ROSEBURG REVIEW. FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1 885. The'Keview ia being improved every week. Subscribe now. The Prohibition party of the State cf Oregon is only waiting for a Moses. The Coast Mail is doing some good riting against an extra session, al though it is Republican paper. TnE English elections this fall prom ise to be the most cxcitir.g for yeara. Gladstone will doubtless be victorious. Not an accident was reported during the entire burial scene of Gen. Grant This is something remarkable consider ing the crowd. The fancy army officers who have been stationed through favoritism at the various eastern cities have been ordered to frontier dutv. Gov. Hoadly has been renominated for Governor of Ohio by the Democracy and is again pitted against Foraker wnorn ne aeieatea two years since. Hoadly will again be triumphant. Politics in Virginia are red hot. The Republicans under the leadership of Wise and Mahone are making an aggressive campaign. The Democracy under the leadership of Fitzhngh Lee, Daniels and Barbour are ably lead and vill be victorious. The Republican press of Oregon are talking about John Roach having been forced to assign, by Secretary Whitney Will any one of them please tell what the government has to show for the ten millions of dollars received from it by this same John Roach? Say Harvey, just for a variation, give us one of your old time, stirring good free trade editorials. The bloody shirt is a good diet but yon have now erred it up boiled, fried, stewed and hashed. A little free trade fricaseed on the side, if you please. The Salem State sman is of the opin ion that something must be done im mediately concemiug either the ap pointment oi a Senator or the calling of the extra session. We agree. Let the governor appoint by all means and enu an aouoc in cue matter, a man of strnog convictions would have ap- pointed Sol. Hirsch the day. after the legislature adjourned. j : The pitiful whine about the govern ment being opposed to workingmen be cause forsooth John Roach's ship yard was closed and a thousand men thrown out of employment is answered in the fact that inside of a few months all the , navy yards of the nation employing thousands of men will be in active operation. What has the government for the $10,000,000 paid to John Roach. The Republican party of Oregon should brace' up and have the courage of its convictions. Under the peculiar dictation of the Oregonian it has lost its rudder' and tosses wildly upon a troubled ocean. We would like to see our opponents take a firm stand in fa: vor of something and not keep on in a hopeless dodging of issues. Look out for an ably lead and aggressive Democ racy next June. We throw down the gauntlet. TnE administration of President Cleveland is one that appeals entirely to the people for support. Theorista and politicians do not run it, but it is organized as an able, upright and honest agent of the people. The Pres ident has demonstrated that ho is a positive man, strictly honest even ag gressively so. In all the stations of "Hf his course has been guided by duty. How evident is this fact can be judged from tho character of t!e criticism upon him by the Republican press. It is contradictory in itself and bear 3 ever the mark of malice. In President Cleveland the people have found a man who upholds their rights and we pre dict that bis administration will mark a new era in the history of America. An honest, faithful and incorruptible (administration w ill deserve and receive the endorsement of the people. Three Things to he Sure Of. . If tho Chicago, Atlanta, and Boston are completed under the supervision of Secretary Whitney, and by men se Jeoted by him to do tho work, the peo ple of the United States may be sure of three things; The ships will be honestly built, from this time out The Government will make the best of what promised to be a pretty bad bargain. Mr. Roach will be fairly and justly treated in the matter, ' Suph are the good results of having an honest, intelligent, and incorruptible man at the head of the Navy Depart wenV-N, Y, Sun. THE UNION SOLDIER. We take up our pen more in sorrow than in auger over the uncharitable restrictions and tortured construction placed upon an ai ticl J of ours by an individual sinning hiuiself a "Unronist Soldier" in the Plaindealer. In the few remarks we may make in justice to ourselves we will treat him as a soldierof the Union and not as aomo politician stealing that honored tlfc How grand a thing it must bo to have oeen a souner or tne union. When the trying hour of the Union's existence came, when reason had fled, passions aroused and the decision left to the God of b ittles, when Lincoln with his great faith in the people and as the guardian of his country, called for troops, how noble the man who left the plow in its unfinished furrow, received the blessings of his wife, stopped for an. instant to pat the curly head of the little boy he might ne vet- see again, dashed back the tears, and pledged his life, his fortune and his pacred honor, in defence of his country. The drum beats it sad tattoo as we fol low him as he marches with the evr- victovious Grant onward and onward as he moves amidst death and carnage until the stars and stripes float in triumph over Rich nond, and the Con federacy has fallen. Perhaps with Sherman he marches from Atlanta to the sea; or with Meade and - Hancock suffered the teriffic onslaughts at the heights of Gettysburg. Through shot and shell, through dismal and death- dealing swamps he moved that his country might live! The .confederacy is crushed, it has fallen. Fallen though upheld by the generalship of Lee and Jackson; fallen though inspired by the magic eloquence of Yancey; fallen though based on the principles of the great logician Calhoun. It had fallen beneath the shot and shell of the peer less Grant, overcome by the patriotism of the north, overcome by the flniet faith of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln who filled so completely his niche in this world as to be compared only to the God-given prophet of old who led his people into the land of day. Tho last poor soldier who wore the gray has returned amid wieck and ruin to his home, slavery has been abolished from the face of the civilized world, Grant had eaid to Lee "Tnko your horses home to do the plowing." The wild dream of the cenfederate is over and the victors with the grand est charity the world ever saw turn 'round to rehabitnlate the vanquished with all the rights " and privileges of American citizenship. What a victory was this! We are afraid that our friend built more wisely than he knew. The Union has been saved or rather in the baptism of fire it received a new birth. However much we revero the memory or our fore-fatheas still we must admit that a union between slave and free stales was a cause of perpet ual strife and led to the arbitrament of arms to the inevitable conflict foreseen by W ebster and predicted by Seward. In the settlement of the contest slavery the great cause was abolished and the Union now founded on the pillars of freedom is as perpetual as the stars of Heaven. Bury forever the dead past the now putrid corpse of human slavery. Let us getaway fiom its stench into the open light of to-day. But the past has a living. The exalted patriotism, the firm trust, the true goodness of Lincoln must ever fill every American heart w ith pride; the wreaths of lau rel that surround the brow of Grant will never fade as long as liberty has a defender In the magnanimity of these groat patriots let us look across the bloody chasm a chasm now no longer, thank God and place a spray of evergreens upon the graves of Lee and Jackson. For thev too were Americans. And those who fought under their banner are ovr brothers now, Around the grave of Grant we see Johnston with Sherman, Buckner with Sheridan! Oh, "Union Soldier"; how proud you should be of this victory! Your country was saved, the light was victorious, and from ocean to ocean, from the lofty pines of Maine to the orange groves of Florida the stais and stripes float serene m happy grandeur the emblem of a great, law abiding, blood-bought re-united country an indhisable and indissoluble Union destined forever and ever to be the cherished home of Freedom! Eev. Sam Jones should be brought to Roseburg. Where ver he has preached he ha3 succeeded in breaking up the "arm clutch," a method by which the walking dude appears as having ar rested a weak young girl, and seems to be taking her to the station-house. Backlen's Arnica Salve The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale SL Hamilton. Those Names- Our cotemporary tries hard to think that it was a figment of our brain, w hen we stated that the Portland bosses had sent a list of four names to each Re publican legislator to bo voted for as Senator. We had the fact t'rem high authority loth at Independence and Corvallis. Of course, there is no use in the bosses sending anything, to this county, for Douglas is solid anyway. By the way, our cotemporaiy once rvad us a very fine temperance lecture in favor of the extra session. As we predicted, the Keady law was upheld and we advise our neighbor to read his lecture to Judge Webster a lead, ing Republican and an able judge. The extra session question appears to be a sort of infernal machine for our cotem porary. He never handles it without he goes off in the most unexpecte l man ner. As a sample, he does not think Democrats have a riht to advise the Republican Governor, but with a great deal of incone istency he keeps on advi sing us how to make a respectable jour nal. The respectability, energy and push of the Review, pardon the sug gestion, may be what is wnrryiug our neighbor. Come be hfcuest and admit that the Senatorshlp is the only issue in the extra session question, and then you will at least be fuir if nonsensical. What Barents Fear. Many persons especially parents object to mnny quack rostrums as likely to engen der or encourage a loye for strong drink. They are right. Better die of disease than of drunkenness. The use of Parker's Tonic does not involve this danger. It not only builds up the system, curing all ailments of the stomach, liver aud kidneys, but it stim ulates without intoxicating and absolutely cures the appetite for liquor. W. N. Moore has been appointed Postmasterof Roseburg. A good ap pointment. Accept our congratula tions. Mr. Stanton who has been suoerceded has made an efficient officer, but in the change of parties lie steps down and out tojjive place to another good man. Clubbing Rates. Our clubbing rates with the New York World are such that we give both papers for one year for $3.00. . This is a great offer and yon should take advantage of it. Subscribe. NEW THIS VEP:K. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon, in and for the County of Duuglas. W. T. Kkrlbt, Plaintiff, vs. ' " " j J. O Floor, Ellbs Flook and F. H . Xoblk, De fendants. ' , Suit iu Equity to foreclose a Mortgage. - To F. II. - Noble the above named defendant: You are hereby required t appear and answer the complaint on file tgainst you in the abev e entitled Court and cause wherein W. . T. Ktrley is phiiiUH and J. G, Flook, Ellen Flook and F. II. Noble are defendants Same being a suit to foreclose a mort gage on real property, on or before the first day of the next regular term thereof, towit:,Cn Monday the 19th day of October 1885. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the Eaid plaintiff wlil apply to the court for the relief demanded in thesaidcomp.ainttowit; For a judgement and de cree of forectosenre and sale of the mortgaged premises described in the complaint fiied in the suit and the proceeds applied to the pajment of the costs and disbursements and attorney fees of this suit and the expenses of taid sale and tow ard the payment of said debt mentioned in omplaint and that plaintiff have execution for the balance of said debt if any there be and for such other and further relief as the Conrt may deem proper. This Summons is published by an order of non. R. 8. Bean Judge of said Court made on the 21th day of August 18S5. Lank & Lank Attorneys for Plaintiff. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Coi'valliN Oregon. The next Session will begin on Septem ber 10th, with same Faculty as last year, B. L. Arnold, PRES. 30,000 CASES i-OF RECTAL DISEASES ! AS I?iles, Iieetal XJlcers, Fissuit$is, Prui itu8-anl, Fiatulus in ano, Polypw Recti. ETC., ETC , CURED IN 6 YEARS BY THE BRiNKERHOFF SYSTEM. Dr. J. B. Pilkingtou Proprietor of the Portland byb and bar Infirmary and Vakitariax for Nf.utous Diseases has been app oined Agent and Physician for this in Oregon & W. T. No severe bcboical oi'Ekations, no faix no loss of blood. In 2 months, have cured several cases iu which severe cutting op erations have failed. Am permitted to refer to Mr. Jas. W. Weatherford, druggist formerly of Salem. Mr. Frank Gardiner, machinest, Mr. R. A. Uampy, Harrkburg, and others. If several patienta apply will spend one day in each month in Robe burg. Add -ess for pamphlet etc. J. B. PILK1NOTOX M. D. PORTLAND OR. gTDr. Pilkington will meet pa tients at the Cosmopolitan Hotel Rose burg from Thursday evening Septem ber 10th (all day Friday) until train time Saturday morning Sept. 12th. Look out for J. C. Sheridan's new Ail" next week. FOR SALE! Wm TTERLET OFFERS FOR SALE . I . JV his tine farm of 407 acres of No. 1 Grass and Farm Land, 8 miles north of Oakland. 130 Acres of as (rood Flow land as there is in the State. A Good Spring on every 40 Acres. Also for sale with the farm 24 head of .Thoroughbred Short Horn Dur ham Cattle, 70 Tons Hay, Horses, Cattle, Wagons, Hogs, Milk Cows, Farming Uten sils. Seed Oats. Terms made known by applvinj; to W. T, KEKEY, Oakland, Or. LEGAL NOTICES. Assessor's A'otice. JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Til AT 11 on Monday the 31st day of Augut, the Board, of Equalization iA Douglas county wi.l attend at the office of the Coun ty Clerk and publicly examine the Assess ment Uoll t aid County, and correct all errors in valuations, description or qualities of lauds, lots or other property. E. C. SACRY, County Assessor. Assignee's Notice. "OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LOUIS XI BelAIs of Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon; on the 27th day of June 1885. made a general argu ment of all his projert.y to the undersijfueii, Isidore Caro, under the provision of t he statute of Oregon, entitled " An act to eture creditors a just division of the estate of debtors who convey to assign teg for the benefit of creditors:'' as vuendod b.v an act en titled . " An act to amend section 3 and 15 of an act entitled "An act to secure creditors a just division of the estare of debtors, who convey to assignees f or the benefit of creditors:" approved October 1S78, and to provide for the discharge of debtors." Therefore, all persons having claims avrainct the said Louis Belfils, -are hereby irrtii.ed to present their claims under oath, to the umiert gned at-mjrn ee, at tho store of Caro Bros., in Ki burg, Doug las County, Oregon; within three months frcin this date. All persons iiuUbtcd to the i-a'nl Louis BoliUs, are required to make immediate paj ment tome. Isicout Caco, .Assignee. Dated, Roeeburg July 3d. 1S85. CTTATIOX. In the County Court for Dci'tflas county in the State of Oregnu. ' ' ''' To J. B; Brown,' JhnBrowu. Emily Parker, Laura Wright, Pjlly,CU bulks, Sarah S. Adair, Abigul Carll; Nancy C.-Ilerin uin, Lois Brown, Maagie Brnwu, Miry B-own and Joshua Brown, the heir at law, the next of kin and all persons interested in the Estate of Sarah Brown, deceased. WHEREAS, ON THE 27th DAY OF JUNE.ilsSr. OVA. Sehlbrele, udministratoi of the above named estate having filed Ins sworn petition praying or an oider to authorize and empower him to sell he real propertv belonging to the. estate of Sarah Brown, deceased, situated in Douglas county, Ore gon, and whereaf, it was ordered by the Court that a citation issue to said heirs at law, the next of kin, and all other persons interested in said estate to ap pear in this Court, on the 7th day of September, 1885. At KTo'cloek A, i. to show ca se, if any there be, why an order for the sale of said real property should not be made as Draved for in said petition It was further ordered th it service of the citation be made by publication iu one of the weekly newsapers pub lished in ftoeeburg and of general circulation in Douglao county,' ijregon, for the full period of time required by law. Therefore, you and each of you are hereby cited and required to be and appear at said ti me and place, then and there to show cause.if any you have, why such an order and license should .not issue, for the sale of said premises. Witness the Hox. J. S. FiTznroii, Judge of said Court, my hand aud the Seal of said Court this 2nd day of July, 18S5. Skal. C. W. Kimball, County Clerk. Final Settlement. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN 1.1 dersigned has filed his final account as Adminis trator of the Estate of J ohn O'Rouk deceasrd and Mon day September 21st, 1835, has been by the County Court of Douglas county. State of Oregon, set apart for the hearing of any objections to said final ac count, and the settlement of said Estate. HENRY BECKLKY. Administrator. Dated thi i7h day of August 1S35. FOR SALE. PROPERTY FRONTING ON TH REE PRINCIPLE Street--, size 90x130 feet, which will give FOUH building lots 32$xS0 feet." G fod hup'mess house and also good dwelling, well furnMhed. fine well, with pumo. also. wood shed and other out buildings, and all well fenced. For particulars enquire at Kkvif.w offi.-e. n E. W. Woolsey &; Son, Breeders and Importers of Thoroughbred Spanish Merino Sheep. Fixlto3CL, Sonoma COutity, We have on hand for sale this season 500 yearliiigancl two ear old Rams and wes wnicii we will deliver at RcsEErr.G at prices to suit the times. Orders and correspondence solicited. Our flock is of Hammond and At wood stock .originally, and we have, spared no expense in introducing yearly new strains of blood from the best flocks of Registered Stock in Vermont State. For purity of blood, absolute freedom from all disease and care ful breeding it stands second to none on the Coast and has taken firs'" premiums at State and County fairs wherever exhibited. Addiess as above or Frank Woolsey, cor. 1st and A streets, Portland, Or Represented in Roseburg by W. F . Owens, and all orders received by his or direct will receive prompt attention. HIT CM But before you do that come 'round to W. WO ODWARB' S J -AND- Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDIi One of the Biggest and Best Stock of Goods ever Brought to ' Town. I use nothing but the best leather,- and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE, DON T FAIL TO CALL ON ME W. G. Woodward Roseburg. NEW THIS WEEK. A POMPOUS SOIREE! I'XDEIt TIIE CUIDAXCE OF THE DISCIPLES OF GUTEMRG. Of Rostburg, will take place at SLOCITM'S TZAJLt On the eyening of FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER lltb, To which the PUBLIC AT LARGE IS CORDIALLY INVITED. Committee of Arrangkments, Fred M. Zigler, M. O. Wiinberly, F. 1 Cronemiller. Committee of Invitation. S. F. Floed, G. A. Taylor, F. V. Cronemiller, Misses Emma Mosber, Myra .Brown, Mamie Jones. Reception Committee. If. G. Scrogs, Mamie Jones, G. A. Taylor, Chas. Clements. Floor Managers. W. H. Pitchford. JR. G. Scroggs, J. A. Smith, S. F. Flood. Tickets, L50. A large number of prizes will be given,- a list of which will appear next week. Notice for PubSicjiUon. Laud Office at Roseburg, Oregon, August 17th, 1885. TVTOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL JlN lowing named settler has filed notice of his in tention to tmtkj tiuai proof in support of his claim, and that said prot.f will be made before the Kegister or Receiver at Hoscburg Land Uttice, v'cd;;esday October 7th, viz: Win. J. Ochlert, No. SIGH for the Lot 1, 2, 3, and 4 See. 2, Township 22 SU11 West, V. M. He names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon, and cultivation f said land, viz. Charles N. Harvey, of Scottsburg, C h irles C. Gloss, of Scottstmrg, Joseph Butler, of Uardincr, Henry Wade, of Gardiner. W. F. BEN JA MIX, Register. Notice of Final Proof. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, . Jpn? Id, 1S85. TUOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL J. lowing named settler has filed notice of his in tention to mate "inal proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof wili be ma-'e before the Register or Receiver of U.S. Land Office, at ltoseb-urg, Oregon on Wednesday, October 7th, 18S5, viz: Charles N. Harvey, Homestead No. 3131 for the S J of N. W. J, S. K. $ of A. Vt . J ana lots 1 and 6, section O Town ship 22, S R 11 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, und cultivation of said land viz: Charles C. Gloss, of ScottHbursr. Wm. J. Ochlert of Gardiner, Henry Wade of Gardiner, Joseph butler of Gardiner, Oregon. Wm. F. RENJ U1IN, Register Land Notice. ATOTICI? IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL XI lowinc named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof hi support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before th- Register or Receiver at Kocburg Lana UMce. on r rinay, ep temher 18th. 1835. viz: J. A. Jennings' Homestead No. 341f, for the N W J of N W J of Sec. 1, E k of N E 4 of Sec. 2 T 31. and S E I of s E 1 of Sec. 5 T 30 S of K7W. He name the followinc witnesses to prove his con tinuou? residence upon and cultivation of said land. J. R. Jennings, and Jesse Over of Canyonville, Mike Dean and Geo. Quins of Rjddi. W. F. BENJAMPC, Register. In 1 I UP EDUCATIONAL. OAKL I; Bonlas School Year b3gins Monday, September 7, 1885. THE COUUSE OF STUDY IS DESIGNED TO MEET THE WANTS OF ANY who may attend. Many noblo and brilliant minds clow with a desire for knowledge but circumstances preclude their attending such are frequently found tbe biightest and Hence the course ot study is made almost as lull as that 't many of our College, while the character of instructructiou is inferior to none. L .Tuition, per Session Primarv . . . .$ 4 00 5 00 6 00 First grade Junior class.. . . Second grade Junior class. Music. Twenty-four Lessons Use of Instrument Drawing and Painting SEND FOR CATALOGUE. EBSSS&SOaaBnEKl Willamette 30 PROFESSORS fe DEPARTMENTS OF LITERATURE, LAW, MEDICINE, MUSIC AND AUT Elocution a specialty Board and home lor ladies iu tbe Women's CoUcye, $3 CO per week. Mrs. V. S. Harrington, Dean. Gentlcmeu board in clubs for $2 20 to ?3 per week. Many board themselves for l to SI 50 per week. " The best moral government is maintained. Tuition half price to children of rniuis. tcrs and those prepariug for the ministry. ' First Term hegins September 7th, 1S85- "Law Department opens September '16th.' Medical Department, opens in Portland December 2d, 1S85. Dr. E. P. Eraser, Dean. Stud for Catalogue and information to Tlios Vim fe'coj', President, Salem, Or. N STATE" . DEAIN; OIHIGOjSr. Graduates Receive State Educational Diploma. FOR PARTICULHS, ADDRESS HENILY MKCrLLANECVS. ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC THAT HE IS NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EVERYTHING LN HIS IJE Having lately fitted up a new STEAM SAW MILL on South Deer crok, is prepared to furnish lumber of all kinds on short notice at ' " - - - Pi mm lime races. Barn lumbcrrad fencing furiVishwl John or Eobert Booth will not be undersold in Lumber. They have the best. THE EBEBLINE ORiST MILL! SCHULTZ BROS., PrO-QS THE BEST OFFLOUlt AXD FEED OF j ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST RATES!; HER1DAN Roseburg, o O They would announce that they hand one of the enesra! Hard ware, efia Ever Brought to Douglas, and, when added -to their Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinware TIipv ari nvpnarpd t.n ilpolare thftv have the best suDnly in their line of any hotiM itt Southern Orepoo, which they propose sllin In the shape of IiUlLUli(i MAIJUUALis, in tne way m xvio, tl,v., . offer superior inducements to purchasers. Try ns. ' ' ' t , . , We can give you I argains in the following brands of STO ES not equaled elsewhere buck's bonanza, farmer's utility, dexter, pactfic, wide west, CLARENDON, OCCIDENT, ' IRON KING, EMPIRE C1TT And other Sioves and Rargf-s. The lest of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of our TINW All and hnyers should learn our prices. . . , , . Ci j v We have also bargains to offer in GUNS, such as inchester. Sharp an4. tier Rite, as well as Shotguns and Pistols. - . "c v, .rnrei' . ' We are also Agents for the White, Tearless and ew Home SEWINtl MACHINES which we sell at the lowest rates and warrant as complete in every respect. We can also supply , .1 . . Averill and Ru'b'ber taints. The best in t!ie tnartet,'at lowest rates. Give ns a c.V.I, inspect onr'stock; inquire our prices, and we promise to suit you if any oue cad ' - v , ' Cotiinly OREGON, remote or more expensive institutions; among most -promising in school. of Twelve "Weeks First graJe Middle class. ; .$ 7 00 Second grade Middle class '. 8 00 Senior class . . . j .... ... . . . 9 00 .....112 00 . . . Vob to 12 05 GEORGE JY RUSSELL, Principal. University. INSTRUCTORS.. NORMAL SCHOOL! U B2N3aN Fidjnt.. DRAIN, Or, on short uolicn j. j. wiiiTsErr. FARMERS AND OTHERS CAN HAVE FLOUR FROM THEIR OWN GKAIS BROTHERS, Oregon, o haver just received and now have on largest slocks of Cheaper tiiau can be pujehased elwhere