The Polk County signal. (Dallas, Or.) 1868-1???, September 07, 1868, Image 1

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fit SÜhtklg |otl Ufountg £ijnal.
l — Ont
j t t r , $3 00 ;
IM | this# months, 9100.
Firs sopies, on# yoor, $13 75 ; Ton copies
•at ytar, $25 00, and for any greater number
at $2 50 per annum.
N ew
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5« p a id ttrictly in advance.
G ood s — C heap
J . H. L E W I S
7, 1868.
Letter from Governor Seymour, to the These men, who, a few days since, were
Democratic National Committee— He
Cordially Approves the Platform— seeking as suppliants that Congress
The Kump Congress Unmasked—Its would give them power within their
A True Prophet.
Schemes to Deprive the People of the respective States, are the mas­
Right to Vote for Presidential E lect­
On a certain occasion Daniel W e b ­
ors— Their Oppression of Labor and ters and controllers o f the actions o f
Entering them with
Industry—The Success of the Democ­ those bodios.
ster, the great apostle o f the Constitu­
racy the only Hope of the Couutry.
minds filled with passions, their first
W O R D S T H A T BU R N .
tion and the Union, speaking o f the
Abolition party, sa id :
demands have been that Congress
shall lock upon the States from which
S prepared to exhibit an excellent and
“ IF T H E IN F E R N A L F A N A T ­ o f New York, on the 11th day o f July, they come as in conditions o f ctvil war;
carefully selected stock of
ICS A N D A B O L IT IO N IS T S E V E R in the ^presence o f avast-tiMilritude, on- that the majority o f their populations,
G E T P O W E R IN T H E IR H A N D S , behalf o f the National Democratic embracing their intelligence, shall be
Dry Goods,
T H E Y W IL L O V E R R ID E T H E Convention, you tendered tom e its treated as public enemies; that milita
C O N S T IT U T IO N , SE T T H E S U ­ unauimous nomination as their candi­ ry forces shall be kept up at the cost
P R E M E C O U R T A T D E F IA N C E , date for the office o f Presideut of the o f the people o f the North, and that
C H A N G E A N D M A K E L A W S TO United States, I stated I had no words there shall be no peace and order at
N a ils,
S U IT T H E M S E L V E S , L A Y V I O ­ “ adequate to express my gratitude for the South, save that which is made by
L E N T H A N D S ON T H O S E W IIO the good will aud kindness which that arbitrary, power.
Every intelligent
D IF F E R W IT H T H E M IN T H E IR body had shown to me. Its nomina­ man knows that these meu owe their
And in fact everything in the line of
O P IN IO N S O R D A R E Q U E ST IO N tion was unsought and unexpected. It seats in Congress to the disorder iu the
A N D was my ambition to take an active part, South ; every man knows that they not
S T A P L E and F A N C Y G O O D S
F I N A L L Y B A N K R U P T T H E from which l am now excluded, in the only owe their present positions to dis­
__sally kept in a retail Store will be found on
C O U N T R Y A N D D E L U G E I T great struggle goiug ou for the restor­ order, but that every motive springing
hands and for sale as C11EAP as the CHEAP*
W IT H B L O O D .”
ation o f good government, o f peace and from the love o f power, of gain, o f a
That party did, by dint o f sheerest prosperity to our country. But I have desire o f vengeance, prompts them to
keep the South in anarchy.
W hile
jugglery, finally get into power, and been caught up by the whelming tide
which is bearing us on to great politi­ that exists, they are independent o f the
the result is before the couutry. Take
have just received and now opened a new
cal change, and I find myself unable to wills or wishes o f their fellow citizens
and fresh stock of Spring and Summer heed, Patriots!
W hile confusion reigns, they are the
resist its pressure. You have also giv
of the profits and honors
en me a copy o f the resolutions put
‘ ‘ The Party’’ and its Record. forth by the Con/eution, showiug its which grow out of a government o f
position upon all the great questions mere force ; these men are now placed
The men who met in Chicago to nom- which now agitate the country. As in positions where they cannot urge
and Varieties.
na’ e Grant for President are not strang* the presiding officer o f that Conven­ their views o f policy, but where they
Well adapted to this trade both as to price
to the people. They are known by tion, I am familiar with their scope aud can enforce them. When others shall
and quality. To those desiring to purchase a
Spring supply, I will invite your attention, as their crimes.
Here is a synopsis o f im port; as one o f its members I am a be admitted in this manner from the
1 am determined to adapt the prices to suit the
their record :
party to their terms. They are in ac* remaining Southern States, although
present H a r d T ime *, aud I ask you before
They incited the bloody civil war to cord with my views, and l stand upon they will have iu truth no constituents,
purchasing to calf at the
gratify partisan hate :
them in the contest upon which we are they will have more power iu the Sen­
They speculated on the best blood of now entering, and shall strive to carry ate than ajiuajority of the people o f the
the American people:
them out in future, wherever I may be Union living in nine o f the great
And examine for yourselves.
They so loved the prophets o f war that placed, iu political or private life.”
States. In vain the wisest men o f the
P R IN T S at I2J cents per yard.
I then stated that I would send you Republican party protested against the
Good quality four-fourths BROWN CABOTT
enemy surrenden-d:
A SHEETING 16 cents-
these words o f acceptance in a letter, policy that led to this result. While
COFFEE by the sack 23 cents per pound,
For three years they have resisted as is the customary form. I see no the chiefs o f the late rebellion have
retail 25 cents, and all other things ir, propor
restoration ot the Union :
reason upon reflection to change or submitted to the results o f the war,
tion. Come and examine aud be satisfied.
They abolished ten state governments qualify the terms o f my approval o f the and are now quietly engaged in useful
JHO. € . BELL.
and established triliu ry instead :
pursuits for the support o f themselves
resolutions o f the Convention.
They opposed the supremacy o f the
1 have delayed the mere formal act aud families, and are trying by the
federal constitution in war as a milita­ o f communicating to you iu writing force o f their example to lead baek the
ry necessity, aud iu peace as a party what I thus publicly said, for the pur­ people o f the South to the order aud in
necessity i
pose o f seeing what light the action o f dtwtry, not only essential to their well­
They imprisoned men for exercising Congress would throw upon the iuter. being, but to the greatness and prosper­
M ain St.j Corvallis, Oregon.
the freedom of speech:
ests of the country. Its acts since the ity of our common country, we see that
adjournment of the Convention show an those who, without ability or influence,
E. 8. Altree,
denouncin'' treason to the governm ent: alarm lest a change o f political power have been thrown by the agitations or
They have disfranchised a large por­ will give to the people what they ought civil couvulsion into positions of honor
oard and Lodging on reasonable terms.
Meals at all hours.
tion o f the people for opposing revoiu to have— a clear statement o f what has aud profit, are striving to keep alive the
tion :
been done with the money drawn from passions to which they owe their eleva
J . K. LEBO, (
them during the past eight years — tion. And they clamorously insist that
PRACTICAL B A R B E R aud H A IR independence o f the executive depart­ Thoughtful men feel that there hava they are the only friends o f our Union
ment and to annihilate the constitution­ been wrongs in the financial manage­ — a Union that can only have a sure
In de pede nee, Oregon.
al powers o f the P resident:
ment which have been kept from the foundation in fraternal regard and a
They have attempted to destroy the public knowledge. The Congressional common desire to promoto the peace,
jurisdiction o f the Supreme court aud party has not only allied itself with ilu* order and the happiness o f all sec­
M. C A N T E R B U R Y , M. D. demoralize the judiciary :
military power, which is to be brought tions o f our land.
They have impeached the President to hear directly upon the elections in
Events in Congress since the adjourn­
P H Y S IC IA N & S U R G E O N .
for defending the constitution, and at- many States, but it also holds itself in ment o f the Convention have vastly in
tempted to secure his disposal by intiin perpetual session, with the avowed pur creased the importance o f a political
D IX IE , O R E G O N ,
idating and corrupting the Senate: pose of making such laws as it shall see victory by those who are seeking to
edical Examiner for Manhattan
surance Co. o f N. Y.
They have supported a greedy throng fit, in view o f the elections which will bring hack economy, simplicity and
o f partisan lazaroni from the public take place within a few weeks. It did justice in the administration o f our na­
treasury under the pretence o f reeon. uot therefore adjourn, but took a re­ tional affairs. Many Republicans have
W O O L ! W O O L ! W O O L !! structing
cess, to meet again if its partisan inter, heretofore clung to their party who
They have pensioned an army o f par­ erts shall demand its reassembling.— have regretted the extremes o f violence
OOO Pounds o f WOOL wanted for
the California
market, at tisans on the treasury under the pre­ Never before in the history o f our to which it has run.
They have cber
MITCHRL A ROSENDORF’S, INDEPEND­ tence o f protecting southern negroes country has Congress thus taken a ¡shed n faith that while the action o f
ENCE, whe have the Agency for California, and paupers:
menacing attitude toward its electors. their political friends Ins been mistak.
will pay a higher Cash price for it, than any
They have taxed the country over Under its influence, Some o f the States en,their motives have been good. They
other house in the county.
five hundred millions in a single year organized by its agents are proposing must now see that the Republican par.
o f peace and squandered the bulk o f it to deprive the people o f the right to ty is in that condition that it cannot
on schemes designed for personal and vote for Presidential electors, and the carry out a wise aud peaceful policy,
first hold steps ^re taken to destroy the whatever its motives may be. It is a
JONES T H E J E W E L E R , partisan profit :
rights o f suffrage. It is not strange, misfortune, not only to a country, but
State Street, S alem , Oregon,
therefore, that thoughtful men see iu to a governing party itself, when its ac
s the place to go and get your watches,
cloeks and jewelry repaired in good style. capitalists under the pretence o f raising such action the proof that there is with tion is unchecked by any form ofop p o
1 warrant all my work for one year ; if it is money to pay the national d e b t:
those who shape the policy o f the R e ­ sition. It has been the mi-fortuue o f
not right. I make it right
They have excused the bondholders publican party, motives stronger and the Republican party that the events of
and manufacturers from taxation and deeper than the mere wish to hold po­ the past few years have given it so
imposed additional
upon litical power ; that there is a dread o f much power that it has been able to
N. B. Fine watches repaiaed with the great commerce, labor and trade :
some exposure which drives theta on shackle the executive, to trample the
est ears.
to acts so desperate aud impolitic.
judiciary, and to carry out the views o f
partisan caucus
at Washington to
Many o f the ablest leaders and jou r­ the most unwise and violent o f its
dictate local laws for sovereign and nals o f the Republican party have open­ members. When this state o f things
H r. W . H. J E FERIES.
independent states:
ly deplored the violence o f Congression­ exists in any party, it has ever been
They have converted congress into a al action and its tendency to keep up found that the sober judgments o f its
den o f political speculators and partisan discord in our country. The great in­ ablest loaders do not control. There is
P H Y S IC IA N . & SU R G E O N .
terests of our Union demand peace, or­ hardly an able man who helped to
E O L A , O R EG O N .
der and a return to those industrial build the Republican organization who
party whose representatives assembled pursuits without which we cannot has not within the past three years
Special attention given to Obstetrics and
at Chicago on the 20th ult. It is safe maintain the faith or honor of our G ov­ warned it against its excesses, who has
dimanes of women.
to say that the delegates who composed ernment. The minds o f business men not been borne down and forced to give
the convention and their immediate are perplexed by uncertainties. The up his convictions o f what the interest
|jm M c C a u l l e y
partisan friends have robbed the hours o f toil o f our laborers are length- ) o f the country calhd for ; or, if too pa-
people of not less than a hundred ened by the costs o f living made by the triotic to do this, who has not been
millions for their individual benefit direct and indirect exactions of Govern* driven from its ranks. I f this has
D E N T I S T 8.
within the past twelve months. Four- ment. Our people are harassed by the been the case heretofore, what will be
fifths of them might be dismissed from heavy and frequent demands of the tax its action now with this new infusion of
FFICE on State street, over Gills’ Book
office to morrow, Grant included, with gatherer. W ithout distinction o f party men who, without a decent respect for
Store, Salem, Oregon.
All operations performed by ns are warranted out detriment to the publio service.— there is a strong feeling o f that Hue o f the views o f those who had just given
to give satisfaction.
Milwaukee News.
action which shall restore order and them their positions, begin their legis
One of the firm may be found in onr
confidence, and shall lift off the burdens lative career with calls for arms, with
office from 8 o’clock A. n„ until 4 p. m ., of each
which now hinder aud vex the indus. demands that their States shall be re­
s . d . M c C a u l e y ,
nent lawyers, says the Reading Daily try of the country. Y et at thi3 moment garded as in a condition o f civil war,
Times, in conversation with a friend those iu power have thrown into the and with a declaration that they are
the other day, remarked that there was Senate chamber and Congressional hall ready and anxious to degrade tbe
actually danger o f his literally starving new elements o f discord and violence. Presideut o f the United States when­
Architect« and P ractical to death. “ W hy is not your credit Men have been admitted as represen­ ever they can persuade or force Con
good at the butcher’s ?” asked his tatives o f some o f the Southern States, gress to bring forward new articles of
friend. “ It’s not that,” was the reply : with the declaration upon their lips impeachment?
“ the fact is I have no appetite foi ’ iiat they cannot live in the States they
The Republican party, as well as we,
breakfast, I never have time to go home ciaim to represent, without military are interested in putting some check on
ILL take Contracts for Building Houses
These men are to make this violence. It must be clear to eve­
•f every dsseriptiou end kind, in town to diaoer, and when I go home to tea, protection.
M d eonatry. Satisfaction guaranteed. 5tf I am generally too drunk to tal.
laws for the North m well as tbe South, ry thinking man that a division o f po­
I. N.
U t i c a , August 4, 1868.
G entlem en :
W hen, in the city
NO. 25;
litical power tends to check the violence
•f party action and to assure peace and
good order o f society. The election o f
a Democratic executive and a majority
o f Democratic members to the House
o f Representatives would not give To
that party organization the power to
make sudden or violent changes, but it
would serve to check those extreme
measures which have been deplored by
the best men o f both po4tsiAh)Tg$ii1ifti-
tions. The rasult would most certain­
ly lead to that peaceful restoration of
the Union and re-establishment o f fra­
ternal relationship which the country
desires. I am sure that the best men
o f the Republican party deplore as
deeply as I do the spirit o f violence
shown by those recently admitted to
seats in Congress from the South.—
The condition o f civil war which they
contemplate must be abhorrent to ev­
ery right thinking man.
I have no mere personal wishes
which mislead my judgm eut in regard
to the peuding election. No man who
has weighed and measured the duties
o f the office o f Pres'deut o f the United
States can fail to be impressed with the
cares and toils o f him who is to meet its
demands. It is not merely to float with
popular currents, without a policy or a
purpose. On tho contrary, while our
Constitution gives just weight to the
public will, its distinguished feature is
that it seeks to protect the rights of
minorities. Its greatest glory is that
it puts restraints upon power. It gives
force and form to those maxims and
principles of oivil liberty for which the
martyrs o f freedom have struggled
through ages.
It declares the right
o f the people
— “ to be secure in their persons, houses
and papers, against unreasonable search
es and seizures. That Congress shall
make no law respecting an establish
ment o f religion or the free exercise
thereof, or abridging the freedom of
speech or ot the press, or the right o f
the people to petition for redress o f
grievances. It secures the right o f a
speedy and public trial by an impartial
ju ry.”
No man can rightfully enter upon
the duties ot the Presidential office, un
less he is not only willing to carry out
the wishes ot the people expressed in a
constitutional way, but is also prepar.
ed to stand up for the rights o f minor­
ities. He must be ready to uphold the
free exercise o f religion. He must de­
nounce measures which would wrong
personal or home rights, or the religious
conscience o f tbe humblest citizen o f the
land. He must maintain, without dis­
tinction o f creed or nationality, all the
privileges o f American citizenship.
Tbe experience o f every public man
who has been faithful to his trust
tenches him that na one can do the du
ties o f the offico of Presideut, unless he
is ready not only to undergo the false­
hoods and abuse o f the bad, but to suf­
fer from the cen-ure o f the good, who
are misled by prejudices aud misrepre­
sentations. There are no attractions in
such positions which deceive my judg
uieut when I say that a great change is
going on in tho publio tniud. The
mass of the Republican party are more
thoughtful, temperate and just than
they were during the excitements
which attended the progress and c'oso
of the civil war. A s the energy o f the
Democratic party springs from their de­
votion to their cause, and not to their
candidates, 1 may with propriety speak
o f the fact that never in the political
history o f our country has the action o f
any like body been hailed with such
uniyorsal and wide spread enthusiasm
as that which has been shown in rela­
tion to the position o f the National
Democratic Convention.
W ith this
the candidate had nothing to do. Had
any others o f these named been select,
ed, this spirit would have been perhaps
more marked. The zeal and energy ot
the conservative masses spring from a
desire to make a change o f political
policy, and from the confidence that
they can carry out their purpose.
• In this faith they are strengthened
by the eo-operation o f the great body
o f those who served in the Union army
and navy dnriug the war. Having
given nearly sixteen thousand commis
sions to the officers of that army, I
know their views and wishes. They
demand the Union for which they
fought. The largest meeting o f those
gallant soldiers which ever assembled
was held in New York, and indorsed
the action o f the National Convention
In words instinct with meaning, they
called upon the Government to stop in
its policy o f hate, discord and disunion,
and in terms of fervid eloquence they
demanded the restoration of the rights
and liberties o f the American people*
W hen there is such accord between
those who proved themselves brave and
self-Morificing in war, aud those who
On* square— ten lines or l u i - l M t laser
( 3 0$
Each additional insertion, -
$1 •j
A liberal deduction will he made with ytarl; V
advertisers, or persons advertising largely.
. Legal tenders taken at tboir current value.
- Communication« of a personal character will
be charged half advertising rates.
' Blanks qf every discretion furnished at low
rates ou short notice,
Legal and transient advertisement? fBQSt b«
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Advertisements not marked the length of
time for wbisb they are to be published, will bo
insertedtill forbidden and eharged accordingly.
All advertising bills must be paid quarterly.
are thoughtful and patriotic in council,
I cannot doubt we shall gain a politi­
cal triumph which will restore onr
Uniop, bring back peaoe and prosperi­
ty to our land, and will give us once
more the blessings o f a wise/economic
cal and honest Government.
I am, gentlemen, truly jours, etc.,
o r a t io
S e F m o u r .
To General G 1 W , Morgan and others,
Committee, etc., etc.
A Prophecy.
Jacob Greenwood, o f Penn., writing
to the Reading Times, an Independent
paper with radical
proclivities, as fol­
lows :
Dear S i r s :— I stand amid the Ben-
lab flowers o f a green old age. The
snows o f eighty six wiuters are on my
head, and the hand writing o f time is
plainly, deeply, visible io my frail and
wasting frame. I stand upon the shores
o f time, with the roar o f eternity in
my ears. During the “ bitter little
that o f life remains ” I must be up
and doing for those upon whose shoul­
ders a mantle unworthily, and in weak­
ness worn, must soon full. For twelve
years I have been predicting future
events under the glowing conscious-
n*-ss that—
“ The sunset o f life gives me mystical lore."
In a very few instances bliuded by
the film from whose influence mortal
eyes can seldom be exempt, I have
been misled ; but these instances are
scarce— solitary items in
great aggregation. And those to whom
1 have written, will all certify that I
have written to them the benefit o f my
knowledge without ever receiving, or
consenting to receive, one ceut o f re­
I have often written ietters,
using my own stamps. This coarse has
been prompted by a sense o f duty, and
from it I will never deviate. These
remarks are made preparatory o f two
predictions, which L desire to give to
the public:
First I predict that tho year 1S68
will be marked by such a revolution iu
Europe as has not occurred since the
reformation; and secondly, I predict
that the same year will prove the de­
feat o f the Radical party in the North
— a defeat which the hearts o f the peo­
ple are already thoroughly prepared
for. A Democrat will be the next
President, aud a Democratic Congress
will succeed the present, and Radical­
ism commence a slow decline. I f you
prefer you may lay this aside to be pub­
lished when you witness the truth o f
the facts predicted. I have never fore­
seen so clearly any coming event that
did not transpire. The succession o f
the Democracy will not be conceded as
quietly as might be hoped. Icanuot
write more now.
Yours very truly,
reenw ood .
W h a t H ope D i d .— It stole on its
pinions o f snow to the bed o f disease,
aud the sufferers’ irown became a
smile— the emblem o f peace and en­
It went to the house o f mourning—
and from the lips o f sot row there came
sweet and cheerful songs.
It laid its head upon the arm o f tho
poor which was stretched forth at tho
command o f unholy impulses, and sav*
cd him from disgrace and ruin.
It dwelt like a living thing in the
bosom o f the mother whose son tarried
long after the promised time o f his
coining, and saved her from desolation
aud the “ care that killcth.”
It hovered about the head o f the
youth who had become the Ishmacl ot
society, aud led him onward to works
which even his enemies praised.
It snatched a maiden from the jaws
o f death and went with an old woman
to Heaven.
N o hope! my brother— Have i t . - -
Iteckon it on your side
Wrestle with
it that it may not depart. It may re­
pay your pains. Life is hard enough
at best, but hope shall lead you over
its mountains, and sustain thee amid
its billows. Part with all beside— but
keep thy hope.
TnE P a y of K ings .— The salaries
o f different monarchs are stated as fol­
lows by a German statistician :
Alexander II,
«8,250,000 or $25.000 a day.
Abdul Axil,
6.000. 000 or 18,000 a day.
Napoleon III,
5.200.000 or 14,240 a day.
Francis Joseph,
4.000. 000 or 10,«¿0 a day.
Frod’k William I, 3.000. 000 or 8,200 a day.
Victor Kinauuel,
2.400.000 or 6,810 a day.
2.200.000 or 6.027 a day.
Isaladla II,
1, 300, 000 or 4,931 a day.
Leopold II,
600,000 or 1.584 a day.
In addition to salary, each is furnish­
ed a dozen or more first-class houses
to live in without any charge for rent.
Get your Blauksat the S ignal Office.
-V ■
-X **