r v" IV t if I) teefcanen Recall Cold Weather. During tho cold spell an old lake captain and a Hamburg farmer were wapping Res over a stove in an Elk street grocery. dont havo. any col(1 weather these days." says the captain. "Ire member tho winter of '42. Winter hadn't fairly set in. It was in Novem ber, ami 1 was cominrr down from Tnn 'V i V uo, 1 . c.oulu but off Pi-esaue Islo th changed, an' I'm telliu' you tho truth i-in T ?, , ... BIT. WUen 1 Sav it rrnt. ui nnlrl fl,n o two inch hawser a now lino tho men was trying to coil on tho deck broke Bquaro offliko a pipe stem." Tho Hamburg man looked as solemn as if ho was trvinrr to soil sroU in ti,n ... T-t - v. v v LU LA Li TT , . r? ' vw. ... lllO xiamourg gold mine. Ho expectorated ju iuu uox oi sawuust and replied: " 'Forty-two was jest good snug w-intrv weather. It wa'n't nothin' to 38, which I reckon you don't remem ber about. 1 lived at Willink, an' was drivin' team that winter for Lean- cier koo. It wan so cold that winter that one day right jn tnQ deaa of tuQ January tnaw it was, too as I was drivin a yoko o' steers into a wood lot, tho off critter got lazy an' I up with my whip to touch him a bit but I'm telliu' you, eir.ho never felt tho lash." Old Hamburg paused for so long that tho marine Ananias, though with evident reluctance, was moved to re peat: "Never felt tho lash?" "No sir," with another long pauso. "Why not?" asked thocaptaiu when ho couldn't stand it another minute. "It was that cold, and all of a sud dint, sir, that when I raised that there whip stock tho lash got frozen in Bolid, in tho air." And just then tho stove exploded. Buffalo Express. Pottery Colors. Thero is a pathetic instanco of gen ius unappreciated in Hugh Robertson, a venerable Scotchman who has de voted his life to reproducing tho lost colors to pottery. No labor has been too arduous, no sacrifices too great, that ho mightachiovo tho choico tints un der glaco, and yet for mora than a year ho lias been too poor to flro his kilns. Ho lives in Chelsea, a suburb of Bos ton, and among tho quaint, shambling huildings, where ho sought tho phil osopher's stone, is his humble cottage, which holds a collection of rare eera mics. Theso represent his attempts to catch tho coveted red "sang-de- hcouf," that wonderful tint produced by tho Chinese GOO years ago, and re discovered oncoor twice siuco that far away Ming period. Only four speci mens of tho Chinese ''ox blood red" aro owned in America. Mr. Robert son's vases show tho whole gamut of reds, from the dull liver shado through glowing tints to tho perfect "sang-de-hoGuf," and then descending through tho scale to purples and browns. Pro fessor Morse, of Salem, has one of the most complete collections of Japanese pottery in tho world, which will prob ably bo secured for the Boston Art musuem. Ho pronounces some of the Chelsea waro as marvelous examples of tho famous "ox blood red," and agrees with Mr. Robertson that its attainment is a happy accident, whoso chemistry ha3 not been formulated. I hope this may reach tho eye of some connoisseur of ceramics, who will gladden tho old potter's heart by appreciation, and his purse by buying. Worcester Spy. I Why Do They Advertise? Tho man who conducts his business on tho theory that it doesn't pay, and ho can't afford to advertise, sets up his judgment in opposition to that of all tho best business men in tho world. With a few years' experience in con ducting a small business on a few thousand dollars of capital, ho assumes to know mora than thousands of men whoso hourly transactions aggregate mora than his do in a year, and who havo made their millions by pursuing a courso that ho says doesn't pay. If advertising doesn't pay, why is it that tho most successful merchants of every town, largo and small, aro the heaviest advertisers? If advertising doesn't pay, who does tho most busi ness? If it doesn't pay to advertise, why do tho heaviest business firms in tho world speud millions in that way? Is it because thoy want to donate those millions of dollars to tho newspaper and magazino publishers, or because) thoy dont know as much about busi ness as tho six-for-a-dollar "storekeep er" in a country towu, who says money spent in advertising is thrown away, or donated to tho man to whom it is paid? Such talk is simply ridicu lous, and it requires mora than tho av erage patience to discuss tho proposi tion of whether advertising pays or not with that kind of a man. His complacent self conceit in assuming that 110 knows more than the whole business world is laughable, and re minds us of tho man who proved that tho world doesn't rovolvo by placing a pumpkin on a stump and watching it all night. Princeton Exchange. A Touch Watch Story. On his lost birthday, a month or two ago, a youngster in knickerbockers who lives in tho East End received from his father a silver watch, tho price of which, it is safo to say, did not exceed $15. It will not surprise you to hear that tho boy took tho watch to pieces after it had burned in lis pocket but three days. When every wheel lay in his hand tho boy naturally fell to thinking how ho might put tho watch in running order again. Ho roust bo something of u mechanical genius, for ho succeeded in getting tho dismembered works in sido tho caso in soma sort of Bhapc. It is hardly a reflection on tho boy's skill, either, that after tho mechanism was put together it failed to respond to tho winding stem. But tho boy pcrso vcreeL IIo detected tho root of Iho troublo in tho balanco wheel, which seemed to interfero with other parts of tho setting. So at tho balanco wheel ho tinkered, until to his unfeigned as tonishment, after ho had jacked up the wheel with a bondago of cottou thread, tho watch began to tick again. Pittsburg Dispatch. MKUIT DESEKVKS IT. We are not in tho habit of pulling up any F latent medicine, but where merit deserves l are always ready to notice the name particularly for the benefit of mankind. Wo have heard much of the famo of the Groat Sierra Kidney and Liver Cure, but lately we have received positive proof of its healltiK qualities. A gentleman well known to us had Buffered for years of kid ney complaint. Tbe Great Sierra Kidney and Liver Cure as recommended to him. He has civen it a trial, and now assures us tl.nl n ifoKflii.flll nlinlimi linn ftntiin nFur ! him, and that he is entirely cured. Thanks i . . . -..l ....!....! II .... . 1.1.. ...... iu juur ivnt uiiu rtuiuiiiiuu iccuiuio join ed. Jttrish Times and observer, San Francitco, Cal. San Fkancisco, January 7. Sierra Chemical Co. ' , U 1 t,J..tii,.t . l Guxtlemex: I have used your Great Sierra Kidney and Liver Cure with won- I derful satl-faction, and can re oinmeml it nuiy lor kidney anil liver disorders. Joseph May, Firm of Livingston & Co., 125 Fremont j street. "It's not my fault," observed the strucKling butcher, as he weighed twelve ouuees of bone tn Hin tirn Ttnnml, tt .tout "If I nmi't in tike U0,B c"us meJ- DYSPEPSIA 1'OK SIXTEEN YEAKS. M. P. Holland, postmaster, Kockaway Beach, Long Island, New York, was en tirely cured of dyspepsia aud rheumatism of sixteen years' standing by taking two Uhandheth's Pills evry night for a month. During tho month ho took them he gained richt pounds in weight. BiiANDmn'ii's Pills are purely vegeta ble, absolutely harmless and safe to take at anv time. Sold in every drug nnd medicine store, either plain or siig.tr-coated. The best cure for ole<y is to board for the summer fit a farmhousu where jou will be treated " like one of the family." A slight cold, if neglected, often attacks the limns. "Jirou-n's Bronchial Troches" give immediate relief. NlRhtmnr s. " I dream ray stories," said Hicks. " How you must dread goiug to bed!" exclaimed Cynicus. None equal " ransill's Punch " 5c Cigar. There Is a boom in Atchison to Induce tome rich man t die aud leave his money to endow a medical college. DItOl'SY. We call the attention of those Buffering with dropsy 10 the Mr proposition of Dr II. II. Green A Sous In their advertisement on this page. Try them; it losts you nothing to do to. Sauocloug Tramp. Woman (to tramp) If I give you a nica dinner will you help mo put up soma patent self rolling window curtains? Tramp No, ma'am. I'll saw wood, carry In coal or dig post holes, but I wouldn't help a woman on window curtains if sho gave mo u Delmonico spread. Now York Sun. A Aast Field. -wneniwas in congress, -sam won. jur. i Mufty.of Raccoon lUdgo, "a certain pro- fessor used to como miles to hear mo speak." "Ah! What was his namof inquired Professor Surtout, to whom tho etnftient statesman had spoken. "Professor Tootles, of Baltimore," said Mr. Mufty. "1 thought so," said Professor Surtout. "IIo has since becomo celebrated JB.. tho au thor of 'Ten Thousand MistakeaTn English Grammar.'" Chicago News. Not So Pleasant After AH. "Did you havo a good timo on your vaca tion?" "Pretty fair. I visited some friends at their charming country home, Thoy havo a great smooth lawn, dotted with trees, with plenty of ser and hammocks." "That rnu havo been glorious." "Well, it asa't" "Whyf "My friend owns a lawn mower." Lincoln Journal. "Disturb Not tho King." Millionaire (entering sanctum) Hal hal old boy, how do you do today? Editor-in-Chief (inawhisper)-'S-shl Don't peak so loud. Millionaire Why not? Editor-in-Chief Tho baseball reporter is writing his report In tho next room, and he has just given mo orders that bo is not to be disturbed cither by callers or by noise. Bos ton Courier. ' Nothing to Show but Scar. Fred (to chum) What luck, Charley f Con gratulations in order? Charley (faintly) Fred, sho told me that the loves another. Fred (sympathetically) That'e tough, Charley, after all your dovotion. Charley Tough? y"hy, Fred, in the past three months her father's dog has bitten me no less than soren times. New York Bun. Tbe Ilrloa-ISrao Craze. Friend Is your daughter Jennie m fond of brio-a-brao as evert " Mother Fonder. F. Indeed? M. Yes. She has just married a baseball pitcher. Boston Courier. An Appropriate Motto, Dude Yeth, Mith Fanny, I've got a family ewest, but what would you suggeth for a motto? Miss Fanny Tbe best motto for you, I think, would bet There is room at the top. TatasSlf tings. A Grnptilo Simile. The Joggins raft is described as looking like "a big cigar drawn through tbe water by two steam tugs." Any ony who has ever seen a big cigar drawn through tho water by two steam tugs will know at once what the raft looks like, Boston Transcript. . An liicute. MI say, Clara, ore you going to Mrs. Bbtrn by' iu that dress?" "Certainly. Why not?" "Isnt it rather r 'loud T "Ob, well, that doesn't matter Mrs. Shunby's a deaf as a post1 Judy. A Fit. EH KKCLININ'O CIIAIH CAKS VIA IIMIIN' I'Antflf! SVBTK. Train No. 4, "1 he Limited Fast Mail," leaving Portland on tho Union Pacific system at 7 A. M. daily, in addition to Pullman Palace and Colonist Sleepers and Dining Cars, is also equipped with e'egant free lieclining Chair Cars, both first class and Colonist, which run through from Portland to Chicago without change. Both first-class and Colonist Chair Cars are furnished with lieclining Chairs of tho latest improved pattern, are tltted upwith smoking rooms, lavatories for both ladies and gentlemen, and are lighted by gas. i classes oi passengers aro carried in these cars without additional charge. Passengers desiring the quickest time and best possible servico from Portland aud the Northwest to all Eastern point should purchase their tickets via the Union Pacific system. Their agents will take pleasure in furnishing rates, tickets, through baggage checks, detailed intaana tion, etc., upon application. " You are perfect among women," She IkjwcJ her shapely head; " If I am not mistaken, then, I dou't need you," she tald. 1XFKUXAL INGENUITY ! Could scarcely devise more cxcriiclatluc tortures thmi thoso of whlth you see the evidence in he face of a rheumatic or neuralgic sutl'erer. J The agonies are the cnnseouuuce of uot check I iug a rueumauc or neuralgic auacK at me out- 1 mi itfttt.-r. Mtnmoi.ii uittnr i.uo fniimi by skillful medical practitioners to possess not only remedial, but defensive ellicacy, wheie those diseases exist, or a tendency to them is ex hibited. Surely this puissant but safe botuulc medicine, bearing, too, such high specific sanc tion, is better than the poisons often employed, but most unsafe, uot only in continuance, but in Isolated doses. Tho blood is depurated thor oughly from Uie rheumatic virus, and the nerves, Nilvbtly impunfed upon, saved from ultimate and direful Uiroes by this beuigu, saving medi cine, which likewise exhibits marked ellicacy for malaria, kidney complaints, dyspepsia, con stlpatiou aud liver complaint. Explained. " What makes Jackson look so awful sober this imlng?" " llecause he was so uwful drunk last night." Six Xovels Free will be sent by Cragin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., to anyone in the United SUiUs or t'ainula, postage paid, upon receipt of 2o Dobbins' Electric Soap wrappers. Seo list of novels' on circulars around each bar. Soap for sale by all grocers. I We will soon be hearing from the man who i has ateu too much green corn. AN ELEGANT PACKAGE CAIIDS, OF FINE Including 15 rare novelties, shapes and artistic imported oleographic and chro matic cards. This largo aud beautiful col lection sent by mail to any ono who will do this: Buy a box of the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated Liver Pills from any druggist, prico '25 cents, and mail us the outside wrapper with your address, plain ly written, and 4 cents in stamps. The genuine McLane's Pills are prepared only by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., and have been in constant use for over sixty years. They are superior to all others in purity and effectiveness. A certain cure for Indigestion aud sick headache. Ad dress, Fleming Bros.. Pittsburgh, Pa. A normal-school training Is not warranted to make a teacher suit a politician ou a School Board. THE VI11TUK OF MEDICINE TESTED II Y ITS EFFECTS. IS Modesto, Cal., May 24, 1S90. Dr. J. Eugene Jordan, Seattle. Wash. I Dkau Sin: I hope you will not consider ,ne tedious if I tell a little experience, 8UCh as may not have come under your olK,.PVnt!n,, Alu. f(pml ..,,.,- , I bright' red spot, about the size of a pea, 1 niinia ry Ann otiiti if i li it mwl ff tnr iiiidii l.V litis Ull UI1U 1 11 J VI IJ1U 11 J L 1 1 1 J UU.IUi It was a source of great annoyance to mo n ad great anxiety to my friends, who 1 feared the spot might bo a cancer. It ' bcemed strange such a thing would come I on my face, for my health has always been 1 good and I never had so much as a pimple on my skin. I did not know what to do for this trouble. There was a throbbing I pain all the while, and last fall, when the 1 cold weather set In, the spot became Ham- ! fno riiil rind linrd mill rp.ilintiu.il un It. lui. came very sore to the touch and hot. The ' pain was a throbbing, severe pain. Then ' I became truly alarmed, for this thing was iiecoining woise, anu some unit! m reuru nry I remembered that you recommended M wuter for the eyes when they were in flamed; so I applied this to my nose one evening and was sure that with this one application the inflammation was lessened. I kept up the treatment a week, nnd my nose seemed well. I continued taking tho medicine for six weeks, and at tho end of that time the purple spot was entirely gone, and there is no trace of the thing left. The redness has also entirely disap peared. I could not be thankful enough that I had heard of your medicines aud knew what to use. Respectfully, Mns. J. Purvis. Dr. Jordan's olllce is at the residence of ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James, Seat tle. Consultation and prescription abso lutely "fiiee. Send for freo book explaining the Ilistogeuetic System. Caution. The Hlstogenctic Medicines are sold in but one agency in each town. The label around the bottle bears the fol lowing inscription: " Dr. J. Eugene Jor dan's Histogenetlc Medicine." Every other devise is a fraud. Ff under Oregon lllood Purifier li the beat remedy for that dread disease, dysjcp sla. for It reculatcs the lymphatic system and bad secretions. Weak and Weary In early summer the warmer weather li uspe daily weakening and enervating, and that tired feeling prevails everywhere. Tbe gnat benefit which pi-ople at this season derlvo from Hood's Harsaparilla proves that this medicine "makes the weak strong." It does not act like a stimu lant, Imparting fictitious strength, but Hood's Eariaparllla build up In a perfectly natural way all the weakened part and purine the blood, N. II. -ho ture to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla 6old by all druggist, (1; tlx for S, Prepared only by 0. 1. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Man. IOO Doses One Dollar TIIKEE YKA11S WITH 1IHS. DAHltlN. i'neinc Farmer. Drs. Darrin have nw been practicing their profession in Portland for three years with brilliant success, and during that timo thousands availing iheiiiselve of their peculiar practice ha . been abso lutely cured of diseases that had b.itlled the skill of all the old school practitioners. Cases that had been given up, and tho pa tients who had b en advised topendno more time or money in the fruitless at t tempt of trying to euro an incurable dis i inc. uiui uuuu runt uuiii inu tiirciura ui lice frequently after a few treatments, wiih now leases of life, rejoicing, painless, and well, and crutches havo been thrown awny to be taken up no more. In fact, the doctors havo worked wonders, and brougt lay, health and happiness to hundreds of households. Their rooms are never with out patients during olllce hours, and few indtcii arc the cases they treat that do not receive permanent benefit, as the follow ing enrd will show: Pain In Heart Twenty Years. Mr. Edilor: This is to certify that I havo had a pain in my heart and breast twenty years, and tried many physicians ilhout success. After four months' home treatment by Dr. Darrin I am restored to health, and gladly give my testimony In his behalf I reside at Silverton, Oregon, where I can bo addressed or referred to. C. AV. Uaiikhohst. Drs. Dnrrlii's Place of ItunliiFKS. Drs. Darrin can bo consulted dam- at tho Washinuton building, corner Fourth and Washington streets, Portland. Hours 10 to 5; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12. All chronic diseases, blood taints, Jfregulorities in .women, loss of vital power and early indis cretions nermanentlv cured, though no in references aro ever made in tho press con cerning such cases, owing to tho delicacy , of the patients Kxamlnatious free to nil, 1 bo sent free to anv nil- pi;-,,!,,-- ...mi i, frm. i circulars win do sent. iTeo dress. Charges for treatment according to patient's ability to pay. The poortreated free of chnrgo from 111 to 11 daily. All private diseases confidentially treated and cures guaranteed. Patients at a distance can be cured Wy homo treatment. Medi cines and letters sent without tho doctors' name appearing. CONSUMPTION SUKEI.Y CUItED. To Tint Editor: l'lcase Inform your readers that 1 have a posltivo remedy for tho above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured, I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy freo to any of your readers who havo consump tltm if they will send me their express aud post oftlce address. Kespeetfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl street. New York. Beware of imitations of the celebrated Seal -of North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco. iv Qermra for breakfast. Qnicura EVKKY HKIN AND PCAI.t" DI8KA8K, whether torturing, disfiguring, humiliating, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pini pi or blotchy, with loss of hair, from pimples to the inoit distressing eczemas, and every hu mor of the blood, whether simple, scrofulous or hereditary, Is speedily, permanently and eco nomically cured by the C'uticura Rkmkdiks, consisting of Cuticuua, the great skin euro, t!u TicuitA Soai', an ex(iilsl skin purifier and beaulifler, and Cuticuua Kksolvknt, ti-e new blond and skin purifier aud grcutcstnf nil humor remedies, when the best physlelansaudallnther rcmediea fall. This is sttotig language, nut true, 'lhuusandsof grateful testimonials from Infancy to age attest their wonderful, unfailing and in comparable ellicacy. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticuua, Me; Soai-, 25c; Kksolvknt, ?1. I'repaicd by Totter Drug aud Chemical Corporation. Boston, Mass. Send for " How to Cure tikln and Blood Dis eases." ifcsJ" Pimples, blackheads, chopped aud oilytSIt giT skin prcveuUd by Ci ticuka 8oai. 'ftl Itheumntlsm, kidney pains and muscu r weakness relieved In one, minute hv Iho Ci'ticuiia Anti Pain I'laktku. 'Jfe. To euro Biliousness. Slclt Ilendncho Constipation, Malaria. Liver Complaints, takn tho safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BEANS Uso tho SMALL BIZIC (40 little beans to tho bot tle. ). Thoy uro tho most convenient: suit aliases. I'rlcoof eltliet slo, i!5 cent per buttle. lflQQIMi ot 7 17. 70: t'hoto-gravuro. MaailllU panel blio of this plctuio for 4 cents (coppers or stamps). J V. SMITH A-CO.. Makers of "llllo Ilenns. BU Louis. Mo. Do You Weed lluttons? Wo havo over 1,800 gross of Dress, ('oat, Vest and Ladles' Cent lluttons, worth all the way from $1 a dozen down to 10 cents, whleh wo oiler In gross lots at SO, 40 aud M cents; think of that! tlO buttons for 0 rents. This year's st'li's let us sort up f gross for family, or Vi gross for dealers. Will never make sueh mi ofl'er again. Ladles' Linen Collars, 6c; Cull's, 6o pair, only in siiihII anil medium sizes; Herman Knit ting Yarn at 75u to H5e lb,, worth much more; add plenty for mailing; will return if over; It save time; and ask for JULY HOME CIRCLE. It is a complete list of nearly everything you use or need, and all at bottom city pilces. We waul to send you a sample cony; all we want Is your name aud address; no charge. Nmltli's C'uMlt Ntore, 418 front Street, N. V. FOR MEN ONLY! For LOBTorFAIUKQ MANHOODl Oenerol and NERVOUS DEBIXITYi Weiknei of Body and Kind, Effect of Errorsor Exoosus in Old or Yooor. Ksfeut. fttbUaiMIOOMrallr UUnd. lUwOnlsrf at U.ltS,.WKlK,l'SUfctHUrKUOK0iHSl'iUT8UKIDr. 4hulBl.lT S.t.lll.f IIOMK TKKATaKNT IUmIIi la dr. Uitll rraai iU BUUl u4 htnlt t'outritl. WHO U.aw IMMrtpllt Duk, islsoatla aa pfoara atlld (!) fraa, AMrM ERIK MKOIOAL CO., BUFFALO, N. V. i twMrtk aa full Ma doraa Bit O M th lr padfo tarthaeorulaeurt of this all, tt. H. IM 3 RA H AM, M. 9u AuuUttMm, X. T, We have sold Wg m la near rn, aid It kaa niton. C JLDTCn0 Cklaaw. m. B1.W9. aiaa, Faber's Golden Female Pills.. KorFemalo Irregular ttleis uothluglikethcm on tho market. Mever fail. Hucccstfiillyusod liy prominent ladle monthly, Guaranteed to relievo impprtiicxl menstruation. SUflEISAFE! CERTAIN! Don't ho humbugged. Havo Tlmo, Health, aud money ;tako no oth er. Bent to anr addres. secure by mall ou re ceipt of price, I'ltXl, Audrei, 1HE APHRO MEDICINE COMPANY, Western llranch, JloxCTd'OUTfcANlJ, OR' Bold by Wisdom JJeuo Co., 1'orlUnd Or. xFl HO a DATSH I amaMfa El XMaaltrtk Cures I1iomiti.y ..n Permanently RHEUMATI S JVC, I.umbuco, II-iidiiclic,Tootlinclie, NEURALGIA, Soro Thrnnt, S elllnns, 1'roM-Mtes, SCIATICA, Sprains, IlruUei, lturm, Scalds. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore. Ml O A Tf" ETMTC obtalno Kees inod- l M I IV I J crate. Information and advice KltKK, J. K I.ittkll, opp. Patent Olllre, Washington, 1). C. (Jfcntfon this pajxr). painless. rW LL3effectualT; WORTH A GUINEA A BOX For BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS Such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Fullness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness, and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy, Blotches on tho Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL CIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. BEE CHAM'S PILLS TAKEN AS DIRECTED RESTORE FEMALES TO COMPLETE HEALTH. For Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc.. thvy ACT LIKE MA0IC, Strengthening tho muscular System, restoring long-lost Com' pexlon, bringing buck tho keen edge of appetite, and arouniug with tho ROSEBUD OF HEALTH tho whole physical energy of tho human Iramo. Ono of tho best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated la that BEECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PROPRIETARY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. I'rotuirri! mill- III' TIKIS Iti:i:i'llA l. S. Itplpna. I.llllcuallllM. Eimlltttlt. Solil by Ini(i(tlt'rcnillii. B. F. ALLEN CO., 365 and 367 Canal St., New-York, Sols Acrnt for tlin United Kt.ntr. trAn (If inr driiKKistilors not kfcp them) WILL MAIL jikkuiiam'b on ni;uiillT or rmuic.Zictii. a iiua. imkntion this oraiu Season Opens for Trout April Isl TACKLE: MX23B&U&UXS 3 o D 03 aJ tJU H. T. HUDSON 98 JHret St., Portland, Or DKALIE IX Arms, Revolvers and Sportsmen's Good KXD rOK ItlW ILLUflTJLATKI) CAT A LOU UK. SWANTEO AT ONCE history of tho munlcrot E3lt CRONIIlfli Olvintr a full and cmnpleto accomitot the conepliacj munl'r.ilUcflvuryof tho-:ody,arr08ts,coroncr'Blnqunt. tho trial and vonllct. Tho book coatatna our 100 lllu.lr.. Hum. UaoUnro Hmo. volumnot bout6)pa(ro, prlct si; H.6n. OI ITITHKHVlflIlY. Hi'rtd, nt once. IS cent foronoutlititlnitcomo.llriitiirrvocl. niiaUllioolianeaot Tonrllfo-tlinoi lilirrnniinlMloii'). Adiln'in.I.AlKUJbLEl, toMWiM,oa-lU4 JtkioSixiit;ilejj, Hi. i n i; a i t. i'i:i:ic. I'ualllvely Ciireil lit Hi I'vueli'MnltiMiirrilea llnve curuii ihuusnniln ol cni l.'uiu iulli'iili iiro nounced IhiioI(!H by bo-l pliynlclniiH. Krinn lliU(ini rmptoma (linapii'nr, in leu Ur at leiialtwo-thlrrii all ajiiinUiiin rumnvod. fend Inr Iron lx.uk tunlin nims oi n luJraruloua cures Ton ilara' treiitmunt free br inlfn. Ir on order trial, aernl 10c, In miinpa to nir noitnsn. 1)11.11 II.IJ II KL.V .t HoNM.A tlan tu.lJii. If you order trial return tbli adrertlacnieut to ui. JHE SM0KEJ? Will havte ro other Jobacco Who once tries "SEUj OF GAp0LINy Plug Gut. Jhis is the secret of its Immense sale. MONEY Cm b mad eaiy ralilup: ChlckontCA Urge 32-pK9 Illvitr terT Catalogue d criblnc Incubaton, Broodert. Brooding Ilouicf . How and What to reed, How louf tokeep them In the Ilrooder. Drinking Konn tains, D 1 e a i and their Cure, In fad more Informattoa than li liven In many 2&ent booki. Bent i mm HUE to any addreM on re ceipt of 2o. itamp. wire Nottiuf, uoui Ullii, Boue Meal and all kind ol foaltry Buppllei. Ad dim, Pitiluii. 6al TAKE IT W.PrUNDER'S.. OnEQGN Blood Purifier ODIIEYLIVCR D:tEVlS, DYSPEPSIA. LPlliPu:aBi0Tcnfc5ANDi!N nrscAbxa JHEADAUIlt.'V fcUillYEHCSS. cMieitenTcn's cnqlish PENNYROYAL PILLS RED CROSS BIMHUnU HHnu. rureini rriitoie. ijiairs k Irnpcilt for thmmond Brand, la . rlM-.n TkLe u oth- r. AUptni lnpttboM boiM.plak wrtppr, art m anan MM A Mill nt-fVl t A. ST1.1 4f. (aitmpft) for prttuUrt, tetlmoolila aS rller fur I.luH, tn Ir, bj rrtrn mull. A'm lipt QTFINUAY KKASICH, l'EAHR OICINTVAT. a UKACII.Oablor. Koe rtlsh rianofljBurdettUrarans. Hand Instrumenta. Ijnyost etock of Sheet Jlusloand Hooka. Bands supplied at Eastern IViccs. MATTHIAS OKAY CO- 20(1 Post Streot San Francisco. The Wiley BHleiTMusic Store! Tho oldest and largest In the Northwest. Knabe, 8teck aud Hehr Bros. I'lauos. Karhuff Mouse-proof Organs. Publishers of The Mntlcal I'iutime, a journal of music (16 pages reading matter and 1G page music), Issued monthly.TSo per year; sample copy, ieic. Bend for catalogues. W1LKY 11. ALl.KN, ill First St., 1'ortland, Or. PANTSMADEtoORDER, 95, SO, 97, $8. Men's Suits to Order, $25 to $40. Fit Cuarantood. Scud 4 cents In stamps for samples and rules for self-uieHsuromcut. You can savo big money by dealing with me. Satisfaction guaranteed ARTHUR KOHIM, Clothior, Hattor and Tailor, coiinuk or Socotiil nnd IMorrlson StM., I'ortlund Or. Mention this paper.) Plump and rosy arc the babies living upon LACTATED FOOD Physicians prescribe it. Invalids use and relish it.. A picture of five cliarmlni; babies, alio valuable pamphlet, sent on application, Wuli.s, UiciURusoN & Co., llurlington, Vt. ASHJY ONE DIAMOND CAN DYE OVFS It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes Because so simple. It's safe to dye with Diamond Dyes Because alvays reliable. It's economy to dye with Diamond Dyes Because the strongest. ifou ought to dye with Diamond byes Because they are best. Our new book, " SucreMfu! Home Dyeing," givinz full direction! (or all usea of Diamond r)ye,crit free on application. Diamond Dyei arr told everywhere, or any color mailed on receipt of price, 10 cent. Wni.ui. KicMAiitHoN & Co., llurlington, Vt, THI 0BEAT 0VULAND X0OTX I Northern Pacific The ONLY LINK Running Pollmaa Pku leeplnir Oars, Majroiflcent l)ay Coache aud Klegant Emiftrant Bleeping Cars (with bertha free of charge) ritOM WA8niNGTON AND ORKGON POINTS TO T1IK KABT VIA St. Paul and Minneapolis. Transcontinental Una Tbe Only Itunnlutf PALACE DINING CARS. Meals 75c Jr"utct Tine liver Xado from tk Coast ever tbe NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. BIOOX CITY, " TCOUNOlL BLUVF BT. JOSKI'II, ATCHISON. IjKAVKN WOllTIt KANBAB CITY, UUltLlNQTON, OUINOY. BT. LOUI8. C1UOAUO, And alt points throughout the East and SmUv eaat, vU BU Paul and Minneapolis. THI ONLY XJHB KUNNHHI Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars KKTISX IXXQTU Of BOAD. And hauled oa regular Kxpreai Trains oyer Iks jutus ueuKin oi tae nonneni PaoUlo ItaUroad. A. D. CHARLETON, Asaiitant Oeneral Paaaenger Ageat, N. 131 Flrat St., Cor. Washington. I'OUTLAND, O11KQ0N. OPIUM AND MORriHNK HABIT c ii rid. Tr'-lf-iT JJljififil" tlally HddrM .iWDlAKA MINKKAIi MfKlWiW UU,. La Faykttic, Imp. Uox It, N, I, N. U. No, 343-H. F. . TJ.Nr M; At; A'. H