Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 06, 1900, Image 4

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If yen were offered sure aid in time
of trouble would you put it aside
and accept something' of doubtful
efficiency ?
If yon saw before you a strong and
safe "bridge leading to your goal, would
you ignore it to try some insecure and
tottering structure ?
The answer to these questions is
plain. You would, of course, choose
without hesitation what all evidence
showed to be the safe thing, and you
would risk nothing in useless experi
ments. Why, then, do some women risk one
of their most precious possessions
their health in trying medicines of
unknown value, which may even prove
hurtful to them.?
Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com
pound has stood the test of years. It
has the largest sale of any remedy for
female ills in the world, and nothing
could have given it this sale except its
own merit.
Do not try any experiments, but buy
what is known to be reliable. Mrs.
Finkham's Compound can do all that
is claimed for it, and all statements in
regard to it can be easily verified.
Write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass.,
for a little book she has just published
containing letters from the mayor of
Lynn, the postmaster and others.
Mrs. Finkham's advice is offered free
of charge to ail women who write to
her for aid. This invitation is con
stantly renewed. A million women
have been cured of serious female illsby
Mrs. Finkham's advice and medicine.
. m . j j M VI
three Letters rrom ine i
Woman, Showing How
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
tabla Compound Cured
Falling of the Wombs
" Dear Mrs. Piskham I see your
advertisement in the papers in regard
to treating woman's diseases, and
would be grateful to you for your ad
vice in my case. I am suffering from
falling of womb, have pains in my
sides and legs, in fact I ache all over.
I am getting so weak I cannot stand
on my feet much. I have the head
ache sometimes, and a choking, tight
feeling in my breast and throat. Have
a baby seven months old. I hope to
hear from you soon, as I am in so
much distress." Mrs. J. E. Comptojt,
Eggbornsville, Va., May 16, 1898.
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham I followed
your advice and I am now on the sec
ond bottle of your Vegetable Com
pound and I think it is going to cure
me. If it does I will ever praise it,
for I am, and have been, a great suf
ferer ; but now I live in hopes of
getting well." Mrs. J. R. Compton,
Eggbornsville, Va., July 12, 1898.
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham Again I
write to you. When I first wrote to
vou for advice in regard to my troubles
I thought I could never get well again.
After receiving your letter I followed
your advice exactly, ancL thanks to
you, I am cured of that dreadful
disease. 1 cannot find words to ex
press the good your medicine will do.
It is really more than was recom
mended to me." Mrs. J. R. Comptok,
Eggbornsville, Va., April 12, 1899.
Two Women Cured of Ir
regularity, Falling of the
Uterus and Ovarian
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham I have
female weakness. Menstruation ir
regular, and I suffer bearing-down
pains in left side and hip. My doctor
said I had womb trouble and enlarge
ment of the ovaries. 1 have doctored
two months, but see no improvement."
Miss Mart E. Reed, Swan Creek,
111. 9
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham Your good
advice has been worth more than all I
ever received from a doctor. Words
cannot express- my gratitude to you for
Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com
pound. After twelve years' suffering I
am stout and healthy." Miss Mary E.
Reed, Swan Creek, 111., April 28, 1899.
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham I suffer
female troubles. My doctor wishes
my ovaries taken out, but I shall
never consent. Menstruation is irreg
ular and my head has a tired feeling.
Hospital treatment does me no good.
I have five children and am forty-four
years old. Please advise what medi
cine to take." Mrs. E. ELSondebs, 437
N. 40th St., Philadelphia, Pa., Septem-
Der 27, 16U8.
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham I followed
the advice you gave me and your medi
cine has cured me. I felt better when
I had taken the Vegetable Compound
but a week." Mrs. E. H. Sonders,
Philadelphia, Pa., February 6, 1899.
Another Case of Nervous
Prostration and Inflam
mation of tthe Bladder
Cured by Lydia . Pink
ham's Vegetable Com
pound. " Dear Mrs. Pinkham I have used
your Vegetable Compound for female
weakness and it has done wonders for
me. I also had nervous prostration
was not able to look after my house
work. After taking one bottle I began
to improve, and am now better in every
way and feel like a different person."
Mrs. Della Keiskb, Marionville, Pa.,
February 32, 1899.
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham I cannot
praise your Vegetable Compound
enough for the good it has done me.
I suffered from inflammation of the
bladder. I tried doctors, but obtained
no relief. At last I decided to write
to you, and now, thanks to your reme
dies, I am entirely cured." Mrs. K. S.
Gradt, 131 Union St., High Bridge,
New York City, April 11, 1899.
Haves cade Dropry and its com
plications a specially fox twenty
suciess. Have cured many thous
and cases.
:. ti. ik a. saBfitrB suns,
Box Hi " Atlanta, ita.
A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh and
Consumption. $1.00. D Lock Box 145.
W. H. SMITH & CO., Buffalo, M.Y, Prop's.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Orkuon.
can give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un
equalled. "
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use I
In time. Sola dt arugcisn.
Grim, Gray and Pictnresque Pinuacle
a Terror to the Mariner-Has Been a
Menace to Navieation Kver Since
the Days of '49.
Shag rock No. 1 and Shag rock No. 2
in San Francisco having been disposed
of, contractors are now busily engaged
in work preliminary to the demolition
of the still more tumous Arch rock in
the same maritime thoroughfare. The
forty-niner cannot recall the day when
this picturesque menace to navigation
was not anathematized by the sailor
man. Many a time its destruction has
been suggested, and its demolition
would have been accomplished
long ago but for the sentimental oppo
sition of a few veteran Californians
who hated to see their odd-looking old
friend disappear forever. Residents of
Sausalito have always been particularly-
averse to its destruction, their cry
always being that it was one of the
sights of the bay. Eventually contin
ued agitation by pilots and others in
terested in shipping bore fruit, and now
Arch rock must follow in the way of
the two others.
In early days of California's history It
was a favorite amusement for young
men to wait for an unusually low tide
and then pull a boat through the arch.
So far as is known the first time this
feat was accomplished was In 1857,
when Captain Frank Murphy, one of
the best known pilots of his day, rowed
a small boat through. For a few years
the daring trip was occasionally made
or attempted, but eventually a couple
of young fellows, in trying to do the
trick, were dashed against the arch by
the heavy swell. The boat was smash
ed and the young men lost their lives.
Since that time rowboats have given
Arch rock a wide berth.
Frank Boyd, a noted pilot of the Cali
fornia coast, voiced the opinion of all
men in his profession when he called
Arch rock a dangerous spot, and said
It should have been blown up long ago.
"When they come to survey that spot,"
he said, "they will find every inch of
ground In the vicinity of Arch rock
covered with anchors and chains.
Coasters and deep-water ships by the
hundred have come within an ace of
going on the rock and had to slip
their anchors In order to get clear. The
first vessel that I remember being
wrecked on Arch rock," continued Cap
tain Boyd, "was the pilot-boat Sea
Witch. That was in 1855. All the
pilots had "boarded off and the schoon
er was coming in in charge of the boat
keeper. There, was a dense fog and
the boatkeeper mistook Arch rock for
a sloop under sail and getting his
course accordingly made the mistake
of his life. All hands were saved, but
the Sea Witch was a total loss.
"The next wreck was that of the
clipper ship Flying Dragon In the win
ter of 1801-62. She made ,the fastest
run on record from Newcastle, N. S.
W., thirty-five days, and anchored off
Meiggs wharf. Captain Watson, the
well-known marine surveyor, was in
command of the vessel, but the pilot
was still in charge when the accident
happened. A sudden change of wind
and a fierce squall drove the Flying
Dragon down on the rock and she be
came a total loss.
"The next vessel lost on the rock was
the bark Autocrat In 1809. She was
loaded with coal and drifted down to
her doom in a dense fog. Since that
time numberless vessels have made the
acquaintance of Arch rock and always
to their disadvantage. The old ferry
boat Clinton went on one of its ledges
In a fog and the steamer Oregon, now
running between the sound and Nome,
lost her bilges on It. The old bark
Columbia stuck on it for a day and a
night, and, last of all, the bark Cey
lon drifted down on It a few months
ago and was saved by the quarantine
steamer Sternberg. As It was the Cey
lon lost all her sheathing. It would
take a page to give the number of ves
sels that have just escaped going on
Arch rock by slipping their cables, and
when the contractors come to boring
I'll guarantee they will find more chain
and anchors than rock."
Pints Indian Kille 1 the Huge Brute
with Only a Knife.
The California-grizzly bear has been
one of the most powerful and uncon
querable beasts ever known to the
Western pioneer. A meeting with him
has usually brought death to the hardy
adventurer who dared enter the en
counter, or even stand In his way when
bruin came crashing through the un
derbrush. Other bears are met with
confidence and dispatched with a steady
aim, but when a grizzly comes thunder
ing down the bowlders, tearing off trees
In his superbly undeviating course,
shaking the mountain side with his half
ton of savage bulk, the of man
have to be strong indeed to withstand
the spectacle. There is death In the
red jaws, ripping and tearing In the
powerful claws, strength to dash a
man's bead from his body at a blow
from one of the huge forelegs. Coming
head-on, he is like all savage creation
turned loose. He is usually more than
mortal can face; only the preternatur-ally-brave
and reckless court death and
defy the fates by daring to stand and
tight when he comes. Yet a few days
ago a Piute Indian, armed with only a
knife, met and overcome one of these
monsters. The Indian was living at
last accounts, but the bear was dead.
Mustang is the Indian's name. He
and another Piute were out in a tre
mendously wild region of the Hetch
Hetchy valley and when descending
j the bed of a gorge they almost ran into
the jaws of the largest grizzly they had
ever seen. Mustang and his companion
fired their rifles at the brute, but the
two shots produced no more effect in
arresting the bear's charge than would
the throwing of a pebble against the
wind stop a cyclone. Mustang was a
step in advance of his companion and
bruin reached nim first, knocking his
gun one way and him the other. The
companion climbed a tree. Mustang
plunged his knife to the handle into the
shaggy monster, slashed it again and
again across his rough-hide, ripped and
cut until blood poured from a dozen
gashes in the herculean carcass; then
he fell under a crushing blow from one
of the spiked paws and lay quivering
on the rocks with the bear tearing
strips of hide from his back and chew
ing his arms and shoulders to a pulp.
Meantime Mustang's friend was vain
ly trying to get his rifle into working
order. It had been Injured when he
climbed the tree. From morning till
night this condition lasted. The bear
soon left the mangled remains of Mus
tang and lumbered in red vengeance
over to the tree where perched the
other Indian. After trying in vain to
climb he limped back to Mustang, but
befcre he could tear the man to pieces
the Indian, who was by no means dead
yet, drove the knife into his enemy's
vitals. The bear staggered off a few
yards and then, overcome by the fear
of death which comes instinctively to
all animals, staggered down the gorge,
but fell for good in a few minutes. As
sistance soon reached Mustang, who
was cared for by cunning medicine
men of his own race.
Does Not Come with Age.
A medical man has discovered that
neither in youth nor old age is a man
likely to make the biggest fool of him
self. Extreme youth usually Is consid
ered not to have arrived at the dignity
of years of discretion, yet a homely
proverb would have us believe that
"there is no fool like an old fool." This
medical observer has broached the
theory that there is an "aberration
period of middle life," between the
ages of 57 and 62. "If," he says, "a
careful examination be made of the
preventable disasters of the last twenty
years and of the ages of those who
were held responsible by the verdict of
mankind for such lamentable issues
there will be found a strange coinci
dence In the rage of their ages."
Here Is an interesting and practically
inexhaustible field for Investigation.
Politicians who are "ag'ln' the govern
ment" may trace the blunders of an
administration to the sinister influence
of some boss who was passing through
the fatal period at the time, and "re
grettable incidents" of all kinds, in
war or peace, may be traced to their
true origin. In time, no doubt, we
shall appreciate, the necessity of requir
ing all public men, on entering the fatal
period, to take a five years' holiday and
to resume work only when they have
passed the age of aberration. New
York Press.
Dissipated Hailstorms.
"An effort is being made In France to
dissipate hailstorms by firing cannon at
the clouds," writes Consul Covert to the
State Department from Lyons. "Fifty
two cannon, manned by one hundred
and four cannoneers and their chiefs,
have been distributed over an area of
twenty-five acres of rich vineland. A
high point in the vineland to be covered
by the experiments were selected as the
central post of observation and a sig
nal code adopted under which, when a
shot is heard from the central post all
the cannon are fired, at twice a minute
and more slowly after the first ten
shots. 1 translate the report of the first
tiring at the storm cloud this season:
The farmers of Denice were aroused at
one-thirty o'clock on the night of June
5 and 6. The storm was very severe.
The artilleries, from forty to fifty
strong, fired their guns and stopped the
thunder and lightning. In the neigh
boring communes the people saw col
umns of flame rise three hundred feet
above the cannon when the shots were
Beyond Him.
Matthew Arnold, next to Whistler,
was perhaps the- most colossal egotist
of his time.
After his return to London from his
first lecturing tour in America, he vis
ited old Mrs. Proctor, widow of the
poet "Barry Cornwall," and mother of
Adelaide Proctor. Mrs. Proctor, who
was then 80 years old, in giving Mr.
Arnold a cup of tea, asked him.
"And what did they say about you
in America?"
"Well," said the literary autocrat,
"they said I was" conceited, and they
said my clothes did not fit me."
"Well, now," said the old lady, "
think they were mistaken as to the
clothes." New World.
Papa Was Wearing the Laundry.
The little girl was inclined to answei
the door bell about as soon as it sound
ed, and sometimes she gave answers
to whoever might be there that were
curious. One day the man who collects
the packages of laundry was at the
door and asked if the laundry was
ready. "No," sr" replied; "papa has
got It on."
Those who subscribe now
for the 1901 volume of
T Youth's
Sending 91.75, a year's sub
scription price, with this slip
or the name of this publica
tion, will receive,
from the time of subscription.
January 1, 1901, In
JL J eluding the Holiday
issues, and The Companion's
"Puritan Girl"
IZfXJMk Calendar, litho
graphed in twelve colors, by
Illustrated Announcement
and Sample Copies FREE
on Request, m m a m m
When tlie Sun Goes Down In Turkey.
In Turkey the disappearance of the
sun at night is accounted for by the
periodical retirement of that pious
luminary for prayers and religious re
EASE. A powder. At t li is season your feet feel
swollen, nervous and uncomfortable. If
you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try
Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests aiuUcomforts ;
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating fegt, blisters and callous spots'.
Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and
is a certain cure for 'hi! Ma ins. Sweating,
Damp or Frosted Feet. We have over 30,
000 leMimonials. Don't get footsore gel
Foot-Ease. Try it today. Sold by all
druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial
package Frke. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, Le Itoy, N. Y.
The Chicago & Alton will exclude
news agents from trains.
The Heat Prescript ion for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply
iron and quinine in a tasteless form
No Cure. No i'ay. Price 50c.
Boil eggs for 15 minutes if required
Piso's Cure cannot be too highlv spoken
of as a cough cure. J. W. O'Brien, 322
Third Ave. N., Minneapolis, Miuu., Jan.
u, 1000. - ,
All jars containing stores should be
covered. v
' Carter's Tut is just as -cheap as poor iidF
and is the best ink made. Always Qse
Fish an 1 onions, or strongly flavored
foods, must be kept separate. .
Steps the Gough and
Works Off the Gold.
Laxative Bro mo-Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No cure, No Pay.
Price 25 cents.
After slicing onions put the knife at
once into cold water, it removes the
smell better than hot.
Mothers will find Sirs. Winslow's Sooth
Tig Syrup the best remedy to use for their
Uiildren during the teething period.
When using frozen meat the great
point is to slowly and thoroughly thaw
it before cooking.
Order of Colored Nuns.
In New Orleans is an order of col
ored nnns, founded many years ago.
It was instituted for the special pur
pose of giving education and moral
training to young colored girls and to
care for orphans and aged, infirm per
eons of their race. ' In its orphan asy
lum are children of all ages up to 14
years. The convent is a stately build
ing more than a century old, in the
old French- quarter of New Orleans,
and once was an opera house and ball
room. The distance from New York to San
Francisco by water, around Cape Horn
is 15,660 miles. By the Isthmian
canal the distance between the same
points would be 4,907 miles a saving
of 10,753 miles.
AVgetable Preparattonfor As
similating the Food andBegula
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digestion.Cheerful
ness and Res t. Con tains neither
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral.
Ttozfie of oWUrSAMUELPtTCHEfl
PumfJtM Seal
Jbc ScnM
Ilftfcjji'wt nmrer.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature oF
" mu.ii-.nT TM
all the remain
ins 1900 issues
The Youth's Companion,
Boston, Mass. VJ
Oataide and Inside.
It is not easy for a man nowadays in
good society to break with impunity
the common canons of morality. And
yet are we not sensible that it is a
good deal easier to be good outside
than inside.
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few years was supposed to be
incurable. For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio,
is the only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to
a teasDoonf ul. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer
one hundred dollars for any case it falls to
cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad
dress, F. J. CH ENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Thin'y shelled eggs are less liable
to crack when boiled, if put on in cold
water and slowly brought to a boil.
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showipg that it
is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste
less form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c.
Use boiling" water when it first boils
or the gases escape and the water be
comes flat. '
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 25c.
Butter, unless clarified, should not
be nsed for greasing tins, etc., as it
easily burns,
. C. Atkins & Co., saw manufac
turers, Indianapolis, Ind., received a
gold medal at the Paris exposition in
the department of machinery, which
included all kinds of saws operated by
machinery, the other group containing
their hardware exhibit of hand saws,
cross cut saws, wood saws, etc. This
latest success, following the victory of
the Atkins saws in the recent interna
tional sawine contest in Australia, will
do much to establish the reputation of
the brand in the markets of the world.
All Australian race courses are oval,
and from 1 to )-z miles each in cir
cumference. But few dairymen who have large
herds are as careful in milking as they
shouldbe. Not one in a hundred ever
washes the udders and teats of the
cows before milking, followed by care
fnl washing of the hands. Any dairy- i
man who will practice such methods
and who will invite his customers to
witness his mode of management, will
receive the highest prices for his milk,
instead of selling to dealers. It may
take a year or more to establish a repu- j
tation for such milk, but the fact will
become known and the future of the
dairyman will be large profits and more
customers than he can supply.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See Facsimile Wrapper Below.
Very small and as easy
to take as i
2S ctrfe I Purely Vegetable.,
The Valley of Humiliation.
Here a man shall be free from tbo
noise and from the burryings of this
life; all states are full of noise and
confusion, only the valley of humilia
tion is that empty and solitary placo.
Here a man shall not be let and hin
dered in his contemplation, as in other
places he is apt to be. This is a valley
that nobody walks in bnt those that
love a pilgrim life. John Bun van.
Beds Are Scarce in Russia.
Beds are quite an innovation in Rus
sia, and many well-to-do houses are
still unpiovided with them. Peasants
sleep on the tops of their ovens; middle-class
people and servants roll them
selves up in sheepskins and lio down
near stoves; soldiers rest upon wooden
cots without bedding, and it is only
within the last few years that students
in schools have been allowed beds.
Hclcrlnn Hare a Pest.
The Belgian hare as a fad is a thing
of the past. The craze is over and now
the dangers lurking in it are beginning
to suggest themselves seriously to the
public mind. It is realized that an
animal possessed of snch wonderful fe
cundity is liable to become a destruct
ive pest if it escapes .from captivity.
Repressive legislation is, therefore,
deemed necessary. The board of sup
ervisors of San Diego county has taken
the initiative by passing an ordinance
prohibiting the liberation of a Belgian
hare or perimtting one that may have
escaped to remain at large or uncon
fincd. Good cider differs greatly from that
made of inferior apples. Instead of
nsing half-rotten apples select those
that are perfect and fully ripe. When
the cider is running from the press
strain it thoroughly. Use lard barrels,
first cleaning the lard from the barral,
but should a little adhere to the sides
it will be an advantage. Keep the
barrel in a cool placo and allow so air
to enter other than that which forces
in during the drawing at the spigot or
A Berlin physician has written an
article on the dangers resulting from
what are considered insignificant
wounds. For instance, of 13 injuries
to the thumb, permanent disabili y
followed in 60 per cent.
Foods vary so greatly as to render it
difficult for a farmer to select with a
knowledge of the kinds which should
be used. Only certain proportions of
all foods are digestible bnt the indi-
gestible portions are valuable in the
. l I . io . i
uiaauio ueup. uihu m .pi- yvr tun 13
worth the price, even-if applied to the
crops direct, but when used as food it
assists to balance the ration by supply
ing mineral matter, thus promoting
growth of the animal while adding
greatly to the value of the manure.
Avoid banging oven doors while bak
ing, as it is the cause of many cakes
and pastry being heavy.
The Famous German Wood Preserver)
....Permanently Destroys....
fjtf One application is all that is requited It lasts for years. If
your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the
following: distributing agents; Perfection Pile Preserving- Co., Seattle,
Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon Whittier, Coturn &
Co., San Francisco, CaL
7 OWiM kz& ciicty
WriteTls. Send for our "iv Illustrated Catalogue.
Gin, Brandy, Rum
U full quarts. $9.00. Per gallon, 12.50. XXX
Orders for $23.00 and upward delivered free to
nearest Railroad or Steamer Landing. Blank
Cases and Kegs.
Established 30 Years.
If a mm
Wants to be cured the KEFLEX
TREATMENT can cure him. No
man can be cured of anything
against his own will. Send for
printed matter that tells all about it.
314 Sixth Street, PORTLAND, OR.
N. P. N. U.
No. 441900.
REN writing tft advertisers pleas
Omnipotence may build a thousand
worlds and fill them with bounties;
omnipotence may powder mountains
into dust, and burn, the sea, and con
sume the sky, bnt omnipotence cannot
do an unloving thing townrd a believer.
Oh! rest quite sure, CI tian, a hard
thing, an unloving thing from God to-
i ward one of His own people is qaite
impossible. He is as kind to you when
He casts you into prison as when He
takes you into a palace; He is as good
when He sends famine into your house
as when He fills your barns with plen
ty. The only question is: Art thon
His chid? If so, He hath rebuked thee
in affection, and t iere is love in His
chastisement. Christian Work.
Decrease of Drtiukennes.
In an address before the railroad
branch of the Y. M. C. A. of New
York City, Cbauucey M. Depew made
a statement as to the decrease of
drunkenness among railroad men that
is worth repeating, coming from so
high an authority. Twenty veras ago,
he said, when there were about 15,000
men in the New York Central servioe,
the average proportion of men dis
charged for drunkenness within a cer
tain period was at least 20 per cent.
Now, with 30,000 men employed by tha
company, not one per cent is dropped
from the service for that cause.
A Post of l)mg .r.
The colonel of a regiment occupies
the post of danger. According to the
record more colonels have been killed
in action, in proportion to their num
ber, than officers of any other grade.
A general can keep under cover, more
or less, but tho colonel's position it
with bis regiment, and when it ad
van ccs he is expected to load.
Still Moro Counterfeit injr.
I The Secret Service has unearthed anolhet
I band of counterfeiters and secured a quan
tity of bogus bills, which are cleverly exe
cuted. Things of great value are aiwayi
selected for imitation, notably Hostetter'k
Stomach liitters, which has many imita
tors but no equals tor disorders like indi
gestion, dyspepsia and constipation.
Tut the sugar used for sweetening
fruit tarts in the middle of the fruit,
not on the top, or it will sodden the
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets
the romody that cares a cold in one aay
It is noticed that pigs fatten very
quickly on sweet potaotes, due to the
large amount of sugar in the food, and
sweet potato growers utilize the small
potatoes for that purpose. The beet
also contains a large proportion oi
sugar, and should be grown for swine,
as they are telishcd at all seasons, both
cooked and raw.
If raw yolks of eggs aie left over
from a dish, beat them np with a tea
spoonful of water to each yolk and they
will not dry np.
The cau?e exists in the Llcotl, in
what causes inflammation of the
mucous membrane.
It is tnerefore impossible to cure
the disease by local applications.
It is posit:vely dangerous to neg-
Uect it, because it always affects
ti'e stomach ;m deranges the gen
eral health, and is likely to develop
into consumption.
Many have been radically and perma
nently' cured by Hood's tvirsaparilia. it
cleanses the blood ami lias a peculiar al
terative and tonic effect. It. Long, Cali
fornia . I unction. Iowa, writes: 'I had ca
tarrh three years, lost my appetite and
could not sleep. My head pained me and
I felt bad nil over. I took Hood's r-aina-
pari I la am! now
sleep well, and
a good appetite
no symptoms of
HoOSi'S SstPSSW&t'iiia
Promises to cure and keep- the
promise. It is better not to put off
'-eittment buy Hood's to-day. ,
ITCHING Piles produce moisture nd cause Itchlnff.
This form, as well as Blind. 71 teed If iff or Protruding
Plies are curedby Dr.Bosanko's Pile Remedy
Btops ltchlnt; and bleeding. Absorbs minors. SOc a
Jar atdrufrgfsts or sent ity vail. Treatise tree. WrlU
ine about your case. 2U. UOtiAXKO. Pb lada 7a
WANTED Men and wonunt of cno4
' eharmct.r to repreiiotit e.tMUllfttifri !kup.
' on .alary; ilei.riil opportunity. Ad
dress P. O. Itox 537, Put timid. Union,
Tom can't make a mistake it yon get s
. .Mitchell..
Hitehell, Iteoiis & Staves Co.
mention tma paper.