UNION -GAZE VOL.. II. COKVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY,. OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1899. NO. 34. EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRES An Interesting Collection of Items Front the Two Hemispheres Presented In n Condensed form. There seems to be an idea in Paria that Japan will make trouble for the United States by surreptitiously aiding the Filipinos. ' Many of the recently disbanded Cali fornia volunteers are enlisting in the regular army, being desirous of going to the Philippines. The controller of the currency has is sued a call for reports of the condition of all national banks at ' the close of business February 4. It is reported that the executive com mittee of the Cuban assembly willl call Gomez to account for accepting the proposition from this government rela tive to disbanding the Cuban army. A freight train on the O. R. & N. was wafhoA naar fVirlintt Or H running into a landslide. The fire-, man and a tramp were injured. Fifteen cars were piled up in a heap. Duke d'Arcos, formerly Spanish minister to Mexico is likely to be legis lated by the Madrid government as its minister to Washington to exchange the ratifications -of the treaty of peace. Wolff & Zwicker, the Portland ship- builders, propose to build a floating 'dry-dock capable of raising a 6,000-ton vessel, providing the state of Oregon or the oity of Portland will guarantee.! bonds to the amount of f 250,000. It is reported from Washington tba't the war investigating committee will severely criticise General Miles on his conduct during the late war with Spain. The committee will report that Miles' statement about chemically . prepared beef is not sustained by any evidence before the committee. ; ; Four happy ' Dawson i tea passed through Skagway recently with a can vas sack of Yukon gold that weighed 100 pounds dead weight, and which came from French gulch diggings on Eldorado creek. They are all Canadian citizens and first came to Alaska dur ing the popular Klondike rush of De- cember, 1897. , . .;.Tr-,-...: arrived at San Franoisco, brings infor mation from Honolulu that it has been definitely determined that the wreck on the Kahala coast was the four-masted steamer Nomad, Captain McAllep, which sailed from Shanghai for Puget 'sound in- ballast 10 months ago. The vessel.was a new one, and belonged to Hall Bros., of San Francisco. Captain McAllep was accompanied on the trip by his wife, daughter and three sons. All are undoubtedly lost. ' The battleship Iowa has arrived at San Francisco. It is expected she will be sent to Manila with supplies for Levey. v ' The American losses in killed and wounded in the recent battle at Ma nila, is officially given at 250, and the losses of the insurgents at 4,000. Gen. Gomez will arrive in Havana in a few days, where he will meet Sen ator Proctor, and aid in carrying out his promise to disband the Cuban army. In the New York assembly a resolu tion urging. the unseating of Congressman-elect Roberts, because of his iden tification with polygamy, was adopted by a viva voce vote. The government forces defeated and captured the Colorados, who recently revolted against: Senor Cuestes, the provisional president of Uruguay. Tranquility is now restored. Agonc'.llo, the representative of the to-called Filipino government, and who left this country for Canada, upon hear ing of the ouUireak at Manila is being o!osely watched by secret, service de tectives. Agonoillo was, in Montreal at last reports. Mrs. Botkin's attorneys have given notioe of an appeal from the conviotion and sentence of lite imprisonment re cently passed upon her. Judge Carroll Cook allowed 10 days' stay of execu tion, and 20 days in which to prepare a bill of exceptions. President McKinley has pronounced sentence on Gen. Eagan, recently tried by court-martial. The sentence was dismissal from the army, but the presi dent commuted this to suspension for six years, which covers the time prior to Eagan 's retirement in 1905. The steamers Justin and Celtic, now at Mare island, are being overhauled, and in a few days will be Teady to sail for the Philippines, following the sup ply vessel Centennial, which left on the 6th. The Justin will .cany coal for the fleet and the Celtic frozen meat. Rear Admiral Dewey has captured another schooner from Hong Kong load ed with arms and ammunition intended for the insurgents in the Philippines. It is reported that the German consul , at Hong Kong was concerned in the procuring and dispatch of the arms to the islands. Minor Mews Items. The town of Stilesboro, Ga., was nearly wiped out of existence recently by a tornado. No lives were lost, but several people were injured. - There is trouble is sight for all the Chinese in the United States, resulting from the total diaappeaiance of Chinese who were admitted to the country in order to take part in the trans-Mississippi exposition. Inspector James Stone, of the government set vice, is in vestigating the situation. , LATER NEWS. Gen. Brooke cables from Havana an nouncing the death of Captain Oliver Perry Smith, commissary, from acute nephritis. Ben Graves, Alexander Clark and Will Johnson, Collins (O inty farmers, were frozen to death a urday night near Dallas Tex. The senate has passed a bill creating the office of admiral of the navv. Rear-Admiral Dewey, it is understood, will be named for the position. On Monday an ocean liner in dis tress was sighted off Dread ledge, in Swampscott bay, Mass. The life-saying crew could not reach her on ac count of the ice J The outbreak at Manila has enliven ed business atthe United States re' cruiting office in Portland?" Nineteen more men mustered out of the Eighth California were enlisted last week. -" The senate has confirmed the nomi nation, of C. J. Bell, assistant secre tary of the treasury, am 4hat of Lieutenant-Colonel F. M. Coxe, to be as sistant paymaster-general of the army. The army and navy captured Ho Ho, the second oity of impoitance in the Philippines Saturday, without the loss of an American soldier. The Pet rel and Baltimore shelled the city, which forced the insurgents to evacu ate. Otis wires the war department a list of deaths in his oomrqand since Febru ary 4, not including those of men killed in action. They number nine. Among the names appear those of Private Dan iel Kyger and ' W. Cbopwood. First Washington, and Michael P. Crowley, Second Oregon. . Speaker Reed was not at the capitol Monday, and Sunt word he thought it advisable to adjourn on account of the storm. Less than a hundred membeia were present, and those who braved the storm refused to adjourn, and went on with consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill. There is reported a serious hitch in the work of the Anglo-American com mission. The obstacle is said to be a demand made by the Canadian com mission for the cession of the town of Skagway, Alaska. The American com missionfers bave definitely refused to ceded that gateway to the Yukon. Terrible blizzards .'swept over the South, East and Middle West Sunday and Monday. The winds went so high on the Atlantic seaboard that ocean steamships were storm-bound in, the harbors. Nine big Atlantic liners due at New York Saturday had not put in their . appearance Monday. ' Intense cold accompanied the storm and much suffering is .reported. ; The cold wave extends from the Atlantic to Western Texas ;' ;..-' The Spanish government has decided not to sell the Caroline islands. The secretary of war has given orders for the mustering out of the Third regi ment of. immunes, now stationed at Santiago and vicinity. The fortifications appropriation bill, as it will be recommended by the com mittee, cariiea $4,744,798, as against estimates of $12,151,198. It is said the administration will uphold Chief Justice Chambers, at Apia, in his selection of Malietoa Tan ns as king of the Samoan islands. The secretary of " war reports that sickness in some of the American regi ments in the Philippines is high as 17 per cent, but the average is about 10 per cent. - '- The leport of the war investigating commission is in the hands of the pres ident, and the commission is dissolved. During the investigation 600 witnesses were examined. , Many accounts of deaths from freez ing are reported from the East. At Bloomington, lnd., J. W. Hinkle, who has served several terms as sheriff, was frozen to death while going to his home; Near Dayton, O., Martin Duffin ger suffered a like fate while feeding his hogs. : . The Filipino junta at Hong Kong has issued a statement in whioh it is claimed that the American soldiers precipitated the recent battle at Ma nila, and that the bombardment of the towns of Malate, Paco, Santa Ana and Malabon caused the slaughter of 4,000 women and children. A contract has been let for two 12,-000-ton steamships for the Paoifio Mail steamship Co. They will be the larg est so far built at an American ship yard, their dimensions being greater than those of the American liners St. Louis and St. Paul. They are to ply between San Francisco and China. The supreme military court, of Spain, which has had nnder considera tion the loss of the Spanish squadron at Santiago de Cnba on July 3 last, has decided to prosecute, in connection with the disaster, Admiral Cervera and Commandant Emilio Diaz de Moreu, ex-captain - of the destroyed cruiser Cristobal Colon. Chinese rebels are raiding Christian churches and driving out missionaries. At Chang Yang and Liechnan the Ro man. Catholic chapels have been burned and the houses of the native church members have been destroyed. Several hundred children under the care of the Roman Catholics, aie said to have been drowned by the raiders near Kueifu. j A fatal head-end collision occurred at Imlay City, Mich., on the Chicago & Grand Trunk railroad, in which four persons were killed and seven were in jured. '. R. C. Judson, industrial agent of the O. R. & N., returned from Buffalo Hump, Idaho, confirms the news of a wonderfully rick strike on the Cracker Jack claim, owned by Rofna Hawley, Flint & Co. The assays are the high est ever seen in that country, running $2,309.55 in gold and $40.35 in silver. SALEM legislature: Che 'Bill to Fix Interest on Loam From School Fund Recommitted The State Fair Appropriation. In the Oregon senate Wednesday the vote was reconsidered by which the bill to reduce interest on loans from the state school fund was passed Tuesday jn order that the rate might be fixed absolutely at 6 per cent, the bill as passed authorizing 8 per cent if it could be obtained. It was deemed an objec tion to leave the matter open to pos sible brokerage arrangements. The bill wasgecommitted for amendment. Duful.Vbill to extend the privileges of the Soldeirs' Home to the wives and widows of, old soldiers was lost, receiv ing on six' votes. . "TEe"T67IowTiifbilTs were passed: To reduce the salary of the Wasco county judge to $800 and that of the treasurer to $600; to do away with the necessity of personal service or posting notice in case of attachment of real property; to create the office of recorder of convey ances for Polk county at a salary of $1,000 per year; to provide the man ner of releasing sureties who may be come dissatisfied with 'their risk; to provide that surety companies may sign bonds; to cure defects in certain deeds and judicial sales; to amend the law id as to retsrict credits to the sheriff n the tax list charged against him. State Fair Appropriation Knocked .Out. The Wednesday forenoon session of the house was devoted largely to reports of committees and first reading of bills. Twenty-seven committees made reports and 58 bills were reported on. " . " The principal business to occupy the time of the house in the afternoon was the consideration of the general appro priation bill. The-house went into committee of the whole and the various items were taken up one at a time. The most important item ' knocked out was the state fair appropriation, by a vote of 29 to 20. Other bills passed were: To pro hibit the manufacture and sale of adul terated commercial fertilizers; to authorize county courts to levy a spe cial tax of 10 mills and a road poll tax of $2 for the road fund; to prohibit the sale of deer and deer hides from August 1 to December 1; to give laborers in mines and supply agents furnishing supplies a lien on mining property for claims; to change the time of court terms in the second district; to fix sal aries of county judges and to place the clerk of the supreme court upon a sal ary of $3,000 and give him two depu ties at $75 and $50 per month respec tively. In the Oregon senate Thursday, Harmon's registration . bill was passed by unanimous vote. The merits of the bill were discussed at length on Mitchell's motion to recommit which finally received only his own vote. In debate the expressions were generally unfavorable to the Hill bill, which passed the house a few days ago by a decisi ve vote. The pure food bill passed the senate hf a unanimous -vote. There was no objection to the main feature of the bill, but a slight amendment was made so as to exempt from making an nual reports persons selling less than 25 pounds of butter weekly; specifying the number and the pay of employes of the legislature, including committee clerks, was passed without discussion, only six voting against it. Other bills passed were to incor porate Eugens, Carleton, Burns, Prine ville and Can by, the two last named being house bills. Daly School law. Two important measures came before the Oregon senate Friday, and neither reached a vote. Amendments to the Daly school law were discussed for half an hour, and the matter being difficult to understand, in its present form, the entire bill was ordered printed again with amendments. The bill to encourage the use of wide tire wagons on public roads was passed. The bill to repeal the section appropri ating $5,000 for the state fair was dis cussed half an hour and then made a special order for Wednesday morning. The pure linseed-oil bill was lost, 13 to 11; the bill providing for the Torrens system of registering land titles passed with only three negative votes; the bill for an irreducible school fund in Doug las county passed without question; the bill to reduce the salaries of the county clerk, clerk of the circuit court and recoider in Multnomah county from $3,500 to $2,500 each was passed. New bills were introduced as fol-" lows: To authorize the state school land board to contract loans now out at 6 per cent interest for the future; to provide for the appointment of three supreme court commissioners. The vote by which Stanley's bill to regulate the practice of dentistry in Oregon was defeated Thursday, was re consideied in the house Friday, and the bill passed by a vote of 34. Two other important bills were passed. One is an amendment to the mining laws to facilitate the building of ditches and canals, of special inter est to mining sections, and the other is a bill to withdraw certain school lands from public sale and reduce the inter est on loans of school funds in con formity with recommendations of the governor in a recent message to both houses of the legislature. In the house Thursday the following bills were passed: Senate bill provid ing for a separate board of county com missioners for Clackamas county; to authorize county courts and school dis tricts to display flags on courthouses and schoolhonses, to amend the code relative to the loan of school funds by redaoing the inte. t rate to 6 per cent, and providing for foreclosure proceed ings whenever interest becomes in ar rears six months; to regulate the bung ing of sheep from one conntv to another and directing inspection; . :.-. -A ,.:. . ,. .:, . ' ' THE DALY TEXT-BOOK BILL. It Was. Temporarily Defeated in the Bouse. In the Oregon house Monday the Daly bill for a text-book commission failed by three votes to pass, but a, mo tion for" reconsideration was carried by a decisive majority, i The greater part of the day was taken up in discussion of the bill. The anti-crimping bill, which was referred to the Multnomah delegation last week, was reported back to the house and referred to the committee on commerce. The afternoon- session was given up to the consideration of charter bills, the following being passed: Michel!, Ljtalles Citv and Moro; Kelly, Browns ville and - Jbebanon; smitn, Burns; Howe, Carlton; Proebstel, Weston; Dufur, Dufur; Fordnry Enterprise. V Gray secured the passage of a resolu tion authorizing the secretary of state to give each member and officer of the house a copy of the session laws of 1893, and a histoiy of the e:r'y Indian wars. ' The following bills were passed: To protect salmon in Alsea bay and its tributaries; to create the office of clerk of the justice court in cities of 50.000 population or over; to authorize Mult nomah county to lease the upper deck of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company's bridge,' to provide for the sale of tidelands; revision of the laws relating to negotiable instruments; to protect salmon in Rogue river; to reor ganize the state board of horticulture; to protect salmon in Curry county; to piovide for the creation of park com missions in cities of 3,000 population or over; to require county clerks to ad minister oaths without charge in pen sion matters. . Kuykendall'a bills to provide for county elections and upon the running at large of stock, and Cameron's bill to prohibit the running at large of certain animals, were defeated. The house concurred in the senate (-amendments to the Curtis fish , hatch ery bill, reducing the amount of the appropriation from $25,000 to $15,000. ..In the Senate. In the Orgon senate Monday the bill' to provide for the reclamation of arid lands nnder the Carey act; of congress was passed by a vote of 21 to 8, after being amended so as to prohibit any one party from taking moie than 150, 000 acres. - " The senate committee reported a substitute for Hawson's house bill for artesian wells, the substitute appropri ating $2,000 for an experiment in the county whioh will ' offer the greatest money inducement, instead of $42, 000, as provided in the original bill. - Stillman's bill to withdraw school lands from sale and place interest on school-fund loans at 6 per cent, passed with only two opposing votes. ,: The sugar-beet bounty bill was re committed to-Hbe judiciary committee, for amendments, and the bill to regu-j late build'ng and loan associations was indefinitely postponed, because another bill covered the. same ground. The bill to appropriate $25,000 for salmon hatcheries passed by a vote of 17 to 11. ' THE CAPITAL BILL DOOMED. Not Enough Totes to Pass It Over the Governor's Veto. ; In the Washington legislature Mon day it developed that it would be im possible to muster enough votes to pass the capitol building bill over the governor's veto. The senate was in session but 15 minutes In the morning and adjourned. A resolution was adopted, expressing sympathy for the parents of Sergeant Miles E. Kyger and Daniel T. Kyger, jr., of Walla Walla, members of com pany I, Washington volunteers, who died recently at Manila. Bills introduced were: Creating a state board of tax -commissioners, con sisting of the auditor, secretary of state and land commissioner, to assess rail road property for taxation; providing that $3 worth of poison be furnished by the county to each farmer to kil' ground squirrels. In the House. The Washington house held sessions both morning, and afternoon. At the morning session. bills, intioduced. wre: Releasing personal property from ns- toay, pending appeal; prohibiting taxing of attorney- fees as costs; viding for the county licensing of dlers; providing for the appointm of a hop inspector; relating to st school taxes; exempting from taxat property of religious, charitable d educational institutions; prescrib the powers and duties of wreck ml ters; relating to the disqualification judges; providing for the foreclosl of chattel mortgages without suit; viding for the appointment of an officio surveyor-general and deput: relating to assessments for local provements.-' The bill empowering colleges to issi normal diplomas was indefinitely po: poned after a long debate. At the afternoon session nine li over, nine read a second time, and f sent back to committees. Bills introduced were: Regulating fishing industry; making state fish commissioner ex-officio game warden. Bills passed wete: Giving cities power to define and punish vagrancy; relating to the method of decreasing the capital stock of corporations; com pelling railroads to fence rights of way, and to pay for stock killed; designat ing the last Friday in ' October as the date for holding supervisors' elections; regulating the sale of butter and cheese; providing for the organization of diking and ditching districts; giv ing electric railways the right of emi nent domain; granting rebates on road taxes to farmers using wide-tired ve hicles. A light earthquake was felt at Chilli cothe, O., and in East Tennessee Monday. J BANQUET STOPS BUSINESS. The Olympla Solon, Adjourn to Dine With Senator-Klect Foster. Both houses of the Washington legis lature adjourned from Tuesday evening until 2 P. M. Wednesday, in order to give ample time to legislators and members of the press to participate in an informal banquet tendered at Ta coma by Senator-elect -Foster. In the senate Tuesday resolutions commending the bravery of Washing ton troops at Manila were adopted. The Gray-Mantz election case was taken out of the hands of the committee which had been appointed to submit the matter to the. supreme court, and the matter will now be practically set tled by the senate as a whole. The permanent - school fund invest ment bill was .amended to permit in vestment in ' government and state bonds at par, 3 per cent interest, or in county, city and school district ' bonds at 4 per cent. The bill was then or dered engrossed. Bills introduced"' were: Allowing O. M. Hidden $103.50 for drawing plans for the waterworks for the Van couver school for defective yonth; com pelling the serving of notice of action within 90 days after the filing of com plaints. At present a complaint may be filed and while not being served, any accounts involved do not ontlaw; appropriating $10,000 for the comple tion of the state road established in 1887 from Wenatchee via the Methow river to the mouth of the Twisp river; allowing cities to advance from one class to another at a special election called for that purpose. . House Routine. At the opening of the morning ses sion of the Washington bouse Tuesday the speaker presented anothei lemon strance from the citizens of Stevens county against thesreation of the coun ty of Ferry; Bills introduced were: To prohibit the removal of improvements from mortgaged property, without the con sent of the mortgagee; prohibiting the sale of personal property, title to wnich has passed by a conditional sale; pre scribing rates to be charged on sleeping cars; for the protection of farmers et al., in the purchase of fertilizers; to provide for the extens ion of tax rolls by county auditors; (two bills) to amend the law relating to the organiza tion ' and incorporation of municipal corporations; appropriating $715.63 for the relief of Caotam Harry St. George; ' prescribing the manner of using the label of . the typographical union; appropriating $400 for a fish way on the Skykomisb river; to enforce the payment of delinquent taxes on timber lands before the removal of the timber; relating to placing poison for the destruction of wild animals: relat ing to the bonds of proseouting attor neys. ; The honse went into committee of the whole on house bill 157, submit ting a constitutional amendment, per mitting alien ownership of lands, with Judge Mount in the chair. When the committee arose it recom mended that the bill be referred to the judiciary committee. ' The committee on public buildings recommended the indefinite postpone ment of the senate oapitol bill and the passage of a substitute bill that does not recognize the award of a contract made by the old commission to F. H. Goss. The honse indefinitely postponed the senate bill, and ordered that the substi tute bill be printed. - - REAPPORTIONMENT BILL. It Is Now a Law Without the Signature of Oregon's Governor. Governor Geer Tuesday filed the re apportionment bill with the secretary of state, letting it become law without his signature. . Proebstel's bill to suppress nickel-in-the-slot machines passed . the senate Tuesday, alter a short debate. There was some objection to the bill on the ground that it wonld not be enforced, but even these objectors admitted it would have the effect of discrediting the machines and driving them into se clusion. - Other bills passed were the follow ing: To make the per diem of county commissioners $3, except in Douglas, Lake, . Klamath, Jackson, Yamhill, be lion !th; fcer of at- to of or te Pd n; is-u- pn le PS as Mortgage Bill Passed. The debate upon the mortgage tax bill of Whitney, passed in the Oregon house Tuesday, was at times eloquent as well as stormy, and although the bill passed by a decisive majority, the vote of some of the members was a surprise. The vote was 39 to 16, absent 5. Other bills passed were: To make violation of the peddlers' law a misde meanor insstead of cause for civil ac tion, as at present; to amend the law relative to the sale of property for de linquent taxes, so as to save labor and expense of posting notices; to es tablish a fiscal agency for Oregon in the state of New York; to regulate the business of local insurance companies, by requiring a certain capital and a cer tain number of policies before engaging in business; to appropriate $2,000 for the relef of J, W. Magnes, CAPTURE OF ILO ILO merican Flag Floats Over the Panay Capital. THE AMERICANS LOST NO MEN The Insurgents Fired the Town Before Evacuating It, But the Flames Were Extinguished. Manila, Feb. 15. The United States gunboat Petrel artyed late last even ing . with dispateies. from Brigadier General M. P. Milled to Major-General Otis, announcf irigjljli Ilo Ilo had been taken by the combined miltary and naval forces Saturday morning. . General Miller, on receipt of his in structions from Manila, sent native commissioners ashore from ' the United States transport -St. Paul, with a com munication for the rebel governor of Ilo Ho, calling upon him to surrender within a time stated, and warned him not to make a demonstration in the in terval. The rebels immediately moved their guns and prepared to defend their po sition. Thereupon the Petrel fired two warning guns, and the rebels immedi ately opened fire upon her. . The Petrel and the Baltimore then bombarded the town, which the rebels, having set on fire, immediately evacu ated. The American troops . were promptly landed and extinguished the fires in all cases of foreign property, but not before considerable apiage was done. It is believed the enemy's loss dur ing the bombardment was heavy, but no American casualties are reported. The Official Report. Washington, Feb. 15. Shortly be fore midnight, Adjutant-General Cor bin made publio the following d'spatoh from Major-General Otis, reporting the capture of the town of Ho Ho by the American forces under General Miller, on the 11th inst. : "Manila, Feb. 15. General Millei reports from lis Ilo that the town was taken on the 11th inst. and held by troops. Insurgents were given until the evening of the 13th to surrender, but their hostile actions brought on the engagement during the morning. In surgents fired the native portion of the town. But little losses to the property of the- foreign inabitants. No casual ties among the troops." .-...' . A dispatch also came from Admiral Dewey telling of the capture" of the city. It was a brief recital of the facts of the case, but it is said contained sub stantially the same information as that sent by General Otis. It was sent to the navy department, and is expected to be made public in the morning. GREAT STORM IN THE EAST. It Extends From the Atlantic to West ern Texas. New York, Feb. 15. The fearful storm which prevailed all day yester day and last night has increased in vio lence, and, together with the snow, which has drifted in many places, has almost paralyzed traffic. Trains on all the steam railroads have been delayed for five hours by the storm. . Nine At lantic liners due at this port Saturday have not put in an appearance. Freight steamers, the voyages of which are growing uncomfortably long, are the Eastern Prince, 24 days out from Shie'ds; Deike Reikmers, 25 days out from Havre; Salerno, 26 days out from Newcastle, England, and fhe Catania, 18 days ont from St. Michaels. The - Almida, 55 days out from Shields, has been about given up aa lost with all on board. There is no doubt that a large fleet of steamers baa arrived in the vicinity of Sandy Hook, and is waiting outside for the blizzard to pass. Four Lives Loat. Marlboro, Mass., Feb. 15. A po liceman who went to a small house in the rear of a shoe factory tonight to investigate a fire found the house full of smoke, and in a room off the kitchen four persons lying on a mattress, which had been placed on the floor, all dead, and in the kitchen three other per sons in a state of insensibility. In the South. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 15. The Sontb is today enveloped in a storm of un usual severity. From the Gulf north ward, and from the Atlantio coast to the western boundary of Texas, a cold wave has settled heavily on the coun try, and produced the lowest tempera ture ever known. Fifty BeloW in Manitoba, Washington, Feb. 15. The weather bureau today issued a special bulletin. It Bhows that 50 degrees below zero was recorded at Minnedosa, Manitoba. The outlook is there will be a marked though gradual rise in the temperature east of the Rocky mountains after to day. Discredit the Andrea Story. London. Feb. 15. According to a dis patch to the Standard from Stockholm, Nansen and Nordensjold, the explorers, refuse to credit the story from Krasno yarsk of the finding, in the province of Yeniseisk, of the bodies of three men, eupposed to be of Andree and his com panions. Rome, Feb. 15. Prince Napoleon Charles Gregoire Jaoques Philippie Bonaparte, third son of Prince Lucien Bonaparte, prince of Canino and ohief of the older branch of the Bonaparte family, is dead. He was Horn in Rome In 1885. A report comes from Washington that the subcommittee of the American members of the joint high commission will conoede a portion on Lynn canal, Alaska, to Canada in return for fish" ing concessions on the Eastern coast. ATTACK ON CALOCAN. Town Reduced by Combined Assault of American Forces. Manila, Feb. 13. The American forces at 3:0 this afternoon made a combined attack upon Colocan and re duced it in short order. At a signal from the tower of the de la Lome church (United States signal station), the doufale-turreted monitor Monadnock opened fire from the bay with the, big guns of her fore turret on the earth works, with great effect. Soon after ward the battery bombarded the place from another position. The rebels reserved their fire until the bombardment ceased, when they fired volleys of musketry aa the Mon tana regiment advanced on the jnngle. The Kansas regiment, on the ex treme left, with the artillery deploying to the right, charged across the open and -carried the earthworks, cheering nnder a heavy fire. - Supported by the artillery at the church, the troops fur ther advanced, driving the enemy, fighting every foot, right into the town line, and penetrated to the presidency and lowered the Filipino flag at 6:30 P. M. The enemy's sharpshooters in . the jungle on the right fired at long range on the Pennsylvania regiment, but the rebels wereoon silenced by sharpnel sheila and the Pennsylvania remained in the trenches. As the Americans advanced they burned the native honees. The rebels were mowed down like grass, but the American losses were slight Frightened Filipino Eovoys. San Francisco, Feb. 13. On the steamer from Yokohama today came "General" E. Riego de Dios and Senor M. Rivera, who are Aguinaldo's special commissoners to Washington. . They were very much disturbed when told of the latest developments in the Philip pines. . England Wants Warships. Lima, Peru, via Galveston, Tex., Feb. 13. Great Britain, it is reported here today, has offered to purchase the Chilian and Argentine warships. Senor Carlos Walker Martinez, . minister of the interior, has demanded of the Bo livian minister, Dr. Emeterie Cano, a guarantee of the immunity of the lives and property of the Chilians in Bolivia during the hostilities between Presi dent Alonzo of Bolivia and the federal ists, or insurgents. MUST HAVE A CABLE. President MoKinley's Message to Con gress Urges Action at This Session. Washington, Feb. 13. The presi dent's message on the Pacific cable, transmitted "tcEoBgteas todayvJa.as JoJb lows: "A3 a consequence of the ratification of the treaty of Paris by the senate of the United States, and its expected ratifiction by the Spanish government, the United States will come into pos session of the Philippine islands, on the farther shores of the Paoitlc, - the Hawaiian islands jand Guam being United States territory, and' forming convenient stopping places on the way across the sea,, -and the necessity for speedy cable communication between the United States and all the Philip pine islands has become imperative. Such communication should be estab lished in such a way as to be wholly nnder the control of the United States, whether in time of - peace or - war.- At present, the Philippines can be reached only by cables which pass through many foreign countries, and the Ha waiian' island and Guam can only be communicated with . by steamers,y in volving delays in each instance of at least a week. The present conditions should not be allowed to continue' for a moment longer than is absolutely .nec essary. The time has arrived when a cable in the Pacifio must extend "as far as Manila, touching at the Hawaiian islands and Guam on the way. .- "Under those circumstances, it be- -comes a paramount necessity that meas ures should be taken before the olese of the present congress to provide such means as may seem suitable for the es tablishment of a cable system. ' I - rec ommend the whole subject to the care ful consideration of congress, and to such prompt action as may seem ad visable. ; IN BLEAK SIBERIA. Bodies of Andree and Party Probably Found Discovered by Natives. Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Feb. '13. A gold mine owner named Monastyrschin has received a letter saying that a trios of Turgusos, inhabiting the Timir pen insula. North Siberia, recently ' in formed the Russian police chief of the district that on January 7 last, between Komo and Pit, in the province of Yen iseisk, they found a cabin constructed of cloth and cordage, apparently be longing to a balloon. Close by were the bodies of three men, the ' head of one badly "crushed. Around them were a number of instruments, the - uses ol whioh were not' understood by tha Turgusos. . The police chief has started for the spot to investigate, and it is believed that the bodies are those of the aero naut Herr Andree and his companions. Missouri Fruit Crops Killed. '. Nevada, Ma, Feb. 13. The peaoa and apricot crops of Vernon and Cedar counties are reported killed today. The loss is estimated at more than $100, 000. The weather ia the coldest known here in 80 yearB. Trial Revision Bill Adopted. Paris, Feb. 13. The trial revision bill was adopted by a vote of 833 to 233 in the chambei of deputies. ..Lata this evening there was considerable ferment in the streets, oaused by the shouting of the rival parties. - . . Olatbe, Kan., Feb. 13. Aunf Dicy Dibbs, aged 80 years, was found frozen to death in ber home at Shawnee, here 6he had lived alone for years. She had apparently' hurt herself by a fall -and was unable to call for help.