c J. S Lawrence ot Coquille is * Bandon visitor today. Local Mrs. Win. Sweet Spent with her parents at l.auipa. Monday Cal! on M A Morion at Lint s - rrrrrrrm Studio, tor graining or sign paint­ HIGH ing. 4« li It is reported that Allen R indie mall was adjudged insane by Judge Lee Nealey and family have moved Mali at Coquille- list Friday. to Bandon to reside this winter I If in need of a picture, notice the See or phone L. J R.idley lor all prices on the pictures iu show kinds ot Fire Wood. 27 it Extra good price on grass hav lor windows of C. Woodruff, the Uou&e tl the next right days. I’. W. Robi Furnisher. Capl. Robi Johnson and 'amily son at Central Warehouse. 40 13 spent Sunday al the T. P H.mly Mrs. T. T. Allen and daughter, Mrs W. L. Davidson were I’oii home at Lamps. Extra good price on grass hay for Orford visitors the latter pail ot Iasi the next eight dais. I. \V Robison week. at Central Waiehouse. 4'*“t3 You oau aave money by buyiug Vernon Smith, the little son of your olothea ptus of C. Woodrufl’ Mr. and Mrs Will Smith of Bros five dozen lor five cents li per. died Sunday morning as a result Manassa, the groi erym in, alio ' >t tuberciilai spinal meningitis The recently purchased the A. E W hiir I iittle one was a grandchild of Mrs. store, has bought a hue new delivery | Emma Smith of this city, and was wagon, just like they use 111 cities and w ill be ready to accoinnioda e about 18 months old. The bereaved hi-, customers wuh the best of sei parents have the sympathy of a large • ircle ot friends. vice. Just received at the Racket Stoic, Place your orders at once for all a large assortment of New Idea Bit kinds of grass seed, seed grains, etc. terns. Best pattern on the market. with T. W. Robison, at Central Only loc each 41-12 Warehouse. 40-tt Mrs L. Anselmo returned yes Ed Gillespie of up river had hi , terday (torn Vancouver, B. C.. and baby at Coquille a couple oi days 1 ill leave today with her children last week under the doctor's Care for that city. The child was threatened with pneu­ OOO - monia fever. THE G FLANGE BANDON TIDES ■<~.-rrrr : WA 1 t-K FreM CurrensjiUmt -Srw Thuriday. •• Oct “ 7.2U« 12 . IHJU p. 1 i ..620 ». H .7:20 p 1 riday. Oct “ 14 14 m. ...5.7 IU.___ U tJ m. .. 6.4 u>..._ 6.9 ft. li. 1 h. 1 h. 1 .9UU a m. .. 7 0 ft. 6: >J p. IU. ...7.5 ft. ' •' 1 hurtd.y. " Oct. Oct. - Friday. 12 12:15 a. p a. p. a p. 12. .12:30 IL ..1:18 U ..2:13 14 ..2J0 1 + __3:I5 The article concerning the charac­ ter of | W. Roberts, cashier oi the Miss Bressy returned tr< m Coquille l-irst National Bink of Bandon, Monday evening when- she had had w hich w as circul tterl among Bandon charge of a case as nuise, people as having been printed in th.- A nice home in Coquille, to trade Pierie, S D Weekly Free Press, for Bandon ptopeity. Owners ot !i I 'not appear Hi the Hj-ul.i issue this property have just lost thru ■ 4 that paper ot Sept. 1st, as a copy little < lnld and don’t wish to live in ■t the regular issue was forwarded Coquille. Address Fiank Burk 10 Mt. Roberts later and the article inferred to did not appear; but it holder, Coquille. 41-41.x Mrs. Dave Berkins and Jaughtei veins that it was published in a Eunice, < t Coquille, were Bai.don special edition ot the paper and sent •utsidr ot the state. visitors Sunday. A letter to Mr. Hftberts horn C. ltai't fail to note the prices on W Lake a prominent business mm diahea at C. Woodruffs the House ot Pieire, explains the situation, Funiaher , tl consequently we publish the letter in Mr. Murray of Bortland, traveling .'nil. 1 hese proofs, with the letters from salesman for a San Francisco haid- Governor Vessey ot South Dakota, ware company, was in Bandon Sun published in the RECORDER two day an Do not believe I would print any- OREGON GRANGE. tf I

-ns an account w ith this t«.mk atitl starts v*ni on the road to wealth. With a deposit of fine Dollar we will loan you a mat 'ittle bank It» put vonr savings in each d.i\ and when the hank is lull you can bring the bank to the 1 irst National Bank and have it o) annual address that the mem­ bership should lie more restricted to those engaged in agricultural pursuits. He opposed too much participation in Representative __ _ ...........R. E. L. Brdillii.n political issues. The state secretary Shrriti W. W. Gage reported 1+4 subordinate granges iu twenty-live counties: During the past Cink .. . . ...__ Janie, Watsou two years twenty-six uew grauges Sui vryor_____ _ ____ _ _ -,_______ • N. Gould were organized. The total memlarrship Tfratuiei _____ is now 8,268. C. E. Spence was elected Assessor .......................T J Thr.it state master. The salary of the state Coiouer master was fixed at $300. secretary County Judye___ ___ . . Jbhn f . Hall $+00 and lecturer $200 The plan to Co uui^nonm 1. A. .Audertja, W. F. Demri.i. bund the counties for the purpose of road construction was opposed. The use of convict labor ou highways was approved. The grange opposed uuiuu BANDON CH Y DIRECTORY with the federal trades on the ground M.yor.............. ........................................ J. \l . Matt that their taxation measures could not Recorder__________ ______ _____ I . B. Kauirud be supported One bundled and sixty- fiea»urer...I...... ___________ C. V. Lowe four candidates took the sixth degree. ■Municipal Judge..................... Geo. P. Topping Mrs. B B. Lord, formerly lecturer of New York state grauge. was one of Attorney ............... ......................... .......F. J. Feeney the speakers The treasurer reported Councilmen___ G. Boak, M. Breuer, P. C StevoMon, H. Manciet, R. W. Boyle, R. W. a balance ou baud of about $6.000 Coos County Directory. £ Sam Remarks «------ --------- - -------- ..... - -1 V I The important thing about your house b is the fact you have to live in it, so 5 why not finish the interior with good | lumber, the kind sold by the ; Windaor. POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS. Did Not Appear in Regular W anted —To trade fine resi thing here for it .vocld stir up an Issue. dence propertv in Myrtle Point tor awful im s. You hit Hi de so haul residence property in Bandon Ad dress Don, P. O. Box 498, Eugene, Oregon. 41 if 1 jt *. StM UrunQt Its Thirty-sixth Annual Session Held at Oregon City. low WAFER 1 iX eduefcJ.y, Oct. 01 A Conduced b» J. W DAItaOW. Ch. it, mb . N. T- President Taft Has Signed the and It Is Now a Law. that he in desperation was compelled to take steps to defend himself with his own customers and with 'fir post office authorit es. who ail teceiied copies ot the paper of S.-ptembei ¡st. li is re illy prettv rank, how­ ever, to know that that paper was never sent out locally. I hi-v never would have dared to ¡»nt li h si.ch a thing here. It would hive been the complete ruination ot him, lot you have io friends here to In-, one, .nul better than that. Yon van see now why you had not beard of this aiticle before. I will get vol! a piper I.t tuat date md armed with this positive infor- ' mation, yon certainly should have no Double m vindicating yourself i among your friends there; although 1 regret very much indeed the an­ noyance you have been put to. Sat ter lee is a good friend of yours and did not know that he was doing a thing that could injure you. Hyd« told him that he paper was only go­ ng to be sent to his customers. Sat terlee printed a very flaltering article about you after you left last spring, but I don’t know what paper it ap-I peared in. Have not seen Thibedeau yet, but don’t think you will need any birther vindication. Don’t forget that I worked for Hyde many years, ami Detween you two, my sym­ pathies are all with you and if it should come to a show down, there ai e some things I might have to say in the way of real information about those lots that he sold out miles in the hills at enormous prices. Sincerely yours, C. W. — ■ ■ L ake . ----- 1 want it strictly understood that there is no combine in buying sec­ ond hand goods 1 will pay the highest cash price for all second hand goods offered for sale. 40-tf VV. L. B each . —■ noo—■ Oue of the measures for which the grauge has been contending for several years is that which has been finally placed upon our statute books, the es. tablisbmeut of postal savings banks throughout the country, ibis is a source of gl'atliii-iltiou to members of the Older, mid. while credit for the en actmeut Is not solely theirs, of course they have been very earnest iu the en­ deavor lu Impress upuu the national ..‘--■Is la tors the advantages of such a bill Under the terms of the bill a board of trustees is created, who shall de­ clare what postoffices shall become postal savings banks Deposits Iu these bauks made by one person shall uot be more than $40it a mouth or ex­ ceed a total ot $500 An account may be opened with $1. blit stamps of 10 cents each will be issued for those de- siriug to uci'umillttte money to lie de­ posited. Ou deposits 2 per cent Inter­ est per annum is to tie paid. Any depositor so desiring can ex­ change his deposits for government bunds, to be Issued iu denominatiuus of $20. $+0. $60. $80. $Kio or $500. to bear Interest at 214 per cent per an­ num. The money accumulated iu the postal savings banks is to lie deposited In both national and state bauks. such banks to pay 2*< per cent interest. Five per cent of the total deposits is to be retained by the secretary of the treasury as a cash reserve. Not more than 30 per cent of ttu-se deposits may be withdrawn by the government at any oue time fur investment In bonds of the United States, the remaining 65 per cent to remain ou deposit iu the banks R ecorder tor Job Wuik. C/dtOlCC -• O regon bruci flint unii . b>ot h-Cit rii l-(.*i.ii lu leocipt ot a ;n-w stock •*! Drugs imi ' hcinicals. Patent imi Pi piic'aiy Piep.it.dr ns, loilct ,\r IH les Dicg Slli diies, Pelfuims, Pi tislies, Spongcs, Si ap, Nuis ai d i 'amlies. Ci-at.s. l'oliaci os ami C ig— ut t'es, Baillis. Olls, lilas-, and Paintei's Supplies. For constitutional amendment giving to cities and towns exclusive power to license, regulate, control, suppress, or prohibit the sale of intox­ icating liquors within the municipality. 328 X Yes I ENDORSED BY 40,000 OREGON CITIZENS li you wish a bottle cold-— Call at the Eagle, II you lovejlhe good« ihal i old-- ( all al the Eagle. Greater Oregon Home Kuie .-x .... ciation, 618 l'.lei n ie Building. Portland, - Iregon. 'T aint no use to ut and blink if you leally need a drink, Just make a sign or ling a bell, And you lx-1 they'll treat you right Down at the Eagle (Paid advertisement.) ------------------------------- — - School Books « Alvin Munck, Prop BtNIiON. OREGON and $ ----------------------------- MY CLOTHES ARE AT THE BANDON STEAM LAUNDRY Notes Here and There Where Yours Ought to be A. R DERINGER Prop. Harness Shop j ! | [ School Supplies t We carry a complete stock of of School Books and the most complete line of Tablets and Supplies BANDON Juvenile Granges. | for the winners. Settle It Now Settle It Right ) . HANh-iN State Master Hull of Michigan will speak at the Ohio state fair. Sept. 7 Washington state Patrons have rais­ ed $500 as: a fund to aid iu pushing the parcels post scheme. Wyoming County (N. Y.i Agricultural society has offered prizes of $15 aud $10 for best registered attendance at the coming fair C. 11. McCormick of Gallia county. O . has been uamed for the legislature. He is a granger and farmers' institute lecturer The uew law abolishing the office of school commissioner aud substituting ■ superintendents over small districts for New York state was the work of ] the grange and the department of edu : cation Juvenile grauges are to bp com- mended from every point of view, says the New York Farmer Such granges will give tile farm boys and girls much of the sociul charm that is said to lie ' lacking in country life. Grange work will familiarize the youngsters with Public Spcal-inj Explained. parliamentary practice, develop what The .lapiinese visitor to the rnii£lit COI'RTF.OUS TREATMENT Anyone «ending a ekelrh and deacrlptlnn may (fiilckly aarertMin our Of»iui<>n free windhor rn »•ivHiitton ia prolmlily parentnl’h* <’omn»unIra- ttoGis atrlcUy <*<>iit) 4 ■ I, : four tn >ntits, IL Boldti/uli jewHfi. m I. u illNN&Co. ’6,Bfo‘ Washington, d*” New L>. You ’fr-iuch ortlce ti% !•’ ( GROSS BROS. BANDON OREGON FOR RENT 4 ronnib, completely md well furui-'lied. Rent $16. Caff at Bandon Warehouse Co- for par­ | ticulars. 35“11 Br.ng your Job Woi*R To T hf . R ecorder