Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 18, 1908, Image 1

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Cobvaixik Benton County, Obi gon, .Friday. February 18; Uins.
Vol. XJV.
F5f)n word or less. 25 eta for tbw
ncrowatve insertions, or 60 rt pw
mor-tr.; for all np to and im-hiding ter
additional words. V wnr a word for wl
For H advM-twmpnts ovr 2S word,
1 cf iw word for rh first inaertirm. ar""
r ner word for tnrh additional inww.
tlor Nothing ipwrtrl -for less than
Lodee, eorietv and cbnrck notice
otJi' than itrictW riowa matter, will V
cbw1' for.
snreeon. OfPc" at. Twni"k'a Red
F'ont stable. Tnd. Phnn 328.
' ' nrwon. WAom1, KnV Hn'M
lr nffio TTnnra ? 10 to T9 a m . '
4 T1 m . PWto w. Kth snd Ad
Bta. Tfllpr.hon at nffw and roa.
idne. OnrvaUi". Orwor
Particulars Of Big Deal in Which
August Fischer and J. C.
Hammef Figure.
8d Snreeon. Fpwial attention s'wn
to hm Evp. Nsp and Throat. OHVp
in .Tnhngnn 'BMq'. Ind. 'phono at of-
flpp and ieidenc.
House Decoratina.
V E. Pxnl. Tn 4 41M
rectors and Licenced ErabHlmpra.
SiiPCPRBora to S. N. Wilkine, Corvallip,
OrPRon. Phonp 45. 8otf
lakers and licence" embalm ers.eontb
Minft., CorvaUiH. Or.
Offioe tip atafra in Zierolf Buildinth
' Only net of abstracts in Benton Countw
Office in Post Office Building, Obrval
Ha, Oregon.
Gakttk and Weekly Oregonian at
$2.50 per ypar.
Oregon, on installment plan and as
B'st pnschaserato bnild homes on then1
if deshred. Address First National
Bank. Corvallis, Or.
Or., for stiot cash, balance instal
ments, and help parties to build homes
thereon, if desired. Address M. S.
Woodcock. Cc-vallip, Or.
J. M. Martin and George F.
Wittmer of Portland and A. W
Fischer of Corvallis have formed
a partnership for the manufacture
ot lumber and shingles at Wald-
port and operating a line of ves
sels between that point and Port
land. Thev have purchased the
holdings of the company that
formerly owned the timber and
mill on the Alsea Bay.
The deal was closed on Satui
day, February the 7th, after the
Portland parties had made a thor
ough inspection of the timber and
The comoanv take over the
gasoline schooner, "The Con
dor," which is now ready for its
commission, and will build two
more t handle the present vol
ume of business.
The Condor is 150 teet in
length and is equipped with 65
horse power gasoline engines
These boats will be designed to
carrv only freight, says the To
ledo Reporter.
Mr. Martin, the senior member
of the firm, is a practical lumber
man of many years' experience,
Heinformed us that he was very
much pleased with the timber
thev purchased. He is confident
that a large portion of it will av
erage 7"; per cent clear stuff and
that it was the quality on which
they could make a profit. Tbey
will put in a first class shingle
plantand put the saw mill in con
dition for cutting lumber for ex
port, trade.
" This cempany fortified "with
their own boats for transportation
had no trouble in securing termi
nal rates on the C. & E. at Ya
quina. Tbey will biing a large
amount of lumber on barges from
Waldport to Yaquina and ship it
east over the C. & E.
We take much pleasure in re
cording the organization and
plans of this company. It has
been plain to us that the road to
business success on this coast lay
through our harbors that the
water way was the true way. The
water way is not only'sumcient in
itself but it is the lever, and the
only one. that will induce the
railroad to give us fair rates.
We congratulate the people of
Waldport and the southern part of
the county on their good lortune
This enterprise means a large pay
roll, it means cheap freight rates,
it means maiket for all your pro
Sat' y Afternoon: Athletics.
i:a;p. m.' Delegates shown
through O. A. C. buildings and
0 f -r -1 -n-nt.1. Tk
Conference-01 .ueaasrs vyhb j.
M. Porter.
F eld Meet. Events :
50 yard dash.
100 yard dash.
220 yard dash.
Pole vault.
High jump.
Broad jump.
Potato race. -Three
legged race.
Sack race.
(Bring gytnnasinm suits. Each
event counts 5 3.1. points, vmy
one entry from a club In an event.
All entries to be in by Feb. 30,
5:30 p. m. Banquet, xoasi
master Portland.
Toasts :
"Climbing" Corvallis.
"Camping" McMinnville.
'Specialties" Ashland.
"Deeds" Hood River.
'Music" Eugene.
Sat'y Evening : Discussion.
7:30 p. m. Summer Plans
Cotiage Grove.
Organization of Leagues Sell
wood. Business Session.
8:00 p. m. Address : "Boys
in Different Parts of the World,"
D. M. Porter.
Sunday Forenoon.
9:0c Song Service.
Group Bible Classes.
"Relation of Boys' Clubs to
Church and Sunday School," D.
M. Porter.
"Our Duty Towards the Other
Fellow," J. C. Clark.
Quiet Hour I. B. Rhodes.
"Church Services.- WVw4rsw
3:30 Boys' Mass Meeting.
Union Church Service. "What
Are Vfe Here . For," by .D. M.
8530 Farewell Service.
Just To Talk About.
The Forming of a Debating
Uniform Bible Study
What is Your Motto ?
Summer Pow-Wow.
Where to Go Camping.
What to Do tor the
won by Mr. Shattuck and second
prize oy Mr. Chalmers. DainU
refreshments, with heart designs,
were served and the concluding
feature was tfie plaving of "a
musical love story" until th
lights dipped." The event was
one ot the most successful of the
college year and will long be re
ruembertd by those who were
Assessing Dogs a Ditficult Task
' in Linn, but Benton Escapes.
Alaskan Basketball Team Dis
! bands in Chicago Lost but
Eight Qamts.
Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a (reneraJ
conservative banking business. Loans
inonf on approved security. Draft
bought and pold and money transferred
to the rrinelpal cities of the Ignited
States. Europe nnd foreign countries.
Smith S Dawson
Headquarters for
Fruit Tree Spray
Diamond Ohickan Feed
Chicken Grit
Ground Booe
Shf 11 and Poultry Food
Lice KlUer, ate
We pay ah for dressed Veal and Pok,
1 oultry a ml Hgje.
Next door to J . R. Smith A Co.
Ind. Phone 209
Notice to Creditors.
Votice is hcrr V. pivrn to all persons concerned
that the unoersisrea lifts txen awoinutl execu
trix of the last vUl and testamtm of R. C. Ktger,
deceased. t'V the County Ccnrt of Benton Conatv.
Stateof Oratron. All penaens havirp claims against
th. estate of sttM K. C. Kiirt'r, deceased, are herebr
rt quired to present Mie tame, with proper vouch
ers, a4Mv vcrinrt1 as tv law required, within sij
mouths from the date hereoi. to the uudersicrted
t her TeAienre in Corvallis, Oregon, or at the
ofBee ol McPadden & Brvson, Attorneys, in Cor
vallis, Ox gcn.
Datad at Corvallis, Oregon, this aStb day of
JftQUAry, 1908.
Minerva J. Kien
BJBMutrix of the last win and testiment ol R.C
Kior, deceased. H-21
Tor Intuits and Children. .
Tit Iti Yea Hays Always Bsngfat
The Alaskan basketball team,
coached by Claude Swanu, the
Corvallis star of olden times, dis
banded last week in Chic go, hav
ing made the trip from Seattle
via Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Salt Lake Denver and St. Louis
to Chicago, playing all the best
teams en route and losing but 8
games out of the 42 played.
: Swann and five of his men ex
pected to go to Wisconsin the
latter part of last week to play a
Siumber of games there. They
did not expect to wiu, according
to Swannie's letter to his parents,
Sunday, but were playing the
schedule on their way home.
The games in which the Alas
kans have been losers, and scores
are: Dallas, Oregon, 39 to 23;
Los Angeles (second game played
there) 27 to 19; Salt Lake Y. M.
C. A., 33 to 31; Baker Univer
sity, Kansas, 31 to 27; Kansas
City Athletic Club 42 to 41; Wil
liam jewel College, 35. to 33;
Chicago Cresents, 39 to 36; Chi
cago Centrals. 40 to 35.
I11 many of the games won by
the' "Alaskans " the number of
points made by them over their
opponents in a single game has
been greater than the total num
ber of points lost by them in the
eight defeats.
The record made on their trip
is certainly one ot . which both
Swann and his team-mates may
justly be proud, and Corvallis and
OAC are alike proud of the record
of their famous basketball coach,
who gained his knowledge of the
game at OAC.
So fi r.s couiri It asct-rtaiv.t
by inquiry at itf Cleik's offict
the As;-ssit of Benton county i
not having as much trouble trm
ypar as ussessors in some neigh
boring counties are experiencing
in their labors. For example,
the Herald savS:
"A problem now worrying as
sessors of this partot the state is
bow to assess dogs, yln accord
ance with the act of the last leg
islature; de-'Unng dogs to be per
sonal ptoperty, the assessors are
equired to list them on the tax
v.ll this year, aud the wav to
c assify, describe aud value them
is causing an extra expenditure
of thought and is adding to the
manifold burdens of the assess-
ois. uountv Assessor u. u. jvic-
Knight, of Linn county, is col
laborating' with the makers of tax
rolls of adjoining counties on the
"The main difficulty will be in
describing adequately this new
class of property. 'Rover, Town
ship 12 south, range west ' or
.Tiger, lot 2, block 68 Albany,'
are suggested forms. Or John
Jones may be assessed with 'one
black water spaniel,' or Mrs.
Smith with 'one bow-legged bull
dog.' " t
Dogs range lu value from 10
cents to $250, , and it is expected
the value will be lower about the
first of Mirch than at any other
period of the year.
" The law under which the as
sessors are obligated to place dogs
o'n the tax rolls is known as the
shortest act ever passed by atH
Oregon legislature. It 'was H.
B. 271 at the session of 1907, an1
reads as follows: 'Be it enacted
by the State of Oregon :' Section
1. Dogs are hereby declared to
be personal property.' "
Waldo Hall a Scene of Mirth on
St. Valentine's Day.
Boys' Confereitce to Begin in This
City Friday The Progam. j
Corvallis will this week be
turned over to the delegate to
the Bos' Conference which be
gins here on Friday and contin
ues until Sunday night. ihe
lads range in age fiom 12 to 18
yeats and 150 ot them are ex
pected to be in attendance. They
will be entertained m Corvam?
bemes, as all the church people
are taking part in the big mat
irg. The picgram in full for the
three days is ss follows :
Friday, February 21, 19- 8.
?:m p. m. "Stunt Night."
Saturday Mcrnikg
9x0 a. m.. oong service.
Quiet Hcur, Alfred C. Schmitt
Address of Welcome, President
Kerr, O. A. C. Response, Al
bert Lewis, Portland.
Organization :. (Appointment
of committees.)
Writtea reports fiora Clubs
one minute each.
Low Much Attention Should
be Given to Athletics in a Bible
Study Club? Eugene.
How Shall We Study the Bi
ble? Salem.
Uniform Organizations Al
bany. - . -"
Initiation of Mtmbers, Uni
e raity ' Patk. - . ;
Dianer. '' ' :
Oregon Christian Endeavor Un
ion Eugene, Oregon, Feb.
20 to 23, 1908.
Additional Locals.
The young women ot Waldo
Hall have a way of entertaining
in new and original ways that has
won for them an enviable reputa
tion as hostesses. Their latest
success in social affairs was a val
entine party given at the Hall,
Friday evening, their guests be
ing the young men of Cauthorn
Hall. All told i5oyourg peop!e
participated in the merrymaking.
The rooms were lavishly dec-
erated with strings of hearts and
the walls were covered with the
same designs in red.
The program was rendered in
an informal manner, the crowd
of girls entering the parlors ap
parently lor their own entertain
ment and gathering about the
piano they sang several songs.
Then, seating themselves on
cushions on the floor, thev re-
USINESSjsponded one by one to the lequesr.
for tfcetr parts in the program,
which was 2s follows: Vocal duet,
Misses Lorene Wirtz and Lena
Helliwell: recitation. Miss Edith
May; instrumental duet, Misses
Stella Bloch and Mary Pigler;
instrumental solo, Miss Edih
Knox; recitation, Miss Faye Rod
erick; vocalsolo, Miss Blanche
Jeffreys; vocal duet, Misses Au
drey Combes and Irene Curnn ; a
whistling number by the crowd
and two more songs, alter which
the study bell tang, and the pro
gram closed with a farce in which
the girls were expelled from the
Hall by the matron, Mrs. Horner,
After the program an advertis
ing game was plavid, first prize,
l Modseme nnveair plate, being
For the above occasion a rate
of one and one third fare on the
certificate plan is authorized to
Eugene and return from all points
on the S. P. railroad' in Oregon,
provided, however, fifty or moie
paying passengers ot not less than
fifty cents have been in attend
ance. Under these conditions,
delegates and members of their
families, who have paid full fare
to Eugene, will be returned at
one third fare but in no case less
than 25 cents on presentation of
S. P. certificates to S. P. agent
at Eugene cn or before Feb. 25,
I9c?. Certificates will be signed
by the Secietary of the Union
and may be issned on any of the
three days prior to cr on the op
ening day. ' 17-18
R. C. Linville, Agent.
Bsrn Nearing Completion.
Out on the OAC farm thespletdid new
dairy bam, that it a rtcdej in iis av, is
ra pidlv tearing completion. Ae is well
known, this bi;iUlit g is to cost 25,000.
The D'ain part cf the stiucture is almost
eim f ltttd, the ci n tnt fl.ors are made,
the etaMs are in pUce, and ;Le iaige feed
bin finished.
The wext winir is still incomplete, but
in the eat wii gibe work ia sufficiently
advanced to jtiv-a fair idea of -what the
barn will be like when fiuishtd The
dairy c s witl lie kept iu this section o'
the building. Th-reme concitte floor
sith tra tnd un eigrouod drain-; the
feed troughs art) toricrete aud swinging
Kates of iron will pepare lite- cows from
eaon other. The !ab'e is well lighted
and perfctly ventilaieJ, and as little
wsod is ased and there i not a surplus
piaoe of rnaterial in the entire bnildina
it will be an caay anatut to keep U Pr
ftclly rln i . , , " ' - - s . - -
Poe's Raven will appear at the
opera house, Saturday evening
Feb. 29th, at 8 o'clock. ijtf
Post cards and postal cards mailed un
der cover of sealed envelopes transparent
or otherwise are chargeable with postage
at first class rate two centa an ounce or
fraction thereof. If enclosed in unsealed
envelopes, they are subject to postage in
first class-rate if wholly or partly written,
or third 1 lass rate if entirely printed and
postage should be Lxed to the envelope
eovering the same. Postage stamps af
fixed to such cards enclosed in envelopes
having an opening exposing the stamp
cannotsbe recognized in payment of post
age thereon. Ex.
Did you ever see a mocking
bird? ever bear them sing? There
is a mocking-bird quartette in
'Old Arkansas" at the opera
house next Saturday. Everyone
enjoys a good, hearty laugh na
ture requires it; the doctor pre
scribes it. It is worth a bowl of
drugs. Good, clean, honest com
edy prevades "Old Arkansas,"
adding much to the enjoyment 01
the production.
Boston (Mass. ) Herald. The
Rogers-Grilley Recital, at Asso
ciation Hall, was one of the most
successful cf the season. Mr.
Rogers is a soloist of the first
rank, and his numbers were en
thusiastically received. Mr. Gril
ley's work is out of the ordinary
line of entertainers, being decid
edly original in every way. His
selections were a feature long to
be remembered. Corvallis Ly
ceum Course, opera house Thurs
day evening,
Heaven help the man who imagines he
can t'odge enemies by trying to please
everybody. If such aa individual ever
succ eeded, w e shcnld be glad ef it not
tnat on should be going through the
world trying to find beams te knock and
bump his bead against, disputing every
man's opinion, fighting and elbowing and
crowding ail who differ iam him. That,
again, is another extreme. Oth.r people
have their opinions to haveyod; don't
fall into the error of supposing they will
respect yon m ore for taraiug yoar coat
everyday to natch tbeeelor of theirs,
The Sac tmento -Associatio
d on f tue strongest and mo ;
ractive Star Courses in its hi -t
ty scheduled for theseason, bi' :
: ete was no number on th
c urse which gave greater sati
ction or attracted more 'fave'
1 le comment than the Rogers
Grilley recital. Over 800 ot the
f' st people of the city were in
si-ired and charmed by the splen
did work of both artists. Corval
lis Lyceum Course, opera house,
Thursday evening.
The annual reunion of the G. A. R. for
the state of Oregon will be held at New
pert, Jane 24 to 27, inclusive. Business
urn there aad citizens generally will
unite in the undertaking to give the old
veterans a hearty welcome and the most
hospitable entertainment. The hotels
will make low rates and campground .
will be provided for those who prefer a
season of tent life. There were many
competitors for the honor of entertaining
the encampment, but Newport's attrac
tions as a coast retort won the day. It
ie estimated that 500 visitors will be there
on account of the event.
At a meeting held Saturday evening,
officers were. appointed as follows to take
charge of the big horse and stock show :
Chairman, W. H. Savage; secretary, S.
K. Hartsock; treasurer, W. H. Currin.
The executive committee is Walter Tay
lor, Diek Kiger. M. A. Wyatt, Thomas)
Fawcett and Peter Whi'eaker. The dales
were first set for June e6 but at this
meetiug it was decided to hold the show
on May 15-16. The earlier date is con
sidered advisable because of the stock
being in better condition then. Another
meeting is to be held soon to complete
A. preacher in a neighboring town was
handed alaige and luscious lemon the
other day. While making a pastoral call
at the home of a member of his flock the ,
young son 01 toe iamiiy came aasoinn
into the bouse unceremoniously, bis
clothes torn and one eye blackened. "Oh
my !" esclaimed--theprtachr-Cjxu'si.-...
been Hunting you have a black eye and
your clotbes are torn. Fighting is very
wicked. Come here aed let ma pray for
you, "
"Aw, g'wan," retorted thi pugilistic
lad ; "go home and pray for your own
kid his clotbes are worse than mine and
he's got two black eyes." iix.
General Organizer Day met with the
Mary's Peak camp, No. I2S, W. O. W.,
of Philomath, Thursday night. Repre
sentatives of the several camps in the
county were preeent. Mr. Day submit
ted the plan of campaign. 'Ihe following
officers were elected to take charge of the
movement: A. P. Johnson, chairman,
Corvallis; U. L. Taylcr, secretary, Philo
math; S. W. Gibbons, treasurer, Philo
math. It was decided to hold visits in
the camps as follows: Kings Valley,
Marjh 3; Bellefountain, March r4; Cor
vallis, March 25; Pnilomath, April 3;
Monroe, April 11, and to hold a grand
county picnicsat Philomath, May 16, at
which all kinds of Woodmen sports will
be on the program. A general letter will
ba sent to the membership, setting forth
the objects of the campaign aad notifying
the members that the Woodmen of Mult
nomah county will celebrate the birth of
Woodcraft June 6 at Portland. , A ban
quet was served the visitors by Mary's
Peak camp.
Portland and Return, Only $3.50.
The Southern Pacific Company and
Corvallis & Eastern Railway are selling
round trip tii keta to Portland from Cor
vallis for J3.50, good going on any train
Saturday or Sunday either via Albany or
wRt aide and good returDing either via
Albnny or west side, Saturday, Sunday
or Monday. " ,
16if R. C. Lisvii-i.E, Agent.,
Troubles That Keep Half the Cor
vallis Doctors Busy. ,
Half of the prescriptions the Corvallis
doctors write are for troubles that result
directly from a weakened stomach.
Strengthen the stomach muscles, increase
the secretion of gastric juices, and yon
will find that common afflictions indi
eestion, with its headaches, dizziness.
depression of spirits, spots before the eyes,
nervousness, sleeplessness and general
debility have Deen oveicome.
From now on build up the strength and
bealtb of the stomach with Mi-o-na tab
lets. Yon will soon find yourself strong
and neer know the meaniog ef indigeu
tioa. If Mi-o-na did not have an unusuajly
curative f fleet in stomach diaordeis, it
could not be sold on the guarantee givea
by Graham & Welle to refund the moaey
onleaa it does all that is claimed for it.
Tbey give an Absolute, unqualified guar
antee with every 50-cent box of Mi-o-na
that the money will be teiondfd anieea
th, khJimbs BBrmm. Th- lake tka whole
Wear yoar own elo:s la piU.of wind or f ujL and yea cerUialy aa afford to get
VMtkf. Sx.'
KiiM fren ttvra a ttrit flea.