.ROSEBURG REVIEW. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1885. jyjiAix ITEMS. Sol and Tom Sawyer were talking together last evening ami as I unwill ingly overheard their conversation, and .as it was interesting, I will repeat it. Tom remarked that Charley S. will let his mustache jrrow acain. Sol sivs its about time for he has a very sad cx- presaion without it. Sol sajg that the academy gymnasium render the school more attractive than ever. Tom says that as a commercial teacher R. A. Booth Stakes the cake;" in which opinion ,ol concurs. Tom and Jimmy agree that there i3 is likely to be a fall in the price of bak ing powder next year. Sol says that Paul Schlosser's hard ware and tin store is a big improvement to our village, and everybody agrees m t . 1 witn mm. lom remarks that camp- meetmg under the management of Rev. T. L. Jones promise to bo u grand suc cess, and all say amen. bol says that the very best route to 'Coos Bay is by way of Moore fc Co.'s ' stages, because they Lave the iest ve hides, horses and roads. The traveling public concurs. Sol says that Miss Louretta Boots wil 1 w well enough to take charge of her : school again next week, at which all of her pupils rejoice, because she is a good teacher, and the children are fond of her. Huck Finn spent Sunday in our town, and his many friends rejoiced thereat. Your correspondent failed to put in fin appearance last week, and therefore, although a little late, mast not omit to ay something of the calamity that be fell our town two weeks ago, in the death of Father A. B. Jackson. Father Jackson ha3 lived in our village for several years, and was conspicuous for his cheerful unobtrusive pietv. He was a friend to 'every body, and every pody amend. Ilia funeral was atten ded by a large number of people, all of whom were . sincere mourners. His widow has the sympathies and prayers ' of all, and the consolation that the ; memory of his upright life will long continue to exert a wholesome influence upon the people of Drain. Colfax Harry from Dora, Coos, Co., entered the Academy as a student this week. The Commercial College is steadily filling up with young men seeking a thorough business education. The music department under Miss Gail Benson, is preparing for a public musical rehearsal to be given in a few weeks. A treat is anticipated. j Casaraltan. state xisirsu o The Yamhill county fair atMcMihn- ville last week was decided success. All the prizes and premiums were paid, Jeaving the fair a good surplus. The President has appointed John S. Hager for the district of San Framisco. John Flannagan has been appointed fcol Jector for the southern district of Ore gon; the port of entry for the latter dis trict is on Coos Bay. The O. & C. R. R. Co. has appealed the case decided against it in tiie cir cuit for J ackson county sometime since. II. C. Dollarhido sued it for damages and got a verdict for 1200, which was iot satisfactory to the company. Eastern Oregon wool is quoted at 7 0 20cts in Philadelphia, with prices very firm and a good prospect ahead for wool men who have held their wool over. The sales for one week in Bos ton amounted to over 7,000,000 pounds. It is considered certain, says the As torian, that Saunders, editor of the Benton Leader will get , the Col. Van Ceve's place as collector of customs at . Yaqmna. The position is worth no less than 65 dollars a year and will prove a handsome addition to a news paper man's income. Rev. Jos. Emery is now at Klamath Agencv, which we, understand, he has taken charge of. The agent at this reservation gets $1,100 a year, ho has under him a physician at $1000,- a clerk at $1000, a carpenter at 800, a blacksmith at 800, a miller at $SQQ, a wagon and plow maker at $800, teacher at GOO, and othes subordinates. Mr. Emery was recommended particu larly by his predecessor, who wished to retire from the agencv, and goes tl ere with the confidence of even body who knows him. Umatilla county advertises its "poor (arm for sale. Y hether the dearth ' pi partners renders its maintenance un necessary or whether the experiment of running the farm has been akin to (hat of Multnomah county, involving an expenditure of sufficient money to tfle board of the paupers at nrst- .... t333 hotel prices, is not stated. At 11 events, the farm is for sale on "easy installments." The Est Oregonian announcing it, says: "Umatilla coun ty has a poor farm on its hands, and it s for sale. There is not, so far any such rush of high bidders as would warrant the statement that the county indebtedness could be paid off with the proceeds of the farm. Four thousand Anarchists paraded in Chicago on Sunday, and closed the day with a picnic, beer and dancing. Your genuine Anarchist wants beer more than ho wants work, and his idea of anarchy is life without labor and beer ' without price., Alta, , No wonder they want leer; they are the true children of beer, have derived all their idea and inspiration of anarchy from the use of beer The tober labor er, who invests his beer money in a home, wants no anarchy. He wants prohibition and the protection of his home by virtuous, wholesome law. j The English language is coming into .us? by the natives of India; and, owing to heir sources of learning, they leave .put and put in II 's like Englishmen. KING'S EVIL "Was tba name formerly given to Scrofula because of a superstition that It couiU bo cured by a king's touch. The world lit wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA can on'.y be cured by a thorough purifica tion of the biood. If this is neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation. Among its earlier symptomatic developments are Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu mors, Boils, Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and vari ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are produced by it. Ayer s Sarsaparilfa In the only powerful and always reliaUe blood-purifying medicine. It is ho effect ual an alterative that it eradicates from the svstem Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At the same time it en riches and vitalizes the biood, restoring healthful action to the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system. This great Regenerative Kedicin Is composed of the genuine Ilondxiras Sarsaparillc, with Yellow Dock, KM lingia, the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and other ingredients of great po tency, carefully and scientifically com pounded. Its formula is generally known to the medical profession, and the bet Ehysiciuns constantly prescribe Ayeu's ausaparilla as an Absolute Cure For all diseases caused by the vitiation ot the blood. It is concentrated to the high est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects arc claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medi cine, in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lomll, Matt. Analytical Chemists. Sold by all Druggists : Price $1 ;' -Six bottles for $5. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WAR IN EUROPE, Removal! Removal! Removal ! On account of our removal into our new Store we propose to offer our entire stock of Gen eral Merchandise to the Public at such low prices that notwith standing the present hard times and scarcity of money, will en. able everybody to buy our goods. THE ENTIRE STOCK Must be sold before we mov c Our Stock is larger andbet ter assorted than any in the City, COME AND EXAMINE And be your own judge, Before purchasing Elsewhere. We gu aatoe our clothes to fit in every particular. WE SISAN BUSINESS And no mistake. Our pla ceof business is one door north of the Post Office. CARO BROTHERS. H. C. Stanton DEALER IN STAPH DM GOODS! Keeps Constantly on Hand a General Ass rtment ot Wood Willow and Glassware ALSO CROCKERY, CORDAGE A Full Stock of: S TAT I ONER Y, TOYS, & FANCY ARTICLES. Furnidhe8 Checks on Portland, and procures Drafts oa San Francisco. POST-OFFICE STORE ROSEBURG MISCELLANEOUS UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE Has tho finest stock of furniture south of Portland which he sella as cheap as it can be bought in the State. The new tangled DOUBLE BED LOUNGE. AND PATENT CORNICES. Also has on hand a fait assortment of beds and bed ding, chairs, tables, BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And all kiuda of Childrens Chairs, etc J. GILDERSLEEVE. A-tteiition Mecltaiiios. WiLLARD'S BOOK ririiAviinn AArn trctc ts m o Iro y SHOWS how to t mAifi;nM Howj to make Eave and Rake mould dingj gauge a tapeiiug stick 8 square; make a ton mitre box; get the length of hip rafters; get the backing for the same, get the length of jack rafteis; get the length of valley rafters; get the hip for a concave rcof; get the f, and $ pitch roof; cut the top end of mould imr for rake: strike a circle with a souare: draw a spiral Also the 47th problem of Euclid explained in a new way, for the beneht of Carpenters, Price 50 cents. FOR SALE AT THE REVIEW OFFICE. CHINESE WASH HOUSE. AND LABOB. AGENCY! Ycnq Sau Proprietor. THIS POPULAR LAUNDRTMAN HAS OPENED business at his old stand in Roseburg, opposite Carlon' Livery Stable. Is prepared to contract tor Chinese Laborers, And furnish COOKS', FARM HELP, WOOD CHOPPERS, KAILUOAD HANDS Or C.rinese Labor of any description on short notice. JfVNELL j- BOWEN BEOS. FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, Wagon Shop, Blacksmith Shop. nAN MAKE CASTINGS FROM ONE J oune to three tons weight. Small Cu pola for small castiuys. Money refu tided if work s not satisfactory. Portland prices ! Save telegrams and expressaije. LANGENBERG'S Baot arid! Bfta Store, JackBon Street,Opposlte Post Ofiic, Roseburg;, Oregon. T7"EEPS 0 HAND TIIE LARGEST AXD BEST XV. assortment of Eastern and San rrauciscu and other makes of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITEKS, SL1P- VEKS and everything in the Coot and Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit O uarauteed. I use the Best of Leather aud Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice, Als a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANGEliBERO. CIVIL BEND STORE V. lu ARRIHGTON, DEALER IN Dry Goods G-rocsios etc All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUO. CO., OREGON. T. L. Gannon, C. a. Blackman CARRIAGTS, WAGON, AND BLACKSMITH SHOPD A.lamson's Old Stand. Jackson Street. MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES, HACKS, BUGGIES! All Kind of Repairing Done, Terris ar Reasonablo. Oannos A Black m as. GBANGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, OP ROSEBURG. W. F. OWENS, ; : : : Manager. DEAL IN and Grain ! also, agents for Agricultural Implements op all kinds. we transact a general p.usi- f T ness in our line and pay the Highest Market Prices for. Wool and (Jrain. A full line of Agricultural Implements kept con stantly on hand, or furnished on short notice at Lowest Prices. Office and Warehouse OPPOSITE TIIE DEPOT. Give ns a call. W. F. OWENS, $200,000; is presents eivEXAWjtr. Sendu S cents postage, and by mail you w ill get pres. a packajre of sfoodg of lanre value, that k j.t imu jui) iii worn uiui win at once onng you in mopey faster than anything ele in America. All about the $200,OOoin presents with each box. Agents wanted c verswhere, of cither sex. of all ajjes, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes forall workers absolutely aa nred. Dou't delay. II. Hallbj, & Co., Portland Maine. - Wool MISCELLANEOUS. THE FINE STALLION, CLYDE! Owned by Jos. Carlon, the noted Horseman. This Famous Horse is lGi hands high, weighs over 1,400 lbs., is of Ma- hogony i'ay Color. Six years old. rer fect in Form, Limb and Body. (LYDE was sired at Salem by the noted imported Glenkld, winner at the Centennial 18 6, and imported into the United States by Jas- Lurrows, io!i i. nr.: t ,1 purchased in io o uy major xruue, by him brought to Uregon. Uleneld was sired by the great fecotch prize winner, Johnny Copp, that won more prszes than any other horse in his day. I .r. . 1 it - il 1 ins dam was oy uie jusuy isuuwiwu, Glenald. CLYDE'S dam is the noted Henry and Hainiltonian, brought from Illi nois td Oregon in 1868, and purchased by Jesse Cornelius. The attention ot all farmers una Horsemen is called to tlie ubove partic ulars, and they are asked to call and see this beautitnl horse and get terms. Good pasturage furnished at reason-1 able rates. Every possible care wiu be i taken to prevent accidents or escapes, but no responsibility assumed, for further particulars see or address J. V. CARLON, Roseburg, Oregon, who also keeps the best Livery Stable in south ern Oregon. HELP lor workincr people. Send 10 cents pos tage, and we will mail youprke, a reyal yal uable sample box ot goods mat wui nut vou in the way of inakinir more money in a few dy than you ever thought possible atanv business. r&tit&i not reautrea. iou can live at noma uu work in spare time oniy, or an uie nine, au ul . , . -.1 ... . . .ii ... both sexes, ol an ages, grandly successiui. oo cents . to S5 ea3ily earned every evenine. That ail no want work; may test the business, we make this un paralleled offer: To all who are not well satisfied we will sendSl to pay for thetrouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent freo. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don't da- ay. Address Stinsom & Co., 1'ortlaud, Maine. a nm send six cints for postage, sn.l receive free, a costly box of goods j which will heliall, of either sex to more money right away tnan anything else in tne world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure At on address TKUli and Co.. Augusta, llaine. SUGAR PINE Twelve miles from Roseburp;, on the Coos Bay Wagon Road. Any amount of Lumber Sugar Pine, Cedar, Yellow Fir, Flooring, Rustic, Mouldings, etc. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. We have appointed A. J. BELLOWS and HENKV GATES agents for Koseburg, who will have lun.ber always on hnnd. Will deliver to any part of the city from the Mill at reasonable rates. PRICES AT MILL; Rough Lumber 9 00 per II Flooring 13 00 per M Rustic IS 03 per il HUBBAEB 1 lit! CLARKE & BAKER, Props. Having purchased the above named mills of E.i Stephens & Co., wo are now prepaped to furnish any amount of the be-1 quality of lATJYroiilR. ever offered to the public in Douglas County. We will furnish at the mill at the following prices; JNo-1 rough lumber $12 M Mo, 1 flooring, 6 inch $24 M No. 1 flooring, 4 inch $20 M No. 1 finishing lumber $20 M No. 1 nil Ishing lumber dressed on 2 sides $24 M No. 1 finishintr lumber dressed on 4 sides M CLARKE 4 BAKER. j DEALER IN JLaiiiitoi, fjifsli, Doors OF T1IE VERY BEST MATERIAL, nOME AND GET TERMS BEFORE PURCIIS- j ing elsewhere. Office near Depot Roseburg 1 T TT TIT1 'i nL T l' Agent ior o. j. v nnseti s Xiumoer. A gee & Hanan. Hew Butcher Shop We keep all kinds of FRESH and PICKLED meats. STISFACTldN ASSURED. Hides tof all kinds bought. THE OLD RELIABLE Established in 18G7. - Jacob Bitzcrj in pin ill VJJ HUMPHREY & FLINT, Rosetrarc - - - - Oregon. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS 1 Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland. Sau Francisco, Mew York and other noints. Bills of exDhangre on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all accetssablef oiuts at reasonablo rates. Mm DREE tam mat rnnTTVM nil 'in ill i 'i mm DLUI MISCELLANEOUS. Spanish Merino Bucks. I have on hand a number of fine Bucks, from one year old and upwards. Frice Sjlu. w here a number re pur chased a liberal discount will be made. Call at my place, five milts west of Roseburg. Henry Conn, Si. " Fjr Sale Cheap for Cath or approved credit Thorough-Bred Merino Sheep Male and Female, at our place, six miles north of Roseburg, near Wilbur. Correspondence solicited. iiil3-6ra TIIOS. SMITH & SON. L. BELFILS, Watchmaker. H AVING HAD 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS Watchmr.ker in Oregon, I feel cunfldeot of giving satisfaction m all wort entrusted to me. 1 nave the county patent n jnt lot saic oi concrete Cement Pipe for conveying water t3 any place de sired. L. KKLULS. J. JASKULEK, Tractlcal Walchmaki-r, Jeweler and Optician . ALL WORK WAU RANTED. Dealer in Wati-hes, Clock?. Jewelry. Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LINE OF CLARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODS. THE ONLY IiEI.I VJiLE OPTOMEU IX TOWN for the proper adjustment of SjicUicles. lepot ot the Ociiuine Di-aziiiiin Febble Sj-ectaclcs and Eye glasses. OtSice in Hamilton's Urick Block. H. PARRY', Mtrch-iLt Tailor. First right-hand room, up stairs, oyer Murks' 8tore. Repairs and Alterations neatly done MRS. S. A. IIUTCSalXSOS, MILLINEJ.IY STORE! Oalcsiliul, Orojron. L ADIES WILL F'D Mi" STOCK LARGE AND Complete, i'ricos moderate. rii-7 M o 11. Mfis. S. A. IIuTcaissos. J lILAPiTSOCK, Oakland, Oregon and Undertaker, a of K1 EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A tine assortmeut of Cofiiua and Burial Caskets, which he will sell at reasonable prices. Also keeps a large stock of all ma terials necessars for repairing and making Wagons, Iiu"gies, Plows and Machinery of all kinds. 1HH5 INVALUABLE TO ALL! v.';;; be mailed rnrr? to all applicants r c. e ana to customers of last year wit no orderlneit It contains illustrations, prices. descriptions and directions for planting all vegetable and Flower SKKUS, lii'LBS, eta D. M. FERRY &CO.Dt5B,T Tli ntTTERS' GtnOB u Issued Marcli and Sept each fear. S 816 paea, 8xll lnclieSjWlUi oyer 1 3,000 Ulnatrattosui a tvnole Fletnre Gtamry. GIVES Wholesale PrUxM direct to consumer on all good tor personal or family- use. Telia how to order, and gtvea exact coat of erjr tfcing you. net eat, drink, wear, or bars fan with. These IJTVAXtJABUS BOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mall a copy FREE to mmy ad dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing. lt ns hear from you. ) Respectfully, ( ) MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 887 dc 820 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, IU. Land Corners. THE FOLLOWING LAW WAS FASSHD BY THE late Legislature: To establish all corners o f Governmrnt surveys. where the witness trees have Iwencut, or have fallen flown, and where there remalna.t m stump un which t ie bearing marks or bli zes can still be seen, or W ere other evidences ot tne uvcrnmeut corners mayor can be found, whereby the said comers es tablish h1 by Government suneys can he positively located bv auv of such or o.her decarinsr evidence, said corner or corners to be reestablished m the man? ner urescribed in thisSection for estabhshn:jr corners. and shall keep a sepcrate record of the same in a book called Bearin if Trees of U S. Surveys, and iriviue the date, and nxiues I persons present, ana turn said record over to his successor. When so re- extablishcd, tliey shall be rccojrniiwd thereafter fs the leal and jennanent cornel or corners. irtiisi., county surveyor. FCIt SALE. PRC PERT 7 FRONTING ON Till EE PRINCIPLE f treets, size 60x130 feet, which will give FOUK building lots 32x40 feet. G ood In sino-ts house and also food dwelling, well furnished, fln well, wind fnim" alsi w nd shed and nther oct b lildings, t'jh all wi 11 fenceJ. For I'articulars eiM.uir at Kkview t lHcc ' Ut 11 I PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. c. w. knowles, l. d. brown. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAN-) BROWN & KNOWLES, Proprietors. i FIRST CLASS IN EVERY REJECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire proof Driok Building 180 Rooms. In the Center ot the City COR. FROST AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND EUROPEAN PLAN. gSMOND HOTEL, First Class In Every Particular, Corker Front and Morwsox Sti. PORTLAND, Thomas GilJitAH, Proprietor. OREGON ESMOND RESTAURANT, II. Mullek, Proprietor, Corner Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Special Arranirements for Wedding and Dinner Parties and Banquets. T HE ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. Charles IIeilman, Proprietor. The very best in before you. tho Market is set THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Cor. Third and E Streets Portland, Oregon. REDUCED RATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME IHIIs LARGE AJfD WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE . offers suierior accomodations at popular prices. Meals j?5c, Rooms 25c. and 50e. Only three blocks from all Depots and Steamer landings, Free Buss to and from the Hotel Chinese servants. Wo overcharges or deviation f roiu regular rates of $1.00 per bay. maro-tf E. LEWISTON. Trop'r. TIIE NEW YORK COFFEE IIOUfcE RESTAURANT AND O3stoz- aloon- THE LEADING CHECK RESTAURANT IN CITY SJFERD & HACKNEY, PROP S. Open D.iy and Nitfht. Prirate Rooms for Ladies. 132 First Street Portland Oregon. Established 1&52. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING AND OP OREGON. "THE PLACE TO BUY.j JBC0NGLE Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, C3.LEATHER AND SADDLERY HARDWARE 108 and 110 Front Street PORTLAND OREGON The Portland Business College, Portland, Ore gon, offers superior private and class instruction to the yOung and middle-aged of both sexes who desire to obtain a practical education in the short est time consistent with thorough work, and at the least eiDense. Day and evening sessions through out the year. Students admitted anytime. Cata logue on application. A. P. Armstrong, Principal. FOR A BUSINESS EDUCATION oo to nix- X. W. eor. Bocond and Salmon Sta. See C C. C. JOURNAL, for information. Address W. S. JAMES, Principal Ilea tion this paper. J Box W, Portland, Ot MBS.E . R H0TCHKISS 7 AND Neat Uressmajlcing! KOSEBURG OREGON. TlflLL FURNISH YOU THE BEST AND FINEST 1 Goods In the Market. Ladies Wear, Laces, itucnin's, Hosiery ana Jewelry. "IflSS SUSIE LEWIS HAS CHARGE OF THE J.U. Dressmaking Department, which insures Good and Fashionable flu Near the Depot FOR SALE I Wm TTERLEY OFFERS FOR SALE . -1 . l. his fine farm of 407 acres of No. 1 Grass and Farm Land, 8 miles north of Oakland. 150 Acres of as good Plow land as there is in jhe State. A Good Spring on every 40 Acres. Also for sale with the farm 24 head of Thoroughbred Short Horn Dur ham Cattle, 70 Tons Hay, Horses, Cattle, Wagons, Hogs, Milk Cow, Farming Uten sils, Seed Oats. Terms made known by applying to T;XEliLEY, OUklaud, Or. 7 MARfiti: works: Mrs. R. Breckenridge AGENT FOR, w. h. Mccormick, Importer and Manufacturer of ' MONUME NTS HEADSTONES Of i American and foreign Marble j ami Scotch Granite. . Estimates given for Coping in . Sand Stone, Also Agent for Walker's Iron Fence for Cemeteiy Enclosure. -ROSEBURO. - - OREGON PIP P1;P t JII. O'M ALLEY, . Propi ietor of the HOSEBUKa MAKBLE WORKS. And Dealer in TOOMBSTONES, TABLETS, ETC. ! Shop Resr vt IIojfns Store. II Ei. KOSEBURG GROCERY STO RE ROBT. EASTOX, PROPRIETOR. ! v Jaakson Street, one door South ot Mrs. CompUa' IMS JiTST RECEIVED -J A STOCK OF CANDIES, NUTS, CAKES, CRACKERS, TEAS, SPICES, SUGARS, CANNED GOODS COFFEES, ETC., ETC., ETC, I Exchange Goods for Good ButUr and Fresh Eggs. MY GOODS ARE ALL FRESH, ROBT. I AIT X O. C3 2.- lptXTg ffrTy, A Full Line of Staple and Fancy Groceriei, Table and Pocket Cutleet, Glassware, Crockery Quecxisware, Etc. Goods Delivered anywhere in tk City limits, Free of Charge. AND VARIETY STORE! W S. ISOTl'IIKISS, A Fall Stcck of Family Gracrie. FARMERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADTAV tn&e t purwiave their Crcnenei. Js'esr tU ut Oive me a isil. W, S. lioikkKM. J. s irnr. J'roprietor of tba CITY BAKEUY AND CANDY FACTORY. KEEP COXSTAM.'LY ON HAND A .K'U Stork of liread, Cske, I'ics, Plain and :f aaoy Crajkers, etc. Also fine detection of f react Aiucrican Candies and Chocolate Ouods. MEDICAL. DR. L!E'3!G'3 WONDERFUL Grman InvigovaUr Men who are suffering; tnm Disease and Weknes brVi on by early impiudedee er excesses, causing nerv.ms uebility, premature decay, lost munhood, etc., kv ing tried in vain. every known remedy, should pre- cure immediately Dli LIKBIG'S l.NVlCOCATOK .No. 2. THE DOCTOR will a-jree to forfeit S1.000 fr case undertaken, not cured. The reason wkr many cannot get cured of weakness and ths saove diseases is owinv to a complication called PKl'STA. TOKKliKA with Uyjrajsthesiat which rt,uiras seecial treatment. ' . DR. LIKIilU S INYiGORATOR No. S, under ew advice and special in atiLent.is the oniy itositlrt ai for ritOSTATuKHIlEA. 1 Pit. L1EH1G & CO for the past nineteen years have made an exclusive specialty of the trcatai.nl at diseases of men. If Mtnples appear on the face, if yon becem. list less ai:d lepoiiihiit, look out for the complies!..! with heiniiml Weakness and Joss ot itaiity aa.wa as I'roslatorrhca. Hundreds of lives bava beea lost and thousands hsve lost their fio)H;rtT and leara in life from its chects, 1 sncccle; or w.ruiy v.ias of the sorntrm, often the unsuspected cause(,f Lest Manhood, Lcb'lity, etc. etc., DK. LIKBIG'S laij. orator, No. 2, is the only known remcd yfer tk above coniplicntinii, and a perfect ana ermaaaa cure will he guaranteed in an cases undertaken der our special advice and treatment. Most powerful elect no belts free to our patteaw. To prove the wonderful power of the INV1GOIA TOR, A $2 BOTTLE GIVEN FREE. Call or address. "t " - 1 400 Geary St., ban Francisco, CaL' jyR. MINT112, THE SPECIALIST. No. 11 KEARNEY ST., SAN FKANCIS0O, CAI Treats all Chronic, Special and Private Diseasva with Wonderful Success. - THE CHEAT ENGLISH REf.lEDT. IS A NEVER FAILIS iiiausted T itaiity, SpcrsBai, iltorrhea. Lout Ifaak!. ?'i7Ajlmpoteey, Paralysla. i v1 ProsUtorrhea, asd all til V ."t. ji 1. . at . . B.ia ihuse, youthful follies as 4 ixecsses la maturer years, uch as Loss of Memary, LAKsitude nocturnal as . uuniiossoi Vision. Noises in the Head. KXCKSSki IN DUINKING intoxicatinK liquors, tne viUl Ci4 passing ut:Lserved in the unne, and many other cis eases that lead to insanity and death. Dh. Mism, who is A hraciua Physician, Gi. atk OF TDK Ukivbrsitt or I'ESJfSTLVaSU, will asTta to forfe't Fivk Hundred Dollars for a casa of tia kind the VITAL RESTORATIVE (under his peeia advice and treatment) will not cure, c r for anyUiaf impure or injurious found in it. Da. Mi.vns treala, all private diseases successfullv. without mercury. Cossultatioh Fkeb. Thorough examination aad 4 vice, including analysis of urine, Pries ?J VITAL RESTORATIVE, l.t0 a bottle, or four ti th quantity, ?5.00; sent to any address upoareseirt of Price, or C. O, !., secured from observsiion, a4 in private name if desired by Da. MiKnr.ll abakit St8ert. Sa.v Fbancisco, Cau Send for list of aa tiyns and pamphlet. . - . ' " SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Will be sept tp any one applj-in? by letter, stall 3 sTnytoms, sex and ajte. Strict secrecy iu regards to all busiuess transactions. . i Da. SIiktif.'s Kidkst REifEBT, NEPHRSTICUSI, Cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Csomplaiat. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Leucnorrnca etc. For sale by all drngijists; $i a bottle c six bottles for fivedollars. Da. Ju'iSTias DASDEtrox Puxa are the best aad U cheapest Dvsi epsia and B.Liot'S curs in the marksl For sale by all dmjnfista. "lTT"r"Vr more money than at anything cIm II J XI taking an agency for the best sell iry bkt : put. Beginners succeed grandly. None faU. Tfrwf ire. UaluttBoo Co. i'vitlsnd, Ha is, " Thealthi