THCISSDAY, AUGUST 11. 1890. THE SCOUT PREMIUM. Aa Excellent OtTer to Anyone Who Want3 a Good Dlction&ty. "WflMie-'s Unabridged Dictionary which formerly cost 10 and l'J, will be given to nil new subscriber toTiir. Oicr.nrtK i-Cvvr. and old .snberibers who will renew owl pay one year's subscription in advance, for $l.ij. The subscription pri-c of Tub H oft in f 1..7) per :i tn 1 1 1 1' i. Anyone .cnding ns the name of 10 newMilncribem, with the en1-!!, will receve one of thee superb dictiotmriei free of uti irge. Thii is the lust chance for securing a good ilicil'iimiy ever presented and should set the boys and girls of the country to work with a will in getting up chili-. The wants of the people of the great nias ol (ho people at leasts do not reouire for their witififnctloii an investment of $10 In a dictionary. In most cases that amount can be better expended in the purchase of articles more urgently needed. The reprint edition of UYbMer's Dictionary offered hv' Tun ScorT s-eivof as a reliable guide for spelling and pronunciation. It contains, besides, inoro than 100,000 words, a com plete vocabulary of mercantile and legal terms, scriptural and historical proper names, (!reek and Latin proper names, an npendix of more than 10,000 uncommon words. 1 , cuts and other useful and in structive matter In great quantity. It Is In short an indispensable book for every student and family, and costs so little that every family can ufford to have it. Tho paper and binding are both good, and the book will bear examination. Call at this olllee, tee sample copy and bo convinced. A AVOKI) Ol' CAL'TIO:r. In thli u.i iii every other locality whero It li known, tliero are hundredi of lemons who art taking Joy'n VcsetabloEtnniinrllla. To tlioso u want to iay ono word. In nlnocaseiout of cvorj ten It la oncciln;; specific cure, llut word comci to us occasionally of people who report that it operates too freely upon tlio bowels. Wo waut tc call tho attention of thoio to the fact that they aro not following tha printed Instructions nod ro taking too much ol It. if It acts too freely re duco tliodoc, never InLlui; any mora at any tlrnc than calico easy nnd perfect action. Keep thli Injunction In inlml, nnd take it regularly for a whllo and do not Indulge In too much greasy food and wo will have your testimonial within a fort night. If taken uuder theso conditions It l an absoltito euro for ludlgcjtion, dyspepsia, sick headaches, constipation, fuco eruptions and llvci and kidney disorder. It inay bo usked how )t can possibly euro no many ailments, ltut the rea son M clear. All those troubles aru the lcgltlrasti result of Improper liver aud kidney action or Im paired dlgestlvo organs. Its effects upon thow functions aro as astonishing to tliu medical fraternity us to tho thousands vuo aro dally taking It, Tho UnionJCour.ty Pioneer Oocloty. Thin organization now numbers a mem bership of .ihnut ono .hundred anil fifty nnd new names mil being constantly ad ded, lien, lirowu. the MioictloH over alert and canioit worker, sent in about twenty name lust week hvery person who has resided in Unlm county twenty years h entitled to mi'inhcmlnp. Tliu membership fee is one dollar fur men and nothing for women, alnl the annual dues is mm dollar for men only. The seorelnry will send card of meinliordilp to any pioneer who bend hi- niimeaud date of settling in Un ton cnuui v, iiccnmimutcii ny one dollar or a card cm h for man and wlfo for same It is to bo Imped that every pioneer in Un Ion county will enroll thoniMitvei Ad dress lien. Drown. Island City, or 10. S JlcComns, fc'ey'y, Union. Council Mooting. At a mooting or tliu city council last -'iit unlay tho following hiitiues-i was ti un acted ; Tho petition of 15. V. Wil.oii ;t al to lay miiq nun oni-swuiKs on cenain streets in .Swaflkliamer's addition was laid over until next nutting. The city recorder was granted until Sep tcinbor 1st to comiiieto tliu city assessment. Petition of Vn, Wilson for an elcctrio htrcot light on tho northwest corner of Dlook 1, was referred to tliu street commit teo. Iteoonlor Instructed tu receivn proposals from Union attorneys' to nut as city attor ney for remainder of year. Epoch. Tho transition from long, lingering mid painful slcknovi to robust health marks an epoch in tho life of tho individual, Such a remark iblo event is treasured in tho memo ry and tno agency whereby tliu good health lias been attained is gratefully blessed, llenco It Is that so much is heard in praise of Klectrlo Hitter-. So many fed they owo their restoration to health, to tho mo of the (ireat Alterative and Tonlu. If you tiro troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liv er or Stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely Hint relief by use of Kioctriu Hitter. Sold at 0o. nnd 41 pur bottle at Jlrown's drugstore. Union, Oregon. NOTICE. God's Ulexsiii j to I! Humility .So Says an Oregon Pioneer. Ninety Years Old. Foiiimt (litovK. Or.. March lit, I hnvo died tho OHEdON' KIDNEY THA and obtained Immediate relief. It Is (Sod's blessing to humanity. I tako plctmiro In recommending it to tho aflllctcd. 1 am now nearly ninety yearn old, mine to Ore gon in IKh! In tho employ of tliu Hudson Day Comimny. and since I begun using tho OIlliOO.N KIDNEY THA I enjoy good health. DAVID MUN'ltOK. Bucltlan'a Arnica 8alve. TiiM Himt H.W.VK In tho world for Cuts, llrnlsus, Honw, Ulcers, Suit Itlieuui, Fever Bores, Tetter. Ohappuil llands, Chilblains, ConiH, unit nil Nklu Kniptluus, uiul posl nlvcly ennw I'llcs r no pay required It In guaratitiMsl to giv perfect satisfaction, or inonoy rt-fu i lu-l 1'iicu tfl cents per boy. For salt-at Drown' drug store County Court. A f-pt'oiiil tcssion of the county court was In-Ill iHftTtii'uhiy, with u full board present. The following proceedings were had : Liquor licornc granted to .7. II. Scott, of Eagle valley to tell liquors for one year. Bridge on Clark's creek and the one ncrofs the ctatediich weroieceived nnd accepted by the court. A number of fcrnper.s purchased from Hlmw fc McLuod at the rate of 8 a piece. Elgin and Wallowa Tcl?phonj. There is no doubt hut that Wallowa Ml I .1 a win Mxjii DC ciiiiuecieu wun inu iuu- .side world by telephone. 'For some time past O. F. Wellis of the .Signal has been corresponding with ottlsido parties, interested in the telephone but-incsc, toward getting the necessary capital to construct a line from .Iiiteph and Enterprise to Elgin. Mr. C. 13. Hopkins, of Spokane Falls, General Munager of the Inland Teh-phono Co., writes that he will he in the valley about the Kith to make arrangements for tho construction of tho line. Two Trains Dally Between Portland and Spokane Falls. Effective May 11. IK), the Union I'acitic System will establish two daily trains be tween Portland and Spokane Falls. Pull man Palace Sleepers, and Declining cars will bo run between Portland and Spokane Falls without chance. This new arrangement will aliord both local and through passengers: additional nnd unsurpassed facilities. Tickets, do tallcu time of trains, and general informa tion, can bu obtained upon application to any ticket agent Tnion Pacific System. T. W. LKU, Oen'l Pass. Agent. Happy Hooslern. Win. Timinons, Postmaster at Idavilic, Ind., writes: "Klcctric Hitters has done inorofor me than all other medicines com bined, for that bud feeling arising from ICidnoy and Liver trouble.'' John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says; "Find Klectrlo Hitters to bo tho best Kid ney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." .1. W. Onrdher, hardware merchant, same town, says: Klectrlo Hitters is Just the thing for a man who is all run down aud don't care whether ho lives or dies; ho found new strength, good appetite and felt just like ho had a new lease on life. Only Wc. a bottle, at li. 11. Itrown's drug store. Remarkablo Ko3cuo. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plaiutieid, Illinois, makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was ticatcd for u month by her family physician, but grow worse, no told her tliatstio was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist HiiggoMcd Dr. King's New Discovery for Comitiiuption; she bought n bottle ami to her delight found herself beneiited from the first dose. She continued Its use ami after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does lie, own houc- work ami is its well an she over was. Free i trial li'itth's of this (Jro.U Di-e-ivery at !!. II. Itrown's drug store, targe buttle M cts. and $1 00. lig W to Wthi j Cannot fie succcsstull tnmted with j tut ftoJ lail'X To retch wealth or any I civotoil 'oslllon Ii IUo requires tho fall I potso:tlcn ar.d operation ct ell the fsc j tilths Unci nr,',uro hii enJcwud lit with. Iticso ccnCitlons c.-.-.not c!:t unlets the phytic:! bstofl la In perfect working ciitr, and this Is Impoctlblo uhen tho l!v:r end eplionero torpid, thusolistruct Inj tha cccrctlor.j, causing Indigestion end d)spep:!.i, with all ol their accom- pcnjlng horrors. DP. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic exerts a specific Influenco over tho liver, excites It to healthy sctlon, rosohes Its chronic enguruimcr.ts, end promotes tho secretions ; cures Indirection and consti pation, sharpens tho appetite, tones up tho crttlra system, and makes Ufa worth TrAlMl lilts' 15 .YAM I NATION. jyjOTU'E IS IIEIIEIJV (il YEN THAT J. s for the purpo-o of maklni;au exanil nation of nil persons who mav dII't them- solve-, as candidates for teachers uf the schools of this county, the county school superintendent thereof will hold a public examination at l.a ( ! ruiiile. Oregon, o mi menclngat noon, Weduesday, August 27, Dated tills lltli day of August, Xi0. ii. s. Strange. County School Supoilutendeut. Union County, Oregon. W.1.00 ItKWAItl). Lost. Strayed or Stolen, from II. P. Campbell's stable on Clover creek. August iHt.ime very iigiit sorrel liorso. iiiioui : Kl I hands high, wciuhi llAX) Hounds, three wh to i feet, white stihi in face. briiH-lisI Imitation ; tinchor on eft lilp. collar bol on right ulllllllllP Tllil llllllll.k l-.lll'llV.I lllll I,,. shoulder. The abovo lewaril will lie i aid toniiv one returning tho horse to H. 1 Cnmplii II. Clover creek or Nottli P odur. W, C. Warilou, j ft H mi. I.M'UNISIIKI) UOO.MS Kou ltKNT.- 1 Mis M. J. Chancoy. Corner Second ami I It St. I'liiou. Oregon, 17-tf, lilCYCLKS KOU SALIC. Ono ,M inch. ! .1 J full nlukil, and mie IS iueh standard! Ilnisli. Euipiire at IhU nlllcc. 7-17-tf I Ol) WANTED -Parilei desiring to 1MV their ludebteduoi to Ibis miner. Iu wood cm now do no. 7-li-tf. EMORY Mlml wtmtrrtnc mJ. lovt In on nlin, Twtlinonltla lrn all ulia ul IIkkIuIx. Proiwfta 1-oaT nrie, ui un iptl(iiun to 1'rvt, A. JJmll, 331 VlllU A, rf Vwk. Iks lew So. 3 II mill 1 1 n 1 1 ii ii ii 1 1 ii mil inn h mi mi unit iiiii; I AT T M E : '05moN; . ; j : ; ; j ; : ; : , ; - EEMHIYER5ELLE,: PARIS, 1S59 Taj Highest Po3siblo Premium, "HE 3 OtthY GRAND PRIZE! FOR SEWING MACHINES, WAS AWARDED TO ! ; 1 - TJfWHEELER & WILSON MF6, CO.teicgant in Workman- -AHD THE- GR0SS 0F THE LEQION OF HONOR, WAS CONFERRED UPON NATHANIEL WHEELER, j The President of the Company. ; HllllllllllllllllllllKIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII1MIII SIIKKIFF'S SAI.K. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Union county, to me directed and delivered, bear ing date of July ll, ISJO, upon a judgment rendered in said court on the 20tli day of February, I8i. in favor of J. M. Fofdice and J. A. Oliver plaintiffs nnd against W. II. McComas defendant, for tho sum of three hundred anil thirty-three dollars and forty-one cents, which judgement was en rolled and docketed in the clerk's olllee of said court on the 20th day of March, A. I). 188!; therefore I have levied uponnud will sell at auction on Monday, tliu ltttlMlnyof August, 1800, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court house door in Union, Union county, Ore gon, to satisfy said judgment, to-wit: Three hundred and three and (I'MOO dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum, from the said 20th day of February, A. O. 18S(i nnd accruing costs thereon, all the right, title and interest which the said defendant W. H. WcComns had on or after the said 20th day of March. 18S0, in or to the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot No. " in Itlock No. (1) one in tho town of Union, Union county, state of Oregon. Terms of sale, casli to me in hand. Dated this Kith dav of Julv. 1WO. J. T. IiOLLEri. By W. R. Ukiikii, Sheriir. Deputy. 7-17-wS Tlnittf-r r.aiul. Act .lime :i. 178 Notice For l'ulil i cntl ti n . U. S. Land Oki'icu, La Gka.ndk. Oni:ooN,l Juno 30. ISiX). I Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tliu provisions of tho act of Congress of June :i. 187S, entitled "An act for tho sale of limber lands in the States of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter ritory,'' (ieorge G. (I ray, of Cove, county of Union, state of Oregon, has this day tiled in this otlice his sworn statement No 2.'il, for the purchase of tlteSM HW'U.SU'k tiEK of tree, No. 1. in Tp. No. 2 ri, Range No. Uf E, nnd will oiler proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the rcghter nnd receiver of this olllee at La (irande, Oregon, on .Saturday, the 27th dav of Sept. 1MKX lie names as witnesses: W. W. Randall, J. (i. Smith. Miko Riddle and J. C. Randall, nil ot ijove, uregon. A I iv and nil nerxmsi R'fiiiiiinir nilvi'rsnlv the nliovo-descrlbed lands, aro reiiuestod tb Ille their claims in this olllco on or before said 27th day of Sept, 1K). lliiMtv KlNr.n Aitr. 7-17-wlO Register. Tluiltitr I.iiiiiI, Act .Iiiiii) :i, 1S7H Xntmrt Km- l'lilillrittlim, U. S. L. mi Oki ici:, La (Ikaxpi:, Okkoon, ) -May 2li, lb!H). Notice is hereliy given thai in compliance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of Juno a, 1S7S, entitled "An net for tho sale timber lauds in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Ter ritory, ' AVIUIum It. lloothi', of Cove, county of Union, state of Ore gon, has this day tiled in this olllee his sworn statement No, 203, for tho purchase of thoSWK NW aud VJ4 SWi.of Sec tion No. 22, in Township No. 2 South, Range No. -tl) East, and will oiler proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its timber or stono than for ; agricultural purposes, and to establish his j claim to said lund hoforo the register and , reaelyor of this otlice at Ln Grande, Oregon, on Saturday, the 2.')rd, day of Aug., 18!K). I Ho names as witnesses: J. Q. A. Rich ardson, E. E. Willard, J, F. Smith and i John 1 allot, al of Cove. Ore'-nn. Any and all persons claiming ndvcn-ely tho above-described lands are rcipiested to tlio thtlrelalms in this olllco on or before mihI liltd day of Aug.. IKX). JIk.nuy Ri.nkiiaut, U-l'-'wlO. Register. NOTlGi: OF FINAL SUTTI.KMKNT. Notion Is hereby given that tho under signed executors of tho estate of W. T. Kleklin deceased, have tiled their tlnal ac count in said estate, iu tho county court of tho state of Oregon, for Union countv, ami (1 !, mint lni-i,i nrindt i-mu-i n.w I, ,,i f,,r i,.,.,ri,,,. jcctlous to said tlnal account and for tho settlement thereof. All persons interested in suta n.hiii- imvin.. ,i,i,.iif,i,- , .i.i n. t,al acconut aro hereby notlllcd to appear and tile their objections thereto on or before t 1 . 1 I .. I s.uu -uii nay oi oo piemner, inm. N. F. KICK UN, S. l. KICKLIN. 7-17-wO. KxeJtutors. NOl'ICi: OF FtlHFIJITUUi:. To thehelrN of the late E. A. Warner: You are hereby notttlod that I have ex pended foily dollar iu labor und Improve- I ment on tho May Mower'' mine in order 1 to hold tho said initio, as provided iu son I tlou tii-Jt revised statutes of tho United I States, being tho amount required to hold , one-third oft-ald mliio forthe vear Lssy, und i If within ninety dny from hervlco of thli ' milieu you full or rofuso to pay your pro- portion of Mich cxiKmdlluru na co-owner, your luterfit in snid claim will hmimu tho nroertv of Ihu Mil-nrluer under said sec tion -.'.HSI. CiTiiiieopn, i 'rtvou, July 15 lKn 7 f.J DI'I'I'LY. hi: Coast Agency, Wheeler 1 lea i El Machine iStands at the Head. O- jMost Perfect Machine: in the Market for Family Use. ; sliip and Design. ook at them before -is Purchasing. 1 368 Market St., San Fancisco, Cal. SUMMONS. In the Circuitcourt of the State of Oregon, for Union county. Mary Riggers, I'laintill,) E. R. Hill) Defendant, j To E. 15 Hill, the above named defendant : Ix the Name oi' the Statk ok Ohegon: You arc hereby required to appear and an swer tlio complaint tiled against you in the above entitled court and action", on or be fore the first day of the next regular term of said court, to-wit: on or before the 22d day of September. ISiX), and if you fail so to appear or answer, the plaintiff will take Judgement against you for the sum of three hundred and sixty-six and 22-100 dollars, and interest thereon from June 23, 18!X) at tlio rate of ten per cent, per annum., bal ance due upon a promlsory note signed by you, and the further sum of $50 special at torneys fee and plaintilPs costs and dis bursements of this action. You will fur ther take notice that plaintiff lias caused to be attached In said action the following described real estate to-wit: All of your right, title and interest In block nine (0) in Hannah's addition to the town of West Union, Union countv, state of Oregon. ac cording to the plat thereof now on record in the clerk's oliice in said county and state, also tho following, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the SEK of Sec. 13, Tp. 4 S. R. WJ E, W. M., Union county, state of Oregon, (X) feet west and 215 feet south of tho N W corner of the land transferred by C. L. Itlnkeslee anil Caroline Ulnkeslee tb M. S. Warren, by deed date March 17, 18S0, and extending thence west 200 feet, thence south 215 feet to the land owned by Mrs. Benson, thence cast 200 feet, thence north 215 feet to place of beginning, said parcel of land being a portion of the SEJi of SEjk See. 13, Tp. IS, R. 31) E. W. M., Union county, state of Oregon, and tlio plaintiff will apply to said court in said action for an order of sale of said premises, to satisfy said judgement. You will further take notice that this summons is published in The Okeoox Scout, by order of the Hon, Jus. A. Fee, judge of tho above entitled court, made and dated at chambers at Pendleton, Uma tilla countv, state of Oregon, on the 5th dav of August, 1810. JOHN R. CRITES. 8 7-w7 Attomev for I'ltl'. NOTICH OF FINAL EST. "VTOTICKIS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE -L undersigned executors of the estate of E. T. Neville deceased, that they have tiled in the county court of the state of Ore gon, for Union county, their final account in said estate and that the court has set September 5. IsOOfor hearing objections to said tlnal account and for tho settlement of the same. All persons interested in said estate having objections to said final ac count aro hereby untitled to appear and tile their objections to said tlnal account on or before said September 5, 1&P0. Dated Aug. li, INK). SOLOMON NEVILLE. WILLIAM G. NEVILLE, Executors. 8-7-w5 The State Opens September 122, 1890. COUKSE OF STUDY arranged express ly to meet the needs of tho FarmiiiL and Mechanical interests of tho State. Larce. commodious and well-ventilated buildings. The college is located in a cul tivated ami Christian community, and one of tho healthiest in the state. MILITARY TRAINING. lCxpoiist- Neml nut F.xcreil SI fid for the Kntlru SrsHitin, Two or more free scholarships- from every County. Write for cataloguo to 8-7-lhn B. L. ARNOLD. Pres., Corvallis, Oregon. Machinery For Sale. 1 will sell or tmdo on good terms tho fol lowing described machinery : One Shingle Machine, Ode Poking Machine. One Drag Saw, i Ono Moulding Mijlne. j Shafting, Put .js. Belts, j Moulding Knives, etc, I Cull on or address 7-ai-iuU U. F. VII ITE, Cove, Or. QETZ it MK1GEK, Contractors and Builders, Union, Oregon. Contracts whrlinl and all work promptly attcnile I to. Wlura College. AujiiNisTitATon xtrriCK. Notice Is hereby given br UieHftdersIgncd administrator anil aihiiiiii"riitr1s Of the eta:e f Nathaniel .Swigpr decfswn!. to the creditor of, ami alt per-ms baviar rl.ii:.. again-t the aid deceased, to prc""-n tin n with the proper vouchers, within s.x month f'om the date of tbl notii , t" the sahl udniiuitr!itor nt his rcidence In Hifh vallpv. or .ad dniiiilsrntrix .'I her rci- ilenc al-oiit three niilo of In ion. r to Slielton .V C.irroll at their office In I'liion. ait of said places being in I mon cxnuitv. On-gim Datt!i-t t'tti'in thi-snhdnvof l'ine. l.f)0 A.VUHI?- WII.KINM'N'. Administrator. t'OU.Y SWKiKK. 7-8 Ad-iiiiiWtratnx. C. C. C G FFtN BERRY, Dealer in all kind of Farm Machinery? UNION. OKEGOX. For reasonable terms and low prices call on me and I w ill satisfy you. .'5-27-tf. PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent Uusinp's attended to Promptly and for Moderate Fees. Our otlice is opposite the U. S. Patent Otlice. nnd we can obtain Patrnis in los time than those remote from Wasoington. Send MODEL or DRAWING. We advise as to pantentabililv free of charee; anil we mako NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT IS SECURED. Wc refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Sup:. oi'Monev Order Div., and ti oHieiids of the V. K. Patent Oliice. Fci circular. i advice, terms and rellerences to actual c!i ! cuts in vour own State or Countv, write to j C. A. SNOW & Co.. j Opposite Patent O.'iice. Washington. I). C. Union iinil Cornucopia Stage Line ! o Quickest and Cheapest mo Creek JLIWULV 111V JL. 3Iines. KATES : fap.e. $1 f0 - 3 00 - 0 00 FItETOIIT. 0 24c nion to Park ' ' Sn niter " Cornucopia 8 Veterinary ni"n'P1'r O 111 Ul y . . ,, 4 , Ridgling horses successfully treated. Heiters and sows spayed by the latent tm proved methods. I will give imstructk i in my system of treatment, aud guaraiuec satisfaction in every instance, or no charges j will be made. I am permanently loratcd at Union, Oregon. Will promptly attend to j all call-, bv mail or others Kc. s-l.vtf. Tlio : a- Ins : M J5 SALOOW, W.m. ,IMrs, Proprietor, Union, Oregon. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars in Stock. Drop in and bo sociable. Fine billiatd table LUMBER for SALE at the High Valley Saw Mill. All kinds of lumber constantly on hand or furnished on short notice. Prices cheap as me cucapesi. Patronage - Solicited. ;5-30tf WM. WILKINSON SON. w. T. CHAPMAN, Real Estate Agent, AND CONVEYANCER. Partios desiring to invest in Elgin town property or in funning lumls should call on or address mo at Elgin, Oregon. -l-17tf. W anted To Let Contract for Put ting up 1ZO or 200 Tons of Hay. Terms Cash, II. II.PKEXCII, C-19-tJ. Oi.vo (Jrt -en. Ett. i I h Vmnvh B E rfv I.I Ji : il I i t C i ' ) I A ...... npeciniiM-iu BIND TOR OUR CATALOQUCanp PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND, PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH ar1 SOUTH " " 1 n UNIOX, OREGON, A. li. 1JI.I.IS, Tlolict Afjuiit. TI M K TA15LU. Trains doiiRrt from Union daily as follows: EAST IIOUMI). No 2 Kxpress 11 -Jm A. M. No 4 lail 7:45 P. if. WKST IIOUM). No No 1 Kxpress. 3 Mail :2.- A. M. :6.j P. M. Main Line, os. 1 and 2, "The Overland Fiver,'' carry through Pullman Sleepers, I Colonist Sleepers, Free Chair Cars and j Coaches, between Portlnnd and Denver, ' Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul or ' Chicago. ! At;.. T v..o i iwi f "Tim t I .,I,I1H 1.1IH, . ,11)1. t 11111IIICI1 Mail.'' carrv Pullman Dunne and ingCars between Portland and Chi cago. OCEAX DIVISION. The Union Paciti". will dispatch Steamert between San Francisco and Port land, as, follows: FROM I'OKTI.ANI). At 10 p. 111. FKOM SAN FI.AJ.C1SCO. At 10 a. m. Oregon . Columbia. Stale . .. Oregon. . Columbia State Oregon July Columbia . State Oregon.. . Columbia. . July 3 7 8 12 10 11 15 10 23 27 31 20 ! State 24 I Oregon.. . . 25 I Columbia . I State The company reserves the right to change steamers or sailing days. RATES OF PASSAGE: Cabin, - - $10.00 Steerage - - $8,00 Round Trip Tickets, Unlimited - $30.00 Children, under 12 years - - Half Faro ,. 5 years - - - Free Inclwlimj Meals uiid Berths. C. S. MULLEN, I T. W. LEE. Gen'l Trallic Manager. Gcn'l. Ticket Agt, A. E. ELLIS, Agent. Union. 01WJ.R.R. "The Hunt Line." In Connection with the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILR'D Forms the Quickest and Best Route Between Eastern Oregon and Wasinngton i and Puget Sound points, as well as i the I'opular nnd Direct Line to all POINTS EAST and SOUTHEAST PULLMAN SLEEPING CAKS, SUPERB DINING CAES, and FREE SECOND CLASS SLEEPERS Through to Chicago via this Line. Passenger Trains of this Company are run ning regularlv between" DAYTON, YVAITSBURG, WALLA WALLA, WASH., and PEN DLETON. OR., Making close connection at Hunt's Junc tion with Northern I'acitic trains for Taco ma, Seattle, Victoria, B. C Ellensburg, North Yalsiiun. Pasco, Sprague, Cheney, Davenport. Spokane Falls, Butte, Helena. St. Paul, Minneapolis. AND ALL POINTS EAST. Passenger Train, making above connec tions loaves Pendlcfon daily, at 7 : 10 p. in. Through Tickets Sold to all Points Hast at the Lowest Rates. n W..F. WAMSLEY, Gen'l Fr't and l'ass'gr Agt. G.W.HUNT, .Wh. President and Gen'l Manager. ILL. DEACON, Ticket Agent, Union, Or. ino io Cove. Leaves Union daily at 2 p.m. arrives at Cove at 3:30 p. in. Leaves Cove at 8 a. in., arrives at Union at 0:30 a. hi. Connections made with Elliott's conchet running to tlio depot, carrying passengers 'or east and west bound trains. KATKS for FA SSK.NC. UKS, IAJOOAGE mill FKKIOHT, It i: A S ON All LK. KOBINSON A LAYNE, - - - Proprietors. A NORTHERN FAMILY DOWX SOUTH, o o Has chargo of the PINE BLUFF COT TAGE whero those who wish to escape tho cold Northern Win ters can get Hoard at MOPKHATK FlilCKK. AMID THE PINES. 1 1 K V LT1 1 1 EST SPOT IN AMERICA ! i COTTAOJ2 KESOltT, . PiSK III I I K, Moouk Co., N. C. UioniPon & Pnrsel nro tiffonta for the I'clebrntcil Cyclone WimlMill, nnd a the ju-ices on them huvohcon grcnt h rciluieil they nro now within tho rru- h of nil. Sample mill to bo Been U tin lr platioi-iii North Union. Call nul i xitinine it. I vi T