The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 01, 1890, Image 3

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"What the Democrats of the
State Ilaye to Stand on.
, nn amendment to tho Federal consti-EIGHT-HOUR
SCHEME INDORSED, j ttittoii pn.xidin fur the election of
I r . . i . . . r il . . 1
A Wish That Home-Rulo for Ireland Will
ba Triumphant rennoyer Indorsed.
The Democratic party of the State of
Oregon, in Convention assembled, re- i
now their pledges to Democratic prin
ciples and enunciate the" following
declarations :
First Wo congratulate tho Demo
cratic party in this and othor States
upon the signal victories achieved in
tho last general election in Iowa, Ohio
and Rhode Island, and in the munici
pal elections held recently throughout
the Union ; and we hail their results
as tho certain harbinger of tho party
which, championing tho cau&e of spe
cial interests and privelcgcd classes, is
bound together by tho cohesivness of
public plunder, and of tho profer
ment of that which has ever stood for
the equal rights of tho whole people.
Second We denounce the. fraud by
which tho people of Montana were
deprived of their right of representa
tion in tho - United States Senate by
Senators of their choice.
Third We believe in equeal rights
to all and special privileges to none,
and therefore favor a tarifl'for revenue,
limited to tho expences of tho govern
ment economically administered, be
lieving that more than this is class
legislation, and is especially detrimen
tal to tho interests of tlio farmers and
laboring classes.
Fourth We arraign tho party in
power for its utter disregard of all the
pledges made to the people, whereby
its ascendency was secured at the last
national election ; and especially do wo
condemn tho bill now pending before
the House of Representatives as an
aggravation of existing evils.
Fifth Wo condemn the attempt of
the .Republican majority in Congicss
to reduce tho surplus in tho Treasury
by squandering and misappropriating
tho same, and we especially denounce
the attempt to appropriate a portion of
bucIi surplus which belongs to the
whole people to tho payment of a
bounty on sugar, which compels the
many to pay direct tribute to the few.
Sixth We denounce the action of
Speaker Reed in counting as voters
Democratic Representatives who had
not voted upon pending measures and
in declining to recognize such Repre
sentatives upon the floor of tho
house; tho one as in conflict
with rights accorded to the minori
ty by all political parties since
tho organization of our government,
the other as utterly inconsistent with
freedom of speech and equality of re
presentation. Seventh Wo ro-aflirm tho position
which has ever been maintained by the
Democratic party that gold and silver
are equally the peoples money; wo are
opposed to all measures of discrimina
tion against silver, and demand free
coinage to supply the needs of busi
ness; and that all money issued by the
government bo legal tender for all
debts both public and private.
Eighth We direct tho attention of
the voters of Oregon to tho record of
tho Democratic party upon tho sub
ject of Chinese immigration ; and wo
demand tho strict enforcement of tho
Scott exclusion act, and tho passage
by Congress of further rigorous legisla
tion which will prcvont Chineso enter
ing our territory by evasions of the
Ninth That we not only favor tho
forfeiture of tho Northern Pacific land
grant from Wallula to Portland, but
we also favor the immediate uncondi
tional forfeiture of all unearned land
grants and tho restoration of lands to
tho public domain.
Tenth Tho gratitude of a generous
peoplo and a wise national policy alike
demand that tho government should
provide with a liberal hand for tho wants
of those who suffered by wounds and
diseabc in tho late war, and likewise of
such dependent persons as woro de
prived of their natural protectors and
supporters. Rut it should bo remem
bered that in this behalf wo have al
ready been liberal beyond procedont in
tho civilized world, and wo insist that
in legislation and administration touch-
i. 1 1 I l
ing pension uuuire, regura uo uuu iu
honorable past torvico and present j
meritorious neooesity. e aro op
jMised to all measures which draw
no distinction butwoeu the voters n in
tl.o Hold and tho camp follower or ad
venturor in tho rear as involving a
cruel wrong to tho soldier and a wan
ton waste of tho people's money.
Eleventh Wo urge upon Congress
the passage of such appropriations and
I the adoption of such mcnsuros as will
toml most sjwtlily and effectively to
open the Columbia and Willamette
rivers to free navigation.
Twelvth We favor the adoption of
cciiaior ny Mireci vote 01 in pwpit .
j Thirteenth Tho ame impulse which
. impels us to zealously uphold the rights
! of the States at home prompt us to
; hope for the establishment of homo
rule for li eland.
i fourteenth ueing proiountiiy nn-
pressed with the conviction that the
! chief pillars of our Republican form of
government are an enlightened yeo
manary and a free and honest exer
cise of the elective franchise; we pledge
the Democratic party of tho State of
Oregon to the cordial support and ad
vancement of our excellent common
school system ; to the passage of effect
ive laws for the prcventation of the
corrupt use of money in elections and
the enactment of such measures as
will secure to every voter the right to
cast a ballot framed in accordance with
the dictates of his own conscience. We
unqualifiedly urge tho adoption in this
stateof the Australian system of voting
and the passage by the legislative assem
bly of the bill drawn by the Rallot Re
form League of Oregon.
Fifteenth We arc in favor of the
regulation of raihoads and other trans
portation agencies by law.
Sixteenth We condemn the extrav
agance of the last legislature whereby
the taxes of the people were greatly
increased; the expenditure of $10,000
for clerk hire (a large portion of which
was paid for services never performed)
and tho scandal growing out of the
"clerk system" introduced by tho
Republican party calls loudly for re
form. Seventeenth Wo approve of declar
ing eight hours a legal day's labor in
factories, mines and workshops and up
on public works ; and wo also favor laws
giving the laborer a first lien on tho
pioduct of his labor.
Eighteenth Wo denounco the con
vict contract system as it now exists
and arraign the Republican party for
having fastened it upon the State to
the detriment of our honest labor.
Nineteenth Wo favor such State
legislation as will require tho election
of an inspector of weights and meas
urers and legislative provision for the
appointment of sanitary and building
inspectors in incorporated cities.
Twentieth We point with pride to
tho wise, conservative and clean ad
ministration of Governor Sylvester
l'onnoyer, and to tho scrupulously hon
est management of tho financial de
partment of tho State under Treasurer
George W. Webb, and we com mend to
the electors of this commonwealth a
continuance of the existing order of
affairs with a confident assurance that
it nierits, and will receive their cordial
Twenty-first Wo emphatically de
clare it to be the onse of the Demo
cratic party of tho Stuto of Oregon
that in his veto of tho bill passed by
tho last legislative assembly, known as
tho l'ortland water bill, based upon tho
oxemption from taxation of tho bonds
therein provided for, Governor l'on
noyer oxercised a wise and commend
able uso of the constitutional preroga
tive vested in tho executive, and upon
the question thereby raised wo pledgo
him our unqualified active support.
Uccllulng Chair Cars
Paclfle System.
via Union
Train No. -1, "Tho Limited Fast
Mail" leaving Portland on the Union
Pacific System at 7 A. Jt. daily, in ad
dition to Pullman Palace and Colonist
Sleopors and Dining Cars, is also
equipped with elegant free Reclining
Chair Cars, both first-class and Colon-
'iot, which run through from Portland
to Chicago without change.
Roth first-class and Colonist Chair
Cars aro furnished with Reclining
Chairs of the latest improved pattern ;
are fitted up with smoking rooms,
lavatories for both ladies and gentle
men, and are lighted by gas.
All classes of passengers aro carried
in these cars without additional charge.
Passengers desiring tho quickest
time and bust possible service from
Portland and tho northwest to all east
ern points, should purchase their tick
ets via tho Union Pacific System
Their Agents will tuko pleasure iu
furnishing rates, tickets, through bag
gago checks, detailed information, etc.,
upon application.
,,.. H ... t,.a
u,lViuna RroM Drill and tho Zig-Zng
all steolo harrow with tho improve
ments made for 1800, make tho
bot and must satisfactory outfit
of spring farming implement now
offered iu this market. For sale by
Fruk Iin. Implement Co.. at Im
Graiuii, or Maud City, and Corwin O.
Coffin berry Union.
A Party to be Given by the
Ladies, Saturday.
High Water Tha Brata Band Personal
aad social Note.
Cova, Oregon, April HO, ISiK).
Tho ladies of tho Morrison church
will give a pound party at tho hall
next Saturday evening May Ilrd. The
proceeds will be applied toward pur
chasing an organ for the church,
Everybody cordially invited to attend,
have a good time and contribute their
mite to the cause.
The creek is so high that salmon
catching has been suspended for the
present. There seems to be a good
run of fish this spring.
The brass band will hold practice
meetings in the hull, commencing
Thursday night. The band is ready
to furnish music for political meetings
etc. during tho campaign.
Judge Brainard and Mark Stevens
visited Cove this week. Tho Judge
is a candidate for re-election to tho
office of county treasurer. He has
many warm friends in the ranks of
both parlies.
It is supposed that the cherrv crop
will be light this season on account of
the buds being winter killed.
Dr. J. J. McDonald and J. L. Carter
were in town Thursday. The Dr. has
not decided at what point he will lo
cate. Mr. Carter is making a tourof
tho county looking after educational
matters also keeping an eye on politi
cal interests.
Mr. J. C. Doncy of nursery fame has
invested in a gaudy now road cart.
Mr. A. S. Swain and family will
start for Harney next Monday. They
intend to permanently locate there.
Mrs. Lou Payne and family have
loft the suite of rooms in the Jayeox
building and moved to Mrs. Vina
Mr. C. G. Olson visited Raker City
Saturday, lie says tho town is full of
life and bustle. Tho water works are a
perfect success. Water from an arte
sian well is pumped to a reservoir on
an eminence overlooking tho town.
Miss Katie Thomas of Island City
was in Cove last week with a fine line
of millinery goods and baby fixings.
There will be a dance at Wright's
hall, in the Cove, Thursday evening,
May 8th. Music will be furnished by
tho Cove juvenile band. Everybody
Stock And Stoclcmen Sons of Votorann
The Eagle Creek Bridge.
Mr. W. Lockharthas taken his stock
to the vicinity of Auburn.
Mr. Rob. Rich of Lookout mountain
visited our valley," recently.
Mr. W. Loomis tool; his departure
for IJmpqua valley last week.
Mr. John Frazior wont to Pine valley
last Tuesday to got seed grain.
Mr. W. Allen is building a houso
in Dry gulch whoro ho expects to
Tho bridge at tho Swisher crossing
has been completed and is now ready
for inspection.
Mr. R. F. Craig started, recently,
for Missouri. Wo imagine thero is a
lady in tho case.
Mr. A. T. Noill brought a load of
machinory into tho valley, a few days
ago, to bo used on his ranch.
Tho Graham Rros. passed through
horo a fow days ago on their way to
Snako river whoro they expect to
Several of our farmers have been in
vesting in bees. Thoy oxpect to raise
thoir own honey. Ileos do well on
tho alfalfa.
It is expected that our postoffice
building will be enlarged soon so that
tho mail will not get mixed up with
soap and similar articles.
Tho Sons of Votorans, of this placo,
havo beon trying to form a lodge.
Thoy havo obtained 1'J names and tho
prospects aro good for moro. Mr. Iow
Jennings is in tho lead.
N. R.
News Notes and Personal Mention A
Fourth of July Celebration.
No placo on the Pacific coast, or iu
tho United States, affords such induce
ments for making money out of real
estate as does North Powder, Oregon,
is that saying too iiiuoh when you
wish to boom a town where all of your
intertstsare at stake? All we need to
make North Powder the leading city
of Ea.-tern Oregon is to have G. W.
Hunt continue his system of railroads
to this place, and a few lending capi
talists to give it a starter. We are
surrounded by a- vast quantity, and the
best quality of agricultural land in
Eastern Orvjron, initios, on tho south
and west, within a short distance from
the city, skirting the snow-capped
mountains whose lofty peaks reach fat
above into tho heavens, is a heavy
growth of timber, such as fir, pine,
spruce, larch and tamarack. These
mountains are Nature's grand reser
voirs, which supply tho farmers with
abundance of water for irrigation.
About tho only people who die here
are doctors, and they starve to death
for the want of practice.
Everybody is happy and tho goose
hangs high.
Mr. J. E. Carroll is tho happiest
man in town.
Thos. Hall and D. Starbinl were
here a few days ago.
Dr. Danforth accompanied his aged
sister to Spokane Falls a few days ago.
Frank Huff has made up his mind
to tho effect that there is no place
like Eastern Oregon.
John Hardin offers his barber shop
for sale in this place. A good chanuo
for a good barber.
Mr. L. R. Rinehart, of Union, was in
tho city recently, looking after his
fanning interests here.
Dave Roveridgo and other citizens
of this place are making preparations
for a grand celebration at North Pow
der on tho Fourth of July.
T. K.
Recant Local Happenings 3alo of Laiul3
Bco Culturo.
FoiiusT Dam:, April 2:i.
M. E. Sunday school organized at
Halfway meets at 10, p. m.
Weather warmer for few days past,
but spring is very backward hero.
Jov. Oliver and family left a few
days ago for a visit to frionds in Wal
lowa, Again our Scorr of April 10th
failed to put'in an appearance. Wo
feel inclined to ask Why is this thus?
A Mr. Yancey recently arrrived hero
from Missouri. Wo understand ho is
an acquaintance of the Loops of this
Pine Lodge No .)L 1. O. O. F. has
chosen Air. J. A. Denny as topresonta
tivo to the Grande Lodge which meets
in Portland, Or., May 1.').
J. II. Thaysen recently purchased
10 acres of brush land of Mr. Pylo for
$2i)(), and now ho says ho wants to give
somebody a thousand to grub it.
There is a chance foryoj, Leon.
Rruco Pancako found, in tho woods
near Mr. Pancake's ranch, a bee-lreo
containing a nice swarm of Italian bees,
and considerable honoy. Rruco can
no longer say ho "has no honoy."
We are awfully glad "W. II." has
got back again to his old "stamping
ground." Tho' a "rolling stono gathers
no moss" thoy say, we'd liko him to
roll out to Pino ere he settles down to
gather moss orbecomo a "mossback."
Mr. Richard Langrell, visited Pino
last weok. We learn that ho engaged
several of the young men of Pine,
among them II. W. R. Robinson, John
Dick, and Mr. Yancy to work in his,
mill at Sparta. Thoy will bo missed
if thoy'ro not they ought to be.
Mr. Arthur Parker, of Eaglo, re
cently sold his ranch and bought 100
acres of land iu Pine valloy of A. Jeld
ner. Mr. Parkor and lady will soon
locato bore, whoro ho will continue to
engage in bee-culture. It is believed
that bees will do well here.
Caiiuik R. Dovk.
Noed Watching.
Tho Summorvillo Anuotator strikes
tho key-note when it says: "Tho
election next Juno should bo closely
watched by all who havo an interest
in tho welfuro of this county and state,
for intimidation and bribery havo bo
come quite common, and monoy is a
powerful factor in tho re
sult. The organizing of tho purchasa
ble voto "into blocks of five" under a
chosen leador W. J. Suodgrass has
been a favorite nieasuto iu thwarting
tho popular will. As population in
creases and tho gulf between tho rich
and tho poor widens, tho corrupt uso
of money becomes more and moro
Or you loan it. If you want a aheap
lot in Union, calliiiok or you loeo it.
Cull on Wilbon & Jluokott, iiiunagorH
Union Jtual Edtuto Atsaooiutioii.
rs. Rinehart,
1 Also Carry a Fme Line of
Laffles' FiiMSlii H
All of which wili bo
m ai w nimimiim t vet mamrww
On Improved Farms, at Reasonable Rates.
I . ' NO' DE I , A Y S 1 'Ff-
Wlicn Title is Good and Security "Satisfactory. Call on or addres,
Union, or Baker City, Oregon.
Enquire of .7. K. C5I8FTBS, Agonf, Union,
if Sill
Wc Guarantee the Lowest Eatcs.
No Commissions. No Delays, where
Title and Security is Satisfactory.
Wilson & Harked, Union, Or.
p 1
fl js
m a Frail mm
ft, J. GOODBROD, - Proprietor.
Jicoxnlzed by all as Uio
Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon!
I I. NT. I.AItCK SAMI'Ii: KOO.MS i'or tint Acomiixliit Ion of Cnnimurcltil Ti hvcIith,
S. ELLIOTT. - Proprietor.
KvurythhiK Kirwt Class. Terms Very IteaHonable.
'Hns to and Pi om the Depot Making Connection with all Trains.
Kid Button $2.50 Shoe
Mai no equal for Stylo, Kit and Wear. I'osUlvoly
tho best abuti In Amurlca tor thu inunor. IK ant tt
ducolvod.tiKu ttuujp on bottom of each lioo. Take
no otlior. llvi rr imlr warranted. Btrllsli aru
equut to uti v ttH ulioo In tliu iiiurkut. For ialo bj
Joh. Wrltfhl, Union, Or.
m mmi
Doncy ,fc Mny, proprietors, Cove. Union
( utility i Oregon.
A full supply of trees and shrubbery con
stantly on hand and for sale at
Reasonable Rates.
TrooH on Halo at La Grande
:i-27-ii2 Ordorn Holicitctl.
Received at A. N.
the Milliner, -:
sold at bottom prices.
ObtnliK'd. mill nil Patent !uslncs attended
to Promptly anil for Modentto Fees.
Onrolllco is opposito tho U. H. Patent
Olllcu, and vu can obtain Patents in less
time than those remote from W'nsoiiiuton,
Send MODHLor DRAWING. Wo adviso
as to pantcntablllly free of charo; and wo
Wo refer, hero, to tlio Postmaster, tho
Bnpt. of Monoy Order Div,, and t1) ollloials
of tho U. H. Patent Ollleo. Fci circular,
advice, terms and ruflurcuces to actual cli
ents In your own Statu or County, write to
O. A. SNOW & Co.,
Opposite Patent OIUco. Washington, 1). O.
Thomson Ss Pnrsol aro agents for
tho celebrated Cyclono WindMill, and
aH tho prices on thorn havo boon great
ly reduced thoy aro now within tho
roach of all. Samplo mill to bo neon
at thoir planoriu North Union. Call
and oxaiuiiio it.
Hlod wtndcriaf en red. llooki inrued
(uimio rsaainr, TntUnoaUla frum all
put of tliIob. l'rriotu rotv
Sruwe. at tm application i o I'rof.
A. &ltuH, m rata Att. KvwYatk.
id Fie Siioes.
i FEES SliE!
Fine Line of Watch
es, Clocks, Jewelry,
Silverware, Guns
and Amunition Just
Gardner & Co's.