The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 12, 1889, Image 5

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37ie Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation as any two papers in this sec
tton of the Stale, combined, and is cor
rcspondingbj valuable as an advertising
Thursday, Sept. 12, 1SS0.
Kor (i full description of Union
County soq Inwlde pnKos.
Gathered up by The Scout mill llrouglit
to IIcndijuniUTM.
Tiruuit court convenes on the '23d inst.
The latest sheet music at Mrs. Alger's
The Pendleton mllitiu company has dis
banded. Novelties of all kinds for sale ut Mrs.
Alger'.' postotlice store.
A choice assortment of ladies' toilet arti
cles at the Union l'hnrmacy.
The circus performances yesterday were
largely attended. It is a good circus
George Dillon arrived safely at Murfres
boro, Tenn., with L. 15. Ilinehart'.s horses.
The Cove Dairy Company shipped a ear
load of cheese, from the Union depot to
Portland this week.
Mrs. D. II. (lager, of Arlington, has
bought a half interest in the millinery
store of Mrs. Kinehart.
The town of Linkville, in Southern Ore
gon, was destroyed by lire on this' tltii inst.
The loss is estimated at $200,000.
Ncls. Sohoonovcr and his men returned,
Tuesday, from the Wallowa hill where
they have been at work on the roads.
Jos. Fickliu has sold one hundred tons
of liny to parties in The Dalles. lie made
a shipment of three cm loads this week.
Just received, a line lino of millinery
goods at Mcsdamcs Kinehart it (inker's.
The ladies should not fail to inspect them.
Say I Have you paid for your subscrip
tion and the little account you owe this
paper? If not, please do so at once as we
need the money.
. It is reported that the La Grande baseball
nine has arranged a iiaine witli the Wil
lamettes, to take place during the latter
part of September.
Don't forget the horse sale at Union on
the L'.'ld inst. About forty bond of well
bred stock horses will bo sold at auction
on long time security.
l'ersons knowing themselves indebted to
us are requested to settle at once. Wo
must have what is owing us by the first of
October, Joxns Duo's.
The lire alarm attachment placed on tho
church bells by the lire company work
admirably. There is no mistaking what's
on the tapis when they are rung.
Mr. J. II. White, while in Mrs. liinc
hart,s millinery store, last Tuesday, was
taken suddenly ill and fell to the floor. It
was thought for awhile that she would not
Next Saturday evening there will be a
grand opening at the millinery establish
ment of Mesdanics Kinehart .fc Guger.
The display will be liner than ever before
seen in Union. Do not forget tho date.
George Hudson, who is now In Idaho,
had quite an accident a week or so ago,
While driving the stage from Camas sta
tion ho had his leg broken in two places
just above tho knee, lie thinks he will be
able to bo out again in a few weeks.
The most important horse sale of the
year will take place at Union, Or., Monday
Sept. 23d, consisting of forty head of broke
and unbroko norscs, mares, yearlings and
two-year-olds. All well bred. Will be sold
on Ions time 011 well secured note.
A couple of Italians visited Union Satur
day with a tame bear and gave a perform
ance in tho street. The bear went through
many amusing antics, not the least of
which was climbing the Hag pole. For this
cat he was paid a dollar. His partners
received ''the mon."
Mr. I. Johnson, of Enterprise, arrived in
this city a few days ago with his son, Wil
liam, who is having a bad time with his
leg which was Injured several years ago,
Tho leg has been steadily getting worse and
it is now thought it will have to bo amputa
ted. Wm. started, Monday, for Portland
to consult the best physicians there'
The alarm of lire last Monday so prostra
ted Miss Limo Chase, who had not beon
well for some time previous, that her life
was in danger for awhile. Mrs. Kiddlo,
who was present at tho time, run for tho
doctor and over exerted herself to such an
extent that she fainted on tho street, when
near the house, on her return. Doth ladles
are much better at this writing.
Last Friday the spnrks from a steam
thresher which was in operation on tho
farm of Mr. Dclong, on tho Sand Kidge, set
lire to the stack, and about 500 bushels of
wheat was destroyed, together with the
derrick tablo and machinery. The lire
would have spread over tho entire Hold
had not plows been hurriedly put in opera
tion and furrows nude around the burning
A slight blaze in tho Centennial hotel
Monday afternoon caused an alarm of fire
to be sounded and brought out tho lire
company, but tho lire was extinguished by
tho hotel pemle beforo it got under head
way. Had tho tiro not been oxtiiiRiiishod
as it was, tho entire town would have been
destroyed as the wind was blowing briskly
from the north. There Is work for the lire
wardens to do uml they should lone no
time in doing It. A little carelessness at
this time might cost us dourly.
Tho attention of furmer and grain deal
ers is called to tho superior facilities mid
advantages oil'ered by Frank ISro'e. Imple
ment Co. for the purelwM and hauling of
all kind of grain t their large warehouse
and elevator at La Grande. They will fur
nish farmer saeki for tin- hauling f grain
free, and having unlimited f.nihtits nr
storing nl muking advances "i wleut.
pan olfiir superior Inducement to thto
wln may dt-irt; to lm. I their wheal lor
better price-, or they will JMJT tho high iil
inurJitt priu in wall. S-Mi
::i:is iwkadi:.
I The Scout's AVoolily Inspection mill ltc
1 port of Frsontls oil' Duty,
Scott Long, of Sanger, was in the city
this week.
S. Vandecnr, of North Powder, called on
us Monday.
.1. X. Hulick, of Keating, was in the city
a few days ago.
O. P. .laycox returned from his oustcrn
trip lost Saturday,
Mrs. John Katou, of the Cove, visited
Union Inst Frldny.
Dempsey McDaniel, of tho Cove, vi-ited
Union this week.
Wm. Huffman, of I'yle canyon, was in
the city, Monday.
J. M. Seldcrs and Mr. Dully, of the Cove,
visited Union, Saturday.
J ohn Murphy wn up from the Covc,Mon
day with a load of melon.
Dan Summer and Lem Davis were up
from Sumincrville, Tuesday.
Mrs. Fannie Kidwcll and Mrs. Susie Cutes
visited tho Cove last Tuesday.
Jos. Xodino. or Tacoma, was interview
ing old friends in Union this week.
Mr.'. 11. F. Itnrleigh is visiting friends
and relatives in Wallowa county.
Joshua Hopper was over from La
Grande the fore part of the week.
T. 1. Hudson, of this city, called on us
Saturday and subscribed for tub scorr,
Mis Helle Long went up to linker City
last Tuesday. She will attend the Sisters'
1!. M. Downie, tho wide awake assessor
of Wallowa county, was in tho city this
Frank Collins, of fioisc City, is visiting
relatives and friends in Sumincrville and
Geo. W. Wright, of Medical sprint's, call
ed on U3 a few days ago and subscribed for
Tin: scout.
.1. W. Townley and w ife, of Sanger, were
among the visitors to Union the first part
of the week.
Arthur Kinehart and Scott Goodall start
ed, yesterday, for Corvallis to attend the
State Agricultural College.
lion. Dinger Herman. Oregon's member
of Congress, will visit this section of the
State the latter part of the month.
Miss Hettie Dobbins will take her depar
ture next Tuesday for Forest Grove where
she will attend school the coming winter.
Gum Warren and family and A. T.
Xeill and family, who have been rusticating
in the mountains, returned last Saturday.
Miss Mamie McCall, of Island City, was
in Union last week, the guest of Mr. anil
Mrs. Carter. She returned home Monday.
Mrs. P. 15. Wade, of Summerville, was a
visitor to Union the fore part of the week.
While hero she made our ollico a pleasant
call and subscribed for Tin: Scoi'T.
Mrs. JJobt. Ivors and Miss Cantield, of
Harney valley, are visiting relatives and
friends in Cove. Mrs. Ivors and her sister,
Miss Minnie liloom, were in Union Satur
day. Jasper G. Stevens and wife returned
from Eugene last week and are now com
fortably located at their home in the Cove,
receiving the congratulations of their many
Eugene E, l!rovn, of Union county, and
Miss Laura Maud Clailin, of Grant county,
were man ied on the first of this month at
the residence of the bride's mother, near
Prairie city.
.1. F. Gorman, formerly of this county,
but now of Athena Umatilla county, is
visiting friends and relatives in this valley.
Ho called on us Monday and subscribed for
Tin: Scoi'T.
X. Tarter, of North Union, while placing
some shingles on the roof of his house a
few days ago, fell to the ground, and while
no bones were broken the shock prostrated
him and he has been confined to his bed
most of tho time since.
Miss May Miller left Tuesday for Eugene
for the purpose of attending tho State Uni
versity the coming winter. The evening
previous to her departure a party of friends
met at her home and spent a few hours
pleasantly in her company.
Miss Lois Stewart, of the Cove, took her
departure yesterday for Corvallis to attend
tho Agricultural College during the coming
term. Miss Stewart is tine of Union coun
ty's brightest and most estimable young
ladies and tho best wishos of Tim Scoi'T
and many friends go with her.
Jacob Conner, of the Cove, was in the
city und called on us, Monday. Mr. Con
ner had a peculiar experience last week.
The sense of hearing was suddenly lost in
Ids right ear and as yet has not returned.
Xo pain was experienced, hut ho says thoro
is a slight buzzing in his ear which is un
comfortable Mrs. C. Illakoslcc, of Xorth Union, sent
to our ollico this week a sample of n
tpcculiur variety of plum which alio raised
from a graft obtained in the east. Sho lias
forgotten tho name, but It is a vnrlety that
should he secured by all tho farmors in this
section, us it is certainly very superior to
what we have.
Gils. D. Johnson while stacking hay last
Wednesday, on his father's place near
town, was knocked from tho stack by tho
dorriok fork and fell to the ground, a dis
tance of twelve leet, and had his collar
bono broken. Dr. Cromwell reduced the
fracture and Gtis will probably be able to
work again in the course of a few weeks.
Dr. K. Hrooks. of Island City, vUited Un
ion last Saturday. While hero ho made
our oillce a pleasant call and added his
name to the subscription list of Tub Scout
Tim doctor Is recently from Seattle, and has
concluded to locate permanently at Island
City. He has the reputation of being u
thorough physician ami people In that frac
tion euuiiot d better than cull upon him
when in need of medical attendance.
Prc-eriMloiis an 1 fuiuilv recipe- filled in
short order at the Union Pharmacy.
Aiiii'Mt ecrytiiinx in the drug, medicine
and fciiudry line at the L'nlun Pharmacy.
1 0
Those pre-isos urn now Imliu llnco-fourths of all tin- hay ami straw haled in thi United States and Canada. Wo our. make you hotlor prices and better
terms than any other firm, and will back our assertion with actual iigutes.
You do vouisoH an injustice if you do not sec our goods before purchasing.
7-18-tf J ,u CJnindc, Oregon.
! t T"M
p '
-L: i
JL everv Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 8 p. m;
Sabbatli school at 10 a. m: prayer meeting
Wednesday, at S p. m. Tho bailies' Mis
sionary So'cictv meets on the fourth Friday
of every month at 12 .'!) i. m. All cordially
invited'. U. H. PAKKKIt. Pastor.
Iiii'iirs Urav.'ii.
Tlio following is a list of the jurors drawn
to servo at tho September term of circuit
O P .Javeox, Union Merchant
lohn fates, Antelope Farmer
John A Tucker, lied Koek
Thos Wade, Sumniervillo "
We-iley York, "
J K Chenault. li Oraudo
II AV Maklnson. Haylo valley
YV I) Eniele, Ilig creek "
,1 M .Selder, Covo
A Dickson, Union Saddler
W I) Ucidlcinan, ITnioii
15 Log-don, Union Parmer
ST Barnes, Indian valley "
C K Hohlns, Union Millman
T II (iillam, Summcrvillo Farmer
C K Davis, Union "
L.I Sturgill, I!ed Rock '
W V Davis, Cornucopia "
.1 AV Tattle, Suiuiuervillo "
J T Woodoll, "
Kenry Striker, ' Stcckman
Lcman Ulanchard, Indian valley ... Farmer
Arthur Cellcr, Union "
.1 1-' Charlies, Xortli Powder "
Knooh South, llig creek "
A Augustus, Knglo valley
J D Uuimehoir, Kaglo Valley
II A Hanson, La (irande "
W S. Hamilton, Island City "
I! W Knight, Indian valley. '. 41
0 W Ames, Union "
Council I'rooi'CilIiiKH.
La-.t Saturday evening the city council
met in regular session. Present, Mayor
Kennedy, Counellmen Joihh, Klliott and
Pursel, Itecordor Tuttlo and Marshal Heri
tage. Minutes of August!!, road and approved.
IlIUs amounting to $110,11.) ullowed.
In tho matter of Catherine creek bridge
lumber; referred to street committee for
S.'A. Purseland J. C. Summers appointed
lire wardens.
Tho city tax roll for UfO, as oxamined by
and cipializcd by the board of equalization,
approved by tho common council.
A lovy of llvo mills was made for tho
yonr 188!).
Sltcujniiui (if l.u (ir.-wxli! (iiill, ,
Tho LH (Irando Joiunul last week con
tained a windy ubulition concerning a new
tannery. It yells: 'Another lndiiBtry!
Products of a new tannery aro ",t ho seen!
i Another Lu Grande enterprise!" People
at a dixtanco may judge upon what foun
dation "La Grande's outorpriHos" aro ns
tabltiihod when wo say that the tannery
mentioned above U located in the town of
Covo.bomo llftouu miles distant. People at
homo may judge of the amount of capital
iiivoUd when thoy know that Adam Cross
man, C. H. Finn und A. Wariilck are tho
stockholder and ollloers.
I (Jlilblr.-n Itnjoy
Tho plcu-ant llavur, gun tie action und
oothin I'ffci ts of Syrup of Fig, whon In
ii' 'd it a ln..utiu' ii. 1 if tho father oruioth
j cr be costive or LIUoum the moat xrutlfymg
I n sulU follow its use, so that it is the bust
fuiudy remedy known and every family
bould have a bottle,
tt.1 u tb:i n a Watt re
ki r. ti
For sale bv
La Grande, Oregon.
- -
We Guarantee tlie Lowest Kates.
No Commissions. No .Delays, where
Title and Security is Satisfactory.
Merchant Tailor,
LaGrande, Oregon.
Suits made to order, and perfect lit guaranteed. Cleaning and repairing done.
Give mo a trial. Charges reasonable, and satisfaction guaranteed.
oru i.itti.v: onus.
An Account r Somo of Tliclr ICHtaiindni
anil ItrlRlit Sayings.
Childhood is an interesting period of life,
and the bright savings of little children
furnish an inlinito fund of nmuseiueut for
grown-up people. "Childhood shows tho
man as morning shows tho day,'' and the
process of the children's mental develop
ment is ever watched with interest. As
other papers report the cute sayings and
actions of children, so also can we, and
below we givo a few which Jhavo come to
our notice.
A little son of Mr. and -Mrs. YV. T. Wright
had burned himself on several occasions
and his mother always applied Hour to
relievo the pain. This caused the boy to
think that (lour was the panacea for every
ill. One day a party of invited guests as
sembled at tho house to take dinner. A
short time previous to tho dinner hour the
boy committed nimu misdemeanor which
caused his motner to take him to one side,
draw him across her knee, and administer
a spanking calculated to last him for some
time. Tho culprit limped away, appar
ently in great agony, and disappeared. He
was forgotten by tho company till they sat
down to dinner whon somo one wondered
what hud become of him. Just then, with a
most woe-begono countenance, ho emerged
from tho pantry tenderly rubbing tho seat
of his pants which he had loaded with sev
eral pounds of Hour, lie was received
with roars of laughter, but his evident pain
and Ingenious ell'orts to relieve it gained
for lilm tho instant forgiveness or all pres
ent. Mr. and Mrs. Tuttlo have several chil
dren and tho two youngest, a boy and girl,
have a great time together. Tho girl is tho
oldest, but tho boy thinks ho knows a great
deal the most and always puts on a patron
isung air of superiority when addressing
her. A few days ago their father bought
tlicin a picture book. It contained several
scriptural illustrations among which was a
representation of David and the lion. Tho
children were seated on tho lloor in the
corner of tho room, looking at the pictures,
unconscious that anyone was noticing
them, when the little girl said she wondered
what that picture was about. Tho boy re
plied "Humph I you don't know what that
picture is? You don't seem to kn iw very
much nohow. That's Joan a diokin' a
bear to death.''
Attornoy H. V. UurlbUjh is tho happy
possessor of a young, unbound edition of
law, aged about live years, He was at the
store, recently, and sclented at random a
hook forthe boy and took It home to him.
Unfortunately the book happened to con
tain an account of tho wonderful exploits
of "Kimble Jack.'' and was prufiuoly illus
trated with colored pictures showing
"Nimble Jack" hi various unnatural por
tions. 'J'Ud honk was presented to tho boy
and peace reigned in the family for about
an hour when a moil unearthly commo
tion was heard In the v irl r. Invrxtiga-
tlon dUeloted th ia i ili,i tin- i. imil
been trying to st mil on his head uu the
renter table und falling oil b id demolished
everything near, ami hUheid coming in
contact with a ihdr, a terrible gush wus
its rjroi
I ill
f vm w i iii a m es
C722 - -
cut just above hh right eye. The damages,
including the doctor's bill, amounted to
something less than a hundred dollars. It
is needless to say that Mr. P.urlcigh buys
no more books unless ho knows exactly
what tliey contain.
Little Itculuh, the tlve-ycar-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Joiun, is u very ob
servant little piece of humanity. Some
time ago she was taken to tho burlier shop
where her hair was shingled. This, to her,
seemed a very funny proceeding and she
always remembered it. Sho goes to Sun
day school and recently the lesson given to
tho little class to which she belongs was
concerning David. After tho lesson was
read tho teacher, among other questions,
asked who it was that anointed David.
Xono of the little tots seemed able to an
swer, so the tcuchcrsimplillcd the question
by asking "Who was it that poured oil on
David's head?" The question still seemed
to be a poser, and the silence that brooded
over the class was becoming painful, when
Hculali threw a Hood of light on the subject
by saying: "The barber."
Mrs. Alger was hanging a picture of the
"myriad minded hard" on the parlor wall
some time ago when her little four-year-old
boy asked who it was. "That Is Shakes
peare'' said the mother. The youngster
seemed lost in thought for awhile and then
ho said "Say mania: Mow docs ho shako
and where is Ids spear?"
This is from Pendleton : Freddie, the
three-year-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. Hurt
man, fell into tho pond in the rear of their
residence tho other day, but scrambled out
with no more dangerous result than a good
wetting. The unfortunate youngster made
the following original remark when ho
reached dry land: "I is glad 1 dot out
before 1 dot to be a little lish."
Why fVrtniuly!
One of our liakcr City music dealers is in
a quandary over the following order re
ceived from a Umatilla county young lady
who forgot to sign her name: "Ilavu you
got a song with the Words ,t aeeomplimeut
called chippy Get your Hair cut, joliuy get
your gun I don't know the name of the
song, but I think that is part of tho first
vorse. Please let mo know right away if
you have it tho price of It it also have
you the music of thu Hong called of the day
ami price of It. V have you got a hong
called she is my big Fat Coiuumpted lia
jane & price of It '' Iteveillie.
A W'oiimn's Disco very.
"Another wonderful discovery has been
made ami that too by a lady hi this county
Dlftiiavo fastened Its clutches upon her and
for sovon years sho withstood its severest
tests, but her vital organs were uiiduruiiiird
and death utomcd Imminent. For three
months she coughed Incessantly and could
not slurp, She bought of us a bottle of Dr.
Ming's Now Discovery fur Consumption
and wus so much relieved on taking llrt
dosu that she slept all night and with one
bottle has been miraculously cured. Her
name is Mr Luthur Lute-" Thus write
W. ('. Hamrlck.v Co,, of Shelby, N. C.
Get a free trial buttle at llrowu's drug
store, Union, On gnu.
ml mm i i .
I tSSS3WS!Samm7
School Books
Readers : lixchanged : Free I
All readers to bo exchanged must
contain all the reading matter and to
bo in such condition that they could
be used in school if the change had
not been made.
The full series of
Barnes Readers
now ready. Oilier books will be on
baud in a .short time.
Exchange Agents for Union and
District. 7-25tf
For Sale.
1(500 cavi'S iind hinilis anu
'100 velh;is, yenrlinys aiul
two year oldM. Will .sell at
a bargain. Enquire of T. G.
WILSOX, at Cove, or 15. F.
WILSOX, Union, Oregon.
Tim Clrout Imposition.
On the L'lith of .September, tho greatest
exposition ever held on the Pacillc coast
will be opened in Portland, and will con
tinue for a full month. The Association
lias expended .f J."i0,(K)(l on tho building and
grounds, and every available inch of the
six ami rue-half acres of Hour space in tho
mammoth building lias been taken by ex
hibitors. Liberati, the greatest living coi
netlst, witli a baud of lifty of the best mu
sicians of New York, will furnish the finest
niiislc yet heard on the coast. A reduction
of railroad fares on all lines has been se
cured, und no doubt thousands of pcoplo
from all over tlu Northwest will take this
opportunity to visit Portland and sec Its
mammoth exposition. The great live stock
show, which will beheld from October Mth
to Pith, will also attract a great many peo
ple. Tim Vortlict Uimnlniiiiis.
W. 1). Suit, druggist, Ilippus, I nil., testi
fies: "I can recommend Kleetrie Hitters as
tho very best remedy. Kvery bottle sold
has given relief in every case. One man
took six bottles and was cured of Rheuma
tism of 10 years' standing." "The best
selling medicine I have ever bundled in my
L'O years' experience, is Kleetriu Hitters."
Thousand:! of others have added their testi
mony, so that the verdict is unanimous
that Hleetric Hitters do cure all diseases of
the Liver, Kidney or Blood, only a half
dollar a bottle at Hrown's drug store.
JOHNSON. Friday. Sept. (I. 18s'J, to tho
wife of Geo. YV. Johnson, a daughter.
SLOOlJM-.SF.AMANS.-ln Maker City,
Thursday. Sept. 5, 1S80, Mr. F. M. Slo
ettm and Miss Maggie Scamaus, both of
The happy couplo returned to Union
Sunday. They are two of Union's most
estimable young pcoplo. ami Tin; timer
joins with a host of friends hero in wi diiug
them a long and prosperous life, ever
bright with all the joys that is vouchsafed
to the happiest of mankind.
SMITH HIDDLIJ. At the Union City
hotel, Sopt.O. I.Hn'.l. by Key. L.J, IJootbe,
Mr. John Smith and Miss Mary Kiddle,
both of tho Lower Cove,
WF.STON FAL! .At the residence of
T. II. H. Grci ii hi North Union. Wednes
day Sept. 11th, ltfetl, Mr. D.J. WVtouaiid
Miss Alice Fall, itev. L. J. I loot ho utiL
ciatlng. mi:i.
J5MHKY. At her home In this city. Tues
day, Sept 10th, lWu, .Mrs, Mary Ann Km
cry, aged 0(1 years.
Deceased was tho wife of Mr. 11. 0. Km
cry. ami came with her husband to this
city in I87.'i from Kuiisas, They lived to
gether happily for 48 years and raised u
large family of which four ulrls and one
hoy are still living. The news of Mrs.
Ihiiery's death, though not unexpected, as
she has been allllctcd with rheumatism for
many years, will bo received by her many
friends In this section of the Ht.ito with
profound sorrow. The funeral took plaeo
yostordiiy, from the residence, and thu ru
uiaiiis wero depodted in the Union cemetery.