The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 16, 1887, Image 1

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the Oregon scout,
.An Independent weekly Journal, i-siied ev
ery s.-ititniiiv morning by
Publisher and Proprietors.
15. Clt.WCUY
One copy, irie vear
" ' fix month
" '1 h:ce niontos
! B 1
Advance. ' '
Invariably Cash In
hi rhiiKf
nilnrth)tUnt iitv tint itil'd till '
V .' . .. , i. . ' 1 1 i . ' I
Kato of sulveitilng tuaile known on up- ,
jUr('orre;ioin'u n -e fr.uii all par! of tlu
country -"1 eVeil.
Adre all oinnimiiniiiun to the OunnoN ,
Scofr, l uii.n Or.froii.
I.iulKe Hireetorj'.
r hand!:
l:iNIK VAUXY 1.1)10(51-
.o. . (,. A. 1-. anil A. Ai.-Jleit- on tin- i
et-iiiul (iiiillottrtti .Nitunl-i.ys .it eaeii inoiitii. I
. v XN 1 AN ulu A '.
A. I.l-A ,.iccr.-;ary.
Uxion lodi:;-:, No. i. o. o. v.
Key:ular un-i-tinf. mi Friday evenings of
t-ach week at their hall in l ir.oii. All breth
ren in good xlandinj; nr.-invited to attend.
Jlv order ot the iod;.e.
(i. A. THOMPSON, X. O.
OIIAS. S. MII.I.Ki:, Secretary.
('tiui'cli DIiTetor.v.
MKTiionssT i:ricopAL (Mirr.cH.
Divine -ervif" eeiy Su.iday at II a.
Til, and 7 p. in. S. unlay at ;! p. in.
1'raver inert un; verv 'I liur-'diiv evening at
;:). IJ.-.V. (5. -M. H:VIX, Pastor.
Phksi'.vtKuIAX ciir::cn.-itKoi:-1
larciiureh eivii e- every sahbiitn morn- f
lngan.l (.veiling, travel- me 'ting cinc
day evening oi i nch w- .-k. i-a! b.ith schoo
verv S.ibi,at!i at lo a. ui.
1!KV. W. r. P.AIIII), Pastor.
v T. j;i'isii ut'At. rut ni ij.
O Service everv Mimhiv at .1 o'elock p. in.
JKV. V. II PO KLL, Keetor.
r.diniy .ller
State Senator
b. Ii. Kinehar
i K K.Tavlor
t 1M). MeCnllv
Conmf ssintu rs
.(. P. (Jco.iali
) John Clulxtuan
tio.ititnn '
Clerk . .
School superintendent
.Surveyor . . .
A. T. Xeill
.K. C. Ilrainard
.1. L, Iliiiduiaii
M. Austin
I). Tliomliiison
S. Alberson
S. A. Pursel
.1. S. Elliott
A. Levy
.1, W. Iveiuu'dv
K. W. D.ivis
:, ttciuillard
Couiiolluipu !
Street ( omiuissionei'
.1. P. Thoneon
K. H. Cates
J. I). Curroll I
I.. Katoll .
Attorney at Law.
Collecting a id probate practice spec'al
ties. Otllee, two doors south of post-olliee.
Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
AXl XOTAUV 1TI5MC. Olllee, one !
loor south of -I. II. I-.atonN store, I nlon, ;
T X. CltOMWELL, -M. I. ,
Physician and Surgeon. I
Olllee, one (Lior south of .1. It. Katon's
store, Union, Oregon. I
Attorney at Law,
Heal ( state and collecting auont. Lnnil 1
Olliee IliisinesH a Specialty. (Jllleo at Jo-
seph, Wallowa eountv. Oregon.
Q p. liKi.r.,
Attorney at Law,
Xotarv Public-, mid Abstnu tor of THIoji.
Oftiee State 1. md Offl'-u building, oomer
lain anil A streets, Union, Oregon.
Q II. DAY. M. I).,
Physician and Surgeon.
Olllre adjiilning Jiiiic ItroN Htorc. Can
be found nights ut the Centennial hotel,
room No. JA.
M. ltA K 1 : 1 1 . J. '.SllKI.T!. J. P. liAKKK
Attorneys at Law.
gon. sp -
nfi i
-I'liion .in.l
.1 n
'( es
jy 15. REF.S, i
Notary Public and Conveyancer. :
Olllee State Land Olllee building, Union, 1
fnii in county. Oregon.
t J. M. CAlillOl.L,
Xofarv 1'iililic.
n. i wilsox.
Kx-Co. Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
J i
Abstract to Ren! and Mining property
furnilied on .-liort notice, at na-ionablu
w- 1 f 1..1 I r!,,:
tiated. Colhvtlon Implies promptly ut-1 ntnUKlit l" view
tended to. j Some little traceof intellect and that wonlil
i mi,.,, nvi ,,,,-1. ,t i .,.,, ii ... . r. i i.i, .it.,,. v...r. ..v'(,...i . v.., .',.. . v ,
ion. orc-'on. i
v "
! v j. COli I5S, M. 1)
Physician nn Swrgeon.
Ilavin;: periiianently located at Alder, Pn-
ioll ,. ,lllltv (),,..,,, wj be found rca Iv to
.ltu.n, t(1 ,.;ls n t. varioui towns and
setthuients of the Wallowa valley.
3!y nii.tto is: "Live and Let live,"
i f r.
House, Sign and Carriage
- a T 1 T "1
-l-lL N J -J-L. v.-
Grajnlnis' a Specialty.
j Shop, Corner .Main and A Streets, Union,
X. (i A RDXllll l; CO.
Will ell makers & tJewelers,
Union, - - Oicgon.
Clocks and Jewelry For Sale.
lie imlrlnpr ut Almterati' It.itcs.
Call and examine our goods and jiriees.
, , ,
t-or- bun and 1! st. Union. Oregon,
Manuractitrei-s and dealers in Soda M'a-;
, ter, Sar.-aparilla. (iing-r Ale. Cream Soda
' and Chaiupagiie ("(K-r, Syiups, etc. Or- !
i ders pi-oinptly tilled. j
K TlfTi tliT-.Js.x
iiy-ieat-laffi .
Maiu Strce;. Union, Oregon,
Keep constantly on hand
, '
iumuj., n.t.n, i.AikU. r.ic.
l' itlm m it i ttki
Tonsorial Rooms.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing
done neatly and in the best style.
Hot and Cold Kaths.
Does n Oenontl Hanking Iluslniw. buys
and isell exchange, mid diiuountd cummer,
clal papur.
("ollwtltins cirrfully atteiuleit to, and I
promptly icported
Conttieoplu. Union uouuty, Or.
K,C. WAIUNXElt, Prop"r.
Tlio only lin-t
No pain .psred
elas. bniise fn tin eumn. '
to uultf guest, eomforta-1
FnninnJnr I inn mi ('fn-nn
I ,
I tiro. Wuhiiit, I W. T. WitKiiiT,
l President. I Cashier, i
mi i aa h j m i I
M Mill m,
j OF !
Chareres Reasonable.
'Our Poets.
(This ) a-e i.s -riven fo- the lee and
hcnclitt of our local wt itiT- of vir-e.
mid we hop'.-to make it u plensim; feature
of tlu paper. To that end contribution are i
solicited, lint they must posse undouliled
literary merit to' obtain place and i-ceogni-
tion here. Kn.
avokk to r.y.r a .imtv.
T!,oy nit''1 "!. 'I'"1 11 j'"--tw'lvi' I""",t ;
IlNtinciiMuil for their nlwolute vacuity of j
uiiiid. I
imMn. .iiinimunH ww..-v v (
..11.. . tit.. it ... i
never uo: i
. . , , i
1 he next was ilroimed dneetlv. ;is oiilek as
you could wink,
11 ' 1
l!ecau"e ln-saiil when he wasyounghesoiuo-time-
used to think.
The next wtii turned away in haste, with
out a second look;
For he imprudently confessed he once had
read a book.
xuvr.m'jY f -lUL'tiniuii-Miijuajii
C'ovo Culliny;s.
Haying is .itoing on in ovcry diri-o-!
tion. Kitrniers tiro jniyiiij; 1? 1 .;"() por
! ilny for hands. The yield will hu very
! yood.
! Sonic deer arc- soon in tlu hills above
1 town, .lap Stt'voisH stu-i-cedi'd in bug-
1M" a ' 1 ' (1U0 11,ni,ns l',ls
Airs Aildic Frouclt has hci-u (lnnj;('r-
lino hui-k, one lnorniinr this
onsly pick duiinjj: the week, with symp
toms of Pneumonia, hut. is tlowly ini
piovin at present.
Airs. Annie Arnold, who bus been
living in ('live during tint winter, on
neeount of eduealionnl advantages, has
moved to Teloeaset.
! 1' air prices
Ii.'ing realized this
i oca on lor the sirawben v and eherrv
j.crop. A ready market is found in the i
i valley for nearly all produced in the!
Cove. j
I The roller machinery for the Cove'
! llourintr mill has at last all arrived and '
' will soon be nlaeed in position. In a i
short time the mill will be turning out
i a very fine grade of Hour.
The young men of Cove will soon
i organize a baseball club ami commence
i regular practice. They will be open
I to chnlluigc from any club in the
I county not excepting the Union nine,
Dunham Wright was in town this
; week, lie i.s tho busiest man in Hie
county; says he will be forced to erect
new buildings to accomodate invalids.
seeking h-'alth at his famous medical
M'ri'ig- ,
Messrs. A, I!. Kobinson and Dave
i I ,1 V 1 1 1 llrlV.' Iwi'l.rlll ritlt 111,. ( 'n'iI T.i
;.," .....ji l:..., "f .. i.'ii;.,,, "im,,.,.
" 111 , 1,10 (l1 ,,,,u lAhM; .JUr
haveordered a new stage especially for
the route, and as heielofoiu will curry
passengers, and freight, connecting with
traniH ot (he l nion depot.
James Payne stalled for the minimr
(istrlct, TucMlay, with a loud of cheese. '
lie win not iacK lor eomnanv. as
. r .., ....
Mi.s-('.s Scullions. Pearl Puvno. Lou
' Payne and .Mr. and .Mrs. A. J. Foster
.accompanied him. The hair-breadth
1 escanes, adventures, etc. they exneri-
' once will no doubt be to fill
ll book.
Win. Smith Jr., and family, consist-
ing of wife and three children, arrived !
this week from Ked Lake Falls, .Minn.
.Mr. Smith has accepted the position
of head matter of I.eighton Academy.
I fe comes very highly recommended,
having been principal of public schools
in Hcd Lake Falls for the past two
years and for four years prior to that
time was master of one of the depart
ments of Shattuck Military School, of
Faaibault. The management of the.
Academy is to bo congratulated on se
curing tho services of a man of aueh
wide experience and known ability.
To citizens of tho Pacific States du
ring the jmtit week, and reported ex
pressly for tho Scoct, by C. A. Snow
it Co., patent lawyers, opposite IJ. S.
Patent (Jlliee, Washington, D. C:
J. I', Davis, Santu Poni, Cal., corn
popper; (1. E. Dow, San Francisco,
(Jab, engine-governor; J. Heiidy, San
Francuco, (.a!., oro feeder; D. H. Hunt, (
Angel's Camp, Cal., caraxle lubricator;
J. W. K.-ed. Sail Diego, Cal., brick-
I kiln lire box; P, Selby, Oakland, Cal.
j wari-turtcr; A. White! Kerbyville, Or.,
mower attuchinenL.
i il .
Th Milk-iue linking Powiifcr, full
jxiunil cans, warranted as go(Ml-as anv
ranted as good-as nv
in (b
tiiiirk-t. r nib tit Jones JJros.
I'armei srji. ol l'lilti!tmn An
Attorney III Tri.ulilr.
Huckleberries are ripe.
Smith it Fuller, of Salem; sold two
of their fan mills l.i'ic.
Tin liny diggers nr. getting out
their old mowers, and rakes ready to
begin biz.
Our people scattered to every point
f tin- cmpa tocciehrato thoVourti..
Tin- mnjorilv attended Mrs F.aton's
(auWt ttlu rcpoit a good time.
Ir. Sevmoitr ('oi tic uIomhI liis ,-ehool
:it tlu-oiiti of tluvi- months, nirntly to
thu rejjii't o tin-patnuis. I ho pupils
Kiivi' an i-xhihition l''riilav uwninir to
, . .
n lnrfio luulictu-c, who wen-iitianimoin'
. .. . . .. ... .....
in llir- finilllini tlitlf. tlir n i if i-n-
" I . ,
niil. 'I'lii- liicn-s bhowi'i! rim- ithlm-
ment in selection and the songs were
well rendeicd; in fact it was a perforin- !
anee that would have done credit to
older sehollars. The teaelier is to be '
commended for his untiring zeal and
good judgement throughout his entire
time of teaching (air school.
One of Union's 'imminent lawyers
started, recently, to visit High Valley,
in company with his beit girl. They .
got along nicely, tip one hill, down an- ,
other until the horse thought he had
enough of that kind of thing, and ;
stopped, balking right at the foot of the .
last steep hill, They in turn plead and 1
coaxed, but no go. .Mr. jumped
out and so did tho girl. They took his
balksliip by the bit, entreated, exhor- .
ted, talked oats, religion and business
to the brute, hut he would not budge.,
"Never mind," said the lawyer, "1 have
and idea." so he began to sing the song '
"Hark ye, on theold lior.-e," and before .
he had reached secondly, the horse was
going backward in the ditch, ker-cliug,
headed down hill direct for Union,
where'tliey arrived safe, with no fur- ,
liter delav. Homo.
IsliUld (Jifcv Idvls,
' '
l"u'frt dull.
'Mr. Campbell, an expert, millwright,
from Portland, is playing peek-a-boo
'lt tllc "y mills.
The band is rendering some sweet
music near the window as I write,
which is. fully appreciated. Come
Tommy Jones iVili'i(cil hoin" i't'i't-
j land, Sunday last, and is dlny conliinld 1
i '"ix Dr. .Mel.ellaild' has been i
, treating him for heart disease, but he'
"lls experienced no beneficial results,
The saw mill and lumber yard at.
Oro Dell burned last night. Ve lirst
saw it at half past 1 1 o'clock. It made
a big blaze and was tilainly seen from
Ihn etipalo of the Island City nulls.
Prof, .1. A. Aulguire, phrenologist
anil physiogoinist, of San Francisco, ;
Cal., has been delivering a course of
lectures, which are scientific, and very
instructive. The Prof, is highly coin-
plimented by many papers in Callfor-
11111 Oregon, and conies to us ingli-
ly recommended, Youreorresuondent
can testify to his credentials. The I
audiences have been very large with
(he exception of Tuesday night. His
lecture en I.ove, Courtship and Marri
age wnjt a success, and was highly
praised by all. His ptmlie delinea
tions are very accurate and give good
. satisfaction. We can safely recom-
mend him as a gentleman wherever
he may go, S.w.i.v Ann.
Antelope Items.
July UI, 18S7.
Weather somewhat cooler.
Mr. Frazicr has taken a, trip to the
The Frazier boys have ordered u 1
new threshing machine, 1
(iilbert (iiroux has sold his farm to j
Mr. (icn. Thompson, of Union. j
Fanners have commenced mowing.
Tho hay is heavier and bettur than hint '
Miss Emma Ilidwell is giving great
(satisfaction with her school at this
Miss Civilla Shoomakur was visiting
friends and jelativus at the Covo, last
P. H. Johnson has moved to the 1
mountains with his family to camp for
a few days.
Mrs. Sarah Lynch and Miss Malinda !
Lynch, of tlio Covo, have been A Wtiug
relatives at Antelopu, r,
Mr. William Cate litis hU fence al
most completed, whieli-wHl avo him
a great deal of herding. '
' Vkthu Hips,
Ladies and gents' summer goods con
stantly arming from the East anil San
Jfr.iiu is'.iij at Ly's.
La Grand
Ni-us rt the We.-U-- tiitei-cstln;; Surlul
Notes-- M Inlnu I tiMiM-.( i),i
slti. II 111 lltisiiti-ss.
July 1-1, 18S7.
Tho lings still wave.
Our city park is no more. i
Soininer's house arrived Saturday. ;
Harmon, the wool dealer, has re
turned. Telephonic communication with the t
lirst ward is now cut oil'.
James Henry is again at homo, in,
Snodgiiiss's warehoti.-e.
The Presbyterian church is very 1
much braced up on tin- oui.Mile.
Iiev. Ellis is now in the country af
ter his (.titer ham st making hay.
Many of our best men, iintni.'d n
well as single, are away from home, '
Mr. Potler, from Salem, has the con
trast for plastering all the new brick
Allen it Crossen, of l.add canyon,
have gone into the livery business, at ,
Albany, Or.
The Wellman P.ros. have abandoned
their gold diggings here, without mak
ing a sale.
The conceit at the Presbyterian
church last. Sunday evening was quite
well attended.
llorsepool's slaughter house recent
ly burned, has been rebuilt and is now
in running order.
The snow on Mt. Emily has about
gone, only a patch apparently the m.c
of your thumb is left.
Mrs. Willis D.'.d is quite low, with
intlaination of the lungs, and her case
is pronounced hopeless.
MeF.lroy, the State Stipt. of Schools,
is expeeled to be here next week and
hold a district iustitu'e.
The latest news from Kinsie's silver
mine make it appear better and better.
August 1 ltli is the date of transfer.
The stone foundation for the new
bank building is now about completed.
Tlie vault will have a solid foundation.
A new is being built o-i the
east side of 1) -pol street, between Ad
am's aventi.', and XcivIiii'h drnj tjore.
" Tim passenger from the Ea-d was
n hours" lido yesterday, on neeount of a
hridgh being biu'ue.l on the Short Line.
Prof. Tait has moved lo his Rock
creek investment, but finds teaching
music jiime ptoitahlc than farming.
The' money lost by Miss Wilkinson
at the i-elcbrafioii, has noL been heard
from, .and Ml into dishonest
hands. -
Win. (, a late arrival from cof
laiid, is the smiling clerk in Die China
hardware store. Turner's tracks have
been swept out.
Fannie Hayes is said to bo the best
busincfs merchant in town, mid some
of the young men are looking that
way for a partner.
Lanman, whoso leg was broken at
North Powder, a few weeks ago, has
been improving rapidly under the care
of Dr. Milium, ami l.-ft for his home
this morning.
Joe Jones has gone Into the free
delivery business in opposition to the
widow Payne who continues her hus
band's express and freight line. Pity
the widow, Jones.
Road petitioned for by IT. M. Oliver;
declared a public higjiway ami ordered
McCoy's claim for stationory allowed.
Time of assessor extended till lirst
Monday in October.
Road petitioned for by T. R. Hayijes;
ordered opened.
Road petitioned for by McU'euzie;
viowois appointed.
Roail petitioned for by Dunham
Wright ; viewers appointed.
Report of tho public school in (lis,
triutXo. M, Union county, Oregon, for
tin- term ending July H, 1887 :
Total number enrolled, ? ; average
daily attendance, 11. The following
named pupils have maintained the
highett deportiueut during the term;
Milton Combs, '.).; Viola F.udicott, !'f;
L'lric Kiulieolt, 1)5; Oeorgo Chandler,
Fannie llairis, !)n; Lucy Weaver.
Da; Amanda Land, U5; Mae Endicolt,
11): Mae Col well, ill; Milton Dennett,
UO; Eddi.- Land. W.
M. ' C!i"-M T her
Si'Wn X'l.lcs, I.nte I'lilei-inliimeiils, I.eo
tine, !, etc.
Pine Valley, July (1. lf.VT.
Mr. Ftuniau, music dealer of Walla
Walla, was iulho valley iceenlly.
Three sisters and an uncle of Mr.
Johualha:) Sttngill, ar; on a visit to
i claims here,
Mi.- Lorn Coggau visited Union
recently. On her return sin- was ac
companied by Miss Delia Arnold, of
the Cove, who will rusticate for a time
in Pine.
Dr. C. E. Clingan, of Sioux Oily,
Iowa, paid a Hying visit to Pine and
his hiothor, Mr. Emory Clingan,
of this place, recently. He expressed
binisdf well plea.-ed with the valley.
Pine Vallev i not to be outdone by
other localities in changeable
weal, nr.
1- rest on tin
'Jltch tilt, did considerable
damage to gatd. ns. ( n the .'ith in-t.
tiie thermometer indicated !.( in the
shade; at present writing, '.12.
A magic lipitern; grand panorama
etc. cub rtaiuiiient will hold forth in
"Sunny Delll" school house to-night.
Resiirvcd seats, brass band and orches
tra, small boy for u.shcr, etc. Hurrah
for Pine; it's coming out ! We'll have
a in ill oiul nex
Mrs. A. S. Duniw.ty delivered a lec
ture in the town of Pine Valley P.O.
(oh, what a name!) on the 2lith ult.
on "The Law of Common Sense." Tlio
lecture was Well attended, and her col
lection was-S:S.7". Pine Valley is ahead
of Union in the matter of collections,
"Rio." Join's, and as for the prettiest
girls, that i.s a matter of opinion. Wo
have "lots" of pretty gills here, too.
While in the valley, Mr. Pursel. .Mr.
Xels, Sehootiover and wife visited tho
t-iniuions ledge. During the evening,
while sitting by their camp lire, .Mr.
Simmons set lire lo ii r houghs which
make a display almost equal to Fourth
of July lircwotks, to iuiiiim; his guests.
It was line fun until he got a little too
clou and the lire cot into camp and
the in-ii had to chop down trees and
light lire, then it Wasn't quite so lino.
'I bo lire attracted coin iderable atten
tion in the valley ; some thinking the
town of Cornucopia was burning. The
parties biou ;hl back witli them some
beautiful specimens of quartz.
Mr. S, A. Pursel and wife, accompa
nied bv .Mrs. J. )!. Tho u.-oti and chil
dren, liind Mrs. Jani'tta McCotnas, all
of Union, arrival in Pine Valley on tho
2nd inst, on a i-il lo lin-ii' nlativcs
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. D. uney. Mrs. Mc the mother of PursoV
Mrs. Thomson V.iid MY-. Deittlcy, is,
Vilyuu-sof age, and is probably tho
oldest perron who ever iv is jolted over
ihe f.itnous "new road ' irom Union to
Pine; i Rhough quile fi' -ble ho stood
(lie trip remarkably well and will re
main for t-ome lime with her daughter
Mrs. 1). The other uf the party took
their depart'nrc tin tliu l!jh'iist., ac
companied by Mr?. Nulsqii Sefiooiiover.
All parties oxprefjvtliunisi Ives as.
highly pleased wltliWiijiij, Valley and
its prospects.'
The glorious Fourth was duly ob
served in Pine Yallcyjiju! our sister
valley of Eagle, ami at Cornucopia.
Desirous of being with friends m whom.
We have not scon for soino time, wo
visited tho latter pl.tee. Although notf
a large number in attendance, thoso
who were.seeined to enjoy theuiselvcjf.
The glow was cool and inviting; tho
music, Mws R"ii at the piano, was?'X
cellent; the Declarttioii of Indepen
dence was read by Mr. Parker, wlio in
a lino reader; the ointiuu by Jlrff Uur-
' dett, well dulivertil, and it h3d tho
! merit whivU inany t'oui-tlt of July ora
, tions lack of being short. 'Pie tablo
i was supplivd with g-od lWnp. Tight
; rope vall;ing, dancing iiuho grove,
and basuball in tho at'irrmu, linishcd
: up with a dance in the hajl in tho ov
j eniny. Among thoe frin a. distance,
' wi'i-e .Mr. and Air-. Setfiounover, Mr.
and Mim. Cooper, M rs.Lnvltal Wood
j aid, Miss Allie CooleyfMr. S. A. L'ur
' n-1 and wife, Mrs. ,.Ji. ThoniMm autL
Mrs, Janntta Mct'onjAs, of Union; Mr.
Chits. Duncan anf Mls Shivall, of
Spiuta; .Miss Orilfln, of llake'r, ana
: munywliuso wmujS- w. did not learn,
t Pmf. Luce, of lie "Whitman," avuh
there, greeting ! all hands with smiles
j and words of jrvleu::jif ull. All wiw
quiet and ordcfly on (lie picnic ground,
I and all apptnifed 10 en.ov the.nsojvca
: ..I.. ' Mm
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