brick.
' There will be services at S;. John's Upls
j copal church next Sunday evening. It will
be Mr. Powell's Inst Sermon in Union.
I A large crowd will be present to witness
the foot rare in this city next Sunday.
Considerable money is up on tho result.
Perron desiring their mail to goon the
early morning train should deposit the
same in tho po-toutee before S:S0 in the
Tho leathers of Union and Umatilla
counties are holding a joint institute at
Mpnchaiu station, on the summit of the
Blue mountains.
The bridge about to be built by the Un
ion Pacific across the Columbia on the
road to the Sound will bo much the largest
west of the Hoektos. It will cost 1,0X).(')0.
Another fire occurred in La Grande last
Monday night, in the rear of the Cottage
saloon. It was discovered in its incipieney
and put out before any great damage was
Remember that the Webster's Unabridged
dictionary offered as a premium to sub
scribers by Tin: Scout is better printed,
better bound, and contains nearly TOO pages
more than tho dictionaries offeied by any
other paper in the state. It also contains
15011 illustrations which the other diction
aries do not. Only 4.50 for the dictionary
and Tin: Scon for one year.
W. S. Wade, a postal clerk on the Port
land Huntington route, made an otlicial
visit to Union last Thursday to enquire into
the cause of the numerous complaints being
made about the irregularity of our mails.
Ho nlade many suggestions the following of
which will greatly facilitate the handling of
the mails and hereafter we may expect a
better service. He also made tho state
ment that Tin: Scout mailed more papers
than any paper in Eastern Oregon, not ex
cepting those published in The Dalles,
Pendleton or Dakor City. This makes us
feel good and the fact that we are constant
ly adding names to our subscription list
makes us feel much better.
A Baker City Contemporary has Evidently
Been Misinformed.
The following, taken from the Baker City
Blade, is one among the many slurs cast by
some of our contemporaries against Mr.
Hunt and his system of railroads:
It is said that Hunt has not expended one
dollar of his own in grading in the Grande
Hondo valley. He has simply paid for the
grading already (lone with the money sub
scribed by the "citizens of that valley, and it
is now feared that he will never complete
the road.
The subscribers to the Hunt subsidy in,
Grande Hondo valley know that tho fore
going is not founded in truth, but lor the
benelit of those who may not bo acquainted
with the facts, Tin: Scout has this to say:
There has not been a single dollar of tho
subsidy subscribed by our citizens paid for
grading or any other purpose at this time,
nor lias it to be paid until tho Union exten
sion is completed and the ears of the Hunt
system are running into Union, ready to
receive freight, when one-half of the amount
agreed to bo paid becomes due and payable,
and tho balance m one year thereafter It
is true that the citizens of Grande Hondo
valley have paid more or less money to
secure the right-of-wnv for the road, but
this is a separate and distinct part of the
agreement with Mr. Hunt and has nothing
whatever to do with the grading that is be
ing done. Mr. Hunt, thus far, has com
plied with every part of his agreement
with the people, and there is no doubt in
tliolr. minds but that every line of his
contract will bo faithfully performed.
Those persons who are not in sympathy
witli Mr. Hunt and his roads, and who will
not bo materially benefitted by their build
ing, arc the only ones who entertain any
very grave fears that tho road will not bo
We All Know Him.
Mr, Joseph-Squires, tho popular livery
stable man, formerly employed by J. S.
Eliott, now has charge of tho 'bus line be
tween Union and the depot. Tho line is
complete in every particular with new
hacks and teams, and .loo in the lead. Mr.
Squires is so well known to tho public as
a gonial, jolly, accomodating fellow that
there Is no question about his success.
Passengers to and from trains are always
sitro of "getting there" when Joo handles
tho ribbons. He asks a liberal share of the
patronage, and we take pleasure In saying
to all that ho is always ready to accomo
date you.
A Mammoth Machine.
J. Q. Shirley's combined header and
thresher, called tho "Harvest King" ar
rived in ibis city Friday and has been taken
to his ranch below town. It was pur
chased from Stover t Walker, one of the
largest agricultural implement linns on
the coast. The machino will cut, thresh
and deliver into the sack in the neighbor
hood of 3000 bushels per day and is a com
paratively cheap mannor of harvesting
grain. Mr. Shirley may expect many visi
tors to seo this harvesting wonder in oper
ation. Large Tanks.
Summers & Layno are at work making
a 1200 gallon galvanized Iron tank for A. T.
Noill, of La Grande. Mrs. Hachel Ladd, of
the same place, recently purchased one of
the same firm, with a capacity of 1000 gal
lons. To Tint Sroi'T it looks as though a
city with such metropolitan pretensions as
I Grande would be able to offer induce
ments to tkilkd mechanics to locate within
liar borders, and not ho compelled to send
to Union. Portland or some other large city
in order to procure such articles as these.
Card of Thanks,
Myslf and family are denlroa to extend
n ii -itu-i-rot tli nik i to the Wirtl friends and
iii- j it - !im nl It-1 md in pHtbiittl with
n hi niir re- nt tifrt'
GrAVERtS TEtELE- fit- AU STIN -Gthnnell ,- Iowa U.S.I, A. , n
I ' Manufacturers of Randolph Headers, . ,umimmJi
mproved Randolph
; I
r j
O S3
Brief Personal MentionEpitome of tne
Week's Amusements.
Prof. King, of the Hot kike, called -oil us
W. J. Townlcy, of Sanger, was in Union
this week.
Mr. II. W. Lee, of Hig creek, was in tho
city Friday,
Squire J. A. Tucker, of Lower I'owdor,
was in tho city this week.
Dr. J. W. Strange has assumed .editorial
charge of the Pendleton Tribune.
Hoscoc Jtcnson is quite sick at the resi
dence of his parents in West Union.
Mr. J. H. Thompson, of Uaglo yalley sent
in a few days ago and subscribed far Tun
W. H. Holmes, cashier of the Wallowa
National Hank, of Enterprise, was in the
city last Friday.
W. I). Arnold, county commissioner, of
Hilgard, accompanied by his wife was in
town this week.
Dr. A. M. Musscr the -dentist, will leave
in a few days on a, professional visit to Pine
and Eaglo valleys.
J. W. Shelton, president of tho Union
Hail way Co,, is in Portland on business con
nected with the company.
Mr. W. Swiders and Emma Moset, of the
Hot Lake, were married in this city last
Friday by lev. L. J. Jlootuo.
P.ev. II. K. Hincs D. 11. presiding cider
of ISoise district will preach in the F.rcsby
tcriau churcb to-night. All invited.
A number of La Grande citizens wro in
town this week attending .county court as
witnesses in the Dray entate litigation.
Mr. J. F. Oline and wifc,f Jasper coun
ty. Mo., arrived here a few days ago on a
visit to their sou, Mr. John Cllno, of Aligh
Mr. W. J, Ilcwett, of the Cove, called on
us tlds week and subscribed for The Bm't
to be scat to his father in Long creek, Grant
Dr.C H. Day and family .arc camping
out on Catherine creek at Steve Con nor 'if
ranch. Several other families will join thqiii
in a few days.
Mr. A. K. Jones, editor of this paper,
took his departure Tuesday for Portland
to attend the press association which con
venes there to-day. Ills wife accompa
nied him.
A- K. Hamilton, of Snake river, was in
town Tuesday. He contemplates moving
his family to this city this winter in order
that his children may take udvantago of
our excellent school facilities.
Word was received last Thursday by
Miss Laura Worrell, of this city, of the so
rbins Illness of her mother in White City,
Kansas. Miss Worrell Immediately left
for that place upon receipt of tho news.
A pleasant social party was given at the
residence of W. It. I'owois at Norih Pow
der on Sunilav, August 3d. Tho party en
joyed iheiiistlvos participating in declama
tions, parlor guinea and singing, and also
Steel Frame Header, -;- Empire Binders and Mowers,
More ami Greater Improvements lor 1SOO Than Any
in listening to nu appropriate address by
1'ev. T.oveness. A inong those present were
Lewis Gardener, Mr. Hurt, Grant Datton,
Will Wado and Jess Dotson; tho Misses
Maggie and Addic Hutchinson, Laura, Ella
mid Ada Powers and Ma Davis.
A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. S. M.
Seamans, Mr, and Mrs. George Hnird, Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Sloctun, Mrs. G. H. Dot
son, and the Misses Emma Augcliue Sea
mans and "Nira Bain! spout several days of
lat week lnho mountains seeking tho lus
cious huckleberry. The party succeeded in
soeurlng about ''." gallons of berries and re
port having had a most enjoyable trip.
J. T. MoComas returned from n business
trip to Ellensburgh, Walla Walla andJFrec
watcr last (Tuesday. In an intsrviow with
cx-Scnator Hinchurt at Walhv Walla he
learned for a fact that Hurt's financial
condition -was in the best of shape and he
is now ablo to fulfill all of his promises to
the people. He also brought-somo sample
string bwtii.s and cucumbers, of the Cliiut
variety, from tho gardens of Froowater,
Which. for size surpatm anything wo have
seen for sumo time. The beuns are certain
ly a curioiity, being about 'the circumfer
ence ofcui'ordiiiary string bean and from 14
to 20 inch&s in length. Tin; land in and
adjoining Frcewater is evidently very pre-J
Conference Entertainment.
Following are the name4 iof tho minister''
and their. wives who will io present at Uic:
conference next week, a I the names ol.
those who have been Tielec td to cnteriaiii
J. JI. Kirkmau and wife, if. T. Wright.
A. Ii. Thomas and T. F. iiiexander, K,
P. Springer.
G. M. I r win ami wife, Mrs. M. Sullivan.
Hisbop Vincent and H. K.JIines, S. O.
E. Ci. Fowler, wife and mother, Ira Wake
field. D. T, Monree andS. Thurlow, S. T. tJIm.
A. Thompson and wife, Mrs. Alger and
J, W. Shelton.
Henry Drown and wife, S. M. Driver.
Win YcCartand wife, Samuel Haynes.
G. II. Wood and wife, James White.
W. T. Chapman and wife. J, U. Carter.
J. II. Durrctt aud A. M. McCact, Uootho
A. S. Anderson and wife, Mxc. A. L.
W. H, Zellera and wife, W. 1). Deldlc
man. J. M. Dcnnison, Mrs. E. Nodine.
O. II, Powell, A. Levy.
C. 11. Packinghain, A K. Gardner.
J'. C. iielzler, Mrs. E. II. Lewis.
Wm. Puncher, Jos, Wright.
W. II. Hicks and A. L. Dright, A. H.
d. W, CiiIIIiih and wife, Mrs. M. Dobhs.
W. E. Goldlng. P. E. Potter.
It. M. Gwinn, Turner Oliver.
Remlllard's Brick Yard.
Work is beinc pushed on Keuilllard'H
brick yard. Mr. Hemillard has nrderrd
through Slavor k Walker a new brJek
making machine with u capacity of 80,0'JO
brick per day, and In a short time will be
turning out an excellent quality of brick,
He has (several orders for brick thug far,
Tho Prisoners Evldontly Weary or Lifo in
tho County Jail.
The prisencrscoullncd in the county jail
are evidently weary of living in that Institu
tion if we judge from tho many attempts
made by them to gain their liberty. A sec
ond attempt to escape was made last Fri
day by Arnold and Smith, which for novelty
surpasses anything within our knowledge.
They took a steel spring from the shank of a
shoe, made it into a saw, and succeeded in
cutting-a bar of onoot the windows. Deputy
Usher auiiKes a practice of inspecting tho
jail every few days to guard against possi
ble che.iice of escapo and It wan on ono of
those tours that ho mado tho discovery.
Tho .prisoners wero placcfl in Irons and
there: kept until they rovealrd to the olllcors
the trols used In severing the bar. During
the time Mr. Usher was In tho shcrlll's
olllce --perhaps one-half hour devising
sonic means to compel them to deliver up
their implements of csca)M, and after they
saw J hat they were yiugli In the llrst act
they took a lid olf the stove in the jail,
hrok's it in two and made it serve the pur
pose of a pick to dig through the brick wall
of the building, a;jd had quite an opening
made when discovered. Owing to the ex
treme vigilance of Sheriir Holies aud his
efllclent deputy, Mr. Usher, the prisoners
uroktill behind t:bi burs, and -tho prospects
are good that tJjcy -v Jll so remain until
thoTonvcningof court-lit September. These
prisoners nro certainly a bad set of men
to deal with juid every precaution should
be .tiketi to prevent, tkcm from carrying
somo of tlie.ii! ingeniously coiicock1 plans
of eBoape into execution.
. X)to Union Con at y Industrial Bureau.
Tho objecti el .this association are t j ad
vertise tho resources of Union county, both
at home and abroad and to secure the best
market for its ,irodiicts. Past experience
hasjituply demonstrated tho old udae that
"what is overybodys business is uobodys
husiutss" and that to wiiit for u board -of
Arado or other uirjiald organization to do
wotc time, energy and money to make our
jesouru.'.s known Js but to wait iu vain,
TJierc Jiro thousands of opportunities In
fills cowity for industrious people. Thous
ands -of fanners and miners who would
gladly divide their Jwldinj for a fair con
sideration and there are thousands of peo
ple cast -who would be glad to avail them
selves of these opportunities if they were
mado known. Hundred)! of people pass
the touth end of tho beautiful G ramie Hondo
valley every day, they crowd the car win
dows express surprise and delight at the
iiiaguiilcleul panorama sprcid before them
and often rush past without even knowing
the name of the valley.
It Is tho intention of tho Union county
Industrial lluroau to organize a permanent
membership by paying quarterly member
ship duos of one dollar per quarter In ad
vance for tho ilrst year. To place tho
mniiagcmuntof the Dureau hi tho hands of
a competent person for ono year; to rent
u suitable building in Union and properly
furnish It with ds-ks, ahalrs stnvo am) a
i t
I t ,
t t
supply of newspapers us a frco reading room
for the members and friends; to keep u sup
ply of descriptive circulars: on hand for
general distribution by mail and aud other
wise setting forth the rcsourcos and adynn
tagesof this county; to ndvcrtiso in eastern
papers for correspondence on tho subject
and to answer tho same; to allolt space to
members for exhibiting specimens from
their mines, farms, orchards and gardens;
to mako a resort where members of tho
bureau may feel at homo when they visit
Union and where If they have any article
to sell they may bo better enabled to llnd a
buyer or where they may bring a stranger
to show him the products and rosoitrccs of,
tho country in short to make the bureau
a placo of general resort and useful Infor
mation. t
In order to pay tho expenses of furnish
ing tho bureau paying for rent, lights, wood,
etc., the pcoplo of Union will contribute
liberally and the display will soon mako it
an object of interest to visitors. The en
terprise Is in hands that will inakoitgo and
its success will bo to your interest us a citi
zen of Union county. A membership card
will bo issued on payment of quarterly
dues. Will you please drop us a lino sig
nifying your opinion and oblige.
Union Industuiaii Huhkac,
Union, Or.
Cooper Shop.
S. 11. Aylcs proprietor, manufacturer ot
butter barrels and kegs. A good supply al
ways on hand. Shop at Union depot, Un
Inn county, O logon. 0 -22-tf.
ilU PPM A N O HICEN, At tho residence
of tho bride's parents iu this city, August
W, 1800. at f p. m, Mr. Dort. W. Huffman
and Miss Ella (. Green, Itev Driver of
Uclatlng. Doth of tho contracting parties have been
reared from childhood iu Union and yicinl
ty Mr. Huffnum Is a son of W. H. Huff
man of Pylo canyon, and is a writer o
verso and prose, with quite a reputation.
Though young In years ho stands with tho
oldest of our writers In point of originality
and terseness of expression, Many well
merited effusions from his pen huvo up
pearodin tho columns of Tun Scout, with
tho readers of which ho Is a great favorite.
Miss Green Is a daughter of our follow
townsman Mr. T. IJ. H. Green and is ac
oomplishcd In many ways. Hosts of friends
join in wishing them a life of ovcrlustinR
bliss and happiness, and that their inntri
monlul relations may bo of the plcasantcst
nature. The happy eouplo wero tho re
cipients of a number of valuable presents.
They will leavo In a fow days for their now
home In Wallowa county,
HwWFt1" J"ln vnlloy, August 0,
1N1X), John Lambert, after a brief Illnoss.
Deceased was a well known and resnnn.
ted citizen of Indian valley. His manv
good qualities mado for him a host of
friouds. He leaves a wife ami four children
to mourn his loss. The sympathy of the
enllro community Is with them In their
'I i.