Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 09, 1903, Image 2

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'FRIDAY, "JAN. 9, 1903.
It is no small matter for con
gratulation that the president has
declined to arbitrate the Vene
zuela controversy, but has secur
ed a referer.ce bf it to the Hague j
ed this tribunal in the interest of
peace. It is a peace tribunal.
All, or at least all of the princi
pal governments of Europe, prom
ised to refer their difficulties to
it. The United States and
Mexico are parties to the agree
ment, Germany and Italy were
averse to submitting the dispute
to the Hague tribunal. It is
probable Germany hoped to have
president Roosevelt act as arbiter
that this government mignt
made to guarantee that Venezue
la would comply with the award
made. It is not yet a part of
our national policy that we shall
go on the' bail-bond of any na
tion. The president has avoided
placing the United States in a
position where any such guaran
tee by us might be expected by
any of the parties to the contro
versy. There is reason to be
lieve that Germany would be
glad to see the Hague Commis
sion die of inanition. Her army
chafes because of prolonged peace
She has an expensive, untried
modern navv which she desires
to test by the conditions of actu
al conflict. If the peace of the
world depended oa Germany
inclination we should leel that it
held by slisbt tenure.
The action of President Roose
velt and Secretary Hay has giv
en a new lease of life to the
Hague tribunal, and greatly
strengthens peaceful arbitration
as the most desirable method o
settling international disputes.
Americans, friends or peace ana
progress everywhere should fee
gTateful to the president ana
his secretarv-of-state for this
grand achievment.' .
Added to this tbe Monroe doc
trine has received the expressed
sanction of - all tha powers now
enforcing their claims agains
Venezuela, so that we may not
onlv xep;ard it as our national
policy but as acknowledged in
ternational law. We find that
our diplomacy, straight, open
sincere, is in skilliui nanas ana
brings as desirable . results asjthe
traditional methods of European
The Oregon legislature will
begin the session of 1903, next
Monday. Besides the election of
senator, ; much important busi
ness will come before that body.
The Lewis and Clark appropria
tion bill is expected to pass early
in the session,, and no time
should be lost in the selection of
a senator. Mr.' Fulton, of Asto
ria is believed to have a sufficient
number of supDorters to elect
him on the first ballot. -He will
prove acceptable to all ortions
of the state and will ably repre
sent Oregon in the upper branch
ot congress. The people have a
right to ask that there be no de
lay in chpsing a successor to Mr.
bimon. This will insure more
prudent and expeditious consid
eration or tne important meas
ures which are to come before
this session of the legislature.
The man who is most decided
in his statement that the less leg
islation enacted by the legisla
ture the better for the people, is,
as a rule,- the person who objects
most strenuously to a senatorial
dead -lock because it interferes
with legislation.
A Fool and His Money.
A. J. SheridaD, of Paxton, Neb.,
has exemplified the old adage of
straining at a nan, ana swallowing
a camel." Mr. Sheridan came to
Corvallis early last fall. He left
his wife and family with his uncle-in-law
at; Walker, Oregon, while
he looked about for a location
suitable to his ideas - and his
purse. He visited the various real
estate agents in this vicinity and
enlisted their services to secure him
- a bargain in town or farm property.
. Mr. Sheridan was hard to please
and was suspicious of real estate
agents in general and in particular.
He was shown many desirable bar-
: gains in Corvallis and farm proper
ties within a radius of several miles.
Two or three local business houses
were also approached by this gen-
' tleman with a proposition to buy.
But when negotiations were almost
in shape tcf bind the bargain, Mr.
Sheridan thought he could see a
mote in the eye of the seller, and
. the transfer was indefinitely post
poned. About ttyree weeks' ago this cau
tious visitor from Nebraska went to
!-." i A. .1 ,
San Francisco, where he failed I o
seethe beam in the optic of a
stranger whom he . rueii. tb?re, with
the following result as told in a dis
patch from that city:
. A. J. Sheridan, a school teacher
from Paxton, Neb., is the latest
victim of confidence operators. He
was en l iced to a room at i59 M a
sion St , and relieved t f nepot ia!.;e
checks-and drafts amnniii g -o
$1193. Sheridan don' not know
yet how lie was inducwd to p3rtj
with the Ravines of Vera, and be
lieves he was hypnotized He is
left penniless while his wife and
three youDg children are without
means at Walker, Or. His story is
that a young man" offered to intro
duce him to a man named McDon
ald, who would identify him at the
bank so that he could get checks
and drafts cashed. The young
man took him to a room, where
they waited for a long Unas for Mc
Donald, who was away . when they
arrived. While waitine, Sheridan
was induced to play carcta, and was
eheved of evervtbine he had. lie
savs he knew he was being robbed,
but couldn't help it, and claims
therefore that he must hava been
Installation of Officers.
Ellsworth Post No. 19 and the
W. R. C. No. 7 held their annual
installation exercises in their hall
ast Saturday night, January 3rd.
The following officers of the W.
3. C. were installed: Mrs. Sa
rah Cronk was reelected presi
dent and Mrs. D. C. Kose was
elected senior vice-president, and
Mrs. Tane Pritchard was elected
junior vice president; Mrs. Emi
ly Henkle, secretary; Mrs Fran
ces Oren, treasurer; Mrs. Sarah
Wilkinson, chaplain; Mrs. Tillie
Reed, conductor; Mrs. Gibson,
assistant conductor; Mrs. Pru
dence Chipman, guard; Mrs. Es-
tella Chipman, assistant guard;
Mrs. Viola Kerr Mrs. Elizabeth
Hubler, Mrs. Melinda Robinson
and Mrs: Margaret Kyle, lit,
2nd, 3rd and 4th color bearers,
respectively; Mrs. Sarah Wilkin
son, Mrs. Frankie Smith, Mrs.
D.'C. Rose, Mrs. Margaret Craw
ford, Mrs. Estella Chipman and
Mrs. Sarah Elgin were selected
as delegates, and Miss Clara
L,ane, Mrs. Emily Henkle, Mrs.
Elizabeth Hubler, Mrs. Jane
Pritchard, Mrs. Etta Campbell
and Mrs. Stella Peterson were
chosen as alternatives.
At the close"o installation ex?
ercises a deliciovs .luncheon was
served which fittingly closed the
1 eventnov a -
Alleged Timber Fraud.
' unite a number 01 our citizens own
timber claims ia Lake county, and at
oresent these claims are the subject of
investigation. It is believed that Cor.
yaUisitea who hold timber claims ia
Lake county are all-right, as they acted
in good faith, paid for their own claims
and tried to avoid irregularities.
It is said that Special Agent Grygla,
of tho United States Land Office, is at
Lakeview and has more than 500 claims
to investigate and in every case where
there is evidence of irregularity the
claimants will be summoned to show
cause why their titles should not be
cancelled. It. makes no difference
whether or not a . patent to the land has
been granted.
A dispatch from Ashland contains the
following bearing on this subject :
Two years ago, when the timber land
excitement was rather acute, a number
of men went from this valley into the
Jjakeview district, to take up timber
claims and as to a good proportion f
them it was understood that -they were
acting for Eastern capitalists, who sup
plied the ' money for expenses and the
purchase price of the timber land. That
some of them were without any means
to purchase land was a matter of com
mon knowledge. Later large numbers
ef people from the East were taken into
that country by way of Ashland, some
times as many as '20 or more in a party,
to locate timber, whose condition .and
the circumstances of their visit pointed
to the belief that they wefe actics: as
dummies" in getting title to timber
lands. There were at the same time
many visitors who unquestionably com
plied with the law in good faith in pur
chasing timber lands.
The expense of a trip to Lakeview is
considerable and will work a hardship to
legitimate claimants in a few inetances,
but tbe greater number have some one
with money behind them. In fact, in
many instances the lands have already
passed from the original purchasers, who
simply acted as claimants under an
agreement to-sell to another party.
Letter List.
For. the week ending Jan. 10, 1903.
PersoLa calling for these letters will
please state date on which they were ad
vertised. They will be charged, at the
rate of one cent each:
J A Brooks, Howard G Bartlett, Har
ry Brucleston, Geo Brown (2), J H and
N E Dunn, E L Dyer, Miss Zeila Davis,
Mrs Sadie Etwin, Jim Frayer, C HGarr,
F O Hale, Carl Holmes (2), Willie Hen
derson, O M Hellingsnorth, Wm Lane.
Mrs C E Makinster, Mrs A Morrison, F
A Peters, Mrs Laura B Smith, G M
Thorp and Mrs Marget Taylor.
B. W. Johnson, P. M.
g school
& -
on Jlgrlasltwral; :.olfege
Four years' i-.wn in Piano, Harir.ony, Eic
Preeent enrollment in the piano department over fotty I k;. ii.i.
Semi for ircular giving full inf rmation as to methods employed,
-teims, etc.
Annual Sal
Our Greatr Annual Sale of Winter
Merchandise will begin . v . .
Saturday, December 27
And will continue 30 days. Every article in our ex
tensive stock will be reduced, except the W. h. Doug
las $3.00 and $3 50 shoes, "Hawes' " $3.00 hats, Our
Own overalls ai.u O. N. T. Spcol Cottou.
All goods sold. at reduced
If you are looking for some
J? run ana rouitry itancnes, write
I shall t ike pleasure in giving you
also showing you over the country.
All Three Carried
In the school election held in
district No.' 9, last Monday, only
17' votes were cast. . The votes
on the propositions submitted re
sulted asfoliows; ' ' .
1st Five mill tax for payment
of teachors' and janitor's salaries;
for, 15; against, 2. .
2nd. Two mill tax for pay
ment for sewer, water closets and
plumbing; for, 14, against, 3.
3rd. One-half mill . tax for
payment of wood and. repairs' on
boiler furnace; for, 17. - -
Ton can mnfco yonr hai
ness a9 soft 113 a c'ova
and ai touith n wire by
V"SV VV! hoes Mil
It&vSi&X W4 lengthen Its life make it
(II. You can
crulnarl'y would.
mrtesapocrlooklTi'1!' ?:?r- -
wx.-a , Vr-w.t rt
$$f- puro. heavy botlied oil, es-
Sold everywhere
ja Ciiua all sizea.
Mada tj STANDARD 0!L Ca
Yottg's-Cash Store.
Ladies' Goods t at low prices, to close
out. Full line of woolen hosiery, also
fancy poods. Orders for groceries may
be sent by telephone.
For Sale.
30 head 2-ypar old ewes, ' to sell or will
trade for goats. Call on or write to
I. O. Thompson.
, Fern, Or.
. ' - . For Sale. --'
One fawn colored, Jersey milch cow.
Inquire of D. C. Rose.
K anted.
A girl lor general housework;
at this office.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder tight.
' : if
m u
jf riar
".9 fci
tf s fc a cl ?m Sia
. -':: " ' .......
prices for cash only.
real good bargains in Stock Gruit
ior ray special usi or come ana gee n.f
all the reliablcMnformation ) on wish
Philomath, Benton Comity, Oregon
Miss? Ida. M. Snyder,
. . -r. Treasurer of the
Brooklyn East End Art CInb.
" If womtn would pay more attention to
their health we would have more happy
wives, mothers and daughters, and if they
would observe results they wouid find
that the doctors' prescriptions do net
perform the many cures they arc given
credit for. -
In consulting with my druggist he ad
vised McElree's Wine of Cardui end Thed
ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and
have every reason to thank him for a new
life opened up to me with restored health,
and it only took three months to cure me."
Wine of Cardui is a regulator of the
menstrual functions and is a most as
tonishing tonic for women. It cures
scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg
ular and painful menstruation, f allwg
of the womb, white and flooding. It
is helpful when approaching woman
hood, during pregnancy, after child
birth and in change of life. It fre
quently brings a dear baby to homes
that have been barren for years. All
druggists have $1.00 bottles of IVine
of. Uardui.
Notice ef Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed administrator of the estate of
Emoline Frary, deceased, has filed i the
County Court bf Benton county, State of
Oregon, las final account as such admin
istrator of said estate, and Saturday, the
7th day of February, A. B. 1903,- at the
hour of ten o'clock, a: m., lias been fixed
by said Court as the time for hearing ob
jections to said report and the settlement
thereof. ' ... .
F. J. Fkary,
Administrator of the estate of Emoline
Frary, deceased. :
of suCering from indigestion if you eat
what you want, or of starving vourself
to avoid spcli distress? Acker's Dyspep
sia Tablets taken after eating will digest
your food perfectly and free you from all
disagreeable symptoms of Indigestion
and Dyspepsia. Eat what you like at
any time and take a Acker Tablet after
ward. Positively guaranteed. Your
monf y will always be refunded if you are
not satisfied. Wiite to us for a free sam
ple, W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
BJ Mlfl trim T"H En nBII I
, . . i, ' i v . : .
fiON .
ogp LiNE
akd union Pacific
D BP ART Stise schedules!
for from Portland -yK0M
Chicago- SaltLakej Denver,
1 or tland Ft Worth f Omaha
bpecial Kansas City, St. 450 p.m.
9.a-n'- Louis Cbieago
via U un- andEa3t.
Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver,
Express Ft Worth, Omaha,
8:50o. . Kansas City, St 3:10 a.m.
via tfnn-Louis, Chicago and
tington. East.. -'- ' "
St. Paul Walla Walla. Low
Fast Mail "t.on- S P ?. k f '
r.-iKnm Minntapolis, St. ,
T;a15 p m- Paul, Duluth, Mil- 7 :0 a-m-Spokane
waukee Chicago, '
and East.
Through Pullman and Tourist Seepers
No change of cars. ' Through tickets to
all Eastern points via this route on sale
at S. P. depot office.
Ocean and Eiver Schedule.
1 - -
All ling dates
subject to change.
8 p- m, . For San Francisco, 4 p. m.
Sail every five days
from April 2d.
' ,Da"y Columbia River
iVS: EfcSt-
Saturday, To Aa r a & way- Sunday
10 p. m. landing.
Water Permitting. , ,
Steamer Ruth leaves Corvallis for Al
bany," Salem, Portland and Way Land
ingsTuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
6:00 a. m. ; returning:, arrives Corvallis
about Midnight,' Monday, Wednesday
and Friday.
E. F.THAYER, Agent, Corvallis.
A. L CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent, .
' - Portland, Oregon.
fellis & Mm Railroad.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m.
- " . " .Corvallis 2:00 p. m
" arrives Yaquina 6:25 p. m.
1 Returning:
' Leaves Yaquina. . . . 6:45 a. m.
Leaves Corva11is. . . . 11:30 a. m.
Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m.
3 For Detioit: v ...
Leaves Albanj. . .... 7:00 a. m.
Arriyes Detroit ;, .... 1 2:05 p. m.
4 Returning: -
-: Leaves Detroit . . . ."v 1 2:45 p. in
Arrives A'bany . . . . : 5:35 pi m.
Train No. -1 arrives ija. Albany in
time to connect-with the S. P- eouth
bound train, as well as Rivmsr two or
three hours in Albany bt foie departure
of S.'P. north bound train 'for -.Portland,
Train No. 2 ronnects with the .S.'P,
trains at. Coivalhs nnd Alliany giving
direct service to Newport and adjacent
Train 3 for Detroit; Breitenbusb and
other mountain lesorts leaves Albany at
1 :00 p. m. after the arrival cf S. P. south
bound train' irom Poi tland, reaching De
troit at 5:45 p- m.
For further information apply to
Edwin Stone,
H. H. Cbonise, ' , Manager.
Agent, Corvallis. "
J. Tt'BNEB, Agsnt Albany.
Our Clubbing List.
Subscribers to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can
obtain the following: pnpers in combination Bub-
scriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very lour
prices stated below; cash in achance always to ac
con pany the order. - Those wishing two or more
publications named with the GAZETTE: will please
correspond witn this on ice ana we wul quote you
the combination priced We can save you money on
nearly all publications you desire. ,
The abbreviations below are explained as follows:
W. foi weekly; S VV for semi-weekly; T W, for tri
weekly; M, for monthly; S M, for semi n ontbly.
The first price represents the subscription rate of
the publication alone, and the second the rate for
the publication offered in conjunction with the
seroi-weekly GAZKTTE.
Oregon Agriculturist "and Rural Northwest, Port
land, Or., 8.W., 50 cents; ?1.80.
Oretronian, Portland,, Or., W., 1.B; 2.65.
Rural Spirit, Portland, Or., Contains a live-stock
market report, W., 42.00; 2.55.
Pacific Christian Advocate For land, Or.. W.
$2.00. S.05.
Tlie Thrice-a-Weck World, Sew York, T. V'.,
$1.00; 2.20. -
Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa, A thorough stock
and farm journal, W.. SI. 00; 2.30.
The Republic, SK Louis, Mo., S. W.. Sl.OO; 2.0&.
The American tVimer, Indiaiapolis, Tnd. , Live
stock, farm and poultry journal, M., 50 cents; 1.65.
BotUjri Cooking School I'agazine, Ei-M., 50 cents;
1.90. " - '., . . ' ...
I Vouug People's Weekly, Chicago, 111., W.. 50 cents;
Cincinnati Jcquirer, Cir.cilinati, W., $;.C0; 2 05.
The Fruit Glowers' 'Journal,' Cobden . 111., W.,
50 cents; $1 75.
Farm and Fireside,
Springfield, Ohio, S. W.,
60 cents; 1.75.
Women's Uonte Tomi anion,
$1.00; 2.15.
Springfield, Ohio,
- Lippincott's
2.60; 3.25.
Mig.E:::r, Thikdeli hia, Ta., M.',
Ev'rv Month (Music, Sens and Dince), Kew York,
M., $1.00; $2.15.
The Century Magazine, Kew York, M., 14.00; 6.05.
Hoard's Dairj'man, Fort Atkinson. Wis., The
host most up-to-date dijrj journal in the world, W..
81.00; 2.30.
Orepcn Poultrj Journal, :- Salem, Or., M.. E0
cents; 1.80.
The Pathfinder,
District of .Colombia, W., $1.00;
uws for Sale.;
Owing to lack of facilities to care for so
many cows, M.S. Woodcock, of Corval
lis, Oregon, offers for sale from 15 to 18
head of registered Jersey cows. These
cows have been selected for-nheir breed
ing and good milk qualities. It i3 a rare
chance to fiud so many cows for sale in
one lot EO'gcod as these. Prefer to sell
them atone pale. With good security
ample time wilt be given and partial pay
ments will be negotiated to suit purchas
era. For information, address ' . v
, ' ; r a ' - II, A. Wicks,
; - . . Corvallis, Or.
?lsc first National BanR
WOODCOCK, President.
MOOR. Vice-President.
GEO. 13. LILLY, Assistant Cashier.
E. V. WILES, Corvallis, Oregon.
Loans Made
On all kinds Of as
to encouraee and
to encouraee and bnild uo the ltBOinate dusi-
ness enterprises and indnst
sines 01 ims cuuuu
Received subject to check payable oa demand.
Foreign Exchange
Steht eTcKfenre ana transfers sold available la
the principal cities f England, Ireland, Switzer
land. France. Belgium. Holland, norway, sww
en, Denmark, Italy, RUSSiSj Spain, Portugal, V
maay, Austria, - r
Letters of Credit
Issued avs&atte in tbe principal cities M the
United Stales v
Princr Gorrespondents Upon Whom W
Sell Sight Exchange
The Commerciftl National Bank of Chicago.
The l-'irst National Bank of Portland, Oregon.
The Bank of California. San Francisao, Caul.
-Angio-Cahfornian Bosk, San Francisco, cam.
The National Jity Banc jncw ort.
T!ie Bank of New York National Banking Ass 11.
Importers StTrader's National Bank, New York.
Bhoo a ud Leather National Cank of Boston, Mass
fhiladtlphia National Bank of riiiladelphia. Va
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City. Oregon, -
Dec. 3. 1A02
Notice is herebv criven that in compliance with the
p-ovisions of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory, as extended to ail ine ruoiic mnu
States by act of August 4, 1892, Samuel C. Dixon, of
Philomath, county ot Henton, Slate ot Oregon, nas
this day filed in this offce his nworn statement No.
6980. for the purchase of the E i cf 8W 1-4 and Lot
4 of Section No. 6 in Township No. 13 S, Range No. 0
W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone, than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before victor r. Mones, jieric oi nenura
cour-fy, Oregon, at Corvallis. Oregon, on Monday,
the i6th day of Fehruary, 1903.
He names as witnesses:
' John W. Ilvde. Ed Hawkins. Frank M. Spencer,
and Mahlon W. VVorthingten, all of Philomath, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
thU office on or before said 10th day of FeV, 1903.
CHAS. B. MO ORES. Register.
Pigs for Sale.
quire of
20 head oi yourg pigs. En-
Corva'lis, Ore.
Southern Pacific Company.
Trains leave Corvpllisfor Portland
: and way stations at 1 :SO p. m.
v fnrtiaB.d- 8:3() am
y Albanv 12:30 p m
, 8 :3f p m
10:50 p ni
11 :30 a rn
4 :35 a m
9.30 a ro
ll :45 a m
9:00 a m
7 :25 a m
9:30a m
Ar Asbland -12:33 a m
Ar Sacramento -5. 00 p m
Ar San Francisco-7 :45 p m
Ar Ogden -5:45 p m
Ar Denver- -9:00 a m
Ar Kansas City 7:25 a m
Ar Chicago" 7 :55 a m
Ar Los Angeles 1 :20 p ni
Ar El Paso 6:00 p m
Ar Fort Worth 6 :30 a m
Ar City of Mexico 9 :55 a m
Ar Houston- 4:00 a m
Ar New Orleans 6 :25 a m
Ar Waehin?ton 0:42 a m
Ar Nsw-York 12:43 p m
7 :00 a rn
6 :00 p tn
6 :30 a m
9:55 a m
4:00 a m
6 :25 p m
6:42 a n.
12:43 p m
both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to
Ogden and ELPaso, snd Tourist cars to
Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans and
Connecting at 8an Francisco, with sev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan,
China, Philippines, Central and South
See F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis
station, or address
. C. H. MARKHAM, G. P A .
Portland, 0
Not ics for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon t!it.y, Oregon, Dec. 29, UI02.
Notiee is hereby (riven that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878. en
titled "An act for the sale f timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Kcvada. and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all .the Public Land
Stsitss by act of Auguat 4, 1892.
of Salem, county of ilarion, State of Oregon, has
this day tiled in this office her sworn statement No.
5993, for the- purchase of the N K 1-4
of Section No. 12 in Township No. 13 S, Range No.
7 W, and will offer uroof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the 7th
day of March, 1903.
She names as witnesses: Lilla Smith of Portland,
Or., Morris Wiprut of Salem, Or., Herman Hirsch
berg cf Independence, Or., Michael O. Flynn of
Philomath, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-
described lands are requested to tile their claims in
this office on or before said 7th day of March, 1003.
. - . - . - CHAS. B. MOORES,
If yon desire a good complexion, u.e
Moki Tea, a pure herb drink,. It acts on
the liver and makes the skin smooth and
clear. Cures sick headache; 23 cts. and
50 cts. Money refunded if it does not
satisfy you. Write to W H Hooker & Co ,
Buffalo, N. Y. Allen & Woodward,
druggists. -
We sell the grea'est of blood purifiers
Acker's Blood Elixer, under a positive
guarantee. It will cure all chronic and
other blood poisons. If you have erup
tions or sores on yonr body, or are pale,
weak or rnn down, it is inst - what 3-ou
need. We refund money if you are not L
satisfied. 50 cents and ?1. A leu &
Woodward, druggists. ... : ,
G;t your Job Work done here
Physician Sujgt on
Itoonis 14 in Bank Building.
t4K a h,, I 10 to 12 a.m.
Office Hours 2w4p m
Residence: Correi 5th and Arit-iis St.
Telephone at oCicf u:id rehi.n.. -.
, PL 1
Physician, Surgeon, Occulist
Office Booms 1 and 2 in Bank Bldg.
Residence On 3rd street, between
Monroe and Jackson. Residence tele
phone No. 811.
Office Hocrs 10 to lz a. m. ; z. to 4
and 7 to 7 :3o p. m . -
Physician Surgeon
Examining surgeon U. S.Pensfob Bureau
Oste6pathic Physicians
Oflice on Sonlh Main St. Consultation
and examination free.
OfEce hours : 8 :30-ll :45 a. m; 1-5 -M p.m.
Telephone 235.
Corvallis, Oregon.
OHce In Wbltehora Blork
Dentistry of ev? n description done in first
class 'manner. : and stisfaction guar
OflBce over Zlerolf 's grocery store, ppoe'
the post office, Corvallis. Oregon.
E. Jl. Bryson
Corvallis, Oreon..
Office In FottcfEce Stiildlojt.
Notary Titi.ks. Cor-vi-jr.
Prai tii e in all State and Fed ral Court.
OfT.ce in Burnett Building. Vi
Drugs & Medicines " Kodaks & Photo Supplh
Ccrvellis, Ctcgcn
Established, Incorporated , 19
The mort rrn-pVle linf ol Pure Drflg and
Chemicals in Corvallis.
Books and "Stationery, Con tcerclal Ft
pers, Fine lerfcmcry, Toilet Article,
Combs, X restes ace" Kiriors.
JSntice for Publication.
Lai'd Office at Oregon City. Oregon,
November 29, 1902.
Notice l-i hereby given that tbe following-named
pettier has Hied notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of hi claim and that said proof
will be made before the County Clerk of Benton
County, at Conrallis, Oregon, on January i2, 1903,
viz: John Duffy H. E. No. I18IO for the 8W Sec.
8, T. 13, 8., R. 6 W.
He names the following witnesFes to prove hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz:
B. F. Ireland, J. H. Daniel, W. T. Butler, and
Wm. Uates, all of Fern, Oregon.
CHAS. H. MOOUFS, Register.
.Koti.ce for 'Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City. Oregon,
Dec '29, 1962.
Notice Js hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the art of Congress of June 3, 1878, en
titled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Publ'c Land
States by act of August , 1892,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office her vuorn statement
No. 6907, for the purchase of the NW 1-4 of See. No.
12 in Township No. 13 8, Range No. 7 W, and will of
fer proof to show that the land sought is more valu
able for its timber or stono than for agricultural
purpses. and to establish her claim tn said land be
fore the Register and Receiver at This office at Ore
gon City, Oregon on Satiirdav, tho 7th day of March,
She name as witnesses: Anna Wiprut of Salem,
Oregon, Morris Wiprut of Salem, Oregon, Herman
Hirschberg of Independence Oregon, Michael G.
Flynn of Philoma'h, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely (he above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or br fore said 7th day of March, 190S.
that gets pour lungs sore and weak and
paves the way for preumonia and con
sumption, or both. Acker's Enjilifh
Remedy will stop the congh in a day and
heal vour luues. It will enre Consump
tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat
and lung troubles. " Positively guaran
teed, and money refunded it you are not
satisfied. Write to us for free sample
W. H. Hooker & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.