Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, August 28, 1885, Image 1

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' .... , BY .. "
J. R. N. BELL, - Proprietor.
ti Year - - - 50
Six Mdbths - - - - 1 25
Three Mouths - - - 1 00
HAS Till? . ' - 1
And other Printing, Including
Large and Heavy Posters and Showy Hand-Bit!,
. Thfw are the terns of those pmrtnjr in advance.
The Review offer fine inducement to advertisers!
Terina rentouable.
Neatly and Expeditiously exetute4
NO. 2.1
Grovkr Clkveland .President.
Thomas A. Hendeicks. . . .Vice Presideot.
1 hom. F. Bayard. Secretary of State
Danikl T. Ma smxo, Secretary of Treasury.
w Q,?-Lamar" ,SfcCretry of the Interior.
. N WCOTr Secretary of War
2 ' )) H-iTNEY ....... Secretary ofN a vy.
f ILAS - -Post Master General .
A. II. Garland Attorney General.
Mobkison R. Waite Chief Jastice.
J. N Dolfh . , . ........... .U. S. Senator
IJinokr Hersiajj.n. . . . . . . . .Congressman-
f. IooIY -Governor.
, . Larhart ....Secretary of State.'
Exwar Hirsch State Treasurer.
iV, r McEleo. Pub. Instruction.
)v B. By Aim Stat Printer.
4. B. Waldo, C. J., )
Wm. P. Lord. V . . . .Supreme Judaea.
AV.. W, Thayer, i
R. S. Bkan.....'. Judge.
J. W Hamilton.... Pi osteating Attorney.
John Emmitt, J
J. H. Snort, i '
.Se natora.
Wm. Masniq,
HEtfBV llotiKEfi, f n .
U. W. ltiDDut, ( Kepres nUtives.
C.B. V )
. VV. Kimball. Clerk.
G. A. Taylor, Sheriff.
W. N. Mooee,.... Treasurer.
1. W. Bexsn School Superintendent.
K. C. Sacry. .Assessor.
L S. Fitzhcgu.. . . County Jinliro.
J . II ALL, C. A McGee, . . . .Commissioners
Dn-S. S Marstebs
. . . . .Surveyor,
, .Corouer.
J. C. FcM-KBTOW, '
J. J. Caitlfikld, V Trustees.
Thos. Grisdale, V
0. L. WlLLIS,
T. Ford -..".. Recorder.
, U. J. Lanceiibero ...Marshal.
J.' F. Barkep. . ...... ..... .Treasurer.
Attorneys At Law.
Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel.
Attorney at Law.
Office in Marks' brick, tip stairs.
Notary Public-
General Insurance Aijeut.
Office at Court llousf, Kostburg.
Having affnin atia l the mannge
n.vnt f lhi Wei) kiiown House, of
which we the owners, we take
this nethotl of iufortuing ihe public
that it will be
Meats and Ixxigimr perd.iy fi CO
Meal..... 25
Lndgin;. 25
8. T. & E. GARRISON.
Oakland, Oregon.
Beard $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents,
. i3VTnU home hua lately changed bonds and is
thoroughly renovated and refurnished. The travel
ing public will find the best of accommodations.
IV o Cliinnmen Kmpioyud.
Proprietor of the
Lar Sample Rooms for Comiriercial
Fr Coach to and from the house
BagaK delivered fre of charge.
Xiielinrcl Thomas, Prop.
Fhst Cln.
Table supplied with the Best the Market affords
Hotel at the D?iot of the Railroad.
(Principaal Business Street.)
Rowebur;, Oi'Oon
&rt Keeplhe Best the Market Afford.
Samuel Marks,
B. MAEKS &-'Co.
Crockery, Glassware,
Provisions, Cigars,
Boots and Shoos.
Wool. an
on Bought
fc CO . Roscbur, Or.
&hl Wheeler
Irvoseburo Oregon.
'lias on hand constantly-a large und complete assortment of
General Merchandise and will be pleased to s33 his old friends
and patrons, as well as new ones, ' .who in consideration of the
scarcity of 'money and tiie " present "depression iii business; "will
stj.idy their own interests by. calling on hhn and examining
j saoss mm mmm
before purchasing elsewhere I do not claim to sell goods
at cost, or less than cost, but will assure all who patronize me
that thoy will get their goods
At Tiie lowest Idvinsr Profit.
Produce Of All Kinds Taken At Market Price.
Sol.' -'Abraham
Keejis a full line of Dress Goods of cveiy variety and Shade.
I A full line of Silks.
A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets.
A full line of Fancy Dress Goods.
A full line of 'Hosiery. .
A full line of Clothing.
A fall line of Furnishing Goods.
A full line of Hats and Cans. Boots and Shoes.
W A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos.
A full line of Crockery and Glansware.
And iast, but not least, a full line of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, with all
kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern.
War! War! War!
China and France have had their time;
Russia and Kglaiid are still in line;
America with her watching eye,
Holds the line of traffic, by
The granery of the world.
Money is iqoney, and ns the blood-saping medium,
With its glitter of gold,
Has ouly its equivalent at Mensor's Pm told.
His stock is new and his goods are fresh;
And as to selection, he has the best.
Give him a call, under Slocum's Hall. Jl IMCUSOr
I Successor J. D. JO II IS SON.
DRUGS and '..PATENT IfSiSDieitfES:?
j Che-tper than the Cheapest
W. I. Friedlaxder
of everj Descrip
m Go.
A Puzzle and a Premium.
Editor Review: I enclose you
literaty puzzle from my scrap-book, in
which can be found the names oithirt?-
nine authors and to stimulata research
I will present a copy of Dr. Jotnson's
"Rasselas to the sender ot the first
correct list of answers. Sen'l same to
Review. H. S. S
1. Is a kind of linen.
Is worn on the head.
Made from a pig.
sick place of worship.
A manufactured metal.
6. A game'and a male of the human
7. A prefix and a disease.
8. To agitate a weapon.
9. A slang expression. ; :
10.- Mama is irr-fwrftrtealth my
child, and thus he named- a poet mild.
11. A barrier built by an edible.
12. Is what and oyster heap is likely
to b(
13. Each living head, in time 'tis
said will turn to him though he be dead.
14. A common domestic animal und
somethiug it can never do
15. A disagreeaMe feij$sv to have on
onr,s fo it. " '
1G. What a vouffh man said to his
son when he wished him to eat properly.
17. His middle name is suggestive
of an Indian or a Hottentot.
18. An official dreaded by the stu
dents of the English universities.
19. A tenfooter whose name begins
with fifty.
20. Represents the dwellings of civ
ilized men.
21. Makes and mends for first-class
22. Is a lion's nest dug in the side
of a hill where there is no water.
23. A mean dog 'tis.
24. Js very fast indeed.
25. Meat! What are you doing!
26. Pack away closely, never scatter
and in so doing you will soon get at her.
27. A fraction in currency and the
prevailing fashion.
28. A domestic worker.
29. An American
30. A name that means such fiery
things, who can describe its pains and
Is very firm in his opinions.
The value of a word.
Small talk and a havy weight.
A very vital part of the body.
A worker in prrcious metal..
An internal pain.
Humpbacked but not deformed.
RelongsJia a monastery. ....
A n ans wer to t he quest ion,
is the greater poet. William
" 33;
Jhakespeare or Martin Tupper?
That Literary Society.
Editor Review: In- the last issue
of your valuablo paper 1 notice a com
municat'on from "Katie" sujrjxestinjr
a reorganization of ihe old Philalathean
literary society. W'jat a grand good
thing it would be for our little city to
have such an organization and to do as
she suggests in order to make it a per
manent institution. Go on, "Katie,"
and call a meeting. You will have the
hearty support of our citizens as mem
bers and contributors to the Library.
They will certainly help build up an
institutional; the above character where
young and old can come together once
a week for the purpose of mutual im
provement and pleasure. "The study
of literatu re nourishes youth, entertains
old age' adorns prosperity, solaces ad
versity, is delightful at home, unob
trusive abroad, deserts us not by day
or by night, in journeying nor in retire
E F. W.
Our Ojmeteries-
Editor Review: Your journal is
taking such an active interest in the
welfare and progress of Roseburg that
I feel encouraged to speak my mind
regarding a matter of general impor
tance. I think it is disgraceful the
way our public cemeteries are kept.
Ttiey seem to ha e no attention what
ever except by personal effort in a few
isolated cases. Now could not a sex
ton be regularly employed.-. It would
not cont much and I am sure that one
is needed. Let us not neglect the dead
any longer but have a public meeting
called, an association formed and. our
cemeteries made to show proper res
pect to our friends who have crossed
the mystic riwr. A Friend.
Cleveland may make an occasional
mistake in appointing a postmaster or
a consul, but we believe hfc will not
make any mistakes in keeping the ac
counts of the coast survey, or in count
ing the Indians in the tribes, or in
keeping the medical stores of the navy,
or in surveying the public land, or in
leasing the Indian territory to cattle
kings, or in paying money for Dolphins,
all of which little errors of his pre
decessor are now revealed to the startled
gaze of the people, -St. Louis Post
Dispatch. This is the way they run politics in
old Virginia, according to the Rich
mond Dispatch: "Mrs. Fitzhugh Lee
and Mrs. John S. Wise were guests at
dinner. Mrs. Wise arose frouj the
table, passed over to Mrs. liee'.. and
congratulated her, saying: If my
husband is to be beaten, I had rather
he should be beaten by your husband
than anv man living.' Mrs. Lee re
turned thanks and said: 'Mrs. Wise, I
only regret that loth cur husbands
can not be elected Governor of Vir
ginia at the same time.''
Ingersoll'8 Match.
Ingersoll has met his match in one
Father Phelan, of St. Louis. The Kan
sas City Times, in publishing his dedi
catory address of a cathedral, says his
delivery has the eloquent charm and
subtle influence of Ingersoll's oratory.
In the course of his remarks the rev
erend Father said:
"If there is no hereafter, then life is
one long debauch, und the highest edu
cation is to know how to find and how
best to enjoy pleasure. If there is no
hereafter, virtue is a deceit and heroism
i3 a lie. See that young man bleeding
from a hundred wounds. He died in
defense of a sister's honor. If there is
no hereafter, that noblest of deeds will
go forefer unrewarded. See that young
sister in the hospital bending over a
victim of the plague; to-morrow she
will succun.b, anl rapid ride and a
hasty sepuclture will reward her for
her devotion. If there is no hereafter,
her charity met a ftorry requittal. St;e
that man holding a child from the win
dow of a burning building; he holds it
long enough for a sturdy companion to
grasp it from below, and he thn falls
back into his fiery tomb. If there h
no hereafter, such sacrifice is heartless
ana unmeaning cruelty, oee mat troop
of soldiers marching by to the beating
of the drums. Their country has called:
they go to defend her honor 011 the
battl-j-field. They follow their flag into
the thick of the fight, and when the
bugle sounds the retreat few turn from
the carnage. Those brave soldiers die
with their faces to the foe, and a smile
was stamped on their faces in death.
If there is no hereafter, their heroism
was suicide, and their courage a mock
ery of fte. Earthly life is closed in
death; the grave terminates all consort
and association with things of time'
but wafted above the bier, the wreck,
the tomb,, floats the sweet voice of; God,
saying: 'J am the lite.
Luck or Pluck
A great t'eal that is called luck in
this world is onlv the result of patient !
industry. A rich merchant of Liver
pool, Sir Joseph Walmsley, began, life
as a clerk on about a hundred dollars
a year. His employers were gram mer
chants, and the young man determined !
to Lain all there Was to know about
gran. 1 lie man who had charge of the
warehouse, "Old Peter," . A3 he was
called, saw that the boy was anxious to
learn; ro, twice a week, in the morning
before breakfast the two would go to
gether to the stores and fchij s, exam
ining the different kinds of grain. ' Old
Peter would take a handful! of all sorts'
English, Irish, Scotch, American, Eu
ropean, and, sj 'reading them on a table
would ask the boy to tell the character
istics of each sample. The purul was
bewildered at first, but he peisevered
untilhe became an exert in the busi
ness. Very likely the people who knew
nothing of these early morning lessons
called the youth lucky, as he began to
amass wealth, but it is a kind of luck
within the reach of every young person
who is willing to work for it.
Decides For The People.
Another decision which strikes terror
to the railroad corporation'', and makes
the masses correspondingly happy, was
lately promulgated by Acting Com
missioner Walker, of the geneial land
office, who has declined to isstie -any
more patents to the Northern Pacific
railroad, pending a decision fixed the
legal status of tha road in this re
gard. He follows the rule laid down
by Commissioner Sparks in relation to
the California &; Oregon and Oregon &,
California roads. The question at issue
briefly stated, is that the road was not
completed within the time required by
law, and that until Congress takes
definite action in one way or the other
no steps should be taken to place the
matter beyond the power of the legis
lative branches of the Government to
protect public rights. This decision
has direct application to the O. &C. R.
R. also, and the prospects are favorable
that it will not be given the land it
claims south of Roseburg. Thus again
has the administration shown that it
is laboring for the people's iuterests.
Either our young men are growing
older or our oil men are growing
younger. Before the war men of forty
and forty-five were not classed as young
men in this country. They weie called
middle-aged men. But now nothing is
more common than to hear a man of
even forty-five spoken of a3 "a; prom
ising young lawyer" or "a young states
man." There is good reason for the
change. The average of human life is
lengthening, and as the increasing re
quirements of our civilization grow
more complex, a man of middle age
will be considered young, if we meas
ure him by his knowledge and epe
ience. The real young men of the
country are glad to have in their ranks
a set of lively old boys who claim to be
still enjoying the freshness and vigor
of youth. Let us imitate Victor Hugo
and make our youth do duty as an
overcoat until we are gray-headed.
Atlanta Constitution.
A Kansas pastor has wisely declined
an addition of one hundred dollars to
his salary, on the ground that the hard
est jart "of his labors, heretofore, has
been the collection cf his salary, and it
would kill him to undertake to collect
one hundred dollars more.
Much more attention than usual is
being; paid to Orpgon mjnea.
: How to Hang Pictures.
One of the cardinal principals neces
1 . 1 . .
eary to learn auout Hanging pictures is
the fact that the light on a picture
should come from the same side as the
light in the picture.
A picture highly worked up in de
11 1 t i .1
van saouia ue hung closer to, tne eye
than a strong, broad composition, in
which all the parts ara put on in
Pictures immediately on the line of
average sight should be hung flit on
the wall, while thosa above it should b
slightly tipped forward.
Large pictures in heavy frames
should never te hung over softs or
chairs, that are placed close to the wall.
Groups of pictures can only be effec
tive when there is harmony in subject
and color, and similarity m irainjDg.
No grosser absurdities are committed
in the way of picture decorations than
in the adornment ef walls of the aver
age dining room.
Representations of strings of fish
just hauled from the water and seeming
ji "j Bajr iJl vii.., km. givui'o vi
dead birds and noble deer struggling
in the death agony or fleeing for hfe
before their pursuers, are tar irom
appetising, ani a perpetual plea lor
the doctrine of vegetarianism. But
few pictures should ever be hung in
the dining room, atid the greatest care
should be taken in their selection.
Family pictures have no business
in any room in the house bnt the fam
ily. No one is interested in them ex
cept the immediate tamiiy, and not
once in a hchdred thousand times is a
family picture a thing of beauty, or cab
culated to , embellish the barest wall.
Marriage cirdficates, Masonic cirtifi
cates, or anything of that kind, are not
pictures at all, and should never have
a fiame about them.
Miss Cleveland has settled the moot
ea question ot wno is the hrst lady m
the land. She settled it herself in the
way that meets public applause. One
day when there was some house-cleau-iug
to be done in the Executive man
sion she tied a towel around her head,
put on an old calico dress, and with
brooa. and dust-pan in hand; went
from, room to room and male tamg
li vely for a while. The servants, who
had never witnessed such h, scene ' in
the old mansion, stood aghast, but thatjtions of the held,, this falh
clidn t. deter; her from going through
with the work. Of course there is
going to
be a terrible
outcry -oa tne
part of polite society-
xu b imh v iii
not dethrone .Miss Cleveland from the
prouu position wuicu tne American
people with a Joud voice will accord to
her. The masses of the people vill
stand by her and uphold her as the
first lady of the land. Such homely
common sense as she. displays is right
up to American ideas. The woman
who knows how to take care" of her
home is the only queen that Americans
crown. Courier-Journal.
Grant's Kind words
Gcnerai Grant to General Buckner.
"I have witnessed since my sickness,
said General Grant, "just what I wished
to see ever since the war harmony
and good feeling between the sections.
I have always contended that if there
had been no'odv left but the soldiers
we should have had peace in a year.
There are only two that I know of that
do not seem to be satisd on the south
ern side; and we have some on ours
who failed to accomplish as much as
they wished, or wdio did not get wanned
to the
until it
all over,
who have not had quite full satisfaction.
The great majority, too, of those who
did not go into the war have long since
grown tired of the long controversy.
We may now well look forward to a
perpetual peace at home and a national
strength that will screen us from any
foreign complication".
A Washington dispatch of the 17th
has the following concerning a recent
decision of Judge Doady. The general
iand ofiice has received information that
Judge Deady, of the Oregcn circuit
court, has decided th pre-emption en
tries can only be canceled by proceed
ings in the courts. It has been the
practice of the land office to cancel pre
emption entries upon sufficient proof
of non-compliance of the law, or want
of good faith on the part of the pre
emptor. ActingCommissioner Walker
has officially informed his informant
that the practice and views cf the law
followed and entertained in the general
land office will not be changed before
the supreme court cf the United States
shall have had an opportunity of pass
ing upon the points raised by Judge
A boy twelve years old wa3 the im
portant witness in a lawsuit One of
the lawyers, after cross-questioning
him severely, said: "Your father has
been talking to you how to testify,
hasn't he? "Yes," said the boy. "Now,"
said the lawyer, "just tell us how your
father told you to testify." "Well,"
said the loy, modest! v, "father told me
the lawyers would try and tangle me
iu my testimony; but if I would just
be careful and tell the truth, I could
tell the same thing every time."
New York Sun: At a negro wed
ding when the minister read the words
"love honor and obey," the groom in
interrupted and said: "Read that agin
say; read it wunce mo, scj's de lady kin
ketch the full solemnity of de meamV.
Ise ben married befo'r"
Josephine county is in debt $11,173,-
There are 4,123 Chinese in Multnd-
raah county.
Ashland and Brownsville woulen
mills are running on full time;
Lumber is' being shipped from WuJ-
ler's mill in Portland, to Omaha.
Marion county has a population of
15,131,'an increase of 655 since 1880.
The Portland water com nan v wilt
funrsh free tiie water for the Skidmore
fountain. - "
Charles' Sullivan was aceidentab'T
shot and killed by Daniel Winkle in
Jackson county while out hunting, en
the 11th.
W H. Saybr, M; D., of Portland.
has been appointed grand medical di
rector of the A. O. U. W., Grand lodge
of Oregon.
Mis" Julia "-Burleigh has been an
pointed preceptress and teacher of mu-
sic in the bl:nd school, at Salem.'
xii ere. are now to coal miners em-
ploved at Newport, savs the Coast Mail,
The yield of the mine last month aver-
aged 200 toas per d iv dcrin the dava.
they worked.
The narrow guage railway comnanr
has suedvthe city of Portland to gain
possession of the public levee, which
the railroad claims was given to it by
an act pass-id by the Statu Legislature?
at its last session-
A man at Camas Prairie "lost eih
teen tons of hay a few days since byr
fire, says the EastOregonian,. His-lit
tie bop saturated a rag with coal oil andl
tied it to a dog's tail and set it on fira.
The dog ran into the hay. Tabfeaur..
The foundries and stove works' afc
Milwaukee, Oregon, have been, runr
ning only on one-third time this seaon..
It is to be hoped that business will in
crease, or they will soon be forced to
abandon the enterprise which would
be much regretted.
A. J. Hoyt & Brother have b?un
building a starch factory at Fairview-
seven miles from East Portland. They
propose to make all grades of starch
from grain and potatoes, and endeavor
to supply the Portland market as well
s outside towns.. 'They expect to hav
the works running in time for produc-
The Portland News savs: The Vilf-
ard collate t-ob fnllv PG 000 Of0 fmm
rortiand and a stringency in the money
t mai Ki-t, an 1 a general depression - m
trad followed, not peculiar, however,
to 1'ortiand, but embracing the entire
country. Much of this large sum of.,
money is now finding its way back for
investment, and it is only a question '
of time when business in all lines will '
be lively Again.
The Standard says: the first vessel
of the grain fleet for this year arrived
here-on Tuesday. It. is the British,
ship Nagpore ofj 1209 tons register
and consigned to John Reed in ballast
She is lying at Flander's wharf awaiting
cargo, but her charter rate has not
been made public, yet. Part of her'
load will probably be lightered. down
the river, owing to the low stage of
water on the bars. .
Barneburg of Eden preei net-
sold his wool at Roseburg not long
since, and of such an excellent quality
wai it that he got 18 cents a pound
for it. What makes his profit still
larger is the fact that he obtained
3700 lbs. of wool from 460 head of
sheep, and the clip was less than one
years growing. Mr. B.'s sheep are
three-fourths Merino. We have yet to.
hear of this being equaled in southern.
Oregon. Times. -
The growth of hops in Linn and.
Benton counties is uncommonly large
this season, but the prices ofTerered in
these localities will hardly justify pick
ing and curing. In Linn county alone
not less thap"j?7 5,000 worth" of hops
will be l?ft out in the fields. One man
naa'r Brownsville has about twenty
acres that will not be picked. The
business has been overdone a id three
fourths ofathe men who have invested
in it will hereafter turn their attention
to the culture of cereals.
George IL Chanc -, J. N. Dolph, E
L. Bristow, W. C. Tweedle, F. M.
Black, James Cummings, and A. N.
Campbell, trustees of the Odd Fellows
orphan home, located near East Port
land, have issued a circular stating that
it is their unanimous wish to have the
building finished during theg present
year so that it may be put to use at
the earliest possible moment. The
fund for the home up to date has boon
made up of voluntary donations from
subordinate lodges, Rebekah Degree,
lodgeg and encampments, and individ
ual contributions. The trustees aak
that thesa be continued.
A correspondent- from Harisburg
writes to the Oregonian: "The new
mines on Blue river, Lane county, are
creating a good deal of excitement.
There was some work done on the crop
ings of the ledge now known as the
'Treasure' some sixteen years ago; bufr
the solid ledge is now surely found.
It is forty inches thick on the cropping,
and fifty inches thick at a depth often
feet. A true assay of the rock has not
yet been made, but it is certainly very
rich, much of it containing gold visible
to the naked ?ye. Some very fine
specimens have been picked up in the
last few days. The 'Treasure' was dia
coveied and is owned by Messrs Sejr
more, Gubert and Downer,"