--- THE 'J'Ih? KilitorV JiariK-st task is to disjKjse rf hi time.. His would In a monoto nous liftt imlftul, were it not for the kimJiiess a few liuiulred iople who , call ujH.n him every day to enliven his dull lif with stories of their grievance, of their bnin new eutcrnriseii, and witli antelaviaii aucedoUvs. When you grow up to ie men and women, children, re member thi, mid sj)end all the time you can in the sanctum of the editor. - lie lores company so very much, you know, and noinctimefe has to sit silent and alone for a whole half minute. Jm ii not too bad ? The business of the editor is to enter tain itinerant lecturers, book canvassers, exchange, fiends and other philanthro pints. He gives his whole days to these. II writes his editorials at night after he has gone, to bed. The editor is never so happy as when lie is writing complimentary notices. For ten cents' worth of presents he will gladly giv ten dollars' worth of -advertising all on account of the pleasure it gives him to write vou know. We desire U extend to the citizens of Oolmuhia County our grateful thanks for p:vst liberal patronage and while .so liciting it eoatinuanco for the fwtun-, hope through you to gam many ne.v pa trons: we have added to our larre stoek of Drugs aid Medicines, a complete stock vf Faints, Oils, Vrnishej, Brushes, Window (ilass Jre. &a, and sell as low tUr lowest; our place, being central, d'.rdj a convenient place for storing vour p.trcels when in town making pur chases, atid extend a cordial invita tion to all to make our plaoe headquar ters. Come and see us. Very Respectfully, Wood ah d, Clark k fc Co. L i ?nnt' tv7. -'gfm in the song line that we have seen for many a day lias just beoU issued by Sherman, Clay & Co., of San Francisco. The title is "ih re May be Eyes as Brightly Licam 4ng," the ma iic Ls arranged by H. M. CnMvorth, the song is in the original key of E. iis bj Mr. Dig by Bell in . Madame Favart'. J he market! price is 33 cents." ' " T . 1 fPcmofest' Jfujutine It.w hrJtn reduced in rico to 5l!-0U per year. If clubbed vrita the Columjia.v, it will cost 1.5 0 V. Jeiinins Dmorest is the Publisher, 7 Kat 14th Street, New York. It is theire of fashion MowtMiou. Auy oiie(wishing to club witii the Columsiak cau have both for $3.50. Addresa JVIajorK. G. Adams, St. Helen, Oregon XcTcSr Known t Tail. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 4, 1881. 1L IL Witrner t Co.: Sirs I have recommended your Safe Kidney and .Liver Cure to many hundreds of people from Texas to New York, have seen it tried by many of these, and have yet to hear of a single case of failure. Col. John C. Wuitner, e have received a copy of the Ori, ental Cvktt published by L. Lum Smith, and edited by Emerson Bennett. It is published at 912 Arch Street Philadel plna. buuscrujtion, lw typo graphical appearauce is splendid and the reading first class. It b one of the i neat magazines for thp moner we have fcten. , r 1). W. f rentice dc Uo. have sent us .... their Musical Journal for May. It is 1 m an interesting number and contains the following beautiful pieces of music: ' The Old Cottase Clock." " Under the Koof tree," a Song and Chorus. Gondo la Serenade." Subscription, 75 cts. pr. vear. 107 First Street. Portland, Ore- gon. We have receive a copy of the West Shore in German. This is a splendid text book with which to learn German by comparing it with the Wet Shore in. English, It shows I Samuel is a man pf great enterprise, and is bound fco suc reed. Fostoria, Ohio, April 22, 1882t Morgan Clark who resided in Idaho n 1864 since above date has been miss ing, any one knowing anything about his whereabouts will confer a lasting fo yer by communicating with II. B. Clark, Fostoria, Ohio. Blakesley has lots of good grub. We know whereof we speak. Go and try it Hats, Hats, Hats. Juht arrived dirrct from San Francis co, the largest and most complete assort ment of men's and boys' hats ever brought to St. Helens, at McUride's store. t Notice for Publication. Land Ofkick at Oukcon City, Oreuon. 1 June 2, 18X2. Notice is hereby given tMat tne fllowing nained settlor has hied notice of hi intention t make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will le matte before the County Clerk of Columbia Comity at St. Helens, Uiv gu, on Monday Jul v 10, 1882, viz: Oi-orge It. Kelly, Homestead Application No. '-J7 for the Lots 1 & 2 of Sec 4, T. 4 N. It. 1 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, aid land, viz: Knoch (J. Adam. Aaron Broyles, John Frautz and George Frautz, all of St. Helens, Columbia County. Oregu. L.T. BAKIX, Register. n4ij$ Notice For Publication. IiXSl OFK(C& AT OhKHQH ClTV.OBBiiOX. I May 27, 18S2. ( Notice- is hereby Riven that the folio wing nanied settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof w ill be made before Dean Blanch ard, County Judge of Columbia County at St. Helena, Oregon, on Friday June 30, 18S2, viz: George F. Meck, Homestead Application No. :nC0 for the N 4 of N. V. of Sec. 20, T. 7 X R. 2W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uiont and cultivation of, Maid land, viz; ... ... . -tV a-iejounletteC John Atkins, Walter Furrow, andC. H. Gilbreath, all of Hainier, Columbia County, Oregon. L. T. BARIN, Register. n4.1j2 DB. THOMAS STEWAP-T, rilYSICI V and SURGEON, OiBce witi F. A. Moore Esq., River Street, St. Helen, Oaeuos. n42m26 Executor's Notice. Notice ia hereby given that the underpinned haa been appointed by the County Court of Co lumbia County, Oregon, executor cf the estate and last will aid teetamt-nt of Elizabeth Taylor, Deceased. " All perrons having claims against the said es tate mtist present them with the proper vouch ers within iix months from the date hereof. T. H. TAYLOR, Executor of said Estate. St. Helen, Okego.v,. May 2 1882. n42m26 Ho Patents, No Pay. A III Li'lVrnnd "le for Mechani rXlIJCillO Ml Devices, Com- jHmn.lg, Deninn aii'l Labeln. All preliminary examinatimiH a Ut tatentahility of inventions, free. Our "(Juiile for Obtaining 'Patenta" is sent free evervwltere. .Mre8 LOUIS A( J ( I K 11 A. Co. Solicitors of Patent. Washivoto.v, I). C. EatalAldhed lS6i. n41mll ' Waller & McSorley, 245 Grand JSt, New York. SEND FOlt OUR FASHI0I1 GAZETTE & CATA LOGUE, 110. 2a It enables you to lurr New York .poods at New York trices. No honelolil chould be without it. MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF Ladle's Hisses and Cbildren4s STJITS, Cloaks, Shawls, Woolens, Linens, etc., etc., Akd DEALERS IK Watches, silver-plated ware, JEWELRY, BOOTS & SHOES, GENTS', YOUTHS' & BOYS CLOTHING, HATS, UNDERWEAR. MILLINERY, YANKEE NOTION'S, ETC Our 7ah.on Gggette and Catalogue. No. 20. is nw out, aud t9 full illustrations and der acripUon of the latest styles in the above ljaes of goods. Sipgle copies vent free upon receipt 01 4c. postage. Waller & McSorley, 245 Grand St, New York. Lost or Strayed. Two horsesone a two year old a Stallion a darfe bay, and one a five xear old Gelding, black. If any one will find and atend word to Alonro Merrill, Deer Island they will be well paid for their trouble. H. Steuman. St. Helen Ledge No. 32, A. F. A. M, Reeular Meetings the 6rst and third Satur. days of each month. louming bretnren n id standin are cordially invited tp attend order of V M. JAMES DAKT. Secretary. Notice For Publication Land Office at Vancouver W. T. I May 16th, 1882 f Notice is hereby riven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the J udge of the Probate Court at-Kalama. W. T.. on Satur. day. June 24th. 1882. viz: John E. Johnson. Pre emption Decaratory Statement No. 571, for the Lot No. 6 of Sec. 14, Tp. 9 N. R. 2 V. He names the following M'itnesse to prove his contiguous residence upon, and cultivation of said a;i(, viz; 1'r.urv Huntington, of Castle Rock, W. T. .1. IiHuntingtm, of Jaincs Harrell, of A. Knifard, of Olequa, FRED W. SPARLING, Register. n41ml9 (mm- i CASTLE DRILL Ha n continuous FORCE FEED of rubber, cannot bunoh the grain, sows grain evenly, has rubber springs, and will clear all ordinary obstacles. It Is built with Detachable Grass Seeder.' front or rear, . FERTILIZER I ATTACHMENT, Which sows all kinds of phos phates, or fertilizers In general use, In same furrow with the wheat A Patent Cut-off pre vents waste of Fertilizers equal to 20 per cent, of cost of Drill each year. Circulars sent free upon appl cation. JB. CROWELL &C0. ! CREENCASTLE. PENH'A GEO. "W. IIcBEIDB, l)KA LER IV General Merchandise, ST. IIKLEN, OREGON. A new and complete stock of CokIs now in Htore. Prices reasonable. Terms Cash. 1ITJCSLE BSOS., ST. HELEX, Oil. .llaitufacturers efall Kinds of Lum ber. La tits and Pickets. Will furnish Lumber in any quantities, as cheap as aay lirat on the Uoluuibia Kiver. also keep a jft-neral Atore, with a full a-sfirtiuent of all kinds of Groceries and lrv Goo.ls, at the lowest Cash Prices. aulStf T I IT-SHOP, i - Mil k-Pans,B tickets, S to ve-Pipe. Granite Iron-Ware I and Everything im the lins at PORTLAND Prices. WILLIAM WOODMAIl". St. Helen, Orkgon. DR. S. LOWELL. LATE OF IOWA Hat inif located at St. Helen offers his profewj ional services to the citizen of the town and sur roumtint; country. Offlco at the St. Helen's House. Social attention ffiven te WOMKV and cmi irex and cuHo.vic dikkases of all kida. n:3iuar4 F. Am MOORE, Attorney - at - Law, I T. HELEN, OREGON. ()fncE-River Streetin front of strand. Prompt Attention Given to Attlvitf Collectioaa, Etc. T. A. McBRIDE, Attorney - at - Law, OREGON CITY, OREGON. Particular attention given to business before the Land Office. nov!2tf Enoch Adams, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OmcB: Court House, at St. Helen. , 1 1 "i DEALER IS COIIFECTIOIIARIES qf all k.tpds, KnioklnaQkaf Bread, and other Varieties of the same Class Soda, Sarsaparilla, Lemonade, Tobacco Cigars Of the Best Quality, and BILLIARDS. River Street, St Heelx, Oregon. Heal Estate Bought and Sold on Commission. Information given concerning Lands, Titles, Deeds, etc. All business attended to with the greatest care. I ENOCH G. ADAMS. Notice for Publication. Land Officii at Obegon City Oregon. ,T I , . . May 17, 1882. f notice is hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register & Re, ceiver U. S. Land Office at Oregon City Oregon, on Tuesday June 27, 1882, viz: John R. Friewon, Homestead application No. 4484 for th R. W of Sec. 30. T. 7 N. R. 3 W. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Josephus Jones, Solomon G. Snell, Nathan Nich. ols and Josiah lngalls, all of Clatskanie, Colum bia County, Oregon. .,1, . L. T. BARIN, Register. n41ml9 Notice. There is money in the Treasury to pay off the following County orders, No. 853, 852, 736, 793, 851, 788, 789. 789, 659, 7b4,73L 733. 779. 825. 824. 797. R3fi. BL 828. 805, 792, 781, 775, 845, 847, 844, 848, 846 812,815, 821, 841, 783, 794,834, 784, 753, 802, 810,801,837, 831, 831), 811, 900, 854, 86 809, 858, 763, 885, 808, t67. Interest stops from date of this publication. JAMES MUCKLESNR. Treasurer. Bv It. COX. Demit v. n3Sa?8 Are tsrlihout qqastlon the Finest and Pest Coofclwti Stoves In the norta. EVERY ONE of the 141 SIZES - ' XS MOLD WITH -Ubitteh Guarantee T hmmm MO tot point of FINISH. BEAUTY, ECONOMY, DUnADILfTY & COnVElHEHCE. "US! Wurm Base BnTner and FaYorite CooMnl Stoves JLWAJIDEO FirstPrize and Silver Medal at Cincinnati Industrial Exposition mi Ktrvsmn 91 till JFA VOlLA A R CTT STOVES and WEST J'OTITT BUJiNJHt before buying amy (Ar JFVr Sale by J. H. GE0VES, - - Proprietor, The Dart House, m Colujiria Street, St. Hklex, Oregon, Is now open for the accommodation of the Traveling Public. Being newlj- fittetl up, it will I e f unl a pleasant place at which to stop. Trms, 2." cents for Meals. U5 cents for LoJg ing, Board 4.00 pr .Week, Board and Lcnlgiug, $5.00 ja27n2.- DA1TIEL SLAVE2TS, Barber & Shoemaker. Third Door River & from the Corner of Tualitiu Streets St, Helen, Oreonv n3?tf 1 1. FISH Lit, Advertisinsr Aciit, l Merchants Evcbunsc S. FM is authorixed to receive ndvertis- mciits for this paper. reat chance to make money, those who ai- take ai vantage of good chances for makincr monv that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in ikv- erty. V e jjwaut many men. wonieu boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Kxienive outfit fur nished free. Xo one who vngage fails to make money rapidly. iYou cau devote your whole., time to the work, or only your spare moment. t ull information and all that is needed sent free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine Cjanly Notice for Publication. United States Land Offick, Oreoon City, Oregon, April 22, 1882. f Notice i hereby given that the following named fttlr has filed notice of hit intention to make final 'iroof in suntiort of his nialtri. 2d that said proof will be made before Enireue SfW- ' pie. County Clerk of Columbia Co. at Jst. Helens Oregon, on Monday June 12, 1882, viz: John Libel, Homestead Application No. 3309 for the Lot 10, of Sec. 15, and S. JS. i of N. K. iof Sec, 16. T. 6 N. R, 5 W, H uanea the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon, and cultivation uf, said laud, v(z; Jqo Beriser, John Beokman, Charles Jones, all of Riverside, Columbia Conuty and W, H. Conyers of St. Helen, Columbia County, Oregon. L, T. BAHJN, Register, H38a8,5t Notice of Application to Purchase .Timber Land. U. S. Land OrricK at Vakoouvkr, W. T. I Maroh 15th, 1882. f Xotice is hereby giveq that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 3, W9, entitled "Aq Act tor tne sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore gin, Nevada, and in Washington Territory." enjamin F. Brock, of Cowlitz County, Wash ington Territory, has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the South West i of North ilat i and North West i of South East I of SeotionlO, Tp. 8 North of Rj-Qge 3 West of the Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken be fore the Judge of the Probate Court of said County, at Kalama, W. T. on Saturday, the 27th, day of May, 1882. Any and all persons claiminer adversely the above described land, oranv portion thereof, are are hereby required to file thoir claims in this office within aixty(60) days from date hereof. x RED W. SPARLING, Register. n33mar24 Notice for Publication U. S. Land Ovmce, 5 Obegon Citt, Orbgon, Anril22. 1882. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the County Clerk of Columbia Co. at St. Helens Ogn, on Friday, June 2, 1882, viz: Charles T. C. Grann, Home, stead Application No. 2827, for the K k of N. W. i & E 4 of S. W. of Sec. 18, T. 0 N. R. 4 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation if, said laud, viz: W. U. Conyers, of St. Helens, J. w. Jones, Morris Karr. and G. T. Foster of Riverside, all of Columbia County, Oregon. j. 4, negisier. 1 n'rii!? &E2T7Z3 THE MITCHELL STANDARD Also Three-Spnas aad FowttaSprinr Winwi, and Sido-Spri Buptm. Th MITCHELL. WAGON U Monarch Tof th Road; only llm yry Ust stock osed la its traeuoa aad sa by the best wacoa mechanics ia tke worid. . Tas pcinj Wsjosi aa4 Bngxr a ysrUaeat is entirely separate fro tty Farm Waroa shop. Ami tot lb maavfaousr of cLis dw win w carf KIMiXt uaurpauca. Mia m uuiopt na wmbwo rnw uk. IZZTCZXCLL, I.BT7IS Sc CO.f H3at X71S. sUunn r pricn-liat. Celebrated Sinfflo Breech-!cailinfr Chot Gun, at $12 up. lVwUl-brr I l:r-H ..l ?:.:, at VM up. MnxzUaad Brech-1Hilii.jr Cr.. luflf, o ristuls. of most aprmTel Fnptih ml An.rf-an mates. All kinds of sportinp iarTn?f aii'l srtl lfi rnqnfr-vl br siwvrtsmen and run ntnY. Colt's New Ereoch -loading' Double Gun- the Itrit "Tins Tpt nmHt for tlr tr:,-. JOSEPH C. CRUBD & CO., 712 Hrrket St. Phi!afc!rhh. Pa J SALOON. ENOCH SHINTAFPEK, Proprietor. Winos, Whiskies, Brandies, Beer, Cigars, and Soda Water All of the best tta!ity. Corner of Cowlitz and River Streets, Sr. Helen. Ouk(Xx. J. W. CAMPBELL, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. St. Helen, Oregon. AH business attended to with prouiptn4 and dispatch. ' atil.'Uf Frost's Turkish Ba? Patterns. STAMPED ON Ill KLAP I COLORS. Ieantif nl lesigns to b made of ra- or yarn. simple that a child can make theui. For Sale at P- A- Lemon t's, St. ele Oregon XUIC D A aJEZ) m5lv De found ou file at (Seo I nlO r rtn p.teftwell & CoV Newapa. per Advert - ing Bureau (10 Spruce Sr. where advertiniii. contracts may be made for it in NEW YORK ul3tf a week in your own town. S5 Outfit free. No rwk. Every thing new. Capital not required. We will furniabyou ererj-thing. Many are luakinj! fortunen. Lailies make as much as men, aud I oys and girls make great iay. Reader, if you want a busi ness at which you can make great pay all the time you" work, write for particulars to H. Hal- lett sc vo., rorxunu, Elaine. 6janly We continue to acl-iv Solicitors for"Patents", Caveats. Trade Marks. Convrirhts, etc., for the United States, Canada, Cula, England, Franco, Germany, etc. We have had thirtvrflva vears exnerience. Patents obtained through M are iiotioed in the Soibntikio Amjcuioak, This large ana splendid illu8tratrated weekly paper, $3.20 a year, shows the 1-rogress of science, is very interesting, ana has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Solicitor. Publishers of Sc'EV- ttf'o American, 37 Park Row, New York I and book about Patents sent free, J. KELLOGG & GO'S Steamers Joseph Kellogg and Toledo, roB C0WLZTZ RXVSE. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG leaves Port, land, foot ofYamhill Street, for Freenort on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 7 o'clock A, SI., via Willamette Slough, touching at St, Helen, BolnmbiaCity, Kalama, OarrairsPoint, Rainier, edar Landin?, Montioello and all intermediate points. Returning Leave Freenort Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 o'clock A. Sf . Steamer TOLEDO leaves Portland for Cow. litz Prairie on Monday and Thursday at G A. if. via Willamette Slough and above landings. touching at Freeport, Arkansas, Oloqua and. Way Landing. Returning Wednesday and Saturday. 3etf Lewis and Lako Elver Trans portation Company's Fast arid avorlttv Steamer LATOIST A, W, G. Wier, Master Will leave La Centre for Portland via St. Helen, Qnigley's Landing and Columbia River every -HQjylay, w ednesdav atd Friday at 6 o clock A, M... touching- at all way landings. Returning will leave Everdincand Ferrilrs Wharf. loot of Alder Street. Portland, every Tuesday, Thursday acyj Sa,tirday at 10 . 'clock, v m. snarp. For freight and JAur a 2-"et' - H 'VI I d CO., Hsclaet X7ls PLATFORM SPK1NQ WAOON. 116 srvusus -.sat.. r thao Tte laadintr Bciantiit of t n-" . " moHt diseases are caused bv tiaeaiHi KutnxlT T J.. Tt ii ii. -ir- j . . J cr. xi, Hirrciiire. ine ivKineys ana iiver are key t in perfect onier, erfect health will be th--. result. This truth has only be?n known a slvirt. a new era in the treatment of these troubli,. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare val, , it contains iust the element ish and invigorate lioth of these great organs, , and safely restore and keep them in onler. ItisO a POSITIVE Rkmkut for all the diseases jtfcat j caTwe pains in the lower part of the lody- ors-M xorpia iiver neaaacnetK .iimtic O ravel Fever. Ague -Malarial Fever. in.l ver. nni all difficulties of the tneys. Liver aad Urin.. ry Onrans. It U an excellent and safe rem My for females, during Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation and is invaluable for Leucorrhoea or Falling of the Womb. 'As a Blood Purifier it Is uneoualet!,-for it cures the ordain that MAKE the blKx. Tl.w Remedy, which has done such wonders, is put up in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any uiedi:iue iiimhi the market, and is sold by Druggist and all dealers at S1.25 per bottle. For Diabetes, enquire for WARNER'S SAFE 1)1 A BETES CURE. It U a POSITIVE Remedy. H. H. WARNER & CO. Roche iter N. Y. NERVOUS DEBILITY- A SUIIK CURE GUARANTEKDu Dt. E. c west's nkhvk and bijaiw TREATMENT, a specific for Hysteriju'Wtzi. ness, Convulsion. Nervous II ta-lachw Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Spemut6orho a, linpotencj. Involuntary emissions, prematura old age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure, recent caes. Each box contains one month's treatment; one dollar a lvx, or six Imxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any caao. With each order re. ceived by us for six-Uixes, accompanist with five dollars, we will send the Hircha r our writ, ten guarantee to return the money if th tr at luent dovs n4 effect a ur. 2u:vrantees iHnuttl only by , , WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. Vlu,leale and Retail Druggists, Portland, Or. egon. - Orders by mail at regular prices. n27fl7 1 Tin mine now before the public. You can ink monej' faster at work for us than at anything rise. Capital not needed. V $12 a day and upward ntadn will start you. ..t home by the industrious. Men, woim n, lys and gins wantea everywhere to work for us; Now is the time. You can work in spar timo only or give your whole time to the buMn You cau live at home and do the work. No other business will pay youjiearly as well. N. one can fail to make fjuormous tay by engaging at once. Cnnty Outfit fe, foney made ft, easily, and honorably, ' AcLlre TKt'C A t'o., August, Maine. ' Uauly ITOTICEI. We hve arranged with the Iowa Junnrr Co., of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ( who are the publishers of one of the beat farm papers in the went U furnish their fin journal one year at the low rate of $1.00, or it and nqr own iaper one year at $3.00; and each one who subscribes under this offer will receive, free, an elegant portrait of James A. Garfield. ESTABLISHED IN 1052 L. P. Fisher's TB-WS PAPE jR, ADVERTISIETG Boc&3 20 3 21 Ucrc2iant5v Hs ckuigo, Calif taaia St9 0. F. N B ADVERTISING SOLICITED foi all f ewspapen published on te Pacific Coast, San wich Islands, , Polynesia, Mexican Porta Pan tma Valparaiso, Japan, China. New Zea. lnd , the Australian Coloniet, the Eastern Stal es and Europe. Files of ry every news pap r published on the Pacific Coast are kept con tantly on hand, and all advertisers are allowead fre access to them during buauese honra. The Columbian is kept on file at this offiice of L. P. Fisher. ocl"t We hereby notify the Public that from the 1st, of January 1882 wharfage will be charged on everything shipped from, or landed on our dock. General merchandise at the rate of 25 cts. per 1 toi ox leas than 1 ton, over 1 ton CO cts. antl atthjB rate of 25 cts. for every addition al ton or Pft vf a ton. Special contracts made to large, shippers. wvivl. ;wvo tune and for years eopIe suffered great agajy with0 ut being able to find relief. The discover?'' of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure mark '