The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 01, 1890, Image 6

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'THUKSDAY, MAY 1, 1881).
Written for Til k Smut.
Wlmn I loft thonM hom''cad iii-1 mother,
Illjrh limned the brluhi lictn f my oy ;
But iiitlicr 'u .'iit hi'M been ihtfro.
And -:i v n rouuh mat f ir tue boy.
He cnulil count niHiiy day Mil! ot datknes,
Ami tii I in hi wl'-dan tfiiitc
'or lie l:inw 'Unix ii -pi"inlid old 'eMin,
Kir u b ' to busied in Unite!
Ah touch your harp jjen'ly mv maiden,
Ail' I lnjr mu ..mic -.mnei of tli
Fa.- I'm t'olnir to tut tli" k -hi iiiuiint-'in
A i i m ii ko n grand rd fiom it mint! !
K ..i-rt tin- slo.v plow will I follow
No more for the bird, nest I icek.
Forf'ilcimr. thonaypieen of the f.iot-IIflit
In a two dollar liox ut 'Vomiipic.''
No linen will I toil through tlic barret,
Where sweet "ecnted clover is strewn,
For I'll snort with fat nirn who weargla-e.H
In Hr light of the April ove moon.
Farewell, Oh von fanner hoys, toiling,
I'll think of you oft in my clreann,
For I'm (jo'nig uway to tho rctrion
Where gold, like the summer mui gleams.
For a wrck I've been rolling in pleasure
I run see why the ohljrcnt ua iiiniu
Oh Out! j ! on ii'iv weakness have pity.
For to nudit 1 am busted in liuttc!
I, on;; lank are my pocKctn and lomrur
The face that I wear through the town
I'm hutiqrv unit fain would he begging.
Hut the prhliMif my niiture siiy.s down.''
I ran s-otheold farm houu and kitchen
Where, nil of life's lileiiMircs are Hiiread
The mother that watched o'er tny childhood. ,
And sunt? me i-o sweetly to bod !
I can feci the warm Ihish of thtf .unet
That linked into gold the broad hky
1 enn hear the sott hre-ith of my brothers
As sweetly iu (.lumber they lie I
But I wake ! Here' a hand on my shoulder.
I turn lo Ml down, but I fail
"Move on" said the 'Cop" as he shook me,
H)r blast you I'll land you in jail."
Deep down in my pocket 1 wander.
But io all of my searching lliey 're mute,
Then 1 know, thotn;h the night wind is
I'm busu il this evening in Bntm!
And n thousand wild fancio mini) 'Hooding I
.My niliid wttii a Miranjjo wtiid iieimlit
1 sen the pint week Hit before me
As 1 stroll ilie i-old street in tho night !
I win sec inriiwiiy a sweet valley,
And a girl that is dearer Ihaii all,
For we've proiiit-eil to wed and be happy
When the auliimii leaves rip.-n mid fall.
And her soft eyes look down on my pathivay,
To light me with hope for n raise!
But Heaven! the streets are now crowded
And these are the daikest of days!
Ill the silence hnr old song comes ringing.
And thrills me like notes of a lute,
But everv bill be y.cpher Is whispciiug
"That fellow is bided iu Butte."
So tunc your harps softer thou angel.
And soothe this di op pain In mv brow
For I'd give ball' my interest In heaven,
For th.' old kitchen cupboard ju-i now !
The Old (iiianl if Hop- is iiiik) wavcihlg
The Xiipuh-o i of PaiL-neo is mute!
I never knew hardships before, boys,
Busted comp'eicly, in Butte!
But its nil hist lifetime they say boys,
All in a lifetime the say
Wo inav rideoit the high tore of I'otiinu
And fall down toilicilu't in a day!
So let the guy fellow with millions '
All day on Ills noisy liorn toot,
Wlio know bur what lie like niy-olf boys,
May ha bit' ted. to-morrow, iu Itutto !
Hilar W. IIrti.MA.s-.
Bi'TTK, Mont. A pill l-'l, "un.
Tho l.'ummervillo Annotntor Expcuas tho
Contemptible of tho La Granilo
Qasotto to Doocslvo tao rooplo.
Tlio Ktttnmcivilh) Annotutor in n
rcci'iit issuo sny: "Tho Iu flrundu
(!azot!o of wook before hist contained u
full pagu descriptive uiliclo on tlio
town df Union, written' by C. J. Jyoti.--,
tho traveling ciure.-pondout for thut
paper, who deserves credit for having j
written tlio, only truth tho Guzutlo has
published iu regard to Union and tho
court house tiiic.o thu onuhling nut
passed thu House. Air. Lyons stilted,
iu his dosciintivc art iclu, that tho court
liouso would bo good for lorviitu nt
louht nuolhur docudo. Whiuli ovory
body knows is true, ihtt thu (iuxolto
nuno out hut wofl: and thowed its
littli'iicifa, "ouo bjg mistithe,"initft'oblo
cilbrt to condemn thu building by 8ay.
ing: "Tim Union oouuty court houuo
is a dilapidated piecu of uroliiteoturo."
And that "Mr. Lyons of wroto
tho article from Mio sumo midpoint
as r. eitixeu of Union would." Yon, or
iu other wotxlu, from thu sumo stniui
point as any honost lax-payer iu Union
county would.
Fortunately the average readors of
nowspnpoiH iu Union county can seo
through a millstono when it has a hole
in tho oeiitur, ami tho deceptive howl
of th (Jam tt to eondunm thu court
hoiiMi will huvo hut little otlbct; it is
too gunny to duvivo anybody.
The Uncotte will probably soon
after tlu .lune ekotion that tho Union
county funniTu and tax-payers, at loast,
ato nut all idiots and fools. They are
intelligent unoitgh to diguuru thu falto
from the t mi. They 1: now it wolf iu
hheep' clothing when they sue otto,
oven u thoy would tueogniiw an asu
after hu Iiud donned a lion's hido.
Tho oars Will aUplt out,"
Tiie l'irt atop.
l'crl.i.pi. "i u. run down, ntu't out,
enn't Hb ep, can't think. cn't do iiuythlng
to your sati-fiii-tloii, mid yuu Wonder ulmt
alls you. Yui -lioiibl howl the warning,
you are tnl.lnj: the Hrt Up Into Kurvous
Vronn 'l .o. Y u need a Nuno Tonic and
hi Kkvi'-K Hitler, you will Ibid the exact
rciuidv fot rosturiiitt yodr iitrvoi ydUm
to (Is In a tbv co.ulltiun. ttrpris.
iiijf rt'ults lullon the use of thl great
NlTVI' T u .nd Alteriiallvc. Yo.irHppc
lite ri't 'i ."I M.v tiou is r. -.ii-. d, itinl
tho M it K .l-i. . rviiii)'' t ' liv ac
tion, 1 .i 'i c I'rl. ft i, .i. Ii.uvn
drug store. I i. hi.i I'tvg n.
Facts Furnished by the
Estimated Value of School Bousss Tho
Average Tax Le7j
Enrroit Oiir.oo.v Scout :
The following comparisons of figures
will prove interesting to those of your
leadeis who are interested in the wel
fare of our public school system.
They are taken from my annual report
to tho .Superintendent of Public In
struction. Tho number of persons in Union
county between tho nges of -1 and 20
drawing public money during tho
school year ending March 188'J was
.1,10:J, during tho year ending Mnrch
1890 was 3,805. The number enrolled
in the public schools in 1888-89 was
2,288, in 18S9-90 was 2,r)GG. Tho
number attending under six years of
ago in 18S8-89 was !)8, in 188IMI0
was 202. Tho average daily attend
ance throughout tho county in
1888-39 was 1,570, in 1889-90 was
During the school year of 1888-S9
about 08 teachers were employed in
teaching our public schools, receiving
as compensut on for their labor the
sum of '?I8,l!i0,'i5; during the year
18&9-U0 about 75 teachers were em
ployed icceiving $20,17'! ,51. For the
year 1888-S9 tlio number of teaeheis
holding first grade certificates was 9
males and 9 females; holding second
grade, 11 males and 18 females; hold
ing third grade, 7 males and (5 females.
For tho year onding 1889-90 thu num
ber holding first grade certificates was,
15 males and l.'l females; holding
second grade, 12 males and 11 females ;
holding third grade, 5 males and 11
Tho estimated value of school houses
and grounds for 1888-89 was fllm-l,
and for 1889-90 was .'0.12S,.15. The
estimated value of apparatus, maps,
globes, charts, etc, was for 1888-89
100, and for 1SS9-90 was $ 1,251. 20.
The wholo amount of insurance on
school houses for 1883-89 was $ 1 1 ,5090,
and for 1889-90 was !?1 -1,900.
Thero are six graded schools in the
county, employing eighteen teaeheis
and attended by 9117 pupils.
AW districts in tho county are sup
plied with suitable recoid books. Tho
total number of districts iu tho county
is 02, 20 of which arc supplied with
Webster's Unabridged dictionaries us
compared with seven for thu preceed
ing year.
The average levy in districts voting
taxes iu 1888-S9 was 5 mills and in
1SS9-90 was 8.1 mills. Tho amount
raised by district tax for 1888-S9 was
2901.85, and for 1889-90 was $9,905.
l!l. Tho amount of the county school
fund for 1889-00 was not so largo as
for 1S88-89 owing to t'ui fact that the
assessment of property in the county
for 1889 did not, increase so much
proportionately over tho previous
year as did the number of peivons. be
tween thu ages of l and 20 drawing
public money.
Tho total receipts for 1SS8-S9 were
!?20,U)7.9:i, and for J 889-90 were $11,
0O;,.O2. The amount paid for school
furniture for '88-89 was 1?1 lO.IH), and
for '89-90 was :? 1,32 1. 2-1. The amount
paid for building school houses for
'88-89 was if (i 1(5.0.'), and for 'SO-90 was
ff2,52(i.fl5. Tho total amount paid out
for 'SS-S9 was $22,51.1.05 and for
'89-90 was.'f2S,900.51.
Tho amount of tho county school
fund now iu the hands of tho county
tteasurer is somothing near thu satuo
as distributed last year and as there
aro 1(52 porsons butwoeu thu ages of -1
and 20 more this year than there were
last tho apportionment per eapitn will
nuueessarily be smaller.
lly a careful study of tho above
figures it will bo found that our public
schools for tho year last passed have
made an advancement of which wo
all should fool justly proud.
.1. L C.VUTIilt,
Jiohool ihipt.
Uoomt lioomll Boomlll
Ho quick if you want u tlrt class
bargain iu city or country property
(Wu'll loan you money to buy with.)
Now is tho time, (let there "Mi."
You'll doublu your money tho llrt
month, (hill on Wihou it lluckett,
manugmu Union Koul 1-Mato Astocia
tiou. Thu "Mi" gets thoru ovory timo,
distancing all competitors, and whilu
the Havana I'ro&i Drill mid Xlg-KoL'
tui-h hitrtow omi'i got thero "Mi"
they ulw.i th'-re in a ory witis-
iii-tiiry umih.'it. fall on Frank llrus.
mpli lit Co. at Li (irnii'U ur Ulitml
Ctty and t'orwin l Colli num. v lnion,
niOH VALL27.
Borne ExccHont News noma ana Pointers nut" f!irr.-n?inT7'i- ivnm'l.'
by Our Corranpondeat, "Hosio,
The. fanners nil have their crops
i planted.
I The school act abolishing the right
of thu Kuiuiin Catholics to havo sep-1
! crate schools and obliging all classes i
of tho community to patronize the
' national secular schools was passed by
the Manitoba legislature on thu 19th
inst. Why cannot tlio United States
follow suit and put a crusher upon the
worst evil of our land, that of teaching
the youth absolution of sin by ihe pay
ment of dollai and cent?.
Ifniv nnlhLi n v.-ntil i.i- fwn of mm.
, 1 , . , , .1 W MaVann. It F Fullerton. S W Beers,
pathy are and yet how priceless they ; i Anstcad. O F Stcen. James Hasman, .las
,,,,. lmcome How e wv to lie "in- ' 'unninchain. Geo O Xeweonih, II IJobcrt
nu littomt. now (.is., io ot nt.t ( k , rj-AllM.rjion jus .j S,ua. y Pickering
cious and vet how fur reaching the i .1 W Nicholson, B F l'icrce. JC Bedninn,
rnlt V sent tin- 1-itnlK- i'ri'I'inm Martin .Smith, .1 1' JikIkc, Ucortco Fry, .1 B
results. o f-uittei kinui. grccjngs I jiuplcSi Cm iiiiinennan. A Kippes, O W
hero and there as we lournev on life's j HoMino. Freeman Bannon, Win Norton,
, . . , .. . , . . , .lainosIakev, lluuli Curran, T Burdett,
roadway and lo! they spring up bright ! iM U'ash. S' M Giilmor, 1' W C.allaghor.
ilowors to gladden some sad, weary ! John Bawdin
wayfarer. Yo perform thoughtlessly,
now and again, trivial services of cour- i
tcsy anil forget them, out thuy slime
glittering stars to cheer the midnight
Often have the remarks been made
about our town and city business men.
It is a great enor and u sad mistake for
farmers and others to bo led into the
notion that the business men in their
town are their enemies, or that they
are reaping groat profit. As iv matter
of fact tho average merchant finds it
pretty hard squeezing to get along,
pay his bills, and pay his help. Yet,
many a customer has been helped over
a. tight place by being furnished goods
on time till tho crops came in. When
a subscription paper is started to build
roads or help the unfortunate man who
has been burned out, it soon finds its
way to town. Xow suppose you close
up every store in town but one, how
much would it improve the valuo, of
your farm? What would it benefit
the fanners if all competition were
done away with? The fact is, the inter
ests of tho farmers and business men
aro identical and ho who attempts to
prejudice one against tho other is a
disturber of tho confidence) that should
bo mutual between all honest men.
Judge Foe Docldss for tha Plaintiff in tho
Caco or Geo. Ilahn vs. Baker City Lodge
A. F. & A. M.
Tho ease of Geo. Hahn vs. the llaker
City Lodge, A. F. it A. M., taken un
der udvifceinent by .ludge .las. A. Fee,
was decided last evening in favor of
the plaint ill". Tho ease is of some in
teiest. It appears that thu property
iu disputu, fifty feet, front, in Baker
City, with a building thereon, was
sold to (ico. Hahn, a commercial man,
but that only tho lower story of tho
building was included iu the trans
action, tho upper story being sold to
the defendants in the case. Tho build
ing burned down in the recent lire and
I lahn contended that all tho inteiest
of the lodge in tho building or property
was destroyed by the conflagration,
and brought suit" to establish his sole
title to tlio property. The Lodge
contended, as a portion of tlio walls
were standing, that Hahn was obliged
to restore his portion of the building in
order that thoy could rebuild tlio up
per story, owned by them before tho
lire. The case was argued in Cham
bers not long ago, and decided as
stated. It will probably bo appealed.
Hast Oregonian.
I do not holiovothat
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
has an equal as u euro
for Scrofulous Hu
mors, It is pleasant
to tako, gives strength
to tho body, and pro
duces u mora perma
nent result than any
medicine I over used.
E. Haines, North
Limlnlc, Ohio.
I havo used Ayor'a
Sarsaparilla, iu my
family, for Scrofula,
and know, if it is
takou faithfully it will
thoroughly cradleato
this terrible disease.
W. F. Fowler, M.D.,
Greenville, Teuii.
I-'or forty years I
havo suffered with
Erysipelas. I havo
tried various remedies
for my complaint, but
found no relief until
I t'ouuunucod using
Canker, and
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Alter taking ten bot
tles ot this medicine I
urn completely cured.
M. C, Atnesbury,
Boekport, Mu.
I havo sutiered, for
years, from Catarrh,
which was so suvoro
that It destroyed my
appetite and weak
ened my 8 ys to m.
ftor trvlni: other
remedies, without re
lief, I began to take
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
and, In a few months,
was cured. Susau L.
Cook, '.toil Albany St.,
Boston, Mass.
Can be
cured by
the blood
Avor's Sarsnnarllla
Is superior to any
blood piulllor that I
over tried. I bavo
taken it fur Scrofula,
uunicor, ami Mtit
Bhouin, and received
much lioiiettt from it.
It is good, also, for
a wealc stomach.
Millie Jane Polrce, S.
iirailfont, Mass. It
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Prepared by Pr.J.C, Aycr &Co. ,I.o well, M.
Pried Sit alx bottle. 83,
rctltlcin For Ijlijuor I,lcenc.
j JTI "J 'nh
I i .. i ....... ..t t
tv court of I'nioii county, state of Oregon,
for a lieiiise to sell spirituous, malt a ml
vinous lliiuors in less ipiantltics thmi one
gallon iu (Jornucopin precinct, in said coun
ty, for the period of one year, said appli
cation to be male on the i:tth day of May,
lt?)0. T.C. SHEA.
To the Honorable I'ounty court of I'nion
I county. Oregon:
We the undersigned voters of Cornucopia
; precinct in said county, would respectfully
in tiiion your honorable body to frra.U a
i licctisf. to'T. C. Nbea to sell spirituous, unit
and vinous liquors iu less quantities than
i otic gallon at I lie: town of Cornucopia, in
said r.ounty and state, and in duty bound
1 vuur petitioners will ever pray:
; ' C W Wood. S Cox. 1) V Tiec. X I) Bolev.
.1 T Bollcw, Thoi Turner, A II Olid well.
Thos l!abbhn.'toii, l'at .Shea. T (t .Shopimrd,
Chas Keller. Thomas Murrav, Don Soldini,
! I .V O'Mcnru. .1 A Oerbrieh. .1 A Burch, A
.1 BlaillOltist. (j .1 Bltsiek. S A Cllnilil
tition for
Liquor I.tcense.
the undersiL'iied will apply to the Hon
orable County Court of I inon county,
state of Oregon, on thu 5th day of May.
IS!), for a license to sell spirituous, malt
and vinous liquors in !es quantities than
one gallon, in the precinct of Cornucopia,
In said county and state, for the period of
six month", vis: from tbellth dav of May,
To the Honorable County Court of I'nion
County, Oregon :
We the undersigned voters of Cornucopia
precinct in said county. Would respectfully
petition your honorable body to firant a
license to' Dill it Brown to s'cll spiritous.
ninR and vinous liquors in less quantities
than one gallon, for tho period of six
months, in Carnucopia precinct, in said
county and state, and in duty bound your
petitioners will ever pray:
M Walsh, Hunli Curran. OeoO Newcomb,
.las Maekey, Pat Shea. ChasShumiin, .1 C
Redman, B F Pierce. J Cox, .1 WNiebolson,
N I) Bole,-, SMCilinorc, 1' W Gallagher.
J b Alberson. S W Beers, J F Buyer, A II
(iidwell, -las Ciinnmidiam, Dom Soldini,
Chas Cochran. It F Fullerton. J T Holies,
S A Ocrbricli, Thos Boomer, William Nor
ton. T S Secpard. David McDonald, D W
Tiee, J W MeCann. WT Burdett. S A Cun
liiiiKham, 13 Cochran, John Dunston. A
Birns, O W llolstine, Pat Murphy. JasJ
Shea. C W Woods, Thomas Murray, Alex
I.a'iil. Act .Mine .'I, 181
For l'lililleat Ion.
U. S. Lami Oi Kii i:, L.v Cli:.Nir:. Okkuok, 1
March 20, IMW. f
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June II, 1S7.S, entitled "An act for the -ate
timber lands in the states of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritory,'' Itoliert Ilnri-ts,
of North Powder, county of Union, state of
Oregon, has this day tiled in this otllce his
sworn statement No. 17;t, for the purchase
or the V.y. NK'4 of Section No. 0, in Town
ship No. 7 S, Bange No. .'8 E, and will oiler
proof to show that the laud sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said hind before the register and
receiver of this otllce at I.a Grande. Oregon,
on Monday, the nth, day of June, 1890.
lie names as witness's: W, W. Kills,
James A. Hutchinson, Joseph U, Carroll
and Dave Beverage, all of North Powder,
Oregon. ,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
file their claims in this otllce on or before
said Uth day of June, INK).
Ilnxuv UiNr.u.uiT,
t-:!-wl0. ltegister.
Not ten I'tu- rubUciition.
ind Olllee at L't Grande, Oregon I
' . April I), lfilttl. l
Notice is hereby given that the following
I named settler has tiled notice of his inten-
tiou to make final proof in support of his
claim, ami that said proof will be made be
I fore tlie register and receiver at La Grande,
' Oregon, on May 1!8, 1S!)0. viz:
Aillli It. Tuttie,
I Hd. No. 1511, for the SWJf Sec 20, Tp. 1 N,
11-10 E.
He names the following witne-ses to
prove his eontinuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, vix:
, Jes-e L. Iliudman, Jacob Hrugger, J. It.
Tucker and Charles L. Harris, all of Elgin,
l Oregon.
Anv nerson who desires to nrotest atrainst
j the allowance of such proof, or who knows
i oi any substantial reason, uniiertiic lawami
! the regulations of the Interior Department.
I why such proof should not bo allowed, will
be given an opportunity at tlie uuove men
tioned time and place to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler
evidence In rebuttal of that submitted bv
Hi:xitv Hixr.ii a ut.
-t-17-uri. Uegi.ter.
Notice I'm- Publication.
Land Otllce at La Grande, Oregon.)
April l' 1HM). i
Notice is hereby given that tlie following
liumcd settler has filed notice of her inten
tion to commute and inside limit proof hi
support of her claim, ami that said proof
will be made before the register and rrcei vci
at La Grande, Oregon, on May 2:1, 1Mi), viz:
lliiunii liiiluell,
Hd. No. -HfiO, for the W'4 SE'4 Soc. 22,
NWK NEW and NEU N VK Sec. 27, Tp.
t S, B. 10 E, W. M.
She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon anil
cultivation of, said laud, viz:
C. C. Bidwell. Win. Porter, Maggio P.
Ames, and Edward Kiddle, all of Union,
Any person who desires to protest against
tho nflnwauco of such proof, or who knows
of any siihftantial reason, under tlielaw and
the regulation- of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and (ilace to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
Hknkv Uim'.iiaiit.
l-17-w(l Begister.
Notice or I'oifelture.
Cornucopia, Union county. Oregon i
Feb. 2ft. 1MX). i
To Jamus PAiuwiuTumi asp Ja.mks H
You and each of you aro hereby notii-.l
that John McPaddon has uxpendeii tn
hundred dollars in labor on the "Nettle
mine, situated in the Granite Mining Dis
triet, Union county, Oregon, in order t
hold said prcmbos under the lirovi.-imis t
Sec ir.'l. revl-ed statutes of the United
States, being the amount required to hold
the -aiiie or the year omlliiK Doc. .'11 , Psp,
and If within ninety days f nun the scru
of this notice you fail or refuse to coutrib
ute your proportion of such expenditure as
Mich co-owner, your intercut In stii.l claim
will boeomv tho property of tho mib-eribi i
undsr wild oiwtlmi StsUi.
Notice For lulillcn:i n.
Land Orrn-K at La Ui:mi . n . (-.'
A p 1 -0, 1w '
TOTICJ? 1 Iir.i:eBY .IV.f.N Til . .
l. the follovviii.--n..llu-i settT lias tiled
notice of intin'i ni t make flnnl proof
in support of hi- chiim. n'i l thnt said proof
will no nia'te iiei-re ;n.-
e (iTin recpiv
o:i Juno t)ih,
I er a l i.-i t'l uiuu ,
I 1830, y:t.
... i i
C. 'Ilarstn.
; P. S V. for the." SWV 9n. 11,
I and N', N X' site. 14. Jp. 7 li, K. 41
W. M.
! He names the following witwews to
i prove his e.mtlmioiis re-b'.encc upoa and
j cultivation oh snid land, viz:
I (ip'ra.'l., It.iwman. C.-rus Birnos, fla
il or W. I am, and (i-or.-o K Cirpe, ail of
jleol"-al s-prrngs. urpjr-ui.
Any pprson whodeslres to protest aain ,
the allowance "f such proof, orwho knows
oi any sniistrtiiuai reinon, uimer me inw ami
the rejrulatior.s. of the Inierlor Department,
why such proof should not be nllowvd, will
be given an opjortunity at. the abore men
tioned time and place to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
claimant. Hkxivy RiNKinnT,
o-l-wtl BeKlster.
Notice For I'uW! cation.
Land Ofi'ick at Li Ohaskb. Oiieook,)
March 17. 1800. t"
S the following named .jttler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made belore ihe register and receiver
nt La CJramle. Oregon, on May !, 18tK,
Wlllinm M. Stoker,
III), No. M.V. for tho NEK.NWK
NKqr. and NKqr. NWqr, Section 1'.', Tp 5, S,
11 -HI K.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his eontinuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, vix:
C. II. Clark. C, V. Bobbin, Stephen Con
nor, F. M. Badger, all of Cnlon, Oregon.
Any person who dr'Jres to protest
against the allowance Of such proof, or
who knows of any substantial reason under
the law and tlie regulations of the Interior
Department, whv such proof should not
be allowed, will be given an opportunity at
tlie above mentioned time aiid place to
cross-examine tlie witnesses of said claim
ant, and to ofFer evidence in rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant..
2-i;i-w(! Begister.
Timber T.nuil. Act .limn 3, 187S Notice
I-'or Publication.
U. S. Land Olllce, La Grande, Oregon, )
March 11, lS'JO. f
Notice is hereby given that iu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June :, 187S. entitled "An act for' the
sale of timber lands iu the states of Cali
fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory." Edward ltcmillard of Union,
county of Union, state of Oregon has this
dav II fed in this otllce his sworn statement
No. 170. for the purchase of the Ss SW'H
and NWH SW'H of Sec 3."., and Sia; SK'-,
Section .'ft in Town-hip Nol S Kange No 40 E
and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for it- timboi or
stone than fur agricultural purposes, and
to establi-h hl claim to said land before
the register and receiver ot this oflice at
La Grande, Oregon, on Fndav the 2.'lrd dav
of May. lbtiO.
He names as witnesses; E1, Jarvis,
Wade Shelton, George Ames and George
Simmons, all of Union. Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
the above-de-eribed lands are requested to
lile their claims in this otlieo on or before
said LMrd day of May. ISM).
IIl'.MtY Bl.VEllAllT.
JM'O-wlO Begister.
Timber r.antl, Act. Juno It, 1 K78 Notice
For Publication.
U. S. Land Ollicc, La Grande. Oregon,)
March 1.'!, lS m. i
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tho act of Congress
of Juno II, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the
Mile of timber lands iu the States of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritorv,'' Edward Jarvis. of Union, county
of Ciiiou, state of Oregon, has this day
tiled in this i.tllee his sv, orn spttemeiit No
170, for tho purchase of the NE'jSEi-f ot
Section No. ."l, in Township 4 S, Bange No.
40 E, and will ofl'er proof to -ho-.v hat the
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said laud before
the rcgi-ter and receiver of tins office at
La Grande, Oregon, on Fridav, the 2!!rd
day of May, LSI).
l'lo names as witnesses: Edward Ttem
illard, Wudn Shelton. George Ames and
George Simmons, all of Cnlon. Oregon.
Any and all licrson-i c aiming adversely
the above described lands, are requested to
lile their claims in this orllee on or before
said 2.".rd day of May. 1S00.
3-20-wlO Begister.
I'etltldii for I.iijim:- l,teuie.
JS the undersigned will apply to the Hon
orablo County Court of Cnion county, state
of Oregon, for a lieenso to 5-ell spirituou.-,
malt and vinous lipiorr in loss quantities
than one gallon, for a period of six mouths,
in the precinct of Cornucopia, iu said eoiin
tv and state, beginning from Mav 13, 1-0 i.
To the Honorable County Court of I'nion
County, Oregon :
We the undersigned voters of Oornu-opla
precinct, in said county, would respectfully
petition your honorable body to grant a li
cense to Cunningham fc Gallagher to sell
spirituous, malt and vinous liquor.- in le-s
quantities than one gallon, for a period of
six mouths, at the town ot Cornucopia, iu
said countv and state, and In duty bound
your petitioners will ever pray:
Geo t) New comb, SheaJ Charles Shu
nian, Tho- Turner. M Walsh. M B Brown,
Hugh Curi-nn, C W Wood, It F Fullerton,
S M Gllmor, Lawrence Punier, F Ballard,
Geo McAuarama. Dom Soldini, B F Pliric,
(i us Shepherd, Bobt rt Kellv, llenrv ileutle,
Chas Shellcr. N D Bolev, L J Bu-ick. Jas
Seimon. A H GlldweM. J F Hover, M C
Keliy, J C Beduian. K, Pat Murphv.
.lABiiu-li, II IEuIk r:.-,n, Martin Smith,
William Norton, John Wild. no Magann.
John D Neil, George Ten . ) V T.i o. Dan
iel McDonald, A!. Mi l-m..ld. James
Mornn. Frank G.-ll i -'n i . i. ' bran, A
Birns, A J Blaaniqui-t, K- n- . Jolni
DuiiKtan, Thomus Mu ra, - NiebolMui.
Jas Macl.y. XIonriM- I i i.k-. li V Hulktinn.
llllr pllian, S A t'iintiinir':iilii W s Wil
son, I Oni-t-ad, A J Ni. t s - ; -. nr-.ieui
.1 W M- hoi ...ii. J i-Mi. .1, M I'i.'iru.g,
FreeniH" B iniu.u s i -. . -. :
The Great Trade Cen
ter of Grande
And tho distributing point for Union
and Wallowa counties.
The .1 unction of Two Great Iiailroad
Systems, the Union Pacillc Oregon
Iv'ailway and Navigation, and the Nor
thern Pacific Oregon and Washing
ton Territory or "Hunt System."
Of all the nourishing towns and cities
in Union county ELGIN is the only
one that enjoys the distinguishing fea
ture of occupying a beautiful site in
the center of a" valley, making it mon
arch, absolute, of the situation.
Is surrounded on the cast south and
west by the greatest wheat grow
ing country on tlie Pacific coast and
will be connected, direct, with oceat'
transportation on Pugct sound.
Is surrounded by foothills of the Blue
mountains that are covered from base
to summit with a dense growth of pine,
fir and tainarac timber that can only
be equalled on Puget sound.
lias Water Power of sufficient capacity
to supply unlimited manufacturing,
and arrangements aro now being made
for tho erection of extensive grist and
saw mills and other manufacturing in
dustries. Is surrounded by low foothills that
have proven to be the best fruit-growing
land in Eastern OrcgoiK Being
entirely free from tlio sweeping winds
that prevail in other sections, the snow
lies on the ground all winter, a sure
guarantee of good wheat and fruit
Can bo supplied at nominal cost
witli pure, sparkling, cold water from
Pliillipps creek, for domestic use, irri
gation and protection against lire.
Possesses every clement and facility
required to make it the leadin'g me
tropolis of two rich counties, and that
its growth will be phenomenal as soon
as tho railroads are in rapid progress
of construction, is tlie opinion of all.
All Opportunity for
Persons of Limit
ed Means!
Tlio Union Ecal Estate and Mining
Exchange is ofl'ering lots in their ad
ditions at nominal prices ranging from
j S?i0 to $50. Terms, 2.") per cent, cash
and $5 per month payments. Tlie
' price of lots will lie raised 10 per cent,
j on tlio loth of each month during tlio
J year.
It is the belief of all who have investi
gated that the valuo of lots in Elgin,
will incrcaso from two hundred to one
thousand fold within the present year..
Tlio right timo to get hold of a few
lots in tlie right place, on tho "ground
floor" prices, is right now.
Communications by letter or other
wise, will recoivo prompt attention,,
and selections will bo mado for parties
in thUmunnor with special care.
Tlie Union Real Es
tate and Mining
Is a corporation capitalized nt $20,--000,
with.? lli.OOO paid up capital. Hon..
1). W. Lichtonthulor, profcidont; Hon..
L. II. Uinuliart, vico-prosidont; S. A.
Pursol, treasurer; K. S. McComus sec
retary. OF PICK : Two doors north of Cun-t-miiiil
Parties desiring to buy ar gall roal
estate pie-'- oil mi or addrofs
U. S. Mi COMAS, Union, Or.
Soo'y. I'. U. K. A M. &v. ,