v drr, r .At a j i - IT ? ,'.! v i 1 1 j 4 f i I . t 1 t 1; i ij t- SI i? ! V i f .! f- i ) 'j i V i i: v j I. A Determined Felon. "I don't want you to mention my name," said the speaker, "because a smallpox notoiiety is not an enviable one, and it ia now abme years since I had much to do with the disease. I was a youD man with a mania for the study of medicine, and having no means, I was compelled to earn my living at the same time I was reading. It occurred to ine that if I could get a clerkship in one of the hospitals I might study to much better advantage and watch the diseases as well as assist in the surgical opera tions. I got a job at Bellevue hospital New York, and worked as an orderly or nurse. Then smallpox became very prevalent, and I was sent to a smallpox hospiUl at the end of Blackweli's Island. Among the pa ien.ts was one man who had the worst case I ever saw. It was frightful to see him and hear him rave. When be began to rec ver I paid him a good deal of attention, and we be came quite friendly. There was an air of my stery about tho man which rather puzzled me, but as he did not tell me much of his affairs I did not ask him to enlighten me. One day he took very sick and grew rapidly worse. 1 sat by his bedside by the hour; but he maie up his mind that his time had come, and he was very uneasy. I was about to go off watch in the evening when he motioned for me to bend over him. He grasped my hand in both of his own and said: "Froroise me not to divulge wnat x am about to tell vou until after I am dead.' " I promise. 'Swear it !' "'I svearit!' "He was very weak.and I could barely hear what he said, when his hot breath burned my ear. " '1 am , the bank robber? "What!' ' 'Yes; I bave been tracked for two years and just hounded until L"was com pelled to embrace the expedient.' "What expedient? " 'The detectives know me so well that I could not disgnise myself, and I deliberately contracted the smallpox in order to get my face pitted, and thus alter my looks. You well know I have Jiucceeded; my face is hideously pocked, and I might have had some rest from the detectives, but I'm going to die here, and' "He was too much exhausted to speak further, and I bade him lie still and tell me more in the morning. On the mor row he was sinking rapidly, and was hardly able to speak, but he described a spot near Astoria where he had buried live thousand dallars a year previously, and asked me to accept it as a mark of friendship. He died at noon, and two days later I went out to Astoria aDd found the money, just as he said I would. At first I did not know what to do with it, but I finally concluded to keep it for my own use. I have never told the story before, but those who knew the determination of the man would not doubt the veracity of my statement. No; I will not tell his name." A fre s b e Boy. Faith and obedience are both sensible tbing-. No traits are more lovely and becoming in childhood, and parents may preserve even these iu their older chil dren, if they will reason with them aud reason with tbem "geniiy." . An ittttdbeut boy sit m the seps of his father dwelling, deeply absorbed with highly wionglit and pemu-iou-b.mk, ra'ruiafed to poison au d pra ih mind. His father, apirHCi.i, .w at i glai-iCH thechamcter of tne bou"i, fi'd "What have vou thf re, George?" The little fellow lokMl up with a con--Misetl air, th ugh bis young tuiiui ha 1 already been tainted with tales of ro nviLce and fieliou, promptly gave the UHare of the wrk. Hi- f;ith r gently remonstrated, point ing out the danger of readiig such book; anil having some coufi b nce in the effect of early culture noon the mind of hi child, he Jelt him wi h the book closed bv his side. In a few moments the fa her discov -re i a libt in an adjoining room and n inquiring the cause, was informed that it was Georgn brning the perni cious book. "My son, what have you d ne?" 1 "Burned tfiat book, papa." "How came you to tlo that?" "Because I believed you knew bttter than I." Married Folks Would be appl . . If home trials were never told to neighbors. It they kissed and made up after every quarrel. If household expenses were propor tioned to receipts. If they tried to be agreeable as in courtship days. If they would try and be a support and comfort to each other. If each 'remembered the other was a human being, not an angel. If women were so kind to their hus bands as they are their lovers. If fuel and provisions were laid in during the high tide of Summer. If both parties remembered that they were married for worse as well as for better. If men were as thoughtful of their wives a3 they are of their sweethearts. If there were, fewer silk and velvet street costumes and more plain, tidy house dresses. If there were fewer "please darlings" in public and more common manners in private. If wives and husbands would take some pleasures as they go along, and not degenerate into some toiling ma chines. Recreation is necessary to keep the heart in its place and to get along without it is a big mistake. Sunday Courier. The Roman Catholic publishers have united in a circular letter to the Arch bishops, Bishops and clergy of the Roman Church and the heads of relig ious institutions in the United States, in which they not only announce a reduc tion in th: prices of books suitable for circulation in their parish libraries, but bitterly lament the want of interest in denominational literature within the cir cle of their, communion. With all the increase in the number of Roman Catho lics hardly half as many books are now sold as were nold twenty years ago. The horse's Friend. Even a horee may find it advantage ous to have "a friend at court." A mar ket gardener noticed that a basket in which was placed f resti carrots was fre quently emptied. He asked the gar dener, who said that be could nojU, un derstand it, but would watch for" the thief. i A quarter of an hour had elapsed when the dog was een to go to the basket, take out a carrot and carry it to the stable. " Dogs do not. eat raw carrots, so further inquiry was necessary. Tue observers now found that the dog had business with a horse, his night com panion; with wagging tail he offered the latter the fruit of his larceny, and the horse made no difficulty ; about accept- a i ing it. The scene was repeated until the car rots were all gone. The dog had long made a favorite of this horse. There were two horses in the stable, but the other received no notice, much less car rots. Advance. All He Kn-ir. At the Uuion depot an old man who had borrowed a match, then a chew of t bacco, then a postage stamp, and lastly besought the loan of a key to open his old satchel, came back the fifth time and said to the stranger whom he had most annoyed: ! "Aly friend, can youj tell me how manj times the human heart beats per minute?" "No, sir!" "Can you tell me who first discovered the circulation of the blood ?" "No, sir 1" "Do you know whether the pulse should beat seventy or 700 times per minuter "No, I don't. All I know about the human system is the fact that if yon bother me two seconds longer I shall exert a oressure of 5000 -pounds in the endeavor to raise you about six feet from the floor!" ' "Just so just so," growled the old man as he sidled off; 4 but don t try to pass that off on me for phvsioal science. That's nothing but what any hoss could do! J Detroit Free Tress. NOTICE, i To the Farmer and Mechanics of Oregon, Washington Trrritorg and Idaho: HV in Ah to roll vour attention to the fact 7 that our annual Catalogue atTd price list for liiS'' & now reaau tor amrwuuon. it unit he found reru valuables and instructive reading, and tvill be furnished gratuitously. Send your name and postoffice address to FAIiAlERS and MECHANICS1 STORE, 1S4 First street, Portland, Oregon. sep7-in IK O. Box 173 DON'T BUY BOSS BOOTS UNLESS ! YOU WANT THE BEST. SEE THAT OUR NAME IS ON EVERY PAIR. AKIN, SELLING & CO. IkVo'd 4Mtl t tl4r y r0tl HAt An flromatif com.' . nation for the preservation of Hie teeth anl gums. It in tar superior to an preparation or its kind in the market, in I arte?. ' mlsoni-" ?) j.na, price fi'tv -ent . For silt- v ail rlri.gjiits. IbMlkje. Davis Sc Co., whole aent--, t tiMil, Oregon. , i "" V. D. FVmr. Portland, trf oij !' K Hi. I.', r rim-it r Mi H' : a : reJ.ol toWilev B. iti:.J Mr..- . P.r a n-1 . f- r UtlV trfirii piii:shni. !-.lT lV ninil fi J. rooiiMr, 1 tif -Musical t'asiinie.' a uvui'lib j uciia' oi ruu-ic. ."0 cU a year. SU'l stamp j ;T calaio or inu-se. Frank Akll. the Port laml photographer, h-. Intelv al led the m'St niaimifieMt show of t:- tures ever s en in tlu- city. HiaImjMrial panel s seen on the Front street entrance t theeaPer- i'-e irenui!i" wo ks of art ami will b-ai the close- nsjieetioii. BM'v Mit'hnw-. ?he irreit sons nd danc irn-t; l-llio nhe.-. 'da Che-ter. Ire e Bak r mid Klor Franks are d-li htirnr the andienc at the Elite theater in Portland nighUv. G and see the popular flow f aniHmea' TirKKisH Rfc's. Send to John B. GrrisoL I '57 ' hird street Portland, for catalogues of d- Mirns. Garrison repairs all kinds of sewine machine. KxD'ainen1 a fwt nf tM lnmi ortland Business Directory SHOW CA.SF. FACTORY. DIXO.V, HKR.VNTKIX fe CO. 'Jor. Fro .1 ui.U t rk, y rtiann, manuiactnrers oi ail kinds or abow -aes. sen1 lor catalogue. Ml'MCAL. TtIK PAHTI m H-A monthly Jour nal of music (both vocal and instrumental.) sent t any address for 50cts per year, Address Wiley It Alien, puoiLsner ana music aeajer, is irura street. foriiunn, Jresron. catalogue iree. HURTEYORM. It. .MA.TTKR. Civil Kneii.eer. Contractor and siir-eyors. Oflio Room o. 8 Lane 'a Building. Kast Portland. All kinds of surveying and drafting none lor any part oi tne country. BAKERirA EMPIRE BAKERY 12 Washington. Vors dt F"ulir, Props. Manufacturers of Pilot bread, Koda. i ictnc, isutter, Koston.Mtigarana.'snoe r iy cracicers. uraers iroui tne trade soiuitou and promptly at tpmled to. ANNAYKKK. W. O. JEXXK as '. l(W Front street near Washington. Oran. metals, mineral wa'ers, coal, etc., carefully analyzed. Assays for gold and silver and bars made. Orders by mall carefully attended I. I. UeIT04ll.-Cor. Front and Stark. Chem ical analysis made of coal, mineral waters, etc. Or dinary assays or gold, silver, lead or copper, from f.i to 5. Dr. P. Harvey. Consulting ChemUt. ATTO RIVETS. II. P. HLAA EI Y. Atiornev Kiid ( ViiiiiHi.ir ui fJiw Room S Oekum'a balldlng. Legal business ptrutining 10 metiers t'atent lor inventions, befort th Patent Oflice or lu the Courts, a specialty. Write to Cleve'and Dispensary. Cleveland.O ., for Pamphlet in plain sealed envel ope, describing an iNSTHUMfcNT (worn at nloht) for curing NIGHT EMISSIONS. imple. Cheap, Never Fail. MEN AND WOMEN, Boys and tirls, anyone who wants light, pleasant em ployment In which from $3 to $10 per day can be mace Will KAnrl lh.t, . .1 m . . I i . .. X . . .... .nuicouu iwMuiuce Kaunuw ui iu im mediately, and receive our descriptive circulars. Ad dress. I. II. Oetchell fe Co., No. 187 Front street Portland. Oregon. Liver and Kidney diseases vetoed by Dime PilJa, H ..8ee ouriypJ nsumonlals t w S EYE & EAR INFIRMARY AND SANITARIUM, OR HOME FOR THE SICK. Macadam Bond bet. Porter and Wood St a.. Mouth Portland, Or. i VlM J1???' ,ate Pressor o 1 Eye A Ear Diseases In the Medical Department of Willamette University has erected a fine building, on a beautiful elevation in the south part of the city and is prepared to accomo date patients suffering from all diseases of the EVE. EAR or THROAT. Also will pay special attention t! persons laboring under Chronic Nervous affections, and to diseases peculiar to women, and recleve a limi ted number of cases expecting confinement. rhe intention is to provide a lioue for such cases with all the best hygienic agencies combined with the best medical skill to be had in the metropolis. OonsiiltinK physician and surgeon Dr. Philip Harvey. Prof, of diseases of women and children in the medical department Willamette University. Also Dr. J. M. F. Browne, Prof, of Physiology med dep-t. Willamette University. For any amount of references and circular, address UK- tl. 1. PILKIXUTOX, for. 1t and Washington .Stu.. Portland. Or. SEYMOUR. NAB IN & CO., Manufacturers of MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHER Portable Engines & Horse towers, And Sole Agents for the following celebrated Farm and Road Machinery: The Randolph lTeader, The Standard Neir.KakeBeaper. Tho Ktandaud Uffht Mower, 1 he Iron K.I11- Nix. Foot -4 ut Mower, The Victor Keif-Dump alWy Hake, The standard II nud-llump Hulky Rake, The Itnckeye Oralu Urllla and Meedera, The Celebrated Morrtwu Plow. The Whitewater cfc Ketchnm Wagcnna. We cordially Invite all wanting anything in our line to come and see us, and if you cannot come, seud for our price List ana catalogue. K. W. A'LLESf, Manaser, m27wtf SttO and S81 Flmt Nr., Portland. Or. Ladies Underwear, infants; and children COMPLETE WARDROBES, 165IThird Street, Portland, Or. P. O. Box M Dr. H. M. RTTSSL lAtitit. f l.L Inrcraut. nf t Vl t nillittl'. T fiul'A nuinTruil tr An ursiiriana Hum n iu-.-tc I'lucs . Gontlnnon flam Worlt-Porcelaln..flk?5 to SlOO On Oold Plate :..SO to 1& Met of Teeth on Rahher 81158 SO aud upward Net of Teeth on Wlulold... lO OO and upward Oold Filling 8 OO and upward Nllver und ilone Filling 1 OO and upward Extraction of Teeth, with Gna OO OFFICE 105 First street, over Prentice's muwlc store. Dr. II. M. RIIW, Dentlat. OfHce hoars, all hours. Teeth extracted wll houtvna. AO eta. 850. 32 Years Practical Experience. 1882. John A. Child DRUGGIST, Dealer In Fine Chemicals, Perfumery Toilet Articles, Sponges, Soaps & Rubber l.aoas. (,'or Morrlon & 2d Ft Portland, or. Special at'entioi D4 n to r rders M mai when sccom SEWING MACHINE STORE 167 THIRD ST. BXPAiKiKo ooira ON SHORT NOTICE. All Leadlnt &XACHINES 'V. , osr THREAD. WXATTACHMENTS,ete. rom tbi HOUSEHOLD & WHITE PHOS PHATE O -A.IE3. CNBIVALLED FOtt Jurlnjc Nkln OInke srd for Preservli a t a'tny sain. k-ijevf are,ol imltatlont. oi im to tne aoove iustn ceiebratea articles. Theceouino maae only by the 8TANDRD 'vAP tOMPANY, who also manufacture the argesl assortment of LAUSi'KY ana TUiL.ni OAt in 'he world, umce i?H sacramentosireei. 'ranclaoo. (a K iTAv J KAST THE BESTIS THE CIT All Modern Improvements. Open all day. J. II. HRKKIVRi:, Hroirltor fITISELL 10 000 Pianos 1.000 Organs. rT. jiaii. ii.ijr ft Muiufacturrr From to $1,000 Cash, Kent or Iiitrllmriit& Catpir Frro, ANTISELL, or. U'-tt lo.-eii The TJfshop Scott Grammar School. A BOA RHINO AND DAY SCIIOOr. FOR nOY. and Younic Men. will beirin Its fifth j-ear uider Its present management Kept. 5, 1H82. Prepares boys for college or niislnens. The teacmni? Is practical ani thoroutrn, and discipline amet. reii ror tweirth an nual catalogue, eriving rpmplete I int of former pupils. Afiaress, J. v. iiill., w. d., iteau masier, 121eSm Portland. Orego SyRes1 Sure Core for Catarrli' I IQUID OR DRY, PKITE 1 00; "ATM08PHKR1C JLi Insufflators." price 60c Dry Cure and InsufMa tors mailed on receipt of price, with full direction for use.etc. . it. NKUJMtWE s Co., vrugrifin l&i irl "treet. Po-iland. Or jioV for the N. PaciHt ?1000 REWARD FOR ANYONE WTO WILL tKARN Krllogric Jh. aillaon'a N3ratm of Dreaa ind C'loHh. Cuttlnir. and. with a corret meas ire and perfect cutting, produce a bad fitting arment. feeveral improvementa have Ju been made. Agents to sell and teach wanted n everv town. Good agent car. .-.afre irom 10 topper day. KELLOOO A JILL80N, Cheney, Spokane Co.. W. T UMhJL SE1C ME. ij a BETTER Til A If GOLD. CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALT. A Pleasant and Efficacious Remedy. 1 as 1 IF YOU HAVE ABUSED YOURSELF By over Indulgence In eating or drinking; have sick or nprvous headache; dryness of the skin, with a feverish tendency; night Bweats and sleeplessness; by all menus une i S'aven's California Fruit Salt. And feel young once more. It Is the woman's friend. Try It: nl per bottle; 6 bottles for $5. For sale by all druggists. HODGK.DAV1SA CO.. wholesale Aeents. H. K. OCKKN. J. A. WKStH), Penman at the' Portland Business College, Kectivel the premium g-ven bj the PORTLAND MECHANICS' FAIR, For the beit exhibit of Plain Writing. Card Writing, Flourishing, Ietterltu; and Pen Drawing, ine Portland Business College Journal, Containing specimens of ornamental pen work, exe cuted by Pn.f. Weseo, will be sent free to any address. Heiid name on postal card. AddreM A. r. KM?1 KUiX. ae7tf iMck ltox 104. 1'ortlHiid. Or. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. : And by Huylng- Your BOOTS AND SHOH.S i KKOM-THK New Vork Itoot and Shoo House, I So. 193 Flratlreel, P.etwe4n Yamhill and Taylor, Portland TOV ADIJ TO YOUR OWN WEALTH AND BY that means make the whole country richer. Wi have Just received the most elegant Mock of goods ever brought to Portland, which we are selling at rate; that no other house can. When you come to the city brine in your whole family aud we will ell then) eoorts at astonishingly low prices. Orders from th country will be promptly attended to, and we will paj relgnt on an goons senr io you. SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. WM. BECK Sc SON Importers and dealers la GanSf Rifles, and Revolvers Rods, Sinkers, Floats, Murgeon Reels, Lines, Baskets, Lines, Flies, Hooks oi Leaders, all kinds. Braided and Tapered Oil HUk Lines. ix Spliced Split Bamboo Rods, Pnrtlsnil r ForCntSjRnrns, Sores,Boils,pile8 Caked Breasts, Corns, etc.,Jt has no equal. Sold by Drug gists and coun try stores at 10 cents per box. DIME b 3 $1000 KEWAED WJ I LL BE PAID TO ANY PEHSON PKODU' IV lng a more effectual remedy than Dr. Keek's Sure Cure for Catarrh - Which has stood the test for fourteen years. Physi clans. Druggists, and all who have used and thoi oughiy tested it, pronounce it apet-ine tor tne cure o that loathsome disease. Try lu Your druggist ha lt, price l. Dr. Keck thoroughly understands, and is emhientlx successful in the treatment of all chronic am. dim- enlt dlaeuaea of both aexea and ull uvea, having made a specialty of their treatment for fourteen years He treats Cauacerwlthout using the knife. His favor ite prescription is furnished to lady patlenta Free. ao laoy snoum oe wunout it. xoung, miaaie-agea oi old. male or female. Insanity or a life of suffering It- your Inevitable doom unless you apply in time to tht physician who understands, and is competent to treat your case. Waste no more time nor money with in competent Physicians. All communications attended to with dispatch, and are strictly confidential. Medi l ines sent to any part of the country. Circulars, test! momais, ana a ustoi pnnteo question lurmanea oi application. CO.Sl'LTAT10. FUKK. Inclos a three-cent Rtarip for list and add res- UK JAM ifXK, is o. Jirat street, yortiana. or. HUDSON'S GUN STORE. &VS First atrecU lortlad. Ores a. ucina, rirrou and auuoitioa D. J. TilALARKEY & CO., 1 Is Special attention ctven to the Bale of ad Wheat, Oats, Flour, Wool & Dairy irroauce. Bead for WKKKLT PRICES CURRENT, mailed free on application. liberal Adrances on Conslgnmentj. Consign it e its and Orders Solicited, 4 VUoafT ST.. POBTJUANO, n. fiises 8TEKCILS SEALS SXL4M. KIVOKaTKB, SniUTaT. i rOHTLAJif OS. milE "WHITE.' WE HAVE THIS DAY SOLD JL our entire Interest In, and transferred the agency of the White Hewing Machine to Mr. John B. Ciarrl aon, of 167 Third str et. Portland, Or. Mr. Garrison will hereafter supply the growiiifir demand for this superior and popular sewing machine. apU HILL&BAKtf. ProiQceCo onin Mil -z W TT . . I C3-. WESTIITGEEOTJSE & CO., 3-J SCHENECTADY, NEW TOBK, BRANCH HOUSE, . PORTLAND, OGN. - i w are now receiving a iuii une oi our veieumiea neiiarutor. Lever and Tread Powers, "ortahlc and Xrucllon Jnalnea. Our Separator is Light Itunning. strong and Durable and uiieqiuilcd as a Ornle and Flux MavliitfThreaher and has the best .Shoe movement and Riddle for separating Wild Outs trmm Wheut. Our llorwe-powers are Cnmpaot. Kasy Running and don't breakdown. Oar Knirine in an Improve ment long needed; Welfbt ISOOto StM0 llta leaa than the average engine of same power, and uses nae. third leaa water und fuel to do the saie work. Is durable aud easy to manage. Huntlreds of these enmuea and threshers have been io successful operation for years. . Btr Please send for our Ileacrlptlve Catalomie nd Price Hat and Investigate thoroughly before giving your order.! Saw Mill Machinery and Stationery Ermines Furnished on Reasonable Terms. . OFFICE Commercial bock, Ftot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. THE ONLY INSTITUTION Where a young lady or gentleman can At a Cost in proportion to time Engaged. A copy of the COLUMBIA COMMERCIAL COLLLQE JOURNAL, containing fall information, will tent free to any addrehti on application. Address P. O Iiox58:t. W. M. .TVri- Irlrlpl. i Fori'onsnmpiion, Artlvcin, fironefs it Is, Catarrh, DywepsJ-t. llea):i!i JiXil Ity, Neuraltfiit, ltIiiutiiallMiii, 'nrl nil Ihrouicaiid A'cn wtm DiMartls-ix. l'ncli Hcs lUHy Ii con v'il-iitly went ly pFess, ready i'cr initi'!iatc use at home. Bend for freo treatise on the Oxygen trtment. Addressthe proprietors, 1109, 1111 Uit -ri .street, I'liila., I'h or II. K. IATlIi:VS, Pacific ICository, 800 Moutgotuery MSau I'raneiseo. ul. i I Thla icret Ntrcnzth eninc Remedy and re Tonic Is the le gitimate result ( f over 20 vearsof practical ex perl nee, and CUKKS WI 1 H I' N FA 1 LINO CF. KTA I N TV', Nervous and l'hvsl .al Debility. Seminal Wiakness, Spermator rhoea, Prostatorrhea.F.in iiii.sHioi'.a, Imp4-iteu'.v, Kx liausted Vitality, Prema ture Decline and LOSS OF MA.VIimm. from whatever cause pr.xluced. It ennclies ami purines toe di.hkI, irengi hens tne Nerves, Brain, Muscles, Digestion. Reproductive Or gans, and Physical and Mental Fa' ui ties, it stops any unnatur-) dehiiititii r dram upon the system, preventing involuntary looses, de bilitating dtvam, seuiinal ; lnsse with the u'ine. etc., so destructive to iiind and body. It Is a sure eliminator of all KIDNKY AND KLADDKK COMPLAINTS. IT CONTAINS NO INJl'KIOU INOHKDIKNT. To thae kateilns from the ef feet a of youthful Indiscretion or exceea, n pecdy. thnrouich and pernmnent I'l'Iti) Is OlABANTEKH. Price. iiO perbottle,or Sve Dottles in case witu iliij directions uipi aoMi-e, w o. Sent secure from observation to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C. O D. To be had only of Ir. C I. Nalfleld, Silt Kenniy atrert. San Francisco, C-aU Consultations strictly contiden tial, by letter or at oflice, KKKK. For the convenience of patients, and in order to secure perfect secrecy. I have adopted a private address, under which all p.ick ages are forwarded. TKIAL HOTTI.K FRKK. Sufficient to sti w its merit, will be sent to any one applying by letter, rtattni; his syniptonis and a?e Communications strlcily conti.Iential. DR. SPINNEY, BTo. 11 Kaaurny street. Sw F., freate all Cnrenle and Special Disease. YOUNG filEN TTT1IO MAY BE SUFFERING FROM THE EF V fects of youthful follies or Indiscretion, will do veil to avail themselves of this, the greatest bwoo -ver laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit W0 for every ase of Seminal Weakness or private diseases of auj li.d or character which he undertakes and fails to ure. MIDDLE-A OKU HEN. There aie many at the ag of thirty to sixty who re troubled with too frequent evacuations of the ladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting oi u rmng sensation anu a weaKenmg oi the system lr manner the patient cannot account for. tin exam dng the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will oftet e found, rind sometimes small particles of nlbumet Hi appear, or the color will be of a thin mllkish hue -rain cliuni;:ng to a dark and torpul appearance here are many men who die of this diiTlculty. Igno nit of the cause, which Is the second stage of Semi al Weakness. Dr. S. will guarantee a perfect cure lr 11 such cases, and a healthy restoration of the geuito rinury organs. I OOl-e Hours 10 to 4 and 6 to. Sundays from 10 to I A. M. Consultation free. Thorough 'examhiatlor nd advice- f V , Call or address ' I) II. WPIXWKY V CO., No. 11 Kearny s'.reet. san Francisco, (.'al. S. Aku Ben. Selling, IX. E. Doaca. be that our Tzade Xacfc. "TttK n&kV to on every pair. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. j AKIN. KKLMNQ JU CO. -WILLIAM COLLIE H, MACHI1TIST. Dealer In New and SECOND HAND 3IACHINEKY, MitdlHonSt., IVi-tlnd. Or. Pnrttcw dealrlnr Ktitiero, Fjiglitea or KAW MILL. &I ACIIXKICY can by addrewlna Mr. 'oilier. New and Second Hand .Machinery i eugnl und aoli or traded to Advtuituirts rnnoKLFiFi nnh "BMP IIILUUVgWAIUIIE co i ; I . - ULi I i ii i r""i " ( r- . 2 w : ' Q 1 i OF ITa KIND ON THE COAST obtain a Thorough Business Education A CARD. J)r. Moody, of Xew York City, A. Omdnale of the New York, ttchool of Mcsll flue, hIm of the Jluhliu l'ructlce. -v A word to the public Consultation free. I Invite the sick, no matter what their dlwases may he, to call and investigate for theniM'lves before aban doning ail hopes, for it will cost you nothing. I (civt; no encouragement unless there is a fair prospect of making a cure. I will endeavor to be candid in my opinion and reasonable in my charges. I claim not tc cure everybody, but to euro all that can be cured. J have had twenty years' successful practice In the treatment of both acute and chronic disc-ates. I have located in IV. rt xtn.l, and ail I ask Is that you give me a fair, unbiused triul, by which 1 hope to merit your eon ttdence, and give entire sutisfaciioti to all HUtrering huuiaoit.v. My reputation has been acquired by belrta anilid with my patients, through ears of successful P'actice, both in Kuiope and in this countrj't and" studiou.sly keeping up with the age. I know the caune und remedy needed, not b guesswork, but by year of experience. In my treatment of many diseases I make use of a new method of cure. 'I he treatment is simple arid the most feasible of all. There Ls no unpleasant sensation whatever attending the treatment. I uivlte all persons afliicied to visit and freely convince themselves, leav ing me to verify the a-strt'rci that there has never existed ii remedy so start ing mid immediate in its effects. 1 hese noted curative a is, as handled hi my practice, are eudor ed und approved by the faeulil-1 of both Furoja and America. The btm-ficial elTects an- perceptible almost from the start. Ctst s regarded Incuntltle, and of years slainling, yield t o Its mild but wonderful inliucnce. Aud in no case can the treat incnt be attended w th the least danger, thereby tes tify ing it to be the most harmless ng nt in therapeu tics. Those who wish to aoply for advice oi treatment may coiilidently do so wit hout hesitation or iliDideiice, as the most timid may rely on that inviolable secrecy whi. h has already proved the basis of au extensive professional reputation Hbroad. Cases ca:i be treated by coriesrcndenee when a tr sonal interview .s impossible, providing the patients will minutely detail all of their bodily infirmatles and mental disturbances written in a simple and natural style, and in accordance with the nec ssary de ails of their own feelings Or.e personal Interview, however, even with patlentr residing at a oi-tance is highly de sirable when practicable, and will more than repay the patient the expense and trouble of a trip to Port land. The advantage of even a visit are apparent and manifold. A single visit in most cases will enable the doctor to form au accurate opirion and note particulars which might be lost sight of In merecorrcsMndeuce, particularly when a microscopic and chemical analy sis is absolutely necessary. 1'Ktiei.ts not resid ing iu the city who wish to transact their business t hrotirh t he ma'.ls or bv exoress can ha' e I he neces sary remedies ent to any address or left at any rail way station or coach omce m tireirou or Washington 1 erntory until culleii for. carefully packed and se curely sealed.. Otlioe und Ht-sMenee, zs'J First street, liooms "Ji; an l.add's New lUillclhig. Corner Flrat bin! I 'ohiriibia, i'ortland. Oregon. BUCKIHGHAM & HECHT'S BOOTS AND SHOES Are tho BEST and COST NO MORE than Other Brands,: and if the Merchant nlth -whom you Trade does not keep our Good It Is because it PAYS better to sell a pair of Boots or Shoes ererjr TWO .Honths thap e?ery FOUR r FIVE. WE WARRANT EVERY PAIR Xe make. All Merchants In Good Credit can procure these Goods at onr Ware houses lu PORTLAND or San Francisco. TRY OUR "HERCULES" BOOTS. IIECIIT BROS. & CO. 5 ;'.' ' '. V. 1 v.- The Flneat UITTEKS In the UOHLU, THEY JE FFKCTUA LI. Y CUKK MALARIAL DISEASES, Vitalize the Nyttrm und irret the rVMiree o the limxil u I Aiconoi nnuii, 1) 1 1'0 M AM 1 .V. " Aak j onr PrtiKirlat or Wine &Ierehot for meuif niUIEBDIXOA CO., A sent a, Man Fran Claco. v. j, VAX aClimrVi:K & CO PortUuut PERUVIAN BITTERS. llPHIlti I B r V. ; V ! 1 f I 'i 1 4- I : 1 i: ' ' t (I i