e m «¡toU g f r t tom tg Signal. L a C reolb B ask B all C lub — E x a c t l y .*— On the late Fourth a This club held its first meeting in goodly number o f the citizens o f Dal» B e a r i t in MiND.*—Our people Dallas last Friday evening. The fo l­ laa attended the celebration at Eola. ele cte d : Asa A delegation o f young ladies— 12 in will bear in mind that Profs. Emery lowing officers were and Moreland lecture in Dallas on Shreve, President ; B . R obb, V ice number, we believe— all seated on a Thursday eve., the 16th inst., for the President; Jag. MoCain, on the occasion. Mr. Moreland will lins and C. Teal, Scorers. aloft a banner with blue ground and GROCERIES, HARDWARE T “ 1200 IN J U N E yo u ’ ll SEYM OUR IN N O V E M B E R .'* C ounty C o u r t . — In County Court. J u d g e W hitson, during the forepart o f last week, a ease, wherein John China­ man vs. John Waymire for monies due him for services as cook to his fauiiiy, the ju ry brought in a verdict in favor o f the former “ J oh n ." The new county officers wero install* e d — a Justice o f the Peace, Hon J. L Collins, was appointed to fill the vacan­ c y occasioned by the resignation of T. J* Lovelady, Esq. Considerable County A. Celebration." This was by no means the first evidence we had ever had that the Constitution and the Union were eye-sore to republicans. Country merchants and grocers should not fail to order the Portland Bakery Crackers. They are the best besides being a home man- iifac tu re. H. W hitley WOOD CHEAPEST Stock o f Goods this sid. o f Portland. All Country Produoe taken at its Highest Mar­ ket Value. M I T C H E L At R O S E N D O R F . Independence, March 22, 1868. Stf B N O T IC E . . T he N egro I mposition .— Our Richm ond started east o f the Moun radical leaders in Congress have decid­ F0UNDRYMENMD tains on iSaturday last. Mr. W . had ed that the Freedmeo’s Bureau is to be BLACKSMITHS sent forward a few days in advance o f continued for another year, commenc­ C u m b e r la n d and L e h ig h himself, between 30 and 40 horses, ing with July 16, 1868. The poor white laborers o f the North are thus which had been raked on his farm near taxed to support a lot o f worthless, idle C O A L and P IG IR O N . Pallas. negroes, who ought to be at work in lO OO T O N S . H otel C hange .— B. F. ’ Nicholls the cotton fields. H<>w much longer ta k e « c h a r g e o f the D alla s h o te ' to d a y. will the peo| le submit to be taxel for In Store and A float, For Sale by he benefit of the ebony idol set up by J. R. DOYLE, Mr. W hitley removes into his house on the radicals ?— W . W . Statesman. San Francisco. [101v] 413 A 415 P a c if ic bt Church street. D E M O C R A T IC FOH M — 1868. PLAT — The greater part o f Saturday last was occupied before Justice Collins in The Democratic party in National Conven­ tion assembled, standing as ever by the Con­ determining the validity o f an attach stitution of the Government as a guarantee ment sued out against the goods o f T. J . of the Liberty o f the citizen, recognizing as B O O T S JANESJjARDEN, H O M anufacturer ft D ealer — IN— the consequence of the late civil war the ex Dow by Wm. Pullen. In bis com ­ tinction of slavery aud o f the heresy, secession, plaint it seems the plaintiff had sworn with the returu o f peace, demand— 1st. The restoration >f all the States to tdat the defendant was squandering their rights iu the Uuion and restoration of government to the American people. his property with a view to defrauding civil 2d. Amnesty for ail political offences, reg­ his creditors, whereupon the goods of ulation of the elective franchise in the States the said defendant were seized. On being cross examined the in court plaintiff averred that he did not know whether the defendant intended to de fraud his creditors. The attachment was dissolved. Sullivan for Plaintiff —»Applegate St Whitson for defendant. PlfiTs. counsel appeals. 8 . C . Stiles is now fairly under way manufacturing harness, bridles aud all and singular the articles in his line which farmers and others need. His shop is second door south o f post office. T br * Headquarters *’ aad T. R. Blackerby the grant stove and tinware man at Salem, have “ boat faced ” aad new look to the north. Mr. B . teems ia goed spirits ia his new * posish.” — G . B . Stiles has just received a fresh lot o f family groceries, fruits confectioneries, Ac., Ac. Call at hia store, first door north o f Brown’s fire proof brick. M any good, working Democrats complain o f the action o f our Democrat io County Commissioners in appointing a Republican Justice of the Peace for the principal precinct in the county.— T hey seem to think that they have struggled to poor purpose for the last h seven years in the effort to secure a Democratic Board o f Commissioners if the very man who has labored hardiest and effected most to pre\$nt such a re suit must be the first object o f that Board’s fostering care and favorable consideration. W e are o f the opinion ourself that our new Honorable County Court baa forgotten in an amasing short apace o f time, that, during the term o f the Republican party’s power, a Demo*» erst was not deemed fit even tor a road viewer— much less a jurym an, and waa certainly regarded as the last man on earth fit to be entrusted with a commis­ sion as Jqstioe o f the Pcaoe. by their citizens. 3d. Payment of the national obligations in strict accordance with their terms. 4th. Taxation o f government bonds to the same extent as other property is taxed. 5th. One currency for the government and the people, the laborer- and the office holder, the pensioner and the bond holder. 6th. Economy in the administration o f the government; the reduction o f the standing army and navy ; the abolition of the Freed, men’s Bureau and all political instrumentalities designed to secure negro supremacy ; simpli­ fication of the revenue system and the discon­ tinuance of inquisitorial modes o f assessing and collecting the internal revenue, so that the burdens of taxation may be equalized and lessened, the credit o f the government increased and the currency made good, and the national debt funded at a lower rate o f interest. 7th. Reform in tie abuses in the adminis tratioD ; the expulsion of the corrupt from office ; reservation o f public lands for homes for the working people ; the restoration of rightful authority and independence to the Executive and Judiciary; the subordination of the military to the oivil rule, to the end that the usurpation o f Congress and the des­ potism of the sword may cease. 8th. Equal rights and protection for natur­ alized and native born citizens at home and abroad ; the assertion o f American nationality which shall command the dne respeot of for­ eign powers, and furnish an example and en­ couragement to people struggling for natioual integrity and constitutional liberty. 9th. Denounces the usurpation and tyranny of the Radical party in violation o f pledges to conduct the war only for the preser ation of the Union and not for the subjugation o f States, or for the overthrow of freedom of speech or the press. It declares that instead thereof, the Radicals have established systems o f es­ pionage in disregard of hnbeae corpnt; have made the national capitoi a bastile, and threaten to destrov the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and have maligned its Chief Justice because of his integrity on the trial o f the President; recites at length these abases, and in conclusion declares the priv­ ilege and trust of suffrage belongs exclusively tp the control of each State, and that Congress has usurped it in violation o f the Constitution. The platform further spocifically denounces the reconstruction acts as usurpation, uncon­ stitutional and void, an 1 demands that the pensions-«f soldiers shall be faithfully paid, and that the public lands should be reserved for homesteads. It thanks Andrew Johhson for resisting the aggressions o f Congress. It invites men of all parties to unite upon this platform. It contains four demands, as follows « Pay­ ment o f the public dept o f the United States as rapidly practicable ; that all money drawn from the people by taxation, exeept so muoh as is raquisito lor the necessities ot the Govern­ ment economically administered, shall be honestly applied to such payments, and when obligations of Government do not ex* pressly state epon their face, and the law un­ der which they were issued does not provide that they shall be paid in eoin, that they onght in right and justioe- to be paid la law­ ful money o f the United State*. O BOOTS A SH O ES, Q Commercial st., next door to Barman Bros. Salem. Ladies’ and Children’s wear* T All werk o f my own manufacture warranted Repairing Neatly done. lid S H O E S S h e r ifP s S a le . Y virtu# o f an execution, duly Issued out of the Circuit Court, for the County of Polk and State of Oregon, and to me directed, in favor of E. J. Crofford vs. Wm. M. Frakor, ior the sum o f $27 73 judgm ent, interest and costs $7 23, I have levied upon the f ollowing real property, to w it: Lot No. 4 ia Block No. 5, in Levans* addition to the town o f Dallas, Polk Co., and I will proceed to expose the above described property at public auction, to the highest bidder for coin in hand, at the Coart Houre door in Dallas, on the 2 7 th d a y o f J u ly , 1 8 6 8 , between the hours o f 9 a . m . and 4 o’clock r. a., of said day. Said property was levied upon as the property of W. M. Frakor J 08 . LIG G ETT, Sheriff Polk County, Oregon. Dallas, Jane 27th, 1868. 154w B I. V audutw . and so has M. MEYER! W IT H o n e o f t h e l and best seleeted stocks o f a r g e s t DOMESTIC D R Y GOODS, FANCY GOODS. GENT8’ ft BOYS* CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING, LATEST STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS, Trunks, Carpets, Groceries, Crockery A c. That has ever been brought to 8ALEM , which he is offering CHEAPER than any oth­ er house in the City. A l l k in d s o f P R O D U C E ta k e n I h E x ch a n ge. W A arau: r t \ f \ OOO POUNDS OF W O O L FOB ¡ j U U jO O O which I will pay tho H IGH EST M ARKET PRICE IN CASH. H . 1KEYER. Sd door from the ooraer o f Griswold's Bleek Salem Oregon. tlj line, together with a Large Assortment o f CASSIMERB and WOOL H A T S ; -a ls o -. Blankets, Cassimeres and S T A P L E D R Y GOODS. P rices at this time are lower than they have COUXTRT J ohh S om m ervilli . V a n d u y n S¿ S o m m e r v ille , the D calera in GEN ERAL TRADERS goods that they can sell to their Customers at a very low figure and still make an unusual lar&e profit Agents for Oregon Cassimerae and Blankets, o f whi ;h we keep a large stoek. I N D E P E N D E N C E , O regon . MBRCHADISE. Large Stoek and low prioes, and articles Guaranteed. Agent* for Piano Manufacturers. A full Stock o f Goods constantly on hand to suit the varied wants o f the People. The Highest Market price paid for We also have in connection with the Store a large , Agents for Oakland Cotton Mill«. BADGER ft LIN D EN BERO ER Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehoi Nos. 411, 413 and 415, Battery street, San Francisco. Feb. 17,1868. ly J. A. APPLEGATE. WAREHOUSE, at D O D D 'S Salem. S m J. H RASH ER, N e v e r C lo g s aud P a r th e B e s t. w e e p s t a k e s with track extending to the River, and arepre pared to receive and Forward Freight for I S ce n ts p e r ton . 3tf VANDUYN A SOM M ERVILLE F u r n itu r e , at D O D D ’ S, Salem. JO H N W . G IL B E R T , E. NERWIN, Independence, Oregon M ANUFACTURER AND D E A L E R IN M FURNITURE, 8h oes, Union Block, Gommercial Street, AN U FACTU RER *and Dealer in kinds o f Household and Kitchen al Has on band a large and well selected Stock consisting in part o f Mahogany and Black Wal nut Dressing BUREAUS, S a le m , O r e g o n . / HE MANUFACTURING D E P A R T M ’NT Center, Dining, Breakfast and Work having been placed in charge o f a FIRST CLASS FOREMAN, assisted bv the best of TABLES, workmen, he is prepared to get up a boot SU­ PERIOR to any other shop in the state. Grecian, Parlor, and Washington Woodseat A complete assortment of FRENCH and CH a IRS. AMKK(CAN Leather, and Shoe Findings on hand, which will be furnished to Shoemakers at BEDSTEADS, reasonable rates. When you visit Salem, give SAFES, him a call* 113m STANDS and LOUNGES. S u m m on s. T W . C. WHITSON. Applegate A Whitson, Attornies at Law, DALLAS, : : OREGON. Office—In the Court House. G. B. STILES’ Headquarter«« F irs t B oor N orth o f B row n 's F ire -p ro o f B rick . N E W STORE, N E W GOODS. N E W P R IC E «. I am now prepared .o offer to the pnblio large assortment o f choice P R O V IS IO N S , GROCERIES, FRUITS, WOODEN W ARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, YAN KEE NOTIONS, Etc., Etc. d e s ig n to k e e p o n ly t i e c h o ic e s t and best A r tic le s , a n d e e ll th e m at a s m a ll p ro fit f o r C A S H . A fine Assortment . f Iu the County Court o f the State o f Oregon, for the county o f Polk, ss. P ic t u r e s a n d G U t F ram e«. R A P ID SALES OF CHOICE GOODS. ISAAC F 0I8 T E R , Plff. ve. In fact 1 keep everything useful and ornamen­ Those who want inferior articles most look E. W. BOSWORTH, D eft elsewhere for them. tal in the line. E. W. BOSWORTH, said Deft.: About the 10th o f May 1 shall remove my n the name of the State o f Oregon, yon are 13tf G . B . S T IL E S . hereby required to appear in the said Court, Salesroom and the Postoffice to South Inde­ and answer the complaint o f said Plff. filtd pendence. Thenceforward I shall occupy the therein against you. within ten days from the building adjoining Vanduyn and Sommer- X . M E RW IN . service o f this writ upon you, if served in said ville’ s Store. Independence, March 24, 1868. 3-3m County ; and if served in any other County ol' CORNER OF F IR ST AND MORRISON said State, then you shall appear within twenty days from service hereof, and answer said com­ P O R T L A N D , OREGON. plaint. And you are hereby notified ttaat if N E W GANG P L O W . you fail to appear as above directed, Judgment HE BEST AND MOST COMMODIOUS will be taken against you for want thereof, for hotel in the State, where every want le A Polk County Invention. the sum o f $60 86 with interest from January anticipated and cheerfully rappUed. 25tb 1864, at 12 per cent per annum. Publica­ tion of Summons being ordered by the Judge J . M. M A SO N is manufacturing at W a rn ft co ld B aths a ttaefcei to the of said Court for six weeks from this date.— You will if served by publication only, be re­ I ndependence , Polk County, Oregon, This Hotel is located near the Steamship quired to appear by the first day o f the next Landing. The Hotel Coach will he in attend­ term o f said Court following the expiration of a G A N G P L O W which is essentially ance at all the Landings to convey Paeeengere the said six weeks notice by publication. By order o f W. C. W hitsok , Judge. superior to anything which has yet and Baggage to and from the Hnuee FRBN OF CH ARG E. M. R. 8 F.WALL, J* A. APPLEGATE, JOHN C. DORCY, Atty. fo r Plff. been offered the Oregon Farming P u b­ Stf Proprietors Jans 15, 1868. 136w OUR MOTTO: Ì [ WESTERN HOTEL, T lic in the line o f L a b o r S a y in g W HERE ARE YOU G O IO G AND W h y do y ou D r iv e In su ch H a s te f PLOW S. T o appreciite the advantages this p X X E A PER. T h e C h e a p e st aud B e st R e a p e r In O regon , W EBBER at D O D D ’S , Salem. Plow offers, it is only necessary for the “ TO THE STORE OP A D O L F W O L F N E W IN DEPEN DEN CE.** What about Mr. WtAff Why Tie is Selling D ir t C h e a p , T H E F IR S T T R A IN H A S A R R IV E D , CLOTHING and FURNISHING [The W o r ld ,* C h a l l e n g e r B oots a n d TO N A T IO N A L e a p e r e invite COUNTRY D BALBR8 to exam ­ W ine onr Large ond Attractive Stock which comprises every article ia the M E R C H A N D IS E . UCKEYE R FRESH GOODS B Y E V E R Y VESSEL been for many years, and we oan offer to Is a Beautiful Dapple Bay, 0 years old, abont 16 hands high and is very powerfully built. Was sired by old COEUR dr LION a celebrated stallion Imported from Europe. Dam, Whip and Bastard. D AVID OOFF. Dixie, May 11th, 1868 S and Thcs. J ustice ’ s C ourt — J. L. C ollins IMPORTERS and WHOLESALE D e a le r « . COUNTRY PRODUCE. EALED BIDS W ILL BE RECEIVED at the Clerk’« office ia Dallas, Polk ooun- ty, Oregon, until K ept. 1st, 1 8 6 8 , for TW ENTY CORDS OF GOOD, DRY, 80U N D OAK WOOD; to be four feet long, Y e Natioual Game— base ball— has and delivered in the County Wood House in Dallal^on or before Oct. 12th, 1868, and corded been organized in Dallas— are Dot ad up in good order and to the acceptance o f the County court. vised as to particulars. Pitching o f The successful bidder will be required to horse shoes has had a popular ruu in enter into an .bligotion with security for the faithful performance o f the contract. Dallas with no present prospect o f J. I. Thompson, County Clerk abatement. It is exciting sport for June 29th, 1868. 164w Remember the Willamette Iron works, North Front st. Portland when yon want new m a­ chinery, or old machinery o f any kind repair­ ed. MITCHEL A ROSENdORF’S Best and COEUR de LION the boys— young and old. business was disposed of. Messrs a “ Copperhead N oa, 4 1 1 , 4 1 3 an d 4 1 $ B a tte ry S tr e e t, c o r . M e r ch a n t, S A N FRAN CISCO. - 4 t , j The Largest, IN EOLA. HOUSE. B a d g e r S l L in d e n b e r g e r , Please give ns a call, and yon will be Con­ vinced that we have CROCKERY AT that, but it is plain enough that this is C L O T H IN G Store at In d e p e n d e n c e , which they offer to Sell at at a living price. Having purchased onr Stock in San Fr&n- oisco, we can easily Compete with those baying their Goods in Portland. GLASSWARE 1 WHOLESALE D r y G o o d s, C lo t h in g , D r e e s G oods, A c ., A s , That has ever came to POLK CNUNTY, was lately received at QUEENSWARE T he remainder o f the proceedings of nioely enwreathed with flowers. On fail to interest as well as instruct.— the N. Y. Convention will appear in one side of this banner was inscribed, “ The Constitution," while on the re­ The performance will be repeated in our next issue. verse side was emblazoned “ The Un* Eola on Friday eve., where we confi­ P ersonal .— Phil. Sheridan’ s sister- ion.** During the delivery o f the Or-* dently bespeak for the occasion a full in-law was in town the other day.— ation by Hon. Ben. Hayden the ladjes hotlse. Profs. E & M. will go thence to Amity, July 18 ; thence to Lafay­ She is an average looking squaw only. in uniform oocupied a front seat and to ette, July 2 0 ; and to McMinnville, She says Mrs. Phil has received inteK the right o f the speaker— the Goddess Ju ly 21. ligence that her husband had married o f Liberty performing the office o f sup­ T o educate the rising generation a woman in Massachusetts; his arrest porting the banner aforesaid. Before should be the prime object o f all, and is sought by his wife here for bigamy the close of the Oration it was remark­ in order to succeed in this, it is neces ed by a republican that he would “ bet A friend writing « » from Cor milts, says : nary to foster and encourage Institutions “ I like the trenchant manner in which you ten dollars that the lady holding that F R E N C H S T A L L IO N . o f learning— such as the Corvallis Col This was “ go for them” [the rads.] “ We need a whip banner is a copperhead." lege especially. he subscriber will keep the Fine French in every honest man’s hand to lash them na­ responded to by another who ejacula­ Stallion COEUR de LION at Dixie, On one o f the transparencies borne ked through the land." where he may be found every day during ted in toues somewhat suppressed, this present season. in the procession on Saturday night in The only republican paper in Oregon that is a pretty place to bring the like o fi “ regretted ” the departure o f McDonald was the Corvallis Gazette. The Ganette is a tem­ perance paper and Me. was a temperance man 1 The thing ia accounted tor. Go to Merwina furniture store, Independ­ ence, for all kinds o f fashionable furniture. F arm er«, IHE Largest and Best Assorted Stock o f give some select readings Which cannot Salem was painted : C o u n ty T A K E N O T IC E !' Secretary; wagon drawn by four horses, attended benefit o f Corvallis College. The ob* George Howe, Treasurer; G. C. M or­ from this place. Miss Maggie Grant, ject is a worthy one, and we hope there­ gan, A. Lyle and Jas. Rodgers, Direct« personating the Goddess o f Liberty, fore, to see the Court House crowded ors; Lee Robb, U m pire; W m . N. Pul- ocoupied a conspicuous seat holding P o lk DRY GOODS, Drjr Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware am Farmer to give it a trial. Sim ply con structed, and pat up with a view special ly to durability, this deservedly Popular Gang Plow must continue to give un- qualfied satisfaction wherever or by mhomsoever tried. 8 tf SheriJT’s Sale. Y virtue o f an execution duly issued out of the Circuit Court, for the County of Polk and State o f Oregon, and to me directed, N O T I O N S ! and I am going to in favor o f S. Blumaner and 8 . Rosenblatt, Buy while G R E A T B AR G AIN S are to and against H. Linnville, for the sum o f $763 83 and $24 00 costs and accruing costa, I have be had. levied upon the following real estate, to w it: Lot No. 8 in Block 1, south o f Main S t and A nd does he take Farm P roduct? 3 E. o f Meridan street; also an undivided two- thirds interest in that part o f Lot No. 5, in Y e s ; and what is better, he pay» the Block No. 1, N. o f Mam street and No. 2, E. o f Meridian street wbieh is bounded as follows : Commencing at the N. E. eorner o f said Lot Highest Market price Jor it. 3tf (No. 5,) thence W. 78 feet, thence 8. 28 feet, thence E. 78 feet, thenee N. 28 feet to the place o f beginning, with all the right, title and C O R V A L L I S C O L L E G E interest o f said H. Linville in the buildiugs and improvements upon said premises. Said HE BOARD OF TRU 8TEES OF THE real estate is situated in the town o f Buena Corvallis College, will oonv.ne on Satur Vista, Polk Co., Ogn., and wdl be exposed at day, Aug. 22d, at 10 o’ clock A. u. A)1 mem public auction to the highest bidder, for cash bers of tho I$pard are earnestly requested to in hand, at the Coart House door in Dallas, on attend. the 13th d a y of July, 1868. between the hours of 9 o’clock A. n. aad 4 p. n. o t said day, to w it: at 1 o'clock p. x. E D U C A T IO N A L . JOS. LIGGETT, Sheriff Polk county, Oregon• 164w ROF. J. EM ERY o f Corvallis Cullege, will addrers the citizens o f Dallas and vicinity, ou the subject o f P on Thursday evenining, J u ly 1 6 th , at 8 o’ c lo c k P . M „ at the Court House. PROF. W- MORELAND, will also favor the audience with some Select Readings and exorcises in Declamation. A similar entertainment will be given at Eola, on Friday evening following. T HE undersigned having located a 1 « Doable Cylinder Carding Machine to miles south o f Subltmity, six miles northern of Scio, and one-fourth mile e f Liaobe’s Farr on the North Santiam, respectfully solicit, pnl lie patronage. This Machine will be nnder the control i experienced operatives, and satisfaction j guaranteed. B T EDUCATION) W O O L C A R D IN G . iit t ’ s rri X H R A 8H E R , T h e B est K n ow n . » at D O D D ’S, Salem. a in e s t t H ■ I BADER. T h e G re a te s t o f H a rv e s te r s. at D O D D ’ S, Salem. C a r d i » gr Will be done at the reduced price o f Bight Cents per Pound, when grease or oil is fare, ‘ «bed. I f I furnish lard, Ten Cents per Pound. I f I furnish lard oil, Twelve and a half Ceota per Pound. One pound o f nice clean lard for each eight pounds o f Wool, or one pound o f lard oil for each ten pounds. To insure good Rolls the Wool mast he W ell Washed and Cleanad o f Trask. Also, It should be graded. 8. ST A Y T O N . Feb. 2 4 ,1M8. L IY E R Y nXt-lm ATABLE, AVIN G PURCHASED TH B OLD H B E N N E T T ft W H IT E S T A B L E , in company with L . GODDARD, I d u ll be pleased to see any all of my friends and ee- quaintojacess upon their arrival in Portland with teams, and those who have good horees to sell will fiud me ou baud ready to buy at ad times. Petrous o f this «table will tu d it in good shape, while charge« wilt bo a« moderate as at ' any other stable in the oiiy. j J R . LAKE, j Portland, June 23,1868. tf