The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, August 01, 1885, Image 7

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Nod Bnntllae Tells ol it Famous Dash (or a
Rocket ll.ittery.
In tho winter of 18GU nn Infantry
brigade, with Hownnl's Battery L,
Third Artillery, and two battalions of
cavalry, Eleventh Pennsylvania and
First New York Mounted Killes, all
under Oen. Wesscls, made a reconnois
sanco out from Snflblk, Ya, on tho
Franklin road.
Tho mud was hub-dcop to the pun
carriages, and they had to double
teams to get tho guns along at nlK
Tho infantry spreading through tho
fields oil' tho roads got along a little
better but it was hard marching and
growlers woro in the majority. About
ten or twelve miles out tho cavalry
drove in a rebel picket ahead of 113,
and soon after wo were checked by a
heavy battlo lino of the men in gray.
Tho brigado was at onco deployed
and skirmishers were thrown out to
feel the enemy while we waited for
tho guns to come up. They were far
in tho rear and there was no telling
when they could be got to tho front.
Suddenly from a littlo knoll in front
of the rebel position a rocket battery,
a recent importation on an English
blockade-runner, opened sharp upon
us. Tho huge rockets tearing and
hissing through the trees and under
brush scared tho cavalry horses fear
fully and tho men were" seared about
as badly. Not one in a hundred of
them had over seen a rocket, except
such as aro used in fireworks, and tho
horrible missiles appeared worse than
they really woro.
Tho writer had seen Congrcvc rock
ets used to repel a Seminole attack on
i. i ,i ,r ii! !..
.corr, uanas, near ivoy jiscaviiu,
1839, and probably lie was about thoM
only one in command who knew what
such a battery could do. Gen. Wessols
was furious. " Wo could only reply to
tho rookots with musketry. A deep
stream and a muddy ilat ahead of us
made a cavalry ehargo next to impos
sible ana tho infernal rockets wore
literally demoralizing tho men.
Suddenly an old sergeant, who ant
ia his saddlo at tho head of twenty
mounted scouts, road up to Gen. Wea
sels, saluted, and said:
"Goncral, it you lSt mo try it I
think I can got in on tho Hank of that
rocket- battery under Siver of these
O woods and take it, if you'll keep up a
a iiro front till I charge, and then sup
port mo by a fynvard movement!"
"Try it. Sergeant, try it!" tjaiil tho
General earnestly.
Ina minute tho mounted scouta filed
oil' to the roar, 1ojvI by tho Sergeant,
end were soon out of sight. Tho whole
lino now opened a heavy fire, nd tho
men in tho rocket battery had show
er of lead sea in among tliem at long
range, to which they answered 8s fast
as they could work their rockets.
Twenty minutes passed by, and then,
through his glass, Gen. W,essels
saw the scouts in tho edgo of the woods,
not 300 varus from tht rear of tho
battery, "ready to charge, every maiiQ
with his rillo at a present,
Tho next instant, swift as a flight of
arrows, tlioy woro seen plunging for
ward over dry ground upon tho rocket
men, and at the sanio instant', ceasing
to fire. Wossol3 ordered his Miolo
lino forward with tho bayonet.
Tho surpriso was so sudden and
completo that tho battery and tho men
who worked it wero in tho hands of
the scouts in less thauQi minute, and
with a cheer our whole lino crossed
tho creek aitfl hold dry ground on tho
other side with tho captured battery
in their midst. Tho Confederates wero
driven back nearly half a milo before
they rallied and mado it so hot for us
that wo had to slow up and skirmish
while our guns woro coming forward.
Wo hud tlto rocket battery now.rfmt
none of our men or oilieers knew how
to work it to advantage, so wo could
hot uso it on tho enemy. So wo had
to keep peppering away with rilles and
muskets till near night and then our
guns wero up. Tho Confederates then
foil back to their fortified lines near
Franklin ana wo drew oil' and returned
to Suffolk, pretty well worn out with
Virginia mud.
And that is tho brief history of the
only rocket battery I over foil in with
from '01 to '05. It" was rough but not
half so dangerous as it seemed, for
it could not bo handled liko shot and
shell and sent Q hero it could do tho
most harm. Ned Buntline.
Tho Pltuichette.
Thero aro some indications that tho
mysterious littlo planchetto board, liko
roller skating, is coming into fashion
again. No adoquato explanation of it
has ever been received, though many
have been offered. Tho construction
is as you see, a plain, heart-shaped
cedar board fixed upon two metal logs,
to which aro adjusted wheels that
move easily and lightly in all direc
tions. At tho point df the heart a liolo
is mado, and a sort of round caso is
iixed to hold an ordinary pencil firmly.
That is nil thero Is of it".
Put a pencil at the poiut, as you soo,
put two hands upoa the board, as you
also see. After keeping the hands
lightly and quietly in thoir places a few
minutes, phtnohotto will often bogiti
to writo. It usually scribbles out yes
and no. and seiucfoss gabble of 0110
sort or Miothor, to which no import
ance must bo attached. It ia claimed
positively, however, that tho board
has written intelligent answers to
questions, which those holding thoir
hnnds upon it could not possibly ho
awaro of. It may bo. But, beforo
believing this is true, ask somo ques
tions and soo for yourself, it is ono
of thoso case in which tho word of no
second person must bo taken. Abovo
all, do not havo any superstitions
about tho thin-;, takiug for granted
that tho writing is donn by spirits.
Planchetto is moiely .1 puzzle, to bo
investigated as any otlifir scientific sub
ject would bo, on tho same sort of
evidence, and weighed by tho same
judgment. Don't admit tho element
of humbug and witchcraft and non
sense and superstition into your soul.
Thus you will not bo likely to lose
jour huad, even when amusing your
self with phuichottG. It is a fasoinat
iugstudy in p etiological scionce, noth
ingmoro. It maj be hut there are pow
ers nnd forces in tho human organiza
tion that havo hitherto been undevelop
ed in all but a few exceptional cases.
It may be that wo are on tho vergo of
somo marvelous discoveries in mental
scionce. So much it is safe to admit.
Tho board writes bot in the position
shown, with two hands, a right anil
left, upon it. What does the writing
nobody knows. Tho best authorities
have concluded that it is done uncon
sciously by the person whoso hands
aro upon tho hoard. A nervous tluid
is supposed to pass from tho hands
and torin a current that moves tho
board. The explanation at best is a
lame one. But this much is certain:
Planchetto writing as an entertain
ment can do no harm as long as tho
experimenter does not let go his com
mon sense and put a superstitious
faith in its revelations. Ulicn Observer.
Showing Him the Sights.
Tho passion of tho true Californian
i3 to show tho stranger around and
make tho most of San Francisco.
Somctiinos it doos not matter how
poorly grounded tho enthusiast may
be in tho geography of the city or tho
personality of its prominent men. If
a live son of the elitnato, ho will never
give in. Yesterday a gentleman, who
hailed from south market street, wan
dered with anew arrival over Nob lii
and was giving his friend from tho
ould dart cords of fine, free, nontaxa
ble information. 0
"Why, in somo pints 'tis a foiner
city than Wateriord," remarked the
now rrival, admiringly. "And who
lives there, Dinis?"
Dinis did hot know, bnt ho was
equal to tho occasion. "What houso
do you moan, Rickey?" he asked,
sparring for time. "
"That big houso over thertJ," Said
the now arrival, indicating too ColUJtt
'iDIi, Duvo Mr
1 i 9aa
... 1 . . . t i III! u 1 1 r :
u. grcut
saiM Duns proinptij. "Ilo ii
tin1W!miti itkI vni'i' '
1ltltUlltll tt lilt VI J 1 I Vlu
"Faith, then, "rich ho most bo to
live in such a great boutav" uid tho
stranger unctuously. "An' whorfo
place is taut, Dinis?" yuiotiog to the
Hopkins house.
"That's Coronm- O'Dunooll's" said
Dinis confidently, "en that place, thero
that browocsti.oe hoiido, is building
for Judge Toohy, Pit tbt(Weliog his
fingflr at ilr. Crookor's housso) is Tom
Scanlan's lot."
"En who's Tom Seanlsn?"
"Won of our countronien, Micky.
Homos tho water froot."
Tho stranger was silent for soiuo
moments, doubtless contemplating tho
greatness of the owners of thedu lordly
palaces. 0
"En how doos this comparo villi
Waiberford. Micky?" asked his friend,
evidently disappointed at the obsenco
of any expression of wonder.
"Fairly, only fairly, Dinois," said
tho now arrival calmly. The honor of
Waterford was safe in his bands. As
tho pair posted down California street,
Dinis, dmen to desperation at tho
nil adioirari condition of his friend,
A'ng telling liiui tho t there was a telo-
SU0Pe in tll Telegraph hill obsfrvato
ry through wieh people count tell tlto
color uf tho jymskuis at too man in
the moan.
"Aria, What f,ood would that do
'uno Dinis?" gaid tho iocorrigiblo.
"What good Would that do 'urn if
thoy could not spoke to him?" This
Viij too much for the ciooroao. Ho
lapsed into a gloomy silonce awl let
Miefty lioo it uiyn's ofln way, dis
coursing of tho "potfer of tho qnblitjr"
in Wat'O'fonfe San Alia.'
a stfcjs or itwc-wt(i(to.
Tho building itself is on tho sito of
tlte old Washington hotel. Tho hotel,
by tho way, was built on tho ground
onco occupied by tho mansion of
Nathaniel Prime, tho Jay Gould of fif
ty years ago. it may bo added,
parenthetically, this sameQbankor,
Prime, once, wlion a poor young man,
wont to a southern planter on a visit
at U10 timo to New York, and asked
foP.i loan of $5,000.
"What security can you givo?" ask-
Pul tho planter.
"Tho word of a
an honest man," an-
swored Prime.
Tho planter eyed him for an instant,
and then replied: "You shall have it."
This sum g.Qo Nathanel Priino his
great start in life, and lie soon paid
tho debt. Yours roiled on, and lie be
camo tho lcadingOhankor of tho city.
Ono day tho planter who iiad befriend
ed him at tho outset of his career came
to him in poverty and asked him for
tho loan of tho same sum that he had
lout Prime so opportunely. Tho batik
or remembered him well, hut asked:
"What security can you give?"
"Tho word of an honest," answ
re red
the planter, echoing
Primo's own
words of years before.
'That won't do in Wall street," was
tho banker's reply.
Tho planter seemed dazed by such
an answer, nnd loft without a word.
Tho man who was capable of suoh
ingratitude had beeomu a miser, a
monomaniac on the subject of monoy,
and in his old age, becoming insane in
tho midst of wealth over tho thought
tliat ho might by somo possibility dio
poor, commited suicido by cutting his
throat in his mansion that occupied
the into, as already stated, of tho
present Washington building. New
1'ork Cor. Portland Orcgonian.
Faith ill One's JUssIoii.
MVhat has impressed us most,"
said M. Honan to M. do Lossops, "is
your faith in your mission. Tho great
est art consists in knowing how to do
groat things with small moans." Tho
words are golden. Thoy aro worthy
to bo enshrined in tho immortal utter
ances of the times- Faith, and that
power of personal conviction that in
forms and inspires it, supplements all
visible means with the Infinite power
of the seal of achievement upon motivo
and deed. Uostou Transcript.
Soiar Heat.
Tho light's intensity nt tho sun's
surfaco is 190,000 times that of a can
dle ilaiue, 5.300 times that of metal
in a Bessemer converter, 14G times
that of a calcium light, or threo
fourths times that of an electric arc.
Tho temperature, according to Hos
otte, is about 18,000 degrees Fahren
heit. Tho mechanical oquivolont of
tho solar radiation, continuously act
ing, h nearly 10,000 horso power por
square foot of solar surface.
ITobbleanf the ITyctrnlota.
There wero several dozen of tho hv
gicnists in council, each with his indi
vidual hobby. Each thought all tho
others were wrong. Each was sure that
his own hobby was the only correct one.
A gentleman present said ho had taken
Brown's Iron Bitters for debility and
dyspepsia, and though lie didn't want
to make a fuss about it, ho knew tho
uso of this great tonic to bo belter than
all tho notions ho had heard advanced in
tho council. One practical euro is
worth thousands of guesses and notions.
Thousands of happy convalescents
speak gratefully of Brown's Iron Bitters.
What Slumped Him.
"Didn't I hear you nay tho other day,
Gilhooly, that you always keep a spare
cigar about you for your "friends?" asked
" Yes, that's what I said."
"I am one of your friends, ain't I?"
Certainly." O
"Well, then, hand out that cigar."
' It i3 singular how stupid somo Gal
veston folks nre. If I give you tho
cigar, how can I keep it about mo ? Be
sides, if I givo you tho cigar, and anothor
friend comes nnd claims it, anfl I've not
got it, then ho will think I am a liar. I
guess I had bettor snioko it mysolf to
prevent hard feeling. Havo you got a
match ?" Galveston JVeit's.
. The Famous Notro Dame.
On tho 30th of last January tho
Sistcxs of the most noted Catholic ladies'
seminary in tho United States, tho
Notro Dame, at Govnstown, near
Baltimore, Md., luado public a card
certifying to 'ho beneficial results at
tending Keil Star Cough Cura in that
institution. They stata that tltoy found
it efficacious aliko for relieving coughs,
oppressions 00 tho chest and irritation
of tho thremt. Officials of tho boards
of Ywalth of Brooklyn, Baltimoro and
other cities havo likewRo proclaimed
tho virtues of thin new discovery, which,
w entirely free from opiates, poisons
oaJ other objections.
A Hftudly Br-ealifhst.
At Lexington, Ya,, Jobocs Jolmsnn,
well-known negro, mado a bet at tho
brcnkfast-tablo Hint ho could cab more
fruit than any ono present. Silas Jones
and Peter Lindsay took up tho bet; and
all three sot to work eating peaches,
apples, watermelons, and grapes. John
sou won his bet, having eaten a yholo
watermelon and a half, ono dozen
peaches, twelve bunches of grapes, and
four largo apples. Ho was taken sick on
hour after and died tho samo oToning.
A Lucky man.
Great excitement lias prevailed hero
over $5,000 having been drawn in tho
' last drawing of Tho Louisiana Stato
Lottery, May 12th, and wo sent our re
porter to personally interview tho lucky
man. Ho found him, when tho follow
ing conversation took place:
what is your name and occupation?
II. N. Chandler, bridge carpenter.
Do you live hero? Yes. I board at
tho Slacker House and room in ono of
the cottages near the park. 1
"Iow long havo you been patronizing
tho Louisiana Lottery?
Ever since m' accident last December.
Was it you that wo reported lyiog at
($ho Slacker Houso last New Year's day
wnn a oroKon araif
Yes; while in tho company's cmploy
mBnt I Ml from the top of an ico house,
Lojuriog mytwlf vefy seriously.
Is it trtw that you severed your con
nection vfith tho company thu day you
hc&nfof jemr good luck?
No; I continued at my wnal employ
ment until to-daj whan I hiwli mwun
acrstSudiiiff, and left.
Whore did you purchase th ticket?
Dir;t from A. Dauphin, manager
of tho company at Now Orleans. IIp
vts a one-fifth ticket of $25,000.
When did j'ou Qirst learn that yemr
ticket had won a prize? 1 saw it in tha
Kansas City Times. Q
Dad you any troublo in getting tho
?5,000? None whatever. I asked
Adams Express Co to collect it, nnd it
camo all right without any delay.
Wero thero nnity drawbacks or deduc
tions? No. Nothing but tho usual
rates for collcoUon mado by tho Express
Co. Ottawa (itas.) Ilcpublican, Juno
Senator Sherman lias left the land of tho
setting sun and is coming cutit.
ICutt r Hiiye r
everywhere Qro refusing to take white,
lardy-looking butter except at "greaso"
prices. Q nsuincrs want nothing hut gilt
edged butter, and buyers thcrcloro recom
mend their patrons to keep a uniform color
throughout theyenr by lining the Improved
Uuttcr Color mado by Wells, JtylmruBon &
Co., Burlington, Vt. It is tiro only color
that can bo relied on to nover injuro tho
butter, and toalwnysgivo tlio perfect color.
Sold by druggists nnd merchants.
An infalliblo euro for alcoholism Tako
A new inuA embraced in Ely's Cream
Balm. Catarrh is cured by cleansing and
healing, not by drying up. It is not a liq
uid or snutr, but is vnisily applied with tho
finger. Its effect ia magical and a thor
ough treatment will euro tho worst cases.
Frico CO cents. At druggists. Sixty cents
by mail. Ely Bros., Owego, N. Y.
I have been afflicted with catarrh for
twenty years. It had becoino chronic, and
there was a constant dropping ol mucous
matter from tho root ol my mouth. It ox
tended to my throat, causing hoarseness
and great difficulty in speaking; indeed lor
years I was not abloto speak more than HO
minutes, and often this with greatdilliculty.
I also, to a great extent, lost tho eenso ol
hearing in tho left ear, and ol taste. By
tho uso of Ely's Cream Balm I have re
ceived moro reliel than Irom all other reme
dies besides. All dropping ol mucous has
ceased and my volco and hearing uro great
ly improved. Jas. W. Davidson, attorney-at-law,
Monmouth, Warren county, 111.
Nilsson says that she nover wearies ol
hearing herself sing.
The elmpVit and belt regulator of the Dis
ordered Livor In ttie world nre Carter' Mttlo
I.Ivor Tills. They trlvo prompt relier in Blolc
Headache, Dizziness, Nauseu, Ac.; pievont
and euro ConMlputlon and J'JIes; remove Bui
lowneti and I'miplcn fiom tlio complexion,
and are mild nnd xentle In ilii'lr oporatlon on
tbelawcU. Carter's Littlo Liter I'Mi aro
email nud as cuy to tnko a sugar. One pill
a doso. l'rlco saccnta.
The woman question Where did tho
Goddess ol Liberty get her dress made?
Back Ache? Hunt's Iteinedy will cure
pains in the hack or loins, female diwcaes,
nervous prostration and kidney discuses.
Sick headache? Piles, constipation, bil
ious headache aud dyspepsia are all speedily
cured by Hunt's Kidney und Liver Itemed,
to woot, aitovrr.ns.
Being the only house in tho West paying
cash for wool, growers will And it to their
interest to connign to us, saving timo,
freight, interest and tho excessive charges
01 commission houses, an we buy lor mnnu
facturerx. lteturim with dralt mado im
mediately on arrival, nnd if they do not
prove satisfactory wo will reship anywhere
owner may direct without charge.
Keference: The Omaha N'ntinnnl Bank.
Established 1SC1. Omaliit, b.
When jou visit NewYork CUt, via Central
urpoi, sivc nucenjre irprcssacp ami w . ar
rUcc Hire, ami stop at the Grand I'nlon Hotel.
opposite said depot. Six hundred elegant
rooms tltted up at a rostol onemilllun dollar;
fl and upwards per day. European plan. Ele
vator. ItcstaurVV. supplied with the best.
Horse-cars, staifa and elevated railroad to all
depots. Families can live better for lest
money at the Grand Union Hotel than at an;
other llrst-class hotel in the cltyj
Gen. Logan believes President Cleveland
a man of grt force ot character.
iti:i)-iurcs. i'mks.
Fllfs, rorhnfint, led bug, rats, mice. rnohfM.
ciilrmuuks, clt-roil ut by "Hough oa lists." 15c
The new paper bed clothing will bo ft
sweet uoon to the sleeping car companies
"When Hlj- was sIcV, ire gare tier Cntc0,
Wlirn she was a Child, gke cried for Castoria,
When slie became Miss, she citing to CaMorla,
IJljCl tho had Children, eh gare thorn Cst&l,
Alphonse Daudetis regularly racked with
rheumatism, q
thin rnorr.n.
"ffMl's Health Kcnr wer" restores lirslth ami rleor
cures tijipcpsia. nni'Oiencc. scuuui neuiiajr
Shakspcnrinn motto of tho Jersey
ito is, "now could I drink hot blood.1'
Don't Skip This!.
So many rehemes nro put beforo tho publla
for tho Increase of nownpiiper circulation,
which seem to bo plauslblo aud yet nro fruud
ulont, that when n legitimate, honest effort la
mado to build uptlio circulation of n Ut?itl
ninte, honest piuier, by legltlmnto, honest
means, people who Inivo boo so many times
duncd nro very tlow to reenond to tho kouu-
lne echemo. Wo nro led to this train of
thought by n perusal of tho Hdrertlsomont of
Tun AamtiCAN ltuHAt, Homk. of llocliestor,
N. V., published in this issuo of our paper, ro
which wo call tho attention of our readers.
Wo nro acnunlnted with both paper and pub
lishers nnd tako pleasuro In recommending tfc
k ono 01 tno very uost larm anu lnmuy jour
nals in this country. livery person who
sends ono do lur for a yonr'e subscription to
sho paper receives a handsome pregnnt.
which is donated by tho advertising petrous
of tho paper. These premiums consist of Gut
tle, Lnud, ltcnpcrsnnd Mowers, l'lotfs, ItnuXs,
l'letures, Organs nnd thousands of other val
uable tii'tlcles. Tho Hurnl Homo Co. is on
dorsed by Hon. Cornelius U. I'nrsons, Mayor
of KocheBtcr, to whom you can write If you
havo any doubts as o Its reliability. It rlll
liny you to bond for Sample copy If nothing
inorothnnto not a look ut this great tffolre
pngo, Mxty-column Illustrated paiter. .Ad
lire Itural Homo Co. Limited, Uoeheslor,
N. T.
Culture will show. A circus in Boston,
running a week, took in $80,000.
IJairord ,S:iiinp. The eioit dellclou ttXUh h
the world. 1'snu.ablc and healthy.
A family cry-sis a girl baby.
Quick, complrtfi curr, all Uhlncy, TlttpMer iU)d
Urinary Dlsrnscs, Scalding, Irritation, Stone, Uturel,
Catarrh uf the bladder, ti, Druggists.
Tho forco of suction is illustrated nowa
days by u utraw placed in u tumbler.
Por Dyspepsia, TniJIcextlni), dspr&xuoi ot
sxirlts and Renernl debility. In their various formsi
also as a preventive asalnst fever and (icue and ntner
Intermittent fevers, the 'Terro-Pliosplioraled BUxlt
of Callsava" made lir Caswell, Hazard & Co., Jiorr
York, and sold by all Druggists, Is tlie best tonic; and
for patients recoveries fioia fever qr QUieriloiWJ,
It has ue equal.
Tho new postmaster ought to bo o man
of letters nhoso honesty ia ot tlio righb
ft otBArBBtt of the rioncer Trem jtnffi treufflei
C for eleven years with obstinate, tetter on bis
1imk!. hns completely cured It In lesathan smonth,
by the uso of Colo's Carbollsulvc l'lonccr Tract, St.
Mosquitoes are frco from one vice at?
least. They can't stand smoking.
i .i..I,r, . U.M U r , NM t
Lu0O b I hi'- blootf of nearly every one. In many c&e
Inherited. Its severest fsrm Is that of running sore
co the -, lc, or feet, llimckes In tho Blonds of
the neck, pliOflcs, caaocrwH ifltwtss, H$oIlra JolnOt,
nnd tlilckcolos or urr lis, ioc otker iiaptpis.
Hood's Sareiarllla 6) 1 wCofsI tuecs li cur
ing scrofula. It thoroitcsly miciBn tso hunvrj
from tho blood, and gives It iO'W yWEea' ud tRotfl.
Albert Estes, 2S East Pine Street, Lowell, M., lift
been troubled with scrofulous humor from boyhood,
and In the summer of 1S8I had a large running soro oa
his leg. On taking Hood's Sarsaparliia tlto sore
gradually disappeared, and ho has had no IndlcQ.)
of the humor since.
Mr-QVYm. JIcDonald, Wooster, O., for 13 months
tufTered with scrofulous swelling of the glands In tho
neck. Hood's Barsapnrllln gavo Immediate relict, tho
swellings being largely reduced. She thinks UierVi
nothing equal to It.
Hood'6 StesaKQD
Bold by all druggists. Ill six for t Made only Ijr
C. I. UOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass.
IOO Doses One Dol!o$
Blood Purifier Health Restorer.
It never falls to do Its work Incaseaof Mnla
rl, Blltouaneaa, !ontlputloii, Head
ache, lots of Appetlto and Sleep. Norvoni
liability, Nourulcla, and all Pcraalo
ComplutnU. Hops A Malt Hitters Is n Veg;e
table Compound. It Is a Medicine not a liar
room Drink, It differ as widely aa does
day and night from the tlioiiaand-and-one
mixtures of vllo tvhlalcy flavored with
aroruatlca. Hops Malt IJUtnrs is recom
mended by lMiyalcluna, Itlluletera and
N uraesi aa being the Ileal Family Medicine ever
compounded. Any wouiau orcblldcantaJceit.
"From my knowledge of Its ingredients, under
no circumstances can It Injure any one using It,
It contains no mineral or other deleterious sub.
stance. Possessing teal merits, the remedy Is
deterrlne success."
O. K. DiPot, O., Detroit, Mich.
Tho only Genuine aro manufactured by the
HOPS a a AIT BITTERS CO., Detroit, Mich,
lOertuanA iiiiaC'uroimefait)i95
WmrtiattrtiUy Hi the worst (auw,Uisurtcun(ott
aura aioey l c tow ran-, "urai i ww"!
W. ti, V Omaha, 205-37.
My you Mir tho adrerUseuieutln this papw y
' Sk
Red Star
Free from Opiate, l;i Ilea ami I'olson.
for Couehore TLroat, llnnneae, InSaea,
C.IJt. Itrunehltls, Crou Wliooplnr Codu
Aithmm Quinsy, I'nln In Chest. niotUr'
arcttuntorthsTliroutsnd l.nnjr.
Trice SO rents a bottle. Sold by Dri'zf Ists and Peal
er. Jirl'. unnWs to Imturt thrlr dtaltr to ftrompttv
gtttt forthrm irUlrerirtunboUU.'J:Upreitchariitt
paid, by stndwv one dollar to '
the a. nirtrn rnarAST,
5l Owoert so 1 Mtnur tu-ers,
y.Hln.rr ,I.-l,t. r, S. 1.
This medicine, combining Iron rlth pura
Vcgetablo tonics, quickly and completely
('urea Dvupeiwjr,, lioliwagttU, WnJiu"M
Inipnre Hl.nnt, AtnJin4)iC'4cUt nnalij"tvea:
ml Nenriiislu.
It Is an uniailltiB remedy D)P UIstacBUJ of taa
litjlnryii piu L.tvi.
It Is Invaluable fop WBns pefulter o
"Wtiuwn, and all Who Vnnd wduntery lives.
it docs not injure the teeth, causa
produce constipation othrr Jran vwllcivei tto.
Itcnriohcsand ptirines UjeUs-Bl,lnuilRtea
tlui nppatits, ahlx the KH&tmlhiVlcm of final, re
lieves Heartburn aad tolchhrc, ud KtKugth
tns the musvles and ncvf.
Er Intermittent Vevors, Insjittuac, Xci ol
Bnerny. A., it Irw no eMUa).
fa- Tlie genuln haa tttmve trtido nmrt nfl
orossud red linos on wrapper. ToUc no other.
jtylt Mr V IlKOM !t CUSSKUtl lU. eit.TIIUUt Bit
HostotteT" Srom
Scfi BttloiM ronmiers
nd previMits inr
lurlnl f avers, djrs.
pcpul, li rwilr ewi
Ml jiatlon, a touoflcy
ta fctdner and blad
der allinonU nd
jhoimmliui, autt i
ft the urcun'K raino
ru saa (.f bxollly
troubl srMnc from
wnknm. Old poo
pl are grrtly sided
lr It, n& It Is highly
Korrieaabla to con
valusceirts aud todies
hi delloatv bHtltb. It
Is, tmirvoviT. v vie
fnl tneitlelne t totu
iM) (Ol lung
jouraevs, al ecmn
tt'NK'ts trie rtfvcw nf
ixeutat iilmut ton.
For anla nil tlrnff.
litsts sua iicijlon
LarOlard'8 Climax Slttg
beiifnr rtut Mh tag ; that LorUlanl's
ItaM tiiHf AlMAltti UfatTArlllmri'.
ffKTjt C1IiIbc, icnd lUi Lorlltavd's. 8na. ar
fa bo ad ainwiiiwa. quality cgnu'ttertul I
JTsTimPmrvrt 1 1 L. 1 1 U ri.Tfsrllntl.r
(Suited to all sections. ) Write for I'liit! !rht. Vxmplilti
aiidrrirestoTboAultieMi ATaylor Co., nwixib ld, (ttity
Wafer Uas ris!.:
afhes, dirt, sinnkuor smell. an bo placed In woy
store. Hums thice parts water to low of oil. Wrlve
C. at. BAl'ON CO,, Oiualin, Xelb
employment suit
tn-llilitr Uurai tty .tdUrtauil
outnt tr-. iddress t'liu'inww
BuKiKUderCo., Utrcinmffi. O
I IIWIIH .linill'cuPcgnMacMuUft
Omaha Commercial. Bond name7or
Catuloirim nnd sncelniiTi of peman
nip. ' u liiiiiiciiin tin i-rineipa.
I recorsmend It (Si r3Qior tb any prosicrirraad
Rochester, N.Y., Mar. ai, 1885.
I am acquainted with the DublUhi
of the AusaiCAM KuAt. Home, and
believe they will fulfil every guaraotea
they make to the public
l rrl 11 1 1 I r. I la -- pn
)N i- 8TORI AC (F
3D NtSsT Cots a Prosont valQed froa 33c. ff;
SYsKKaSs0 ss' and no favorltfsoi VCO, e
I 5 8ondV$1.005ggS; ff
c rJ cand your name coei, onNotV'xV f-- s
S JVtno books, and your presonrvn -H
I yym bo forwarded. Write for Sampl)SJS fi
I yopywlth List of Present?., Everything goot&
ot JlnnhotHl, I'rt'tuut iiriajic-ai"T' l-VrfiLiieaif J
trnln and all ronnsof lu bllltr Iti 3!rn from earlj 1
tror, Itfnornnc, vice or exrrwva OnlcLIj and Uatllr '
Jureil wrhontronflncm nt lir tho I
lOwnrmlTesiaUn Hedln AmcTliMmilrl, tuiliHHif rlta
fRKE t earneat Inqtilrrr, nottobovs. orcurte-lty-eekers),
la go Illustrated wot t on IHsense of
tin flnttn-f"rlnurT llr.ln .! a.
3oled, for cents InsUnij.! rilvestestlmunlals, bust
issanilmedlftlrfferenrr.e. niiulti.(lori Free.
. . LVbIA B. PIMKHAM'3 . .
. is a rosmvE ci u: for .
ill tltf.n ftilfirul Complain ta
tHm eAViii'M'K sn ronimnn i
. IQQir he st ,
TrUr ttU IBil', lll r Itt'fiH t.rm.
Tit d6uj s tolttv for tht fyutmate hrallng fl"
if.,MVnii.l tht nf jmJh, ti.t that It dott alt
it eUlmttvdo.thouunJs f tadlmnr ladiy ttttlfy.
It will euro entlr. ly nil Oval ironMcstiittaQna-.
tlon and I Iceration, "g sI D:p' wSffnts, aji
consequent Spliul Wi jtkun a A Is fcirtlcnlarly
adapted In the chaniroof life. ...
ltremores 1 aut lent, KlatulrV d -,ti-eysall ravins
forftliuuUnti, and rell. rrs WtsVt)' ,c t Iho StouiocU.
It cures Hloiilnir, MimlschK X rvoia I'Q-tratlon,
nnrrl rubilUv. Sleeplr.neV. DeprefdmViirt Ipll.
to.tlon. That t- ebnif of l-i"S9 down, iultiir pvi,
.n.t I. I. ! Uru ,Atlr t linnl ItV itlt UFr.
-andstarup toi.onn, Maw . t'irir,tnptj1"t Ietterj"C
SLQSm 3t53 'MSEM
urn mi, 'iw COTarata
eu lXIVHO ITU Tumtbd 3
lASnlbtfr. VrtrrOTWH not '
rim vnuti MfMii n hnil dTTPr 3
t) vuwii W xav win Irrfvs I
no aUwc
lilKCOIiN CO., ft
ld3XX)L, KlIlltASEA,
Jfir-Bolo Hnufcatierr.
dhRoatlon. To tst Ha stttcury, tho supia-r waa
tlituvftol v ft' tlmas, trat alvytiy vith arutusa of
ilislrusi lu tlie nlnhs."
by Mimni b Haiukii Ou:ii nul Vlaiio Co.. Pullmaa
IWtw Cm Co . M. SUM onlr bv tli RUflStA.
cement CO. otoucESTta iBASaleHS
PVfchYWHFBe s-SitiDt)TiB Cm hvHtsii.a
Tlie hunt in thr xtnxridm
Tflr Itnlfrf h SMtil. KYirf trtttK:d JIV dl
tt finitamM t tevkr mtnh three bolts,
a trd c ui t nxHy tnjafri onT t sbarpem.
The bmwfli r.f nfc bt i9Arcits(ted fcv th
1 1e-ft to vOn.fh Ore It boltrd1.
v'rt hOrhn Has thxMr U iwed. th
ftrctiU wfIc4 will ttir nwffcM vftllBj
Anr It will ut All iu j(fLpt Send (bg
BdIA by AXi. GKALKinj naoirmnt tha World
soil iti p.ani n ?:ir:tHJMWtMn, isjts.
Tutos CeJari, dKf d).i W ftrushes, To. up
kr lamo Ujcubl, . ArtlWS' aoire l-an-u,
Otm I'J. . IViiviM. Kat (lo,d Tslut. 23o.
. i.i... rr . . rbj.n,.(lnl, VmHIN
)rPlcttirHHi UoU. flush. Oak nod llmnze. Namplea
qlKptxtna . dam, nod . vtMinmnu ior i;aisiuBu
A- HQ8P4om&i.
TffiESMFS? ? !ts isu c&irj.!?22
sVVAI.HNTINU BUM., .latwavuie. i.
CSagraoetas&CoWj, Constipation,
toHtama5h, DfiCboaa, Eructation,
HHU fotixm, njorjsa &f(p, and promotea dl-
"Wyiloia agttrjrouacnRidloatloa,
Xaa Ousstpix C&nOr, IE3 Fulton Street, IT. T.
(Majr t Rxktttir far "ylfCtfriT
Un jrta n fait,) v
sfi I lAifpn
B 1 is Isf
iiiji i iiiiiiwiiii i iiniiii Mi mmtmm m i
1 MQ
j iiHei er innu cuiuniu uiwuua'ii niiiusi i n
various prcfnrntliHUi but even the simplest cruel
TOtiuwl pain M nlRht. Ccimnnwltnj with Itldito
Fisxl, I fouiiil fall koUKfitrMioi to tku appstlto and I
sk a -
. BBBKVX1 r-,n,''"" I
n i
t nmTflmnj
V 1. 1 VIM. II
CV TUt eT UfiTCBBBnur inya rntr
. p' tli utii. a4 wHI asn ya ttjln mm.
S.Wi,wws,rs. IIWUnlM cUIns ft.. A. J. Tw. .