The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 21, 1889, Image 5

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    I will have five
young stallions unci 14
fillies, pure bred, regi
stered in Clyde book, i at Union, the last of March, for sale at a low-
The Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation as any two papers in this sec
tion of the Slate, combined, and is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
Thursday, March 21, 1SSO.
OcorRla Minstrels.
Here i what the Portland Orcconian
lately paid about the Georgia Minstrels
who are billed to nppear at 'Wrights Hall in
in thin city to-morrow evening. "Richards
fc Pringle's Georgia Minstrels began a
short season at this house Inst evening and
were greeted with a good audience. The
company is of good material throughout,
Billy Kersands being a host himself. This
program was a very enjoyable one, and
the part songs were woll sung. George
Jacmon's 'Brother Gardner'! Wedding
ami Billy KcrsanuV 'Come Along Sinners
fairly bringing down the house. Especial
ly well tendered weru the characteristic ne
gro melodies. The sketches and special
nets by Kcrsands. Jackson and Mallory
Bros, earned unstinted applause, aud their
dacing was as clever as that of any minstrels
seen here in a long time. Billr Kcrsands
imitation of a ballet dancer convulsed the
house. George Jackson too, showed him
self a veryclever comedian and good sing
er." Reserved scats for sale at the drug
KaRtern Suckers.
Judging from t lie number of letters rc
ceived in this city from persons in different
parts of Illinois and Indiana. "Mountain
Mac" MeCommas is "getting there in great
shape" In the disposal of lots in the Lin-
nlngton addition at $50 per lot. The cast
cm suckers think they have made a good
investment until they arc notified by the
sheriff that taxes arc due, then they will
write back making inquiries about their
purchase, and receive in reply a not very
encouraging report. Still some day the
property may become valuable when Judge
I. D. Haines builds his proposed cable
road. No telling what the future mav
liring forth. Baker Democrat.
Electric Hitter.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no special men
tion. All who have used Electric Bitters
sing the same song of praise. A purer
medicine docs not exist and it is guaran
teed to do all that is claimed. Electric
Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver
and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils
Salt Khenm and other affections caused by
impure blood. Will drive Malaria from
the system and prevent as well as cure all
Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache
constipation and Indigestion try Electric
Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed or
-or monev refunded. Price 50 cts. and ?1.00
fcer bottle at Brown's drug store, Union.
True an Gospel.
The greatest drawback to the success and
developed enlargement of any town says
the Boise Democrat, is a class of men who
arc dead to any and all enterprises which do
not .scenie to point directly to their own
pockets and the conncquent enlargement of
their own fortunes, forgetting that such u
course in relation to public policy retards
the growth of towns and cities as nothin
else will do. Location is favorable; but
this without enterprise is worse than where
the location is less favorable and the en
terprise of the citizens of a place is marked
.and constantly attracting attention from
Layman's License Law in Force.
Judge Catlin, county judge of Multno
mah county, holds that tho Layman law
5 how in effect, not withstanding it lacks
the approval of Governor Pennoycr. It
contalnes an emergency clause reading,
"Inasmuch as there is urgent need of a law to
prevent and punish the unlawful sale ot
spiritous malt and vinous liquors, this act
shall take effect upon its approval by tho
governor,'' and Judgo Catlin mantains
that it was the intent of tho legislature to
put the law into effect immediately, und
further that the law is now in force just the
same as if Governor Pennoycr had signed
I)oai not Affect the Hunt Road.
It has been thought by some that the
"arbitration contract" entered into by the
Northern Pacific nnd the Union Pacific
railroad companies whereby they secure
control of the O. R. & N. Co's road, would
pat a stop to the building of branch roads
in this section of the state. This is not tho
case. A few days ago in response to an en
quiry from parties in 'Walla Walla Mr.
Hunt wired from the cast that it would not
affect the O. & "W. T railroad in tho least.
Harney County Official.
Gov. Pennoycr has appointed officials for
the newly created county of Harney as fol
lows, with county scat at narney: W. E.
Grace, clerk; A. A. Cowing, sheriff; T. J.
Shields, judge; J. F. Morrison and T. B.
Jones, commissioner; Wm. Harvey, as
sessor; L. B. Baker, school superintendent;
"W; IL Gardon, surveyor; V. J. Miller, trca
urerj H. B. McPhecton, corner.
Whether on pleasure beut or business
should take on every trip abotileof Syrup
of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef
fectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels,
preventing fevers, headaches and other
forms ol slcknets. For sale in 50c and $1.00
bottles by nil leading druggiaU.
The best of accommodations ut tho De
pot hotel. Charges reasocauln.
er rate than this blood
Gathered up by Tho Smut nnd 11 ro tight
to itradqunrtcrM.
Fun to-morrow night.
Plant out shade trees.
Clean up your grounds.
Subscribe to the subsidy.
Go to Vincent's for shoes.
Buy your clothing of Lew.
Georgia Minstrels to-morrow night.
Itain'has fallen copiously this week.
Circuit court first Monday in April
Latest stvlu furniture at Wilson it
Sells Bro's. circus will visit Oregon in
Latest style millinery goods at Mrs.
Eastern and Pacific coast gardon suotl? at
Jones Bro's.
Smallpox has broken out in the Oregon
insane asylum.
Tho Half way ranche, on the Cornucopia
road, for rent,. Sec ad. elsewhere.
Mr. II. C. Emery is busily engaged rolit
tlng his cabinet shop and will soon be
ready for work.
Settle that small ovcrduo avount of
yours at the Cove drug store and reloi vo
your over burdened mind.
Considerable business was transacted at
the firemen's meeting last Monday trailing.
The boys arc wide awake.
A few days ago Mr. Corbin bought Har
lan Stewarts residence porpcrty in this
city and his ranche near town.
The La Grande brewery was totally des
troyed by fire last Tuesday night, nnd it
was by tho utmost exertions that the town
was saved.
A few days ago Mrs. 'A. Haines of Baker
city, while out riding, was thrown from
her horse und had her left arm broken in
two places.
Samuel Cris, of Baker City, proprietor of
the Vlli cent store, mtulo an assignment
for the benefit of his creditors a few days
ago. High taxes got the best of him.
Hon. A. H. Brown, of Powder river val
ley, shipped, recently, to Chicago, two car
loads of horses in charge of his son, Asa.
Dr. E. J. Stephens, of Upper Burnt river,
also, shiped one car load.
Goto Mrs. Summers for jerseys, ladies and
misses blouses. Sizes and prices to Miit all,
Hats nnd bonnets constantly arriving from
eastern fountain heads of fahhion, last
year's shapes at actual cost.
John Burnough arrived hero on Wednes
day last, from Iowa. He comes in the hope
of benefitting his health, and to visit his
sister, Mrs. A.J. Harris, of the Cove, and
his brother. Sam Burnough, of Indian val
ley. Hon. Chas. Gooduough, of Island city
subscribed fu,0D0 to the Huntsubsidy, pro
viding the road comes within one mile of
Island. He will hardly have it to pay, but
it shows his appreciation of thn Importances
of the road.
About 120,000, has been subscribed 011
the Hunt railroad subsidy in this county.
Considerable more is needed to securo tho
road, and every man who has n ot
done so should come forward aud subscribe
what bo can, at once.
The Texas Sif tings ranks first among A m
mcrican humorous papers. It and 'I'm:
ScoiT will bo furnished one year lVr $3,75,
or any of our subscribers who are not be
hind on their subscription, can have tho
Sif tings for $1, 23. The regular subscription
price of tho Sif lings is $1,00 per year.
Hon. L. B. Rinehart and T. II. Crawford
who have been in the lower end of tho coun
ty for the last ten days, working to raNo tho
Hunt railroad subsidy, returned this week.
They report very favorably, and think tho
pcoplo have realized the importance of tho
road sufficiently to raise the subsidy nsked.
The Northern Pacific and O. ,fc V'. T.
railroad companies have issued a joint
live-stock tariff from points on tho latter
line to tho East. The carload rate of cattle
and sheep to the Northern Pacific! and
Eastern terminals is $171.50; horses, $131.50
and ?180; to Chicago, sheep and cattle,
$200; horses, J210.
A Ynnsycle, Umatilla x county, corres-
dondent to the Herald wrhos: "Wo are
Informed that several of the residents
along the line of Hunt's rond are complain
ing about train hands flirting with their
young girls. Young men you should not
flirt with the girls, but love them." Just
wait till those fellows get to the Grande
Rondo valley. Our girls will everlastingly
paralyze them.
Anclghboringncwspapcrinan in speaking
of a subscriber who sent his puper back
refused,'' without paying for tho samo six
months after he had subscribed says: ' lal
the search for the meanest man on oarth
cease. Tho lnuiviuai Who used tliu wurt
on the back of his neck for a collar button,
and the one who pastured a goat on his
mother's grave aro gentlemen compared
with such stiukes as those." .
An exchitnge contains tho following that
"good tastu"lm become sensible at last:
'The custom of publishing a card of thanks
for kindness shown to a family upon the
death of a member is 110 longer eonldured
n good taste and for excellent rousonn.
Persons assisting in tho care of tho iok or
deceased neighbors arc only doing what
common humanity demands of them, and
their reward will come when they ur ob
liged to accept their service.
Plows! Plows! Plows! I Latest improve
ment and litest living price Klmi-li'.'
mid most convenient meihtd of udjmiin .' ,
beam and lino of draft, nuking plow run
lighter und do better work. Ha ucv r
been euunhul and cannot he oieolled. I ix
lighten draft ttulky plow in the world i-1 '
Improved Whel Laud Sidu Kullfy i'L.
and there la no plow uiude that will do bet- I
ter work. These plow all manufac tured
by the Rock Inland Plow Co., and are oUl
by Frank lira's. Implement Co. tin-ir ,
agent. 1
lias ever boon sold for 1
Circuit Cnurte
J udgc Fee has called special term of the
ciivult court, to be hold in this city, com
mencing at !) o'clock a. m. on Monday the
first day of April. 1880, ami continuing
from day to day thereafter until the ruses
tmmtioned below arc disposed of. A jury
of thirty-one persons will be drawn from
tho body of thrrcountv, and summoned to
appear and serve as jurors during said spe
cial term, and from naid jurors so sum-
iiioncd, a grand jnry of seven person Hl 1
he drawn therefrom, and pitch refereea yr
other persons as may he necessary to assist
the court in the discharge of its duties, will
bo appointed. Following are the coses to
be tried :
State qf Oregon rs John A Tucker
State of Oregon vs William Balestey
State of Oregon v Charles BroookltH. No 1
State of Oregon v Charles Broocktns, No 2
Stnt of Oregon v.s Isaac Hagentau
State of Oregon vs John lioyer
State of Oregon vs O 0 Hicks
State of Oregon vs . Tames C Clnybnrti, rec
ognizance to keep tho peace
No. I J M Church vs Lou Mahaffey admx.
No. 2 J II Shambough v? G M Irwin.
No. S American Mortgage Co vs J II fc Y
IL Hutchinson
No. fi J H Parker vs W II Fowler
No. 7 Caroline. Blakoslee vs Union Mill
ing Co
No. 8 E V Cooper vs A N Hamilton
No. ! J M Phy vs Union Milling Co
No. 11 James Ludiker vs E B Gaylord
No. 12 U Eakin vs .lames McCluro et al
No. IS J E Williams vs ,1 II Hunter et al
No. U Freeman Ludd vs Jlacliel Ladd
No. IS Uni n County vs A T Wyntt
No. 10 J II McCartney vs Carrie B Ciayburn
No. 20 Frank Bros Implement Co vs Iiobt
Day ct al
No. 22 William Meacham vs W H Stewart
No. 20 A E Eaton'vs " K A X Company
No. 27 George Miller vs Henry Lyuch
No. 2 'Wilsinski Hros vs .1 C ChiyUuni
No. 2.') Raymond, Squires & Co vs Kellogg,
& Punch
No. 30 Adam Crosoinan vs 8 L McKensie,
No. 31 Fannio C Buebe vs S L MuKuniio.
No. 32 O C Gove Co vs Island City M &
M Co
No. !53 Chas Homing vs II C Glasgow et al
No. 1 Assignment of A b Newman .
No. 2 F C Chadbounie ft Co vs A McKin
nio et al
No. ASonuner vs Daniel Chandler otal
No. 1 John Williams vs Grandu Hondo
Hydraulic Mining Co
No. .r Evttlino Campbell vs V B Campbell
No. 8 W E Kinohai't et al vs Town of Sum-
mcrville ef. al
No. 10 W. B. Jasper vs Henry loll Kenne
dy ct al
No. 11 Cnrrio B Ciayburn vs J C Ciayburn
No. 13 Dan Marx vs ('has Ooodnougb et al
No. 17 J II Smith vs Thus ,1 Leninion
No. IS Carrio II Bates vs B V Bates
No. 20 Mary C Hutchinson vs G A Hutch
inson No. 21 Board of Conimiasioiiors vs P M Cof
fin ot 111
No. 22 Walter llelsom v H 14 Bryan admr.
No. 21 Ami'. lean Freehold Land Mortgage
Co vs E L Cochran ot nl
No. 2." William Nove.s vs W V Howes
No. 27 J L Boe vs Union County
No. 28 Eliza A Simmons vs Caroline Sehied-
No. 211 A Somnier v J C Ciayburn ct al
No. 30 A K Eaton v Willis Skiff
No. 31 C II Finn vs J O Ciayburn
Keren: Happenings Reioitnl by ourKfR.
ill tie Correspondent.
Thoro arc some outside horse buyer
now in tho vulloy. Prices low.
Lester Ilolconib has gone to Ohio
with a ear loud of horse. Good luck
to him.
The Chandler Bro's tire filling up
their store with goods. They have 100
head of fut steers to tell or shin.
Young Len ruler FtirgaBon has sold
his ranche to Lowis Iurgason und will
move to tlto Unindo Rondo valley.
Tho citizens of Jingle vulloy will
gladly weloomo tho railroad. I think
there are as wido-awako people in Ore
gon as there are in tiie east. Wo
should not let this chance pass by.
Everything is prospering here. The
grass is getting gieon in the meadows
and on the hills. The stock has all
been turned out on tho range. Tlanoh
ersaie cleaning out their ditehes to
irrigate their lands. Somo nro plow
ing, some making gardens, planting
out orchards, etc.
Mr. Ham'l Gover sold Ids rnnoh to
Ben Longley a few day ago. Tho
price paid was $5,000. Jfo also sold
his cattle to Norval Love, of Lower j
Powder. Jlr. Gover intends making j
his home in Nebraska. Wo regret j
very much to lose so good a citizen, j
Mr. .lames Lee ami Miss Cnrniehum
were married last Sunday. A. usual;
tho ceremony was performed on the 1
other side of Snake river, by Kev. j
Mores. Wo wish tho young couple 1
many happy days. Other weddings !
will no doubt follow aoou, iu somo of '
our bachelors tire pondering soriutioly
on the subjeot of matrimony.
Hi bim iloumlng.
I'robt,blr no one thing has camt4 such '
general revival of trade at Brown, drug
"-rw-as bis giving away t his nto-
of no m.Hiy frf
- w dl.- v
iri il Unities 01 Ir.
To- li. 11-1111. ntioii.
Ohio i,- 111 tlii- v. rv
if 1 that it iir. .1) -
lOl illt . I wlijjll ,
..U... 1 ."UJj Jlid ti i
e- 'jui- kly etircd.
. .11, v (,'ittiu u
u,i ,
.,' 1.
1 : '.
. 1
1 1,1' - .11 I I.
( 'old, AnUiui.i
UiT'iUt a I ' 1
W.I 1 111 . '.
t'lal ! . li i' I-
W I'l It H
Itiiii.- (lii
ii I,, iiiri-
ti r..frt i-Jit:i
in this county. My
The Scont' Weehly lospoetlou mill Itc
port of FrmHils oir Duty,
T..V. 'ilcDanict was Up from the Core
Mr. T). B. May, of tho Covo called on
Mr. J. B. Sains, of BUrcroek, visited IJn
ioniT'cently, Mr V. Kennedy, of U10 Cove called 011 us
a few days aj?o.
Mr. Gnta Wurrcu hps been quite sick for
some days past.
Mr. J. 0. Kuhn, was over from La (Iraitde
lust Monday.
Hcv. J. T. llroulltard, of Tslnnd city, cal
led on us Tuesday.
Mrs. Faunio Qoodspeed camo over from
la Orando Sunday.
Mrs. Annie Law ton came up from Port
land few days ge.
Mr. D. P. McDanlio, was dp from tho
Covo a few days ago.
Kev. W. R. lo well, of tho Covo called on
us the fore part of the week.
Mr. J. C. Christiansen, of Indian valley
was in Union a few days ago.
Mr, Jasper Chandler, of Indian valley,
was a visitor to Union recently.
Mr. J, J, Ui linmett, of Island city, made
sna substantial visit last Friday,
Mr. A. C. Boyd, and family returned to
their old home in Missouri this week,
Mr. O. Gaylord of I'ine valloy. sent In
and subscribed for Tim Mooct this week.
The .St. Patricks ball Riven at Davis' hall,
Friday evening was much enjoyed by all.
B. B. Shepard, of Sanger, called on us
this week and subscribed for The Scott.
Kev. J. T. Moore nnd John W. White, of
Indian valley visited I'nion a fow days ago,
Mr. Daniel ltrown, a nephew of Wardou
llathhvuy, arrived hero from Kansas lost
Mr. James Mitohell. of Joseph, Wol
fown county subscribed to Tub Scout a
fow days ago.
Thoro will be service in the St. John's
Church next Sunday, the third Sunday in
Lent, at 3:00 p. m.
Mr. l W. Starr and ill's. Mary Kcolor, of
Wallowa county, wero married nt Knter
prise'on tho 13th lust.
Mr. Alvin Tarter, ot Tine vulley, while
here a few days ao, eailed on us and sub
scibed for Thv- Scout.
John A. Green, was m from Lower Pow
der last Monday. Whllu here ho called nnd
subscribed for'l'iis Schut.
Mr. Lon Davis, of North Powder visited
Union a few days ago. While here ho drop
ped in and subscribed for Tim Scout.
The Ladies Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian church, will meet Friday
after noon March 22th. at half past, two
Percy K. Olrustend, oil Orejron boy ap
pointed as cadet to Annapolis recently fail
ed to pass tho recent examination and has
been demoted one class.
Mr. C. Dames, of Medical rJprings. cal
led 011 us a few days ago and subscribed for
two copies of Tup Scott, one for liinielf
und the other for Win. II oil ford of Forest
Grove. Missouri.
Joul Weaver, one of tho solid man of Iud
iau valley, vihltcd I'nion this week. lie
culled on us and subscribed for Tim Scout
01c year to bo sent to WooKwu CumuiiiH
Tout'hetSiaMon, W. T.
Sir. A. W.'MotUy, Mr. A. Fo.-ter.Mi. K.
15, Uuyord and Mr. J. li. Iloopingarutr. of
l'ino valley earned .wii a few days ago for
the purj oao of making linul proof on their
claims. They report everything (lourihh
ing in that section of the country.
Miss Nellie StevoiiH, resigned her position
this week as priniuiy teacher in Ilia Union
School. Miss Ida Davis was seluutod to till
tho unexpired term. Mis iStuvcns gavo in
tiro satisfaction to tho directors' as tun her,
and was well liked by all the pupils und
they regret very much to lose her.
A party of youn ladles aiul gentlemen
formed themselves into a serenading party
last Saturday evening und visited the resid
ences of quite a number ol their friends.
It was a calm, warm, moonlight night tind
the staging foil on the ears of all delight
fully. L. J, Bootlie, of the City hotel, has now
full ehar;e 0 the livery and feed stable,
Just uoross the street, and will ho pleased to
see his frleuds when they conio to lown.
Travelers may count en his charges being
always reasonable.
Wo understand that the M. t M. compa
ny, of Island city, have completed arrange
ments with the O. II. & N. company which
will Insure the building of u branch rosd
from La Grande to Island inside of the
next three mouths, but that tho road will
lie extended no further. Verily the niem
lcrs of tho M. fc M. company have long
heads, and by this move have captured the
town of Lu Grande, us iiino-tentli.i of the
biilneg that has been done at that burg
heretofore will h untierly cut or).
A. N. Gardner aud Georgu Gignac wont
out hunting one moruing this weak and
brought in ten i;aeso. They say they 'hot
them while on the whig, but we u.ivo our
doubtx about it. our doubt-urn more in
tensified 1. Loll we it-hVt we didn't
haven hand In rutin, .' any of those birds.
Jiml tin v pr.-ei.l. I 11 . mil', juvt to till Up
will., w - won1.! Iiiivr c iinnientod on the
mi.. 1 i-:i! ,i ! . ,;,v, ami tlmy could have
p.-n ! . , 1 .11 jn inn that (h'V arc the
best -Lou in America. As .1 i haven't
anythin to ay.
Ho mill l.rtfHl
K. It.ii
it 1
Pi .'IhV
.ly Mtv
1 Kv4 tri.-
'1 ....... .
. - l-li 1 , - 1 ,
al'o wm vt rv Juw
il J,aiiiii.i', I'Ut m a
. -"i.-. li broth
with Mttliiriul Kevur
un il in' limtlv uo
li .'I'll..
.W.I '1 .
in ... H..l Klwtr.i.
1. 11
motto is "Quick sales ,
RJMfiN stsm. s&v:
B3 V J? J
MW'" W
Latest Styles. HUtb,
.lust Ucooivcul, IMrtH't from tho Hnst, a Largo Invoice of LAD IKS' and
MISSUS' CALFSKIN SUOKS, the Host Ever brought to this Market. '
Also a Fine Assortment of
GENT'S -:-
3! y Prices will suit (ho iimos. Drop hi and see me.
C. YINCKXT, Main Street, Union, Or.
F'Thoso who consult their own interests will will on nto bofoio borrowing.
OFFICE IN ".10U15NAL" 15U1L1)IN(.
J. SQ ELLBOTT, - Proprietor.
KveryihiiiK First (.'lass. Twins Very KcasiMiable.
Buss to and Fiom (he Depot Making Connection with all Trains
1 U IrLUot UUIs
ft k mi m
I will sell my minnioth stock of
m"irt 1
it in
mm n
yii 11 wm in
9 WmilKftf U
"T i "1 r r
MQreT to LOAN!
hint opened in Hi buck buihling luljoiniiiK Juyuox Foutor'n nlorc, jrain
tjtii'Ot. Union, 11 full and complete UHNorlinout of
wm m fi m
Wliich nro Now Open For Inspection by tlie Ladies.
In addition to this nUovo, ;i comploto lino of Ludica' Gonls' aiuChildrona'
.-'hova are in Htock, nnd will bo sold tit coat.
A Share ol tho Public Patronage Solicited.
and small prolits."
All Kinds.
9 8 15 nm
J I mm u-i
( .
I 1
mon, uregon
1 1 1 1
m m uni mm
E. B.$jf
s mm m