( - - jfhc « O k u Albany went Democratic on Mon* Signal. day, the 7th inst. A . "W. Stanard was « a n F r a n c is c o A g e n c y — T homas B oyce , No. 30 (Second floor), Merchants’ Exchange, California street, helow Montgomery, is our authorized agent in San Francisco. elected Mayor, and our old friend, L. Corrected Weekly by W . Doolittle was re-elected Recorder. COX & EARI1ART, The Albany Democracy means busi ness. L. P. FISHER, 20 à 21 New Merchant,s Exchange, I. our authorized agent in San Francisco. For Eastern Advertising. Mr. Fisher is represented by S. M. Pcttengill A Co. o f New York and Boston. The Evening Commercial flings the Democratic banner to the breeze with Col. James C. Dow as editor. J. I. T hompson , J . W. S mith , R. M. M a t . J C. E. R County Judge. County Clerk. Sheriff. Treasurer. S. Superint’dt. Church Directory. m M E T H O D IS T (South), j y |_ A. E. S e ars , pastor. Services at the Bvptist Church First Subbath in each month preying upon the credulity aud finances l ’ rof. , H R IS T IA N , H, M. W a l l e r , pastor. Services at Baptist church second Saturday jtr.d Sunday in each month. i J. L. Collins, Esq., to fill the vacancy. j RASOM C. ! j ‘ Jeniiin^M Lodge, I\o, 9, 1 >¿ 1 11a s . if. !;, • ultir (\>mm-tnications on the SATU R D A Y preceding ti * ill M» n it> ca h Month, unless the Moon lulls ou ¡sut- ' ur-lay— theu on that day ,,t one o’clock, P. M. • A l-o, on the socoud Friday in each month > at 7 • ’clock. P M , for the purpose o f liuprov- : ins; of the Craft, in Masonry, and for such oth­ er Work as the Ma ter in .«y from time io time Order. UT Brethren in pood standing are invited to Attend. B yord arotth e j *»ar By the otiicui cuiiv o s o f tll£ vof •’ ♦Vis St**te. Spymour anJ illair ibave it>4 majority. W ho yelle«: here *i'i D a’ 1 .> o v e r ‘ ‘ Oregon Redeemed ’’ be­ fo r e they get out o f the woods, eh.'“XiJ8 II 3sif Rauieiuber that there are more cans o f the “ magic washing pow ders” at II, M* Mr. J . II. Lewis has more of that Stiles’ store in Dallas. Ladies and tine and cheap qneen»ware. Call and dauiidrymen who have tested the merits got your supply. o f this washing compound »ay it is un. Blink Mortgages at the S i g n a l equalled. ^ Office- Barman Bros., Commercial >t., Salem, (iEO. o f offering their splcdid eustom 11. CUAN CE, made suits at still lower figures just to D E N T I S T , see how many they can hand out and SALEM. OREGON. “ rake ” the cash iu lor in one day. O ffice at R e s id e n c e , on F r o n t b e tw e e n n 21 Gov. W oods pawned his carpet hag C licim keta a n d * e n t r e streets. o f “ picters ” to a native in Panama fur JAMES L DALY a vest pocket full o f peanuts and skee daddled for the boat. GENERAL AGENT, “ F i x i s ’ s.” — G. B . Stiles Office— No. Ift4 Front Street, Portland. has ju-t received au extensive assort­ Oregon. (Opposite Franklin Book Store.) ment o f holiday goods. I h e latest o l id a y styles o f toys, fauey goods, etc., etc., line his shelves in great abundance. Call soon and make your choice o f a holiday present. ILL G IV E SPECIAL ATTENTION TO the Collecting and adjustment of ac­ counts, hills and notes; Negotiating iulund bills; effecting loans; selling and leasing real estate ; house reutiug, and to the general agen­ cy business iu all its branches. w JAS. L. DALY. A good cooper would do well in Dal las. W e notice cooper’s ware being ¿shipped to this place from Salem. John (\ Bell, at the old Brick MOORES’ BLOCK, (Middle Building), SALEM , Capital Cor­ ner, Salem bus a stock o f those fioo Lu HA LEM , : Saloon. : : O REG O N ; V cine Lamps on hand to sell cheap. The protracted meeting under Rev. A . E. Sears o f ihe M. E. Church uSouth, closed its labors last week.— Besides twenty five members w^re ad­ ded '.o the Church, many more were FIN E W IN ES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ac., Ac. Liquors Bitted. 11 kinds bo!«'ed by us and zsar OREGON. fiBed 8100,00 for selling whiskey to a minor. M a in s t , D a l l a s . J O S . LIG G ETT, Proprietor. G. B. Stiles’ new stock o f goods is arriving. Call soon and supply your wants. l i e has everything needed in the way o f family supplies which can be had. Sugars, coffee, teas and syrups havo advanced in price materially. See Sa­ lem quotations. H e a t W a g o n from this Market to KUendale and Coxes Mill on Tues­ days and Fridays, aud to D ixie, Kola, Independence and Monmouth on W ed ­ nesdays and Saturdays. Meat furnished by the Q U A R T E R at the Market at reasonable rates. Orders for Corned R eef filled. Highest Cash Price paid for R eef Cattle. 32 tf J I a * O l l i C — The officers elect o f Lyon Lodge, No. 29, A . F. & A M ., will he publicly installed, at their Hall L. J A Y S, T U R N E Y , in Indepouoeuce, Dec. 27th, 1808, at one o clock, p. m , Brethcrn and friends A T T O R S E Y A N D COU NS E LO R A T with their families are invited to attend. A Masouio Rddre.ss will be dolivered on tbo occasion. B , urd„ o f the Lodge. have just received and now opened a uew and fresh stock of Spring and Summei GUODS all F lour — Salem X X X , Grades, Kinds, tflylps, and Varieties. O L D B R I C K JOI1.V sO M M E R V T L L K , Secretary. Independence, Dee. n th, isr,*. - - - A line Assortment of P ic t u r e s S. CRID ER, T H A N K FU L FOR THE f\ _ w liberal patronage which has been bull erto extended to him in Dallas, would emhract this medium to say to all that he is prepared with increased facilities to serve Fb>ur per tack, best brands,! 50. C«>rn Meal, per peuinl, 4c. Oat«, per bushel, 40 to 50. Bacon, per pound, 12}. Hum:', per pound. 17. Should, r». per pound, 8 . Lard, in tin.-, per pound, 15. Fru!id. 37} I. Ice, per pound, 12c. Beans, per pound,5 to 6 c. Soap, long bar, eaeh, 25c. Balareius, Uabbitt’ s, per pound, Oysters, M> Murry’s, per can, 37}c. California matches, per dozen, 25c. Blue Vilirol, per pound. 25c. Hardware— Best nails, per pound, 7 to 10c. Hunt s Axes, aud llandl. s, 2 00 Borax, per pound, 50c. Grindstones, per pound, 5 to 6 c. cotton and woolen co -. ds . Standard Domestics, per yard, 16 to ISc. Prints, I 2 t.> 16e. Delanes, 20 to 25c. Salem Cassimeres. plain, per yard, 1 25. “ Hard times, 1 00 . “ Doe Skins, 1 25c. u Flannel, plain,*5 to 50c. 4< “ Twilled, 65c. CUSTOM ERS far more acceptably than heretofore. manufactured ment of About the 10th o f May 1 shall remove my Salesroom and the Postoffice to South Inde­ pendence. Thenceforward I shall occupy the building adjoining Vandnyn and Summer­ ville's Store. E. M E RW IN . Independence, March 24, 1868. 3 - 3 m aud warranted. Au assort IV E XV C U R V E R OREGON. J . M. M A S O X a G A N G P L O W which is essentially superior to anything which II PLOW S. B E N N E T T & W H IT E S T A B L E , I o appreciate the advantages this in company with L. GODDARD, I shall he p le.iscl l<> see any all ot un mends and ac- Plow offers, it is only necessary for tho quviuteuccss up<>u their arrival iu Port and with teams, and those whj have good horses .‘M illp ly COD Tses ! ^ aflDCi u> g ,\ c it a tn .il. to sell will find me on hand ready to buy at all t struoted. and put up w ith a view special times. , i , . ‘ Patrons o f this stable vv iT Hud it iu go« ly to durability, this deservedly Popular shape, while charges will be : moderale as . • ■ani.; lV>v*' must c. utwine to give un- any other stable iu ib cciiv . J . R. L A K E . q t Ilici] satisfaction wherever or by u Portland, June 23, 186.8. .whomsoever tried. This Hotel is located ne ir the Steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will be in attend­ ance at all the Landings to convey Passengers and Baggage to and from the House FREE OF CHARGE. B O K C Y ccs. one and thir­ ty-six, in Towns, seven and eight, S, of R. 5 country Retail Store, West, in Polk county, Oregon, and for costs aud disbursements of suit. A l l o f the very B est Q ua lift/. BONHAM A L A t ' . Attys. for Plaintiff. nov23 6w36 Y A N K E E NOTIONS ; Etc., Etc. with track extending to the River; and are’ ire- pared to receive and Forward Freight for 1 5 c e n t » p e r ton . 3tf to k eep on ! v 1 1 ■ c h o ic e s t and A r tic le s , and sell th.-ui at ta sm all rotit fo r C A S H . I VANDUYN A SOMMKltVII.LE. T I I E I T I t S T T R I I X OCR I l l s A U U 1 V E I), \ M OTTO: RAPI D SALES OF CHOICE GOODS. and so has H A R K . S a le m , O r e g o n . 3 tf NI E K i l l A .V DIN E. Y.Tii.liiyii A S oim n en ilie, ' Those who want inferior articles elsewhere for them. M. MEYER! R î;f must look G. B. S T IL E S . « m /'I T I I O N E O F T H E L A R G E S T I f aud be i .lecicd stocks of J. K, «ili !.. D O M E S T IC D R Y GO OD S, FANCY GOODS. GENTS’ * BOYS’ CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING, C. F. VBATOS. G I L L & Y IS A T O Y , W H0LESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS -IX- S.-Ituol Books, LATEST STYLES OF I1AIS AM CAPS, Minsk B ook s, T ru n k s, ta r p e ts , G r o c e r ie s , C r o c k e r y B .au k B inks, Stationery, A c . That has ever been brought to SALEM, which he is offering CHEAPER than any oth­ er house in the City. and Fancy Gotdi. Our good.* wen. purchased iu the East, by onr- •elvcs, and we led confident that we can give perfect satisfaction to all who may favor us A ll kinds of P R O D U C E t a ke n In E\ ¡ -villi their patronage, both as to price and ch a n ge. W antkd : 5Ü 0, ooo ooo ! quality. ■ tate t !. cc!, i'.i iilli, Ogn. POUNDS OF W O O L FOB ! which I will pay tho HIGHEST’ MA&XET PRICE IN CASH. I would also say to those in Arrears has yet lic in the liue o f E a b o i * S a v i n g AVING PURCIIA -ED THE OLD Warm & cold Baths attached to the House. W is manufacturing at heeu offen d the Oregon Fanning Pub­ I. V asdutm . and PLOW. I n d epen den ce , Folk County, Oregon, L I V E K Y NTAiSLE. r jM llE BEST AND MOST COMMODIOUS 1 hotel iu tlie State, where every waut is anticipated aud cheerfully supplied. J H O L E S A L E GANG A Polk County Invention. CU STOM M A D E W O H k CORNER OF FIRST AND MORRISON St., COX In fact I keep everything useful and ornamen­ tal in the line. Booms,and Shoes W ESTERN HOTEL, r O t lT L A S D , aud Gilt F r a m e . A J \ 0 €. HELL. S. D U R B IN & CO., 26 tf S . n . J E S H U P , M . T>., P H Y S I C I A N A N D SURGEON, I .I B Y I I . : : O regon . 3d door from the corner o f Griswold’s Block D a lla « , Oly At their Old Stand, with a New Fire-Proox Sulcm Oregon. O ffice— At ft e s id e u c e . themselves Cost and me Trouble. Brick Just Completed. E would respectfully inform our old N O T I C E . friends and customers that we are at our Summon*. J . H . L E W I S- old place of business, with a New Fire-Proof Briek Stable, conveuiently arranged; each p p l ic a t io n stall is ventiilated by a flue in the wall. H« aving been made to tho County Court Tn the Ci unty C.-urt o f the State o f Oregon, fur tbeeonntv ot Polk, »». ^54»“ Strict attention and, the best o f forage of Polk County hj Judith C. Shelton. Guar- j dian of the minor hciis of Solomon Shelton, , J. S 11ARKISS, l'lff. j H A G I € W a s h i n g P o w d e r s given ti all stock left in our care. r». - }■ no 10 tf deceased, for au order t > sell a part of tho real | K. I’ . LANGE. Deft. I estate belonging to said It .«rds. Notice is there­ To E F. Lang«*. *aid Deft.- Tn the name R o b i n s o n & C o., S a le m . fore given to the next o f k-n of said Wards, c.f the 8 t.iie of Oregon, You are hereby sum ! and to all others interested, that sue applica­ luontd to appear in said Court and answer tion will be heard and determined ou F o r stale b y G r o c e r s G e n - the complaint tiled against you by said PUT., T u e sd a y , D e ce m b e r 8 t o r a lly . in this cause, by the first day of next term M IT C H E L & ROSEN D O R F , commencing more than six weeks after the at the Court House in said countv. INDEPENDENCE, I date of the first publ.cation hereof. And if W. C. WHITSON, B uy th e m ! T ry th em ! I L L SELL T H E IR EN TIRE STOCK j you fail so to answer, for want thereof, Pltff. _ County Judge. — will take judgment against you for the sum PRICE REDUCED. ; o f $500 00 his damages, with his costs and qf Clothing, S C H O O L F I iY J . disbursements of this action. Dry Goods, OBINSON’S MAGIC W ASHING POW- J. L. COLLINS, Roots and Shoes, ders are successfully introduced thro - P a r t i c u l a r V o t ie r ! 1 ’liff's. Attv. novO -84 Carpeting out Oregon,and are universally pronounouuc’d to come forward, Settle ap affd save W A SELLING OFF SEIL1KG CFF11 w R Crockery, and Notions at The best W a sh in g Compound Iu Use l P O R T L A N D P R IC E S ! 3 For the next N I N E T Y DAYS. O regon . J . E D A V I D S O N , in D ROMPT Attention given in business en‘ trusted to him from a distance. Wi /1 Practice in the Supreme and fin-nit Courts of P H Y S IC IA N & S U R G E O N . this State. 36tf I N D E P E N D E N C E - - - ORlCSOW P STORE. And examine for yourselves. PRINTS at 12} cents per yard. ...... Good quality four-fourths BROW N CAB0T1 A SHEETING 16 cents- COFFEE by the sack 23 cent# per pound retai/ 25 cents, and al/ other things in propor tion. Como aud examine and be satisfied. CORRECTED VVEKKLT. and LOUNGES. Well adapted to this trade both as to price constantly on hand. and quality. To those desiring to purchase a R e p a ir in g neatly h ne. Spring supply, I will invito your attention, a? A continuance of patronage solicited. 1 am determined to adapt the prices to suit the present H ard T imes , aud I ask you before A . *. ( R I D E R . purchasing to cal/ at the Dallas, July 20, 1868. 18tf D A L L A S P R IC E S C U R R E N T . ^fP -F ar sale by G. B. STILES, Dall)asf.J. L a fa y e tte STANDS on sixty days time. M A H K E T, F L U X ! TU R E . T A B IÆ H , No Consignee assures against these elements. Before Storing vour Crop, consider these advantages and Store with M ITCllE_, A Grecian, Parlor, and Washington iW oodeeaf CH a IRS. ROSEN DORF. The H i jhent p rice in can't p a id f o r Oatn BEDSTEADS, SAFES, I FLOUR AND GRAIN. Corner Commercial and Sfitte Street», ed before Justice Collins last week and kitida oi Hou-eLobl aud Kitchen MITCHEL & ROSEND&i’ti j Jiag on ^a i,,i a large and well selected Stock offer. Their Warehouse being on hich ground eonsistiug iu part of Mahogany aud Black W al­ and oceujiying an isolated position, is compar­ nut Dressing BUREAUS, atively secure against the ravages of both Center, Dining, Breakfast and Work N E W GOODS! H E W G O O D S !! for Cash, or to Responsible Customers .— Jonathan W ay was arraign­ Or other goods to ctoro. will do well to oorsid- the advantages C O X tt E A R H A R T . 1 9 tf who gave evidences of a determination to mend their ways. in e d ! ndepcndcnce. all M AND H L A L K -lt A W K L I V b K Y S T A H L E , F W heat Cash paid for G rass S e e d s — if of good quality. . A lot of Choice Plante in Pots, just received. Catalogues furnished on application. A ll o f which I propose to sell Cheap Union M IllllV I rjllIO S E HAVING .1 ll article• »old ly us warranted genuine. made to realize their sinful conditions, g£ í lir e , F I R E and W A T E R ; SH R U B S A c., AC., Butler, o f Gulesburgh, 111., that Governor Woods has appointed fLeave* D ALLA S for Salem on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday at 7 a. ui., returning «am. day a at 6 p. tu. For Independence each Tuesday morning at six. For Salt Creek Toesd »ys at one. F- r ].. rive**e Monday and Thursday at 3 p. tu.. reluxnujg W eibeddty •' 1 •viturdtv at 10 ». m. For l rvolli* on Wednesday and Saturday returning Mouday ami ly. H CROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. ce o f County Judge, and we are told U. S. .Hail Directory. think a n d P o t P la n t s , PAINTS AND OILS. representing the Christian order or de­ L ead — Atlantic It) 17c. Varnish, (oak) nomination, conducted a scries o f meet­ $6 50; Copal, $) 50. O. ls — Lard, ^ gallon, $2 25 ; Boiled, Oregou ings in the Baptist Church iu this place, $1 75* Benzine, $2 00 ; Turpentine, $1 5 0 ; which came to a close on Sabbath last. Ncetsfoot, 12 00 Castor, $2 50; China Nut, II 75. Elder Butler is a fluent speaker and Buyers are paying in cash for Wheat 65c. bushel, in quantity ; Oats, do 35 to 37}c. d o; forcible reasoner. Hams, ^ tb 12c., in quantity ; Sides, do 0 to Judge Whitson has*resigned the offi­ 11c., do ; Shoulders* do 5 to 7c., do. J. W O sborn , pastor. Services Fourth Sabbath iu each menth. VI t O rn a m e n ta l sack, $1 50; Aums- o f susceptible ones about Dallas for a ville, $1 50; Jefferson, $1 50; other brands, $i 25 t o l l 38; Graham $1 50. while. Button your pockets. S horts — 100 lbs., $1 25; Bran, do 75c; Oil Cake, do II 50. .W heat — 'f* bushel, 65c. Oats, do. 50c. Services: 1st Sabbath, in the evening; 2nd Sabbath, at 11 o’clock, A. m . ; 3rd Sabbath, iu fhe evening. Regular prayer meeting each Wednesday evening. Sunday School every Sabbath, at DA o'clock, a . m . B C Dealers iu S eed s, F r u it T r e e s , D RIED FRU IT. (Foreign and Domestic.) Apples, 16 jo . S th tp s — Heavy Golden, per gallon, $1 25 old stand on Commercial street, Salem, (g»tl 25; White, Refined, *2 50 T eas —Young Hysen, "j? tb $1 50; Imperial, The republican municipal ticket was $1 5fl(h)$l 75 j Japan, $1 0t'(u,|125: Black, 8 7}(u ,*l 00. successful in Salom on the 7th, the De­ S alt — Carmen Island, 'fc* 10 ft lbs $2 00: Liverpool, fine blown, lOOtbs $4 00- Dairy, mocracy making no nominations. common, $2 25. B acon — Hums, "j? tb 1 5@ 1 8 c; Sides, 10(d) The Governor o f Georgia wants more 12 } ; Shoulders, 8 @ 10c. C heese — Oregon and California, lb 25(5) reconstruction by Congress for that Sa­ 30c. Eggs. dox., 40c. B utter — F resh rolls, ^ lb 4 0 @ 5 0 c; Packed trapy. L et us have peace. 30(5) 50c. L aud — In tins, pA lb 15c; in bulk, 10 to 12c. II. M ykr , Coroner. D. E mbree , C. B ice . 1 County Commissioners. T atom . M A g r i c u l t u r a l a n d S eed D e p o t. man Bros, have sold hundreds o f fine State Senator, B. F. B i rch , F. W a y mi r e . Ì I. S. T o w v s k m *. » Representatives. R J. G rant . ) W H EAT STORAGE. COX & EARHART. W h olesale and Retail Grocers. ,2 {^M oores' Brick Block, Commercial street Salem. Notwithstanding the fact that B ar­ County Official Uirctory. Vi. C. W hitson . SALEM BETAU MARKT- V - ,.f g-CT-ar-» xz* t--.-—-g* — Being obliged to Refurnish our Store, before winter sets in, and having no time to move our goods, wo will sell at the aforesaid rates, No charge made for showing goods, so call and learn the prices 23tf MITCHEL & R0SENP0BF. p a F i f The undersigned, being required by law to collect or cause to be collected all monies duo the School Fund for P.dK County, would make known to all concerned that there is a large amount o f interest due said fund, and that the same muni le collecteit : I have no «.pii .¡i in tl.o premises. It is Loped th d all n. ison- kwuwing themselves in any marnici in arrears to *1111 fund will coinè forward at once and s. ¡tie. J. II. M \ KB, School Superintendent >d Polk County. C. G. CURL. A TTO R N E l A N D < OL N *E L O R LAW, A *’ r « n l i ‘ i n . v /*• < £ o n . l.l. p, t., ..-tl.-e 11 Ü the Courts of'Uecord r ; : LL i<-¡¡et- in ad ni d interior C -urts of this State. Co's lirtck, up stairs. t > Hi « in Watkiioiî X i sir /