Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, May 22, 1885, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MAY 22, I85.
regular meetings on Wednesday on or before
i each full moan. G. A. BilH, W. M.
J. P. VVKCkXt Sue. " 7 .
rryrwr?v I'HtLETAIliAX LODGE,
&T&he& No- 8, I. O. O. V., metis.
"fcslSSjaikSB?4 m SaturJjy evening of at o'ulocfe, in their hall at Koseburg;
Members o the or J ;r in good standing ate invited to
attend. Bv order of tiis si. G. (
UNION ENCAMPMENT, No. , L O. . F., meets
at Odd fellows' Hall on th.- fir4and third Thursdays of
ever? mfinfh. Visiting brethren invited to attend.
c L. LLFIL, C. 1.
A. C. Marks, Scribe
. ... .
?VS4 their reular communication) cvtry lirst
and third Tuesday in eath month. All
members in good standiru: will take due and
fmel7 iwticc anil govern themselves accordingly.
Visiting companions, are invited to meet with he
.hael when convenient.- ...
j. C. FlU.RKTOS, II. P.
W. I. Frerr,A.vnr.a, Se-'v -
Appointkd. Creed Floed has been ap
pointed a mail agent onthe 'Cars between
Portland and Tacoma. His many friends
here wish Jura success and are pleased to
hear of his good fortune. . '- ,
Assayed C. Ball lias had the rock of the
Cleveland 'and Hendricls, ledge assayed in
Portland. It yjolded 11 per cent lead and
silver, with trarre of arsenic. . As the ledge
oes deeper they expect the lead to drop out
and will then have a good silyer mine.
Clubbing Kates. We have made such
arrangements with the N. Y. World as to be
able to furnish the World and RbvIew for
oue year for $3.00, This proposition applies
tu U new subscribers paying iu pdvanee,
and to all old sulHcribers 1 paying arrearages
and oue year in advance.
Srklktox Found. A skeleton of a man
was found hanging by a rojie round the neck
t the cross beam of Bob Smith's barn near
Yoncolla. Thorbarn was one that had not
been used fur several months and it m
thought that soma unfortunate tramp here
ended a miserable existence.
Farewell Paiit.v. -A" social dance Was
Kiven at Slocum's Hall on Monday eveuiug
In honor of Miss Belle Jones who 'departed
Tuesday morning for her future home in Illi
nois. It was largely attended by the f.ieuds
of that young lady and was a round of merri
ment tinged with regret that the chain of
friendship was to be broken.
RKrcwxcf'. Miss Inez (j;ihiland nnd
Miss Lulu Willis, two of Hoseburg fairest
bulla, teturned this week from au extended
visit Co Jackson county where they went in
search of health, and pleasure! Our youuj:
folks wcL'ome their returu with feelings of
deepest joj and from the charming rose tints
of health upon their cheeks w e presunio their
qiitht v as Satisfactory. '
Fko.M BirihttlA. We Icaru from the sev
eral prospectors who have been engaged in
looking fur gold near .Bohemia mountain thai;
while there is undoubtedly u great quantity
of mineral there, is is so tqitally divided as
not to' pay for working uutil cheaper meth
ods ami machinery are in use. ' The etkbra
ted Knott n;itie is described as simply having
been an unusually rich pocket, "not on the
itiaiu sewge
at all
Cam rl kk i i Th i o will l.e a cam p
meeting hold between Oak lai-d aul V itbur
oiuuuncing on Tliars.Uy May 'JStli audcoa-tinuin-4
until June Soli- Tho object of" the
meeting s fur the conversion of iinners and
the ' irouioti.:i of siipluial hoiinss-s. -We
hope it w i ! be a salvation lncuting. A good
Warding tent will be kept on the ground and
men li will be furnished at 25 eeuts. liood
ja.-ture and feed for horses at reasonable
r'atds. Jfev. B. T. 8 harp and other iniu stern
wid lie in attendance. A cordial iavitation
is extended to all. Let all who can do so
conic and camp at the of the meeting.
T. L, Junes, J'astor
Sum;: Ujvivn Natuue. -It U prescribed
by the h l w ritten law of chivalry that yen
mnstievcr strike a man while h? is down,
yet there arc maiy who violate- tiiis hmuaiie
injuncti ni. To borruw and paraphrase Syd
ney Wimth's remark. "A no sooner falls into
difficulties than t sets himself to seo 'whht
he cau' make out of A's embarras-meiits."
Insolvint estates are preyed upon most un
mercifully. Questionable vJamis are setup
nnd ; extortionate charges pressed against
them. Persons indebted to them try to
evade payment of what they owe. They arc
looked npon as lelinntte objects of hi ora
tion upon whom many have designs and for
"whom none feel compassion.
Babthooj. Minon Ifarlind describes a
few good and wi 1 junto "ntiraery desserts"
in ItvBvnros for Ma for mothers who are
judicious noup;h to their littlest ones such
iustcad of rich cakes and pudding". Wm P.
Gerhard, E., contributes to tha'same
uu.nb'jr ayrtath'.i 1 t ilk'ou "Country Houses
and their urrouudiiigy," exposing the falsa
sense of secui Ity in wjiicli many families in
dulge merely because they "do not live in
the city" ; were some of his suggestions
heeded disease woul I make fewer-raids in
the nursery."-Besides var'nus other impor
tant topics which are treated in this issue,
the readers of tho magazine appear to vie
with its editors in furnishing useful hints.
LiTEr.iRy News. T. B. Peterson & Br. -
titers, Philadelphia, will issue in a few days
"Snob Papers," by Adair Welcker, Deputy
Superintendent of Public Instruction, Sacra
mento, California. The scene is laid in San
Francisco, Oakland ami -the surrounding
, eountry, and the hero, a Huff old "Focty
Niner." has grown rich at the mines. He
comes to SanFrancisco to mingle with the
SnoU and see Life, and the sV.rewd syinga
delivered in peculirr style are of tie mo3t
rouvuling type, bein one whiil' of ludi
crous adventures, which are quite exciting
and sensational, while the action never
ceases. '. Hosts of droll characters are intro
duced, among them snvera? remarkably live
ly young ladies aud some ladies of uncertain
age who are untiring lishers in the matri
monial sea, while the local snobs and dudes
are mercilessly ridiculed. "Snob papers"
'will be published in one large duodecimo'
volume of 503 pages, at the exceedingly., low
price of seventy-five -ceHls a copy in paper
cover, or 1. 25 bound in morocco cloth, aud
copies will be sent to any one at once on re
ceipt of price. We predict for it a very large
ia'e. Local agents are wanted in every coun
ty, la-ga wages can be made soiling it. Ad
. dress at once, T. B. Peterson & Brothers
Philadelphia, Pa., for special terms of
. Afceuta.
s Noj news. '
Plenty of rain.
Court has adjourned
Improve your livestock. . ' '
Read our correspondence.
Send along your subscription.
.Ilemeaiber our clubbing rates with tlio
New York World. v
S. B. Hendricks is digging a cellar under
his place of business.
Tom Merry is doing some good work on
the Sunday Mercury.
Carl Bosco, the preat magician, is per
forming in the valley.
There is room on our subscription bookRi
for a few more names.
Cents will come into vogue now in making
change on the railroads.
' Many new improvements in the- Kevikw
can be expected next month.
The Oregon Oracle is the name of a new
paper established at Philomath.
Iteineniber the Concert and Festival at Slo
cum's Hall Tuesday evening.
Hie social club dance wijl be held on
Wednesday evening May t?7tb.
White Lead, Paints and Oils etc. at S.
f lamilton'a at the very lowest rate.
The'solidest rock for the foundation of suc
cess are dug in the quarry of failure.
Mrs. Wm. IlelFron offers all herhousehold
furniture at private jsale,rCall aod examine
Hon. J. C. Drain, accompanieJ by his wifa
and his mother, paid Koseburg a visit this
week. '
The "Standard" U making itself redicu
las in its attacksupon some business men of
Oregon City. '
A Promenade Concert and strawberry Fes
tival at Slocum's Hail Tuesday eveuiug by
the Y. D. Band.
rrosecutine attorney, J, W. Hamilton and
Hon . Lm F. Mosher will attend court in Coos
and Curry counties.
The four cent fare law has gone into op
eration on the 0. 4. O. II. R. Yov can go to
Portland now.for 7,95.
ChRH. L. Mosher, son of Judge Mosher of
this place, has just been unanimously elected
City Kecorder of Phoenix, Arizona.
The best foundry work done at Bunnell, Si
Bowen Bros. Get your horses shod there,
your wagons made and repaired there.
nil i r . t r i ...
j ne aar.Kee l'oo ue uana win give a
Promenade Concert and Strawberry Festi
val at Slojunvs Hall next Tuesday evening.
The O. X' C. K. J, has been purchased by
the Central Pacific Company. This doubt
less meani the rapid completion of the road.
Riel, tho Canadian half-breed rebel, has
been captured and the war is at an end. He
is described as being wan worn-out and cra
zy. -.
Henry Tape, 'Jr. of Jacksonville, foreman
of that model of country newspapers the
Time, spent Monday aud Tuesday in our
town. i
Life is'like unto a wheel, the hub thereof
being self and the spokes the wishes aud de
iires tbat are encircled by the tire of our lit
tle world.
The State Board cf Immigration' at Port
land is opposed to etiorts by and iu behalf of
the diiTeint counties unless it is chonen as
th means.
Dr. Bunnell went to Portland on Wednes
day's train to get iron to cast for the fronts
of the. three brick buildings Caro Bros, are
to erect this season.
Miss Inez Hamilton went to Astoria Mon
day's train cn a visit to her brother Frank,
who has' charge of the Western Uuion Tele
graph Company tlier 4
A man may have eyer so long a pole but
if he refuses to knock the persimmon once,
some short poled fellow will have knocked it
ere he has a chance again.
George M. -Love an.t Miss Fanny Dowel'
Were married in Portland last week. They
were on Saturday evening's train en route to
their future home iu Jacksonville.
Ib;v. B T. Sharp will preach at Oakland
next Saturday Evening at 1 o'clock and Sun
day Rt ll o'clock A. M. aud at Cough's
School House at half past three P. M.
Gannon & Blac'iman are doing a rushiug
bisiueia in in wagon and blacksmithing
line. SI op oppGs;.teFitzhugh's store. Do not
fail to cali ou them for work in their line.
A nihilist named Stepkian has just written
a book, publbhed in London, that is a fear
ful arrai.n nent of the Russian government
for crueity and injustice. It should be uni
V2ts;.l read. .
The mortgage tax law will be ably defen
ded iu tho. suits recently brought by foreign
corporations to dec.are it unconstitutional.
Judge Strahan of Albany will have charge
ot the lakes iu behalf of the several counties.
At the store of "H. Wollenburg & Bros.
Canyon villc, can always b( found one of the
largest and most complete stocks of general
merchandise in the county. Their prices are
down to bedrock aud defy competition. (Jive
them a call and examine for yourself.
There is a general feeliug iu Douglas coun
ty against the Governor calling an extra ses
sion of the Legislature on account of hard
times and the expense. The extra session
would either elect Mitchell or a nolxidy aud
the Governor could appoint as well.
That item concerning a ride takiug lt
Sunday by a young man of Rosibarg tlippel
into the Keview without our eonsent- We
have been trying to rind th guilty pr.rty ard
are foiced to lay it on the roller. However
wo have a new roller this week and it will
not occur again ' "'Crone."
Hon . T. J. Bea.'l was on the soutl-bound
train Tuesday evening en route home to Cen
tral Point. He had been to Portland to see
about forcing the railroad company to bni d
aside-track at that place according1 to the
new law; We understand that he was sue
cessful in bis undertaking.
Some four years since it will be remem
bared thd boom of Saubert's North Umpdua
mill broke and let a large number of logs go
to the ocean Recently a log floated iu on the
tide up the Siuslaw river to Dr. Saubcrt's
new mill and on examination was found with
the brand be used on the Umpqua, so it
must be oiie the long lost logv which was
cast upon jthe water and after many days re
Ulrcuit Court Proceedings.
"Tim State vs John Nichols, Indicted
for rouvder, found guilty of manslaugh
ter,' sentenced to T ten years in the pen
itentiary and fined one dollar and cost.
. J. F. W. Sauhert vs F. H. Kcbleet
ftlSuit in equity for an accounting
and dissolution of partnership. Sub
mitted and reserved for further consid
Louis BelfiU et al vs John Rtepbani,
Same. G. A. Taylor appointed referee
to sell real property of partners. '
C. W. Burrage vs The Bonanza Gold
and Silver Mining Co. et al, Confirma
tion, sale confirmed.
Jas. E. Rice vs The Oregon Cinna
bar and Silver Mining . Co., et al, Suit
in equity to set aside a deed and for a
reconveyance. Plaintiff given leave to
amend ansl required to serve copy upon
defendants' attoinev. :
In the matter of the assignment of
G. B. Ban-, insolvent debtor. Settled
and assignee discharged.
Jhs. A. Watkins vs Elizabeth J,,
Watkins, divorce, continued.
Ed Haines vs W. Tl. Patterson. Ap
plication for w rit of review. Judgment
of court below reversed.
J. VV. X'ui loii vs J. K, Dixon, et al,
Action on bond. Continued. '
W. 11. Patterson vs Jas. Calvert and
Ed Ilaine?, Action at law to recover
money. . Judgment for iilaintiU for
$136.10 and costs. and dLsbursemenss.
V. Jl. Byars vs The Esther Gold
aud Silver Mining Co. Action at law
to recover money, leave to amend and
cause continued.
. John Appiegate, udm. of the Estate
o Chas. Applegate, deceased, vs Mary
C. 'Wells, 'demurrer to complaint sus
tained. Prom Myrtla Oosk-
Sunshine and showers.
Grass good and stock fat.
Crops looking fine since the rain.
Wm, RaJcr has sold out and gone
to California.
Uncle Jake Miller lias the finest
colt in Myrtle Creek.
Mr. II. Jones has tho finest lot of
lambs in this section.
M. A. Wertz sold some fino cuttl
to Ilang Weaver lust week.
A panther ' kiiird a calf for Jus.
Bean lust week but was tracked by
dogs and killed.
The school at Ihe Jones school house
is flourishing under the uianpgenient
of John Casebeer.
I v-.His in the burg last week and
dropped into the Heyiew office and
found it as neat as the nealist.
While in town I heard seme, one say
why is there euch a crowd at the
McClallen House, why a man with oi e
eye full of black mud could see that it
is because Mac is an old experienced
hand at the business and kaeps g'Od
cooks and 'furnishes everything tlii't
the market can afford. Thats why.
Remember my brand is a big J. D.
Eidulo Items-
S.iawbenies are plentiful in this
N. Cormitt has gone to Portland on
Stilly Riddle shipped another car
load of beaf cattle Thursday.
Mr. B. F. Lohr and wife are visitit-
iting friends and relatives here.
Mhv ISth.born to the wife of Wn
Langnfle'd a girl, niothet and child
boinji well and Billv has a smile on
his face which may disfigure it forever.
Mr. Wright Gill more, R. R. Agent
at West Fork, made our village a vis
it Sunday and ircm the present ap
pearances of things he means to well
we'll have the tin pan brigade together
in. good shape. XX
Proa Elk Head.
Elder Todd has gone to California.
The ra.;n has brought out the late
sown gr?in.
E. N. Bradford has been improving
his beautiful place.
Mr. John Woodson contemplates a
visit shortly to the Siuslaw.
David Hendricks has returned to
Salem, and resumes work on the States
man. Come up again Dave, we like
to see your smiling face aronnd.
The children of the upper school re
ceived quite a fright one day last
week. The ceiling of the school room
was discovered to be on fire. A few
buckfts of water however saved
the District from having to build a
new school house.
The Social Party given at the new
school house to raise funds to liqui
date the expenses cf luilding was
largely attended. Much credit is due
to MifS Olive Shortridge, the ieacher
and Mrs. Harris for the excellent sup
per served. Xerxes.
The new jury law has been argued
before the Supreme Court and a verdict
will be rendered shortly,
Oakland News.
Weather rainy. ,
Mr. GofT has moved to his ranch.
Fred Earl of Drain was in town
It is rumored there will be a Wed
ding soon. .
Harry Sacry is visiting friends on
Poverty Hill.
Ilendei son & Fickle are dealing in
fine blooded hogs.
George Dim mick, of KelloggS was
in town this week.
Miss Henderson, sister of our barber,
is visiting in Harrisburg.
Mrs. Ellen Bngley of Jefferson has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Deardorf.
Squir ' Bloomfield 'R'ncl wife and
J lid-re Sehlbredo are in Salem visiting.
Nick Day and son-in -law: have -been
in town on business for the past two
Wheie does the Ding store gee so
many boquetsl Don't all answer at
once. '
Miss Allie Reed and several gther
young ladies of Wilbur were in town
during the week.
Arb Stearns, P. B. Beckler, J. II.
Shupe and J. R. Dodge are in Port
land on business.
Miss Sailio llamblin is attending
Mrs. Hutchinson's shop dining her
absence at Gardner.
The Night Cap party last Saturday
night proved a grand success all but
the ice cicam part.
Willie, Brown, while out after horses
last week had n horse fall on his leg
bruising it very badly.
Prof. John Tapp ia having good luck
breaking horses. Any one haviug
colts which they wish ..'"broke-' will do
well to call on him.
Wm McOulloch has retired from the
butcher business. Mr. Mortis stil
keeps a supply of fresh meat on hand.l
He will shortly erect a shop on the
burnt corner formerly occupied by
.Shupe & Company.
The iopulation of tie State of Ne-
veda h as dwindled down to 12,000 in
consequence of the collapse of the min
ing interests, land there are scarcely
enough left to maintain a S.ate Gov
ernment. The saitpeiro beds, however,
may induco a fresh ."immigration, .and
adl to the. por ulalion. The ''deposits'
ai e very favorably situated for working
being in the vicinity of a rich funning
country, with an abundant supply of
wood and water close athjnl.
; We have been shown a - neat little
pamphlet descriptive of the Coquille
vallev. Coos county.. It is fer the ben
efit of im migrants and, will doufjtless
attract many to that miniature empire.
Again we ask whata-e the citizmt of J mt.eting on the Siuslaw under the di
Dougtas county going to dc about tii'c reciioii of Rev. T. L. Jones is doin?
tide of
lmmigra tion
setting toward
Oregon. Come, let something b none
to advertise our own favored vallev.
The Sacramento Bee is right, "The
Administration seems to be free from
prejudice against the negro race. Sev
eral colored men have been '-'appointed
to federal offices by President." Cleve
land, -aud he lias just confmissionod a
young colored man as Minister to
Mr. Gladstone has been in the'Eng
lish House of Commons for fifty-three
years, and was first elected when twenty
three years old. II is leadership virtu
ally dates from 1845, when he became
Colonial Secretary in the Ministry of
Sir Robert Pee!.
There was a young man from a snnjr shop
Who oft blew the foam from a mug top.
And he acted quite frautic
And cut a queer antic
Deliv'ringhis speech, "Let the bag hop."
The foundry under its present manage
ment is gaining business every day. Bunnell
and Bowen Bros, understand their business
and are bound to please. A blacksmith shop
and carriage vork are in addition. Patron
ize home industry. -
The Russian Bjar in Afghanistan
Worked the Britishers' nose like a piston.
The Britishers did roar
Saying "do it no more."
And the world for war vainly listen.
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often startled py re
markable discoveries." The fact that
Dr. King,s New Discovery for Con
sumption and all Throat and Lung
diseases is daily curing patients that
they have given up to cie, is startling
them to realize their sense of duty, and
examine into the merits of this wonder
ful discovery: resultmp; in our best
1 Physicians using it in their practice
Trial Hottles free at S. Hamilton's
Drug Store. Regular Size 1.00.
Oil from Fatrtre's "Wells
The skin ou the headis kept soft and flex
ible by a secretion from the oil glands.
Wnen these are clogged the hair dies
and falls off. : Parker's Hair Balsam renew3
their action, restores the original color to the
hair and makes it soft and glossy. It also
eradicates dandruff! Not greasy, not a dye,
delieiously perfumed. Delightful for a lady's
toilet table. The test of dressings . Prefer
able to all similar articles bocati'se of its su
perior cleanliness and purity, .
Drain. Iteni3-
I wandered through a charmim; lit
tie town surrounded by fir clad moun
tains, with two large creeks forming
the eastern and southern boundaries,
before joining and forming one stream I
almost worthy the name of river, and
being in contemplative mood, I specu
lated upon what could be said of it, if
I were a, newspaper man.
I looked about me and saw a steam
saw mill, furnishing employment to a
large number of men, turning the sur
rounding forests into merchantable
lumber. Near by I beheld a grist mill
utilizing the waters of Pass creek, and
turning out a superior quality of flour.
In the door of the grist mill I saw the
smiling countenance of Mr C. Johnson,
a man who never takes more than hon
est toll. I looked again and saw a
large brick kiln, containing an excel
lent quality of brick, and I knew that
the Messrs, Mattoon had fashioned it.
Again I looked and an imposing struct
ure met my gaze, haviug painted upon
the front in handsome. letters, "Drain
Academy," and "State Normal School."
Out of this building trocped nearly a
hundred loys and girls of all ages,
with happy facss and intelligent ex
pression, showing tht the mountain
village is not behind in facilities for
mental culture. Still further down
the street I saw two nice hotels, one
conducted by that genial man Mr. Un-.
derhill, the other, until the present
week, managed by Mr. Merrill, but
now controlled by our old friend Mr.
Holy field who w ith the aid of his good
wife knows how to make a hotel at
tractive. I learn with regret that Mr.
Merrill expects to move to California
for the health of his 'OoJ wife. We
shall miss them, ,
By this time I stand in' front of two
large and well stocked stores, one man
aged by Mr. Cellars, with the assist
ance of Jimmy Sterling, whom you all
know better than you do me. The
other an imposing Vick structure bears
the firm name of Drain & Co., and
within customers are pleasantly greeted
and attentively waited upon by Char
ley Dram and Hugh Callwell. Then
couies Charley Stephens' harness shop,
of which yon have heard. Across the
street from his place f see a large stock
of reapers, harvesters, etc., and I know
therefore,, that P. O. Applegate is
alive aud ready to accomodate the
farmers. "
By this time 1 am hungry, Nand at
the darner table hear these iterns of
local interest discussed:
Between bites of "fry and potatoes"
Will informs me that on Monday ev
ening next Prof-T. F, Campbell, whom
all Oregon knows, will begin a series
of four lectures at the Academy.
David reaches Tor another dish of
strawberries and remarks that thejeamp
a too I work. Sul suarrests that he
could told that just as well with
out'' taking all the cream, and as he
takes tho last piaco of custard pie, says
that the program of the Drain Lyceum
is exceptionally good.
Ananias looks around the table for
the pickles and with a disappointed
expression announced that the Guards
of Honor are coins to be a grand sue I
cess as a temperance organization, and
endorses beaitilv the scheme of making
it a band of reformers, whose work is
to be outside of the lodge room. Sol
tries to reply with a mouth full of
pudding, but the clock strikes one and
we all hasten to our work. We will
take up the thread of our description
and table talk next week.
Read Frajak MoMullen's three ads
Is It jNX True?
There can be-no, argument as to the
qualities essential to a perfect remedy
for the ills arising trom a disordered or
inactive condition of the Liver, Stom
ach and Bowels. Everyone will fdmit
that it should be perfectly safe for old
and young of both sexes, at any and all
times; that it should be acceptable both,
to the taste and the stomach; that it
should never fail to act promptly ' and
tho.-oughly, yet pauilessly, and it shoud
give strength to those organs. It is
now well known that Syrup of Figs po
ssesses those qualities in a pre-eminent
degree S. Hamilton is ngent for Rose
burg. - -; -
Read Frank McMulleu's three ads.
Srm ot Fj.
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the Palate, acceptable to the
Stomach, harmless in its nature, pain
less m Us action. Cures habitual Con
sti nation, Biliousness, Indigestion and
ku dred ills.
Cleanses the SVSLpm
vicauses uie. sybtem,
purifies the blood, regulates the Liver would" disnose of two Your IT Bulls this I entitled Suit, in the above eutaled Court, on orbe
1 .' j "oluu umpose oi vwu xoui u"S"Store the flm day of the next regular term thereof,.
... : - . ,
Colds, Chills and Fevers, etc Strength-
ens the organs o i which it acts: Bet-
n . t: - i
ter than bitter, naUSCOU3 iiiver. medl -
cines, pills, salts and draughts. Sam
ple bottles free, and large bottles for
sale by S. Hamilton.
Urates ISTews
Ex-Secre' ary of state Frelinghuysen died
in New Jersey, Wdnsday
Hon. John Av Lpgau has been elected U.
S. Senator from Illinois. . Barry, Democrat
yoted for him.
The Supreme Court of Oregon has decided
the new jury law unconstitutional. All crim
inal cases iu Douglas county will have to be
Read Frauk McMullen's three ads.
. Wo wou'il like to have a good correspon- J
dent at Canvonvilie.
Bead Frank McMullen's throe ad..
Wood! Wood!
J; the wood buyer of Hosebur that he will funi-1
iah them a nice article of wood fur less mjuev than i
tbe cau buy from ai.j other ood hauler in Doug
las county at the unheard -of price ft $3.50 per cord
far four-foot wood; 2 per tier for 10 and 18 inch
wood, uood measure and satisfaction guaranteed.
Uive me your order or leave it with J. P. Barker.
For Sale.
lie ia of the "Myers" Jersey stock, of Jackson
eouatv: is 7-8 jersey, five years old and is of a dark
brin ile color; weighs 1300 pounds; is peaceable and
kind. ' Will b ttolcl reasonable, enquire at my
place, one an one half mile south ot Koseburir, ou
west side of tne river. i'KAMK JJcMLLLEN.
For Sale Cheap.
run three seasons is all in good order is a six
foot cat and is jmt as j;ood as new and will be. sold
for fifty cents on the dollar of cost price. Enquire
of Frank McMuIlen one and oe half mile south of
liosebur on west side of the river. V. McMullen.
Ih That during my absence, my busi
ness is left in care of J. C. Fullerton,
and any person desiring to see me in
relation thereto will please call on him.
Roseburg, May 201885.
Guardian's Sale.
XI OliiJiceiiBO oi tiiB county v urb 01 joui;ia i
Countv. Oreson. made on the 11th day of May. A. D.
18S5, authorizing mo so to do, I will on Tuesday the
l.i.U-. Tuna lG'.Knt...(l).kAtiitaIJ 1 A '. n,.r ...
ivyjikyi. uuub, "v.lj uvutovi .usjv-.,j. j. i
in Myrtle C'reeK precinct, Douglas county, Oregon,
offer for sa e to the biirhest bidder for Cash the foi-
lowug described premises, to wit: An undivided one I
half interest m aud to Lot numbered one, S t of hi
i, and N E t of N E of Section 30, TownsniD 29 s
oi K 4 west oi ttie v uiamette meridian in uou-'iaa
County, Oregon, containing 152 and 93-100 acres of
land. Alex, mcoartv.
Guardian of tae Estate of
Olive Oatman, a minor.
By Lane & Iane,
his Attomevs.
. injr under the fiim name and style of Abraham.
Wheeler & Co., consisting; of SoL Abraham, liujolph I
Abraham, L. C. Wheeler and W. M. Wheeler is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. -Any debts due
from the firm are to be paid by Sol, Abraham, and i
all accounts due to the firm are to be paid to the
said Sol. Abraham. SOL- ABRAHAM,
lloseburg, Oregon, J k. ABRAHAM,
MaySth, fiio 1 L. C. WHEELER,'
( W. M. WHEEL Eli.
Ad ministrator's Notice.
W it may concern, that the undersigned has been
duly appointed by the County Court of Douglas
County, Oregon Administrator, with will annexed of
the estate of John F. Sutherlin, late of said county,
AH persons indebted to said estate are hereby no
tified to make immediate payment to the under-
sijr.ied at his otiice in the city of Oakland, in said
county, and all parties having claims against taid
estate are hereby required to present the same, with
proper vouchers duly tentied, to the undersigued at
h's law office in tne city or uaKiana, in gam county
and State, within sis months from date hereof.
Dated May 12th, 1SS5.
Administrator, with wiil annexed, of the estate of
I John F. Sutherlin. deceased. mavl2-7w
L.umT)cr, Sash, Doors
, mitl 3onltliii
iug elsewhere.
Office near Depot,
Onltlancl, Ore cn
I AS Missouri, where he purchased
Seventeen Head of Fine Pedigreed
Short Horn Durham Cattle!
And lias established a Stock Farm at
the" Red Hills, Eight miles north of
Oakland. The next season he will
have CALVES FOR SALE and in
vites the attention of the citizens of
Douglas county to this new euterpiise.
I A Cut of the Sire of two of his Calves
- can be seen at this office.
- This Rnll WpitU PrtiinfM
Thin in flesh, and is a beautv. Mr.
'. . t - i
Kerlev can be seen at Oakland and
, , i -i ""'.
These Stock were purchased or the
Celebrated Independence Stock Raisers
Chiles, Knox, Davis Bros., and Hughes
J . ' ,
lhere are. two bucking Lalves bom
since the purchase, and five more will
'..i . ci
COme tUlS beSOn.
Hs Just Opened
i Opposite Carlon's Stable.
Tuioy IJeof - Moderate Priceaj
j, (Prineiaal Basiuess Street.) -
Roseburg, . Oregon.
rwe Keep the iiest tho Market Affords,
T. LJ Gannon. C. A. Blackmax
Ailamsou'g Old Stand. Jackson Street.
UrtJinlrtULOi Il.blJ UUUUldi
All Kinds of Impairing Done, , Terms ar
Gannon & Blackmau. :
Oakland. Oregon.
Jewelry, Kings,
l?ateiit Spectacles
Repairing Guaranteed for two yearsTEi
-Come right aloDg and see for yourself.
II... . . t.
, i ijoiniuete. i rices mouerate.
Give Me a Call. Mrs. S. A.Hutchisso
j ; - -.. ... '' -" ' .... - - .-
I "-' " '-,
, and Juciejt Beefdteak to be had. .-w.
IST eat Uressmakingl
rrriLL furnish you toe best and finest
W Goods in the Market. Ladies-Wear, Laces
Ruohinjfs, Hosiery and Jewelry. .
-Dressmaking Department, which insures a
Good a:
id Fashionable fit. Near the Depot.
A Full Stcck of Family Gracerie?
; tafce ti purclae their Groceries. Near the Do
pot. Give nie a Call. , S. Hotciikiss.
' . .:"..' '.......,-
Vttoution 3clmiiic. ?
mmm book
how to
proportion cornices to make mouldings
Howl to make Eave and Kake mould-
I dingjj gauge a taeiing stick 8 square
make! a ton mitre box: get the length
of hip raf ters; get the ba eking for the- j j
:nifti w.fe the length of iack rafteis: :
o o u - - t
. .' l " .t e .. .it c. l
get ine iengiuoi aney raivei-js; gev mo
hip for a concave rcof; get tho , $ and ;
i iiitch roof; cut the top end of mould-
lD for rake; strike a circle with a
square; di-aw a spiral Also the 47 th .:
problem of Euclid explained in a nt-. ,
' -n . 1
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon within ,
and for the Count? of Douglas.
Rosalie Petlasd and Zepha Pelland, herhusbaod -PlaintiSs,
Thomas O'Reilly and Frank M. leaker, Defendants .
Suit in Equity to quiet title to real estate.
To livomaao lieu I r and r rauK il. Kater, tne abov ,
named Iiefendants: In the name of the state of Or-
I egon, you are required to appear and answer the
cSmniaint of Plaintiffs filad aciimt von in the above,.
fad to so appear and answer PlamtiBs will apply to-
the CwirtJorthe relief demanded in said complains,
tlTdeeree that the defendants ar.d all arsons claim,,
in? ndr them by title accruing subsequent a,
this suit, be forever barred from ail claim to jii'S
j estate lot nmenuuee in tne e oi s e oi isec. to
ln thewtriltof lands rebject toale at the Land ,
0!lce lf the Southern district of Oregon. e
I- This Summons is published by order of Hon. R.S..
Ben,!Jucbf of said Court dated Jlay Sto,'lsS.