JEOE2: ROSEBUBO 1EV1W" jls a weesiy uemo cratic llowopaper pub lished in the interest of Southern Oregon. Sub scription rates, 02.50 per annum. Advertis ing rates are reasona ble and made known on application. Boseburg io one of themos thrive ing and progressive towns in the State of Oregon, and the "Re view " k e e p s f u 1 1 y abreast of the times, furnishing the citizens of Douglas County and the fer-famed UMPQUA VALLEY with all the latest General and Local m ews. u naer its new management the " Re view " is constantly im proving and is rapidly gaining in circulation, having added more names to its list during the past three months than any country papr in Oregon. If you want to hear from a wide awake, progressive sec tion, subscribe for the " Boseburg Review." If you want to reach a large number of intelli gent people, place your advertisement in the "Beview." By special arrange merits we will furnish the " Beview " and the weekly "Hew York World" for 03.00, in advance. This is an im mense offer. Subscribe now ! Publisher. WARNER'S JL XFP.ECAN0. THE o 2 u. O Z- u O H 2 (9 a. ' 2 o Id X H foOPVIIIQHTlDj. TONIC z ' 3 m SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. H. H. WASHES & CO., Boaliestar, JT.T. . roK- AUL STOMACH DISORDERS. l.OO J BOTTLE. H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y. Rev. W. S. BRATHWAITE, Red Bank, N.J., was cured of dyspepsia, and other stomach dis orders by Warner's Tifpecakoe, the Best FOR INDIGESTION, UNEQUALED. $l:.QO ABOTTLE . H. WARNER & CO., jjochester, N. Y. HON. D. D. S. BROWN, Rochester, N. Y used Warner's Tippecanoe, The Best, for stomach derangements, and was astonished at tne good it did him. Regeneration for enfeebled systems suf fering from; a general want of tone, and Us usual concomitants, dyspepsia and ner vousness, is seldom derivable from the use of a nourishing diet and stimuli of appetite, unaided. A medicine that will effect a removal of obstacle and 1 genu ine real need. It is the fe STOMACH. possession of this von n I mPTTi fn f. l!tZa which makw Hosiet- 8 iPn-IfoV ter's Stomach Bitters IT vigoraut. For sale by so enecuva as an m- all DragpiHts and Dealers generally. The best Blood Purifier and Tonic Alterative In use. It auiekly cures all Diseases oriKinatinsr from a dis ordered state of the Blood or Liver. Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Scrofula, Tumors, 8aJt Rheum and Mercurial Pains readily yield to its purifying properties. It leaves the Blood Pure, the Liver and Kid neys healthy, the complexion bright and clear FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. J. R. GATES & CO., PROP'RS., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 71 ETA L POISON. I am a coppersmith by trade, and the email particles of oraB3 and copper from filing got into sores on my arms and poisoned my whole system. Mercury administered brought on rheumatism, and. l became a neipiess invaua. I took two dozen bottles of Shift's Speciflc. Mv lees, arms and hand3 are all risrht again. I use tnem without pain. Vly restoration is due toS. S. S. ETER JC. LOVE, ' Jan. 9, 1885. - Augusta, Ga. MALARIAL POISON. We have used Swift's Specific, in our family as an antidote for malarial poison for two or threo yeara, and have never known it to fail in a single instance. W. C. Furlow. Sumter Co., Ga., Sept. 11, 1381. ULCERS. For six or eight yeara I siifFcred with tilccrs on my right leg. I was treated with Iodide of Potassium and Mercury and I became help less. Six bottles of Swift's Specific mad a per manent cure. M. D. Wilson, Feb. 28, 1885. Gainesville, Ga. Swift's Specific is entirely vegetable. Trea tise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., drawer 3, Atlanta Ga., or 150 W. 23d St, N. Y. THE OLD RELIABLE." 25 YEARS IN USE. Tho Greatest Medical Triumph of tho Age! Indorsed all over the World. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite. Nausea, bowels cos-, tive Pain la the He ad, with a dnil sen sation la the back part. Faiji under th9shotilder-blade, fnllness after eat jngt with a disinclination to exertion 61 body or mind. Irritability of temp er, Low spiritSjLossfmemojywim a feeling of having neglected some daty weariness. Dizziness, Flutter ing of the Heart, t)o"tibefore the eyes. YeUowSldn.Headacheestlessness at night, highly colored tJrine. IF THESE WAEKIITGS AEE UNHEEDED, 121003 EIS3ASE3 WILL EOOH 3 DEVELOPED! TU1TS PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They I acreage tho A ppetlte, and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the sys tem ia nourished, and by their Tonio Action on the Digestive Organs, Uegu lar Stool, are produced. Price gff eent TUTT'S JIAIB BYL Grat Haib or Whiskers changed to a Glosst Black by a single application of this DTK. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or Bent by express on receipt of $ I. Office. AO. Murrov St.- York. I have positive remedy for the above disease; by lt Use thouBanrisof casesot the worst kind and of Ions ftatuHng have been cn red. Itxle1,otrntistsnivfitii InltsetUanrvthativi'l Bend TWO BOTTLES KKEB, together with VA LET A OI.KTKEATISE on this disease to any sufferer. Give ex press and P. O. address. Dit. T. A. SLOCUM, 181 Pearl St., New Tort The Mirror is no flatterer. Would y9u make it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. . R. U. AYARE THAT Lcrillard's Climas Phg bearing a red tin tag ; tftat Lortllard'a Itoae Ienf fine cut: that LoiiHard's Nnry CUpptnc. and that Lorillard'i 8nalf, are the best ana cheapest, quality oondidrod ? JHE HRO . . f sss&itt?vAvlZti&enSr9 the specino tAeHJfe CS.Sf renewed health $$mgf vigor, that is a g x-CTs.Sr &i-d&& ine corrective, i ' IF t lira La INTERESTING RELICS. A Celebrated Collection of Mound Build- era UtensHa. The State Geologist showed a re porter on Saturday the nature and use of a large number of the mound builders' implements. This collection comprises eleven thousand pieces of stone fashioned by the ancient d vellers in Indiana and Ohio. They are from the valleys of the Oh'.o and Wabash, many of them from Madisonville, O. . Dr. Hill was thirty years in buying and hunting them out at an expense of 16,000. They were on exhib.tion at the Centennial, and took the palm as the rarest and most valuable collection of the place and kind. There are trades, hoes, axes, hammers, grinders, pestles, skinning stones, knives, ar-: rows and spear po'nts. They amount to an emblematic history of the domes tic, social, religious and political life of the mound-builders, and are tha only record by which it can be evolved from thegloomof ages. The heaviest implement pestles, two feet long, from which they rolled their hominy and soft, new corn, grinders with which they made acorns, hard corn and roots into meal are of granite: The hoe3, knives, spades, and axes are or nmt. ine pipes, totems, spools, spinnerets, dis tails, and shuttles used in spinning, ana an tne personal ornaments are of the beautiful layered and banded ribbqn slate stone a hard and firm rock, very handsome when polished. The great totem3. "calumets'' or "peace pipes" of the different tribes are very striking. They are as large as t ja-kettles. Each tribe had its ani mal, after which it fashioned its great pipes and ornaments. The eale, toad, lish, bear, fox and dog are all repre sented in these political emblems, with wh'ch they bu'ldoed and gerryman dered each other. Many of the orna ments are line enough, for watch charms. ." When the reporter mildly asked Dr. Collett "what all tn s truck was good for," and asked h m for a few pieces for his children to play with, his .ndisr nation at such dense ignorance could scarcely restrain itself. He straight ened his sp'ne and telescoped hirusell nearly e'ght feet in the air, anl sur veyed the reporter for a moment with silent contempt, which melted into pitt as he pathetically invited h m to "go read the h'story of h's country as re corded in these relics and in my re ports," of wh'ch he immediately gave i he reporter the entire four volumes. "Young man," sa d he, "the early his tory of Indiana s locked up in these boxes, and you m ght as well try to study historical geology without fossils, or the day's do ngs without newspa pers, as arha-ology without these spec mens. AVhy, sir, these rude stones would give you a passport to any scien titie society in the universe. Jndian npolis Journal. Don't Skip This. 9 So many schemes are put before the public for the increase of newspaper circulation, which seem to be plausi ble and yet are fraudulent, that when a legitimate, honest effort is made to build up the circulation of a legitimate, honest paper, by legitimate, honest means, people who have been so many times duped, are very slow to respond to the genuine scheme. We are led to this train of thought by a perusal of the advertisement of The American Rural Home of llochester, N. Y., pub lished in this issue of our paper, to which we call the attention of our readers. We are acquainted with both paper and publishers and take pleasure in recommending it as one of the very best farm and family journals in this country. Every person who sends one dollar for a year's subscription to the paper receive a handsome present which is donated by the advertising patrons of the paper. These premiums consist of Cattle, Land, Reapers and Mowers, Flows, Books, Pictures, Organs and thousands of other valuable articles. The Rural Home Co., is endorsed bv Hon. Cornelius R. Farsons, Mayor of Rochester, to whom you can write if you have any doubts as to its reliability. It will pay you to send Iqt sample copy if nothing more than to get a look at this great twelve-page, sixty column illustrated paper. Address Rural Home Co., Limited, Rochester, N. Y. Legal Intelligence. Many colored people in the South are still of the opinion that in order to remedy the evil all they have to do is to go to law about it Jake Webster went to Justice Howard on Onion Creek, and asked for the arrest of Pete Jone3 for stealing his watch. "What sort of a watch was it?" "It was one ob dese round watches, wid two hans, and inside dar was a whole lot ob wheels." "Was it large or small, gold or silver?" "Hit was a silber watch.- Ef yei wants tcr 'zamine hit, here it am," and he handed over an antiquated old turnip. "What do you mean P Didn't you tell me the watch was stolen by Pete Jones?" "I loft him hab it ter go to church wid las' summer, when we was friends, but now dat he am gwineter marry Swaybaek Lucy, who used ter 'sociate wid me, I wants him sent to tho peni tenshary for four years, and 1'se gwine ter hab de law on him." Texas Sift iiigs. The family were putting on" theii best airs because Jun'ata's beau was eating dinner. The old folks were de lighted at the way the young man was making love between the' mouthful. When they got to tho dessert, he sad, loud enough to be heard all around the table: "You ought to take some angel enke, you're so like an angel," and the old gentleman had just winked at the old lady and said, "He's gettin' there," when lutle .Tommy calkd out: "You ought to eat sponge-cake, Mr. Smith." Why, my little man?" asked Mr. Smith, looking very sweet. "Because ma says you're an awful sponge." N. Y. Graphic. , A guest at a fashionable recepciou narrates that he overheard a sixteen-year-old dandy say to a still younger belle: "I am . glad my family got out of the trade fifty years ago. My father was never in business, but devoted him self to a science as a hobby. He made several discoveries, you know, that have got a permanent place in the bdoks." Then he looked inio the girl's face for admiring wonder, but saw oaly gentle commiseration. "So your poor papa had employment?" she said, and then with a gleam of proud disdain she added: "My father never, never did anything at all." K Y. Sun. LONDON MARKETS. The Enormou Quantity of Food Require ! to Supply the Wants of Londoners. Last year in Billingsgate alone and its n'iiffhborinT streets over 145,000 tons of hVa were landed. In much less time than it would take a lady to fix herself for an afternoon caT I have seen the contents of fields and fields of potatoes and cabbages unloaded in Coveat Garden. ' The Monday before Christmas 2,139 tons of beef, represents ing a herd of about 6,519 bullocks, were hooked in the Jfralthfield market, and on the following day, a Tuesday, I had a capital luncheon on board the Elder slie, ajsteamship just arrived from New Zealand w th 25,000 carcasses of prime mutton. The day before Christmas I was loafing in the Leadenhall market, an ungrudging bazaar, where, accord ing to your fan?y. you can get as little as a dead lark dt as much as a . liv'nar tiger. The place was so encumbered with poultry, meat, game and other prov"s ions "that tha difficulty of the buyers to get at the sellers was only e quailed by the impossibility of the lat ter to sally on the former. A Spanish Ambassador once told Charles II. that more provisions were sold in that mart than in all Spain. I bet that if the Queen would kindly take the present Spanish representative round the same place her Majesty would probably hear the same speech. The Englishman lives very well when he can, and always wastes. I specu late that the actual population of London, if it were Dutch, would live here luxuriously on what is hardly suffi cient for its present inhabitants. Long has England ceased to produce enough food lor her children. In an average year, say 1883, the London central markets sold 181,029 tons of English meat and as much as 42,884 tons of foreign meat, 26,798 tons of which were from the Un;ted States. Each year the proportion of foreign meat landed here increases. The full oflictei report for the year 1884 has not been published, but I know that Aus tralia and NewZealand have, during that yeai sent over here no less than 086, 185 carcasses of mutton. The Ameri can trade, which has been dull for a little while, is looking, up again,, and those interested will no doubt nearwith pleasure that the private company, principally composed of salesmen hav ing the r stores at Smithfield Market, which had built hard by some cold-air stores for the keeping" of all perishable provisions, are considerably extending them. These stores can already take in from 800 to 900 tons of meat, and will soon be capable of shelter ng double that quantity. Salesmen will"? therefore, be able to keep the meat as long as they can get a remunerative price for it, instead of having to throw it away after a certain time regardless of loss. I have visited these stores. Their temperature, kept down vby splendid Hazlani engines, was almost S berian. Tha charges for renting them is two and one half p?nce per week for e'ght pounds, which is cheap, and lower rates are gi anted for larger quantities. In one week only, the week ending January 25, 1885, the United States and Canada had landed 75,220 sacks of flour in London. In the week ending January 25, 1885, 309 cwts. of Ameri can cheese-were unshipped in the port of London, exclusive of consignments by rail. The American cheese is in great favor in this country. No can tankerous gourmet is able now to point to the least difference between the for eign art'ele and the Lest English Ched dar, and it is j i.-t three pence cheaper per pound. Many London houses take noth'ng but Araer can cheese. The national product is losingnn ch ground. In one week a'one in July last. Mr. LovelL of the great film of Lovell. & Christmas, West Sm thtield, teils me that he has .sold 7.000 Amercm chooses. lie kindly takes me into hi enormous cellars, vvh cii can easily ae commolate 20.0 JO boxes of the article, and explains that he never procu e any other. Lon lon C r. X. ). St?i. AMBERGRIS. A Valuable Pro-Juct Which-I the Result of DIaeaBe in the Whale. A valuable product of this whale is the remarkable substa-ice called amber-gr's- l. e., gray amber. Until late years ambergris could only be found floating on the surface of the sea, the coasts of Africa, Brazil and the Baha mas be'ng the u.-ual localities for it. The color of ambergris when broken is ashen gray, rco.Uly clouded with a red dish hue, and diversified with irregular streaks of yellow and black spots. 0:i the exter or it is black and shining, and looks as if it had here and there been daubed with pitch. It is mostly found in lumps varying in weight from half an ounce So a hundred pounds, or even more. As it is worth about a gu'nea per ouncj, a large p'ece is of very groat vab;e; so that a party of salors who onco found a lump of fifty pound? we glit and knew the value of tli3ir discovery, deserted their ship and want homo with their prize. Ambergris has now been robbed of its and is known to be unprosa'cally formed by a morbid condition of the intestine, and there fore each whale is carefully searched be fore the b .dyiscut adrift after the blub ber and spermaceti have been removed. Not one whale in fifty, however, pro duces a single ounce of ambergris. The black spots wh'ch. have been mentioned are the hard beak's of octopods which the whale has eaten, and which retain their shape after the soft flesh has been digested. The geological reader may remember that the beaks oi cuttlej have been fo-md with'n the bodies of ceria'n foss;I reptles, thus showing conclusively what was the nature of their food. There are several speci mens in the College of Surgeons, one being a valuable b est, as it is cylin drical, and retains the shape of the in testine in which it was formed. Am bergris is little used in Europe, but in the East it is held in high reputation, partly as a perfume, and partly as a valuable ingredient in cookery. Long man's Magazine. Nettle cnkivalion is now being: tried in Germany for the sake of the strong liber. A ladv at Langenschwal bach, near Wie.-laJen, has made very successful exper nients with the weed during tho at few months, and has now persuade! .se. eral neighboring agriculturists to plant an acre of first class wneat land w th nettles, to see if the qual.ty of the fiber can be improved.-1 WHY DO DOCTORS PSESCEIBE LIQUORS 1 Because they know not what else to do; or because sometimes a little liquor servesjto kindle the exhausted fires of digestion. But this liquor prescription is fead business for the patients, for It makes drunkards out of a large majority of them. Brown's Iron Bitters does not kindle a temporary fire. It nourishes, enriches, strengthens, puri fies. It drives out debility and dyspepsia, and cats tho inxitmrtitfA av-atom at wavir f en a basis of health. VIEWS OF THE HON. WM. PEKU OTX0IT. Mr, Nixon is widely known as the editor of The Chicago Inter Ocean." one of thn mnut outspoken and spirited dailies of tho present age. Like many ether busy editors, Mr. Nixon overworked himself, and about six years ago found that his health was gradually runn ng down. His business associates and his family felt that he was in a perilous condition, and urged him to take a rest giving up, for awhile, all editorial labor. His natural ambition and his long habita of diligent work were against this;- Declining the suggestion of a vacation, he kept at his desk. At last, after fighting for some months with the condition of his system which was gradually undermining his vitality, Mr. Nixon concluded to take a few weeks of rest. Of that rest and of what followed it we will let him telL in his own words, as communi cated to one of our correspondents, who recently visited him at his editorial rooms in unicago. life, and in the full vigor of bodily and mental vitality, said, substantially : "It was in Feb ruary, 1878. that I took a severe cold. My sys tem had become much worked oown. ana, driven with constant editorial duty. I had neg lected it. After long consideration I concluded to take needed rest. I went to Florida and Cuba for a few weeks. On the way I had sev eral hemorrhages from the lungs. I was quite sick and returned in no better condition than before. My wife was much alarmed about me. The physician who attended me oa my return gave me inhalations, tonics, alteratives and fills ; after taking which, for about two weeks, was weaker. Ikept at my work, which was exacting. By September ray state had become critical. I lost flesh and suffered from a severe soreness in the upper part of my right lung. My wife's sister, who was in , Boston, wrote about a treatment which was novel to me Compound Oxygen. A relative of hers who had been in such poor health that he had been compelled to spend several winters in Florida, had been restored by this Compound Oxygen to such an extent that he was able to endure the climate of Boston in winter. The little book Issued by Starkey & Palen on Compound Oxy gen was sent me, and after reading it I con cluded that even if their method of treating my ailments could do me no good, there was reason to suppose that it would do me no harm. - . "I procured a 'Home Treatment' from the office of Messrs. Starkey & Palen, in Philadel phia, determining to give it a fair trial, and abide the result. For four or five months I took the inhalations at regular intervals, twice a day ; continuing my work steadily. At first no marked effect. was observed; in fact, not until three or four weeks. Then I began to feel that it was doing me good, r I found that when I was exposed to the cold, and to chilling drafts, my power of resistance was far greater than it had been. There was no exhilaration, but there was a constant increase of strength. I still coughed considerably, and, in fact, did so for some months. The sore spot on my right lung gave me much annoyance. I rubbed my chest with various liniments, and I wore a ehest-protector. But gradually the soreness went away, as the lung gained strength. And the cough, which had so long clung to me, at last went off in an unexpected manner. One of the last coughing-spells I jhad was almost as severe and extended as any I had ever ex perienced. It seemed to be the going out of the cough habit There was probably some ex traneous matter ia the way, and this severe spell of coughing got rid of it. " I gained flesh very slowly, but gradually came back to my original weight, and now weigh more than before my illness. I am more able to resist cold, and, though I now take cold occasionally, I am far less subject to it than I was of old. My digestion, which was, of course, disordered, ia now all that I can desire, and I am able to do my customary wrk without in convenience or serious fatigue. I have never given a testimonial' to any patent medicine, and I would not; but I do not consider Starkey & Palen's Compound Oxygen a patent medi cine. It is a vitalizer and a restorer, and to it I owe ray life." t . "Mr. Nixon, did you ever take any other Oxygen Treatment' than that of Messrs. Starkey & Palen 1" " No ; I had no 'use for any other. This served the purpose perfectly, and did even more than I could nave expected of it." I "I)o you ever have occasion to return to the use of the Compound Oxygen Treatment since your restoration to health T" , j . . "Only occasionally; for instance, if I have been exposed, and have taken cold. But I keep a 'Home Treatment' in my family, for we set a high value on its efficiency in cases of need, and several of my friends have found the advantage of it You may put me on record as being a nearty and tnorougn believer in it. Mr. Nixon s case is not a peculiar one. Thous ands have been benefited by the use of Com pound Oxygen. Among those who have exneri- enced its wonderful curative properties, are Judge Flanders, of New York ; Edward L. Wilson, the popular lecturer and photographer; T. S. Arthur, the well-known author, and Judge Kelley, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Mary A. Liver- more, ine eminent lecturer, ana many otners equally prominent ; If you are interested to know what it has done for others, and what it can do for you, send to Drs. Starkey & Palen. 1109 Girard St.. Philadelphia, who will send you free a treatise on tnis remarkable vitalizer its discover nature, action and cures. The reduction of the. public debt during the month of April was 3,465,000. ' j " . . , - m j Use the Rreat specific for "cold in head" and catarrh-Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Torpedo service is to be provided for v icturia. 'I - CATARRH A New Treatment lias been dis covered whereby a permanent cure is effected in from ene to three applications. Particulars and treatise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. Dixon B. one , o - l m . . . . ob oua, aw iuuk ou west, xoronto, i;anaaa. - THE GREAT ;1AN RE CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Tliraat, fcwelll na". Hpraf na, Brnltci, Itm-'as. Mvald, Front Bites, 1SD ALT. OTHER HODILT PAWS AXD ACHES. Sold tj Drug glstn ml Drilcn eTrrrwhm. Fiftj Cents ft bottle. Directions In 11 Lsnsuaaes. THE CII A. VOGELEB CO. QnsijMon to A. vex; Kl J-'.tt CO.) Baltimore. HiL, V. 8. A. A Dutchman came into ur office last summer with a paper in his hand: "Vill you blease, sir, read me der names of der beople vat haf the cholera?" 'Certainly, if you are anxious about it." "Veil, I am so anxious dot I don't know rat I pe doings." The clerk very oblig ingly read the list, the Dutchman in the meantime perspiring and wiping his forehead. When the clerk had finished the anxious inquirer asked: "Den you don't find de name of Hans Geiasen dere?" "No, sir." "Veil, I veel all right now. I vas peendrunk. for ten days, undJ didn't know but dat I vas dead mitthe cholera." Boston Sunday limes. -' ..- T Kecent facts and figures in the Times-Democrat concerning the popula tion of New Orleans will create consid erable' surprise. In a population of zou.uuv mere are seven white women to every six white men, and four fern ale to three male negroes. This is the largest excess of female population of any city in the Union, not even excepting Boston. The LODijy O; 'a Ittuuai fnou, wen' known in England as the "Chester miser," who died recently, was to col lect second-hand books. The worth lessness of th.3 collection may be in ferred from the fact that about twelve thousand volumes were sold for about S250. AH Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. The Government has appropriated $30,-' 000 for a new penitentiary in Utah. j "She tried her prentice hand on man. .. And then she formed the lassies, O !" j "What is woman's worth T asked a fair ! aamsei of a crusty old bachelor. He did not know, so she said: W. O. man (double you O man). But a woman feels worth little if disease has invaded her system and. is daily sapping her strength. For all female weaknesses, Dr. R. V. Pierce's ' "Favorite Prescription" .stands unrivaled. It cures the complaint and builds tip the system. Send two-letter stamps for pamphlet to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y- Filth is the cause of the Plymouth epi demic. Try Gkemea for breakfast. When Baby was sick, we gave her C ASTORIA, When she was a Chad, she cried for C ASTORIA, When she became Kiss, she clung to C ASTORIA, When she had Children, she gave them CASTO&IA For Coughs. Sore Throat. Asthma. Catarrh, and other Diseases of the Bron chial Tubes, no more .useful article can be found than "Brown's Bronchial Troches." King Leopold, of Belf?ium, is now to be recognized as King of the Congo. , PIEKCrS " PLEASANT PUEGATTVE PEL , , LETS," Positively Popular; Provoke Praise; Prove Priceless ; Peculiarly Prompt ; Per ceptibly Potent; Producing Permanent Profit ; Precluding Pimples and Pustules; Promoting Purity and Peace. Purehase. Price, Petty. Pharmacists Patronizing Pierce Procure Plenty. Mrs. Frank A. Vanderbilt. wife of Com modore Vanderbilt, is dead, i V A QUESTION ABOUT Brown s Iron Bitters ANSWERED. The qneftion has probably been asked thousands of timeat"How can Brown's Iron Bitten cure every thing?" Well, it doesn't. But it does cure any disease for which a reputable physician would prescribe IUO S Physician reoognize Iron as the best restorative agent known to the profession, and inquiry of any leading chemical firm will substantiate the assertion that there are more preparations of iron than oi any other snbstanoe used in medicine This shows con clusively that iron is acknowledged to be tbf most important factor in snocessfnl medical practice. It is, however, a remarkable fact, that prior to the discov ery of BROWN'S IKON BITTERS no perfect ly satisfactory iron combination had ever been found. BROWN'S IRON BinEBSte headache, or produce constipation all ether Iron medicines do. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS cares Indigestion, Billonroess, Weakness, Dyspepsia, Malaria Chills and Fevern, Tired Feelin,Oeneral Debility,Pain in the Side BackorI.imbs,HeadacheandNenral fifia for all these ailments Iron is prescribed daily. BROWN'S IRON BinERS, minute. JUke all other thorough medicines. It acts wowly. When taken by m the first symptom of benefit is renewed energy. The muscles then become firmer, the digestion improves, the bowels are active. In teomen the effect is usually more rapid and marked. The eyes begin at once to brighten ; the skin clears up; healthy color comes to the cheeks; nervousness disappears; functional derangements become regu lar, and if a nursing mother, abundant sustenance supplied for the child. Remember Brown's Iron Bitters is the ONIX" iron medicine that is not in jurious. Phyticiani and Druggitt$ recommend it. The Genuine has Trade Hark and crossed red lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. ISNELL. HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Agents, Portland, Or. Msell Goli Mai Save hal largest Factory In tne (state OS J. M. Halstei's raators From $20 up. The MODEL Brooder from 85 jouJar containing lin. ' Knnd fnr eir- 3 rr much valuable information. 1 Thoroughbred Poultry & Egos. 1011 Broadway. THE MODEL. SELF-HEBULHTINQ, RELIABLE, AND SIMPLE Oakland, Ual. Established 1861. P. O. Box 2115. JOHN F. ENGLISH, - Grain, Produce and General COMMISSION MERCHANT Nos.313 and 315 Davis Street. ' 8AN FEANCISCO CAL. (Member of S. F. Produce Exchange). Consignments and orders will receive prompt attention. Cash ad vances made. j COOKS BROS, 108 Post St, ' 8 AN TRAJ CISCO. WALL PAPERS 85 & 87 Euclid Ae, Cleveland, u. Decorators ail Fresco Artists. Private residences) a Specialty, j lilEN ONLY A new, quick, permanent, boluleIj certain ears for lot or failing Una- Oinal.'y within a month. No quackery; simple, oientlflo. Full explanation, many references aad Indisputable proofeAnailed under teal free. Adrtrcn The Krie Medical Co- Buffalo. W. V bood. Beneflta -within a dar: euret This BF.LT or Itegvrara. tor n made expiessly for the cure of derangements of the generative-organs. There is no mistake asbobt this instrument, the con tinuous Ftr'lm of ELKO TRICITY permeating through tst parts mnti restoro them to healtHy action. Do jeot confound this with Eloctrto Bella advertised to cure all 01 from head to tne. It ta for t.hft ONK. RIwv!tlf mmL Korcirculars (riving lull information, address Cbeever saecvriu ewi ve., tua wasmnfrion bu. uucago. ill. i N. P. N. U. No. 76. -a F. N. U. No 153. III ATHOUSaND8 tSk V. M SHf I-CllJ tt . .. EVERY NEW SUBSCRIBER y I- gets a Present valued from 35c.N2 1. AIAA .J vj wwvi ana IM 1 2 w n 5 3 2 cr a c rl p w . r- a 0 So is rn 2 ca 3J m efw -1 and your, ine dooscs, ana imS!I hA tnrwrdttd. BV W w ww mmw wvw WITHOUT 11 TO THE PUBLIC. Rochester, N.Y., Mar, 1 T am acquainted with the of the Ambricak Rurac Homk. and 1 VI , , i i, rf, - . . oeuerc tiicy wilt sum wcijr yuwinrg they make to the public. Copy with List of Presents Everything goes RURAL MOnE CO., Limited. ROCHKGTCR, fi.Y. "THE HASTINGS" THE BEST SHIRTS AND For Men arid Boys, to Order and Heady Made. Cor. Ilontgomery and Sutter Ets.f - - - - - San Francisco. CaL mann & benedict, successor, to c. Eastinp & Co. 7BULES FOE SELF-MEASUKEMENT OK APPLICATIOX.. . s i Ml Absolutely Pure. " This powder never yarles. A marvel of purity, strength and wheleaonieaess. More economical thaji the ordinary kinds, and caanot bo sold in compeii-. tion with the multitude of low tt, short weight, Uum or phosphate powders. Sold wily m cans. Rot A!. BAKisa Powdek Co., 108 Wall street, N. Y. . PI AlfOH, OBWASS. O I k.1 il If Ml .Gablor, Koenish Pianos; Bunlet Organs, bniiU instruments. Largest stock t She' Music and Books. Bands supplied at Eastern tricot M.,tiRAV. a,a Post Street, San Fnmcuto. THE HARDEN STAR HAND GRENADE Fire Extinguisher, The siKiplcst and most powerful ex tinjruisher ever pro duced. Adopted by Wells, Fargo & Co., theO. JX. Sc N., the "Oregonian," and over 3,6X30 leading institutions of the Coast. They hare eared hundreds of lives and millions of dollars' worth of property. Beware of worthless Imitations ! tSTNone genuine except in blue feottle with star. PRICE, S15.00 PER DOZEN. H 14 HRAQQ J 26 N. Front Sl, Portland. . n. UnUOO) iq Second St., S. F. PETALUMA IKCUBATDR 1881 Still Ahead! 1HH4 3 Gold Medals. 1 Silver, and 14 First Premiums. PRICE, ... r Hatches all Kinds of Eggs All sizes from 30 to 6S0 eggs. ' Send for large Illustrated circular No. 11. Explains how to hatch andraifte chickens profitably. Circulars free. Ad dress PETALUMA US'CUBAXOR CO.. Petaluma CaL WATSON, WRIGHT & CO., Wlolesale Grocers am Commissloa Mercliaits 10 North Front St. Portland. , San Francisco Offiee 18 Front St. Handle on commission Wheat, Wool, Hops, Seeds, Furs, Hides, Chickens, Eggs, Lumber, Hoop-poles, Salmon, Mill Feed, Oats, Barley, Onions, Potatoes Bacon, Lard, etc. Account sales rendered on day of sale. Send for our market report. Correspondence and consignments solicited. ' This Great Strengthen uit Kcne y an . erv i'onin turn M ilboot Fail.Nervousand Physical ieouityt jjoss 01 v wauty, Weakness, Virile Decline, Impotency, Oversensitive Conditions, Prostatitis, Kid ney and Bladder Complaints, Diseases of the Blood, Erup tions, and all the vileffecU nf vouthful follies and ex cesses ; permanently pre venting all involuntary weakening drains upon- the fnmtem. however they occur V .... jrestoring IxS Manhood. . ' however complicated the case may be, and where all other remedies have failed, A Permanent Care Absolutely Guaranteed. Price $150 per bottle, or fl?e bottles for 110. Sent upon receipt of price, or C.O.D. to any address, strict, IR. C. DjSALFIiXIK MaaaMaaMaiMMaaMBMaBStatingisymptonisandage' Ceneultatiuus, trictly oouadential, by letter or at office.rKK THE SPECIALIST, No. 11 Kearny St., San Francisco, Cal. Tejuts au. Chroxio, Spbctal asd Pritats Diseases with Wonderful Success. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY ! Is a certain cure for NervouB Debility, Lost Manhood, I'ro-itator-boea, and all the evil effects of youthful follies and excesses, and in drinking in toxica ting liquors. Dr. Mintie, who is a regular physician, graduate of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, will agree to forfeit $roo for a case of this kind the Jit a I Restorative (un 3K1 der his special advice and treatment) will not cure. $1.50 a bottle, or four times the quantity $S, sent to any address on receipt of price, or C O. D. in priTato name if desired, by Dr. Mintlet 11 Kearny St., S. F. CaL Send for list of questions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating symptoms, sex and asre. Strict secrecy in regard t all business transactions. 'I ' m nun imttt' imnt. GIVEN AWAY m ... noiavonxismfvw . i i y t t t i - i ' i lit I ( :,.) IIIP7O EGG? flvCAPACITr j shown. W:-Tf to - 3" r :s r CO 3 sr 5.3 "2 p a 0 3 ta ST w o o 3. G a"2.o a. - w o 5f Send.V$1.00 Tft-S ? H name goes onoJ ST your present Writ a fnr Kamrf.jV-' www w wmrmww v ESERVATIOTI. It! . . XIayor cf Rochester for t'a-t7f7' ten years ui.) . " 6 UNDERWEAR, rTIKT 03 JLaiL JL ai.j Q