V T X 7 5 ' I - --. O f Tea Ik&efkhdbht Thebe t newspaper rr pablished In Douglas eounty. r -UMrQCA. -CHA4TEa KO. 11. R. S A. M.,.hold rejralar eomraaniea- -i . ,j tuBTerjr Em, and third Tuesday eacli snaaih All member in Rood landing will Uke due An timely notice jsd Rovcra themselves seordinfrlf. Visit 4f compsuiUoa we. invited to 'sleet wi ,t Chapter en. convenient-v : it. HERMANN, H. P. ALAtfREL LODGE A. F. and A. H holds regular meetings on or before each fall moon.' A. JONES, W. M. A.F CakpbxiX, Secy. ; PH1LETABIAN tLndm Kn. I Ol O .S1. trivets ; on Saturday evsninjr; of each week at 7 o'clock,, in their ball at How oarjr. Members of the order jn good stand 'i b z we invited to Attend. By order of the N- BRIEF ITEMS. . I 3.3. Comstock and lady came op daring the week. Work lias been recommenced en Marks (Va brick building. - Button A" Perkins are improving the ap pearance of their hotel. The Indian are still raiding in the vicin ity or Jiteio1 Mountain. , The amount 6f assessable property in i Deuglas county is 13,042,274. ! Hre racing at Oakland furnishes coiin 'slderable amusement for tne boys. ; " . The traveling over the railroad going 'south seems to.be on the increase. Mr. Eb, Stephens, formorly deputy alers iff, was in the city during the week. Mr. E, Chase, of Oakland, has gone to Caayonyille to look niter mining inter- la. ; ' , .-, Mia Belle Paytoc h is recovered from the Injuries she received by the accident at Drain's. ; The work on the large warehouse b eir.g constructed at Wilbur ia being pushed for ward rapidly. The Emiline Company, of Jackson coun ty, ban shipped 44 tauks of quicksilver to Ban Francisco. Building ne v dwelling hues and Im proving and repairing old ouee, contiunes throughout the city. A, icreat Sre occurred recently at Forest Q rove destroying 40,001) I usliels of wheat, that belonged to farmers. Mr. Rose has painted JosepVeon a neat and elegant sign on the walls of his brick tore It is very attractive. , Tlr. Hamilton's new druv store nreseats a oeautiful appearance. The arrangement of the telegraph is excellent The smoky atmosphere now obscuring the beauties of our valley, is the result ot fin-s In the Willamette valley. , . On the first of this month, at Charnpo eg, A lady gave birth to a quartette of little ones two boys and two gins. Judgs Watson and W. R. Willis return ed irom Coos Bay , last Saturday, where Circuit court baa been In session. Only sixty -two Ch:naroen were arrested at Portland for the violation of the cubic air ordinance. They were fined $5 each. H.Cole and "Mr. Pinkham.of Oakland, paid our city a flying visit last Friday and returned home the following morning. On the 24th of this month Grand Lec turer Mason, of Albany, R- A. M.. will be present a-the mealing of ho .Um qua Chapter. " : '.. ' ; .:';-:.':" The railroad will carry passengers to the Fair Grounds, at Salem, from Koseburg, Oakland, Drain, Yoncally, and Comstocks for S6.25. - j , . A man by the same of Z. Jones accident ally shot himself last Saturday, at" a saw . OTtlfl .Ivint nnm vnllM fnm Philomath Rmh. ton county. The assoa. reunion - of the Southern Oregon Pioneers, held at Jacksonville last week is pronounced as- having been a eoni - lee success. r . . j - ; The Howard Brothers, of Lane county. 1 threshed this season, from one acre and a half of ground, one hundred , and eighty bushels f wheat. ; . .., J,.-'. It was reported that Johnson, the "pal" of Archie Brown, had been captured at Shedds' eUtion on the ailroad. The res poit proved false. , ' Mr. J. O. Booth, of Cleveland, takes hit departure for Santa Barb county, Califor nia, in a short time. He will return to Ore gun in the Spring. One hundred beef cattle were Bhipped from Irom' Portland, by M. M. Spauldinff, to the San Francisco market. The ccttle came Irom W aeco county. Mr. Flint came down from his placer mines above Patterson's sar mill. He re ports ditches complete and everything in readinoM to cotnmen oiierations. Unauthorized persons are traveling in different parts-of the Suae soliciting aid for the vellow fever sufferers and appropri ating the funds to their own nee. - The managers of the OlymplaFair an nnimcHd nreiuiums for a baby show las Fall. As a consequ nee the list of births in the lal papers is radiaiy tncre .sing. Our countv" may congratulate itself upon having its affairs controlled by efficient otfi ciala. The oiunty matters will be care fully guarded while under their control. ; Frank Sorazue. the boy who saved the train from destruction at MarahHed, was nreswDted a medal by the passengers as a token of their gratitude for bis timely sen vie. , . , . A man "named Suillvsri had one of his hands badly mangled at the depot last 8at nrday. Dr. Woodruff dressed the wound . and the oatient is doing as well as could be expected- Mr. Harrison Wager, of Eugene City, en I Mrs. Luc;nda 1 hiele, were married at th .South Methodist parsonageTueedsy Mvenlnir September 17th, Rev. J. R. N Bell officiating. - - , . Mr. J . L. Williams came down from the Creka mines lent week. The ditch he has faeen eniraged on is now completed. Mr. Williams expresses great confidence in the richness at his mines. One of tke Columbia river Indians, who was known to have taken a part in the late iiiiileasantneM. when told he must give himself up to the whis eooly drew a pis toiaud biew his brsins out.-. - At this unhealthy rsesson of the year o-reat cars should taken that the streets and alleys are cleaned. . A China wssh house near Dr. Woodruff's emit an odor that is suggestive ol fever and ague. A party of engineers, it Is said, in the emuloT rf the -General Government, is taking the altitude of the various )waks in Southern Oregon, and erecting monuments thereon wij proper Inscriptions. J. W. Strange, agent for Newbury ft -, Portlandnfo'ms na that heneld seven ' waeons withia the past ten days.' ' He also ' .states tkat he has more orders for tanning .mills .than ne is prepared mw . Col. VV, W Chapman spoke on railroad matters at Saleia last Monday. The Colon nei is supposed to have a clear understand vg of railroads of the Coast and doubtless gave a good account of himself. ' Id formation has been received t the effect that the men who participated in the 1 late stags robbery in the Siskiyou moun tarns, in which one ws lulled, have been arrested. Justice has certainly followed speedily the robbers. The new Catholic cathedral at Portland is being rapidly pushed forward in order to get it under roof before the' Fall rains be gin. The proportions of the structure are said w.be. Immense, the design nlegantand when completed, will present a finer ap feetance than any house of worship on the North Pacific Coast, v v " It would please as better if those who had promised to pay this office in wheat and wood, would respect their word. We don't want the wood ourselves, but we can not qjietly allow those who made us these promises drift inlo an unpleasantly warm climate; besides if we had either of these articles on hand, we might trade them off. Articles of incorporation have been filed in Mulfhomah county, by U, "0. Scott, Z. J. Hatch, and ."to. H. Hatch, incorporating the Columbia river portage company', the object of which is to build a railroad around the rapids of the' Columbia river n its left bank at the Cascades and the Dalles; the capital stock. (276,000 at $100 a share; place of business, Portlsnd. , The examinations aud surveys ordered by the act of Congress of June 18, 18 8, at Cape Foul weather, Alsea river and bay. Coos Bay. Cog ui lie river and Port Orford have all been completed, and the various parties engaged on these Works have res turned to Portland. Charts aud report are being prepared, and will be forwarded to Washington in time to be laid bef tre Con. gress when it convenes. . ' ' , ' , . : k MK. COLVIG'S BILL. A bit for an Act entitled "An act to Amend Sect.onsIGG and 167 of Chapter 16 of Title 1, of i he Code of Criminal Proceed- ure, as compiled by Matthew P. Deady and Lafayette Cane." " Be, it euacted by the Legislative Awem. bly of the State of Oregon . tSKCTlOH 1. That Section 166 of Chapter 16 ot Title 1, of said Code, I e amended to as to read as foliows : EC. 166. In the trial of or examination upon alt indictments, complaints, and oth er proceedings bofore any Court, Magistrate Hrud Jury, or other tribunal, against per sons accused or clmrg-d with the commis sion of crimes or offenses, the peison so charged or accused shall, at his ovn re quest, but not otherwisi , be deemed a dm petent witness, the credit to be given to his testimony being left solely to the jury, un der the instruction of the Court, or to the discrimination ol the Man it rate, Grand Ju ry, or Other trlbuual before winch such tes timony mav be i iven. SBC. 2. That Section 167 of Chapter 16 of Title 1, of said Code, be amended so as to read as follows : : .. -. Sec. 167. In all criminal action where the hubaud is tlin party accused. the wife shall be a competent witneae. and when the wife is the accused party, the husdaud shall bo a competent witness; but' neither husland or wife shall be compel ed or al lowed to testify unless bv cooeent of both of t em; Provided, That all cas es of per sonal violence upon either by the ot her. the injured party (husband of wife) shnll be allowed to testify agjM'.st the other v rEC. Ifcal II Acts and parts of Acts inconsiitent with this Act sre hereby re pealed. Donation Patents. The folia wing i a list of Donation Pate ents received at the Roseburg Land effle, Sept. 16th, 1S78 : ; 1- Win Richardson. Robert Robe. . . . Armenians Cary. . ......A Jones . Wm Horseley , ...Wm Harris w F Cary .J Hutchins G W Caton A L Clair . . D S Hunsaker ,Wm Hank S r-chcfield. Wm Henry M D Liggett.... Jno Belknap F Star Wm V Breeden R Painter ..A B Breeden John Whitton '...J L Gilbert T A Milliorn. . . . Thos Thresher John W Warner. .......... . .Wm Guert C W Wilee. Wm Luckey A Frake .James Kirlv Wm Fields. .Ed O'Lsghlin J P Dav-dson. .........J G Davis Jas Henry... . .JasGray V A McBride Dell Gray G Munden P McKinney EManin ....I M M rrlck MG Barges. CALAPOOIA. The threshing business i about closed for the season. J. T. Daniel's wheat crop did not yield as large as anticipated. ' " David Hurst and family have returned to McMinville. T. R. Dodge recently sold to McXabb two spanft ol mares and wagon tor 1,1 60. The services of Mr. C. B. Wilcox ha been procured to teach the fall term of schooi. C. T Pinkham, formerly of this place, who has been absent for the past year in Eastern Oregon, has returned looking nat ural as usual. Mr. T. Barnard ft els rather aristocratic since the c mple'ion of his new dwelling l.ouse. The Tellurium Mine. The public hss heard but little concern ing this mine during the past year. 1 The ow hers hare preferred to work on.patiently and steadily, overcoming the difficulties which stand In the pathway of all incipient enterprises, without making any great public display. - Jbvery inch of progress that has been made in the tunnel being cut in the mine, has been . disputed by rock ' of the most obdurate character, so at best, but a few feet could be made in a day. Work has gone forward steadily with a determination that is commendable. There !s no doubt about the richness of the Tellurium mine, and every one - will watch with interest the progress made towards lis substantial developement. Mr E. Chase gives flattering accounts of its value and as he has carefully examined and made several descriptive reports concerning it, can soeak authoritively. We expect to publish a description ot the mine and of the work done in a few weeks. Josephson's Store. - M. J -wephson ! has now moved his la mense stock of general merchandise to the brick formerly jccupied by Dr. Hamilton as a drug store. The rooms had been carefully cleaned and whitened.- 1 magnificent looking glass ia placed on one side of the spacious room, which adds much to its ap pearance. The arrangement of the goods displays much artistic skill on the nart of Mr. Josphson. He may congratulate himself lor ins success in obtaining such an elegant sales-room. Sabbath Services. Morning and evening services were held in the Episcopal church, last Sunday, by Rev. L. H. Wells, now af Eugene City, After the beautiful morning services the congregation listened a brief but edifying discourse. Mr. Wells will hereafter reside at Eugene City and will preach in this city toe second eunuay oi eacn montn. Has Returned. v . - Mr, James Hamilton, telegraph ' opera tor at Empire City, who has been with rs for seme time past, has returned to that olaee. There are none who know air. a but appreciate bia qualities as afgentle- ILK PICNIC. Last Saturday morning the day com meneed with indications of cool and pleas ant pieale weather. Soon tne roads lead ing to the Granger's grove, oa Deer creek, were lined with ; joyone groups . on their wai to the picnic. - No better selection of grounds could have been made, and when the- members of the various Sabbath schools had assembled every' arrangement had been completed to render the occasion one of unalloyed pleasure. The exercises of the day were opened with tht beautiful song, "Shall we gather at the River," by the .congregation; prayer by Rev. A. D. Man'ion; eong."Sailors, Pull for the Shore," by the congregation, " Here came the ora tion by Hon. Binger Hermann, which was a masterpiece of thought and eloquence. Sweeping thruugn his entire disocuse was a living stream of ideas, enlivened with outbursts of crystal ized reflections, and Bipping here and there in the fie d of tis remarks the choice perfumery of rare flows ers, he cast it, like a. shower of sunshine, over the heads of his audience. Mr. Hers m n may well feel proud of bia powerful effort as It will long be remembered by all those who heard him. After the oration, 'Sweet Bye and By" was rendered In an excellent manner. Then came refresh ments and amusements. The afternoon exercises were opened by an sddnss Rev. by T. B. White, of Albany, followed by short remarks, and seasoned with singing. . The day passed off in a most agreeable manner. The music under the superinv tendency of MissLouette Grubbe, deserves th highest praise, and a credit to the lady. The success of the picnic is dun to the un tiring labors of Uev. Bell, assisted by R. L. McFarland. P. Benedict, J. S. Cock el res s, Mrs. D. S. Buick, J. T. Mngleton. L. Howe, G. W, Genper, and others- The attendance from the Sablth schools was quite general, and everybody present pros uouuee the picnic a complete success, FAME'S GOAL. BT WILLIAM WATCRKll Oh! Fame! Famel thou illusive sprite, Thee have I sought by day and night. t But from my view thy form did fade, !T1 .. C.H.. .... Sla ulRr. ..A When I thought toapptoach thee. In thought by day and dreams at night, I painted thee in colors bright, I longed to catch from thee one smile. That would my droiping head beguile, Acd buoy up my sinking hopes. I voiively bowed at thy shrine. And thee I worshiped as divine; I at thy feet adoring kneeled. And for thy blessing aDpealed. To cheer me on my way. My parents dear their living sold, To gain f ir me a purse of gold And in my ear i his strry told : "To gain a nam yon must be bold And feariess s a knight. "Go learn he art of nations strife, nd though a mothe., daught r, wife, Shall sorrow all their days of lifcj. Because thy fell destroying knite In war thei.' kindred bled J "And caused the orphans' tears to flow, Or loads a sinter's heart with woe ' If thou the conflict shall survive, In fame thou shalt forever live, Full embalmed in glory. Or it thv heartless man ial is. And more inclined to subtilities, Then study artiul sophistries And deep abstruce philosophies, To prove that wrong right. "Thus by a deep and cunning art, You 11 captivate the sinrpie Heart Ot staple folks, who, with eager cries. Will laud you to tue very skies, And swear tbat tuou art great. MORAL THB GOAL. , Great in war, or great in peace, Because you did the people fleece; Increased yonr wealth and magnified , Ia wrong yourself, and then you died. An honored ct villian. The New Preacher. Rev. N. Starr, the Methodist -minister appo nted to this place, preached his first sermon last Snndsy; Mr. Star ia an earn est minister and should receive proper ens ceuragewent. Oregon WooL 1 The wool clip of' Oregon this year ia about 6,500,000 pounds, being 1,500,000 pounds more than last year. The prices range from is cents tor the poorest to 23 cents for the best quality. A Good Bargain. Any person desiring a good bargain in the sewing machine line address this office A splendid New Wilson machine can be had for $36. No. 9 machine. These are a great many men in tbia wur.a wno imagine that they are born with, genius, and lie down on the sofa and wait for an inspiration until some other fel low, who thought himself a dunce rises by hard labor to u compes tency, buys the sola, 'nd leads the waiting genius out by the. ear. This is not a joke ; it is a fact. A Uald iietd rs said to be an evidence oi early piety, but it res quires a good deal of that kind of piety or some other sore to keep a bald-headed man in a good humor when a bine bottle fly persists in dancing a hornpipe on the place where tha hair ought to grow. No man can go down in the dungeon of his experience and hold the torch ot truth to all the dark chitmbers and hidden cavi tics and nor come np without i shudder aud a chill us he thinks of the time be undertook to talk politics with the deal old father of his sweetheart when the girls js present. A rousing attempt has-been made over iu Victoria to compe Chinamen to leave the city, by imposing upon them a heavy lax. The question is serious. I he apartments in which Chinamet. live hnve been found by the lort land police to be filthy and in a horrible con dm n. It is a graat wonder some epidemic does not sweep that ciry. There are no murders or suis cides to report this week occur ring throughout the State This is remarkable considering the frightful number that have been faking p!ace. Archie Brown, Swards and In dian Grant, all imprisontd "mur derers at .Portland, last week planned to escape, bet were over heard and thwarted. ' AND COUNTY. . Dr. Cozhd has been kept on returned the wing this week. lion. L. F. Lane from Salem Wednesday. Mr. Charles Hewit, welUknown iu this county, passed away this week. The barn of Randolph Hose, Robert's creek, wa : destroyed by fire last Friday night, losi about 41,000-.- . Marriied this week by Rev. Bell, Mr.'. Arthur Bruuner to Mis- Murv E. Gannaway, all of this county. A little girl was seen beastly intoxicated at the dfpot. It is likely the girl'whom waa heard curei ng her mother last Saturday mo rut tig, ) The proprietors of the Ash land foundry have been in the city, with a view of moving their wurks here. Mr. Aaron i4 se has offered to donate the Decena ry ground. Mr. Williams and C. C. nnnt ly, n ail contractors, are in the city. Both are excellent and agreeable gentlemen and we are inclined to believe they will serve oar people ncceptably. We devote much space to the retiring Governor's message and Legislative matters. - The finance of the State and the Indian qjes Hon a re clearly presented. W e hope to give Gov. Thayer's in augural in our next. Our .rea ders would do well to give the Legislative proceedings their careful attention as they appear in our columns. We rejret to learn of the fire which ttok place t II. Elitfs ,xsa i a a place near jrHll3VHie. A larg barn and contents w-re dest r.tyd by the flames The fire was oc casioued by the bursting ot a lanip which had beeu taken into the hay loft. .Thirtyouo horses ere in the stable, but all 1 but ihr.e were rescued. The loss was about $4,500, the greater part of which ilt tall upon Mr. Eiift. War on the Chiuese. . ; Victoria. Sept. 17thThe Ohi nesetax was enforced yesterday by the seizuie ot goods in rn.r chants' storef. To-day there is not a Chinaman at work for white employers. All the cooks at hotels restaurants, aud private houses failed to make their : ap pearance this morning. The shoe factories and laundries are closed. Vegitable carts have been ..with drawn and much inconvenience to every one is the result. Tne Chi namen this morning are walking about town dressed in their best clothes, and appear to look upon . tm mi tne anair as anuge joice. i nereis great demand for domestics, and servants would had steady em ployment at good wages. The system of driving the Chinese out of the country by means of heavy taxation i now tairly on ite trial, and it frill soon be seen whether the white working classes will a vail themselves of the opportunity now anoraea xor raiting ma places ately wlec by the i iclestials. ; The state of affairs arising out of poligaiuy in Utah contiuues to excite the disgust ot the people oi that Territory who are decent. Little runts of pohgamy not only take maids and women to wite. but openly boast of the act aud defy the interference of the gov em men t. On account of decis ions in the United States courts, by which women are disfranchis ed who live in pohgamy on ' the ground of wane of good character. the Morman organ, the Evening News, ot bait Liake, has advised po ygamous wives to ansuroe, and in an. tain their maiden names in such matter- a c-mcern the law. Thus d these people oneuly defy both the social und lep-nl enntiio lions of the country at large When will the 1 ng looked-for and lonif-invitod crusade aaiust pohgamy arnvi.-? t (ieneral Butler is reported to have once said that his . enemies net er accused him of being a fool. Whether that u true or not, he iscertuinly a good cleaner l and whitewasher. He on one occa sioti even limed t e street gutters 6tTew Orleaus; and it that mta iuous ' traud that v resultant ot murderous bullooz ng the Nich- oils government, had paid more atentiou to hygiene and made less effort to secure the " White League" and a frauduieat politi cal control, the . yellow fever would not have been invited to that eity; and if it had entered the city, it would oot have become eoiuemic with the terno e virus leuce it has. In the yellow-lever season at T- r-v . m r. . xxew uneaua in loos tuere were recorded up to August 24, 5,920 deaths irom that disease. Up to the same date this year there were reported 877 deaths. Bad as the present situation is . it is not compared with. tbat ot year like 1853. The city is in better eonditton now than thqn, and yet the flew Urleans papers agree that it ia as bad as can be. The question is. it proper sanitary regulations were enforced would not: New Orleans escape : the scourge altogether? -Thh year's wool clip w about 200,000,000 pounds. .. .. Ben. Butler has been nominat ed by th Democrats oi Massa chusetts ;for Governor. "Bids of feather flock together." FALL IN, Mr, Western Star. Tha 23,000 flouring mill of the United States turn out annually 50,000 000 barrels of flour, 4,000 000 barrels of which are exorted. The annual wages paid employes amount to $20,000,000. For City Marshal. At the request of many citizens, I hereby announce mysell as a candidatw for the of fice of City Marshal at the forthcoming election. If elected, it will he my aimoj servt the citizens of Roseburg faithfully and to look after and protect tha interests of erery tax-payer. GkorqbW. Roberts. T Robkbcro, .ingast 31, 1878. , Candidate for City Marshal. I herebv announce myself ks a candidate for the office ofX-ity Marshal, at the re qnest (f my friends. If elected I will hear tily and to the best of my ability, conduct the affairs of the office as prescribed by the law and enoavorto give Faiisfrcticn to a business men snd other good citizens. ' H. BEARD. rjTThs National Gold Medal' was awarl ed to Bradley & Hulofson-for the best Pho- ugraths in the United States, and the Vis enna Medal for the best ia the world. 43) M wfi iMr Street. San Fraaclsco. T.D. MARIS, UKPRE8ENT1NQ Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco and Teas. 'Manufacturers of Cigars, And sole proprietors of the non-equalled Pink of Perfection & South CIGARS, Nob. 101 nnd 103 California street, San Fit vkcisco. , SCHDLTZ & VON BARGEN, IMPHliTERS ANO DSALKKS IN Foreiffn and lK'ii-s'ic Wines, Brandies, a id L quors. , 'Al! Aixeut for T, DEL. Davonport tVieitrated Old DOUItliON WHISKEY. 8. E Cor Fiont snd Califjirnia Street . -an FrsnciHcu. Cal. Represented by Chas. Ilohn. Cosmopolitan Restaurant ROSEBURG, OREGON. A. E. CHAMPAGNE, Propne. The only first-class house In Rosebug Kept on the European plan )Nor. UEJIAS.THE LARGEST Cilrars and I. AP.FEL! Candies and Notions EVfclR BROUGHT TO KOSEBURG, AND HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. - -hi njjin,pij-l.i.i 1 1 " ,mr '-"'L- ' .... .y :v " aiO ...;: mm-if.yf! in workmanship Is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as, a first-class Piano, It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Cen tennial Expositions. IT 8EY7Q ONE-FOURTH FAST ER than. other machines, j Its capacity Is unlimited. There are more VILSON MACHINES sold In the United States than the combined sales of all the others. THE WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT, for doing all kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. A Certificate is given with each. Machine, guaranteeing to keep It In repair, free of charge, for five years. It requires no special Instructions to learn how to use It. Satisfaction guaranteed,' or no pay. Machines delivered free of charge cnywhere In the United StaUs, Sond for Illustrated Catalogue, and fcak for samplo of mending, ; and our Circular No. 197 tor further inatructions for buying machines upon terms stated In tha Catalogue ?S.l71LS0n SEVltJQ UACIlltlE CO. 827 VC29 C roadway, flow Yorfc Mow Orleans, Lm. Cor. Stats and fSadlson etc., Chioago; Ills and San Franeisso, CsS f"- Fot Sale by all First -Class Dealers. o. c. -mm -PEAIXK IH- StaploDry Goods Keeps constantly oa hand aortment of a general as EXTRA Fi::E CECCESIESa waod, v:iiow and Glaaaware, also CROCKERY AND CORDAGE. a fuu. itocx or SCHOOL S. Such as required the Public County Schools ALL KINDS STATIONERY! Toys and Faancy Articles. To plea !oth the young and old. dole agent for the celebrated E COMPANY. Iucloding'the well known PELTON SlXsFOjLD HORSEhPOWER Buys and sells Legal iVnd. rs, furnishes Check i on Portland and prcur s drafts on San Francisco in sums :-j -r all requires m'enta JL Adendld Jtem fWLLsan ixfeuiiuicf. jda chine, Ja. ('f, coil lie. had at thirty-ux. cloL- jlfiig la tte afjicc. R OSEBURO ACADEMY ul ACTCMN SESSION OF TIII3 1NSTITCTIOH Monday, Sopt 2d, 1878. Under thesrpervU'i,n ot the nnderigned afsisted by Miss ILu.ie tiiilinivl aod J.M. Bower TIih First sr-n weeks of f he the tt-rm will be free, Tlie last five weeks weeks will lie charged fir according to the toileting RATES OF TTJ1TIOX : .... Orthography, Rsiiing and Writing per month v 1 50 English Giamiuar or Onhogiaphy per month. , i 2 00 Higher Arithmetic, Algebra or Geom. per month. 2 50 Latin, Greek or French per month. . . 8 00 Such pupils as desire to continue the study oi Latin or enter upon a commercial course during the seven weeks free school can have their ruci tat i ns heard as was done last sprint;, efhor belor? or after dis trict school hours. J. BROWNE, L. L. D. AND BEST STOCK OF Tobaccos mm roii- THE HOLIDAYS ; Smoked uamsbacon and US 333 322 XH' t ' Frenk'y cumd snd of FINB QUALITY. The nnderslgned would say to the tit. sens of Roseburg that he has just cured tha finest lot of Hams. Bacon and Beef ever offered tothfs market; and that noon wi fail to purchase the same - wnea once ; examine it. - :.: Prices lewtr than ever. JACOB BITZER , WILLAMETTE ; E1CHARDS RO0ER8,Proprltors lfaoafactores of the tamos JDcxtcr Cools Stoves PARLOR STOVES.BOX STOVES, a a AJCD - ; HOLLOW WARS, ITC, TC, Front at, bet. Main and Madison . ... f . - Portland Oregon m . , IIAEKS&CO. WHOLBSAI.X AKT RETAIL DK.VLKRS IK i " General Merchandise Hare constantly on Land CLOTH I N B. D H Y GOOD 3. BP nTS SHOES. CROCKERY. an unucaitd S 'WD PROVISIONS WINES, LIQUOR & , ; ROSEBURQ. ...OREGON Wool nnd Produce Of every aescriptioo HC; U "OJ DJ "J31X ArVO.' . Il'.shet Cash I'nco I'aid tor thero 9-tf S. MAKES &CO. JOHN FRASER. WILBUR, OREGON. Upholalerj, iSpring Mattiasses,etc. Constant! t on hand. I haTo the Best Stock of Furniture south ef Portland, and all of my own manufacture. NO TWO PRICES TO CVS TO ERS. Residents of Douglas connty are requested to giTS me a call beiore purchasing 2 elsewhere. All Work Warranted. ' NEW j; ' 1TIE AT MABEET CLARK-cE McGREflOR, Props. LIVE AND LET LIVE. TTAVTNQ LOCATED PERMANENT- i ly in Rosebursr, and haTing seeured the building adjoining John Clark's saloon, we are prepared, to. tarnisiwthis market with the choicest beef, muttoTt and pork. ana anytutng else la our line of ttade, at be ver lowest prices. Uive us a trial and Toa will be d '.f-d.' We iy the Highest Price for Beef. Heath's Saloon, opposite ' Metropoliuu Hotel, Roeebarg GEO. BEATII, Troprietor. , TRX FIAXST OW WINES, LIQUORE & CIGARS Always on hand, and Id eon lectioa with the saloon will be found a WELL-K.EPT BILLIARD ROOM TEN-PIN ALLEY, Where both health these mpartinjr ffsnif may te innuigea u. EOSEBUEQ HILLS ALWAYS ON HAND THE VERY BEST OF FLOUR ORDERS tO i Cracked Wheat, Graham Fioo snd Cornnieal Filled on short notice, and on most liberal terms. JONES & GATE& FOR SALE. '-. ;.;----.Ilium ' i , A V1NB LOT OF.....v' , GRADED tnmiO SHEEP I have a fin lot f Oradedferino bucks at my farm, six miles northwest of Rose durjr, which breeders of sheep will find to meet all requirements, which I will sell reaeasoaable for cash. U. tXJ JS, Sr. August 3, 1878 tf Hotice. HAVING DIFPOSED OP OUR MER cantile Basioess at Canyon ville to Messrs. Toklaa. Baden t Co., of Saa Fran cisco, we would respectfully call the atte.t Uon of those indebted to us aud ask them to make immediate settlement. -.v....vr-ASM,8SJlAK;Co. EASTEnn nimoUain -LSDLTJDIBG HUBS, RIMS. : ; SPOKES, . --XLE8, ETS s. j. irozrrxmup tz co. P02TLAND, f " ."Sure r. rfiT tip'" r! ' r i :t : ;;eT.; O Ft OIS Tfm tllsk lLrvfl sin) m K-.t4 , V " aw ajpej K.tf-s&4 W.U ft. VI SPRING AfiO; S!J."""E0 :Gi!0DS -Erer brought to Roseagv w'ufch be pro r looses to offer o the .m&rkrt.at priea lower thaa aa j:y otLr house ia the city, 'ilis stock ens; the Latest Kvt! - ' Alf AU. tTTI .. ' : DRESS GOODS;, Congigtiiig io part of 8KIRT8, UNDERWEAR. LACE CUfTS , COLLARS, EMitROlDERlES. TIE 4, . LAtbN, PLAIN & FA XCY HOI3E. . ETC., ETC..' ETC, ETC. . 4 mbmmsi ' J -t He desires to iaform the trade that he h u S Complete stock of CLOTHO Af.3 cxriTLLv.ara nlf!fei?ft r. Mtiiitiiaj. tUw ' Oomrulsing Full SalisJ Tie. ficarfsi Or .ata. White and Fancy Shirts, Whiia 'W ,Bi. Colored Underwear, etc.; also, Ladies', Gentlemen' it and Children's CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES In full supply and Cheaper than All. . XI. X "V" -A. n. 23 Of all dwcripUons - I am a?so agen: or the Celebrated FisH Brothers' T7jrn" T Til &nk fill far mint iMt t vm T fully invite nil iut old ennanu-n wi tha 1. 1 : 1 1 . . . puuiiuiceuerauy hi t-xamiue tne Stock ID ItlT ftnnt. All will ft nA it . complete, and thai I have unifnrnilr re. uceu tun jtvw grxxiH. J.V. rLOEl). "Wheeler 3 7 PoetolBce Building, Loeo street, ()ak 'sad i ..- ,. . . .OSALBKS.niv, .?. ;. W03L AND COUriTHt P?.bDil. ' W will . J Pay tho Hiarlisst Irito i FOR WOOL. I And store r ALL WOOL FREE GF CHAKCP. We, are rrtared to. kwiim .wnnl either of the following planes : Roseburg, Wilbur, Oakland, onralla - Drain's nd. Scottsbmg 6tf ' '.. WHEELER UROF. TTtASK z. XXLiLlT Z,ZTl On North Umpqna, The owners of the above mill will be ready in a short time to furniBu tha - BEST OF LtTZJEBXt, AT THS , I o we t -IX n tes'. Was tnannfaiitnM OkmD!.. .is t kinds of lumber; and having first-c an aanjcTio, ww miTj nnaiu VI Jivjr MtlS ac tion to all who patronise us. GIVE US A CALL U,m elsewhere.- TRASK & ELAKELl Largest Best Goods Lowest Pricas w . O. COHE1TS ' -i ..... i ROSEBURG, OREGON. Auction Every Saturday 'IUE , FI2TEST QUALITY the Greatest sjaantifcy AND ; ' Tho ' BEST . VAniETY ; of ; Boots andSbcatii Ever bronght to Kosecurg at BOOTS AKD SH0K3 2vclcXg to Order AUD REPAIRED. , ITsHIS FIRM HAS ON HA'ND TZZ 71 r. sV est stock of Leather in tbe f U.' .?, i a is prepared to do all kinds cf I i a, first-lass manner, upon tu e -- l r u ble terms. Parties Bed;n s.jf H their lm, clurald call upa n I .n me? iuur - ' . Tarned ost or their thsp t l i 1 je .. eertaia to weir wt j. :-u I