The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, September 12, 1891, Image 3

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The Times-Mountaineer
.SEPTEMBER 12. 1891
- ,." From Wednesday's Dally. J
- . The fire- bell is now in position on tbe
' former slte.
v Mr. Charles Durbin, of Antelope, was
- in tbe city yesterday.
1 Hon'. C. M. Cartwright, of Eaj Creek,
-was in Ihe city yesterday.
, The'j adjoining tbe council
- chambers is being fitted op for an engine
C. F. Lauer has opened np in his gref n
STocer business at No. 74 Second street,
formerly owned by James Herman.
' ;A force -of. fifteen special"' policemen
' patrolled the city last night, beside a
large number' of private 'watchmen
The Balem Stateman pointedly remarks
, rthat it cost The Dalles a million dollars
; to go to sleep on the water question.
'. Mr. Frank French left on the midnight
train yesterday for- Oberlin, Ohio, where
: he will enter the college at that place.
' C. 8. McNally, architect and draughts.
I man, of Salem, Oregon, is in the city.
He is looking around, and may possibly
locate in The Dalles.
Messrs. Nicholas and Roger Sinnott
' left last night tor Notre Dame university,
Indiana, where they, will pursue their
. studies during the coming college year.
, : .Messers. Cohen and Cohen, tbe junk
' dealers who were arrested yesterday, bad
' their examination before Justice Doberty
to-day and were bound over in tbe sum
- of ?200 each, which bail was furnished
bushels of wheat bthe waiehoases of this
season s wheat, bo far very little Klicki
I tit pram, if any, has found its way across
me river. . . . .
The street is beioe cleared of .rubbish in
' frost of the block between Federal and
Washington, on Second afreet.
' Mr. N. B. VVhvers. at the new ODera
Exchange, has secured the privilege of
selling poois on tne race? at tne coming
lair. .
- ' " Mr. Wm. Saunders has a large supply
of building materials, such as doors,
windows, store fronts, mouldings and
lumber, rough and dressed. His office is
over French & Go's bank, and all orders
will receive prompt attention..
- Mr. Chas. Milette, formerly in the em
. ploy of the railroad company in this city,
-. passed through on the east bound train
' yesterday, en route to Pierre, 8. D., where
- lie will occupy tne position ot private
' secretary to his father, the governor of
' " Last Thursday we printed a Urge num
. ber of extra copies of the Times-Moukt-aineer.
These contained a description of
the fire of the previous day, and the de-
' mand was so great that the supply is ex
. hansted. '. We could have disposed of
double the number.
East Oreyonian: The editor "of The
Dalles Chronicle calls the editor of The
, Dalles Times-Mountaineer "tbe anglo
maniacal Cornishman." Brother Michell
has our sympathy. If the Chronicle man
continues to rave, the county court of
Wasco may have to examine into his con
dition. ,-
Mr. Geo. P. Morgan has resigned his
editorship of the Wasco Sun. Mr. Mor
gan has always dealt with us fairly, with
. one exception that we do not know to-day
whether he is a protectionist or free
trader, only by inference. His quotations
from Longfellow's '"Excelsior" and Mrs.
Partington were absolu'ely harmless, and
simply sopomoric quirks, perfectly ex
cusable in a novice.
Lost, one leather trunk, bound with
iron bands and another, a carpenter's tool
chest, painted drab, two bundles of
clothes tied in sheets, several seamless
sacks filled with clothes, and one large
' box of framed pictures and pictures un
named, oil paintings, were taken from
the store of Mr. D. W. Edwards on Second
street last Wednesday, and have not been
seen since. Any person knowing their
whereabouts will confer a favor on. Mr.
Edwards by leaving information at this
office. ,
Mr. John Ryan, a native of Ireland, and
a subject of Victoria, queen of Great
. Britain and empress of the Indies, came
before the county clerk on Sept. 1th, and
in tne most solemn manner swore alleg
iance to the United Slates, and so did
Chas. V. Deberger, who was a native of
Germany. -On the 8th, M. T. Manning,
who wasjavoreo ny oeing brought to ex
istence on that portion ot the earth's sur
face known as the Emerald isle, swore
solemnly on the 8th to be a faithful ' iti
zen.of tbe United States, and also J. H:
Foley on Sept. 9th.
; . Walla Walla Statesman: The Dalles,
.since its recent terrible hie, looks very
' desolate. Tbe best part of tbe business.
and much of the residence, portion is
- gone,-and nothing but tbe skeleton brick
walls of stores are left to show what was,
out a lew days ago, one of the pest bu.i
'.nets streets in tbe state of Oregon. ' But
nothing daunted by tbeir misfortunes,
tbe citizens have already re-commenced
building, and in a few months, at the
outside, the city will be as good as ever.
From Thursday's Dally.
Mr. J. W. Wallace, of Hood River, is in
. town to-day. '
Mr. Henry Hudson, of Dnfur, was on our
streets to-day,
Mr. Wm. C. Holder, 'state lecturer for
the grange, is in tbe city. !'
Columbia Lodge, No. 5, L O. O. , F. will
hold regular meetings at K. of P. hall nntil
' farther notice. .
Last eyening a bountiful shower of rain
fell, and tbe atmosphere is much clearer
nd cooler. '
Mr. Paul Mohr, one of the principal in
corporators of the Columbus portage road,
is in the city. .
Last night a ' carload of hogs left the
stockyards of B. E. Saltmarshe & Co.' for
Tenino, Wash.
Several loads of wheat have been received
' at Moody's warehouse to-day. No quota,
tions are given.
Mr. Phil. Brogan, the great sheep mon
arch of Antelope, baa been in the city for
the past week.
Mr. Dan. Crowley, one of the solid citi
zens of Antelope, has been in the city for
the past few days.
Mr. C. G. Abbott, ot Kingsley, came in
the city to-day. Harvest is nearly finished,
and in some places the crop is very fair.
Hon. D. J . Cooper, swamp land commis
sioner, has completed his work in Oregon,
, and has received orders to proceed to Du-.
luth, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Sylvester and child left
this evening for Portland, which they will
make their future home. Thev were burned
oat daring the fire, and have no attractions
of home at lhe Dalles.
Best ol meats, best ot service, best of
. attendants and best of attention to the de
tails of running a restaurant is what has
secured for Haight the amount of first-
class trade that he now holds. -
Mr. H. Hack has opened his saddler shop
in the building opposite Richmond's livery
stable, where he is now ready for business
He has replenished his store with all ma
terials, and can till any and all orders.
The optician, who has been in The Dalles
for the patt week, will remain a few days
longer at the Umatilla House for the pur
pose of fitting complicate! sight.. If special
lenses are required they will be ground to
correct any imperfection in vision.
The relief " committee have ascertained
tbe number of those in actual need in this
city by reason of the, recent tire, and
Messrs. Emile Schanno and J. P. Mclnerny
have been appointed to solicit subscriptions
among our own citizens, and we have not
the least doubt there will be a liberal re
sponse to thia call for aid.
An Indian woman commonly known as
Sally, during the tire Wednesday afternoon,
in watching the piogress of the flames, fell
over a bluff in the southern part of the
city and broke her neck. - She died imme
diately, and her companions conveyed the
corpse to Cehlo, and laid it to rest in tbe In
dian graveyard. This is the third fatal acci
dent caused by the tire.
Lost, in this city, Wednesday, a pair of
bridles, pair of hin straDS and a nair of
onuie nits, rinaerwut please leave same
at tnis omce. 1 .-.';
Mr. F. Dchm, the watchmaker, saved his
loois ana waicnes leit tor repair, and can-
be fonnd at the cigar factory, corner Front
and Main streets. .. . v
The secretary of the relief committee
acknowledges the receipt ot a "carload of
wood from Hood Riyer for the relief of the
sufferers by the late fire.. ' A
Jack has been with Haight nearly , three
years, Ueorge over two years and Hennes
sey nearly a year. Speaks pretty well for
Haight and his restaurant, 'doesn't it?
Lost, during the fire a silver cup, with
the name David L- Newman- en tr raved
thereon. The finder will be liberally re-
waraea oy leaving the same at this office.
Mr. O. M. Pope, the photographer, has
several views of the fire, the negatives for
which he seenred last Wednesday, and all
ordera for these can be left at W.'S. Cram's
candy faotory. .
Mr. Frank Connelly, resident agent of
the State Insurance Co., left this worpine
with an adjuster to settle a loss by fire of
Mrs. M. W. Barnham's honse and contents,
which bnrned August 20th, near Nansene.
A sad drowning accident occurred at As
toria Tuetday. Little Hazel Hauthorn tell
into the Columbia, and Charles Storm, a
wealthy canneryman, jumped in to rescue
ner. no t,trucK a projecting beam or
stringer when leaping from tbe wharf and
was knocked breathless. Both were drowned
before aid could reach them. .
In Vancouver a few days ago the lawyers
ui mac city aerettea tne printers in a game
of base ball by a score of 28 to 2, and now
a restanraut man has sued the nine of tbe
type'-stk'kers for $4.50 for ice cream fur
nished the victorious limbs of the law.
The case is set for hearing to-day and a
most n timorous summons is published in
tne Kegister.
ine tnanits oi tne. relief committee are
extended to Hood River for a box of cloth
lug and goods. Everything is in complete
order.and there are eyen needles and thread
to do the sewing The generous people of
our neighboring town will long be remein
bered for their thoughtful" liberality, and
the committee and citizens are under es
pecial obligations to them.
At the council meeting last night an ordi
nance was passed appropriating $1000 for
tne reliet ot the needy sufferers by the late
lire. Also one granting a wharf line to The
uaiies. rortland and Astoria .Navigation Co
from Court to Washington streets, and a
permit was granted to Mr. H. Gienn to
build a wooden shed in Bigeiow's addition
for temporary use.
Mr. F. C. Middleton has assumed edito
rial control of the columns of our cotempo-
rary, tbe Sun, and we extend to him the
usual fraternal greeting. Mr. Middleton is
a very clever writer and has had considera
ble experience in editing newspapers. His
predecessor, Mr. Morgan, was an able and
versatile writer, and our cotetnporary was
very fortunate in securing the services of
ootn tiiese gentlemen.
Goldendale Sentinel: Fred C. Bowers "had
sixty sacks of wheat burned on his home
stead a few days since. The straw pile hy
which it was stacked caught fire and in the
burning destroyed the wheat. Tbe fire it
is supposed originated from a spark
from a passing engine of a threshing
machine. We understand R. B. Stout lost
a stack of straw by fire supposed to have
caught in the same manner.
A dispatch from Walla Waila to the Ore
qouianoi to day says: A citizens' meeting
was held to-day for the purpose of belpintr
the people bnrned out at The Dalles. There
was a large attendance and all were anxious
to assist. It is intended to raise $1000 tor
the sufferers. A committee was appointed
to solicit contributions, consisting of Mayor
'J. L. Roberts. H A. Reynolds, Chris. En
nis, F. J. Parker. C. E. Nye and Charles
.Entertain Themselves and Friends
with Haaly Sports and So-y
. rial waiety-
Her first Trip.
From Thursdays Daily. - -The
Regulator made her initial trip this
morning, leaving the foot of Cjurt street
at the hour of about half past 9 o'clock
1 here were about hfty inviffid guests on
board, including representatives of the
press Mr. J. M. Patterson, Times-Mount-
AIKEER; Frauk Middleton, Wasco Sun; aud
. Li. Brooks, Vhfomcle When the time
came for the craft to make her trial trip,
she inflated her huge lungs with steam,
and forcibly made her way into the
current of the stream like a thing of life.
This boat is a beautiful model, and
will undoubtedly be one of ' the fastest
craft on the middle riyer. It she solves
the freight problem in favor of cheap trans
portation she will accomplish the purpose
for which she was constructed, and will be
the greatest blessing ever enjoyed by the
producers of the northwest. We are sorry
that several of our leading citizens did not
receive invitations to aocompany the craft
on the trial trip, ard this lack of ordinary
courtesy under tbe circumstances appears
almost inexcusable.' '
The Regulator returned at 4:50, and land
ed at the foot of Court street. She 'made
the first hour 18 miles, and kept up an
average of 18 miles per hour. Arriving at
the Locks at 12 o'clock, she stopped at the
wharf one hour and fifteen minutes, and
started on the return .trip. The boat is offi
cered as follows: Fred. Wilson, captain;
Truman Butler, purser; Jas. Driscoll, en
gineer; J. Wiley, steward; G. Graham.
first mate. Every one oh the boat express
themselves well satisfied with the courteous
treatment received. -.
, Cascade Locks, Sept. 7, 1891.
Editor Times-Moustaikebr: -
The excursion, piciic and social dance,
given by ' the Cascade branch of tbe
Granite Cotters National Union, was a
giand success. Tbe excursion left the
Locks oo Sunday, with between. 250 and
300 people, and everyone enjoyed the
trip very much. On board, to furnish
music for tbe occasion, was the Latour
elle band, and dancing and other amuse
ments were indulged in, both on tbe trip
to The Dalles and on the return.
Monday, Sept. 7, was becomingly cele
brated, and tbe first number on the pro
gram was a grand picnic at the Mag
noiej grove, ana this was loi lowed by a
series of most interesting and amusing
Tbe first number was a. base ball game
between tbe Granite Cutters and a picked
nine of the Locks, and the score was 2
to 3, in favor of the former.
Second Throwing 12-pound hammer;
prize, box of cigars; winner, G. Peterkin
Third 150 yards' race; prize, box of
cigars; winner, C. Gray.
Fourth rutting np 12-pound stone;
cash prize; winner, S. Dimick. '
Fifth Hop, step and leap; box of ci-
gari; winner, S. Dimick.
Sixth Old man's race; prize, box of
cigars; winner, D. Blower.
Seventh Blindfolded wheelbarrow
race; prize $5; winner, S. Dimick.
I- Eig itb Three legged race ; prize, two
boxes of cigars; winners, Wm. Straban
and F. Hendricks.
Ninth 300 arris' race; prize $3;
winner, Wm. Wade.
. Tenth- Boys' race; prize, packet
knil'ej winner, Wm. Weber.
Elevecth Tug of war between nine of
the Granite Cutters and a picked nine of
the Locks; prize, $10; winners, Granite
The committee on games for the day
were I. M. Mclsaac, Ed. Eyraner, J.Sul
livan and G. Peaterkin.
Tbe social dance took place in tbe
evening in tbe. M. W. ot A. ball, the
grand march starting at 8:30 P. h. There
were present seventy-five couples, mem
bers of tbe Cascade branch of the. Gran -
ite Cutters' Union and invited friends,
All enjoyed themselves -till morning.
The floor managers were Messrs. J. M.
Mclsaac and Ed. Eyrainer; aids, J. A.
Craig, Abe Watt and J. Suiiivan.
much relief amoDir the cool retreats of
the mountains. ' Sunday night the neigh
boring campers heard him coughing
more than usual, and in the morning saw
him sitting at the door of his tent with
his head lying against a post. The body
was brought to town and Coroner Blalock
'notified, who after examining the body
decided that no inquest was necessary,
Business letters fonnd on his . person
showed that he has had business .transac
tions with Joseph J. Kerne, who has been
telegraphed of the death. In his conver.
sation with acquaintances he has lull
mated that he is wealthy and that ho has
relatives in Pennsylvania who are also
wealthy. The little boy who is made
homeless bv his father's demise has
found a temporary home with A. S.
Bowles. '
An Open Biver.
. The beautiful little steamer Regulator left
the Transportation company's dock at 9:34
A. M., and passed Lyle at 10:02; Memiiouse
island, lOilSHusband's Landing, 10:18,
and fired a salute; Mosier, 10:26;- Eighteen
Mile Landing. 10:30; made tbe first hour
18 miles; arrived at White Salmon, 10:37i
Stanley Point, 10:40; Hood River, 10:45;
Chenoweth, 11:10; Cascades, 12:04.
Stopped at the Locks.gues'ts examining port
age road until 1:24 P. M. Returning passed
Eighteen Mile island at 3:31, and put into
dock at foot of Court street at 4:50. The
trip was a most agreeable one, and each
person present was well satisfied. The fol
lowing guests were aboard: Jos. Paquet, H,
Glenn, wife and daughter, S. L. Brooks and
wife, O. Kinersly, A. S. Mecallister and
wife, L. Butler and wife, A. J. Anderson
and wife, W. H. Taylor, Sam. G. Campbell,
Miss Cram, C. L. Phillips, H. C. Nielsen
wife and child, Mrs. Chas. Stabling and
two children, Mrs. B. S. Huntington and
child, Mrs. H. S. Wilson, Geo. W. Filloon,
wife and child, Fred Liebe, W. E. Garret-
son and child, D. L. Cates, wife and child,
Mrs. DeHuff and daughter, Mrs. A. Keller
and two children, Miss Alma Schmidt, M
T. Nolan, wife and two children, G. W,
Smith and tour children, Jos. Freiman and
daughter, Miss Schanno, Mrs. C. G. Bills,
D. Siddall, J. M. Patterson and wife, Mrs,
Fred. Wilson and child, JJ. Harris, C. H.
Hall, N. Morris, wife and daughter, F. C.
Middleton, Mrs. M. W. Peasley, Miss
Drew, John Bonn, A. G. Hoyt, C. Corsen,
Summer-Fallowed Crronnd tne Best
The Proffessor'a Melon Experience.
From Friday's Daily.
Mr. Gao. Nolin, of. Dnfur, is in the city.
. Mr. Rand, of Hood River, is in the city.
Wanted A girl to do general house
work. Apply at this office.
Mr. W. S. Cram left yesterday morning
on a business trip to Portland.
Mr. J. R, Love arrived in tbe city from
Ellensbura, Wash., last night.
Mr. Geo. T. Prather, of Hood River,
came np on the noun train to-day.
Miss Cora Allen, of Ellensburg, is visit
ing friends and relatives in the city.
Portland has subscribed $2000 to the re
lief of tbe needy by the late tire in thia city.
The Regulator will make regular trips to
and from tbe Locks on and after Monday
Supt. Shelley handed to the relief com
mittee $20 to-day from East Hood River,
contributed by residents.
Sentinel: There has been received at the
three stations, Wallace, Grants and Biggs,
it is estimated about 800,000 or 1,000,000
A Show "Worth Seeing,
The only really great tented exhibition
we shall have in our midst this season
will be the Adam Forepaugh Shows. In
the past, extending over a period of al
most a generation, this magnificent exhi
bition "gained the glorious worn of pop
ular applause," and now, as in the past,
"its worth is warrant for its welcome."
Everybody will be willing to admit that
"good things should be praised," and
therefore is the Adam Forepaugh Shows
worthy of all the praise they are con
stantly receiving on all sides nnd in this
respect, we agree with a distinguished
writer, who, in alluding to the. circus
"I hold there is nothing like a good
show. It speaks the universal language
we all understand, and though we affect
at tfmes, to be permeated with other
ideas, and interested in literary or scien
tific culture, give us a good show, and we
are more delighted with it than with all
the isms and ologies which science has
given us."
On Wednesday afternoon, Sept 16th,
the great Forepaugh Shows will be here.
Another Card of Thanks.
The board of directors of school dis
trict No. 12, desire on their own behalf
and on behalf of all the taxpayers and
patrons of the district to publicly express
their thauKs to the principal, Prof. M. W.
Smith, all the teachers and Mr. Wm
Glasius, janitor of the public school, for
the persistant and heroic fight they made
on Wednesday, September 2d, to save the
high school building from destruction;
and we are confident that- it was only
Ihrough their efforts that the building
was saved.
H. M. BEAIrIi,
. S. B. Adams,
Proceedings " of the Belief Committee
The meeting of be relief committee
calied for Tuesday evening was held in the
circuit court room.
The chairman after oalling the meeting to
order reported the following cash subscrip
tions received by him:
W H Wilson . . . S 25 00
J A Varney 10 00
Astoria 213 35
P Lncas, of Condon 10 00
Mrs John O'Leary 10 00
The secretary reported baying received
the following:
Catholic Society .$100 00
W Lewis 25 00
T S Lang 25 00
a Wallace 2 50
Mr Pease 5 00
FA McDonald and family. Seattle 26 00
Mrs Baldwin, of Seattle... 5 00
Hon El Hirmh, Salem... 20 00
Wasco citizjus b'O 00
Forupaugh's Circus ." 50 00-
Ali these subscriptions were reported as
entirely voluntary and unsolicited, an-l thoss
from the city were being used in purchasing
provisions and necessary articles fur the
need y. ,
The investigating committee reported
that some 6a tami.ies had been brought to
their notice, or fonnd by a diligent search.
who needed help. Sixteen of these had
left town or declined help. Eleyen- were
families of men who were at work and
needed clothing for women and children,
household furniture and food for a thort
time. The men declined assistance of any
kind for themselves. Five were in the
hands of different religious societies . of
which they were members, and were being
cared for. Six were widows' families which
would need considerable assistance.
These facts being submitted and the ex
act state of affairs being shown, it was sug
gested that a committee bo appointed to
solicit subscription in this city. This was
not thought advisable before, as the amount
necessary 1 was merely conjectural. Mr.
Mclnerny and Mr. Schanno were appointed
on the committee.
Tbe committee on investigation and dis
tribution reported their duties as numerous
and asked for an enlargement of the com
mittee. Mr. Liebe was added to their
The committee receiving supplies ac
knowledged having received liberal con
tributions ot clothing and other articles,
but announced that much more was needed,
especially ladies' and childrens' underwear.
Meeting then adjourned.
Hanlon-Voltera Viewed by
Beauties in the Harem.
The Hanlon-Volters, gymnasts, athletes.
and performers of wonderful physical feats
generally, are without doubt, the most eel
ebrated in their line, of any in the universe.
Not long since in their journey around
the world, while performing at Constanti
nople, they were invited to give a private
exhibition before the Sultan and his seraglio.
The grand reception hall of the palace was
used for the purpose of the exhibition, and
the ladies of the royal harem delightedly
viewed the performance from behind a lat
ticed balcony.
These distinguished performers have twice
made the circuit of the world, and haye ex
hibited in every large city in the pld world,
and before every prince and potentate of
every country in Europe. Their perform
ance needs no interpreter, it can be under
stood and appreciated by all nationalities!
No professionals have had more experience
are more widely known, or have traveled
farther than the 'Hanlon-Volters. They
are the only aerialists capable of perform
ing the great Leotard's aerial act, known as
the "Leap for Life." This they daily ex
ecute in Forepaugh's circus, at an altitude
of 40 feet in mid-air. The exhibition is
announced to come here on Wednesday af
ternoon, Sept. 16th.
The Losses.
McUratb, loss $12u0; insurance
E. N. Chandler, loss f 1000;
A His Thing for The Ualles.
The Eastern Iron and Metal company
will pay the highest prices for all kinds of
old scrap iron and metal. . No. 77 Court
street, between Fust and Second.
Dealings in Bealty.
Sept. 8 W T Vanderpool and Sarah
Vanderpool to Wm Heisler and Monroe
Heisler; sw qr sec 2, tp 2 s, r 13 east;
Sept 9 NO and E K Evans to Julia
Ham ; lot 1 in block fi second addition
west in town of Hood River; $ 175.
Sept 9 Ernest Jordan to Alice L Var
ney; lot 55 sec 5, tp 1 n, r 13 east; $ 170.
Sept 8 Edward and Minnie Bohna to
William Heisler; parcel of land in the
first addition to town of Dufur; $60.
Sept 9 W .f J effers to Clara L Jefiers ;
lots A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, J, K and L
in block 65; also lots G, H and I in block
28, Ft. Dalles military reservation; $1.
Sept 5 Frauk L Johns to Eleanor
Johns; se qr sec 27, tp 1 u, r 13 east; $1.
bept 9 John O'Neal et ux to The
Dalles, Dufur and Silkstone Railroad Co;
strip ot land 100 feet wide, across, the
sw qr sec 32, tp 2 n, r 14 east; $1. .
Sept 9 I C Nickel3en to French & Co;
lot 1, block 6, Bigelow's addition to
Dalles City, and all of lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and
12, block 24, Gates' addition ; $5000
Sept 4 United States patent to Thcs A
Wright; w hf of se qr, ne qr of sw qr and
sw hi of ne qr of sec 7, tp 1 s, r 16 east.
Sept 4 United States patent to Zeb V
Swareneen ; sw qr of ne qr, se qr of n w qr
and n hf of se qr sec 14, tp 8 s, r 18 east
Sept 7 Alfred S Woodward and wife
to John D Woodwardr se qr of sw qr and
lot 3 in sec 33, tp 3 n, r 8 east; $300.
Sept 7 State of Oregou to J H Mosier;
lot 4, sec 32, tp 3 n, r" 12 east ; $20.65.
Sot Applicable to This Paper:
The ashes of the million uollar tireat The
Dalies are not yet cold, bub the editors of
lua two newspapers tr.ere are calling each
otiier "lying, brainless, senseless, dirty
dog, etc. 1 hat is the kind of foolishness,
the kind of "persoosl journalism" that
makes one wonder why some newspaper
men can never nave tne sense to see how
they injure themselves and all connected
by reviling each other in so brutal and use
less a manner The Dalles seems to need
unity and co-operation more than cat-
tights. Astorian. w
The Times-Mountaineer bas not consid
ered it in good tasto to pay any attention
to the vitnperatives of the organ of the ring
while the appalling disaster of the recent
fire hangs like a cloud over this community,
and -the" remarks ot our esteemed cotetn
porary, tbe Astorian,, refers to an article in
the Chronicle, which, we are informed, ap
peared in either Friday's or Saturday's issue
of that paper. We have not mentioned the
paper, nor the fellow who edits it, either
directly or by innuendo, except the excerpts
from exchanges, for several weeks.
Fonnd Dead.
W. W. Uniou-Juuruid.
George L. Rulon was found dead in his
tent, thirteen miles up Mill creek near
the "Mormon place," Monday morning,
by some campers close by. When found
the body was lying in a pool of blood
which had ran from his mouth and nose,
and Or. Y. C. Blajock pronounced his
death due to hemorrhage of the lungs.
, Mr. Rulon, accompanied by his little
son, six years of age, came to Walla
Walla about two weess ago from Seattle.
After remaining in the city a few days he
went to the mountains to camp. He was
a sufferer from consumption, but found
Recognition for a Delightful Bide.
The undersigned guests, on the trial trip
of the steamer Regulator, from The Dalles
to Cascades and return, Thursday, Septem
ber 10th, desire to express their admiration
of the beautiful little steamer and the
manner in which she performed ber work
on the first trip, the first 18 miles being
made in one hoar, and the whole trip 45
miles in two bonrs and a half. When the
machinery is worn smooth we expect to
hear of her excelling the speed of any boat
oo the Columbia. We extend to Capt,
W ilson and his assistants our thanks for
their kind treatment:
G. W. Smith G. J. Farley
H. Glenn A. J. Anderson
W. H. Taylor
Fred. Liebe
Nathan Morris
N. Harris
J. M. Patterson
A. S. Macallister
Sam'l L. Brooks
Orion Kinersly ,
Sam. G. Campbell
Chas. E. Corson :
D. L. Cates . -A.
J. Hoyt
J. Friemau
D. Siddali
H. C. Nielson
John Bonn
Letters Advertised.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in The Dalles postoffice uncalled
for Saturday, September 12, 1891. ' Persons
calling for these letters will please give
tbe date on which they were advertised.
Blair, Frank McClarg, Mr
Bell, H E McCauley, C H 2
Copple, Miss Bertha Moore," Mr. and Mrs.
Price. WE. Jr.
Phillips, M J
Pool, Mr. Wm .
Smith. C L
Smith, Capt. Hugh C
Dimmick, Zibli
Dunaway, J F
Grayson, WJ 2
Hunter, Dick
Jackson, F P
Joseph, Henrv
Loy, Miss Lilly M 3 Smith, Mrs. A A
Liyile, Mrs. Lizzie - Tate, Worth A
Mauver, Mr. Wm Taylor, Sarah A
Monish, O W 2 . Wenig, W A 3 .
McCartney, Jack - Weir, Clifford
Weaver, S ,
' ' M. T. Nolaw. P. M.
Albany Democrat: Twenty-nine years
ago,- while driving cattle over the Cas
codes for A. Hackleman, a brother of Dr.
Gray, of this city, died near tbe summit
of the mountains, and was burled in bis
blankets. Later a coffia was taken np
aud be was transferred into it and given
a more decent burial. At that time tbe
discovery of an exceedingly fine gold
ledge was made somewhere near where
Mr. Gray was buried. About two weeks
ago Richard Fox and John Davis, who
were witH the party at that time, and
Robert Brown went out to search for tbe
ledge. After a week's hunt Mr. Fox
found the grave, iust the same as they
bad left it nearly thirty years ago, but
all their search failed to reveal the moun
tain of gold, and time bas evidently
changed it to some other locality, or
more probably it was a myth and ex
isted only in tbeir minds.
For Sale .
.: Two bouses and lota on Third st eet.
Inquire at this office '
Dufub, Or., Sept, 8.
Editor Times-Mountauiker:
Threshing is under full headway, and
from reliable sources I learn the yield will
average about a half crop. Some have had
a yery good yield, and in eyery case that I
have inquired about have found these to be
on summer-fallowed land.
From J. D. Ball, one of the threshers, I
learn that Geo. Rice's oats went 52 bushels
to the acre, his barlev 43 bushels, and his
wheat 30 bushels.
Haverlv's barlev went over 40 Wshels to
tbe acre. Waterman's wheat on summer
fallowed went 18 bushels, and on other
land of the same quality, 6 bushels per
acre. The farms of Andrew Allen-and of
Albert Allen ayeraged about 4 bushels, and
Ward Bros, about 5 bushels; -Eli Hinman
(new land) about 10 bushels. Mr. Bell
stated that he had as good or better crop
on summer-fallow, three years ago, when
crops were almost a total failure, and
thinks that any man who cannot let a por
tion of his land rest each season had better
quit farming. This seems to be the gen'
eral impression, too, among those who
should know.
Mr. Wm. Vanderpool, above this place,
on the creek, threshed 1,300 bashels of
wheat from less than 60 acres. George No
lan ayeraged about 15 bushels.
Andrew Dufur is now threshing and his
grain is turning out well, but how much 1
do not know.
I hear of many crops that is turning out,
or it is expected will turn out, from 6 to 10
bushels. Tbe crops further out, on Tygh
Ridge, are reported some better than in this
vicinity, but were all more or less damaged
by the warm weather, and will not average
much aboye a half crop. - But with all the
disappointments of a poor crop there are
fewer discouraged farmers this year than
ever before. Wheat is so much higher that
it don't take such a large sack to weigh a
dollar's worth.
When all reports are in it will, in all
probability, be satisfactorily proven that an
aero of summer-fallowed ground is more
profitable than two acres of land impover
ished by "attempting to raise a crop on it
year after year.
. Oar school opened last Monday, with
Prof. Frazer as principal, and Henry Pit
man assistant. The reputation of tbe "Du
fur Graded School"- as an educational in
stituoion proves that Prof. Frazier is the
right man in the right place, and the inter
est taken in the school and the confidence
reposed in its pnocipal was well shown by
the large audience that greeted Prof. Fra
zier at the chnrch last Saturday evening to
hear him lecture on "Education." Tbe
Professor, in well-chosen words,stated what
he considered an education; called the at
tention of parents and guardians to the
part they must take in educating the chil
dren; advised that the child be taught to
work; and condemned the system which
turns upon the world each year an army of
educated tramps. Prof. Frazier has chosen
the vocation suited to bis talents, and
when be attempted farming during vacation
he made a failure of it. It has long been
known among his intimate acquaintances
that he desired to join the Grange, and
when he rented a few acres of land in tbe
suburbs of Dufur from Murdick McLeod,
purchased two packages of watermelon
seeds, one package of muskmelou seeds.
and boldly asked the merchant for a pack
age of "Early York pumpkins," all hands
knew that. "Prof." meant business.' - He
was very busy for some days, and tbe
seeds were in the ground! Time passed
and the tiny plants peeped out to the sun
light, and seemed to 'smile upon the Pro
fessor Rs he wateted them with an old oys
ter can. Tbe small boy smiled upon htm
also, and frequently visited the Professor's
"ranch," as it was termed, and watched
the blooms giye 'way to small, green mel
ons. Then tbe Professor began to consult
the market reports, and talk about Farm
era' Alliance and Grange, and it is said
that once he remarked something about
"controlling the melon market." Time
and cultivation made the melons large, and
as thev increased in size, tracks of bare
feet became more numerous in their midst
The melons began Jo ripen; tracks became
more plentiful and melons scarcer. The
Professor .had neither eaten nor shipped
any as yet. He said he hadn't got the
combination .exactly and always put off
picking just one day later. . Finally but
one melon remained, and the would-be
granger ' watched its color change, and
thumped it frequently with his finger
"One day more," he said, and turned to
see a bare-footed boy sitting quietly on tbe
hjllside above the melon patch. "One day
more," he continued, "and the melon will
have gone the way of its comrades." Then
he sighed, reached for his knife and severed
the melon from the yine. He carried it
carefully to the store and requested the
merchant to sell it for 40 cents and. place
the amount in the safe, to the credit of M,
McLeod, "for," said he, "McLeod was to
have one-third of the crop; but he can have
it all this season, and I will take the land
one more year and plant it to cucumbers."
The melon was purchased by a bystander.
who took up a subscription, and when it
was cut it was found to be hardly ripe
The Professor sat by and refused to taste
it. The melon was finished, and tbe crowd
dispersed. The Professor still sat and
gazed npon the scattered seeds and the wet
spot where the melon bad been. "I want
to be a granger," he said aloud, "'but I will
not make my application until I know I
have more sense than to plant watermelons
so near a school-house." - Kkno
: Pimples, He adachss, Loss of:
roieep, a weary reeling, Pains In
i Body or Limbs, Want of Appetitt, :
zKiupiiunsa ii you sumr irom:
ran j oi inese symptoms, take
WHY ? Becaufe Your Blood U Impure 1
rliive yon ever used mercury? If so,
lid you give yourself the needed attention
it the time? Don't you know that as!
; long as the mercury is In the system, you
will feel the effects of it? We need not!
tell you that you require a blood medicine, i
' to ensure freedom from the after effects.
Doctor Acker's Emrllah Rlaail!
Elixir Is the only known medicine that!
i will thoroughly eradicate the Doison from"
Jthe system. Get it from your druggist,!
or write to W. H. HOOKER &. CO.!
48 West Broadway, New York. S
Desks. Sea is ai Supplies.
the; dalles, Oregon.
WHAT IS BUHACH? The Clew Umatilla House,
Buhach is the only absolutely
and thoroughly .effective Insect
Powder upon the market, and is
manufactured solely by the Bu
hach Producing and Manufac
turing Company, of Stockton,
The word "Buhach" is made a
part of the trade mark of said
company, and all dealers are cau
tioned against selling any other
Insect Powder under the name
of Buhach.
Persons who order Buhach
from their dealers and receive
Insect Powder that is not an ef
fective Insecticide will confer a
favor by reporting the fact to the
Buhach Producing and Manu
facturing Company in order that
all parties guilty of such prac
tices may be exposed and prose
If your dealer don't keep Bu
hach, don't let them cheat you
ty selling you an inferior, and
worthless insect powder, but you
communicate directly with the
Buhach Producing and Manu
facturing Co., Stockton, Calif.,
who will fill your orders by mail
or otherwise, and guarantee sat
& SINNOTT. Proprieto
Free Omnibus to ansf from the Hotel
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of a!l Valuables
Ticket and Baggage Office of the UNION PACIFIC Railway Com;
W estern Ut.ton Telegraph Company, are in e
and Office of lhe
-Manufacturer ot and dealer In
Harness and Saddlery,
Second St,, near Hoody'i Warehouse,
All Work
ttnaraateed to Give &a
dise I
All Including Wild West, Most Magnificent Museum,
Positively and Undeniably
Coming This Season.
jeneral Merchan
Dry Goods,
Iron and Steel.
Farm Implements.
The Dalles,
San Francisco Beer Hall
Wednesday Afternoon,
Sept. 1 6th.
Five Forest-Bred Lions
All Performed Free and Unfettered in the Arena
by Col. Boone and Miss Carlotta.
THESE Are seen in America for the first time this seasorrr- They are the most
LOOSE perfectly trained brutes ever exhibited. They are exhibited in a steel en
LIONS circled nmr by Col. Boone and Miss Carlotta. assisted bv the German boar
hound, SAXON.
Lions Loose in a Circus Bug.
A novel and sensational feature in tbe
Adam Forepaugh Shows is the introduction
into the arena of five full-grown ferocious
lions, all free and unshackled.
These savage monsters are controlled and
performed by Col. Edgar Daniel Boone and
Miss Carlotta, assisted by a inagnifioent
German bunting hound.
In order to insure perfect freedom from
danger on the part of tbe spectators, the
circus ring is surrounded by a lotty and
closely barred steel fence. '
All these lions are made to climb into
statuesque positions, they mount tr cycles
and propel them, assisted by tbe dog, "Sax
on," and engage in racing, harnessed to
chariots, hold banners in their mouths for
tbe dog to jump over, and are made to per
form many other startling and remarkable
acts by their intrepid trainers.
During the past season these performing
lions were the reigning sensation through
out Europe, and at London and Paris they J
were exhibited for weeks in succession be
fore immense audiences. They will be seen
in the Forepaugh Sbow, which is to exhibit
here on Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 16th.
Tbe North Pacific Industrial Exposi
tion at Portland, September 17ib to Oclo
ber 17. 1091. -Kednced rates via tbe
Union Pacific. - ang28td
BIRGFELD In this dty to the Vila al Pnt. W.
Birgfeld, Sept. i, 1B01, a son.
PAINE In this dty, Sept. 4, to the wife of Mr.
Paine, a daughter.
NEVILLE LEAHY At the Catholic church, Sept.
1st, by Rer. A. Bronsgeest, Mis Liuie Neville to
Mr. James Leahy, of Arlington. " .
LIONS are driven in harness yoked to a chariot.
LIONS made to form beautiful group-tableax.
. LIONS play see-saw, like children, with Saxon.
LIONS ride on tricycles as expertly as human beines.
- LIONS play circus, hold objects, leap, and do several other
IMIost IDiffLcult and ISTcvel -A-Cts.
This performance is seen only in the Adam Forepaugh shows. There is no other
like it in America, and is with us for this season only.
Also, the Yery best Imported Wines, Liqnorand Cigars. .-.-!,. :
Commission and Forwarding Merchant,,
.391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, . ;
(Adjoining Railroad Depot) " A .
Consignments Solicited!
Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage.- ;
(The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc
From the Celebrated House of Waoamaker & Brown,
nf Th;talnlnlii
P. Fagan's Tailoring Establishment, ,
of A
Greatest Verialists
anl on Volte
The supreme and exalted masters of their dangerous art. The highest salaried aerialists on all
the great eaijh: The only aerialists who receive the pnncely salary of $775 a week.
Do their most wonderful and fearless act. Scientific, skillful and marvelous act
1 heir Astoundlnit
rrinr x T T . XT' wt A T? "I . TT! A T TT fl T. T . T T-fTT! T
'Throwing double somersauitsj6o feet long while flying 40 feet high in mid-air.
Mr.Fagan has been appointed Sole Agent for this celebrated
firm, and will attend to all orders personally.
Removed to 276 and 278 Seoond St..
ID. mX7ms Edwards,
Still they are but one feature In host of feature! to be found in our great sbowa.. Beneath our huge, dty
of water-proof canvae arusie nom au uie ceieorMea venae m we 01a worm
and the new make up the meter of our
Grand Trlrle TTCTox'lca.-Fcuxi.oci. Olrous, wltb
More principal. Jockey, menage, hurdle and general riders. More gjmnatta, acrobat, vaulters. aeritliaU
contortionists. More clowns, buffoona, Jesters, Jokers, pantorcimista. More famous first-time-here Japan
mrtSntjL Mnra unicircla. hicvcle. trievcle. and roller-skatinff artiste. More nrat-cUai all-around. A No. 1
circus artists. More simultaneous, new, novel and surprising acts. . More circus, sad of better quality than
Uj ecu -
Anywhere OElse in this Wide World.,,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations.
Oil Paintings, Chromos and Stel Engravings.
IZ3 rajaiH.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Pianos and Org"Snis
Sold on easy installments. Call and see for yourself that it i
' for your interest to buy of us.
IOS Hecoud Street, - - - THIS DALLES, OH.
Roman Chariot Races, Roman. Standing Races, Male and Female Jockey Races, Hurdle and
Flat Races, Elephant and Camel Races, Monkey and roney Kaces, All Kinds
of Inciting, Inspiring Hippodrome Races, Man vs. Horse,
ana various other Races.
Eeinforced Wild West
Fine Upholstered Goods
Furniture, Carpets, Mattlngi, Parlor Ornaments, Window Shades, Etc
Adam Forepaugh's GREAT
Renewed with all the startlinc incidents ot the late outbreak. Re4 Messiah Craze, the Ghost Dance, Death
ol Sitting Bull. Wounded Knee Episode, shews also the Custer Battle, Hang-inr of a Horse Thief, Pony Ex
press, Attack on Emigrant Train, tc., c, etc., Pttrtlelpatecl ttj ejowDoys. Isiaiana auaa
Mr oat, and Frontiersmen of every kind, who were actual participants in the scenes reproduced, led by
Captain A. B. Bogardus, the erackahot.
950,000 Herd 0 Tnuned ElrphanU. 930.000 Troupe of Trained Bttmchoe. $10,000 Troupe ef Trained
auwitffwa, ana war aoHfr, nunm. x-v.m.. awvu, . .
BblnocerL Hippopotami, Girafles, and one ot every species known to toology. More cages of beasts than
any two menagenea. uc imjw wummiug wigm.CT.
TIie Grand (arid Goiueoiii8 Sstreet Parade Z
Evorv mornlnar at 10 o'clock, where the shows exhibit one day only, and at 10 oVlock on the mornlnr ot
tbe first exhibition day, where they exhibit more than one day, will be given what is absolutely and unde
niably the most stupendous, magnificent, enchanting;, delightful, largest, longest, richest Street Paraae
ver hi ?tm fen aU. -
tOfiOO SEATS. One Price of Admission Admit! to AUtke Oreat Shone. Polite Uthert Abeaye in At-
tenaance. sjaaiej ana vnuarvn ewpecnauy oarcajor.
One Complete Exhibition, Given at the Usual Hour
For the accommodation of visitors who would avoid the crowd at the (rounds, reserved numoered seats (at
the retrolar price) and admission tickets, at tbe usual alight advance, can be obtained at etNIPES KiN-
EBSLY'S DrugStoe, Second Street, on day of exnibittno only.
TTn.d.ertn.'rri n gr a, Spe'ltsr.
Cofflos, Casket, Burial Boots, Etc.
Can lie found at all hours of the day or night at their place of business,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of
Building: material and .Dimension. Timber
1 Office Bl,:7 Wasfclasrtaa Mt, Varsl at Old CtoverMseat Barraek