Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, October 03, 1890, Image 1

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si frr ffl i
'5 .J?
Volume VI I.
rd tanker Z
sen in a?; .-Ji a
' mr
it mikiit n.wi: iti;i:x.
Sh "To Rent" in another column.
i r i : t
.vvw.umMumors ot ram Ml this wivk. What might have been? Hast thou then
I-red Sc.ietter. of Kniniro Citv was in imm thrown uwav
. . . 4 - " !
this Week. The I'em (ixtterieiipo. thai numitiir
That taught thee truisms from day to day?
' I
C()i;. AND !AIKV,
f!. S Kenner, of Smith Iiiver, was in town
this week.
Mrs. Elbert Dyer, is visiting friends nt
Marslitield this week.
The- mail service has been increased be
tween EcHley and Myrtle l'oint.
Dr. Nickerson. dentist, spent several days
in town, pi vim: his trade, last week.
Hons At Uandon, Oct. 1, lSlM. to tho
wife of Capt. Charles Stmd, a daughter.
Mrs. Ed Syphers and Miss Ktta Itussell,
of Floras creek, were in town this week.
Ah well, 'tis so with man: a constant wur
Of mind against the inevitable.
Bright YisiunB of tho future, thou tho
Will change a retrospect unprofitable,
Iindiug with that sad sigh, it might have
Man is (he child of circumstances; prone
To indulge in phantasies of brain.
Anon his castles in the nivdiuve flown.
And left him nothing but a conscious
1! I :.. 1......V .. . "i: ...:o -i.--.i
Shorill Moore, of Curry county, passed 1 ' . , 1 ; . "
back Thursday, from a visit to Portland. ! K awaPlH,iuimeiit keen;
. I His darling project launched, behold it
Mr. John McKenna spent a few days m sinks
this vicinity returning to the Hay TUursdiy.( No Simux. ,tfft but timt'it might have
J. M. Upton. Esq.. leaves in the morning been.
fur Currv, and will not return until tho l."th . .
. , I he wearv wanderer thro this world of woe.
, Hereft of all that makes existence dear.
Z. Hanes. of Gold Hene-h. Curry cmu.iv. Xo lovin hen . to olu.rish lJlH,lllwI lo RO
passed through town this week on his return Al.,Ml., A, R m;lki.s Hftf.s :uriev drrar.
from Portland. j.t still the lrw tjK. cwm, .jUtive mind, j
The tides have bwn very high for the From out the desert will pinuk something ',
past few day. especially on Sunday, green: i
Monday, and Wednesday. j I .set with thorns, mnyhnp a turner 'twill j
Mrs. Alice Grimes, of Mnrshtfuld. passed ' tiinl. ,
through town this wtnik frum a visit t. And pay no heed to that which miht
friHttil in mirthi-m Currv. ) hVc been. i
Mr. Ash nioore, of EHensburs, Currv
oouuey, jiss'd through town, this week, on
ln vvmv t. lll.ill'lfllill
! Miss Flora Gix'on. of Empire Citv, visited
The W. 0. T. C meets at the school- tru.luls ,BSt ' ,
Uou JNiturday. Oct. 4th. at p. m. A cor- j Ul. nnd lai!liK whu ,J(lVt bton
dial invitation is estendeil to all. Mis. thria the put few unys. re- '
Z. T. Siclin: Sheriff, paid his reMects t. turned to her home at Myrtie Point last;
JLindoti, bund.iy: he was lo-.k:n aiter jury Moiut.iy
men lor the coming Circuit Coitrt.
Mr. DaridMin. of Four-mile, in comini: up lio-'elmr hist TlmrMda, wheie they had
the beach Sundav. not coti"ht in the surf, been on laud luinesi.
1)A 1KVVIL1.I-: ITK.Usi.
C. L. and T. 0. Lanylois tetunnd from j
It swum his team for a short distance.
The duirmen of this .action are :iinlu i: a
huiue market for m..-: f their butler. J.-v
oral of them arc shippmt! to Cks bay.
Mr. Glen Cs and wile, ami tlanses (x
pnacexi through town fniM a visit
to thair mother and trieiuls in Cum coimiy.
liie iiifih tidej the Inst few days have'
Imu J .;e to raie alwHU hr-e teet. i
.M. -.r-. t'hen.owih ure b.i-uy eiiijafd in ;
'mXiOiii ::u li-.cas creet. l iaise. i
l he b.t.l. iiiwa at this t!.tce last .Sjiturday '
infill. .s a ..iicee-.- in every pariiettUr; i
auiH-iu cUiiueucu at n-viis, m the i
cttiuiu: ii..-ud until li'.e m liie .
Dr. lloldcn, dentist, who ha ! -fated nt lnor.-.m. -sfs uui-..ait am: ri.-.Ua fur-I
(Kpjiile City, came to iiituJ.'i: yv.:eKta ni.-Uit A nr; o.- :ui:ic. The .tipper at. the1
on a iiruie.-vMonal visit bv r-;Kc:at tuque!. h-Ul wm nit Wtat ciMiki be a?ked tor. "ox-1
Mrs. W. L. Dixon and children who have cept ee tr I iw-akla.-i. Hi.. DocI"
been to the coast for scural week. left. Mi-su-tia aiui W. 1). ShiHUiniker
Monday morning, for their home at Mynl.- reiKria-d lioia liosebnr-, Tuwsday tveiiin.
Point. " I lUti0" ljrtl1 UuwX1 tu Kts ;j)pf on tlieir
r ii.-ro,r Urt," ai.Uto:t: sotwi quod,
substantial board fence arm:nl the ir.mi he
lied cl oared this auninier. otirmu in-i
few days.
Dr. L. II. L'tw.-ence and iMiuiiv. of Coqciiie
City, have ooiicluihxi to l. ate st Cfc?!-. :it
Oity, Cul.. and pa.-sed thnu,h iUini-Hi liu
week, vuroutu fr that jtljiee.
Mr. Waiter Shoeimtker and Miss Stella
Smith iwssed ti;nunh town, this week, on 1
thuir wiv from Hteiiir. vheic tie
have been on land bii-i.-e.-. ! Wt? ar' much jlt'n..Ml to bo able to' If Hritains d:.u!iter thus can rule
i. r.. l. ,1... ;,.r t!,..i ii..l ' Aim ieao ims wuie woihi s van.
rum ii "i iiiuii.".ii im iuui iiiiuiuii uii i iiv iuu
1'iiere H.t.-. quite a lartje delegation fr-'m
Port .rioi.i attemied the di.nce here, batur
nilit. l he iawt v joke of the sea.-oii is, that Mr.
titiHV iiHi'nt know hi.- huise from Mr.
Kosit'd, Irtii found out the tltiference before
la arnvetl t Woudville.
. .3. .
Til K Ni:V (H'KVS sfKAMlMt.
Should women wear the breeches,
Faith 1 never will object
If ('resit ion's Lords can't till lhem,
They then must them eject
And put them on their dainty lens,
Also, tho bools smd spurs,
And instead of beiu willed Madnm,
We then must call them Sirs,
ci tonus.
Then here's to the women, God bless thenit
The idols, the charniisrs we prize: ?
We'll cherish, obey and caress them
And their bunt ins: will raise to
We'll send them to the capitol,
To frame us better laws
And drive from Halls of Congress.
That Hock of noisy daws.
We'll make thorn, too, embassadors,
In-plce-of blnndarinfi fxila,
The sycophants at foreign courts,
Their panderers'sind their tools,
We. too, will make them judges,
To judge "twixt man and man,
Ami, render well a verdict,
itegstrdless of a clan.
To punish the wrong-doer,
And neer take a bribe
To screen a guilty person
Of auy sect or tribe.
We'll sdso make them Lawyers,
The law to well expound.
And show in Courts of Justice,
Far lifter sense. I'm bound,
Than a host of pettK ggers.
Mrim full of dire abuse.
Who spurn not Ijiw. but nonsense,
And scjuirt tobacco juice.
And on the roll of Doctors,
In place of ignorant quacks
Who vend their poisons daily,
All o'er the Suites in packs,
Though very few can write t hc-ir name.
Their pickets always Hush
With pamphlets, pills, ami nortrnms
'Tv.ouhi make n Calen blush.
Tho' last not least as preachers,
Vice homos in the eh.ireh.
Who dearly low the Vellow Legs
And thin the farmer's perch.
With such angels then to lead us.
Our roosters will not stray.
And our pullets will lie pullets still,
Ayd ne'yr so apt to lay.
7 ClloSIUS.
Old Adam called you woman,
He! ore he had leeu cursed,
Hut now the sous of Adam.
Have quite til" thing reversed:
They've slp-d for you the breeches.
Likewise, the whip and spurs.
And hid behind yonr jwtticoats.
And changed Madame to Sirs,
en nuts.
A woman rules with matrhlos skill
The greatest power on earth:
Her sway extend from zone to zone.
"Tis fie dom's place of birth.
H J . In r b gl n iliat the iwrtm t-ltp I
; ' - -0i". "1 J-''oras crfK . emli l.y the fiuiiwiil l,i!ri.m, JI..l'l H. ) I-wAomL' m k l r
. broeMp slock 0fcora.lBt slm-U,,m.m!l, hs , ,al tal. iS-SSTS?
(lay, grown from f-oinl of the white lutely a revelation. After visiting tlu Held Jirm ar- MvalI' to J. A J.R h-; i
(lent varielv. that lliettsured 12 foot in 1tsou. taking testimony impartinllv P Y mU MU:s-k r
. ... r 01 .,:.i-. ,.;.:....ii.. " , finu. ;.nd C t'iru h tnsiu s
im lenth. cnotnii.i.wr hvn Tinrl ijillv 1 t'"'11 sules, critically reviewing tin? puor-
i , " -. " I iiious number of 1(H)) diilerent authorities.
uui 11, iuoaw and searching many of the secret iircbiwn
plnittOil the latter part of Msi)'. Now of the Mormon Church. Mr. Uancroft now
We do not wish to pose as a corn pro- (gives to the world this wonderful and ro-
ducino; country, for corn does not rip-1 iimrkulile work, the only truu hLnory of
on ...... ii :. n " i- 1 ! Morinonisiii published.
on well m this climate, as it requires , ....
the sl:i&. 1 ! mnch 1?ult,'r Weather, than WO either ,,orfn, adventures of trappers and tiavelbrs.
; possess or ieH re. to bring it to ma-; tho bloody Indian wars, the thrilling ne
p tlirity; but it shows the wonderful J founts of msissacres and miraculous ecapi
KanuV-n, vJntn. ! i
i. A. LA
W. V. I.
productiveness of our fertile valleys,
and brings corroborative evidence of
the value of planting a few acres of
j corn yearly to" be cut o'ff and fed to
! tho dairy cows when the feed begins
the famous Dauite Association or Destroy
ing Angels, the story of I Ingham Young
all this fresh from the pen of the brilliant
and gifted author forms si narrative of ex- No. -W-Ul. br tf
KOTf 'K Vim H'?:i :
T .y.D OFFK'K AT 't ,
1j .n. A1J4U f lUt. 1M .
by ui ii thi t tb' r tl- 1 1
h t'.l-i eotie--14 bis n;i fo 1
!!! pt'Ht 111 u!tlrr of 1 1-
":! pn-f wilt be lend l,e! '
teiL. ot th (Naintv (onri. :
tv. gon. nt tiold Tttrrt .1' ;
lill.LSDAV. tXriilHK'
viz: Hal:ti St'.jifm-rs.
f S
citing interest, ns fascinating as si norcl yet w . l fT'.-
? o , ,4 . S. t 14 W. W. M. kite pr)s i
true to tho letter. Abovo all m guriMHKiiig , ...... .... rt! ...
It. r
tl . t
I- 1
i? :
l ! ,
1 . . a ; . i 1 . . . t t ? . fit.
I to fail in tho latter part of the dairv ! ""l ' ?l - s - " P' .""' ;
.... 1 . " 1 inon ()ii'stiou and the mvst Ties ot Polvtra-;,ts. t ImriVn r . -1j .m'Js. tU
at'ison. W o know ti number of Usury- ..... whi,.,, ...,n r..!(ll 1-i.. :..,..., (sallMr. John u Stois. of Iji unions ,ur
. t.o.iV.i. 1 ' i i- . .r !, . . . . . " .." y County, rr;,'ott.- .,
I " "ou uao, l pi act ico 01 iy an classes ot p;spie throiiguotit tho iin-, jVWXH
Ireparmg such feed for tlieir milch ! lisl speaking words. The work is pub-
rmvs vi.:ie nn.n. vnnv .,..,) ..c n.v iUet in ono large hamlsoiiie vmunu
thrifty, well to-do dairymen, it must
over SO) pHges. bound in rod and gold, and
grandly illustrated Willi steel-plate x,rtraits
I l?e!t source of profit or they would , of thv 'Rrmt Monmni leaders, exouite lialf
(ibaudoit tie process.
; j,'entlem:in, who feeds - his cows from i t is ivi"'1' u' "iu ",al .'blishiiHi lu
' ,. i 1 r ir ,1 4 1 of the Pacific C 'list. The Hi.siorv Contp
, aliehl of corn raised for tlisit liurposc. ,t. ,, . . , . ; 1
heard a . tone eiigiaving and dazon'' colorwl plates.
. iirs.ift IrroitM.ii 9111.I i'iiii ntlv 1.A wn r.-. I
nakethe remark, recently, that he through their ' am horid agems. We call
1t.1l not use coloring lor ins butter a attention to tho advert iseiueut in anot!..r
column, under the heading of 2T.0U Uo-Xvii!
'hi lioliloc iniM'ii'U'nir f liu iniiMiti( ..V'Wiird
jthe product, it supplies other ele 7
j ments necos:iry. even to the nsttural
j 5'i'ocess of coloring the butter.
tt '
. to
J- li..
I ...
A .1 1 1 1 N 1 c ; 1 1 T s 1 : l i K X . V I ) K.
t S LI-'. J 'our lots in S'nth HaiMbm:
ar the ('. P. I'otter mkliiittn: g'Hl
location: heap for cash, k'nq'im at ttti
otiice o- address. T. J. 'thrift. Lttngloiu, Cr
ry Co.. ( iegon.
St ri t':um it u lit v; !
u. m. if m v. o. p. in- -:
7 AMM. k K AT lUiOihi
.1j 'n. .u: i It, i-'.t). Ki
v;-"f. 1 tl it '!: heijs -Jt the Uil'n
m ' I t-r has lit.ii iiotic' ot fei .
.1. :: 1:.; pr. '-: m -unrt .
a 1.0 il ' us pr,.f vii; l i u uxv .
-1 . or ( jerk of th C tant . crf ft. ,
tuuty. Crou. nt Kii.o.r t it. U j,on. .o
r i;siy. t ( hu i.k 10. nyo.
K. M. Uitcluw iui Mrs. U. F. His-
mboil.o.n. iu-rs at imw n1 II. i. Wluielitw
mee.eM-u. j'te-t ; pili U tt. I. o. .. u IMS
.;.. of Wt ; I'l.d of JiJ.1.;. bt-c- .
and lot- i:t'.t St..V lp. : ft 15 Wt.
lie uniri s t.e fo.i. v tun tii!uts to pne
hi-contii.ut.iis rtsliieiM-o u-oii nod cnitivn
Uoii of. saiti laiui. vui; jiaiathu. tetitk. F.
M. Jiick.Mjiii. i. A. lxuuSt. of ! ..;ki-n)4ie.
. tH oia:;. ?rfsu. il. v. jlterm, ui tfi-
I A correspondent of ours writes
say. that toward tho close of 1
j week, and about midnight, lie heard
AGCr.N IUli SALh. .a good farm dun. CimwIj OriMi.
I wagon: a bo. a set ot heavy, if . SHnPB.
to barness for sale at reiioiinble pru-es. .n- He-fcter.
1.:.. ..ill .. i. 1 i ..
I 11 1 . 1 ii 1 r 1 l'Me ill nil.- oillL'l- 01 01 .12.1.-1. J.IIIIIU1 'J. im-
s.ij, that toward tho close of htst ,-, Uandon. Ureyon.
( )T!CK. Having order, d a six ntomu's
1 .1 - 1 1 i
aoou: OUIS1 Il HI DeOlOOIIl f .itl.f,,r.J,M.l.. ... ,
! window, and pt'0t)i:i" out from be ' obliged to have nlffney to pav i.r the same
. . . . . 0 . 1 and iiint ak aii who sire tndebud to us. lor
( Hint, tlie en it. -fills, roogm.ed two of f.u d:s or mure, toplwtae make payment mi
onr most mtolHo-oTii mi.! nu-di.tuiy.
, - " - " ..V l.UMI..1
i bitchelor Ustudonians. .Scanvlv had
he done so when thev began to sinir.
;The l)urdi-n of their song was. the
! lustrous eyes, tho pouting lips, the
j glowing charms, the sh-ndor waist
I and the graceful tigure of gentle
Ko.-si, and her fair sister Clara. The
Jiel estate keeps moving. The
George tnsgSy. adjoining the Thrush otnim
wns s-:4d last week, to Mr. Adam Perch
baker consideration. $NJ.
talked of and much needed ocean
Why not Columbia's fair ones too.
A Ouch American.
, steamer to ply betAveen this port smd 1 cnoitus.
' San I'Vaticico is practically as-.uivtl. i if Hv ono hath fault to find.
With ought I h'-re have said.
fact is. our gay gallants mistook the
; room occupied by those ladies, who
I with other friends were on a visit
)'.iih some old acquaintances, who!v'mj
lives but a short way from town, for AN EXT!aoiSI!XAKY UAKIM1X.
the one occupied by as big and lieavy
, a specimen of the fjruits homo as is
j to be found in the entire Count v. smd.
1 whose grsieeftil tigure'' may be osli
J mated by the fact that his "slender
j' is more in circumference thsin
Y AXD OT'KHTl' AT l: Jr-l.t-lTT.. fIT
'n i;.h. i".M ! i n-r -bvgirent!
file .I'-v. :i j, . Mttr
has tiled not it of . ,tr ..f ..j. .mi-k ttv.-t
pr"i in -U!-!!.'! ut .'.! :. :.u shut au ;
pr-oS" v. lil ! u:iOt 1 t e '.Ie .!
'' .k oi tL Comity C. t.t -r ' .tr C,uuty,
Or. .n. t.t K1U !il;..r o. ij
TiiCust4. ut ti.kW'. !i.
.U- rt e iio.v.e!i. liaung left my lieu am: viz: Charie K. Li:gltm, Ib.e-u ; d Ehttv
board. 1 will not be resjK.ns.b'e for an .No. ;t;t !. f. r the ot . . . f of M-lk
debts she may vomract from 1 In ditto. . s.,.. :y. S , ..1 NV'4. of srt. i, a,
Ui.nd.m. bepv-nber lv. Jnj. ! of K 11 West, h nnt ilu.w it-
. . ,1. ii. 1HJ o t!.l.l.. ; u'-myo to pfw- h'm n . .j - .. -
- - . - , oia jmuVitivii t ot. t t ' j
"17 OH KENT; A good opening Ibr a busj : Siifwsfe; (mvaUctbet .::.. A. J-iiiois,
X ness mail. A ston ron fmrTf-nt. ud --'trnKi-Ji i-ia.. -. ju:ji
"() l lCi!. Noiiee is hereby given to
i whom it iimiv concern, tint mv wife. 1
living rooms attaclnd At Duirynlk hnl;" hOtim.
way b.-twecii ORiulon and tori Orfoid.
Fine settled Countrv. Cheap r-ut. Lit- nn'
. quire at tins o.hce or of 1'. .V !-!! at Da:iy
tit- itt- r
A farm of '1U acrs on the C-wjuille rivrr.
." miles from HattUon: to now of brttom. ;to
si. -re" .m d: Ji acres n:irsli. 2l acres dvkd
and in bay nu-.tdow: g ; d orchard, ien m.
ud .Hitbtnldiiii;.-: U Lv'Smi oi coil,
h.o e. wagon, and farming ii.'pK ments.
P-iee. only .j ..: fUtUHii cash. b:i inv on
t :n.e. 1 hi . oii.-r is tqt u for weeks only.
Addr.-s.. me at once. J. M. t. iTtN.
augl 1. l';i;i.!on, i Jf giHi.
2' F' K I t .:MdS-.
VMM!!i !C; Kf'SKr-.liO. t
..v. n t?;.e l.-lii-v. .oj. ,."-
oled Uotie. -of tin int. :,t :
pi -l in -..,;.,, t (4 ,t ,
pr - f .. :.l i :. 1 . :
k. . . 1 1 It.. 1,..... jF f.irrv
1 i, . i 1. .I ... i it Tn. -Uandon s ship yard, whicn, since its 1
count v. biotigbt up a Iohu ot wool la.-t 1 nt . ,- .
dny smd took st four horse load of lnmber 0.-,tnbil-hme:!t, hsis ljeeu almost btead- '
from ttosn's mill home with them. ily occupied, will within three Weeks
AIabhiki. At the residence of Mrs. Kok- pre-cnt again a scene of activity, am! :
bell Von Leuvitn. Septe.uber l.V.R). by K. tj, j)n,M of j7Mnstrv W,J ol;.,l(l,in
AV. lhrilard. J. P., Mr. AIIhti Fnrri-. to .Miss '. . .
,, r ,, r,. e;tr of the progressive citizen. CsiijL
Alice Ton Leuvan. all of Coos county. Ore- .... , , . . , , ,
n Jtarkin. who litis Mosigued and iirolm-
Mr.EdwaivlSyphers. ho receive! a se-!,),y v'-i 11 t'ouirol t!ie tte.v eraft, was
voro cut in his right hand, some time since, here tin's week and eliW-ted arrsmge-
Ju?-t let film watch those hosts of men,
ly foolish isms led.
And see coi nipt ion fsir and near,
A-stuJking through our laud:
Then ho will say. a woman sure,
Ought try h-r little hand.
Then hen 's to the women, etc.
The Park. Sept. 17, 1KKI
;his shoulders, even broad sis they are.,
j Meeting with no response from the;
! burly individual within Ue says he ! J' VXf'K Foit sJ.t'.
' had enough to do to prevent him-' :f!0 acrt? "f ,l,ld ?or mi"; ft A
( 0 , ' miles sointi and J miles eat of Kaisdoti.
Self from exjilodillg with laughter. Sit l'acr. rich hot tv. laud, and the n.-.feie
i. 1 ! 1 11 11 1 i- 1 bill b:mi. urns have l en tborodubiv
! the terrible sell -they dcmateriah.ed. .,..ltfh.ll aml ,,M,.L uu hwJbrvn
b'osa iltld Clara did hesir the here- 'ded t tame grns. An orclrard of vn
I , r 1 11 ' 1 1 ii. "s var'etis of till friit. IteariBxr. Weil
jliade. lllfact. tllv wuole household w. t. nd and :.. swamp iaml. Son aT.-.iia
I diil. "Well, if thev wanted to pro- b! r- vernmeii: land eW hv. A No. t to.rk
I . , , , ' ramh. W.I! sell nil or half of the place,
j pose, ' said they, "why did nt they hn.j.iire 1(f,
; come n;id do so at middiiy instead of , ,r",,,:5- . J' A' or. !
j midnight, and let us take a good'
-,.; r.:"
t l.-l'
' I:
' ,..,......!..:.. ..1 f 4 1 I...r
Weather report at Ilamlon. for the month " uiiV "o.uie
near liurhani's mill, is reoiering rapidly, ments for the construction with our j
He is up and around and has the run of th.- fa!noiis ler. siot. Hans Reed. ' ..f Seot 1.-.M). Teiiit.eiature-i..oiitblv we'd engage ourselves for life.
tmvn- Csit.tnin Reed bns the mmlo! cum- ! ''' v-ls- Imw verag. :W max. 72: miu ' til
Mr. Robert 11. Armstrong of Four-mile. '1 j, j 1 , -n ... . i ' l: mean max. .V.!!: mean niin. oO.ii; greatest
1st wdh 1 1 ' d'i
IXL'TTOU'S NOTICE. Nifr is Im n-
1 j Iv a
M. . et
lit is. oc : ". i
h' eo i no .- .
t n of . -s d 1
fCl'ipil Uit:l;!
i 1. 1 .! 1 . .
,i U :t. .. k. 1 ..
an Si.
X' iiiC.. '
ttt'H. nib! . -ei:
1 hnt r.e
:ioiit . ; h.-.
t . .
1 ..
I : .
who has boon suffering for a ynr pa
u lame leg. took passage on the Schr. Co- v'k on t tie patterns and when theso s,j,v
quelle. Wedii..-,d..y, to receive treiitinent are ready, will put Si small Clew at ! average I. P.I: snowfall d; rain days 0; frost
ily ramie 'St: lesist daily range 1: mean
rang- s.l: inches, rainfall 0: below
in San Francisco.
: the frames, etc. The nesir approat
Father Buetgen held services in the Cath-, of the rsiinv sestson will necessitsite a
olic church last Sunday. He was accompa-1 J,,.,. CuVering .and will probably de
nied on his visit to this place be Mr. Miller. , , .... 1 ,
. . f f..t-tar uliii mini.. tMTo flue wa.iimi 01 '
search of a farm. j extent the purpose being to launch
Carl Kelson and A. . Sabit, are building h(r ;i,,OIit tho lirrf, of -M;i.v Iu'xt
n small sawmill on a small creek a half mile ! lUe steamer Will be loO f
north of Dairyville. It will lie run by wat-r length. .1.1 feet beam, and 111
) ' dsiys U: clear days, !.": cuy days l."i.
V. O. Signal Service L'. S.
ley were rignt.
fll b. O .'ll'. '
lh- I '"!' t
at bt! I.- a.i, . .
OA I KWI 1.1.1: ItA 1. 1..
.0. t
v gneii i t. the ti:ukrL:n. .1. 3-
bv an order of the Cotitev Jnde of Co
('unity. ircgon. on .the .'d tiny of Aprfl.
1 "'.' i. apiminn d sole ei' Ciiiorof ih,' last will
a. id ti siami nt of Iohu itri.-n. dtce; .-d. t;.it
of Cikk f'oiiiity. Oregon. All persni.s h iviag
j claims against s:io est ate re M-tvltr re-
The dsince, at Dairvville. last. .Sat- i"--',d to pre-em ihm to m-. jr4rlv
. . , , , , . , ili.-il .i b law iciuiied. -it m store at Ifan-
uidsiy nignt was siooui as pleasant sin d ij.h. in C,k.s c-nmiy. oum. withai m.v j
affair as anv we have ever visited. ' ,,';,,l,V'l,V.,,, .,,,- , . S,"," 1
Ilat. d the dav ot Auenst. Jsttf). lv 1 u.
Dancing commenced earlv smd was' Af'A.M IM.nsint iKKU. I '
lest 11 in- nt of
" ti-
1 tr s
tt,.! .1,
vi: a
:-n t i i-T
W-it. V,. 1
111 -i"H u ;
u .imi e
A gentleman who was present at the pa-! vigorously liistintstined until midnight ; u,h nn,.. ii.H-eased
n v
s,. .1
IN i!
launch ' nu,(" "f (:""l,,nny K' ' N' G" "lul who iH w'lln a' rejistiied to Cirsip Nelson's: f j Ku'il ,i ' ' v 1st It
j conversant villi military parading and dril- j b,ot,.l and partook of St delicious sup- ' K. Campls-H is now it.el fer A 1 ' ;if.,';.'
' ! lim: says he was agreeably surprised at the ; f which th(v ntunK.(1 ,() jht. the Coos lay marble works of Marshal ' U MO rr .fc
11 1,1 , exeellent time kept and the precision mid i ' . He ha a full line ot photographic dt-Higli-i ... MtKn. 5 :s.Kk .V i.t
1) feet 1 exactitude with which the various inaneu- ual1 to continue the (lance. J lie f Monuments and IItnlitonfH. ami i!l ui tu .t tue t.-'Ue.-m.-wai.. .1
s :
1 :
t: i ..
1 V.
powoi. and is exjx'cted to turn out l.-iey feet ' d(pth of hold. This, it is estimated, v,,,s of ,,u' ,,,i,,1,u'1 aml 1'1'doon gun drillf ' crowd was not an excessive one, but take orders for nnvthing in this line. Par- fijtU,: Vh'I rt'Vb-'' c' r' '
of lumber per bay. wijj jvo ;j (.alTyiii' cai)acit v I miirci" l"1'- vU'" u','l,, xfHetl. and that largo enough to till the llSlll COIilfor- J ties who want marble work, by giving thdr JU'f xn Ziri-
At their monthly meetmg last Sunday. ' of m U)l , " ' " , they retlect great credit, not only on the in- tnjj aU( Um jm)(.oe(ls inoru tiau ; orders to Mr. Campbell, can svHuv the work V-U ik ii.e .nt ly !
Cotuptuiv K expresseil tlieir jippreciat ion of ' ' 1 telligeiico of the rani: ami tile, particularly , . ... . at the same price thev wonl pav for it at Oiegn. 10 1 ;l ittHic-.. 1 , ..
the liberal offer of the MvrMe Point bra,s I lie 1' tlltoii IlOtl Works will furnish 1 w,K.n w. iJl!ir in mmA ,!,, ,u.v have onlv i CV,,ml 1,10 P"11 of "s',t!- 0l-. the works in Marshm'fd. (l u.k , , V ' 1 "1 ,A 4" ' l'-i-.
... ... l.l .11 1 . r VI. 1 I ' .... - - w - viJMJil. 1 - I '!'I. 2 t.t M
1 eiioiiL iiiusio was 1111 uisiieii 111
band, to furnish music at the reception of , liie nuicniuery. Which is of latest do- one dav's drill in t he mouth but. also, on
Major Lovel, by a vote of thanks. ! sign and great power, the com;mv 1 ,,lu m!m,'sl ''im :im' attention bestowed Charles Zumwsilt and A. li. .Sabin.
Some verv good cml. for burning pur-' guaranteeino- 1'J knot- She will cir- ,,y r,l,,t' lil,,,,u'"r,,,h,,r tll oll,'r of-, One peculiar feature of the entertsiin
poses, has been delivered at this plaee re- ry t.(J,inJlVsed ,.i.m,iui 1-v-1vO,j ,vjlh .' 'lVhl is,rm,,ioM ,li",so w!"so f mellt WSIS the executing of tho grand
1.. I. fr.iT lfiv..r...., ,,.-.11 . . . " ' . ueienuy in me execinion 01 uie various ue-
V. 1 1 ' It V4 V B r Ollllll
nnd is comparatively free from
tcud lirei claH and acrtudinjjlto d-sij tis.
C V. l'TKK?v LX.
Prop. Coos 1'i.y Marble V. ..rks.
.1. M. I ITO.V,
cinder, lhe 20 '1Uch Itn,ko aiul l,l'rato 'l"Ml j tails rAp.ired of them, would almost entitle ' I,Mircu ,H,J,l'uU botir of uaybgllt htlll- j qtaKV iVl.LiC. I!E U. ESTATE .M!T
deutly two 7.1 foot propellers. Psis- 1 them to with the veteran batallions siy morning. We expecteil th'j
senger accommodation will be first. u,t n,,i'er,'', oiiiiam, or tuose of her . tismce to close sit llio linisli ol the
most gracious nmjesty. (.luccn ictona. mjirch. but not so. the dancers seemed
A rrl veil.
Sohr. S. I.iaiiiul.seti, Olsen.M days
Oct. 1. Schr. Coipielle, Schroeder, San
ashes leing very much like wood ashes.
Comnauv K voted aid to nrivatu H
Welch, to help pay his expenses while he elass for oO in the cabin and 10 in the
wag laid up with a broken arm. It was an s tea rage.
act not only in keeping with governmental j t is the .Wire of the orrb-'insttors
inintarv niiairs, mu. 01 trne numauuy. ..1 l, t K.,if f.r n . , . , !
tlisit at least naif of th,. stock b tstken Oct. 1
ti i r . ..1. 1 Ti.-Sf. f-
jo nuL .oiei i.M.i oo.iii.o,. i ....... lo rivor frmn Siioi I'i-miiimj.-.. ti J A l.v.m
Langlois. but go and settle with them be-, 1 Sailed.
f.. l.nv are ol.lioed to asked von t(. tills trside bi assured, but ban 1 rnil- Oct. l.-Schr. Coouelle. Schroede
Don't say my account is so small they can ' ci-SCO capital will build her, should Our
wait awhile longer. If they should say the ! people decline to invest in the enter
fiame, how would their goods be paid for. prise. The estimated cost of tho ves-
Fire got into the timber, last week, near fiol js .f-iO.OOO.
where 'Mr. Chenoweth and son had ben get- - ...
ting out timber for the Flonis creek bridge, 1 The Oregon State Secular will meet in
mid made them rustle for a couple of days Second Annual Conference at Portland, on
to snv their work. Uy using all tho tenuis ' tho 11.12 and loth inst. A large amy of
they could get in the neighborhood, they I Nation s'le.-ikurs will hu in attendance smd a
managed to do so. j notsiblc gsithermg is expected.
Camion, Oregon.
rapid succession until the artificial
lights wore dimmed by the fsist ap
proaching rays of the rising sun,
when the last set wsis formed smd ox-
The Schr. Del Norte has been barbound ecuted with moro vim than any of
for several days and the ir.urt.ka is ready tor .
us preuecessors.
to gather new life as the hours sped
1 lands for sale.
bv and sot after set tilled the lloor in '
Agent for all the town sites. UwiU'roper
ty ot all Kinds and at all prices in baud.
4'."" f.r!.; f Si' , S.
m , 1 1'. . :! s: ; i
l- iif.i.e-s ' t -.!.' U v' 1 " t
Jn Oil : ... ' . l.'li. . . I ;
Im-.i ' t.
. ' . '
v '
ot I I 1 ...
t 1
A i
Port Orford propel ty a sjiecialty.
Interests of uou-resiitents wutNitly
tended to.
In gott ing out of the Ocean House hack, , '"po KENT. V
w. a. i.ust:.
I lit. t VIiiN.
J lt U ASHiHoV.
lni' 1 1 v. .t t ft t ho. om:
: Ail."ist tV. N..e .s ibj j..-.
.::i:HttL I. .'uvii: !... oi T,t !.!..- j'. I
n i.rciif ' ii !! id !?'-
li: -t;;'!! t ! ' ? ::.. tt'.u. s? r ef
ill le n U for .th '?! or tb?-iu of
the I'ourtv t' ur. of Ct.ny Conftty, OneRun,
et i-.U ti lua.!. K'oi:. u
.1. m. s;uij.v. ! m: Jt n ! 1 ' ' :
oiTtei: in wi.usi un's iuhck hutk.
rttl. .'StW ! 1
'",. ot
' lb- nan;.
Ilfs . . 1;
li' U of
TO KENT. farm, situated 7 miles
yesterday morning. Miss Keim Averill's - aouth of Hsiudon, containing :HK1 acres;
clothes wiught on the hack, throwinc her to .' (:'m'8' stovt :l,u f "nut n- 011 the place;.
.1 , . . . two acres to he cleared eacii vesir tor rent; . . , . v .....1 il-un.iL't'ii tll..r.
the ground: one arm was dislocated ami im.n..lw of stol.k 1M.S to renter: man with. 'AU- L,N; UhU f vkKW- .f
other slight injuries received. The arm was family preferred. j AG it. AND (JOLLKCTTIUK MfVU'i.. j, r. t
immediately put in place and no .serious re-! ' J. McKLXXA. t
suiis uiu iuiucoiaiuu. , jiiuov. ureyon. : ma ifKff Kif.i. iifrr..i.v
' nl Kl W t.t
Vi. V. M.
iti To 1 n .
, ..' . .'.4.1
f I 11 . . i .
.' : ' . I