Polk County times. (Dallas, Or.) 1869-1???, May 29, 1869, Image 3

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Method it t Epxtcopal Church {South).— A. E.
Sear«, pastor. Services the First Sabbath in
each month at the Baptist Church, southwest
corner Jefferson and Court streets.
. M E. Church.— Rev. G. W. Roork, pastor.
Services at their church, north side o f Mill
street between Main and Jefferson, as follows:
First Sabbath <in each month) in the evening;
2d Sabbath, at 11 o ’ clock a. m.; 3d Sabbath,
in tne evening. Regular praver meeting each
Wednesday evening.
Sunday School every
Sabbath at 9J o’clock a m.
Baptiit Church.— J. W. Osborn, pastor. Ser­
vices at their Church, corner Court and Jeffer­
son streets, the Third Sabbath in each month
Chrietian Church.— II. M. Waller, pastor.
Services at the Baptist Church second Saturday
and Sunday in each month.
T he C blebratiom .— Elsewhere will be found
a report of the proceedings of the Fourth of
July meeting held at the Court House last
Thursday. As will be perceived, the working
committees have been wisely selected from
among the citizens who icside at the seat of
operations, so as to avoid dela) and inconve­
nience in communic ting with each other. We
now want to see every individual member of
each of the committees do his or her level best
to make the aflair perfect success. I f we see
a disposition to shrink from duty on the part
of cither o f tbetn we shall not hesitate to give
publicity to the fact. The committee on gen­
eral arrangements will appoint sub committees
in each precinct. It is intended to be a “ bas­
ket purty,” and as many visitors will doubtless
be present from Salem and other localities ad­
jacent, it would be well to make timely prepa­
rations for the comfort o f our guests. As the
^ celebration at Independence comes off on Sat­
urday and the one here on ths following Mon­
day, nothing remains to prevent the majority
o f our citizens from attending both. Let each
of them be such as will reflect credit on the
patriotism and unanimity o f purpose of the cit­
izens of “ Old Polk.”
A B a c h e l o r ’ s B l i s s — Who can imagine it
on his receiving, auonymously, magnificent bo-
quets that have a world of subtle meaning in
their silent language ? We don’ t know exactly
what they say, but then we are weak enough
^o believe that no one would go to the trouble
o f conveying their opinions in so sweetly sen­
timental a manner if they hated us so very bit­
terly. Ah! well! “ where ignorance is bliss
tis folly to be wi e,” for if wo knexc it might
sadly interfere wiih our pea'e o f mind and the
interests of our patrons. But still we were
anxious to find out the fair donor, and called
the services of our little Mercury into requisi
tion, who in a twinkling made this report:
“ T’other eve, as day was gloamit g,
Rode a maiden young and fair;
In ber hand she bore, trtsh blooming,
Richest boquet, culled with care.
•Whither now?’ qu»th I to maiden,
As she cantered o'er the lea ;
And she answered that, full-laden,
All her but then was for thee!”
But the mischievous little elf forgot to ask
w h e ’ her the fair on e Vn q u estion was a ctin g as
principal or proxy in the matter; so we still
remain in tantalizing uncertainty.
R e a d a s d L e a r n . — Some say that it is no
use for them to advertise, says an exchange,
that they have been in the place in business all
their lives, and everybody knows them. Such
people seem to forget to take in consideration
that our country is increasing in population
nearly 40 percent, every ten years, and no
matter how old the place may be, there are
constant changes taking place; some move to
other parts, and strangers fill their places. In
this age of the world, unless the name of a
business firm is kept constantly before the
public, some new firms may start up, and, by
liberally advertising, in a very short time take
the place o f the older one«, and the latter rust
out, as it were, and be forgotton. No man ever
lost money by judici >us advertising.
C o t t a g e H o me . — Our enterprising fellow«
towesmaa, Sam. C. Stiles, the saddler, is engag-
-•J in erecting a substantial and commodious
cottage residence, which for architectural de­
sign and finish will excel anything in Dallas.
'-It is located on the sontb side of Church street,
between Main and Jefferson. Sam is doing a
rushing business and making lots of money
here, and, like a good citizen, does not
bury bis talent in the cartb, but invests and
kaqps bis money in circulation at home. Such
, man deserve te succeed, as they not only give
employment to our mechanics, but also enhance
the value 9f their neighbor’s property by their
A N oveltt .— Our friend James, the photo­
graphic artist at this place, has laid on our
table a finely executed photograph of tUe first
page of the T imes , o f the ordiuary carte de
virile t ito. The reading matter is so fine as to
'.bo barely legible to the naked eye : but Mr.
'James promises us one doable the size, which
will make quite a difference, and which persons
with good optics will be able to decipher. He
has also favored us with some flue views of
local interest, copies of which be has for sale.
Mr. James is an artist in the fullest sense of
the word.
R olling S tones . E tc .— We learn that several
'families from the neighborhood of Bethel, in
this county, are about to emigrate to Bitter
Root -Valley, Montana.
We are sorry to learn
» that anybody is so foolish as to leave fertile,
salubrious Oregon for any such place. A real­
ization of the old fable o f the substance and
the shadow. We will wager two to one they
will repent the step inside o f 1869.
S pecial S ejivicb .—I t is generally under­
stood that divine service will be held at the
Baptist church this evening and to-morrow
morning, Rev. Mr. Baxter officiating. To­
morrow afternoon service will also he held at
the same place, on which occasion Rev. A . W.
Sweeny, late of Umatilla, will officiate. Ths
public are cordially invited.
2 -4 ° — Tem. Richmond is sporting a very
fine gelding about town, to salkey, that steps
m though it knew something about time.
don t know what be calls the “ critter,” but sup­
pose it knows enough to go without being call-
•d- Q rientabef
> ♦
The Grand Lodge o f Odd Fellows for Oregon,
Washington and Idaho completed the business
The student* o f the Willamette University before it last Saturday and adjourned. The
Pursuant to call published, the citizens of
gave an exhibition last week from which they officers for the ensaing year aro J. M. Bacon,
Dallas and vicinity met at the Court House on
of Oregon City, Grand Master; Wm. Dierdorff,
realised $130.
Thursday p. m . to take the preliminary steps
Portland, Deputy Grand Master; Joel Palmer,
The teamsters of Eugene have formed a pro-
towards the appropriate celebration of the an«
Dayton. Grand Warden ; C. N. Terry, Salem.
niversary of our national birthday in or near i tective association, fixing rates for freighting
Grand Secretary; I. R. Moores, Salem, Grand
and hauling about town. Freight from Eugene
A. L. Stinson. Salem, Grand Rep-
The meeting organized by the election of to Portland 1$ cents per pound, Portland to
The appointive officers are P. ».
Mr. J. W. Crawford, Chairman, and F. R. Eugene, 2 cents.
Knight, Salem, Grand Chaplain ; F. S. Ostheira,
Stuart, Secretary.
Cattle and sheep are reported as becoming
Portland, Grand Marshal ; D. M Thompson,
On motion, it was resolved to celebrate on exceeding scare« in Lane and other counties to
Albany, Grand Conductor ; — . Shelton, Walla
Monday, July 5th.
tbe «' uth of us, from the immense drain of the
Walla, Grand Guardian ; R. C. Geer, Silverton,
On motion. Messrs. J. II. Lewis, B F. Nichols California and Nevada markets.
Herald. The District Deputies are District 1,
and J. W. Smith were appointed a committee
Ripe cherries have been selling in Portland I. W Miller, 2. Archie Fuqua, 3. A. Holden,
on Order of Business. The committee reported fot a week back— fifty cents per pint.
4. J. L. Argner, 6. N. Fisher, 6. D. M. Thomp­
forthwith; the report was adopted, and the
Jacksonville has been reveling in the luxury son, 7. P. Metschau, 8. A. Bonner, 9. J. Ly­
following standing committees were appointed
of ‘ ‘cherry-ripe" for two weeks at a consider­ man, 10. — . — ----- , 11, C. C. Hewett, 12. W.
and business transacted in accordance therewith:
ably lower tariff.
M. Shelton, 13. E. Schütz, 14. D. S. Kinsey,
Committee (\f Finance— Messrs. Jas. Liggett,
Gold diggings have been discovered on the 16. F- S. Ostheim, 16. James Riley, 17. A. J .
B. F. Nichols, J. H. Lewis, T. G. Richmond
Molalla river which are said to pay $3 to $5 Apperson, 18. — . -------- .
and John Baldwin.
The Corvallis Gazette of Saturday last con­
On Ground*— Messrs John Phy, G. B. Stiles, per day to the hand. The mines are fifty eight
the following: The house of Mr. J. W.
T. G. Richmond, T. F. Hover and Dr. J. R.
Cascade range. The pay streak is said to ex­ McBee wastonsumed by fire the first of the
for a distance of eight miles.
weex ; origin of the fire unknown. The family
On Orator, Reader and Untie— Messrs. S. C.
P. G. M. Silas J. Day was presented with a barely escaped with their lives, losing every­
Stiles, Wm. Fraker, J. A. Applegate, Dr. Sites
magnificent gold Watch of the *alue o f $225 by thing iii the shape of clothing, furniture, etc.
and W. C. Whitson.
On Order o f Exercitet— Messrs. J. H. Turner,
F. R. Stuart and J. W. Lewis.
On General Arrangement*— Messrs. R. M.
May, John Waymire, I>aac Levins, J. H. Lewis
and J. B. Riggs. Si.
On motion, Messrs. P. C. Sullivan, J. W.
Smith, W. C. Brown, T. M. Thompson and
Joseph D. Lee, were appointed a special com­
mittee to procure the erection of a suitable
public liberty pole in Court House Square.
On tn< tion, a genf ral invitation was extended
to the citizens of neighboring counties to par­
On motion, it was ordered that a -copy of the
proceedings of the meeting be luraished the
P o lk C o c n t t T imes and American Unionist,
with a request that the same be published.
On motion, adjourned.
J. W. C r a w f o r d , Chairman.
Frank R. Stuart Secretary.
D allas , May 25th, 1869.
Editor Polk County Timet:— Conduct at the
M. E. Church during the preaching of Father
Waller od last Sunday should be condemned.
Two “ professional gentlemen” who sat on the
left of the stove conduct«d *hemselves ungen-
tlcmanly—one continued thumping his boots
upon the floor, keeping time; while tbe other
every few minutes squirted his tobacco juice
upon the warm stove to bear it “ sizzle,” to the
disgust of men and womer, and to the amuse­
ment of bad boys who were taking lessons of
them. Three women with babies which kept
up a continual squalling remained in tbe house
during tbe whole time o f service, to the infinite
annovancc of all who wished to hear the dis­
course. It has always been a mystery to me,
that a woman would remain in church with a
child which she continually tossed, whirled
over, thumped on the bai k.fcd with cake.apple,
etc., and it continually squalling, distracting
everybody, the mother included, by turning
the attention of tbe audiance to them instead
of tbe preacher. Again, I could never see the
necessity of taking two or three uglv, woolly,
ill-bred dogs to church, to have them follow you
into tbp bouse aud then go snuffing around,
etc. A stranger comes to our town to preach,
a n d the a udience, or rather
In dividu als in the
audience, conduct thems-dves so badly that he
goes away prejudiced ugainst us. Speak out,
Mr. Editor, and you will have the approbation
of every good citizen of Dallas.
Tbe abuses referred to by our correspondent
are of tbe most aggravating character, as our
experience on two or three occasions has proven.
We hesitated to notice them, thinking tbe cases
we refer to were exceptional; but as our corres­
pondent has brought tbe matter up we propose
to speak plainly. We have seen young fellows
(who, of course, claim to be gentlemen) leap or
vault from one pew to another while divine ser­
vice was being administered, others keeping up
an incessant chatter in a subdued tone to the
infinite annoyance of their more respectable
neighbors, while some seemed to come to cnurch
for no other purp so than to ogle the ladies,
pass indecent remarks in relation to them, and
retAil the town scandal of the past peek. We
state nothing but tact when we assert that,
having lived in communities notorious for their
general immorality and recklcssne-s, we have
never seen such gross misconduct and total dis­
regard o f the sacredness of tbe house of God
during divine service as in the quiet, pastoral
town of Dallas. We are loath to make this
admission, but do so hoping the moral sensibil­
ities of the young people referred to are not
■o dead as to make them totally devoid o f self-
respect if they are heedless of the opinions o f
Tbe other abuee referreed to—the nuisance
of squalling babies at public meetings, aud
particularly at divine service— has long been a
mystery to us. and is unquestionably and lit-
terally a crying evil. Mothers will no doubt
call us a “ brute” for assuming this position;
but we have been called worse things iiT telling
the truth, aud in the long run justice has pre­
vailed and we have received our reward Some
mothers will ask: “ Are we to be deprived of
the blessing of attending public worship at all
times merely because we have no one to care
for our baby at home ?” We answer most de­
cidedly— yes ! for a squalling baby destroys
whatever good effects might result to the con­
gregation from tbe preachiog of the truth, by
distracting their attention from the minister,
and making attendance at church a severe
penanoe instead of a pious pleasure ; besides,
it is impossible for the mother herself to reap
auy benefit whatever from tbe ministration, her
whole time and attention keiug occupied in
attempting to soothe aud quiet her turbulent
I f you would serve God, an I do unto your
neighbor your duty as a Christian, do not take
your babi es to tbe House of Worship.
This is a subject that much may and ought to
be said upon,but we hope there will be no furth­
er necessity tor censuring the good people o f
Dallas on this score.
“ S till T n ir C ome !” — We’ ve got another,
and such a duck of a nosegay —but our descrip­
tive powers are not equal to the task. Fortu­
nately the charming donor on this occasion
left her card (we wish it had been her photo­
graph). Young gentlemen about town need
not feel at all jealous ; but then she’s young,
beautiful, accomplished, sensible, loveable,
sylph-like----- Goodness gracious! we are for­
getting the dignity o f the tripod; so w ell re­
serve the balance for * different occasion.
the members of the Grand Lodge recently in
The Entign o f the 15th says caterpillcrs are
session at Salem, as a token of the esteem of more plenty in that vicinity than they have
his brother Odd Fellows. Few presentations ever been known. Mr. ThomasSmith, of Win
of the kind take place in which the recipient is Chester, has a large, fine orchard that is entirely
so Worthy of tbe honor as oar old friend Silas
stripped of leaves and fruit by these pests, and
Day. Long may be live to consult the tale it
manv other orchards are eaten to a loss extent.
tells, and may each fleeting hour add to his
Hon. Wm. Greenwood died at tho family
residence in Howell Prairie, on the 17th, from
Judge Deady is making the tour of the State
the effects of injuries received from a falling
for recreation.
Not less than ten thousand head of sheep
The Guard says a ball of twine was found
passed through Rosoburg last week on their
under Mr. Steventon’s house, which war evi­
way south.
dently the instrument by which fire was com ­
Encouraging reports are continually received municated to the building.
from the newly discovered gold mines on Myr­
The Herald learns that a man named Jsmes
tle creek, in Douglas county. Experienced
Nolan accidentally killed himself, a short time
miners predict that the diggings will prove
since, near Taylor’s Ferry. He had been out
extensive and permanent
bunting, and, after killing a deer, put his gun
The Entign says of the Bohemia mines : “ A
vigor« us attempt will be made this season to
develop the various quarts ledges in that dis­
trict, and that one or two mills will be taken in.•
The assays of rock made since the work was
abandoned last fall, leave no doubt that it is
one of the richest quartz districts on the coast,
not excepting White Pine.”
in the bottom o f the waggon. He threw the
deer on the gun, which caused tbe cap to ex­
plode, and the entire charge o f the gun went
into h is body. He died in a short time after­
Dr. W. C. Gray, surgeon at Warm Springs
Reservation, while out hunting, on Saturday,
May 15th, accidentally shot himself through
Soused salmon, put up on the Columbia, it the arm, and having such a long distance to
seems, is getting to be quite an article of traffic, travel before he could get assistance, and no
and is pronounced by those who have used it surgeon nearer than tho Dalles—60 miles dis­
as nice as anything in the way of fish could be. tant— before the hemorrhage could be stopped,
A dwelling house belonging to 0. Leonardson, he bled to death. Dr. Gray was 27 years of
in East Portland, was burned to the ground. age, and graduated at the Medical Department
The house was unoccupied, and the fire must o fj the Willamette University last summer.
have been the work of an incendiary. Loss, His remains were taken to Albany for burial.
The Jacksonville Ae>ct says : Owing to the
A goose belonging to Thomas Mountain of light fall of snow in the mountains during the
Portland has lately died, aged 20 years. Its past winter, tho streams having their sources of
mate is still living, at the venerable age of 22 supply in the snow ranges will undoubtedly bo
very low. Such is sure"\o be the case with
Green peas mnde their appearance on the Rogue river, and we would call the attention
tables of Jacksonville ten days ago— rather of our mining population to this stream. The
ahead of Dallas.
present season promises to be one of the best
fo r river m i n i n g that wo have had for many
T h e f a r m e r »eye : In thia co u n t y (M a r io n )
tbe price of milch cows ranges from $25 to $50; year* ; and when wo call attention to the fact,
two year old cattle, $14 to $18; yearlings, $3 that sixteen years ago the lo w bars on the stream
to $12 per bead. Horses, $ >0 to $200. A good paid a half ounce to twenty dollars a day,
work horse can be had for $100. Sheep are working a rocker, with but little if any work
selling at $1 25 to $2 per bead. Hogs sell at since, it seems no idle boast to promise a rich
thing to any one willing to try the adventure.
from 2c to 3Jc per pound.
* ere personal enemies of the Vaughns, there
beinir quite a strong local feud in the section.
Tbe elder Vaughn seeing the men coming, and
presuming their object, loft tho house. Frank
Vaughn immediately closed the door, remaining
within. The party came up and demanded
that tbe door be opened, which was refused
The deputized person then said that it would
be necessary to have a search warrant to open
the door, and immediately left to procure one.
leaving the three others there. After he bad
left Larkin remained out by the roadside, and
the other two near the door commenced con­
versation with Vaughn. They assured him
that neither of them had arms except Larkin.
Young Vaughn then came cut, and after some
talk with them he approached Larkin and or­
dered him to leave tbe premises. Larkin then
made a motion at though he would draw a
pistol, when Vaughn drew his pistol and shot
him. Vaughn then came to town and gave
bim«elf up to the authorities. lie is a young
uian about twenty-one years of age.
S u p p o r t t h e P r e s s . — A great statesman has
said, and truthfully too, “ that the individual
who nert r reads the public press, was at least
a half century in the rear of the present age.”
Newspapers, says an exchange, are the eleva-
t >rs, refiners and moulders of public taste.—
Their influence pervades all tbe avenues o f lifei
and as arbiters, their decisions are universally
heeded in the great arena of the political, so
cial and religious world. As such, do they
not deserve the favor and patronage of that
public to whose interests they have devoted
-their energies?
Newspapers, by enhancing
the value of property in their neighborhood,
and giving tbe locality in which they are pub­
lished a reputation abroad, benefit all, particu­
larly if they arc merchants or real estate own­
ers, thrice the amount yearly o f the sum they
pay for their Bupport. Besides, every spirited
citizen has a lauduble pride of having a paper
of which he is not ashamed, even though he
should pick iLup in New York or Washington.
A good-locking, thriving,live newspaper helps
to sell property, gives character to the locality,
and in all respects is a desirable public con­
venience. If, from any cause, tbe matter in tbe
local or editorial columns should not be quite
up to your standard, do not cast it aside and
pronounce it of no account, until you are satis­
fied that there has been no more labor bestowed
upon it than is paid for. If you want a good
readable sheet, it must be supported. Tbe local
press is the “ power that moves the pcrplo.”
Our friend Ireland, of the Enterprise, has res
covered a fine cane which he lost overboard
from one of the up-river steamers over a year
ago. Lucky dog.
Three small boys living in Astoria, took a can
of powder into the woods back of town a week
ago last Sunday, and, endeavoring to load and
discharge an old shot-gun barrel, the can,
which was nearly full of powder, exploded
while in the hands of one of the urchins. His
bands and face were terribly burned, and his
hair nearly all singed off of his head.
We aro informed that Gen. Palmor, o f Day-
ton is employing Chinamen to do his farm work
The Corvallis Gazette saya: Mr. R. R.
Rounds some weeks since lost a large amount
of bacon and wheat by the burning <>f his
sm>ke-house and granary.
His loss, we un­
derstand, was about $2,500 ; no insurance. Mr.
R. was a heavy loser in the flood o f l 462, ani
was just getting in comfortable circumstances
aguiu, when this last misfortune overtook him.
The 0. C. Enterprite says: On Sunday la»*,
something quite unusual occurred amongst the
fish of the Clackamas, by which whole schools
o f salmon were stampeded, so to speak. They
were observed to leap over themilldaui, headed
down stream, in perfect swarms; and boys, liv­
ing along the banks, waded into the water
killing large numbers with stones. Tbe stream
was literally alive with salmon. It is said that
tbe stream, which is always clear and pure,,
was considerably muddied next day, and it is
not at all unlikely but that high up the river a
land slide may have occurred.
Nine or ten families have left Douglas county
in tbe last two weeks tor the Pitt River country,
Last week, James Harvey, employed by the
Dixon brothers in their steam saw mill in Cole’s
Valley, Douglas county, had his hand badly
mangled, and narrowly escaped death, by be­
ing caught by tbe saw .
Lightning is reported to have played some
strange pranks at tho Dalles last week, but no
one was seriously injured.
ceived and is now opening a carefully se­
lected stock of
D ry Good»,
Roots & Shoes,
Ladies’ Dress Goods,
R e n ’s Clothing,
Which he proposes to sell as CHEAP as the
same quality of goods can be p ocured
this side of Portlaud.
Over three thousand head of horned cattle
have been driven from Josephine county this
In anticipation of early railroad communica­
tion through those sections, the emigration to
Goose Lake and Pitt river continues unabated.
A Chinaman was caught in the act o f rob­
bing the sluices of Mr. Lew. Zigler, at Jack­
sonville, one night last week, and received a
heavy load of duck shot in his corput for his
paius. He still lives, but his recovery is doubt­
The Roseburg Entign says: On Friday tho
llth instant, about 3 o’clock, p. m ., as the
stage driven by Montgomery, approached
Estes' station in this county, a man named
James Ross, armed with a Mainard carbine,
came deliberately up to the stage and addressed
Montgomery with an oath stating that he in­
tended to kill him then and there. He then
took deliberate aim at the driver and fired, but
the cap exploded without discharging the gun.
Montgomery released himself from tbe apron
which was buckled in front o f him and sprang
to tbe ground on the opposite side of the coach,
and seized a pistol which was lying inside when
Ross came around with his rifle Several shots
were fired in quick succession by Montgomery,
one bullet taking effect in Ross’ leg, who imme­
diately exclaimed, “ I surrender.” Montgomery
requested a passenger to take the gun, which
be did. Ross afterward declared that he would
kill Montgomery on the first opportunity. Dr.
M. N. North, and H. C. Leonard of Portland,
were passengers on the stage at the time of the
assault. Ross was taken into enstoday, plead
guilty to the crime o f assault with a dangerous
weapon, and was sentenced to three years in
Seventeen years ago, says the Guard, tbe
house o f Geo. Armitage was robbed of several
hundred dollars aud two watches. No clue WuS
obtained to the thief or property. Whilst a
piece of land that had never been cultivated
was being plowed this spring, two watches
were turned up, which were recognised by Mr.
A. as being the ones which were stolen in 1852.
One of them is said to be in good condition, the Penitentiary.
and with cleaning will keep time.
On Monday, May 17th, Edwin Larkin was
The Willamette Valley and Cascade Moun­ shot and killed by Frank Vaughn, on Molalla
tain wagon road, leauiug from Lebanon, Ltuu Prairie. The Herald gives the following version
couuty. across tbe mountains, is now open tor of the affair: It appears that there had been
travel. Sheep and stock of all kinds can now some difficulty relative to the opening of a
pass over withsut any difficulty.
The trails highway through the elaim of Mr. Vaughn,Sr.,
leading around many of the fords, are in a good and that the Road Supervisor, Harrison V»’ right,
state of repair. The road over the mountains had procured, on some ground, a warrant for
as far as Fish Lake, is in remarkably good the arrest of the elder Vaughn. This warrant
keeping, considering the period of the season. had been placed in the hands o f a pet sou dep­
An abundauce of fine grass and water abound utized, who took along with him three other
men, among whom was Larkin, aud all ol whom
all along the route.
W has on hand, at his on the west side
of Main street, next door to the Picture Gal­
sh o p
lery, a fine stock of
Doors and Sashes,
Of his own manufacture, which he is anxious
to dispose of forthwith. To this end ho will
sell them CHEAPER than they can bo pu r­
chased this side of Portland.
/EiT-Call in and judge for yourselves.
chased the Photograph G illery of Capt.
Lafollett. respectfully announces to the Pub­
lic that ho is prepared to take all the different
varieties of Pictures in good style.
Card Photographs. 94 per Dozeu.
TZB* Ho invites all to examine his work be­
fore going elsewhere. He also promises to do
bis BEST in every case.
JUST RECEIVED— A lot o f New Style
Cases, which, for beauty aud excellence, cannot
be surpassed in tbs State.
Farmers can pay in any kind o f mar­
ketable produce, delivered in Dallas.
“ Get a shadow ere the substance fades f”
W. 8. JAMES, Artist.
r------------------- ■
------------------- -
S. C. S T I L E S ,
Mailt st, (opposite tip Court House), Dallas,
a v in g
___________ \ ______ ^
Maiu street,
Dallas, Ogn.
Bitters,.Cigars, Cai.dies, Oysters)
and Sardines'will be served to gentle-^
men on the outside of tho counter, by a gentle­
man who has an eye to “ bis” on tho inside.
So come along, b ty s ; make no delay, and
wo will soon hear what you have to say.
Dallas, May 4 , 1S69.
Coruer Mill aud Maiu streets, Dallas.
R iggs
S l
C am pbell
«. a a large variety of Doors und
Sashes, o f all the common sizes, and o f —-A?j
the best workmanship, ut their Sash and Dooc
Factory, which they offer for sale as cheap s j
such articles can be purchased elsewhere.
They arc also prepared to fill all special or«
ders for work in their line promptly, cheupy
and accurately.
Give us a trial, and you will be satisfied.
“ P O X Y ” SALO OX,
H . P. RANKIN'. P R O P R IE T O R .
A refreshment will find at the PonyH
Saloon tho best of Wines, Liquors. Ale,*
Stand of Mr A. H. Whitley, wo have re­
fitted and re stocked it in such a manner as
will satisfactorily meet every want of the com­
Buggies, single or double. Hacks, Con­
cord Wagons, e tc , etc..
Goods by the Package at Reduced Rates
ray 10 3tf
Furnished at all hours, day or night, on
short notice.
GEO. A . ED ES A Co.,
Superior Saddle Horses, let by the
Day or Week.
Drugs, Medicines,
men’s Suits still left at
At the old stand formerly occupied by M. R.
Cox A Co., Uuiou Block,
Commercial Street, Salem.
Notice of Final Settlement.
County, State o f Oregon : In the matter of
tne Estate o f F. Mel row, deceased.
Robert Ford. Administrator o f said estate,
having filed his account in said court, praying
a final settlement of the same ; therefore, notice
is hereby given to all persons interested in said
estate that said application will be heard and
determined at tue Court House in Dallas, in
said county, on Tuesday, the 8th day of June,
A. D. 1869.
J. L. COLLINS, Co. Judge.
A Liberal discount made to Country
Agents W anted—$IO a Day
Two $10 Haps for $4.
Revolving Double H aps!
Cash or Marketable Produce at
Two ContDients, America and Europe,
aud America with the Uulted State«
portion ou an immense scale.
E xecutor’s Notice.
appointed by the County Court of Polk
county, Oregon, administrator, with tbe will
annexed, of the estate of John Fawk, late of
said county, deceased; therefore, a I persons
having claims against the estate o f sai l de­
ceased are hereby notified to present them to
me, duly verified, at my residence, six miles
northwest of Dallas, in said county, within six
months from the date o f this notice.
Administrator cum tettamentum.
May 8, 18«9.
in market— in kits or barrels.
W ¿or sale at
Richmond & Whitley, Proprietors
Harness. Saddles: Bridles, Whips. Collars,
Check Lines, etc., etc.,E»f all kinds, which be is
prepared to sell at the lowest living rates.
ASP-REPAIRING A<>ne <m short notico.
Cigars, Ac., where their wants will be attended
to promptly and courteously.
Give me a call.
H. P. R A N K fN .
Cor. Main and Court Street»,
Main St, Opposite the Conrt House, Dallas.
J . H. L E W IS .
4R V M N O S LODGE No. 9 F .
Don’ t Forget the Chickamin.
Tbe Sentinel says 15,000 head of beeves, av­
eraging $20 a head, have been taken out of
Douglas, Jackson and Josephine counties this
Spring, and the demand is steadily increasing.
The Jacksonville Nttet says: Tbe prospect­
ing party in search o f the “ lost cabin” dig­
gings returned home during the week, minus
diggings, cabin« grub and whisky. Boys try
your luck nearer home; there are plenty of
good diggings this side of tbe lost cabin.
NCffiT i A. M.. Dallas holds its rerular cwn-
mnnieations on the. Saturday preceding
the Full Moon in each month, unless the moon
fulls on Saturday— then on that day, at ono
o ’clock.
Also, on the second Friday In each month
at 7 o’clock, P. M . for the purpose o f improve­
ment of the Craft in Masonry, and for such
other work as the Miwter may f.'om time to
time order.
All Brethren in good standing are invited to
attend. By order of the
W. M.
Colored—in 4000 Counties.
h e s e g r e a t m a p s , n ow ju s t com -
plcted, 64 x 62 iuches large, show every
place o f importance, all Railroads to date, and
tbe latest alterations in tbe various European
States. These maps are needed in every School
and family iu tbe laud— they occupy the space
of one Map, and by means of tho Reverscr
either side can bo thrown front, and any part
brought level to tho eye. County Rights and
large discount given to good Agents.
Apply for circulars, Terms, and send money
for and see Sample Maps first, if not sold taken
back on demand.
J. T. LLOi D,
23 Cortlaudt Street, N. Y.
Ö L iil’ UUL Salt, in quantities to suit, at