The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, April 14, 1894, Image 4

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The Times-Mountaineer
The attempts to enforce what ia
known aa the dispensary law in South
Carolina have led to serisas complica
tions, to riot and bloodshed, and even
to the loss of human life. A collision
occurred at Darlington last Friday
afternoon between th officers Of the
dispensary system and the citizens of
the town, in which two citizens and
two officers were killed and a number
" seriously wounded. At once Governor
Tillman ordered but the militia, but
officers and men refused to obey his
orders, and the whole state is in an
uproar. " '--
As is probably known to most of
our readers, the dispensary law takes
the selling of liquor of all kinds out
of the hands of individuals and ' turns
it over to state dispensaries, says the
San Francisco Chronicle. This, in it
self, might be excused, if not defended,
but tha law goes much farther and
makes it an offence for a citizen to
keep or have liquor in his house. The
state constabulary the whisky spies,
as they cali them there undertook to
enforce this clause of the law by mak
ing a search of private rooms and
private houses, and it was tba resist
ance to this inquisition which led to
the difficulty at Darlington, and also
to troubles of less magnitude at other
. ': The question raised by the oppo
nents of the dispensary law is some
thing far greater and mora important
than any topio of temperance or pro
hibition. "It involves the question
which has beea expressed for centuries
'in the phrase, "A man's house is his
castle," and necessitates the determi
nation of the right of a state to make
domiciliary visitations and inquisitions
on complaints which must, in most
eases, be made only on information
and belief.
The fourth amendment to the con
stitution of the tJnited States pro-
Tides that "The right of the people to
be secure in their persons, houses, pa
pers and effects against unreasonable
searches and seizures shall-not be vio
' lated," and it seems that the dispen
sary law of .South Carolina has been
framed in disregard of that provision.
Even the most sincere and zealous pro
hibitionist, we venture to say, would
l not put the finding of liquor on one's
premises ia comparison with the sanc
tity of the house and the immunity
against unreasonable searches which
the constitution guarantees.
.Had South Uarouna passed a pro
hibitory law the case would be differ
ent, but she simply took the sale of
licfiaor into ' her own hands, which,
clearly, is something very different
from prohibition, and it will be ' hard
to convince people that all this zeal of
the dispensary officers is not connected
in some way with a feared or threat
ened infringement of the state's mon
opoly of the liquor traffic. - ' - '
The magnificent demonstration at
Buda-Pesth at the funeral of Kossuth
did not more represent the grief ot a
people at the deathsida of an idolised
hero than tt typified the freedom to
the purchase o which the years of his
. vigorous youth and manhood were de
voted, ays the Inter Ocean. Though
Hungary iBnot independent and auton
omous, as Kossuth would have had
it, the conditions of its union with
Austria, its ancieut tyrant,are scarcely
less advantageous to the people than
. would have been the government it
was the dream of .Kossuth and his
patriotic followers to secure. - -
Universal sentiment nowadays 00m
' pels governments, by whatever name
distinguished, respect the divine and
individual rights of the people, and
there is no sort of comparison between
the status of the Hungary , of today
ana . tne Hungary wnose grievous
wrongs Kossuth and his army proposed
. to redress than there is between the
France of the Third Republic snd
tnat country &m:cted by tne corrup
tions and oppression of the house of
1 hough KoHsutn reaped do direct
reward for his services in behalf of his
country, and lived out his days in
mournful exile, there is no doubt
whatever that the blows be struck and
the example of his self d-voted rollo
ers were potent in tne:r after accnon
that made Hungary an equal factor irr
the empire ruled by the Austrian.
Nothing could hav9 been more elo
quent of thesuccess of the life of pa
triotic speech and action that distin
guished Kossuth than the fact that the
pallbearers in his funeral were mem
bers'' of the upper and lever houses of
the diet. .This was a triumph in
death that surely was sweet to the
soul of the old champion of liberty.
From Biturday's Dally.
The season of flowers has begun.
Hon. C. J. Bright, of Wasco, is in the
The fishing season for salmon opens nxt
, Tuesday. .
Remember the soiree this evening at
armory nail.
The Populists will bold a political meet
ing this evening in the court House. -
Mr. F. A, Abernethy, a former resident
of The Dalles, is en a visit to friends ia the
city. -
Democratic county convention and state
horticultural society meet in this city next
Fruit trees are in bloom in this city, but
the weather bureau prophesies s killing f ros t
lot this locality tomorrow. . ' -
Trout-fisbing is the ordinary amusement
of those who have leisure time to walk up
and down the banks ot tne neighboring
- streams. . .
Mr. L., E. Morse, of Hood Riyer, is in
town today. He is spoken of as a oaodi-
-. date before the Demooratio convention next
1 lust day for the omoe 01 anerin.
Tba Daily Time Moontaikkks ia five
years old tomorrow, printing' its fiat aa n
beren April 8, 1889. It is a stalwart ia
fant, and will "live long and prosper."
Mr, Ivan Humaaon, of Portland, is regis
tend at the Umatilla House. The Dalles
was Mr. Homason s former borne, and id
this city be spent his early boyhood day.
Rev. Father Bacber wishes to intorsa the
members of the Catholio congregation that
he will remain in town tomorrow, services
will therefore be held at the Citholio charuh
as on other Sundays.
Circuit court for Gil iam county will con
vene at Condon next Monday, and Judge
Bradshaw. District Attorney Wilson ana
JnnVe Bennett will leave tonight for Ar
lington, wheie tbey will take tne stage ior
the county town.
Reviev: It is said that Oregon his more
doctors in nronortion to the popu ation
than hit other state. Tet Oregon is known
to be one of the healthiest states in the
union. A great many phj siciana come to
Oregon lor their health.
A correspondent of the Heppner Gazette
says: "Many tarmera are poisoning
rels. They kill lots of them, but nay ihrs
wini to be more left than ever. The
county should furnish free poi on, as we aie
too 'dod-gaited poor to suy it.
At a aneuial meeting held in school d
trint TJ,i 10 nn Friday afternoon to elect
two directors to fi l the unexpired term of
directors H. Hsuna and John Bost, who re
aimed. Messrs W. 8. Calvin nd Hoinir
Turner were elected and qualified as such
At a special meeting of the county court
to-day it was deciaea to exiena we umo
until May 1 for paying taxes before becom
ing delinquent. This act of the commis
sioners should be appreciated by the tax
payers, who, we have no aouot, wm
themselves to merit toe lerieucy.
For some time past there has rven a wild
ho in the hills sjuthwest of town, says the
Eugene Reqister, and manv attempt hive
been made to kill him, but without success.
He was brought down Monday, however,
by the rifle of Mr Houghton, who has been
somewhat troubled by him. He was a
vicious animal, and from bit looks would be
about aa ferocious as any grizzly.
The superintendent of the Oregon state
insane asylum has submitted his report for
the mouth just closed. - From it the follow
ing statistics have been obtained: ' The
number of patients on February 28 wis
936 290 females and 646 males the num
ber received during March was 22; the
number discharged as recovered was 15, 3
females and 12 males; number discharged,
much improved, 3 males; number dis
charged, improved, 2; disoharged, not im
proved, 2; died, 2; the total number in the
institution on March 31 was 936292 fe
males and 644 males. The number of per
sons, otfiecrs,employes and patients fed and
lodged in the asylum during March was
1049, there beiog 110 employes.
East Oregonian: A few minutes before
noon to-day Wm Bolden waa badly cut by
Wm Brown, colored. The latt r was laken
by Mar.hal Means and placed Jin jail
Bolden is a man who came h- re two weeks
ago from Walla Walla, and lives wi h a
woman on the corner of Cottonwood and
Webbstreets. Brown is aboot black. Th-two
were engaged in shaking dice in the Cham
pion beer hall, . when a dispute over a wo
man arose. Bolden calle t Brown a liar,
and words flew thick and fast, until Bolden
struck his companion in thf face. Brown
then knocked him down and drew a knife,
infliction several sliebt wounds, beside one
bad one in which Bol6)en's left cheek was
laid open. From the coner of tne mouth
ran two cuts, the lower one extending half
way to his ear. .
From Monday's Dal y.
The salmon season opens to morrow, and
the water is high and a good run of nab is
A saddle and bridle were stolen from the
stable of Mr. Mann, who live in the pines,
last Saturday night.
There 11 some consternation at La Grande
over a seam which baa opeaed in a neigh
boring mountain six feet wide and an eighth
of a mile long. ,
Several hundred Indiana assembled at the
Umatilla agency Tuesday to receive the
first semi-annual installment ef rent money
due tbera from those who lease tbeir land.
Mr. C. W. Rice, of the Columbia Pack
ing Co., returned from a yisit to the Locks
yesterday. He waa there on business con
neoted with the company of which he is
Mr. M. J. Anderson, ot Dufnr, is in the
eity. - He is en route to rortland. where he
will be a delegate to the Republican state
The Gutenberg house at Mayence, in
which Gutenberg put up his first presses,
has iust been bnrned. It had a statue of
Gutenberg in its courtyard, hot had been
allowed to become a brewery.
Delegates to the Democratic county con'
vention are arriving, and tomorrow there
will be a good representation of Wasco
eoooty Democracy at the court bouse.
B. F. Pike. J. D. Wilcox and W. H.
Moore, of Moro, are id the city. They are
delegates trem Sherman county to the Re
publican state convention, which meets in
Portland tomorrow.' -
At the Locks yesterday, we understand.
there were several free tights and "knock
downs:" but ouiet was tinallv restored after
several had been forcibly made to assume a
recumbent position. .
There are eighty-eiaht dnleaates to the
Demooratio county convention which con'
yenes in tnis city tomorrow, and a -very
fju-iteu iNuwai Eur nomiiuiuons on me
ticket may be expected.
Hon. A. B. Lyle, ot Cries Keys. Crook
county, is in the city. From the Ochoco
Reviev we learn he has been nominated by
k D ui: . . .
mo xbcuuuuuaa ouuvcuuon mb a cauaiaate
ter the legislature from Crook county.
Mr. F. J. Genres, of Spragae, Wash., is
ra tne city, visiting mends and relatives.
Frank was formerly a Dalles boy, but tor a
lew years past bas been in business at
Sprague. He is enroute to California.
At PrineviUe the bridge across the Ochoco
gaye way last week, and communication
waa for a time suspended between North
and South Fnneville. A foot bridge was
improvised and the other is being repaired.
Tbey have not learned vet who tbeir
neighber is along the Nooksack. The hieh
water washed out the road along the river
Dana, tind when ranchers drive out on the
adjoining land to get past, the owner bas
tbem arrested tor trespass.
' An attempt waa made laat night to force
an entrance into tbe barn of our city mar ,
sbal, Mr. Dan Maloney, for the purpose, it
is supposed, of stealing his horse. It was
unsuccessful, and care will be taken that
any future attempts will be futile.
Tbe river subsided Sunday, aava the
Ochoco Reviev), and people were able to
cross 00 horseback through the lane west of
town, bnt teams did net cross until Mon
day. The lane ia still in bad condition,
ana nucn won will ne required to put it 11
Wl. rl -
lufl Kjivmjnan is in nossesaion ot a codv
of the Springfield (Maaa.) Republican, dated
Ddsrcn z, 1944, in which it is stated: "The
Kev. Dr. W hitman, beloneinit to ths Amer.
lean Boaid of Missions, who recently visited
ine united atates, naa returned to his
charge on the Columbia, in aood health "
About 4i eenta will be the average nrini
paid to sheep shearers in this section the
coming season, says the Antelope Herald.
This is not fat wages at all, but it must be
rememoerea tnat tbe abeep owners them
selves, are not getting yery fat off their
flocks right now. We should all be wil ins
i he steel rails have been laid a. f., ..
jKowena, the Union Pacific raohmg that
point Saturday evening. This will make
tne roaa oea in good oondition. and
:HfMj u - 1 .
imui am uj m parsuu WOO BBS had eXpen-
tmca m traua-iaying, mat tne line between
Tl T 1 1 J 1" a 1 1 ...
xuo iiiin mua r or? land will be equal to
any in tne entire system when the ateel
rails are ail laid.
Antelope Herald: We are mliahti. in.
tormed that the citizens of the Hay Creek
community are grading and repairing their
publio roads with wool, preferring to ntil s
it in this way rather than to haul it to The
issues ana lose money on i:. Three load
were emptied into- a mud hole near Hav
I 1. la.... . . . . . '
wo:. wi. rn mua covered with ground.
inia is ine pest argument 10 favor of pto
teotion we have yet beard.
lhe Condon Gtobe aava: "nnA J.
rarsons was over to town nn hn.inu..
Thursday. He says the John Day bas not
tu ua annus an ocean, bum a ih-u
higher than it was a month ago, and at thai
urns it was higher than it had been fm
twelye years. Mocb damage ha.
au aiong ine river, washing awav fenca.
hay, etc. Pease & McAllister.
ever there, being hefcrr loer. h avintr I riat
auuut iw tons or nay. Mr. farsons lost
great deal ot fencing.
1 1 . . 1 . .
Colonel J. B. Eddy, of Pendleton, a mm.
ber of tbe stats board of railroad commis
sioners, was in the oitv yesterday, says the
Oregonian. Speaking of the work of the
commission, be said that the first regular
napeotroa inp win oe made snout tbe 19th
last, several special trips have been made
tbis year, but no regular investigation haa
oeen maae. xne nrat road to be insnected
is the Southern Pacific . When thia Li fin
ished the commissioners will make trips
over ths Oregon Pacific, Northern Pacific
and Union Pacific, in ths order named.
Hood River Glacier: The directors of
the Hood Kiver Fruit Growers' Union met
Saturday last, and among other thing, let
contract for berry crates to a roriianu
hrm for the remarkably low price of 19
cents per crate. The factory here offered to
furnish them for Zlft cents, against tne price
heretofore of 24 cents, as tne union win
have to rent a building for storing the boxes
and keep a man in ohaige for to months,
besides hauling the boxes from the cars, we
fancy the cost will be as much if not more
than that offered by onr local factory.
McMinnville Telephone-Register: Hon.
George T. Myers returned yesterday from a
three ra nths' yisit to San Francisco and
Southern California. He says the weather
durina the several stays made in Sai
Francisco was miserable. He found among
bankers and business men wherever he
went the same condition of affsirs that ex
ists htre. There is an abundance of money
accumulated in the banks. There is no dif
fereooe between the conditions existing in
California, aDd in this state, with the exceu
tion that Oregon has a greater diversity of
crops and interests to rely upon that Cali
fornia. It ia already prophesied that the
wheat crop of Southern Ualiloroia will De
total failure tbis year owing -to orouth.
The bark Helen W. Amy, which arrived
at San Francisco Friday from Fanning brousht a straotre story. When off
u.rt island February 26th she sighted
small schooner, which, after a great deal of
effort. iaa under her Ice, and showrd a n .g
01 most peculiar design, the like of which
win never seen betoie. It was in two
oiece. and the lower half was stripas from
ih9 American flig, while the upper baif w
like a black pennant. The vessel naa Deeo
white once, but her sides were covered
with grass. The mainsail appeared to be
new, and as for the foresail, there was oniv
h f of one, and that was all patches and
noles. The name of the little craft could
not be made oat, as she kept a respectful
distance from the .bark.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The salmon season begins to-day.
Dr. J. R. Card well, of Portland, gave us
a pleasant call this afternoon.
Mr. Emile Schanno returned last night
from a short visit in Portland.
Mr. D. ' Lu Cates. the merchant of the
Cascade Locas, is in the city to-day.
Mr. Aaron Frazier, the principal of the
pu'ilic schools at Dufnr, u in the city.
Mr. 1). C. Herrin.wife and two children
of La Grande, are registered at the Uma
tilla House.
Mr. . H. Cradlebauxh. of the Glacier,
waa in attendance on the Democratic con
vention today. -
' Mr. Frank Lee, editor of the AT. W. Pa
cific Farmer, is in the city attending the
horticultural aociety.
Tbe Democratic convention passed off
very harqnnious today, and the nominations
made created little contest.
The city has a very fair representation
today ot leudiua Democrats lroin amer-
ent precincts in the county.
Fruit trees are in blossom and foreat trees
have begun to wear a mantle of green,
Spring haa come, gentle, etc.
Mrs. A. M. Williams and daughter, Miss
Jeannette, arrived on tbe Regulator last
evening from a short visit at Portland
Mrs. A. J. Gehrcs and family left last
niiiht on a viait to San Francisco Cat
where they will remain some d-iys visiting
friends and relatives.
A very agreeable social party was given
at the residence 01 Air. 1 ueouore Aiespue
on Mill creek last Saturday evening,
There was a large attendance ot people
in that vicinity, and the Hours
very pleasantly in amusements.
A new sidewalk bas been laid through
the cut on Union street, where tbe rock
crusher bas been chewing up the blufl for
some time past This is a great conveni
ence to residents or the hill, and this
street is now one of the best in the city,
Mr. C. R. White, of Meadows, Idaho, is
in the city. He is the father of Mrs. li. L.
Branner, and paid a visit to bis daughter
while enroute from the midwinter fair in
San Francisco. He describes the .exhibition
as something grand, and a credit to the
state of California.
What hast thou in thy big, heavy basket.
sweet little maid? .Provisions for the poor.
1 trow me! Nsy, good sir, I a school girl
am, and these be a choice lot of plump
arithmetical problems selected by my gen
erous teacher for the gleeful and joyous en
tertainment of mvselt and parents till bed
time doth break our happiness.
In the ABhland mine, tw and one-half
miles east of that city, there was a rich
quartz strike Monday, worth $40 a ton in
tbe OUU toot level. An eight toot ledge ot
this stuff makes a rich strike in mining
parlance. A big banquet and dance will
be given at Ashland Saturday night, as
this is a big thing far all Southern Ore
Canyon City doea not resemble in every
respect that city whose streets are sail to
be payed with pure gold, but while walk
ing through her streets one undoubtedly
treads on much precious metal. Tbe Lock-
wood boys . panned out several dollars last
week from a piece of bedrock in the street
near tbeir mother's residence. Young
America aa a miuer appears to be a success
George W. Harper, agent at the Uma
tilla Indian reservation, aays ibe East
Oregonian, wis in town Saturday and
stictd that tbe leasing of tbe lands belong
ing to the Indiana on tbe reserve was goin
00 finely. Tnere is a good demand for the
lands, and a large portion of that which is
subject to cultivation is bargained for
xnere seems to oe a aumciency or money
available for the rental fees, as judged
trom toe prompt payment by tbe lessors
Baker City Democrat: Mr. S B. Kid
derhas sold his band' of BuOO head of
mutton sheep to 'Mr. J. E Frick, ot tbe
Baker City National Bank, who will shin
the entire lot to blocs dale, a suburb of
Chicago, where they will be fed for a
time before'placing them on the market.
M r. Frick just sold H000 bead in Chicago
tbe other dav after having ted tbe baud at
Htockdale, realizing: good figures, but if
be bad held on a few dsjs longer be
would have done much belter, as the
11 arktt has nn upward leudency.
Albany Democrat: An exciting: affair
occurred a lew aays ago on tbs fiantmm.
A young man in the presence of several
other yeung men made a peculiar kind of
a remars about three young ladies, prob
ably not intending all it implied. -The
young ltdies were- in tarns ed of it One
of inem look a six shooter, tbe other
wrips ana called on the man tor the pur
pose of doing some active work with
him; bnt be apologized and declared his
remarks bad been misconstrued, and the
WDipping was not given.
La Grande Chronicle: The high water
as knocked tne piling from under tbe mid
dle part of : the railway bridge at Island
City. When the up-bound Elgin train
reaohed that point, about five o'clock last
evening, a crossing could not be made.
Coadnctor Gulling and Engineer Eoos
strained the English language somewhat,
ana several passengers made a go as-you
please march fur this city. The yard en
gine, here being absent, engine No 606.
hich was waiting for tbe westward fast
mail, took a caboose and brought up tbe
passengers. Tbe fast mail train was thua
delayed here twenty minutes ;
East Oreaonianx -. A e-ntlemsn from Pilot
J&ocK said Sunday tnat the shearing of
sheep bad . began out in that localitv
Charles Cunningham bas a large force of
men engaged in this work. He is sneari g
the bucks and will soon commence on the
breeding sheep. On this ranch, as well as
on all the sheep raoohes, tbe clip being
aaen irom the sheep is exceptionally large
urns apituic, u4 tan quality is saia to oe ex
cedent. Sheep owners are only awaiting a
raise in tne price ot wool, wbicb is cod fad
ntly expected, to be in about as good con
d Hon as they have ever been.
Children Cry
1 Gsatoria Is an wnlt mArA a nhnj.... .i...
Irecom mend it aa superior to aay prescriptioa
. A. ARCH sr. a, IV.
m Boutb Oxford St, Brooklyn, H. T
I tiss uaatorfa in mr mwHnm ul a4 h
aitBu, to an ecuons or children."
Alar Hftw..MM ac T
1057 iid Are New York.
'Worn tMrsonal knowlMfovi T mm m.
Castoria is a most xoeilent nwHcinq for chil.
Lowell, Maas.
Casrtoria vmrmntsn SHsrMfJnn. am1
overcomes Flatulency, Ctoiisupation Sour
Stomach. Diarrhcea- and lfrVi at nana
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
w7y iiaLurai. a.aAuvna mntuiu ha
uurpniue otnor narooQO property.
Drowned in Rogue River.
John Phipps, of Fiounod R x:k pr cinct,
waa drowned in Rogue river utar his farm
at the moutb of "Hole-io-tbe-gronod
creek last Saturday evening, says ths
Ashland Tiding. He started in a canoe
from the north side of the river to cross and
take James UJgerton over. Edge r ton, who
waa waiting on the opnoaite bank, saw
Phipps enter the canoe and start, and saw
that be was all right until turning down
stream to go below an ialaud iu the middle
of the river. He waa then out of sight of
Edgerton and waa never aeen again aliye.
Tbs canoe 1 dgJ agaiust a buuch of drift
below tbe island. Riue river was running
high and the canoe must have been over
turned in the swirling currents. The body
bas not been fouud at last report. Pnipps
ran the ferry at tbe N11I place aome eight
years ago.' He leaves a wife and several
children, mostly grown.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
lor any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Core.
F J. Cheney & Co , Props.. Toledo, O.
We the undersigaed, have known F. J.
Cheney fer the last 15 years, and beiieve
him perfectly honorable in all bubiness
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligation made by their fiVm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggist, Tol
edo, O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly up m tbe bloed and mu
cuous surfaces of the system Price, 75c.
per bottle Sold by all Druggists. Tes
timonials free.
- 4
Tne Opera House.
Tbe new ball of Sinnott & Fish, on the
rulroad bridge, is being seated today.
Some very handsome drop-curtains,
painted by the Portland artist, have been
placed in position, and the stage is now
ready to be put in. Tbis is so constructed
that it can be easily removed, and the
large ball used for dancing or military
drill. The floor has been planed off, so
that there will not be tbe least obstacle to
the mazy dance. Mr. Fish says he bas
relied on tbe borne dramatic troupe to
give the opening performance; but he al
most despairs of them doing anything,
and will very likely engage ths Carlton
company, now playing in Portland. .Home
time next week the opening may be ex
pected. Work at tne Locks.
The recent rise in the river fl o led the
canal at the Locks, and work was suspended
for some days.' ' A dam is now being erected
above tbe first' gate, anu aa soon as this 14
completed a targe force of men will be a4iu
employed. The electric light plant is now
in operation, and this makes it possible for
day and night work. Tnere was a report
in circulation that 200 more mea would be
put at work to-day, bat the dam bas not
progressed eonugb to stop the flood of water
from the Columbia which flaws in when the
river ia high. It is conceded by all that
the contractors show a determination to
complete the canal as soon as possible, and
there will be no unnecessary delay in carry
ing foward the work.
Byrne Bowman Nuptials.
Yesterday in this city, at the resideooe ot
the bride's sister, Miss Carra B. Bowman
was married to Mr. Samuel Bryne, Rev. P.
H. MaGuffey, the pastor of the Christian
church, officiating. The groom was form
erly in the employ of E. W. Helm & Co. as
druggist, and is well known ia the city and
vicinity. Mrs. Byrne is the stenographer
af tbe circuit court for this county, and is a
young lady of maay estimable traits of
character, who has a large cirdi of friends
in this community. The happy oouple will
receive many congratulation, combined
with tbe beat wishes for their future happi
ness. . '-'.-
lettera Advertised
The following is the list of letters re
maining in The Dalles postoSice uncalled
for Saturday, April 7, 1894. Persons call
ing for these letters will please give the
date on which they were advertised:
Barber, Mrs Leo
Fulwider, J W
Dillicn, A P .
Harris J F
Holmes, J L
Lindholm, Marie
King, Fred W
Steis, Mrs John
Hastings, William
Klein, Maggie
Loggan, Julia
OvL Sallie
Volgeli, Lizabety
Wilkerson, Mrs H
weigie, Chn tian
Starr, I bomas
M. T. Nolak,- P. -M.
Ind Transfers.
April 7 P J Nickolas and wife to Mary
Kelly; west half of lot 10, block 6, Bige-
low's addition to Dalles City; $425.
Ap ll 7 Vincent Kelly to Jam-s L Kelly;
se qr sec 17. tp 1 s, r IS east; f 700.
of woman's troubles is
with Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Prescription.
taieiy ana certainly, ev
ery delicate weakness.
derangement, and dis
ease peculiar to the sex
is permanently cured.
Out of all the medi
cines for- women, the
"Favorite Prescription"
is the only one thafs
guarantied to do what k
clnlmed lor it. In all
"female complaints"
and irregularities, peri
odical pains, displace
ments, internal lnflawi.
nansn or niceratlon, bearing: -down
sensations. sd kindred ailments, if it
vvr xsua m oenent or cure, you nave
wur money dbck.
80 eortahm ts enre enerw ca f Caftan, fa
Sr. Sage's Catsxra Remedy that its proprie
tors mak you thia offer ; " Tf vnn rmxH. ha
uuw, yai mnuanaj,wfl ii pay yOU SOUU CSSD-
Tne SfuDiing Gresnnouse.
HTinff eaUrjred oar Fiona- Garden and increased
uur unwif IsUfO COUOCUOQ of
Potted Plants, Roses, &e.
We wish to announce, in addition, to the
public, that we hve mie a specialty of
Pansy Plants and Forget-Mo-Nota,
Will be Sold a
We also have a fins selection of nihil nniha
which for beauty are unexcelled. W am nrr.-A
te furnish on short ootids Cat Flow?rs fir wedding
Attention, Frekhters!
BIDS WANTED for haul lug- 100.000 pounds of
wool more or 1ub) and 2.vfMV in u, rwvn nnnan.
luak -..ZA 1 a. L . , . rI . - I
sysavsv I'tisui, ssiu wvui W 00 HSU ICQ IT OH. l.ltU
rtuus urvrm., koqu hi teen miiest sKtUQeat ef Ante
lope to Tbe Dm! es, the back f rurht tn h hsatiiswi i
from The DaJien to Muddy station, about itrhtn
miles soulheasi of AnOlupe Ail w.ol and freight
v oe wen protecioj witn wonhAA 'si .ni
erea in rooa oraer ana conaition - Bids will be
opened May lac and tbe award made known at
! Mostly warehouse. Terms: ne-haif will h mm
vts mid umtvci y in ctuju .una, u aesireu; balance on
. K .1.11 t 1 i. . . . . . r
vVUipiCUVU si qohhwd
Address all buis to HENRY HAHN. SecV,
, Oar Wflhims Mi. r
mch31-4w PortJand. Oregon.
AMnistrat)f s Notice of Final Account.
dersismcd, adininistr .to- of tbe estate of
nunam a. Alien, aeceased. has fl ed in th ff) f
the County Clerk of Wasco County. Oregon, bis
onai account, vita sm:a esue, and tnat Uo..dayt the
7tta day of May. 1804. at 10 o'clock in aha lnr.n,n i
of said day. at the County Court room ia the
vounty uour: noose, uaue, Uily, Oregon, bas been,
bv Hon. Genrse C. Blakelev. Conntv Judiro. flvwl
and appointed as the time and place for examinina
said account and neiriiur objections, if any. thereto.
Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County. Ormron, this
auto aay ua nana, xsvi. ucu. A.. atlbrilS,
admr. of tne jestats of Wm. A. Allen, deceased.
J if
Bright Lad,
Ten years of age, but who declines to give his
n;ine to the public, makes this authorized.
ctJiifiileutial statement to us:
' When I was one year old, my mammn !!;
rr rcnsiimption. The doctor saiil Unit '
!. would soon die, and all our neigliln r
':i;lit that even if 1 did not die, I wnc'
it be able to walk, because I w;is s--
'k and puny. A gathering formed an.
under my arm. I hurt my finger xi.!---uhcred
and threw out pieces 01 bom
! hurt myself so as to break the skin. 1,
.-me to hecome a running sore, i hnrt
. ike lots of medicine, but nothing has
me so much good as Ayer's Sarsapa-'
:.'. It has made me well and strong."
i. !i. M., Korea tur, Kaus.
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
- l rcpared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Ca., Lowell, Ifaas.
Cures others, will cure you
HA' I'KR .S BAZAR is a jonrnal for the borne. It
Aai tl.i- fuiic-Kl -'I latest information about Fash-li-ns,
ami iti numerous llluntr-tiofls, Paris designs
snd fattern-sli et nupplements are Indispensable
aMke to ill" tioute dress-maker and the professional
modiste. No e pent i spared t make its artistie
ttractiventss ot tn b'gh -reor. its nnirni
storiei. amusing co netliea uu thoughtful imays
Fatiefy all tastes, and ls last page is lamous as a
hurtpec of wit nl humor. In its weekly issues
very hing is included which is ri interest to women.
The Serials for lol will be written bv William Ulick
and Walter Besant. Short stories will be writ'en by
Mary E Wilkins, M-ria Louise Pool, Ruth McEnery
Stuart, Marion Har'and, and others Out Door
Sports and In-Door Games, Social Entertainment,
Kmhroiderv. and other interesting- topics will receive
constant attention. A new series Is promised of
"Coffee and Repartee.
Paa Ysa:
liarper'f Magazine S4 00
Harper's Weekly 4 00
Harper's Bazar 4
Harper's Young People 200
Pottage free to all tubtcriberfja Qu4United State,
uxtnaaa ana Mexico.
The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the A st
Number for January of each year. When ho time is
mentioned, subscriptions will be&riu with the Num
ber current at the urns m receipt oi oraer.
Bound Volumes of Harper" Bazar or three years
back, in neat cloth bindine. will be sent by mail.
ptett-ge paid, or by exp-eas, free of expense (pro
vided tne ireignt does not exceed one oouar per vol
ume), tor S7 per volume.
Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for binding,
will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of SI each.
Remittances should be made by postoffloa money
order or aran, to avoid cnance oi loss.
newspaper are not to copy this advertisement
without the express order of Harper tt Brother.
Address: HARPER BROTHERS New York.
Harper's Weekly.
H ARPER'S WEEKLY is beyond all question ths
leading journal in America, in its splendid illustra
tions, in its corn of oistmguistied contributors, and
in its vast army of readers. In special lines it
draws on the highest order of talent, the men best
ntted oy posltlou and training to treat tne leading
topics of the day. In fiction the most popular story
writers contribute to its columns, buperb draw
ings by the foiemost artists illustrate its special
articles, its stories, and every notable event of pub
lic interest; it contains portraits of the distinguished
men and women who are making tbe history of the
time, while Bpecial attention is given tc tbe Army
and Kavy, Amateur Sport, and Music and the
Drama, by distinguished experts. In a word. Har
per's Weekly combines the news features ot the
daily paper and the artistic and literary qualities of
tbe magazine with the SJlid critical character of tbe
Harper's Magazine ....$4 CO
Harper's Weekly 4 00
Harper's Basar 4 00
Harrera Young People 200
Postage free to all Subscribers tnJtAs United State
Canada and Mexico. .
The V. lumes of the Weekly begin with the first
number for January of each year. When no time is
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the num-
oer current at tne time oi receipt ox oroer.
Bound Volumes oi Harper' Weekly for three
years back, in neat cloth bind'lur, will be sent by
mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense
ipronneo ireignt oes not exceed one dollar per vol
ume), for 97 per volume.
Cloth cases ' for each volume, suitable for bindinr
will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 each
Remittances' should b made by postofficc money
raer or urait, to aruio cnance oi toes.
Newspaper are I not to copy this advertisement
without the exprttt order of Harder Brother.
Ul u: HARPER ft BROT 1 1 f fev ?o
If yon want cheap fencing use the new wire called
This will stretch 26 per eent. further to tbe same
number of pound i than any other wire in the mar
ket, and also makes tbe best fence. 8 top and ex
amine it and you wdl be convinced that this is the
wire you want.
Jos. T. Peters & Co-,
The Secret
Of a
Fair Face
lis a
Sulphur Bitters
Will give you
A lovely
IfvfS' Vi'-JT sjlijiisusisjiiiiisjia
eena o '-cent stamps to A. 1". ordway & Co .
Boston, Mass., for best medical work published
Easily Made.
We want many men, women, dots, and rirls to
wore tor us a lew Honrs dally, right in and around
tlieirown homes. The business is easv, pleasant.
strictly honorable, and pays better than any other
oiiered agents. You. have a clear field and no
competition. Experience and special ability nn-
necessary. No capital required. We equip you
witn everything that you need, treat yon well.
and help yon to earn ten times ordinary wages.
Women do as well as men, and boys and girls
make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the
work. AU succeed who follow onr plain and sim
ple directions. Earnest work will surely brine
yon a great deal of money. Everything is new
and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet
circular, and receive full Information. Ko harm
done if you conclude not to go on with the
George Stinson&Co.,
BOX 488,
w-jgl!?. 25c. 50o.
vvivnlTRlinNK la made from OTTTT.T.rt.
nature's own tongbest material, best whins made for
tbe price. Cheap. Duraiile. Al l. TTVI.BS. all
price, ask rour oeaier ir a PI'S" (UK
iro a. sa.i
13 v
Th Dales, Or
flKST CLavew
largest. Fastest aalFiMat la the WarlS,
Every Saturday,
At regular latervals.
rates on lowest terms to and from tbe principle
Excursion tickets available to return by either tbe pic
turesque Clyde A North of Ireland or Naples Gibraltar
Drafts anl Ucmtj OrdMi for Aiy Anout at Inrsit lata,
Apply to any of our local Agents or to
nothing new when we state that tt pays to engage
in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant busi
ness, that returns a profit for every day's work.
Such is the business we Oder the working class.
We teach them how to make money rapidly, and
guarantee every one who follows our Instructions
faithfully the making of aMOO.OO a month.
Every one who takes hold now and works will
surely and speedily increase their earnings; there
can be no question about it ; others now at work
are doing it, and yon, reader, can do tbe same.
This is the best paying business I Lot you have
ever had the chance to secure. You will make a
grave mistake if you fail to give it a triid at once,
tf vou grasp the situation, and act quickly, you
will directly find yourself In a most prosperous
business, at which you can surely make and save
hirge sums of money. The results of only a few
hoars' work will often equal a week's wages.
Whether you are old or young, man or woman, it
makes no difference, do as we tell you, and suc
cess will meet you at the very start. Neither
experience or capital necessary." Those who work
for us are rewarded. Why not write to-day for
full particulars, tree .' K. u. a. w,
Box Ho. 420, Augusta, Me,
Cr T.TsmvHt his OnnortanltTt DOJPT Ml
iiSm Yuurs. r4-aAJpr. Toe mrtutitT culoct their oi
oortmillioa, and fror- that canse liro in poverty and die in
(bcaritTl lluirowing despair Is tU lot of muny, aa tboy
k Dnckon lost, lorereriott, opportunity. x-iicipnsis
I Ruach out. lie cp and doiufr. lmproToytmr opporto-, and adcnreprnsnuritr, pronnnmico, ponco. i .wan smttg
iiy a pIiilooplit-T, tliiit "tbe Uodduss of Kurans offrt f
Hicicitopportnnity to each poraon at some period of life
euiurocotbacLanca, and iliapoursonthor riciivs;fiUltodo
oind alia denrta. nerer toretorn." Iiow t-liull too And
iliecOLanxopportnoityf loves tirtte ever; cliaacstbat
appMn wot tli j. and of fair promi e; tht.t i whit all ao
eo sim men no. ncro is an opptmnuiiy, sncn rs is not 01
wi:biaUieruHrhol laborine people. lmprovol, it'"
at least, a errand start In life. TUeOOi.D! o:--wr
many la here. Money to be mods mpl.lly n-. J .iy
ItyanylndTistTfoasnersonoieitlier aex. All cJi. . jii can
do tbe work and live at home, wheruv-iiM riHre. Even be
pinners areetuily earning from &5 to SiOpfr d.-.y. yo
can do sj wen nyoa win worr, not too ii::rj, uut tuunstrv
ontlv: snd von can increase Tonrincnfio:s vou troou. Yea
canpivbspfiretinjeonly, orall yonr ticieto the work. Easy
to lenrn. fjopitaino reanireo. vt e art you. a 11 is com-
, -atively now auM really wonderful. We Instruct and
slia. nn hn fiM. Fillnra nnkn.ivn ninntr onr synra-.
ea Ko room tn explain here. Write and loura all fir?s,
bv r,rnrn rauIL Dnwfse to delay. Ai .rs atoice. II
Uallett Co.. Box 8SO Poritund. MiOae.
Dry Wj-te1 W
134 Second Street, next door eastof The Dalle
national bsuk.
Havinr ost opened in business, and hat nsr a full
dsoixmen or tne latest foous in my une, I desire
snare or tne puoic patronage.
TN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon
a iur toe vouutv m fraeoo
The American Mortgage Company of Scotland. Lim
itei. a corporation, piaintin. vs James Dorris
and Thomas W. Glavey, administrator of the
estate of ratrlca iorns, deceasea, defendants
To James Dorris, the above named defendant:
In the name of the Stale of Oregon, ton are her.
by required to appear ana answer the complaint
niea against you in tne auovn eniitlea suit, on
before Monday the day f- May, 1894, that
being- the first day of the next regular term of
said Court, and if you fd' s i to answer, for want
there -f, tbe pi in till will aiijlv to a d Court for the
reiiex demanded in its complaint, to-.v.t:
To foreclose plaintifi's mortgaire utaiie. executed
and delivered to Patrick Dome, no deceaac-l, on or
anout tne iutn day oi incemtmr, ltsai, upon (he
ea.t bait of the southeast quarter and the east half
of tbe northeast quarter of section 18 in town snip
o soutn, oi range is east, oi tne Willamette Merid
ian, in Wa-co Count; regon, and to have said
premises sold according to law and the practice of
the a ove entitled Court to satisfy nlaintiff'a do.
man da, to-wit, to pay the sum of $360 and interest
on said --um since November 1st, 18M2, at the rate of
iv per cent, per annum, tozether with p'alntiB'
costs .and diburs men 'a made and expended in
thia suit, including- subsequent costs and expenses
oi saie: mat upou .un loreciosure and decree ami
sae all of your runt, title and interest and all per
sons claim ng, or to c aim, by, through or under
you. or oy, tnrougn or under sua ratrick Dorris,
w deceased, in and to said oremises. be fortfeio.Mil
ana forever oarrea irom tne equity of redemption;
that plai .tiff be allowed to purchase said lands and
premises at its option; that ths purchasers of said
premises have the immediate possession cf said
premises, and every part a d parcel thereof, and
for such other and further relief as to the Court
may seem equitable aud Just.
The service of this summons is made upon yon by
puuucauou tnereoi in ine iiMns-JaouMTAiNaaa, a
newaiaper of general circulation, published werk
at The Dalles, Wasco ouuty, Oregon, it being tbe
paper most liaelv to convey notice to vodl bv order
oi uie aon. tt . u. israosnaw, judge oi tne above en
titled Cour, which order was duly made on the id
uay ow April, lev., at cnamDera, Is xialies City,
tt aecu vouuty, uregon.
ap7-7w Attornevs for riainitff.
Laid Omci at VaHoorm, Wash.,
April 2. 1891.
Notice ' is herebv given that the followimr-namMi
settler has filed notice of her intention to make
eommnnnon nnal proof in support of her claim,
and th .t proof will be made l.-efore W. R. Dun.
bar. Commissioner Unite 1 States Circuit Court for
dt-tnet ol waatungt-in, at Ooldendale. wash., on
May 12, 18V4, viz:
formerly Mary A. Barry, Hd No 9n21, for the w bf
ne qr ana w nt se qr sec SI, tp 3 n. r 14 e. W 14.
one names the following witnesses to prove her
wuwuuoua reaiacooD upon, anu cultivation OI, Said
Dietrich H Stegman, William Wilkinson. Herman
Eugleke and James Riley, all of CentervUle P O,
ap7 JOHN 0. GEOGHEOAK, Register.
Lasts Orncx at Tiia Dames. Oasoosi.
April 2, 1804.
Notice is herebv given that ths following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and said proof will be made before the Register and
Receiver of tne U. 8. land otile at Tbs Dalles. Or.,
on May 17, 1804, vis: .-.
Hd NoSSOT, fot the lots! and 2, sec 13, tp I n, r 15 e
He names th. following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, via:
Anna Brown. Thoa McCoy, Cbas Green, Dell C
Wilder, all of The Dalles. Oregon.
p juum tv. LEWIS, Register.
Executor's Notice.
In the matter of the estate of William H. McAtee,
Notice u li.nhv uivAM thl ,Km .. 1 1 1
Men by the County C urtof Was-o County, State
of B. C. McAtee, removed, o: trii eaute of William
aoaiw, ueoeaseu. All nsrso.ta h.Tin l.i...
T j wiiu, saia estate are notified
- ,. present same witn the proper
K " waaco uomity, Oregon.
Dated The Dalles. umn. this !-?,. n i.
uary. 1894 OEOUOE A. LltBE.
utecutorof ths Estate of Wm. fl. McAtee. deca'd
NOTICE ia hereby (riven that ths undersigned haa
b!0 appointed by tbe County Court,
in arobate. truardiari nf th. n.... i
tate of Nancy Stanley, aa aged and inarm person.
AU persons har.ns: claims against said estate are
hereby notiltai acd reuuired t-i ahm M.
at ths law otfl je of Condon Condon, in Dalles City
Oregon, with proper vouchers therefor.
Ouardlan of the person and state ot Nanov Stan.
y, an aged and inarm oersona
Dsiles City. Oregon, March 1.7, 1894. ,
m av m. 9 s n xr
LeeaJ Notice.
Administrator's Sale.
I WH KEAS- " Hon. County Court of th. .-tat.
i'l; Oregon, f .r tr.e Countr of Waaoo. ou the
j -"-"-., .ova amy miae an order di
rection me. tbe ul) appointed, qualified and acting
administrator of the astab, ot fcrneai tt. II aire, de
ceased, to sell the lauds and premises belonging to
said estate, and hereafter particularly described, at
public auction, to th. highest bidder, for - in
Now therefore, by virtue of such authority, and
In pursuance of said oruer, I Ul, on Saturday, tbe
lOta day of Februa t, 1894, at the hour of ten
0 clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door
01 tbe county Cou t bouse iu Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oiegon, sell, at pu .lie u tion. o the hiirh-t.-t
bidder, for c.h in hand, the lands and p emiMM
belonging to aaid esuitt, and particularly described
s fo lows, to-w.t:
Th. southwest quarter (sJ) and the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter (set of nwi) of
section fifteen, (15) in township one (1) south, of
range fourteen (14; east, of the Willametui Meridian
in Wasco ouuty, Oregou, containing two hundred
acres uf lai d. aid sale will be made subject to ap
proval and confirmation of tbe said County Court.
Dated at Dalles city, Wasco Oouuty, Orea-on, this
th day of January, 1894.
Adm'r of ths (state of Ernea S. Huge, deceased.
Sherifl's Sale.
sale, issued out ol the Circuit Court of tna
btate of uregon for Wasco county, upon a decree
and j idgment made, rendered and entered by said
Comt on the 28th day of February, 1894, in favor of
the plaintiff, iu a suit wherein Simon Mason was
plain.iff in K. A. Douglass, Walter Douglass and
.uartha Douglass, and iJluford D,,uglaas. Stephen
A. Douiclasp, Joseph Douglass, Asaa 6. Doug ass.
Grant Douglass, May D0113 ass. Anuie Douglass,
Clyde D01 x ass and Samuel Douglas, bv h. M
Chandler, liicir guardian ad litem, were defend
ant, ami 10 me directed and delivered, command
ing me 10 levy upon and sell the lauds mentioned
and descri.-ei 111 said writ and hereinafter described,
I did on the 16 h day of March, 1894, duly levy
upon, aud will cell a public auction, to the high
est bidder for cash in hand, on
Monday, the 16th day of April, 1894
at two o'cl. ck in the afterno m of said day, at the
front dour of the Cou'itv Court House in Dalles
City in Wasco County, Oregon, a I of the lands aud
p.emiree described in said writ and herein described
as follows, to-wit:
Comnictictn at the southeast corner of that cer
tain tract heretofore, and on the 20th day of May,
1882, conrcvi d by deed from J. C. Pratt and wife to
Mrs. M. A. Chamberlin, which is duly recorded in
the reco ds of detids for Wasco County, Oregon, at
Page 178 of Vol. "H", thereof which deed ia hereby
referred to for particular description; thence runn
ing east 24 rods; theuce north 15 rods; thence west
:i rods, and thence south 15 rods to the place of be
ginning; said tract above described, lying and being
in section 14, township four south, of range 12 east
of the Willamette Meridian i Wasco County, Ore
gon, together with the nementa, hereditaments
sua appurtenances the' junto belonging, or in any
wise ai-pertainuv or .0 much thereof aa shall be suf
ficient to satisfy the sum ot 602 50, with (merest
thereon at the ntte of un per cent per annum.
since the 28tii day of Februiry. 1894; W attorney's
fee and 47.70 costs in said suit, together with the
costs 01 said wnt anl accruing costs of sale.
T. A. WaRL,
Sheriff of Wasco County, Ortgon,
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, March '.6, 1894.
Administrator's Sale.
OIICK IS HERr.LY GIVEN that the under-
sigi.ed, administrator of the estate of Harri
son Coram, deceased, bv virtue of an order of tbe
ounty Court of ths State of Oregon for Wasco
county, in pro Dale, made on tne otn cay of Septem
ber. A. D. 1893. and a suptilemenlarv order made bv
said court, ot date Deo-mber 22. 1893. will ou Satur
day, the 27th day ot January, 1894, at the hour of 2
f. M. ox ntd da , at tne court House door in Dalles
City, in Wasco County, Bute of Orrgon, sell at pub
lic auction to tne nignesx Dicmer ior casn in nana.
subject to the confirmation of said Court, all of tb.
following described real estate and water righta, be
longing to tbe estate of she said deceased, to -wit.
Tbe west half of the northeast quarter, and the
norm west quarter 01 tne soutn east quarter of sec
tion twenty -five, in township two north of range ten
east of the Willamette meridian,eontining 10 acres
and situatoo in waeco uounty, e-tase of 'regon; and
also the east half ef the east half of section Mo.
twenty-fire tn township No two north of rang, ten
east ef the Willamette meridian, containing 160
acres, and situated in Wasco Countr. State of Ore
gon, together with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances and water righta thereto belong
ing, ahd belonging to said estate
All tbe above described property, iocludinr tbs
water rights, to be sold in on parcel.
Dated, December 22. 1893.
Administrator of the estate of Harrison Coram
"VTotiee is hsrehy giveu that the undersigned Ex-
11 ecu cor 01 tne estate 01 jonn Stanley, deoeated
has filed in the County Court of the State ol Oregon
t r Wasco Connty, in Probate, on January 26th,
1894. a full and complete account as such Executor
to and including January 26th, 1894, and he intends
to, and will, on Monday, the 6th day of March, 1894,
apply to the Honorable George C. Blakeley, Judge of
said Court, for an order allowing, approving and
settling his accounts, allowing him to resign as such
executor ana exnonorating mm trom further iiabli.
ity aa such Executor.
Executor of the Estate of John Stinley, daceaaed,
January 27, 1894. - .
VT OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has
XI been duly appointed by tbe County Court of the
state 01 uregon, for wasoo countvan probate, ad
ministrator with the will annexed of the estate of
Clarissa McEwen, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are herebv notified and
requited to prtseut them to me with proper vouchers
at tne law omce or uonoon at uondon in uaiuts City,
Oregon within six months from the date of this
notice. W. N. WILEY.
Administrator with the will annexed of the estate
at Clarissa McEwen, deceased.
Dalles City, Oregon, March 17. 1894.
Sherifl's Sale.
jur tne tjircuit uours or tne state ot uregon for
Wasco Countr, in an action entitled J W Blakeney
va Andrew Ganger and Mary Ganger, and to me
directed and delivered, I did. on the 1st day of
inarcn; iev, levy upon, anowwiu sell at public auc
tion, to tne nigtrest Didder, for cash In hand, on
Monday, the 23 i day of April, 1894,
at two o'clock p m of said day, at the Court Hons
doer In Dalles City, in Wasoo county, Oregon, the
following described property., to-wit:
All of that land lying in the west half of the
northwest quarter of section seventeen, ft 71 town
ship twe (2) north, of range thirteen (13) east, and
lying between the south bank of the Columbia river
and-tbc union racinc Railway Company's track, and
right of way running between The Dalles, in Wasco
county, Oregon, snd Portland, Oregon, being the
1110 purrnanoQ or Aiiure w usiiger iro 111 ujorge t
tia'vor, all of said land being In Wasco county,
Oregon, and being about twenty acres, more or less.
or so much thereof as shall I e sufficient to satisfy
the sum of three hundr. and fifty-six and fifty-live
one-hundred th3 dollars. ($356.65.) with interest there
on at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from
August 9th, A. D. 1890. Taken and levied upon a.
the property of Andrew and Mary Ginger to satUfy
said sum ef J6o 66. and interest thereon, in fat or
of J W Blakeney, together with costs and accruing
wis. T. A WAttD.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon,
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, March 23, 1894.
In ths Circuit txrart ul ths Stats of Ores-on for
ths County ot Wasoo.
B B Uufnr, plaintiff. nW T Ronrs. defendant.
To W TRofrera, ths a bore named defendant:
In ths name of ths Stats of orra-oo. yoa are here
by required to appear aa d answer ths complaint
filed against you in the shore entitled action on or
befre the Dit day M.UM next regular term of ths
above entitled court, to-wit: on or before Monday.
no mm oar oi May, lent, ana, ll you tail so to
snswer, for want thereof ths plaintiff will take
judgment for the sum of S160.00.and interest thereon
at the rats at of ten per cent, per annum vinos July
1st, 1892; for (30 ss a reasonable attnrni-v'a fee fur
instituting- said action to collect tho note therein
sued upon: for tbe further sum of S38 kfi. and lrxral
intent thereon ainoe the 17th dav of Mat. 1802: f jr
mod dUbuieinuW of tictiou. ThU lummoni is
hereby served upon you by publication thereof LJ
an order duly maae by the abore named Oourt at
its regular February Term thereof on the 24th day
of reoruary, iton. rn&JXiA tt- tti.
uaru-7t AUomev Ior rialntUT.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby (riven that tbe nnderaigned has
Dren duly acminted administrator .f ths usrtner
ship estate of O-o. P. Beers and R. E. Williams,
doing- business under ths ffrm name of The Dalles
Mercantile Company, of wnich firm said George F.
Keen is deceased, by order uf the Hon. George C
Blakeley, County Judss of Wasco county Oregon,
made ou the 17th day of November. IsOS. and that
he has duly qualified as such administrator. All
peisuns having ci ilms against said estate are re
quired to present them with the proper vouchers
to me at my resideno in Dalles City within six
moutns m.m tne aase 01 mis notion.
Dated this 23d day of November, 1393.
Administrator of the nartnerehlo estate nf The
Dalles Mercantile ComDanv. con 8 latin e- of Geo. K.
cow 1 a, aeceaseo, ana n. a. Williams.
Assignee's Notice.
VJOTICB is hereby given that C L. Phillips, aa- I
1 1 aignee ox wm rarrrav uo, insolvent aeDtors,
bss filed his final account as such assignee in ths
circuit court of tbe State of Oregon for Wasco
county, an tnat said nnai aooount will be beard tn
aaidOuurt on Mondat, tbe lzth day of February.
1884. at ths hour of o'clock P. M.. or as soon tbera.
after as the same can be reached by ths Court, said
uay rei rig inn nrst aay or ins regular February,
wi, iui u. Hiu uuur.. u. rnnatirs.
. .. Aashmas.
Administrator 's Notice.
1 1 dersigned was duly appointed administrator o
tbe estate of Nels Carlson, decease.!, of Casea d
i-ocas, oy tne o unty uourt 01 ths State of Oregon
l!nit:l Wa W1 U.n..m)u. lOOT . J
therefore, all persons having irlsims asrainst said
mate are required to present tbe same, with props
vouchees attached, within six months from ths rial
01 tnis notice, at my allies at Cascade Locks. Wasoo
-wouuty, vrcg-jo.
vascada Uxk. sept, so, ISOi.
Administrator of ths eeUte of Nels O.rsoa, ds
A establishment on the corner of Third and Federal streets iiiif
prepared to make , .
Spring and Summer Suits!
You Want Yom Dr? Ms
We keep tbe Largest snd Best Assorted Linn in
the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents' Fur
nishing Goods and Clothint?, Men's, Ladies' and
. Children's Fine Shoes.
We Wfl,nt, Your Patronage
Of course we will put Prices to suit. Always do
tbaU Nobody undersells us. Coma around and
d linn nf f.n,, V w .T. ."T.
Hon of m (tmou.
aTtnea atss sii..u
yr";'5"" '
rv ..
ait-ssoi uiscnarre.
BEFORC AFTCR WI the horrors of Impotwy. 'sysIOKji!cleauiieatIieUver. uia
nrwm... ? ' 7" kidneys and the urinary organs of aU impurlUsa. ' "
HjPlDKfff! atmirthMuanri M.inM..m.ll ub .7 .. "-r"'!
The reisaon BUfferera sr not cn.-ed by
A written I
U0 a box. alx for ti.00, bymali: sSnd f nu
aran tee given and money returntxl If
S5.00, by mail. Send for rasa circular
For Sale by K. W. Helm
AD, KELLER, Proprietor.
Port 81,
Sherry 81
Muscat 83,
Angelica 83,
Mountain 83
an Gri-efiroT-Io Vineyurd Co. A tf?noj
All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure
The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale.
Try the best remedy for DyBpepsia, "Dandelion Toni c
When You Have School Books to Purchase
Who always stills as low as .the lowest
quite generally distributed through this
Book Company, the price list of school
hereby withdrawn; all tho prices in
agent claims are the proper retail prices.
14S Second Street. THK UALLI'X ontCliOTS
S. IF. MdDPlT,
Gener'I Commission and. Forwarding Skcliant
391, 393 and 395 SECOND STREET,
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.) .
Oonsig'nments Solicited
Promp Attention to tnose who flavor ma with their patronage
Highest Trice paid in Gifih for Wheat. Barley, Eta
The One Price Cash House,
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c
Agent for ths Battenck patterns: also for tbs Hall Baxaar Dress Forms.
J. from my ons that does not belong to ths Association, and I have a better class of goods. Havin
taken the necetsary course of instruction in embalming,
o toe business.
PLACE OF BUSINESS CorW of Third snd WaiMn
and Washington streets. All orders promptly al tended to.
Thia rraat VMts&hl
m,pi, n..i. .T.X.I!?0"
. , 1 i .f "a H""-aa.i v usrsvuuOl
Pimoles. Unfitness to MirrV. i r... " "r.r7.' eou"y,
, . , , . . , irnina Tsnmrvi sn
kyrl tr aay or nlirhL Pnvmu nnw-t.
Tiiir-n it tininhu-L-i 1 ... . ,
Doctor la bCAUse nlnetv Tsr rnt ,M mnKt. ,.
drnyLa. "d liSmE mec' permaoent cor
Box 3OT8, Ban Frmnciaco, Cal. JFbrAnfeow
& Co., TheJDalles, Oregon.
Burgundy 83,
ZinfaDdel 84,
Riesling 83
Hock 83,
Table Claret
M. T. NOLAN, .
in thn ctty. ' On account of a circular
section by tbe ageuc of the Americans
books published ia September, 1891, is
that list being lower than those th
For new prices inquire at his sto
AN UNDEKTAKER ss cheap ss can be procure
I am prerared to atuxd to STsryUiinf psnainia
- rtrn ilr-elA
BESH ENCS Corrxar of Foortk
Unttte and Eiaker