I,IHMJL IR J!l K A T E » O F A D V K K T lM .V r. fh f Säftlilij Sollt (fountg One square— ten lines or less—first ins:r lion, - . . - - ? 3 00 Each additional insertion, IS ISSUED EVERY MONDAY MORNING. J. H. U PTON ^ Publisher. Term *-«O n« year, $3 00; 150; three months, $100. six months. TOMS FOB CLUBS: F ire copies, one year, $13 75 ; Ten copies sne year, $25 ODUanti for any greater number at $2 50 annum. V ¡Sub»cp/j>tion m t*t be pa id »trie tig in advance. Y O L . I. D A L L A S , O R E G O N . M O N D A Y , O C T O B E R 5, 1808. _____ N O . 29. SW' 1.*9 $ 1 J rr~' ■"•T.'-i- -Ti-r. 7 * hold a few quotations from some of tin* I nearly Gw years, and during this whole W O R D S T H A T B L R r\. most learned physiological writers in tone had never manifested the least dis our country. l)r. Thos. S. Kirkbride, position to injure any one. - The cir- A True Piophet. H O T E L . of the Deuusylvuuia Hospital for tho cumstnnci-s -m rounding the first case To His Excellency G eo . L . W ooes , Main St - , Corvallis, Oregon. On a certain occasion Daniel W eb­ j appeared to warrant the belief that it Gaveruor of the State <>/ Oregon : Insane, says : “ It becomes the officers of Hospitals was more of accident than of design, ster, the great apostle of the Constitu­ In compliance with law, we herewith W a l l a m e t rniversity. li. S. Altree, î : Proper. for the Insane steadily to impress on the j but in order to guard against all danger, tion and the Union, speaking of the transmit our third biennial riport of the (Session o f I S C 8 - 0 . condition ot* the “ Oregon Hospital1 fur friends of patients, Hiid themselves, to as we thought, lie was confined to the Abolition party, said: oard and Lodging on reasonable term? remember how difficult it is to say that house. A lew weeks subsequent to the Meals at all hours. i the Insane.” “ IF TIIE INFERNAL FAN AT- auy oue is absolutely incurable. Kv< ry first act, the \\ arden. one morning, upon T " ? a l M! ! ^ K » » » / . « I T . I W M e number of State end pr.vn.e ease, 'no matter what its character or opening the patient’s d<*or, found, him I f 8 AND ABOLI i lO N ISfS K\ Kit patients remaining in the Hospital dwatioii, should bo.placod under, the standing there with a heavy s’at which GE1 BOW ER IN I t lK llt HANDS, J. té. L E R O , , PRACTICAL It A K 111'R and H A IR RTLI 1>AY O f N O V E M B E R , S e p t .'l , 180l5 : cireuiustunces believed to he most favor lie h.id wrenched from his bedstead. THEY W IL L OVERRIDE THE DR E S S E «. Males able to secure a restoration, and should and with which he aimed a blow at the i C O N S T Iil ilO N , SET 1 HE Sl - Indepentlcnee, Oregon And Continue Four Months. Female — — — — — -1 le steadily kept there. I f the patients Warden, who retreated, followed bv the DR EM L COL 111 A I DI«I’ 1ANCK, do not then recover, they will probably patient. At this time, one of the other) ^ H AN tiE AND MAK.E LA Wo 1 0 The M U T U A L DEPARTM EN T is now es­ Total - - - - - - 80 improve, and, at any rate, will not be­ inmates, who had just come from his ^ l I ’lllLM SE LV Eit, LAY ^ jv J- II. C A A T E K IU 2tV, 13. I>. tablished as a Number o f patients admitted from come worse from lack of pi oper care and bed, and seeing the trouble, en leavored LEN I H AN l)o ON I HOSE \\ 110 PERM ASEST ISSTI1VII OS. to interfere, whereupon he turned and j DITLElt \\ 1 1 II 1 II»*#At IN T U L ilt treatment. Sept. !, 1SGG, to Sept. 1, 18GS: PIIY’ SICI AN & SI*RGEON. “ It is behind the age, at this day, to dealt him such a heavy blow as to frac­ ODIN IONS OR DARE QUESTION Malts - - - - - - 42 The means of illustration in each Department D I X I E . O R I X O J i. AND speak of institutions f r incurables. If ture the skull, which resulted in death 1 li E1R IN F A L L IB IL IT Y , Females — — - — — IB edieal Examiner l<>r Muuhattun life Iu- are ample and the course of iustructi-u thoro’ F I N A L L Y B A N K R U I 'T T II E there were no other objections to them within a few hours. anU complete. Material tor M suranee to . ot N. \ . — and there are many grave ones— the \\ bile such cases arc deeply to be re COUNTRY A N D DELUGE I T Total - - - - - - G1 P R A C T IC A L A N A T O M Y fact that Omniscience alone can tell gretted, and should at all times be w i t h b l o o d .” Whole number o f State and private J O \ I> THE J E W E L E R , with certainty who are in ibis condition, guarded against by all reasonable means That par'y did, by diut of sheerest Will be supplied. Students, upon arriving-in patients treated in the Hospital lfuui S ta te S tr e e t. S a le m . O r e g o n , should be sufficient. at our command, yet the experience of jugglery, finally get into power, and town, are ft <|Ut**t«‘«l to call on the Dean, who Sept. 1, ISGG, to Sept. 1, 1SGS: s the place to go ami ge< your watches. will give any information desired. “ Among the pleasant results of treat all *ho have the charge* of in>ane pa­ Lettesf the result is before lire country. 'Jake clocks and jewelry repaired in good style. addressed to the Dean will receive prompt at Males - - - - - - 102 meut in this institution within the lust tients, teaches that, alter jpvery effort 1 warrant all my work for one yea r; if it is Female — — — — — 81) tciitiou. three years, has been the recovery of and device has been exhausted, su h heed, Datiiots! not right. I make it right. ao unusual number whose diseases, from ea«cs will, from time to time, unfor R E M E M B E R T U E S II O 1» M E D IC A L B O O K « Total - - - - - - 141 their long continuance and discouraging j innately occur. A F o r MLR SENATOR i h s i m ’ TE— IN THE POST 0 V KICK E l’ ll.I>ING. The number of State and private Can be procured in this city. character, seemed to offer but the faint- j These two cases, which transpired A D a i n f u l S t o k y .— Y est rd.ty th e X. R. Fiue watches repaiaed with the great patients discharged, from Sept. 1, 18G0, est hope of a favorable change Every j within a few week? of each other, are n o lice re co rd s an o m e e d tliat a m m est care. S3, i :\ v y v n i i ri TI. !> ., ti. . , to Sept. 1 18GS. was titty. such case is an important lesson, and the only deaths by violence that we have | hud been picked up on Magazine street, Dean ul the Metiicul Faculty, O f those discharged, were cured, teaches more forcibly than any essay had to r cord since the establishment of in a sick and destitute cow1iri«»n. and D r . w 7 ll. J EEFRX ES* 2S6 w SALEM, OREGON. males. IS , females, S ; total, 2G. I in that can be written, the value of hope tills institution , a period of more than taken to ¡he Uharitv Hospital. These proved, i: ales, - ; lemahs, - ; total. 4. and r perseverance that will not yield six years. few lines Were all. Tie y gave no warn­ Not insane, females, 1 ; total, 1. Died, on account ot discouragements in hos­ No case, of suicide has ever occurel in'' of a h:s*oi'V that was full of tho V I I Y S I C I A N . et S U R G E O N . males, 13; teníales. 8 ; total, lo. Es pitals for the insane, and that the ar­ iu this Hospital, notwithstanding many most eventful aiul mn»rkaule advon- A T C O - "*A nyft : u < * < T ix months; seven, bet weeu six months Christian character, and the most dis­ 1 heir own lives, or that of those ini me could not have held. But, like many I> E .ì T E * T » . and Siio; Hardware. Cro kery, Tin and one year; a..d lour, for more than criminating intelligence, lor their pro­ diately around them. others, bis in emperatc habit# s mu for­ one year. W are, Drug's and M ctlkiiici« e tu , etc.. Rook FFICE on State street, over Gill. It is a noticeable fact that, of the six feited him the I'. -pect of tits friends and per management.” Store, Salem, Oregon. O f th ose discharged improved, two Will sell the same In the association of medical super teen deaths which we have reported as the confidence of Ids p'-ty. Sinking All operation* performed by u* are warranted were under treatment less than three iutendenta of the various i. .¡ne asylums hi\ing oicured during n the .... past two j lower and low- r in the pit of ruin, he to give satisfaction. months, and two for more than one A t C o s t . but one resulted from acute dis dissolved his fatni'y connections. His in the United States, held iu 18G7, in ye* jr-iP One of the firm m ay be found in our j our. discussing this "propo-iiion, Dr C. II. eu-e; all the others, with the exception wife abandoued liim b:s childr n f>»r r>ffily £>5""A11 those indebted toil#. either by ; ju r ie s to tllU braitl. mane cate of the chronic in connection tone aud condition. \ Y ILL take Contracts for lluildiug Houses .,r bock a-eouut, aro expueted to call ami settle the foilowing reined * lor ary asihuritic with the acute insane, is more economi­ N A T IV ITY . I f of every daseripii«>u a'ol kind in t«wu immediately. IMPROVEMENTS. readers who may chance to read this •lui fottutiy. Salist.o lion guaranteed. 5tt WING A A FI*EL. O f the ninety-one patients now re. cal than the seperate ski lful and hu Since our hist ren *rt, we luve made article. He says : LouDvilU P..lk county, Oregon. Sept. 2S, *t»S. maining in the lL>spifal. fifty seven are mane care o f tl le chronic insane can several valuable i.nproveineiGs th reby I f any one will follow the simple natives of tie l nited Slates; twelve ol possibly be made. adding greatly to the comfort of tie directions which I gire l know it wi.l *• L am aware that it is assorted that J . E. C O I* L I \ S , Ireland; ten "f Germany; two of Nor patients and to the ceuv inienee of the T H O S . B O Y C E , way : one of France; one of Austria ; | the chronic insane can be properly sup institution. A beautiful fir grove has give a permanent cure. Give tho per­ ATTORNEY AND C3UN3£LDA AT LAV, son subject to tho asthma a dos«* of ported by thems' Ives at hs> cost than ì d v i : r t 3 s i \ g A(* i : a t ! une of Sent land ; one ol England ; three been surrounded by a high fence, add plain flour of sulphur an J mola «s every, of I’anada; one ot Chiua; aud two they can he in first-class (sometimes ing larg.-ly to the plea-ura ground. In DALLAS, OREGON. day. It is u sure cure if its adminis­ NO. 30 (SECOND FLOOR.) called curative) in-t.tutions, hot 1 have are hall' breeds. this quiet, shady retreat, where the tration be persisted in whether the per­ not at any time, from any source, read PECIAL attention given to Collections, M E RC 11A NTS’ EX CH A N G E, FORM OF INSANITY. temperature of the most sultiy «lay is son having the inalai! « he old or voti ig. or hoard w hat uppers to me to be the ¡ti.il to matter# conticele«! with real Estate pleasant, the patients resort at all times. It is a very «-heap remedy, unti perle« t y C alifornia Street, below Montgomery, O f those reitiainirg, the form o f dis­ shadaw of an argument to support the wheu the will . permit, aud spend i _,..i ., . weather . 1 * , harmless. Ill*’ quantity of mi pinir ¡<» ease is, mania, sixty; monouiomaiiia. assertion. I am in favor of large in­ SAN ERAS CISCO. their time iu the various exercises and 1 begin with should be sin ¡il— - not enough J. c . C A R H W E L I* five . melancholia, four ; dementia, six stitutions. in which th# usual propor­ amusements provided for them, watched D E A T IS T , with the molasses or h<-m y to create any­ tions ot chronic and curable insane iu teen ; and idi >cy, six. over by faithiul and competent wardens. B L A C K S!!! ITIIlKCt. thing like diarrhoea, but just cuouglt to P O R T L A N D . ORICDON, O f the whole number now on hand, a particular community are treated, bo- A wash and dry house has also b en keep the bowels regu'ur. It must ! e NEW SHOP. thirty-two are considered curable; forty^ cause reason and experience both teach D EN TAL O M «— NO Si) First street- lv erected,- and has facilitated greatly the tiik« u every day as well wheu the patient that the demands of the most enlight pposite Salem, on the Spring Valley mud. two incurable; eleven doubtful; and six operations in tlii- special department. brea lies Well as ill.” ened philantlirophy can be fully met at 1 o f a uiile from tbc Ferry, tlio under­ are id.otic. J . XV. M cAFKU, M. D.. ESCAPES. signed have opened a Three private patients wore reported less cost per individual in large than iu So M any “ I fs .’ — The Frangfmt The escapes for the past two years in the Hospital, Sept. 1, 180G, and two small collections of the insane.” ( Kv. ) Vet mitt a says : The proclama­ Blacksmith and Wagon Shop In a convention of the superinten have been less, by one.half, than tur the have been received since ; all of whom tion ol Secretary S«*wa-?d, announcing dents of the poor ot the State of New preceding period o f two years. Where all kinds of work in their line will be have been discharged cured. the ratification of the Xi \i l t amend- Office— near residence, corner of Liberty and executed promptly and with dispatch. The number of patijnts adin tted, The ratio of recoveries to the admis­ York, called to discuss the condition m tit to the Coi gtitutioii, m >-called, is Court street#, Salem. lt f j. xX 'R E P A IR IN G done to order.'-Q-T and relief of the insane poor, it was has b«‘en less, by one thud, than they sions is forty three per cent. altogether unsati.-!'actor\ t«» the Jacobins .MANN k 1’ IEIU E. ;¡ti The deaths amount to eleven per cent, “ resolved, that insane persons consid were for the two previous years, ai d the It contains ho many “ iii*.” He pro- ered curable, and those supposed incur­ increase has been less than one thiid. of the number treated. J . E D A VID SO N , JI I> > eladms the amendteent ratifi.-«l if tfie TO To yeur Excellency, we tender our The highest number of patients at able, -h*uill were mit confirm* bow# to all customers ot tbe bouse ami desire amongst this class, there are doubtless DENTIST, September 1, 1'->G8. ed prior («» the adj* 'trnn ent <»f ('ottgress. Two cases of homicide have unfor a continance o f their favors. Tbosa desiring some who, by proper and Continued SALEM, OREGON. T h** v p' ojile of i in* T'-rritory ire still good bargains in dry good#, groceries, etc., treatment, will vot recover and become tunutoly occurred since our last report, Mortgages Blank at tue S ignal subject t«> (be Î iws ot DakoU, *U COD** and were committed by a patient who Office mt Re * id «: 11 re, on Front between Z d Z X toS L .* °r * , »« /“' «j»'«*»- K-ni ¡«nee of ih. ia:!ure. £bem*keta mil Centre street*. n21 lU3m J- Q- BROWN. | In this connection, we cannot witli- bus been an inmate of the Hospital for I Office. m en’ C O L U M B IA N Ui N'P" - A liberal deduction will he made with yearly ¡i !v riiscrs, or per*«!.* advertising largely. L' gai tenders taken at their current value. Communication« of ¡1 personal character will be charged L.nf mlverti.-iug rates. Blank* »1 every ii erijitiun furnished at low rates on short notice, ' Legal and transient advertisement# must h« paid for in advance t > insure their publication. Advertisements not marked the length of t time lur which they arc to he published, will be iobertcdlni furbidilcu a:nl wliargotl aeeurdingly. All advertising bills must be paid quarterly D E P A R T M E N T OF REPORT of tho Physicians of the Oregon Hospital for the Insane, for the Tears 1P67- 8 . M E H tffl l\ ll X lltffilV . It I O s O Physician and Surgeon Salem, Oregon. W S V