r t J-.., vol. n The Oregon Scout. All iiidepe'idcut wcck'y Journal, Nued cv- cry Saturday morning by joxes & cieancey. I'tibll-her and Proprietor. A. K. .Iom:s, 1 Kdilor. t . ('iiAri:v, 1 Foreman. ItVTi:.S OF SUIISCISIE'TION: One copy, one ve ir $l.."0 " ' M'x month 1.IHI " " Three iiiontc.s 7,1 Invarlulily Cash In Advance. mi ill ..uvmicc. fi'liHtm ii,y not pnUI till if iv ii',' hr rli, l mil. If In) vlltllirr .iii.(v e ml uj tint tlnlhiii I!ate of adveiti-ing made known on ap-piieation. JQi'('one-.)ondi'ir.e from all part of the Ilnvinir permanentlv located at Alder, Un country -ol. cited. ' ion e unity Oieg.ui. will lie found rcadv to Adre- all communication to the Oiikoo.n , ,lttl',1"1 1(1 ' .J1'-' various towns 'and Scurr, Union Oivgo:). I settlements of the allowa valley. I.Oit.vc Dlreetoiy. 1 GHAXnn KONDH VALLKY LOlKiK. No. ."(I. A. F. and A. M.-.Mccts on the M'coiul and lourtli Saturdii v uf each month. a. li:vy. sine: r.-. I TTNION LOIXilC, NV. .'!!! I. O. O. K. ' U KcKtilar iueet!iifi on Friday tveniiifrsof f each week at their hall In l'nion. All lireth- ; ren in piod standiii.' are invited to attend. . hv oruer ot tne lotie. (i. A. THOMSON, X. (j. (.'HAS. S. MiLLKIt, .' e, retarv. C'luiicli ISIrettory. FaIMIODLST IIsrol'AL CHl'ltCII. in. ami i p. in. Miiuiiiy x ho il at .! p. in. l'raver inectint; cverv 'I'lniv-dav eveniiiir at (5:30. K:.V. (i. M. U'WlN, J.itor. T) ltKSHYTKIM AN ClirilCH.-UKfl F- X hi larehureh ervice'" evei v Saijhatii morn- ' in;; and evening. Prayer meeting: Wednes-; day evening of tavh Wick, .'-a'.lituh bchool cverv Nibuath at Ut a.m. niOV. W. C. HAIIH), I'astor. ST. JOHN'S Ki'ISCdl'AL CIIl'I'.r-H. Service everv r-uudav at o'clock p. m. ItKV. W. U l'OWICLL, Hector. Comity Oillccrs. i State Senator L. I. Hiuehart ' Icpreentativ.s Judge C'oiniii!ioncr.'S I I. Iv. 'lavlor f F. D. Mel ullv Judge .. .). I', (icodall .lohii Chi'isinan K. Leen Sheriff A. N. Hamilton Clerk A. T. Neill TreaMirer .K. C Urainard . School Superintendent .1. L, llindmau 1 Surveyor . . . M. Au-tiu Assessor . (). I). TlioniliiiMiti ! Coroner Alhui'Miu Ctly Ol'Kuis. Mavor I). 15. llces A. I'urel .1. t-. Klliott A. Levy Keeonlur.. Mar.'-lial Treaoiirer Street Comiiiiioner 1. Carroll L. ICatou ritorisio:,'. i. JOHN R. (i RITES, Attorney at Law. Colliclliiir and nrol iite nractlee soecial- ties. Oil el1, two doors .scuili of not-olliee. Union, Oregon. EAKIN, Attorney at Law AND. NOTAItY I'UItLIC. Ollice, one door.Miiilh of J. II. KatonN -tore, I'nloii, Oregon, J X. CROMWELL, Al. I). , Physician and Surgeon. Olliee. one door south of J. It, Katon's htore, Union, Oregon. fj F. IiURLKIOH, Attorney at Law, Heal estate and collecting agent. Land Olliee Hiisinexs a Specialty. (Hike at .To yeph, Wallowa coui.tv, Oregon. O. F. HULL, Attorney at Lav, Notary Public, and Abstractor of Titles. Otllee State L uid orlh e buildinv. eorner I Main and A Streets, Union, Oregon. ri II. DAY. M. 1L, JIOMKPATIIIO Physician and Surgeon. AM. C W.L.K I'llOMl'TI.V ATTKXIIUl" TO. .... . .... wii. -'.ninoming jone iiro's more, rim bo Livid nights at tin Centennial hotel, room No. as. M. H.VKKR. J. WSHSJ.TO. .1. '. lUKKB JAKF.lt, SHELTON.t HAICUK, Attorneys at Law. 'FK'KS-Union and La (!rnd, Qro. Sncelil Attootl" n arlvcii all liimlitcHK lilnl In ii.. I'HOI'KSSIONAI.. J. M. CAlMtOLL. Notary Public. R. 1 WILSON. Kx-lo. Clerk. ' (TJARROLL & WILSON, Conveyancers and Abstracters. Ab-dract to lieal ami Mining property furnished on short notico. at riasonaLL1 rat p.-. Sales of Heal and Mining property nego tiated. Collection bu-iness promptly at temh'd to. Ottlee next door f-cmtli of Post-olllee. Un ion. Oregon. A 'J' CORRS, M.D., ' Physician Surgeon. jari llltUMC IMSKASKS A SIMCCIA LTV. ! My motto K: "Live and Let live." ! T A. ISKLI., I?) i Hoiiscimi and tarnaGe . J A l, I J J -A l H ' L. l 1J V. Graining a SpeciaSty. shop. Corner Main. and A Streets, Union, Oreiron. A A. OA l1)2s Ell (; CO. WatcJiiiiiilccrs & Jewelers, l'nion, - - Oregon. Clocks and Jewelry For Sale. Kcimli-lii r.t .Moderate Itntes. Call and examine our goods and prices. K81 NI) SODA FACTORY, Cor. Main and II St Union. Oregon, SHKILHAN & ItAI.lJV, I'rniis. Manufacturers and dealers in Soda Wn- ter, Sar-iaparilla, (linger Ale, (.'ream Soda and tiiampagne Cider, Syrups, etc. Or I dels promptly tilled. atiicKY LKsuor Store i:.T!?ZlUllJ mum muiiv.ui. Main Street, rn!on, Oregon, HKNSON BROS. - PKOPltlETOltS. Keep constantly on hand ; IJKKF, l'ORK- VKAL, IUTTON, j SAIJSAOK, HAMS, LARD. Etc. Tonsorial Rooms. .7. M. JOHNSON, - - PKOPJUUTOK, Main Street, Union, Oregon. Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing done neatly and in the best Myle. Hot and Cold Baths. Gr.o. WitKiiir, ) A'. T. Wuii.iit, J're-ldent. f Cashier. gap -OF- UXIOX, OREfJOX. Does a (ionera! Hanking Huniness. Huys and sells exchange, and discounts commer cial paper. Collections carefully attended to, and promptly icported. ALPINE HOTEL, Cornucopia, Union county, Or. j R. C. WARIXXER, Prop'r. j The only ilrt class house In tho eniap. 1 No pains spam! t make guests comforta ble. Charees Reasonable. A ranch of 210 acres in the best part of I (jrainle Hondo Valley the garden sjiot of i Kastern Oregon. Nine ty ueres well sot to 1 liniothyjUl aero good fanning land, the' uamiiue guoii pasture, well watered and "Vnr, u,,,?r- A ver' tleniruhlo jilaco. and will lie sold cheap fur cash. j?0 rcasoiiublif offer refused. Cull in or uddre-n : J. A. KU8SKLL. or J W. Hiu, Cove, Or, J'jjvr i7. Portland, Oregon. UNION, OREGON, SATURDAY, Jl'LY !), Our Poets. This sj a:-e is glvtn for the me and benciitt of nur iced wi iters uf vere. and we hope to make it a pleasing fe'ituro of the paper. To tliat end contributions are olicitcd, bet they iniM poe umlouhied litdary merit to obtain p'acc and reeocni tioii hen. Kn.1 Written for the Scott, or lai:oi:. The liirds may sing in tlie country idc, Hut I think in the city's throng There is many a sound of labor That is as pleasant ih any ong. The workman whistling cheerily As he goes to his work at morn Is just a sweet ami as musical As the whistling birds in the corn. When the lnickhiyers tap with their trowels The brick in the growing walls; When the chip! chip! chip! of the masons In rithmical cadence fulls! When theca: punter's busy hammer Nlcnds with a laugh or a word, "l'is the music of labor, and just as sweet As the song of the wildwood bird. The. sigh of the summer wind is soft, And gay is the chattering stream, Hut the engine throbs a noble tune Through a mighty tongueof steam, And there's music in the click! click! click! Of the mystical telegraph; In the chiming bell in the lofty tower, In the school-girl's innoetnt laugh. In the kindly voices of greeting men, In the playing of girls and boys; Oh, the streets are full of pleaant sounds That fretfully we call "noise." Hut think, if all this wonderful lite Went silently to and fro; If never a sound fell on the ear And the tumult was all a show. How we would miss the spirit and stir; How we should drearily sigh Over the busy, but drcaiu-like crowd Falsing us silently by! Oh, the trowel's 'tap'and the mason's 'chip,' The hummer, the wheel, the bell, Are the stirring songs that labor sings, And we all of us love them well. -S, Y. If. EPiSOOI'A L ENTERTAINM EXT. Tlio nieiiibcrs of tho Episcopal church of this city will give an cntcr tiiiuincut at Wright's hall, next Friday (veiling, July lfith, for the purpose o'f raising funds to niaku mhuu necessary repairs on the church building. Fol lowing i.s the riiocn.vMMi:: Duett, "O'er shepherd's pipe and rus tic dell," .Mr. Hlanchct and Mr. Warfcl. Recitation, "Kentucky Hollo," Alisa Foster. Solo, (vocal) "When tho hirds sing," Miss Swackhanier. hold, (instrumental) "Tain O'Shan ter," Miss Wright. .Chorus, "Torpedo and the whale." Solo, (vocal) "Good bye," Mr Warfel. Chorus, "I hear the r-ol't notes." I'AIIT II. Solo, (instrumental) "Fantaihie," Mrs Warfcl. Solo, (vocal) "Esmeralda," Miss Uei dleman. Recitation, ''Xinas night in quar ters," .Mr. Rlanchet. Solo, (vocal) "Robert, thou that 1 Invest ," Miss Ihooke. Solo, (instrumental) "Raeo on Calm lake," Miss Lewis. Scene from "II Tin va tore." Chorus, "Nancy Lee." PATENTS (J RANTED To citizens of the Pacific States, du ring tho past week, and reported ex pressly for the SeotT, by C. A. Know fc Co., patent lawyers, oppotdto U. S. Patent Olliee, Wiifchington, D. C: J. D. Williams, San Francisco, Cal, composition of matter for insulating material; J. T. Smith, San Francisco, Cal., automatic oiler; A. Shuch, Sac ramento, Cal., wood turning machine; M. I. Rokiigue, San Francisco, Cal., pen holder; J. O. O'Neill, Nevada City Cal., combination lock; W. F. McNutt, San Francisco, Cal., vehicle axle; 11. U. Lynch, San Francisco. Cal., dredg er; G. J). lloiton. Snohomish, W. T storoscope; A. 1 lotion, San Francisco, Cal., trammel ; W. A. Friek, Los An geles, Cal., pipe mold ; C. Dickenson, Portland, Or. button hole cutter; A. E. Dietz, Oakland, Cal., snow plow; D. R. Campbell, W. T. nut lock ; J. Ueauliou, Areata, Cal. saw level and tot gage. EAGLE COOPER SHOP. S. 11. Ayles, manufacturer of but ter banclH and kegs, haw nhvnys on hand a ,'ood supply of the best quality and will sell them at reasonable prices. Oive him a cull at his shop, south of the school lioii'o, I'iiIoii. CORNUCOPIA. Letter Front Our lleiritlnv Ciiricsiioiiilciit Oiiit't'i-iiiiiK Hie t'lne Creels Klines, Mrs. Schoonovcr, of Union, is in town, also her'hui band who has charge of the road work. Chas Duncan and Miss Annie Sco vail, of Sparta are at the Alpine, also Mr. Lyons, of Denver, Col. The "Way Up" is still yielding up her precious treasure; the last strike showing more gold than rock. Work is progressing on the dillerent prospects, witli most flattering results. Iioek in which gold is plainly visible is as common heie as cobble stones in Union. Mr.s Duniway spent several'days in camp last week, and favored our citi zens with two lectures which were well received by a largo and appreciative audience. Our cam) is moving slowly to the front and if a few more good compa nies become interesUd in our mines during the summer you may look for a "boom" for Fine creek. Country people aro arranging to night preparatory to celebrating to monow. W. T. Hurdette has been chosen to deliver the oration, and A. W. l'arker reads the Declaration of Independence. Now and promising locations aro mado every day, showing that tho camp is not half prospected yet. Tho latest of these is the extension of the "Way Up," within half a mile of town. Tho lucky locators are Messrs Maekey it Fairweather. The man Win. Norton, who was ar rested for rape, was duly acquitted. We have known Hill for a long time' and do not believe he would bo guilty of such a thing, and in justice to him we are glad to say tho parly making the complaint failed to put in an ap pearance, and William still maintains his good name. One of tho features of the entertain inenton the Fourth of July will be a drilling match for a purse of !fl7f. There aro six entries. Tho two drill ing tho deepest hole in same rock re- , coive a purse ot MUU the second nri.e. '0; third prize. 25 ; time of labor 20 minutes The O. (!. M. Co. fumis ,l,.;u i...... i ., , , Messrs. South and Hailey, of Don - ver, Col., aro visiting our eainn with a view of puivliasing property here. . . I hey are thorough mining men and are too smart, to express an opinion further than lo sav that thov aro sur prised to find such bodies of ore in Oregon. They Visited the Simmons group, also the "Red Jacket" Wo J'leke t" Wo will certainly hear from these gentle-, men again when they make their re-1 port. RESTORED HER SIGHT. Mitchell, Or. July 20, ISSti, For the benefit of the 'human raco who may sufl'er from diseased eyes: When I was a child my eyes wore af fected from scarlet fever. My father, J, H. Howard has spout a great deal of money for mo without getting any relief. At times my eyes wore so bad that I could not too at all. I was obliged to remain in a dark room for teunionths at one time. No language can explain what I have stiflered with my eyes. A success is Heaven tome. Juno 28, 88(5, 1 was fortunate in moot ing Dr. S. Harmon at Prinovillo, Oregon- I had lost all hopes of ever get ting cured. When I mot tho doctor ho examined my eyes and gave ino medicine. When I left his oflleo 1 laughed at myself, thinking ho could do mo no good, as I had tried nuineroiiH doctors before; but Unlay this the 20th day of July, 188(5, my eyes are hotter and stronger than they have over been since a child. I take great pleasure in recommending tho doctor to like sufferers. MllH. KllA.VKIK HOWAIII) STKWAHT. Signed in presence of v .1. N, IlLAOKirrr, Justico of tho Peaco for Mitchell, Crook county, Oregon. Dated July 2(5, 188(5. Why buy from imigratiug agents, of whom you know nothing, eitherof their responsibility or the ehareeter of their goods, when there aro responsible deal ers located near you, who carry full and complete lines of all farm and mill machinery and implements, and whoso success it is for your best interests to support with yoar patronage? Frank Rro's. Implement Co, of Island City request your consideration of their claim, anil refer you to your neighbors who havo had dealings with them. II Wool saokfl .'18 cents each, at J. U. Eaton's. IHK7. The Cove. I'lenle on Mm Finn tli-.-Tlie DatieiA Sex ei e Th unit er M.irin- 1'i i .niuil .Mention--r.h,tcr. THE COV K SCHOOLS. July 7th., 18S7, Fly timo has come. Tho bald headed man scratches his pato and says soft things to himself. Ren Owenby, of Joseph, was in town during the week. He left, Wednesday, with a drove of horses for Idaho. Mrs. Kate Frazler, who resides near Walla Walla, is in Cove, visiting ac quaintances and her sister .Mrs, Jas per Stevens. Mr. O.iaah Woods, formerly of Cove, but now a resident of Idaho, is in town on a visit to relatives. The old gentle man says ho is just as vigorous as over. Frederick .Mitchell returned from a trip to Virginia, Tuesday, lie extend ed his travels moie than was expected, visiting Chicago, Cincinnatti and other large cities. Mr. .Mitchell, being of an observant nature, has many wonderful stories to tell of eastern improvements. A party of young people and their parents celebrated, .Monday, by in dulging in a picnic in the cool groves up Mill creek. They report having a very pleasant time, with no heat, no dust, and not many plug uglies as tho Scoct correspondent could not attend. (Jeer's ball, on tho eve of tho 1st. inst., was the most successful und pleasant dance of tho season. Tho hall was Idled to overflowing with the youth and beauty of the valley. Ex cellent music was furnished by an or chestra, composed of Messrs. Childers, McLain and Forrester. Tho prospectus of Ascension and t . . n. ( 7 '. iiil iauiii. Lcighton schools are out, of new names appear on The prospect for a good number of schollara in both schools is flattering. In all respects these institutions are now equal witli the best, and in many they oll'er superior advantages. Tho llulick brothers aro down from i .i i .. T"11!1'"," ' . 7 ' BMwl 1,1 , "' ", and arc doing well. ( aro on- quaitz. Quite a delegation om ovencs aro at, work in , tho vicinitv of the mines. Tlwv have i . ...,.,.,! i.,. iu,ii., , i. .:.i. knv.v.u no. ii i'wiwitw Uiiitncin ttllll tmJ (Jovo Hotel, and take turns in engineering tho culinary department. Tho storm Wednesday evening al- ; most gave this town the go by, only a '..,,.,11 ,.,... . r.n:...'. i. ' "K. n ' I1"" " i" emui nugu me winu r.igeu aim water icu in tiieeis. Some fieids of fall grain were consider ably injured. The new school hnu-c in the Hamilton district appears as if it hud expeiioneeil an encounter with a Kansas cyclone. If you meet many more, you will know everybody in the country. M. Oh, yes, I have lived hero -10 years. Miss E. R. Now, swing me, please, Miss J. I was smiled upon by an ac complished lady, at the ball, even if I am a stranger. Elmer. No, I wasn't lost on our trip to Cornucopia, but took a little stroll of twenty-five miles over the breaks to lindnonio one to toll mo where I was. J. H. I whm the champion rifle shot at La Grande on the Fourth. Tob. Well, well, what will happen next? Tho Union 11. R. club have won a game of ball! S. 1 have the very highest opinion of Oovo, girls as ballroom companions, since (Jeer's party. Dave, Kor nice, cor teous girls, I would commend the fair ones of llig creek ; I was at Dunham Wrights ball and know whereof I c ...... i. w i , , , t-poak.-S. D. 1 lavo you heard of my ftemlf-S. 1) I remaiueil sober all dao this iMiurth.-R. II. fiivj: tiik.m a ;iia.nci:i That is to say. your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery, Very Wonderful ma chinery It is. Not only the larger air-pass-ages, but the thousands of little tubes and avitiei leading from them. When these aro clogged and choked with matter which ought not to bu there, your lungs cannot half do their work, And what they do, they cannot do well, (.all It cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, ca tarrb, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obsirui tioiis, all are bad. All ought to bu got n of. There Is just one sure way to get rl them. 'I hat Is to take Hoschee's (Jenim Syrup, which uny druggist will sell yv'd 7o cents a bottle. Kven If cvervthlnitvNu Jiiik failed you. you may deneml unthls for certain. - . j Try tho now baking powder Jones Uro's. Only 35 1-01118,11 can. ift'arrau' ted as good us any powder iiF0 r- i;et, or money refunded. NO. 2. IMRtHttniHt flffHiHIWIIJBPgt im.umi iiii.im.nBinw ISLAND CITY Sully Amu's M'eel.ly Itiiilet itf Nmoi Niiten mill l'lu'tleul I'iiIiiUt,, i There's something in a kiss. Although it leaves mi track; It can be proved alone bv this It makes an awful smack. I O. Kirpatrick has gone to Wallowa. Mrs. Seranton has returned from Dakota. j W but I'll not tell it; 1 guess, j this time. I Miss Carrie Lindsay will leave for j the Sound in a short time. . J. A. Humphrey and Miss Dolan, of Island City, went to Portland, Satur day. Mr. Clms. (toodnough went Sun day. Retween II and I p. m., Wednesday, a terrible storm of wind, hail and ruin, accompanied with thunder and light j ning, visited Island City, demolishing ' every thing' it came in contact with. The Island City mills had to shut down , for a time, the whole upper stories be ing Hooded. Tho Harnhart houso was, I also Hooded and some of tho whole i upper sashes taken out of the windows i and bioken up. A like damage, we h-arn, is sustained all over town. Rc- nig very busy at home, your corres pondent cannot give further details as to thi' damage elsewhere, Very quiet since the Fourth. All seem to bo taking a rest. Those that went from hero to Summervillo say it was a grand atl'air. Your correspond ent went to La (iraudo, and can truly say the town looked beautiful, and much credit should be given for tho artistic manner in which it was so ex quisitely decorated with bunting, flags and evergreens. Several handsome arches with mottoes were conspicuous. The hornoybrinklcri mado a decided hit. which was fullv annrcciatcd. Tho liherty ear, drawn by four white horses, ' w,w The Pendleton bovs, j,au(j r0i,jt.mi well timed and appro- piiato music for the occasion. Tho sudden illness of little Robbie Fletcher, one of the member, made us feel sad, but we hope ere this httlo Robbie is, hotter. We hail a. very, poor exuise for a dinner, and if La (irando docs not need a first eliis hotel, whv we i don't know what wo lire sa vine. Fords ; n the onlv nlaeo in town whom you can get a decent meal. Sally A.v.v. Wallowa City Warhliiifjs. Wallowa City, Juno 2!), 1887. En, Scorr: I wish to say to tho "gentlemanly" editor of the Chieftain that when ho says the statements. J made in my commuuieiition to the Scout of u recent date are false that he hen and ho knows it, and knewit when he wrote the articles. Everything at "Tho Flat" is bom- ing and now funds aro being molo for the town everv day. Mr. Kirkpatriok, of Islaiyt City, caino in yesterday and took clmrgo of Goodnough it Co'e Htock. Tkey havo received several wagon loadsof goods from Island City. Work 'as begun on a warehouse for this firii Tuesday. The pleasant sound d anvil and hammer is to bo heard ai our streets now. Good. Tho now paper my be started in about 10 or If) days. Good" men will wield the editorial peicil and wo shall niako our aim the 'dvanceiucnt and future welfare of tlcounty." ' Mr. Whitaker yoved into his houso last week and is uepnrcd to feed tho hungry multituds who throng to place every dav thm' Mr. Ganline'of Prairie creek, begun the ereion of a two-story has lio- i iei iiiijou, wir- niu u maiici , .Xu. f. j.j 1, f Joseph, ra foilM(ll MnJor his house1 v l tel IWx.'Jb, wliCH will bo rushed to au raised tho foundatioiiorlus house, yesterday. ' Work 11 soon bo begun on a butch er shop,uso a saloon. Several resi dences imuld bu erected at onco if tho nmtcrjf could ho procured. Excellent weather for the erfrpentcrtf and amsters. Teams loaded with lutijr are arriving in town from nil dirtions, at all hours of the day. jr. junoign, 01 Joseph, moved m- tdrho Dan Murks houso last week. We will try and send in the uroecn- 'ings of tho -1th at Lostine, inournoxt. l grand good time is cxnocted. Tho. iVIder brass hand will bo in attendance. L?a.l..I 1 ... . oucrui J.USUHO 1)001)10 wore un itn. ring tho past week, seeking locutions in tho new town. Campineeting at Wood's grovo south, of Alder is in full blast. Everybody invited. Nothing xnoro of any notowo-bo have, except that. Wash Bloom is buil ding a fence, A. II. TiiKLrfl. Broking cart for wlc Enquiro of Dr, 1). Y. Jv. Dscrinir, Union.