The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 13, 1886, Image 4

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ti) Avi:itTisi:it.
ThrSCOirr tin n Murb I.nrjtnr Clrru
Inli ill (twin nnv l'.-ipcr In tlifn Sect Ion
i f the Slali', mill Is, tlicicfoio tlir ItlSST
Tliln In n Trim Ktnteinnt, niul wr
itmll not nlli.w If 1 1 In iii'ttii)il by nn.v
other pill. it. AilvcrtUrlH Mill ill) it ;I I
tn make n note of tills,
Wc have boon unable lo get much
iutorimition a to wlicn the Pine creek
Itoad Commissioners will begin work
on tho road. At dm present time
there 1ms beon nothing of any conse
luicnco done, "We arc informed that
the survey made by Grillitlis has been
found very defective, ho failing to tile
un estimate of costs of construction,
etc. , which , in tho estimation of the
Hoard, will necessitate tho employ
ment of u competent surveyor to go
over the lino and make the estimate of
the Joust before they can ndvcrtlce for
bids intcligeutly. With all due defer
ence to tho Hoard, we don't look at it
in that light. That course would no
ccsjitnto tho expenditure of a thousand
or two dollars of tho appropriation,
which is sotting beautifully less every
day, and delay tho completion of the
road several montln. "We believe the
proper course is to advertise at once
for bids to construct the entire road,
and givo it to the lowest responsible
bidder, if bis bid is within the bounds
of the money on hand, which there is
but little doubt It would bo, but if it
is not, they would be under no obliga
tions to accept it. Wc cannot see
where tho expenditure of probably a
thousand dollars for a cost-ostimate
would bo of any particular benefit to
tho commissioners. It certainly
would not lessen the cost of construct
ing tho road, and probably would not
be taken into much consideration by
would be contractors, who generally
judge for themselves. If tho road is
to be built at all, the sooner it is
done tho better. We would like to
sec tho commUsiouors wake up. ad
vertise for bids, and see that as good
u road, as the appropriation will
admit of, is put through to the l'ine
week mines at once.
Tin: democratic primaries wore held
in linker county on the (ith inst. In
linker City the delegates on what was
known as tho "Dealy ticket" wcr"
cleetod to attend the convention on
tho 1ith. Wo suppose tho delegates
wcro plodgcd to support J. T. Donly
for sheriff . This is an illustration of
how tho wire pullers get in their work
at tho primaries, which usually re
sults in ono of two things: The,
party ut lurire is compelled to vote for
ii man who is not their choice, or ro
fU6o to support him at all, thereby
giving tho ollleo to tho opposition. A
delegate that will plcdgo himself to
voto for any particular cnndjdnlo in
tho convention, is not lit to be there,
and should not bo sent. Wo notice
that the principal tight h for tho clerk
and sheriff the olllcos that should
concern tho people least of any.
When more attention is paid to -jotting
good commissioners, representa
tives, Judge and assessor, whoso
actions are of vital importance to tho
people, and lets to the nbovo named
olllcos, which aro of more Importance
to tho occupants than to any one elso,
a bottei Atuto of affairs will be ob
borvable. STOCK ASSOC I A TtOX.
As will be seen by record of pro
ceedings published clsuwhoro In this
papar, tho stock growors, anil farm
ers of Union county, have formed mi
association for tho protection of do
mestic animals, and to prevent the
Introduction of contagious diseases,
of whatever character, among thmu,
He,, and to enforce the laws of tho
Htato referring to the samo. This Is
a good movo, and will doubtless
prove u great bouutlt, not only to
stock growers, but to (ha community
ut largo. Only by tho utmost vigi
lance audi exertion un tho part of
those' interested in any particular lino
of Industry, can the best results be
obtained. As stock growing is one
of tho principal Interests of this
section of the state, it Is to bo hoped
that tho association Will speedily at''
(pi ire tv largo membership and iU
sphere of usefulness bo widened.
Tho following dispatch front Wash
ington, 1). C, dated March -I, shows
thnt wo fare bettor than tho eusti Af
tor three hourd debute the hultso com
mitteo on rlveiB and harbors decided
uikjii tho following amounts i Fur
improvement of tho ulottth of the Cot
timbU river, $200,0001 for tho ttu
aides, $200,000; for tho Columbia and
Willamette, from the eUn to Portland,
1100,000; for tho upper Willamette,
$20,000; for Ynkquina lay, $00,000.
The amount!! ftpnropriuU'd for Oregon
Waterway are all above the average of
ftppropriatloni for riven id tho Kasti
Tun republicans havo appointed the
Oth of April one of tho registering
days as tho day of holding their
primaries throughout the State.
Sensible republicans.
The Oregon insane asylum is tilling
up rapidly. Twenty throe patients
wore reeeivd during the month of
February; seven were discharged ami
two died. There are -Mo patients in
the asylum at present.
.1. If. SiiKi'.vitn, who has for some
time been enjoying private life, has
again nssumcd control of the linker
City Saijc Brush. Wc imagine that
Shop will speak right on in meeting,
and to considerable purpose, during
the coming political campaign.
Ik there is a man in tho Uiiilct
States deserving of the eulogies and
enconiums of the entire people, it is
Land Commissioner Sparks. He
seems to bo utterly impervious to the
machinations of theives, and the
bribes of unprincipled corporations
To honor and support such a man
tho duty of every good citizen. The
snccies ho belongs to, is very rare
in those latter days.
Tiik erudite correspondent from this
citv to tho Wcslon Ecader, who sails
under the nom tie plume of 'Chi
um." and the nulll driver of the
Sentinel socm to be congenial spirits,
and each eulogizes the other's literary
productions in tho most fulsome
manner. If they aro not one and the
same person (iir a friond suggests,)
it is one of the worst cases of"ou
scratch my back, and I'll scratch your
back." that has come under our
Tin: Wi himctto vn lev has live or
six woolen mills in micccssful opora
Hon, but the vast wool producing do
main of Eastern Oregon, traversed
bv a trans-continental railroad, is
without a single one, which docs not
speak well for tho enterprise and fore
siirht of our neonlo This state of
affairs cannot remain a great, while.
If our own people do not take advan
tagc of the opportunities offered by
the Increasing demands of the times,
other men will come among us, who
will not be slow in doing so. This
citv has unsurpassed facilities, for
manufactories of various kinds, which
wo hopo, soon, to sec utilized.
It is said the Mormons tiro -ontom
plating a most daring move. Hereto
fore they haro principally selected the
territories in which to live. From
Utah they have branched out to Idaho,
Now Mexico and Arizona. Like all
residents of territories, they are un
der direct control of congress and
amenable to laws passed by Wash
inirton. The rigidity of tho laws
against polygamy, and tho unrelent
ing enforcement of them by the federal
courts in Utah, haVo forced tho prob
lem on the Mormons of how to escape
from tho control of the federal author!
ties. If they controlled a stato by a
majority vole, it is thought bv some
that tho solution Would be found.
nicy would then ho free from the ni-
terferauco of congress, and might car
out their polygamous practice in
dotlaiieo of federal law. It is said
that Nevada Is tho field selected in
which Mormonlstn will, In the end,
make Its delimit, stand against the gen
oral government for the perpetration
of its institutions, Their proposal to
attain this position is by ait linmigra
(ion into the stato suttlcietit to com
maud n majority at (lie polls. Once
oniinant there, with the power of
making and administering tho local
aw, their situation will bo ono of pre
eminent vantage, and they will have
onlisted for their protection tho whole.
forco of tho Mate's rights doctrinc
rhat they have not yd inado a direct
move in this direction is dlto, not to
their inr.hllity in several years past,
but to tho fact that thoy have every
thing to gain by delay. While the
population of Nevada has been dimin
ishing, tho Mormons have been aug
menting by an average yearly addition
of 'JOUU converts) and by natural in
crease, tho result of phlral marriages
and the prolitlcness of the healthy,
agricultural people who compose their
rank and lllo, such a colonization can
be effectm! by tlld Mormons Without
impairing their Ubsoluto supremacy in
Utah, oi' wertkolttng their hold in tho
outlying territories. With two sona
toi s'aild a voting representative in tho
lower Iioupo of cougresB, the strength
of their position Will bCeumo striking
ly itpparciltt
file tiniloflgned haying hist two nltiros
as ilC'i-ribed Ijfluw, will tny a ."llltnhlC re
Kind for their delivery lr any information
Hint Will It-mi to their refoVeryi The inures
Wore running On tho 1 tilth vallo)1, range tho
iniht uill. Kol uWlntf is the desol union:
f.nco atlii legs. Hour itnituids hlglh branded
uno sorrci uinrt' i cara oui oiui. wiine
nun leurr ii un ii'ii inijoit . .
. Oneheavy-scl gray ninrc. nboitt U hands
titglt. brrtmloil With a halt Circle. ) oh right
shoulder. .
Information ntay he left with 1' fed. XO
ill he, Union, or tent by letter to either of
till' undersigned Ut Alder. Oregon.
L I). ukAvib.
ni:w to-day.
Of Tim rlrt Nntl-iinl Hnnk. lit fiilon,
In llio Stale of OleRon, nt tlir Clou;
liT DtiKlnt'ftH, ."Mm ill. 1, lHHft.
J.onn nntl disoounlH
Ovcrilei fts
$ (is.ns.2 8'1
111 . s
1. S. ItdiiiN to secure circulation
Other stuck. IioimN inul intirtfrnjics
Due from approved reserve apciiN
Duo from other National Kunks
Dno froni!-'ttite Hunks iintlliimk'-rs
i'ool extuto. furniture mill tlxtcro
Current expenses and taxes paid
Premium paid ,
Cheeks mid other cash items..
Hill of other Hanks
Losl tender noto"
Ik'dcinptlon fund with V. f. Trons
uror (fi per cent of circulation)
fi.Kxt :2
Capital stock pnitl in
Surplti liind
rnilivitloil profit
National Hunk note outstanding
Individual deposits subject to
Demand certificate of deposit
Ccrtiticd check
$ fiO.OOO.OO
Statk or OaF.rios, I
County of Union, i '
I, W. T. Wright. Cashier of the nbovc
named bank, do solemnly swear thnt the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. AV. T' AVHIOUT,
Hubscrilied and sworn to before me this
lOt Ii. day of Mar.. 1886. ltonritT Hkin,
Xotnrv Public for Orogon.
.J. If. H'Ir, Directors.
H. M. WKIflHT,
In the Circuit court of the State of Ore
gon, for Union county.
John llnle and .1. it. Smith, pnrt-1
tier, doing business under the lirni PlfT.
nanioof Hale t Smith, )
Thomas P. Itnlni 'and K. S.McCo-1
ma and .1. T. McComns. liartners.
doing business under the lirm name
Dof ts.
oi ;. . iV .1. T. McConiMs, )
To Is. a, Jlcuoiuns and J. T. McConias,
Dcfentlntit :
In tliu naino of tho Stato of Oregon.
You aro herebv reoniretl to itntienr nnd nn-
swer tiio complaint tiled against you in the
above entitled action, aim in tno anovc en
titled court, on or before the first day of the
next rcL'tiiar term of snitl cotiit vlx:-.lnv
21th., 18-fi, that being tho first day of the
next regular term of said court, after the
imblicntion of this summons for six con
secutive weeks. And if you fail so to ap
pear and answer. Pills, will take judgement
against you for the sum of -f 100. with intor
cst thereon since March 4th., 18S4, at the
rate if 10 per rent, per annum., anil $45.00
attorney fees in this action, inul for costs
and disbursement of this action,
This .summons is nulili.slied iV order of
M. b. Olmstead. Judge of said court.
Datetl Feb. 27tli., HlSfl.
marKl-w7. Atty. for 1'lflV.
Farm For Sale.
Containing 320 acres of good land, situ
ated one iniiirtcr of n inilo Kast of Sitmmer
vllle, all Under fence. There is an ordinary
dwelling house on It, nnd a good liarn anil
outbuildings. It ha a irood well, and Is
additionally supplied with water by n stream
which How's through It. About nue-lialf of
tho land Is under cultivation. Will sell it for
Si 6.50 per acre.
which will Include thn following farm Im
plement! One. inoweri 1 rake, 3 breaking
plows, 1 harrow, 1 roller. 1 second hand
wagon anil harness, ouc-liulf Intenmt In one
header. 10.000 rail. 20,000 shingles, 35 tons
of liny, and other things too numerous to
mention. A good title will hegiven. It is n
groat bargain.
I'or runner information call nttlils ortlee.
S 5
i i
r a
B 3
"on traders Builders
Jilrtln Sttwt, Unloh Orogom J
Plans And Siifcltlcatloits for Dw'olllnss. I
. . i -. r . . . . . ........ . i i
nariik. nun nr uufos. rurn ion vw.v. of
Bridge Buildlnff a Speciality.
All kinds qt cabhit'l Work lUiatly executed.
ltepail'liig dolio oiihluui notliVi
lifr"Nonobnt thohl'st workiaou emhloTod.
uiid katbfactton KUafttutorU.
CM11 anil interview us.
Cornil Main ind B Strnttt Oregon,
KIIKItMAN KAI.r.V, t'ropi.
MHnufnrtulrre mid doahw-n In Soda waif r.
Sarfitpurllla, tJliiKor Ale, C refill hj hntl
ChaliuialKiio elder, .rup, etci
tjTOrUer I'roinjilly fillMt
Guns, Revolvers, and Amunition.
Call and cznmiue my stock and prices at the old stand of the late John Hums,
, .
Wc lead, but never follow, mid defy
En rou to from Eastern and
Wc buy for Cash, and
An Immense etook or Dry floods, Clothln?,, GtMlts, Fui'lilshhig tloodv. Hoots and Siloes,
California and Oregon Wanketri (iroceric, Hardware, Crockery Tobacco and
t lgurs, Matiouory, .Notions, etc., etc., constantly on nauti.
JuTA cHirdlrt) Invitation oxtcuiled to hit to call oil mo. examine poods, ami learn price
AdoSph Levy, Union, Or.
Gail; lim
From Union to the t?ovc,
J. H, Ei.uo-rt, 1'uoi'KiPTon.
Ia-hvo. t'niolt at 10:30 A. t and returnn
at 5J:S0 1. M. oVory day except b'undnyi
l'tirofrom depwl to Cove
Huiiud trip
. . . $l.U3
Passengers lll bo tttken from the depot
throngh to the Cove, via Pniuin
Depot Hotel.
A.C.CllAtll, w PltOl'ItlUTCtlt,
(Unloil, Depot, Oregon.)
Sblendid itrcoihodtttlons fot1 txjinmtJt
cial tncn.
Tttbles itlV.ivii 8ltiilllcd with thd
best the nlurkct affords .
llur AK (JLII MllfUuAt lUTt(f.-3
- - - Cniou, Oretjon.
-Dealer in
'Il4e Cololiratod
WARE, .f c.
competition in all our dcpnrtmontK.
Western tmnufacturics.
will sell the Choicest
FPu it and Shade
For Fall Delivery.
Shrubboi'y and Slmdo Ti'ccs
Of Well known varieties, sultablo for this
olitil.itoi Cnu nbo furnisli fui'oin nirts at
ono-thll'il the nrlhB asketl by Eastern can
vasoi'Si 1 desiro to sell trees it prices that
people dan afford to buy.
l. .ii noust:,
or.l0-tf CtlYe, Oregon.
OlFICEConicr ilaln anil A StfecU,
UnlOb, OniJbn,
Ma, Wonk BtntCTiA FiiiST
CI1A861 GlmtKCB reivioiittUloi
Petition for Liquor License,
To the Honorable County Court, Union
County, Oregon:
We the undersigned voters of North
I'owder precinct, in said county, would re
spectfully petition your Honorable body,
to grant a license to D. Hcveridge, to e'll
spirituous, malt, or vinous litjuor.s in less
ipiantitie than one gallon, at the town of
North Powder, in said county anil State,
and in duty bound your petitioners will
ever pray:
J It Parker. F Shaw, H f Hughes, AV 11
IJowinan. A Hill, S White. J A White. N
S Wank. S Husbv. Mike Kiddle. D A AVig
gins. S II Turner. J L Wallice. AlferdOood
on, Thos Ultz, J Shaw. A K Scott, C T Ir
win, P IJushv, P W Punch, J D McPhee.
C A Hughes, T K lilakc, J K Carroll, W
l'iloy. X A tlardner. Tliomas Duner, J
Hensly, Lvninn Stanford, E H Dram, J M
Utwarth, P L Smith, Tlios Tanner, O K
Allen. (1 UHolT, Adam Miller, J M Gilki
son, Wesley Anthony, Charles Caldwell, W
1) .Smith. Shall Whiteo. John Hand.Jno T
(loodfrov, William (Heard, Tom .McQrow,
W W Ellis, Jnmes SiinTjnLs, Oscar Jacohson,
John Cilmorc, Mike Ititzer, P W Young,
If O Oorhain. John Hegon, James Castle,
It H Postur, Jas York. Gus Hutchinson,
b S Kelsey, F A Hutchinson. 1J P Roger,
J II Ultz. Ed Stout, J H Hardin, EC Hughes,
Henry Washington. William Dixon, OD
Thomlinson, J W Riinbrcli, Win hooper,
7. Lolwlory, Hobt Shaw, John Grimes, P
Rienawav. John Simonis, II II Stephenson,
J Stout. H Wicks, Win Shaw Jr, SC Mann,
James Dalton, W P Haines.
Nut Ice of Application to
lier I.ixuil.
I'urchnsc Tim-
U. S. IjA:n OrncE, La GRANnn, Oregon,
Pcb. 1!5, lsfi.
Notice is hereby given that, incompliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress
approved Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for
the sale of Timber Lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton territory,'.'
ICdwIn II. flnj-lord,
vhon post-ollkc address is Pine Valley,
Union county, Oregon, has this day filed
in this otlice his application to purchase
the El-2 XE1-I Sec 27 and Nl-2 NP1-4 Seo
No. ZS, in Township No, 7 S. Hango No. 45,
EWM. All persons holding any adverse
claim thereto are required to present tho
same at this oflicc within sixty days from
the first publication of this notice.
Hk.nkv Kinf.ii.uit,
mnrO-tmay.i. llegistcr.
Administrator's Notice.
In the County court of the State of Oregon,
for Union county.
In the matter of the estate of G. 11.
Fletcher, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that W. F. DavK
the administrator of tho estate of (5. H.
Fletcher, deceased, has rendered and pre
sented for settlement, and filed in said
court, his final account of his administra
tion of said estate, and that Monday, the
Uth. day of March. 1880. at lOo'clock A. M.
at tho court room of said court, in Union,
Union county, Oregon, lias been duly ap
pointed by tiio judge of said court, for ot
tlcmeut o'f said account, at which time and
place, any person interested in said estate
may appear and file exceptions in writing,
to said account, and contest tho same.
Dated February 0th., ISsO.
febl3-w4. Administrator.
Hstray Notice.
t Notice is hereby given, thnt tho under
signed lias taken up the following described
animals: One bay horse. 14' hands high,
"j rear-old, white strip in face, branded on
left shoulder, V. No other marks or brands
One sorrel horse, fl-year-old. 14 and one
half hands high, both'hind feet white, strip
in faoo. branded on left shonldcr. P. No
other marks or brands visible. Notice
posted Fob. 8, 1880. Appraised bv S. D.
Cowles, J. P at $23. each, the 10th. day of
February. 1880. A. 15. CON LEY.
fob.27. Cove, Oregon.
Searchers of Records, Convey-
ancers, Keai estate ana
Union, .... Oregon,
Ketunix promptly made on all collection-,
Having an abstract of thu reeordt in our
otlloe, alitraot. of titlo prepared with db
patoh. Cliarei moderate.
Of Social and Business Form.?.
Revised Edition For 1S85.
A couipleic manual of focial, biiHine-
and political infornnition, clear, brief and
lneicivc. The buinc.s man, the profession
al man, the mechanic, tho laborer, will tlnd
It Indespen-ablo. It la a complete book of
reference, giving tho law of every State,
relative to notes, drift and tho collection
of hitcro-t. the loiral rates in each state.
time in which action can ho taken to recover
a debt, how to open accounts, how to collert
a debt without employing a lawyer. Foriu
of book-keeping, eclf-Iti'tructor for the
merchant, farmer, mechanic and treasurer.
And nil khub of leases for houei, real cr
tu to, etc. Power of Attorney. Information
regarding Jurisdiction of Justices of the
Peace. Fort - thousand ijucHtloiis arrainted
hi tabulated form, giving the value of every
coin In the world, United States land mea
tiro, table of weight!" and nieamiros. Popula
tion of the different countries of the world,
tho year oaeh state was admitted Into thr
ITnlnii. nml wlin tltev were rlrt settled' bv.
the names of tho Presidents and all tho oill
corn of oaeh administration. Forms of con
stitutions for oven1 kind of meeting and so
ciety, from a debating society to a legbla
tlve"aseinblyi Tho work Is printed on hoa
vy paper, in'Iargc type, and In bound in a
superior manner. Published by A. L. Han
croft, -an l-'i'ancisco.
jsar During the year I will make a thru -
otigh canvass of this section, and aiivoin'
wishing the book, will ploiwo wait till I'call,
01' address 1110 by letter.
w. w . itos,
Agent for Union county.
Notion of Application t rurfliiiso Tim
ber IiiiikI,
I? l..!u) Ohicb, L Uiuxml, OniinoN,
Jan. 4tn., iss.
oticl Is hcrobv trlvnn Hint, in COUUili-
nill'owitn the iir(iv!iiiii nf tin' Act of Ciill'
grcs approved June 3, entitled "An
aci lor tiio sjaio of Timber i.nnus in tin
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami
Wnhhingtou Territory,"
Deinpufy I. JtiiDOnleli
Wlinso imit-nllleo ndilt'(4 t Union. L'ldnii
coiiutv, Oregon, ha this day tiled in thi
olllre 'his atwlhalion to purchase the .SK
XWl-t Section Ko. i, in ToWnshin No. h
S Range No. K. of tho meridian. AH
norsons holdlm aUV adVorao claim tliereui
arc required to present the same at thl
ottice within sixty days front the tirat put
lication of this notice.
s, U. SWACKitAuri:.
jalD-wl0. ltegljiter.
ilACtcMKTACR' n lastlnjr and
fragrAbt icrtUltm. Price Sac, and 60c.
For ftthi by U U, Oi-ciff, Uiilou,