THE Wm WM. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 10)0. f IE r President: WILLIAM McKINLEY of Ohio. r ice-Presiaent : THEODORE ROOSEVELT of New York.' For Presidential Electors. 'ILMON IORD Marion County J. U. FULLERTON -Docglas County W. 3 . FURNISH Umatilla County .Multnomah County 10. F. PAYT0N-- JEFFERSONIA N IMPERIALISM. Mr. Bryan's efforts to bolster up his opposition to retention of the Philippines by citing Jeffer son as an opponent to this sys tem of annexation, convict him of ignorance of our political his tory or expose him as a dema gogue who, believes the people are unfamiliar with the acts of Mr. Jefferson's administration. Mr. Bryan asks, "By what authority does the national ad ministration govern the Filipinos without their consent?" By authority of American history made under the administration of Jefferson, and law passed by the democratic party. Mr. Bry an his not the saving grace to imply that the people acquired iby the Louisiana purchase gave their consent to be governed by Ithe United States, but he makes I the direct assertion that they manifested assent. Now, Mr. iBrvan knows better than this, Ifor with all his infirmities he is Ino fool. Not only were the in tabitints of this territory ac Iquired without their consent, but they protested against the man Iner in which they were ac Iquired "without permitting them any agency m the events which lanuexed their country to the lUnited States." Soon after Jefferson took pos- I session of the territory of Louis iana, duly appointed and aufchor- Iized representatives of its in habitants presented to the sen- Iate of the United States an able and formal remonstrance against the political system adopted by jongrcss for their government. Protesting against the form of jovernment which had been pro vided for them, the remonstrance nd, "A single maeistrate, vest- id with civil and military, with tecutive and judiciary powers, ipon whose laws we have had no aheck, over whose acts we had Tie control, and from whose de- Icrees there is no appeal , the sud den suspension of all those forms to which we had been accus tomed; the total want of any ermanent system to replace them; the introduction of a new language into the administra tion of justice; the perplexing lecessity of using an interpreter lor every communication with fficers placed over us; the in roluutary errors, of necessity :ooimitted by judges uncertain y what code they are to decide, ravenng between the civil and Ihe common law, between the forms of the French, Spanish, ad American itrrisprudence. nd with the best intentions' aable to expound laws of which, ey are ignorant, or to acquire hem iu a language they do not) nderstand. These were not L- . . ' Ihis state of things calculated to rive favorable impression or realize the hopas we entertained; put we submitted with resigua ion, because we thought it tho rcct of necessity; we submitted rith patience, though its dura- lou was ioueer tlian we had ;en taught to expect; we sub- litted even with cheerfulness. lile we supposed our honor le body was employed m re- icing this chaos to order, and lhng a system of harmony from depth of this confused, dis- rdant mass. "Uninformed as we are sup- sed to be oi our acquired rights ; Is necessary for us to demon- late fehat this act does not 'in- pporate- us into Union,' that vests us with none of the flits', gives us no advantages, 7 rk w and deprives us cf all the 'im munities f American citizens. "A govtejtoor is to be placed over us wMPwe have not chosen, whom ;jvJTdo not even know, who may fee ignorant of our language, tsFttfonned of cur in stitutions, and who may have no connection with our coun try or interest in its weliare. 'Taxation .without represen tation, an obligation to obey laws without any voice in their formation, the undue influence of the executive upon legislative proceedings, and a dependant judiciary, formed, we believe, very prominent articles in the list ol grievances complained of by the United States, at the com mencement of their glorious con test for freedom. The opposi tion to them, even by force, was deemed meritorious and patri otic, and the rights on which that ppositicn was founded were termed fundamental, inde fensible, self-evident, and eter nal. These were the sentiments of your predecessors; were they wrong? Were the patriots who composed your councils mista ken in their political principles? No, they are ucut wrong. "Are truths, then, so well founded, so universally acknowl edged, inapplicable only to us? Do political axioms on the At lantic become problems when transferred to the shores of the Mississippi? or are the unfortu nate inhabitants of these regions the only people who are ex cluded from those equal rights acknowledged in your Declara tion of Independence, repeated in the different stale constitu tions, and ratified by that of which we claim to be a member? 'The American colors are hoisted in our garrisons, this far famed signal of liberty to all, to us alone exhibits a gloomy appearance, and makes us more sensible of the immeasurable interval between us and politi cal happiness. May we not long be doomed, like the prisoners of Venice, to read the word liberty on the walls of prisons." Scalp Bounty. A person would not imagine that iu the course of a year the number of scalps taken from coyotes and wildcats in tbe state of Oregon would reach nearly 46,000. When one stops to think of it and realizes that Ore gon is the birthplace of such a number of varmints, he is pretty likely to think that civilization has hardly got a foot-hold yet. Secretary of State w. I. Dunbar has completed compiling the statement showing the number of scalps delivered to the respec tive connty courts since May 6, 1S99, when the scalp bounty law went into effect, each one of which scalps (of coyotes, wild cat's, etc.) costs the state $2, when the proper certificate is filed in the stale department. The statement shows that 45,826 scalps have been delivered and paid for by the state, from Mav 6, 1899, to September 30, 1900, costing the state $91,652. To pay this the special sheep tax was levied by the legislature, but thv3 far less than $1,000 has been paid into the fund from the several counties, and the state's paper is out for the amount represented by 45,000 scalps, being practically the only debt of the stata of Oregon. Douglas county has sent 560 scalps, 75 of them during the last quarter. List of Jurors. Tuesday, Sheriff Burnett and Clerk Watters drew the jurors -for the next term of the circuit court, which will convene on Monday, Xovember oth. This term prom ises to be more lengthy than the tirm oflast April, as a considerable number of cases have recently been filed. Following is a list of those drawn as j urors: b Harnett, Monroe; J M Gray. " """"V " ZZSP9? ,Vj0T1; Knw Rf nHnroiti' II T Will dam son, Fairmount C M Vanderpool, Soap Creek; Jaines Hayes, Corval lis; Isaac Stroud, Wren; V M Childers, Willamette; Sol King, Corvallis; Horace Lilly, Wren; R J Nichols. Belfountain,-- John Peter son, Willamette: Wm Leadbetter, Corvallis; J M Conklin, Fairmoant; J E Johnson, Wren; David Blake, Soap Creek; George Humphrey, Belfountain: W A Gellatly, Wren; T C ' Baker, Soap Cr6ek; James Homing, Corvallis; John Rickard Willamette; A Kyle: Corvallis Richard Dunn, Kings Valley; G H Wamsley, Blodgett; Wm Spencer, Blodgett; J S Robbin?, Soap Creek; F L Holmes, Fairmount; J P Gregg, Belfountain. Music Lessons. . Lessons given on tho piano and organ in a manner that trains the ear, mind and hands and saves years of needless drudgery. M. A. Goodsough. y 1M1II1 Soft White Hmnd 19 3m Tbe most effective skin purifying r.nrt beastM fyiof soap Iri the world, as we'll 33 irtirest axiiX b wee tet for toilet, bath, and nursery. The only preventive of pimples, blackheads, re I, rough and oily skin, reJ, rough hancls a- '.ii itching palms and shapeless iiails, tlryt4Tjuy, and falling hair, and simple baby blemish es, because the only preventive of the, vis., inflammation and clocrprinp: of the Pouia. PoM fwt. whew. Potter D.Jfc C Cr.rr Pnn.. Ti--Jon. hv'.. t.. Have Beautiful Situ, Ilaadb, and 1L 1. . frc9 Slticalcs atid Dcors. We aj. overstocked with shinnies aud are ofTeiinf; standard A for $1 23; also cedar doors for (1.25 apiece, CoKVALLlS SaWMIU. Co. For Sale. We have now on hand the finest and most complete slock of fiaisis lumber and the hest wade of flooring, rustic, etc., ever seen in Corvallis. Also cedar posts in any quantity. S v, mill Company . Administrator's Notice. Notice is ho.-'.'ln given tlist Ihe uaderstgred has been appointed " administrator of the estate et Artliur .'ohnsou. dot-eased, and ail creditors of t'aid estate are, required to their claims duly verified as iiy law required, with the proptr vouch ers, to said undersigned at Ids residence near Wells, Uenton county, or to Yates, Yates & Gibson at their offices, Corvallis, Oregon, within six iuonth.3 from this date. Corvallis, Or., October 11, lfO. JOHN U. HARRIS, Adin'r Estate Arthur Johnson, De'd. Notice of Trustee's Sale. In the District Court of the United Utates fL.r the District of Oregon. In the Matter of ) Jsuucs F. Powell, In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. ) Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of all order of the Referee iu bankruptcy for Mnn county, Oregon, I will, at the hour of three o'clock p. m., on the 2-lthday of September, IftOO, iu front of the postoffiee in the town of Philomath, Benton county, Oregon, sell at public a.lction to the highest biiMer therefor, for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the above-named bankrupt at:iny time had and which I now have by virtue of being trustee in the above-entitled matter, in the follow' inx described premises, to wit: Ah undivided one-fourth of lot 95, in block CI in tho-city of Philomath, in Eenton county, Oregon, as the san'e appears on record on ihe maps and plats of said c.ty now on tile in the office cf the county recorder of said county. Such sale will be made subject to approval of saM Court. Dated this 2ifu dav of August, 1000. JA.MKS ELKISS, Trustee in the Matter of the above-named Bank rupt. Xolice ot Filial Settlement. Notice is hereby ivon that the undersized ex ecutor of the estate of Elizabeth A. Beach, de ceased, has. filed in the C'.mnty Court of Benton county, Oregon, his final account as such e.ccutor 'A the last will and testament of Elizabeth A Beach, deceased, aj:d that Saturday, the 6th day of October A. D., 1900, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing objec tions to said account and the settlement thereof. WILLIAM BOGUE. Administrator of the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth A. Beach, Deceased. Wanted. Old cast iron of any kind. Farmers, we will pay you from one-fourth to one half more for your iron than any junk dealer. 'We are ready to do repair work of any kind, at any time. Patronize ns. Bring yonr-old iron and pet yonr money. The Foundry, Corvallis, Or. Jerseys for Sale. For Sale One of the finest Jersey bulls, full blood, born last July, solid color, gentle and kind, will register in the A. J. C. C. Olc very fine full-blood Jersey bull solid color, prominently mark ed, gentle and kind, born .iune 18, 1S99. His mother tested 6 per cent, butter fat. Will register in the P. C. C C. Two nice full-blood Jersey heif ers, solid color, well marked, about 15 months old, gentle and kind, registered in the A. J. C. C. Par ties wanting fine reg;stered Jersey stock will miss a rare chance if they fail to investigate this opportunity to get fine Jerseys. M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Ore. felpiisiifiipiioe f This is beyond quc.c rnoyt successful C'ou.t cine ever known to s ie7 doses invariably worst cases of c:oue;l! and n-enchitis, wiiile derful success in tho Consumption is withoi r.llel i a t he history of r. oinco its fust discovery been sold on a puaran lesz -wnicn r.o other i can stand. If you Cough, we earnestly totryit. In United St Canada SSc., .Wc. and S in England 3s. d., s 4s. 6d." SOLE PROPRIETORS S.CWells' LEROY, N.Y. TORONTO, CAN. Sold bGraham & Wortham DHfliTINIB Slfl Luxuriant! Produced by i life-- if Aough and m 1 uire M ion the fiM I i Medi- JiHW "sS 1 It ts won- bb cure of B t a par- VH :dicine. wi at a edicme in lave a V& sk you tes and V4 00, and 3d. and VS &1 4v uits and coats Never before in the history of the clothing business in Corval lis has there been shown such a Large and Varied Stock as we have bought this season. Our shelves and counters are bending down with New Fall and Winter Goods for Men, Young Men' Boys and Children. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Furnishings, Rubber Goods, Blankets, Comforters, Trunks, Grips, Telescopes, Etc. To strangers to our Clothing we are doing a great big Clothing "Our Styles are Right; GOOD GOODS Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House P AND RESTAURANT. Fresli hread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and nuts kept constantly on hand. Smokers supplies a specialty. H. W. HALL, Proprietor. iv X"X ;X SXX 3K The Corvallis Comttiission Store - Keeps constantly on hand the celebrated CORVALLIS AND MONROE FLOURS A package of Arm & Hammer Soda is given free with everv sack of the latter Hay, Oats, Grain. Ijish, Eggs, JOHN LENGER, Manager TRY I FOR . Fresh Gr k r!NE CORVALLIS is well, to remember that you can cover Benton County thoroughly by placing your advertisement in the i The v oret Proper Display, Proper Position and Proper Treatment. Department we wish to say that Business in a brtad-gauge way. Our-Prices are Right." ' SJ ragSW ii i i HHP' i s h ery i Brae, Shorts, Potatoes Poultry, Etc. N Bak PROVISIONS, NOTIONS. CIGARS tte" HAIL aOAD THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, "Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, .via the Union Pacific Fast Mail Liu?, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. Look at the Time . . i yt days to Salt Lake days to Denver days to Chicago 42 days to New York Free Reclining Chair Cars, Upholstered Teurist Sleeping Cars, and Pnllmau Pa'ace Sleepers, operated on all trains. For further information, applyto GEO. F. EGUJI, Agent, Corvallis, Or. C. O. TERRY, W. K. COMAN, Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l A."?erit. T24 Third St., Portland, Or. E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. , , .... . t Dentistry of every description done in nrst class manner, " and satisfaction guar- an teed. GROWH m BRIDGE WQ3X A SPESIHLTY Offir-e over Zierolf 's grocery store, oppositj the post, office, "!orval)is. Oregon. B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. ) 10 to 12 a. m. ) 2 to 4 p. in. Office Hours Residence: Corner 5th and Adams, west of Catholic churcn. Telephone at office and residence. CorvaMie, - Oregon. Notice for Publication. United States Laxd Office, Oregon City, Oregon, August 22, 1900. Kotice is hereby given that the following-named settlor has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that said proof win tie wiacic neiore wit t;ounty (jierit 01 iemm County, at Cortailis, Oregon, on October 12th, WOO. Via: EI4SHA V. SPENCER, II. E. No. 1029a, for the N. W. , See. 23, T. 13 S. Jt. 7 W. He naaita the following: witness to prove his continuous residence uppn and cultivation of said land, viz, William Howell of Corvallis, Ore gon, Thomas J. CMlds, O. J. Ruble and ft. Zahn, all of Aleea, Oron. CHAfi. B. MOORKS, Register. For Sale or Sxchaue. One hnndrediand eighteen lots, in half end whole blocks, in the original town of Newport, that health ful and beautiful summer resort, in Lincoln county, Oregon; some business lots; residence lots near the principal churches, school house, and other resi dences; also residence lots commanding beautiful views of ocean and! bay. Five fractional blocks, south of and near the State Agricultural College; all completely tiled, streets thrown up and graded; beautiful, convenient aud healthful for residence. Largo dwelling, barn and outhouses, centrally located on roomy aud commodious ground, in Corvallis; will exchange for farm near Corvallis. Twenty acres highly improved, all tile drained, and in good state of cultivation; excellent roomy buildings; about one-fourth mile from Agricultural College. Large and roomy house and stable and lot in Cor vallis, good residence, two blocks from the Coui House; high, rolling ground. Eight nice residence lots, thoroughly tile drained, in Wilkins Addition to Corvallis. - One lot and hotel, The Vincent House, on Front street, in Coryallis, central iv located. Seventy-three acres, G in orchard, 18 in wheat, balance in grub3, timber and pasture; situate west, adjoining the odd Fellows Cemetery, near Corvallis. Wffl exchange the ' town property named for suitable farm or acreage propertj; or will exchange the acreage property described, for town property or other farms or acreage; or will sell any or all of said property on reasonable terms and time at rea sonable rates and prices. M. S. WOODCOCK, Corvalii3, Oregon. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquiua: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. ' " Corvallis J :50 p. ra, " arrives Yaquina G:4-r) . tn. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina 6:10 a. m. Leaves Co-valli3 11:30 a. ra. Arrives Albany 12:15 p. rn. 3 For Detioit: Leaves Albany 7:C0 a. m. Arrives Detroit 11:20 -i. m. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:10 p. m. Arrives .Albany . . . . 5:45 p. m. One and two connect at Albai y and Cor-alliP with Southern Pacific trains, giving direct service to and from .Newport and adjacent beaches. Trains for the mountains arrive at noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breitenbush and Santiam river the same day. Edwin Stone, H. L. Walden, Manager. T. F. & P. A. H. II. Ceonise, Agent, Corvallis. I)i ey The Fixer ia now prepared to do all kinds of bi cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing, etc. Besides being a champion "fixer' of the Willamette valley, he carries a full line Of bicycle sundries and supplies. His shop is tbe headquaretrs for wheel men. Pav him a visit. NOTICE. Persons desiring to locate on timber claims tributary to the C. & E. 11. K. would do well to call on or correspond with the undersigned. There is a num ber of first class timber claims to be taken np endrr the timber or homestead acts. W. L. CLARK, Gates, Marion Co . Or. Locator. SOUTH and EAST VIA Southern Pacific Company. THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains leave Corvallis for Portland and way stations at 1:20 p. m. Lv Portland 8 :30 a in I L? Albany 12:30 p m j Ar Ashland 12:33 a m j Ar Sacramento-"- -5 .00 p in Ar San Francisco-7:45 p in S80 p in 10:50 p m 11:30 a m 4 :35 a ra 9.30 a io Ar Ogden Ar Denver Ar Kansas City. Ar Chicago -5 :45 p hi -9 :00 a m -7 :25 a m -fc55 a in 11 :46 a in 9 :00 a m 7 :25 a m 9 :30 a m Ar Los Angeles 1 :20 p m Ar.Kl Paso 0:00 p m Ar Fort Worth 6 :30 a in Ar City of Mexico 9:55 a m Ar Houston 4:00 a in Ar New Orleans- - C:2o a m Ar Washington --0:42 a m Ar New York 12 :43 p m 7:00 am 0 :00 p ni 0:30 a m 9 :55 a m 4 .00 a m 38 p ai 6:42 am 12:43 p m PULLMAN AND TOURIST CARS on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to i Ogden and El Paso, and Tourist cars to ! Ghicago, St Louis, New Orleans and ! Washington. I Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, ' China, Philippines, Central and South i , i ' See F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis station, or address C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A., Portland, Or. Depart TIME SCHEDULES. Arrive Salt Lake, Denver, j Atlantic Ft Worth, Omaha Fast I Express Kansas City, St. Mail i !p. in. Louis, Chieago and East. Walla Walla. Lew-: it,, iston. Snoka ne, ! Q . ! Se? Minneapolis, St. . Se 1 n rn m Mil- ! JSP and Kakt Ocean Steamshtns- ' All Bailing datt-s I . 1 8 P '" Bubject to . hanse. j 4 P- m ; For San Francisco, : ,' Sail Dec. 3, 8, 13, i ; 18. 13. 2A, & every j : 5 days. Daily Colombia River Ex. sun. steamer. : 1 P m- 8. p. m. I Except Saturday, ! To Astoria & way- Sunday ! 1 p. m. j landing. ! ! Willamstta River. ,. 4 :S0 p. n. (. a in. Oiegon City, New- Except , .x. bun. j lKrp, Salem, and Sunday Wsy-iHiidiDj:s. I 7 a . m . i Willamette and Yam- 3:3o p.m. I Fnetdav hi'l Divari Monday Thursday Hi'8fS' j W ednes- i and Oregon City, Day-! day and j S aturday ton & Way-land's. Fiiday. ; 6 a. m. 1 Wilis ette River, sop.m. T uesday, Monday, T horary Portland to Corval- W ednes- and ; lis & Wav-land's. day aud SatiirJ'y ! Friday. Leave Snaks Rifsr. i Leave KipariH j Lewiston ; 3'35a. m, Kiparia to Lewie'B. I Daily Daily. 8:3ja"m MR. THAYER, Lo-al Agent. I f THE FIRST PflTlfiiLBDIK OF CorvaHis, Oregon. Does and conservative haukiiii bii!in8 IE. R. BRYSOU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Corvallis, Ore-'on. ORice in Zierolf buLdiu?. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Ofuce in Wbitehorn Blork Corvallis, Oregon "THE RESORT" THOS. WHITEHORN, Fro?. W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whi kys, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. C. H. NEWTH Physician & Surgeon PHILOMATH, OREGON. Notary Titles. Conveyancing. JOS. H. WILSON. ATTORNEY-AT.LAW. Practice in all Slate andiFederal Court. Office inFilg National Eank Building,