r ? rar 1 :.: THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1899. SSi"o"Tr'' CONSOLIDATED 188. NO 51 v '- The Absolutely Pure Made from Grape Cream of Tartar. Baking powders made from , alum and other harsh; caustic adds are lower in price, but inferior in work and injurious to the stomach. -' ''' ' , '"' x ROY At BAKING POWDER CO.. .NEW YORK. .... FIGHTING IS STILL FURIOUS British and Boers ' Heavily. Lose LONDO.v, Dec. 15. A . special dis patch ' from Modder river f aj a the firing reported by the telegraph opera tor was the resumption of Hehtlnjr be tween Methuen's forces and those of the Boers. ' ' " ., There was a renewal this morning on the stock exchange of the persistent rumors of the relief of Ladysmitb, but the war office and all other officials utterly discredit the report, which is generally believed to have been started with the object of unloading Kaffir shares. - ' . -, Pretoria, Tuesday. The following official announcement has been made: ,. General. Cronje reports that yester - dav there was desnltorv fiphtlne' until 6 o'clock, when the heavy cannon fire was renewed, ine Scandinavians tormea a mmcm. position, out is oe " came untenable, an J they suffered sev ' erelv. I was nnable to send heln. The British were in overwhelming force, but mnst haye had at , least. 2000 .1 men put out of action, either in killed or wounded. .. Another " official report from Captain Finn-Hart says: '- "'there' were no signs', of surrender, . the burghers fighting' with conspicuous - bravery and 'maintaining their posi-1 . One cannon were -of very little use. balloons. Twenty-four ambulances T were working backward and forward between, the fighting line and the enemy's camn. Our loss is not defin itely known. I estimate it at 100 killed and wounded." A Narrow Eiespe. ' Thankful words written by Mrs.' Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. , "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs: cough , set in and finally terminated. In consumption. Four doctors gave me np, saying I could live bnt a snort time. I rave mvself un to my Savior, determined if I could not WJ LUJ 1I1CUUD VU DBl UU A WUU1U meet my absent ones above. My hus : band was advised to get Dr. King's Van TllanAvaaw 4tm . rnnBiimntnn Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, HWft lu.ii; ei(ui wkuni -iu u uru me, and -thank Gpd. I. am. saved and now a well and healthy woman.", Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton s drug store'. ' Regular' size' 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed or prjjce refunded - a Kaxly Wool Sales.v ...Seattle, Dec. 15. For two weeks pas represeabauyes lu-frftsteru wuvi . firms., principally.. from Boston, have Imaii RanvMafnir the wool-crowinir sections of the state in an effort to buy up next year's clip. ' In the Ralneer reset ve district, advances have been offered, at full , price when " delivered next summer of from 17 to 20 cents per pound. The cause assigned for onering to nuy in aayance is nas heavy orders have been received by thn tiAnoa Mnmaantdfl fnr rlAllvArV next fall, and to make sure of a supply, all the crops possible are now being secured.. . . ' Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C Weak nerves had caused severe -palna in the back of his head'. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy; all pain soon left him. He says this grand remedy Is whsthlsoountry needs. , All America knows that it cures liver and kidney ' troubles, .purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, put imi vigor and new life Into every innscle, nerve and organ of the body.' If weak, ty-ed and ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cen ts Sold by Blakeley . & Houghtqnj druggists.. . Men Heeded In the NafT- ' ' ' i WASaiNQTONi Dec. 15,-The navy is 400 short of the legal maximum, and this in splte.of. the beat efforts of the recruiting officers. Secretary Long has called the attention of congress to this, and suggests that it might offer a decided incentive by extending to sailors enlisting the benefits of the aot allotting to apprentices clothing not to exceed $45 in value. Under the present system, the men are kept in debt for months after enlistment by the purchase of the necessary outfit. Bed Bat From tne Una Was' the ball that hit G. B. Stead man, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil war. It caused horrible ulsers that no treat ment belpad for 20. years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures cuts, bruises, bnrnes, boils, felons corns, sit in eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed . Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. r -: Aged tady Injured. Newbebg, Or., Dec 15. Mrs. Nancy Wiley, aged 75 years, met with a serious accident which may prove fatal. She slipped, on a walk and fell heavily, breaking one of 'her legs near the hip, and throwing it out at the hip sooket.., She was unable to rise, and lay in the rain for full half an hour before she . was noticed . by anyone. Mrs. Wiley is resting well since the bone was set, but is is feared she will be unable to survive the shock on ac count of her advanced age. ' "' Fighting at Klroberley. London, Dec. 15. The war office has a dispatch from Colonel, Kekewlch, dated Kimberley, Sunday,December 10, saying: ; .".''.' " "Boers have reattached. Kukuman and have again been repulsed by loyal ists and Becnuanas. The : Klmberley forces made a demonstration northward on Deoemberi), and drew out 500 Boers and three guns. Fiehtincr ensued for several hours. " The British casualties were one man killed and seven wound ed." , ' - Hla lJfe Was, Saved. ' ... Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder ful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling it he says: I -Was taken with typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. "I was so weak I couldn't even sit np in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave me great relief. I con tinued to use it, and now am well and strong. I san't say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and 81.00. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Hough ton's Drug store; every bottle guar anteed. . . Fennaaent Congress. ' Chicago, . Dec! 15. A permanent congress of Chicago ministers of. all denominations' tu meet every month may result from the mid-contlnentai congress of religions, which concluded a three days' session at Sinai temole yesterday. A united effort on the part of ministers in an endeavor to effect civic and religious reforms is stated as the object of the proposed congress. No Bight to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrac tive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her Impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch ed complexion. Electric Bitters is he best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It wilt make a good-looking, charming woman of a' run down invalid. Only 50. cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. . ., A. Donation From Carnegie. Oakland, Cal., Deo. 15. The Ebell Society ladles have been successful in their efforts to secure the $20,000 ' nec essary to purchase a site upon which to build the. library' for -which purpose Andrew Carnegie' has ' given $50,000. The ladies bad -on- band in - cash and pledges $18,769, when a telegram was received from C. P. Huntington stating that be would contribute: $3000; . This brings the total of the subscriptions to $1769 more than -is needed. MUllonsOlven Away. It Is certainly gratifying to the pub lie to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr. Klng'a New Discovery for consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial hot, ties of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has ab solutely cured thousands -of . hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarse ness and all diseases of. the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by if. Call on Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists, and get a free trial bottle. Regu lar size 50 cents and $1.00. Every bot tle, guaranteed, or price refunded. ' .' Debate Closed ' Washington, Deo. 16. The general debate on the currency bill closed yes terday, and today the bill was read for amendment under the five-minute rule. Upon a pro forma amendment Gros venor (rep. O.) got the floor to reply to some of the statements made by Bailey (dem. Tex.) yesterday. . The bill will pass by about 20 majority. . British losses at Modder Blver. London, Dec. 17. A revised list of the British casualties at the battle of Magersfontier shows the total to be 963, of which number 70 were officers. The Black Watch were the heaviest sufferers. : Of the rank and file, 42 were killed. 182 wounded and 111 are miss ing. ' ; Catarrh Cannot be Cored with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seatof the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure It you must take internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts directly, on the blood and mucous surf acesr Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of thi best physicians in this country for yerrs, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, eom-. bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di-' reetly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Ca tarrh, Sends for testimonials, free. F.J. CxlJUn Bt X rivi, iwnwi,Vi Sold by Druggists 730. Hall's Family 1 Pills are tne best. BOLLER FORCED TO RETREAT Lost Eleven Hundred Men and Eleven Guns at Tugela River. London. Dec. 17. The war office has given out but little information concerning Buller's engagement with the Boers at Tugela river on Friday, except that his losses in the engage ment were: killed, 82; wounded. 667; missing, 348; a total of 1097. He also lost 11 guns and large quantities of small arms and ammunition. General Buller had attempted to cross the river with relief for Lady- Smith, but encountered a heavier force of Boers than he expected, and finding it impossible to effect his object, he or dered a retreat in order to avoid greater loss. Eight officers were killed in the engagement and forty wounded. Eighteen officers are missing. Queen' Victoria was greatly con cerned at the latest reverses. Com mander-in-chief Lord Wolseley was at Windsor Castle when the news arrived and he took a special train back to London. News of the defeat of Buller caused a momentary panic on the stock ex change. There was intense excite ment in all departments. Immediately after the opening jobbers started real izing, and all prices opened from one to six points below Friday's close. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, headache and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there is no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are just the thing' for a man when he is all run down,- and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strenght and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Ouly 50 cent, at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. EAery bottle guaranteed . AGCI HAJLUO MOST BB CAFTCBED. ' Filipino Will Not Quit Fighting Until Be Orders them te Surrender. Manila, Dec. 17. Major Peyton C. March, of. the Thirty-third infantry. has abandoned his pursuit of . Agui- naldo and has reached Baguen, in the heart of the ' Gran Cordillera, where the range is 10,000 feet high and where food is ' scarce - and travel -almost im possible. ' From native couriers and Spanish prisoners it was learned Agulnaldo left Bon toe, in the province of the same name, with three women and two soldiers three days ago and beaded southward, evidently from Bayombong in the province of new Vizcaya, where it is thought he may encounter the Americans. Major Marsh's command was de pleted. 20. per cent by the two days' march from Cervantes to Baguen, so he returned' to Cervantes December io. s . :. . ' . : ; Scattered .. bands "of Macabebes, which have been operating in the north', are being collected with the. intention of sending them back to Manila, as there is much sickness among them, and they are unfit for further mountain work.. General Concepclon and other Fili pino officers, who have surrendered, have been taken to Vigaa. Concep cion, who la cheerful', insists that the insurgent organization ; will be main tained',' even in the districts where the Americans are . operating' "claiming that the Filipinos can use their troops whenever they desire. He suggests that the only method of terminating' the war "is tlid capture of Agulnaldo and the obtaining of an order' from him for the troops to ' surrender , their arm's. . . Voleanto Eruptions Are grand, but .skin eruptions rob life of joy, . Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures them, also old running and fever sores, ulcers; boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts bruises, burns; ' scalds, t chapped hands, chilblains. Best 'pile cure on earth; drives' out- pains and "aches. Onlv 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton, drug gists. . ; , Filipino Prisoners. New York, Deo. 17. A special to the Herald from Washington says: General Otis has now In custody many Important persons who were connected with the so-called Filipino govern ment, but no decision as to their future disposition has been reached by the president. A member of ;. the cabinet said today the time had not yet come when the fate of these men could be determined. It Is proposed to treat them humanely and. with con sideration; and it is believed such a policy will lead other Filipinos to sur render. Any Filipino caught dirsctly in unprovoked murder or looting will be summarily, dealt with . 'Working Sight ana Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made la Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, llstlessnessl into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. ' Germans Are Sot Sorry. ' Berlin, Dec. 17.-Tbe German press and people at e jubilant over the news from South Africa, and everywhere in the streets people greet each other and offer congratulations. . Among the press comments tonight is that - of the Kreuz Zeitung, which says: "We, In Germany, do not wish England , to get off cheaply. The more they are hun bled in the Boer war and the more completely their power in South Africa Is broken, the better for us." PRETORIA IHPKEONHBLr. e Vong Thinks the Englitth Army Will Never iteach the Boer Capital. New York, Dec. 18. M. de Long, the manager of the dynamite factory at Modderfontein, in the Transvaal, has just returned tb Fraoce and has been interviewed by the representa tives of several of the Paris journals. He says that the British government can have had no Idea of the vast ex tent of the the preparations that the Boers have been quietly making for years, with the realization tnat an' other struggle with the full force of Great Britain was inevitable. Even should the Boers be driven out of Na' tal, be points out that no British army could ever hope to enter the Trans vaal and survive. Since the war began, heavy artillery that had been carefully stored away has been broughs forth. He asserts that the forts at Pretoria and Jonan nesburg are as strong as any fortresses in the world, and have within the last month been rendered absolutely im pregnable, while Edelberg alone could hold its own with 25 men against 1000 assailants, particularly in the rainy season, which has just begun, causing unfordable streams suddenly to spring into existence. M. de Long further states that there are about 6500 well-trained uerman volunteers in the Boer army who have not yet been allowed to go to the front. He adds that the governments of the Boer republics are showing a great economy of strengtn, and nave not yet used a third of their military re sources. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of An nie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Philadelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. ' King's New Discovery for Consumption bad completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years bad made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Koyal cure "it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before, I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." so will everyone wno tries JJf. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c, and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. Irishmen Denounce England. New. York, Dec. 18. The United Irish-American societies met last night and adopted resolutions in which Eng land was denounced as the hereditary enemy of representative government; that her war is one for lust of terri tory and utterly without justification; that the Boers deserve and merit the support of all free men, and particu larly of all Americans. Senator Ma son and Representatives Sulzer and Jett were complimented for their reso lutions of sympathy for the fighting Boers; the hope was expressed that the British. armies be driven totnthe sea; that the British empire be annihilated." The Irish National Club also met, and a number of speeches were made de nouncing .England. The Irishmen say that they will try to make arrange ments for the holding of a great mass meeting to denounce- England. : Cape Dutch Blslng. Sterkstrom, Dec. 18. As a result of . the British reverses, the whole country northward is in rebellion.. The natives there, as wellaas those in Basu- toland, are said to be much disturbed and fast losing - heart respecting the strength, of the British. Cape Town, Dec. 18; Secree meet ing's of Boer sympathizers continue to be held in various parts of Cape Col ony, and the attitude oi tne uutcn farmers is turbulent; ' . ' To 8oeoeed Boiler. London, Deo. 18. Shortly before midnight the following notice was posted at the war office: "As the campaign in Natal, in the ODinlbo of her' majesty's government, Is likely ' to require the presence and Undivided attention of Sir Redyers Buller, It has been decided to send Baron Roberts, of Kandahar and Wa- terford, as the commander-in-chief in South Africa, with Lord Kitchener aa chief of staff." V Bismarck's Iron Serve Was the-result of his splendid health Indomitable will and tremendous energy, are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidney ana rwweis are out oi order. If you want those qualities and the success they bring, use Ur. King's New Life Pills. They develop every ptfwer . of brain and boay. .only zo cents at. Blakeley & Houghton's drug store - .' Consols Drop Below Far. London. Dec. 18. Business on the stock exchange here today opened with better tone on the readiness of the government to face the situation But thoughts of prolonged war, d earn ess of money and political consideration added to the liquidation, of bankrupt stocks, led to a digression, whicn sent consols below par for the first time since 1894. They were quotefl.tH iB9iat 2 o'clock. All departments snareg the fall. : I In 44 Necessity Knows No Law." Bat a laxa of Nature bows to the necessity of keeping the blood pare so that the entire system shall be strong, healthy and vigorous, ... To Ulte Hood's SrsprU, the greti blood purifier, is therefore .Urt of health tnd it is A necessity in ncAy ev.y house hold. E . never disappoints. Blood Disorders " tfy ttep djuighter and I have both been trou bled greatly -with blood disorders and stomach troubles; and several bottles of Hood's SarsapariOa have been cf great benefit." James F. Thompson, Wilmington, Ohio. Z&cd6 Si Hood's Pills ears nrer Ills ; the poa-trrttatlnr ana 'only eathartle to take with Hood's Banapartlla, -. - . ;zt-K THE EMPIRE IS IN DANGER Englishmen Take Serious View of the Situation. jnew York, Dec. 18. A dispatch to the World from London says: There is no alleviation of the gloom and panic caused by General Buller's re verse. The British forces in India cannot be further depleted by drafts for South Africa, while threatened trouble from Menelik, the Negus of Abyssinia and the possibility of com plications along the Mediterranean, renders the reduction of the garrisons in Egypt too risky, although General Kitchener is going to succeed Lord Roberts as chief of staff. Fear is ax pressed that the German navy may be used in conjunction with those, of Russia and France to exert pressure to prevent reinforcements reaching South Africa, It Is possible that in view of such a contingency im- mediate orders will be Issued for the mobilization of the fleet reserves. The British public is awaiting with the keenest apprehension the first indica tion of active hostility from continental enemies. - A reconstruction of. the cabinet is eagerly discussed in political circles. Many deem it imperative that Its old and useless members, like Goscben, Chaplin an'I Cross, shall be sacrificed. Lord Salisbury, oppressed with public and private cares and shaken in health, is declared to be anxious to retire, but it is represented to him that his dis appearance would inevitably cause a total collapse of the administration. For Over Flty Tears. An Old and Well-Tried Rem edy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup nas been used for over nity years by millions of motners lor tneir. children nue teetning, witn perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. . Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug gists in every part of the world Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's. , Most ' Fay a Premium. New York, Dec. 18.--A special to the Herald from Washington says: Secretary Gage will not discuss the question of what further action. If any, be will take to relieve the monetary stringency. The gravity of. the situa tion Is thoroughly appreciated by the treasury department, but just what will be done it is impossible to predict, though it is probable hat some meas ure of relief will be afforded by in creasing the government deposits in national banks. , An offer to purchase another block of government bonds may be consider ed, though the result of the' last of fer were not encouraging. . Officials think that in a time of stringency the government ought not to be expected to offer more than the market price for its bonds. It is apparent, however that if bonds are to be bought, more must be offered for them, as under the last offer the government received only $20,000,000 out of the $35,000,000 which Secretary Gage was willing to buy. A Frightful Blander Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cnt or bruise. Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, the best in the world, will kill, the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old Bores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. For Male. A good farm six miles south of The Dalles, containing 182 acres, all under fense, well watered -by spring and creek, 40 acres of uo-Iand and ' 20 acres of bottom land in cultivation, ballance. good pasture with plenty of timber, fair buildings and small or chard, consisting of apples, peaches pears, plums, prunes, cherries, grapes and berries, also a number of lots in The Dalles, suitable for building and gardening purposes. Apply to Gibbons & Marden, Masonic building, The Dalles. ' d 9-lm w Two Heavy Failures. ; New York, Dec. 18. Suspension of the firm of Henry Allen & Co., bank ers and brokers, has been announced on the stock exchange. ' 1 The Produce Exchange Trust Com pany, of this city, has closed its doors. A notice upon the door says the com pany suspended payment, pending an examination of its books. The Future of i A child's life may be blighted by the diseases of youth, such as Rickets, which is characterized by weak bones v or crooked spine, and inability to stand or walk steadily, or Maras mus, that wasting disease characterized by paleness and emaciation, or scrofula, a constitutional disease of the glands and h&k, .. V Scott's Emulsion of wire Cod-Liver Oil With typo phosphites of Lime and Soda1 will prevent and cure 1hete dueates. It supplies fust the material needed to form strong bone, rkh red blood and solid flesh. It Will abo reach the infant through the moth el's milk, and be of the greatest benetlt to both. . . 4 V , AtaUdrotTWs; e,naije . 8QOTT A BOWNE. Chew In. New To. CMirei FtUy 6- C:i Gentumen: I had a aeTere cold which settled on my longs. I tried a number of advertised remedies and several physicians, but received no benefit I was in despair when Foley's Honey and Tar was recom ' mended, bat few doses gave great relief. I could Sleep and the backing cough ceased. Two bottles Cared me entirely. It saved my life. S. F. Fritz, 677 Sedgwick St, Chicago, DL a Sold by Clarke and To save the Lightship. Astoria, Or., Dec. 18.-NThe work of floating the stranded Columbia river lightship. No. 50, will begin shortly. The contract has bean awarded to Rob ert Mcintosh. Under Mr. Mcintosh's arrangement with the government, he is fto receive $12,000 if he ia aunnnanfnl in els attempt to land the vessel safely at Astoria, while he will receive nothing if he fails. TAPE WORMS A tana worm lor1itj,jin Inn. , least came on the scene after my taking two CASCARETS. This I am sure has caused my bad health for the past three years. I am still taking Cascarets. the onlv eathartlA wnrthv nf una. w. uowus, ttaira. Miss. CANDY MSISIMU) - PlAUaVtt. Plt&hlA inAn. fT. ..a UmA TV. wwo ciever Bicaen. w ean. or unpe. luc, zae. auc . CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Itartht JLn-ij Uur, Ckiur Umtrvd, Irm TM. Ill BIG tnd Snronteed br all drag- Stockholders Sleeting. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the First National bank of The Dalles will be held at the office of said bank, on Tuesday, January 9th, 1900, for the election of directors for the ensuing year. w4w H. M. Beall, Cashier Do you want to get rich? HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY. A stock farm of 880 acres, all fenced five miles from Antelope, for sale on easy terms. There are 100 acres in cul tivation, good house, barn and other outbuildings, shed room for 100 head-of horses, splendid spring of water, nice young orchard bearing fruit. A popu lar stand on the road that takes in from $100 to $200 a month. To be sold on reasonable terms. Call at this office or address W. If. TVTUBY,. y2 d-w Antelope; ' Or. $2.45 GO LP; PLATED Cut this tvd. out and Mad to am, BUD BO BOHn and m will Mod von this watch br a: aHUMBCfc to examination. Ton ean axamstiai is at toot vx u xoana pumuy muom immrrj way atjaal t wate.a iatarDaft- avmiclat at, is u . 7ft under such muueaaiiig aesonptionti a Klcla BtTle. AaMrWat. Stylo, Sols riilea or Look Liko BSO. OOU MO-00 Sole rilled Watohoa, to. It yon find It tne equal or nener uun anr oi taeee watches, pmj tie zprM it OCR- PRICK, tl.41 and asnrm nhoi fr 'T nnn'l ha natMlwaul .V BTW ait II la ,-- aw WWWIIwH which would lead yon to 'ar bell ere yon eould vet a aMK SMa at LA sva. .-a. M-M.TSt.ac. L , .o a, OUR $2.45 WATCH g?ny I8-. Byu- tnmtOwmWmm, Btem wind and wet, mm ,Uto4, handBoto- ly engraTea and polished, Ummm Uk. a Mgfe-fraa. fwl SII.S aal b a fiwat tradlae watek, movement Ua nlckeU-jewel. d stem wind American, warranted, and a ffood time keeper. Wm W.tekai frww. S8 eaau aa, awis.(llwa wateaav HW.W, win nr rrwa tt.ti. ... I alal.g aa -. SEARS, ROEBUCK ft CO. (Inc.), Chicago STAGE LINE. Tlirougli Trip in 23 Hours Leave The Dalles every morning at 6 o'clock. Under new management t Conducted on buai iness principles 1 .... . : Passenger Rates: Dalles to PrinevUle......l..............'..:10.00 Dalles to Antelope , 8.00 Freight rates, to Prineville 4 cents; to An telope, 8 oents. C. Ma CORNETT, Prop'r. Office at Umatilla Hous . Olin 1899 .MACKINTOSH HENTJ NO MONET, ent this Sd out and send to as, svtavte yomr aveigsit aasl , mmm siHa-irs. icavia aw mmmmmt tnM eeltmr 4mwm back to waist llava. itowl uid we oudycm this BMsAUtoali byex prew o a . soDjecs wo e ""-Mt enmlMavndtiT U M It TOSH- MrHl eiTOSSl tiw and if foond exactly mm nuremenvea mmm my avr arrTatra4 valsw jmm mr m kaaraaf. pay yonrexjjreaa agent , mnA axtireM ebarms. THIS ACSIXTOSU I, aaSa a Bl ACE ar ULKM awaala auav. UT ... i T. tT t. r., w I w v , : lining, velTat eoUar, donM, eetachabie eape, extra mu anteed latest style and naaa. romRuuvraBurusoi awHTUJaa bt laaiM' ai.tia APDRES8. ' -- wi. Iwr frw. Haw .!. SIC. SEARS, ROEBUCK CO (lac), cairjwO,ax m Cm. w tharaaralr HENRY L KDCK, Manufacturer of and Dealer In Harness and Saddlery, East End. Two Doors-We. t-of Diamond Flour lag Ml . - Seooad Street THK DALLXS, OBBOOS All Work auaranteed to Give .Satisfaction. 1 - injniiinjBjii.M in1"" ur r 14. wWaw.Mll Jalles-PripllL 1 .7 : St Falk, The Dalles, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL. A. S. BfiNNKt Attorney at Law r.HOOBC. JOBH OA VI H M RE & GAVIN,' Attorneys At Law. Rooms 89-40 ever U. S. Land Office. IM1 DSPARTi FROM THB DALLES Fast Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Fast Mail- Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail 11:15 p.m. sas City, St. Louis, 8:56 p. m. Chicago and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Flyer Minneapolis, St Paul, Flyer 7:06 p. m, Duluth, Milwauke, 4:20a.m. Chicago and East. 8 p.m. FROM rOKTLARD fp.m. Deo. S. 8, Oeeaa Steamships 12. 18. 23. 2&! All Sailing Dates sub- ETarl6 : leot to change, - ' For San Francisco Steamers ' leave Port land every five days. -1 8 p. m. Colaaibia River 4 p.m. Ez.Snnday Stciaen Ex-Sunda? Saturday 10 p. m. To Astoria and Way. Landings. 6a.m.' Willamette River 4:80 p.m. Ex.Sunday Ex.Sunday Oregon City, Newberg, Salem ft Way-Land's 7 a.m. Willamette aa Yamblll 3:30 p. m. Tuea.Thur, Rivera. - Mon.,Wed. ana Sat andFri. Oregon City, Dayton.and Way -Landings. , a. m. Willamette River 4:30 p.m. Tues, Thur Mon.,Wed, and Sat- Portland to Corvaliis andFri. and Way-Landings , Saake River. Lt Riparia Lv. Lew's daily I Riparia to Lewis ton, daUy 1:20 a. m.j . 8:30 a. en. Parties desiring to go to Heppner should take train No. 4. leaving The Dalles at 5:80 P. H . to make direct connections, returning, making di- reot connections at Heppner Junotion with Mo 1, arriving at The Dalles at 8:15 P. M. No. 22. through freight, east-bound, does not car jy passengers; arrives 2:50 a, m., departs s:bu a. m. No. 24. local freight, carries passengers, east- nouna; arrives :u p. m., aeparts sua p. m. No. 21, west-bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives 8:16 p. m., departs w:su p. m. No. 23, west-bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives a -io p. m, aeparts s:w a. m. For full particulars call on O. H. & N. Co.s a ent The Danes, or address W. H. HTJRLBTJBT. Gen. Pass Agent Portland. Oregon J IbsxjlRD Agent. The Dalles e,QKBUYSAS3.50 SUIT a, due CUksaATaB 'KAITWKlKWtT"eaakk) aaeeoaM. bbwj. hiww ww. wj. A SEW SUIT rau for any of Urn. anils which don't give satisfactory weac Send No Money, a'".! ati se r Im atul say whether large or mall for age, and we will send you the mifc hv MnreoaL. C.O.D.. nbleCt to examlH atloo. You can examine it at your ezpreae penecuy nusiKwrj Did in Totir town tot ezpreae atrent ear apeetal ft aava zsrrtjs ekaran. NEE-PANT SUITS n.f- 'ears er ace, u areiuiiesj 0. Bad with oouDie seal ISMstTt a illuatrated, sula from a aneclal weiroslsUM, eaTy- a IX-WOOL Oakwell easalaMr. neat, handsome pat am, fine serve Unlnpr, ciaytea patent mieriinin., pw .inv etsAvrintf And rninforeincr. si lk and linen sewlnir, Im llerwsaade Ureecbeat, a snlt any boy or parent would ne proud Of. FOB VUKK CLOTtl rUBIsS f Beys' CUtkla -ultSe OTercoats or ulsters), for boys 4 TO 19 vKarb. rite tor BaatsJ sWek So. tOC, contains fashion platea. cape measure ana mil iriiirBowoni now w ruw. Bra's Stilts sad O.iTCeaU smaae te erSer frtkai t.9w Bf umnlM auint traa Atl nnlintiaB. Asldr SEARS, ROEBUCK ft CO. (Inc.), Chicago, IIL All Competition Distances VIA THE Union Pacific Railroad ' As reeards TIME and THROUGH CAR SERVICE to'Denver, Oi Kansas City and other eastern cities. . - Only Z days with no change to Chicago; 41 days with one change to New York. Boston. PhlladelDhia and other prineipal lighted by nointa. Oara heated bv steam and lighted I Fintcn ugnt. Baggage eneoaea uirougn. ua Ion depots. For Rates. Tickets, Sleeping Car Berths, etc. apply to JAS. IRELAND, agent O. R.AN. Co., The Dalles, Or., or C. E. BROWN, Dtet Pass. Agent, or J. H. LOTHROP, Gen. Asent 135 Third St Portland. Or mohl oe aawwif 'aiatgt jeiama c-u 03 v xansaou 'suvas aaajppv -pooo J!rl as nSoraro eaij ioj MM T.i wa aia Ml it pmmjmtm nm ji waMa ivnawaawa as,w.a9wMJwa, laJvia aui do a pais uaqsni .q ssoa mo luimM au C E'CC uw uona 'auoi ura-ao-Ht tSZ'Zm)'wtl'W8aolvi-lz' lZ"IS -ral8 woqa 'aiio -a-zx -o-g IO06 ro-r IOV la null aioq. -w ni-ss -o- 1 S;alMS hs laaauajnMuj jaoo .MSJao -Aanoui jnoX pun jai twajJad ou aiv noX JT pupadlsod 'Haul ftwipiuiui iTMte a pgvtl luniaj 'paiispwa m,mr.imm mm, mmrnrn mm. mm pir -alhnaad Xwd qj 9Jlm mimmm ... wau aHS iim.s m n3 po, 'puaa aa... ,rwxm q jo d iu poaa puv 9no pa sim 100 U3JJ0 UflO m pjata aw, 'GS'CS a, OfiS awl ia Jq i aaiw w gJTHnj.IMP WITH KTS1K TTHI III an w. ., m -aa im imai l.Ki nihiii 'S1N33 99 H31IMS iJIVH A. A. BROWN ..Keeps a FULL ASSORTMENT RUII ilHilCT SIMS, AND PROVISIONS Special Prices SECOND to O';. Buyers STREET. A 3 J 1 once ana u xoana fl sinrl awinstl tut an i tal UU.M pay your wBefftr srlee SJ.9 H THESE KNJ keys Iresa 4 te lft ) everywhere at and Irneea. latest WMrkt. PICTO"- I V If Jos. T. Peters k Co, Building OF ALL Farm Machinery, Etc. M. K. JOHNSTON, Headquarters for .' Hodge Headers, Milwaokee Ihainless Extras for all machines we handle. If yon want anything: in the line of Agricultural Implements call on W. A. Johnston, SEND US ONE DOLLAR E- Cw0uB $38.500 A VwONDER jf I K Pi b I rnt?fiV-i 2 - Jre (leneral Commission and Fo 391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STREGT. ' (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited Prompt attention will be oald to those who fsvor me with their patrons BO"WE. Ss CO., Headquarters for Lime. San Juan Pine Lumber ana Boxes, sasn ; Headquarters Mitchell : Farm : and : Spring : Wagons J. I. Case Plows, Bissell Chilled Plows. Hoosier Drills, , Champiob Mowers, Binders and Beepers. , Champion Hay Bakes, Ilenney Bng-glesw THE BALDWIN' ANDREW BALDWIN, Proprietor. Corner Court and Front Streets, Carries Everything to be Found in a First-Class Liquor Store, i Whiskey from 83.00 per Gallon and Up. , 1 The Celebrated Colombia Brew.ry Ban am Tap 4 .THE DALLES, OREGON. 4 Pioneer Bakery.,...., I have reopened this well known Bakery, and am - now prepared to supply everybody with .V BREAD, PIES and CAKE Also, all Staple and Fancy Groceries Pioneer C. OS. SMITH, THE UP-TO-DATE GROCER. .Fresh Eggs and Creamery Butter, A SPECIALTY. Telephone 270. terials.. KINDS. and (Joluoibia Mowers and HoaVo Raker The Dalles, Oregon cs WITB OIS BOLUS, j--m SPECIAL HIGH GRADE QJ $38.50 STOCK SADDLE kj fecial C O. J. aaajawt te examlaattoa. . YOU CAN EXAMINE IT aa?T?fZ2 MrftwilY eatullMtwrr, xaatl' aa wmimui, An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle udthcMiud of uldlM sola ...i t wbr. .1 from 94A.UV V0V.WW. ... . th. frelirfat UMI OUR PRICE, 538.50, t, ar MT.fr, and Mali r the ILMmtMlt,.! AK.IWWA. Thle Saddle le made on a 1854 or ,. 16-Inch Genuine Ladeemo or Nelaon Heavy steel rom CARET TJLLT SELECTED SAWBIBI COVERED T li K E. bound or roll eaatl, Ml Iwatharwovrwdstlrrape ttaJ h oibow brM bonad, adwlrad, W mm trnwrni IS MADE EXTRA STROWa nS?,ht!,il Inch wld. tee. Urmp UsUmtw, lV-lneh'I.etrapa, kwc on bcu- eld, s-lnch t. buokle tu offM, a"r . ... , . . . . i .. - - Juk I.Aaww MnAknM fl.nk cliMh, eonnaotlnc strap. Lwmi,iiiUiii all on plwM. ELEGANT HAND RAISED STAWIPIWO olcl.d for .hin4goao. saaauiT IS ttSLs ASSwl WRnfe FOR FREEVEHICtE, HARNESS AND A0DL CATALOGUE, tho-ins a full line ol Cewkoy nS Rancaat nuiiit. at the lowest Dries star ssotee. Address. SEARS, , ROEBUCK 4 CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL lint a mm i i i MOODY is Merchant rwan Lime, Trowel Brand Cement. ana uoon, Paints and Oils. . lor the sales of kinds of. ..... . 1 Grocer. SECOND STREET. r r I V 1 . . . .Jf-t s