The Weekly Oregon Scout. UNION, OKKRON, SAT., AUO. 1st., 18S5. Of it renders will sec by rondin;.' the County court proec'diiifjs, published in another column, that t liu proposi tion of J. T. Otitlioiisu. to export (lie county linnures, bus been accepted. Wlictliui- lliis nppoliitmcnt will jrivc satisfaction to the mass of the people, o arc uniihlo to say. Mr. Outhouse Jins selected as his assistant, Mr. O. 1 Bell, who is a thorough account ant, and a man that wo believe will he entirely acceptable to nil. It is to be hoped that this work will ho speedily accomplished, and all unsettled ques tions eonecriiiuir the county records forever set at rest. Tin: Governor would undoubtedly llnvu a hard lime of convening l he ley islamic, should he attempt to do so Judtriiifj; from the pulse of proinincrt dcmo'Tiits horu, and what information wc have been able to obtain we do not believe the democratic members will attend, tnd before llu'v are forced lodosd, will absent themselves from the State, Wo believe they would be instilled by the gi eat mas of the peo pic in using any power in their means lo nrevcnl lillother cession for the jicupld nthii'tfo, both republicans and democrats, don't want a senator bad bnoiii'h to nav the cost of an extra (session to iel one. Tnu tiil Grnudo Gazette now an Jltllinees the demise of the "ernnkv" tiltt bilry of Union, and puts itself in inournintr over the event. We sup pose it isover thti event, although it tMissiblv linlv be for thd death ot Uenernl Grant. It s:tys that "the blind cave of etiirnnl li'dil has Closed bver him." We don't know what kind of a cave that is. Wc don't kiidiv tile principal cause of 1 '.Siiod 'M.l'V grief. lie just simply aniioun d3 the death of Union and the death bf Grant, and mourns. Wo respect Ills feeliilgs. Wo liuvd an idea. how bvx'r, that it is Grant he mourns for hiore than us, or he would have said Ihat one of Iboso 'blind caves ol btcrual light'' had closed over usttlso. InsJteitd Of Having us struck ''iiiiiid BlUps" with a railroad train. We tiiilt make out "Snoddy V meaning. Lilt if he does not really love us, we loo will have cause to Uioilrn. Hit I'Vllliil JUuhIo. Editor Slioirr', The folhiwing reminiscence (if the lilUnccr days bf Oregon uuly be ot liUercsU It Vits perhaps in ltlfi.l, Uliiong the cmigrantH to Oroiron wii hu Englishman by the nauld of George Clark, who was followed to the land bf 'gentle ullsts' ' bv a devoted wife uid numerous progeny ; together with iiis llork? and herds. Added to these wur eight, or ten bounds of approved breed. Soilio of his fellow emigrants tobilhted wluuher Clark thOughP moie HI; wlfo and children, or of the 'dorgs." II'.' could in his Own iu lmitableliliiglish accent, tell of many exploit)) performed by each of his ''dorgs,'' but none was so renowned Us a slut bo rilled Miisle. She was Idwiiys tlrst to strike the trail, had Maying qilnlitius in a light, and whoso lile'oilious voice had sujjgeslod her 'K.ilo Clark had not long huuii set Med on his "claiiU" ul, the liilso of the ValipiH'ia iiioiliililtne, lit Lttno county, when his howl was visited by a Onli hiruia lion, of gigantic miiku-iip. Clark and bis nulglibyis, led b the "dorgs," weiu forth to tho battle. Echoes were awakened tlult had per 1 i it i r chuilhcred slum etho notable Jiictliig of ranis horns around the 'llsuf .lerlcn. lllghabov'o the roar I'd illn tit bilttlo might have boon jieard tlioiicouraging voice of Music. The "dorgs" returned ouo by one from that tiiotintai:) gorge, iii a di laiiidnled coiulition; L'rohiwcli had "one of his cars plucked bodily from Jil! bend, Wellington wits minus a 'ccc of skin ol' bis eidi', tho si?o of a ''j-jfc diniier plate, with suniu ribs ''oken. Hlutcbur had lost a (all, and ro on to the cud of the roll call. Hut Micro was Music? Mli'b ciluiu not. 'oof Mliblc, she ii'iusl bo lying woun ded hi tho mountains somuwhoro. Next liiornlng all the dogs and men jjUho settlement i aritiL'd With giuiR, I'Jtqls ittid knives, tijrncir but and jrWc jtot long in Ondlng their cbiii p'oti cneijiy, wh fell beforq a Well liiiccted b'.'oiulslile, I'hR (.wjtla! otljjht o bo told In tlicilitiuilitblo Kullfili lic feiit and dujcful tones ot Clark, how, when the beast was bklii'iod mid cut oprn., 'tberowiis Music." . CalbmQ. ft Kirrulor'e Nutlfcis I itii tmtlcinfrtill l'Bvinjf hiJi luU kjk c. tt'il I'Jki'riirriv of Uu cMutD of auiMi ,1(Ktoii, dm4Hil. BirtU'ii Is brrbv jv en to nil lHirsupt buvlii fUilwmuwlnl mUl ii nr I'vliic. rertr Siiuiiuwvlllo. I t'lilou fuUMy. i, Wltnui 'I niomiiK irout i lie usur ui roi "'lit tllttlililL. 1,'Hicd tblnt'&l. tUy of July. JSS. If- MAUI II A- V AlKkMOk'i-' )C.VxiOlrl THE COLUMBUS BUGGY Company Have appointed the MERCANTILE and MILLING CO., of Ishnd City, their agents, and have shipped to them the first CAR LOAD of Billies, -AND- Hacks, The OoliimbiiH Huggy Company wore M'ardcd the GOLD MEDAL at the Woild's Fair, New' Oilcans, on the BUST DISPLAY of light BUG .GIES, CAB HI AG US, etc., over t-ixty competi4 tors. Ail that walit Id biiy, Or bontein- ' . olatc buying) and all other who want lo sec a SlricUy No; 1 Vehicle, Ard itcsilcctfhlly luviibd td bull hnit exiutlilid them. The Mercantiie -AND- in I -OF- ISLAND CITY, Carry Olio of the largest stocks bf Merchandise JSvor id this ciidiity. Coiisistiiig ih part, 'of a BUY GOODS, clothing, gu'ooeiiies: STOVES and TINWAUli: IKON nhd STKI5I, iff USE SHOES, house nAils: BASBED AT AN1) A Gonoral aauxlment of UUGtliJii?, HAOiCS, CARTS, otu. v"0 mot oai'iiostly liivllu all io bill and OMiitiluo our stouk, ami tlnd out ' . . . m . . l out price, buforo purclilisiing ul?u- wboro. Wo litivo tuuie to fetrtyi tldil WSiit . . i .... , i , i . yUuP trado. ttnd II lidnorablo tlwil- lntf ttiid 10V lMUX-KS will git it i Wo will litivu it. Slpttieiubor the JJ fcttmit, hbOt) liOUGU'S ISLAND CITY HT()UI5 CARTS 111 hmM Mi & m. 66 Uland 'cjTi'. oi UNION ' No more Sending off for Goods. rIY rVhi Tnlilin I have JLU XJIO J- IIUJIU. one of General Merchandise ever brought goods at a great reduction on 14, 10, 18 yds per one dollar. Price now Ginghams, Poplins, Cashmeres, Buntings. WHITE GOODS, etc., in same proportion. Price now M cti anil cts, Price CLOTHING, (Stills,) Price now .M.00, jl 2.00, 15.0(J, iJSO.on. Formi-r price lS.HO, $10, $i0, ?2Si Goods in all our other lines in same proportion. UclnpuWaroof tlio fail that Hid peoiilc of llus valley liavpl'cc'n In the' liubit ofsou ttltig Hast lor tilings needeil In tin; aliovc lilies, owing to I ho disadvantages incrclniuts have lalmreilundur, as to fn.'iirht facilities 1 h:ivo ohlalnud sjiecial raliit mid having hotight mv goods as cheap rts lliev can he bought, I am in a position to sell them at PORTLAND PRICES. I would Call the attt'iitioii of the public to the fact that I have, the sole ngohey for GETS WOLD'S PATENT Lamp Fillers and MACHINE OILJUiS, Jr Union 'ami Hakcr Comities. T mil nlsii nL'eiil fur home of I fir best Vlrp srtirni ititt'n -it & national. HA.MHmui & MACiM-iituitc. iiamim:iI( I MAN, and OBKMANIA. KollcUor for the ANo agent for tjie. following aitlblcs of the PARA FINE PAINT CO'S. CLOTH COMI'OtTNl), for cloth, canvass, for liuiuesN and all or leather. l)rc!ervativc, X. B. Orders rhspecifully solicited tulles meet ohr promjil attcnlibn. KISSPECTFLLLY YOUKS, WmW'Ai. I IN MECCUAXDISE: AVc lend, but never follow, mid defy competilioii in all our deiiirtiiictltsi NE'VV IMPORTATIONS En routd fi'dm E'istCrn aiid Western in Mifaettiries, We bhy for CasJi, and will scli the Choicest GOODS CIIEaFEU THAN THE CIIEAI'ETR. All immense stock or W$ OoocN, f'luih'ng,, (lontu, riiniNlilii (ioods. Hoots and Slibcs, California ami Oregon l'.lankets, tirocci.'ics, Uanhvare, Crockery Tobacco and Cigars, Stationery, Notlou, i te:, el'ct. eonstanPy on ItamK 'jt3"A cordial Invitation extended to all to call on me. examine good", and learn prices. Adolph Levy, Union Or SlpiSS PAT. OVAL CHURNS. 'ISraKw bust i.;i,:n -M .x17 Jk.iMrRMnc" 1 i rir - Guns, Kovolvors, Call and examine tny stock and prices at Malm fact v'.i v iA u j u r riif K i .i AT0s. 201 ami W; FmUl isliwt. IWHund, Ureyon. itSTTIieattuntloh of farinci'S li particularly called to tirpinanV ImproV. liicilt which wuavo tlnulo In otir Self'lbndhig llarvejtor lor tho mwoh ot 1835 liidoprndciil Mowers, Independent Hca)Hiis, Comblti't'it ltcnpeiR. Mowers and llroppors, Twine SELF-BINDING HARVESTERS, Hinder Trucks. Bundle Oarriers, Bindliip Wire, ftiul Ttfine, Our iSTo. IS Self-Binding Harvester It tbi billy t?l(M)t-l'rH!tf llftrx ott' and Uiuder nut'lp. Do uol bv deceived by U'v n-tvillcd Steel I lai'ifeter , but oxnuiliio the "OSUOIt.NE ' bofohtpnw Iftirtffofiibv miHdnr inuufHurpI W D. ?L HoltNK .v 16. tor tlw . t thirl) )'( nun be oMalii' d bj uHllim to u ui ellli ar the fottovvtim IuMhI gt."it - Wright B'ros. Ag$nt4 at; Union, Oregbn, ooitiiAM iLnuv:n Noiib liMir SIA'lT AHEAD! just rnturned from San Francisco with the largest and best selected slocks of lo Union county, aild we now offer former prices. For example: 0 03 Price formerly 12, I t, 10 jds. pur one dollar. formerly 75 cts. and one dollar, o liiKiiriiiii'K Compuiiios In tho world, viz: Mutual bile Insurance Co., of New York. nivass. rope, etc. LHATIIHU I'UK KltVA'l IVH, ltOUKINO, which is water proof, convenient, and rope, etc. LHATIIHIl I'UK KltVA'l I VIC from tho interior', which will at all B0SK0W1TZ, m s. mm JOS. "Vnicirr, ll' li't. SILVJilt o WAUi, ,Cr. CTJ'TLEBY and AmuniiiQii. tbu old Ktaud of the late John Burns, it rets of ii a. JOllNsiTO.V , J A 1'A'irntK. tiiiiumvri Illo 1IOWLAND ,t LLOYD, Manufacturers of "SMi-rni?;? 'i t 1 I. IF. I I 1 I I ' , I . ' A -L H V-E' - Main .street, t'nlnti, Or. Keep i'onsfnntly on hnnd n laoro tunply Of Parlor nnl fled room cots, Holding. Deiks. Oiflce Kiiriiitnre, etc. ITi'hrlslerliiB Done In the ISetSljIo Lounges, Mattresses, and all kind of Fur niture made to order. I'ATROXAGR FOMCITEI). Blacksmith Shop! Cr. ,'Mnln nml I! MtrrctM, ITnlLti, )rer-i.n. V. S. JOHNSON. Pitor. Nnr bet'er than over prepared to do all kinds nf iilnck-uiitb work at the lowest rates. Sltonj- n Spccgilfcy. j?Xoiie but tin IhM workmen em ployed, and all work waRiiaxi re to dr FlltST CLASS. COME AIQ) SEK ME. Leighton Academy, A Cr.lL'ginte School for Boys and 1 ouii Men. COVE, UNION COUNTY, OOfr. Will open Sept. 17, 1883. The tit. Kev. 1). W'istar Morri. n, J).. Hec tor. The Itcv. Win. It. lWell. A. Jl.. Principal. With an experienced teacher am thor onli dlxciplinariun aS Head Master, assis ted by other competent touchers. Hoard, wahin, ftlel, lights and tuition' in all brunches of a full collejii.tte course, except Music, per. quarter, VW.fXl; instru mental music. o &Vor prospectus, or further informa tion, address Kr.v. W i. It. Powkli.. Ascension School . 8 . Fey-Girls. CO VIC, UNION COUNTY, OGN. The lit. Itcv. 15. Wistar Morris, I). I)., llcOtor. The Ruv. Win. It. Pow ell, A. 1?., Oriiu'ipal. ait"l by ei-'x.-icnced and thcroughly t m.'.etjnl IcnehcrS: l:lo. wn.i, nicc.ix suit 3d, ISM. p-li'or )ros)ectus or further information luldres Iti:v. Wm. It. I'lavKU,. j om J Ha been opined at tile Hindi BrlLOINO SOUTH O.' I A. Bookowit.'s rilorc. Union, Where can be found a conlplotc stock of icllleines, ( Hem eal, ami nilleles us liallv f)und in a well stocked bllUC. STOlti:. Particular pains have been taken to select medicines of great p ur tv, and an experience of overtoil years, both U-it and West, gives us coiilldence to guarantee, everv article s,old to be genuine, ami of the best quality. We illsn c u rv ii itock of TATIOXBHY; SPOiNtH'. UVH fJLASfiKS, TOILKT AltTICLUS. CIOAIt-, Kic, And would bo pleased lo havo you call and exnm lie our goods. fclf"Caroful atttntlon given to riiysiciam Prescriptions. It. t". (IllKIO, I't'oprictor, L'lilon. Oregon. 1MW TO MAN. I atil jit'cpari'd to negotiate loam Upon well improved farms for a tern of fccavL For particulars call on It: 0. JJIhblNftSj" Loan "Broker. At tile bfllcD of .1. II. Giitbs, Un-' ion, Oregon. IiH.'lC MOUNTAIN hmm n hm Ifai w JtuiuOStrecl , Union, 0)i. IIkxuy Srt:tKi:u, PkoPkiutoi;. iaTOrdors fron any part 6f the ivll roiifho prompt aitention. I Ihtvo oii hand somo vol y lino liOCK KUISK. Drop in am Sample it. .1. V, STB ANO H. DENTIST, OFFICK Corner JIoJii and A Strtects, Cnloii, Oregon, O ALL WOUK TBl'rLY FIRST ('LASS. Charges reasonable. Mi Main StnU, Unich, Ogn. RiiiussiSr- BtfxsoK, I'ltoi'iiiBroiis. iVeop ooliitatitly oii hand JlliEF, roiiK. VEIL, mutxox. SAUSAOE, IfAMS, CO V ETA N N ERY . Adam Cuosmau, IMiopuiktok. Has now on hand and for sale the best of LADGO, . UPPEtl ttiiA LACE LEAU'IMX. PORTLAND PRICES I l'U! for Hide attd UclU. CENTENNIAL HOTEL. ; UHVOH. '"..' JUx. F lltioiti:. l'i. !:, i fi'.i A W0I1 Mui'ke 1 hu i,' . .in., . t'on i Vllth lliu i-piise. n;t'l p. in I t tin 1 UrnmUaf I'uois. , n.t i Larf k pt LAIUill SAMPid; ltOiUlS Uxr the ac I iommoilMUui of o oiiinerciul tntUr a iwm mm USE COMMKHCIAL mm m m Opiwite Centennial hotel. .lOItxS. EU.IOTT, PllOfJUKTOK. llaviur fiirnishad this old and pop ulnr hostlcry with ample roop1, plen tv of feed. .rood ho.Mlcrs and new buirfries, is better prepared than ev er to aceoinqdaf' customer. .11' TEIIMS arc IUUSOXAJtLK, UAILBOAD Feed Livery SlaMa! Near the Court House, A. V. Bi-.nsos, Broprietor, l'liloti, OreiU'iin. Fine tilrnfiuts ami firt elas r;s for the accoQatodation of the publie jfeiler ally. for com mercial nien a speciallv. Egl'kc aecommoilatlon for feed Qnnot be excelled in the valley. Terms iQwonnble, NOUTIt I'OWDEB P, E S T A U R ' A N T ! OI'ONY STIJYKN.Si IMtOl'i IMHVIIO. pilIH "III IV lllltl II"' tieu that, in addition to mv saloon, jit N'ortlt Powder. 1 haviOopened "a FlK.ST CL.Vs'j liUSTALMtANT, and respeitfullv onllcit a share of the public patronage. 'The table will alvay be suppKodvith the BKST Til JC MABKKT AFFORDSi ami no pains will bo spared to make nty patrons comfortable, (Jail on me, uat, ontNK trti) nr. iiai'I'V- WALL A AVALIjA . o LTD ill L1LL1I ULIUL Corner 3I:il ami A Streels, Unlniu E. Mti.t,i:u Pitoi'uiKToi! Keeps always on lialld tiie lincst brands of B7AVi.5, LIQUOHS, (hid VWAIlSt Thb very best laer and bodk liOOr ill the market, at 2o c'ls. a (piarl j Heer and linn'li M ctsi '' A line 'Jilliard table for tho accommoda' tiOil (If customers. Orop in uml be sociable- I. It. NbDl.NK) I'liOI'ltlKTOii' All kinds of blaek'JitiUhlli iind wnjrod work done in a jro.xl work manlike iuaiitler; I'he very best of wdrknleii riuployeti! noiiiSE siiojutfa axi re- rAUllNd DOX.E OjV S 11 OUT NOTICE. ti7"Shop opposite A, K. HciifoiPs Livcrj' Uable, iliiiu street, Union, Urogoiii .ii:oi Widoirr, President; X. T. WmoiiT,., Cashlcs1 ?iR.rr m UNION, J 0JtEG0N roe a general I'.a'itihig nlisincijs. JJuy? and i-e 1 1 M exchange, ami discounts o bonlmtirclal papt'r. 3("'llection-.(iircfiilly attended to, a hi ironlptly reported, ' o Buy tho EJjtyXViird ins mm, Fire Hxtingiiishci. Kvvrybi.i'y should have them, -Men, win', 1 or h'ldren can use Uiem. Thousand worth of j f iPirty saved every ay. Thcv don't freeze, are m t injurious tllcfth orfubflc. arid are always ready, 'on Cirinot allbrd to be without thetn. 1-.1. Uoili'., (iep. Agent. 1KI Market St'' an Fraiieiico. Cal. Cook ,t Oivight, AgK' .a (Irandc, (-)regon. 'i)licj of I'lenl SMtlililoiit. In tho ?otm(v court of tho Stato of Orci son, for i,nlon county. In the mattorot the estate of T. .1. Douglas, deceased. , jVT-olIre Is hereby givon. tliiit tin uuilorx '.-Si slsucd, Having fllfd In the. County uirt of t'lihiu countv, Oregon, a Jlnal ac uint'of his administration of (ho catato oi : ,1. Douglas, dec ascd, and praying for i lise-lrirg.'. and that Tuesday, tho 8th, day f September, 18RS, at the h or of lOo'clncb i. M, of said dav, the same beluga diy.ol lie regular September term of suld court) ui lieeli appointed as the time, mid the urt hoiisu In Union ;n the phlec, for hear: agobjuctlpiis to sold jiecjiunt, and the set lenient Wlf roof, n;;d f r nhowjng dauso, If nv there bf. Why nn oider ho not I'midci lls'ohargln tho unibjr.signcd ffom furtlio lutv is such iuiininistr.tor, and releasing , is sureties froSi fiuthcr IlliUilttics Oii tt't indiirtaktii Dated this l!0th. day pr .Ipne, 18X. JOHN McCALL.. .1. it. CifTifq, Adinlnlstriltori Attnrnoy. mini iibliit i' Stile. Notice Is hereby glvon that lb Virtlin of ai order, of the County court Of the State oj iregon, rgr itieiMiuiity or union, niuno auu ntoreri on record on thu 10th, day of .Iul . in is'A'i. in Ihu matter of thu ofcnlto of N. Watson, deceased. I, tho undersigned t.l tlll nn Mini. hv, Hie 10th. rl i nr AugU't, A. l- at 3 Vloek r, M. t.t ( day. at the court lions l)orln ell) nf l1ion, l iilou lountv, OiVfiu. o,fr fin lie the real ewUle Ihhuis 10 th t'Wati of sb iPiviiMvi, nml wWli u ten -'natter di-scrilHid, aud mII Hm. ie the hh-iunt Wdd -r. foi fah In Imml, fn ibk imriHiw of pn)lH4r Ui 114 due by aUI . ml tn i'xpwi (f fduibiUiintl. rrn" f illo!n? ! the deilp'" "f mi.-Ij i 11 i-slate: v Iioeivst oS ihe.ii! rMati ! i'.' .tiir, f tin- Ni mii.hI r of '. it i .UUtV one SolUb .it Itaiigr W. Lnt't'tn VVlllft. mode MeriiiUll, ill t nimi ...o i. "liM! Itttil tl.; Kill. i': "f ls-s'- ii i ( Hii.i'l lota, Aaiiiiiii-imi r of Un -t..i f N i. s'jH 'lTuttN Vtion'?' ACKSI v AGON r .v. o s wf