Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, January 03, 1890, Image 2

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    Mule Girl on the Wall.
New the ilaj HkIiI is. done, ami the em tains are
'dniu ii.
Aih! tin katliNstnir all altuif mi tin lawn,
.And my Hull one eric.-, a-. .-Ik- itimcMit mv
Om'i I play with the little black tfrl on the
Tho she's dollies tliat cry ami a that can
A Manx oil ami a fully etiiH-d Noah's ark.
What delighted her uioM. ever Mure she could
litis Imvii what .-he calls the hltu-k Kirl on the
1V bedtime, ami Bessie, our one little laiuti.
Coe Mealing. ". mamma. Tin lonelv, I
I've ito hrothcr-; nor -l-tei-. I've no onr at all
lint that dear little thirling lilaek girl on the
wall :
M don't se ''V daytime - 0. where does she
lint at she follows me now to anil
fro -
Wherever 1 turn, ami If 1 net a fall.
Why. then, .low u Koe? the little black cirl on
the wall!
"Mimunu. what does she eat.
she drink.
And w hut dtK she do all
ami. 0. what does
lay loiifr. do you
Now ! little like me and net minuteshe's
Itnt I never ean catch that blaek cirl on the
So our jHt
prattles, on. when .-he's In for a ,
With lnr shadow,
(. isn't life Just such a !
And sIm il.'iiiii'S like mad duw u the
tin- lighted !
As she hunts for the little black cirl on the
- Ito-tou ( lobe.
"I am irni awav to-morrow. Miss i
CMin-ione." j
Uoderiek Sweetwilliam tittered the
words in the rieli. opulent. ( )ve;o has
voice which titled his throat so well, j
Yet. withal, there is a faint tremor in
that voiee - a tremor ueh as quivers
ujHn the air for several minutes after '
the dintier-ironiT in a iVtirlh-rate hotel
ha- reeeixed the final stroke. Uoderiek i
had praeiieed that iremor many days
lor thi oeea-ion. and had irot it down i
to a tint, delieale point.
"(ioiuir away, so soon?" siirhed rather
than spoke (Jladiola Cliujrstone.
Then for a lonir time neither spoke
and :t ever. thinir else was ak-o -till,
alienee feigned.
The deseeiidittr sun of a late Auiru-t
day shot withering irlance- through the
tiver-hajtjrtiijr hranehe- to where the
two sat deeply iiiMiier-ed in sueh
tlMMiirht as thev h:tpucd to have
handy. From afar. lnie on a hreee
M jreatle that ('ladiola"- siirh would
have Ueen a hurrieaue in empari-oii,
eame the fen id exclamation of some
hotte-t.eallou painted farmer add re ed
t the tiiirh hor-e w hieh -how eil a di-po-Uion
to lair. A small, thin-voieed
mo-.juiio u'iti-ed its lliirht on irauy
win-- from the neihlmriuir wamp
aud alighted on t-he end of ("!:idiolas
Ile. whence the in-ccl ro-eairaiii with
a tiny shriek of lieudi-h jm asil ninthly
dn:ed a territie ri-rht-haiided Idow
aimed 1 (Jladiola. whieh now -pent it-
sett niton the no-e and circumambient
uir I at alnMit eptal parts.
"les. I ean stav no longer: I must r
turn to in v duties in tin t in. I
ro ;
'awav to-morrow." reiterated Uoderiek
after many minutes.
loth were i)laiiiir a waiting iranie.
Froni miieh jieru-al of the ephemeral i
literature of the pre-ent time eaeli had '
learned thai when a vouuu man states f
to a otiiiLr W itmau in w ho-e i-iniiii.itiv i
he has sin-lit a larev oortion of his nm. I
tiler vacation, that he is jroiiijr awav i
. . - i . ;
apim. ;unl Hoe- it with the tremulo
fctop pulled out to its full extent, the
yomiir woman may lie prepared to hear
of -onieihiii": to her advantage if the
yoiinir man i- eligible.
('ladiola wa- waiting for UiHleriek
to ,a somelhinir additional. Uoderiek
was waiting to he encotiraircd to r on.
Couldn't ou stay two or three days
loajrer?" a-ked ('ladiola al length. At
the .-aaie time .-he -irhed so violently
that Uoderiek in oUiutarily pulled
his hat down more linuk as la1
would h:iedae had a bree.e sudden
ly sprmiir up.
."Would on he plea-eil to have me?"
"To have you? Why, Mr. Sweet-1
william. I 1
"To have me stay. I nieaa?"
"What did you think I thought -ou
meant ?"
"What you suy- often means nothing.
Mr. Sweet w illiam." remarked (iladiola,
who was ipiite an expert at repartee.
"You flatter ii. e. Mi ("ling-lone;
hut few of u- hav e the ability to con-ver-e
freely altoul nothing. But sup-l-e
I should say something that did
mean something: .-tippu.-e I should ask
you to be
"Ther! comes papa. Mr. Sweet
william: ask him. Uoderiek." exclaimed
(ilndioht. who. iu addition to her many
other :ceoiupli-hmeuts, had acquired
the art ) mind-reading and could tell
beforehand what Uudetiek wanted to
"With your permission. I desire to
make you my father-in-law." calmly
announced Uoderiek when (iladiola's
father, the owner of va-t estates and
oceans of watered -lock, approached.
"Ha, ha." laughed Mr. Clingstone
without changii'g the position of even
a single faeial mir-cle. "And what an;
your pro-peels in life young man?''
"Pro-pects? I dally no longer with
pro-poets. I live on the proceeds of
the past. My unci: was worth a
million when he died. I am his sole
heir. See?"
"l'rc.-ui..ptuous youth! Begone from
my sight! How dare you a-k me for
the hand of my daughter? You! the
representative of plutocracy. My
daughter shall wed a poor and" worthy
young man unencumbered with wealth
and pos-es-ed of nothing but his pros
pects. Begone! I -ay."
Thus having--pokt-n. Mr. Clingstone
turned and went away. t
"How long has your unfortunate
fai.ih" been aUiteteil with pare-i-?"
a.-ked Uotler'ic, V.'.v. V .. 1 failed to be
gottu. when ( 'lingstone pore lire'i
i-hed from v iew.
"It isn't that," murmured Cladiola.
wishes to be considered ee
"He will
that he is
fleeced: but it strikes me
overdoing it."' responded
Boderic.V -Bul H-len: I have a plan."
For half an hour thereafter Uoderiek
poured words into (Iladiola's left ear.
Wlieii he had concluded ("ladiola said:
"Since we shall be :ls one it .shall he
ft mere form, and papa canuot kick."
fi'ladiola ltad one fault. In moments,
of deep emotion she sometimes became
addieted to the use of slaujr.
"You here apiin? I told you yester
day to liejrone." angrily 'exelaiined
Uufus t'linef-tone when Uoderiek Sweet
william eame into his presence again at
U:.'?0 a. m. the following day.
"I was gone hut I returned,'' renlied
Uoderiek respectful ly.
"Well w hat do you want?'1
"Your daughters hand. See. here is
a paper coueing to our daughter all
my property. 1 am now poor; 1 have
nothing hut my prospects. Truly, 1 am
worthy to he our son-in-law.''
"You hae done this? The papers
are all drawn up?"
"Drawn up and signed. Here thev
are. 1 am not worth a penny now."
"So I mm'." replied Mr. (''ling-tone,
after a hasty perusal of the papers.
"Well, ouug man." he continued, iu
a sorrow fui tone. "I deeply regret to
he compelled to inform oii that since
yesterday I have changed my opinion
regarding the choice of a htf-band for
m daughter. I think after all that it
would he better for her to marry a rich
"I hen we can de-troy these
Mr. Clingstone, and I -hall be
even iu the new view you take
of the
"I .-(tii afraid Amt." replied the old
man who was pfite -hrewd. inu.-iugh.
These paper- areall formalh prepared
and it wo dd be wrong to de-troy them.
He-ide-. 1 think that a man who will
sign a large fortune away so readilv
ought not to be iutru-ied with it again.
A (?ladioia - guardian I shall take good
care of the proper! otl ha e convex cd
to her uuiil -he marri--. 1 .-hall take
good care thai Her hu-haud is a man
with a better bu-iue head on his
shoulders than you wiil ever have,
(iood day. Mr. Sweetwilliam: if ever
you get hold of any more money hang
on to it. my boy."
Uoderiek'.- face had assumed the cx-pre-sion
of one w ho ha iug placed all
his money on the favorite sees a dark
horse come in as winner.
"Surely . you are je-ting.'' he stam
mered: "you joke with me.''
"I never je-t. and I joke w ith no one."
sternly replied the shrewd old financier.
"iy t m way, in onier Hint you may
have soniethiny that will keep you
from want until you get a fresh .-tart. 1
shall allow you an annuity of ;(HI until
you can get alon:r without it. Now go
away , please, and don't detain me any
longer. My time i- valuable.''
Speeehle.-s with conflicting emotions.
Uoderiek picked up hi- hat and stole
away. Al the door lit; met (Jladiola.
He started to tell her of her father's do
ings. "Don't trouble yourself," said she.
interrupting him. "I was in an ad
joiug room and heard it all. Dear
papa is eccentric: it's ju-t like him
to do thi-."
"Miss ("Hag-tone (Jladiola - it can
not be that you approve of his action?
You will U- true to me will you not? I
have revealed to you the depth of my
.illectiou: ! haveiutru-ted my all to you:
surely you will not de-ert iiie."
"I could not think of marry'ing you
without dear papa.- consent: that
would be nudiitiful. you know," replied
(ladiola eoldlv.
ls this your linal decision?'
Then li-ten to mo. Mi.-s Clinirstono.'
.ill Uoderiek ill stern. mc:i-iircd :ie- '
''ut. ft the saijn
time drawing hiiu-
.1.- .
-elf proudly erect until he seemed tube
I at ica-t nine ieet nigh, "ion ami your
i precious father think you have the
bulge on me; but you are in grevioii
! error. I am not nearly -o. great a fool
j a.- I may si-em to be o the ca-ual obi-en
or. Tho-e paper- which vnur
laiuer in inumpii uoiu- are written in
patent evanescent ink. Long before
you can get po i ion of my property
the writing will have faded: the paper
will be blank. You will perceive. .Miss
("Hug-lone, that he that indulges in the
final hilarity derives the greater enjoy
ment therefrom.'
"I was but je-ting. Uoderiek: it was
all a joke." murmured ('ladiola liber
ally lubricating her words with .-oft
"I shall leave you and your father to
enjoy your little je-t. ami I hope you
will be able to laugh heartily over it,'
replied Uoderiek. a- lie bowed him.-ell
out and walked away to the railway
-tation. whi-tling merrily.
"( dadiola. my pet. we have been
euchred." griinly remarked Uufus
ling-tone o hi.- daughter a moment
later, after the iwo had compare! notes.
"Who would have thought that a
man could be so deceitful," remarked
tin.' maiden with a sigh. -Arthur Lucas
in the EjufU.
Rem. s Three Times a Day.
Whenever I tackle a plat' of pork
and beans." said the advance agent to
an Oil City HUzzon! man. as he leaned
back in hi- chair, ero ed his legs, and
surveyed the -.-tack of whites' placed
before him with a critical air. "my al
Ieg d mind and memory revert to a
season I put iu wilh a load show, other-wi-e
a circii-. I raveling wagon. One
Saturday 1 dropped into a little town
called Saccarappa. iu the statu of
Maine. There was but one hotel in the
place, and not .having the entree to the
society columns, as it were, I placed
myself beneath its roof. When .-upper
lime arrived I was seated iu the dining-room
ere yet the coatle-s landlord
had cea-ed to agitale the bell that call
ed tin victims to feed. The persecuted
heire-s that piloted the provender
asked me if I would have tea. I re il
ized the hepele ness of 111 v case ami
said I would. She retired, reappeared,
and placed before me a dish of hot
beans, a plate of bread and butter, aud
a cup of tea.
"One Sunday morning I broke my
fast with a boiled potato, a cup of
something, ami some cold beans. The
mid-day meal was an improvement
and consisted of a piece of corned beef,
boiled potatoes, and baked beans. For
.siippor we had tea and cold beans, and
for bre?.J fast Monday morning dallied
with a cfdJ of something and a dish of
hot beans. Whim I b-ft, I expressed
my regret toTne still coat less hind loan!
that I had not been able to enjoy the
beans for w hich the hou.-e was noted.
If I live to he a thousand Real's old I'll
never forget the xprcs.-on Via his face
as he started back and nidA What! v'
didn't get no beans? WU, (by gosFi,
I'll see about thuLm 1
OorKooiiH Khctiirlf D.-crtlilui; the Itcuu
tU'Hol'tlic Velltiir-tiine - A i'iirnaj;t;
of Color.
In a recent sermon
preacher devoted a good
his sermon to an enthu-ia-tie
tion of "the Yosemite and the
stone park, whose wonders
scribed as follows:
he de-
"That valley of the Yosemite is
eight miles long and a half mile wide
and three Ihoti-and feet deep. It seems
as if it had been the meaning of Om
nipotence to crowd intoas small a place
as possible some of the mo-t stupendous
scenery of the world. (Some of the
dill's vou do not stop to measure hv
feet, for they are literally a mile high.
If .Jehovah has a throne on earth the.-e
are its white pillars.
"No pau-e for the eye. no stopping
place for the mind. M'oiiiitnhis 'hurled
on mountains. Mountains in the wake
of mountains. Mountains tlanked by
mountains. Mountains split. Mountains
ground. Mountains fallen. Mountains
triumphant. As though Mont Blanc
aud the Adirondack- and Mount Wash
ington u-ei-;. here uttering themselves
iu one magnilicent chorus of rock and
precipice and waterfall.
"Yonder is Yosemite falls, dropping
i.f.'"4 feet, sixteen times greater de-j
seei" than that of Niagara. These.
waU s dash to death on the rocks, so'
that the white spirit of the slain waters
ascending iu a robe of mist seeks the
heaven. Yonder is Nevada falls,
plunging 700 feet, the water in arrows,
the water iu rockets, the water in pearls,
the water in amethy sts, the water iu
diamonds. That ea.-eade tlinirs down
the rocks enough jcv.els to array all the
earth iu beauty, and rushes on until it
drops into a hell of water-, the smoke
of their torment ascending forevet
and ever.
"But the most wonderful part of this
American continent is the 1 ellowslone 1
park. After all poetry has ex- j
hatisted itself and all the Morans and'
Bierstadts and the other enchanting1
artists have completed their canvas, t
there will be other revelations to make!
and other stories of its beauty and'
wrath, splendor and agony, to be re-;
cited. Yellowstone park is a geologist's
paradise. j
"In some portions of it there seems,
to be the anarchy of the elements, i
Kire and water, and the vapor born oil
that marriage, terrilic. (iey.-er cones!
or hills of crystal that have been ovei
o.OOO vears growing. Iu places t In
throbbing, sobbing, groaning, j were wuh II doise. As he ate his stcw
r. with aqueous paroMsin. cd prunes at the house or in evening at-
the expiration f everv sixtv-live
minutes one ot I lie gev-ers tos-mg it?
boiling water !." feet iu the air am
then descending into swinging rain
bows. Cavern.- of pictured walls large
enough for the sepuichcr of the human
race. Format ion.- of .-tone in the shape
and color of ealla lily, cd' heliotrope, of
n-e. of eow-lip. of .-uullower, and of
gladiola. Sulphur and arsenic and
oxide of iron, with their delicate
pencils turning the hills into a Luxem
burg or a vactican picture gallery.
I he so called I haiiatop.-i.- geyser, ex-,
(pli-ilo as the Bryant poem it vv.-sl
named after, and the.-o called Kvange-
line gey.-er. lovely as the Longfellow!
heroine it commemorates. The so
called pulpit terrace, from its white i
c. ovation, preaching mightier sermons
of (itnl than human lip- ever uttered,
The so called Bel he.-da gey .-or, by the
warmth of which invalid-have already
been cured. Ihe an--el of health eon.
tinuallv stirring tin watei
Kn raging
crater-, with heal at ."00 degrees,
a little below the surface.
"In some places waters as innocent
and smiling a- a child making a lir.-t
attempt to walk from it- mothers lap.
and not far oil a.-foaming, and frenzied
and ungovernable a- a maniac iu
murderous struggle with his keepers.
"But after you have wandered alon
the gov -erile eiieha nt meiit for dav - and
begin to feel that then can be nothing
more of interest 10 see, you suddenly
come upon the peroration of al!
tnaje-ty and grandeur, the ("rand
Canon. 3t i.- here that it .-coins to me
and I speak with reverence - Jehovah
seems lo have siirpa ed himself. It
seems, a great gulch let down into the
"Here, hung up and let down am
spread abroad, are all I he colors of
laud and sea and -ky. rphol-lcring of
the Lord Almighty. Be-t work of the
Architect of Worlds. Sculpturing by
the Infinite. Ma-onry by an omnipo
tent trowel. Yellow! You never saw
yellow unle-s you saw it there. Ued!
l ou nev er .-aw red unless you saw itjV
there, violet! i ou never -aw vmlel
unless vim s:tu it llnre TrimimliM nt
' i
iianners oi color, in a cathedral 01
ba-alt, suuri-0 and sun-et married by
the selling of rainbow ring.
"(lothie arches, Corinthian capitals,
and Egyptian basilicas built lie fore
human architecture was born, llugi
fortilicatiou of granite con-lructed be
lore war lorgcu us nrsi cannon, uin
raltars and Sebaslopols that never can
le taken. Alhambras where kings ot
strength and utieons of beauty reiguei
long before the lirst earthly crown was
uupearieii. l liroues on which no one
but tin King of Heaven and Karth evet
sat. Font of waters at whieh the lesser
hills are baptized, while the giant dill's
stand round as sponsors.
"Hanging over one of the clilTs I
looked olf until I could not get my
breath, then retreating to a less ex-
iiiseii place I looked down again.
Jovvu there is a pillar of rock that in
certain conditions of the attno-pherc
looks like a piller of blood. Yoiidet
are lifiy feet of emerald ou a base of
oOU feet of opal. Wall of chalk resting
on pedestals of beryl. Turrets of light
tumbling on lloors of darkness. The
brown brightening iiuo golden. Snow
of crystal melting into lire of carbuncle.
Fhiynitig red cooling into russet. Co'.il
blue warming into salTron. Dull gray
kindling into sidferino. Morning twi
light Hushing midnight shado.vs.
Auroras crouching among rocks.
"Sec all this carnage of color up and
down the elill's; it must, have been the
battlcliehl of the war of elements. Hero
are all the colors of the wall of heaven,
neither the sapphire nor the chrysolite
nor the topaz, nor the jacinth, nor the.
amethyst, nor the jasper, nor the
twelve gates of twelve pearls wauling."
An Ohio boy of M pttrpo-ely cut his
foot lo avoid being sent to school.
A Modern V.m-mIuii of an Ancient r. v
Airitlr Too Smart, for a (nitplng Call
leive just relumed
from a jovftll ram
ble tlinniL'li I'crc la
(' oiise, the lariresl
and most lluiri-lii tiir
cemetery of Paris.
() I Ii c r hurvini;
p rounds have stall
ed up, and for a
tiine.perha) s. threat
ened to coual iVre
la Chaise, hut have
been compelled to take a hick srat, aa
one might say. Pete hi Chaise U ou
one side of a pretty hill and was once.
of course, away out iu the country; hut ,
now business houses and ti allie sm roinnl '
it. It was named for the .Jesuit eonfes
sor of Louis XI V. The ground was laid i
out as a cemetery iu 1801. P..ris has ;
twenlv-one other hurying-groiinds be- !
sides IVre la Cnaise, but as I say. this
one gels tin; cream ot the trade.
The graves are aiostlv surioiinded hv
stone decoration iu the form of sitcoph
agi or Gothic stalagmites. Sometimes
the grave is coveted by a staple flat
stone, and the older ones ate not always
iu good condition. I fell into an old
grave, hut it was no! deep, and so I got
out almost at once. Funerals are con
ducted by a company who will burvvou
plainly for .$.'!.?.) or in sty!e for 7.114
frtacs. You have to tip the otliciatiug
clergyman besides, however. Of course
you would not think of visiting tuis
place without shedding two or three
tears over the grave of Abelard and
lleloise. There the soft hearled pilgrim
got s to gnaw tin: iron fence and think
sadly of this unhappy pair. Abelard
taught school and boarded with the par
ents of lleloise. it would sceui. and while
Hitting home .sorghum in Ins colTt-e the
first day he went there he caught the eve
of lleloise and loved her, oh. so inaillv!
Still he concealed his love for a time,
but while he toiled at school trying to
find out how much of a hall of yarn
would belong to A provided A. B and C
each paid out on it different fractions to
a common denominator, his thoughts
tended the revival her iin ige was in his
heart, her name was ringing in hi- ears.
She also entertained similar feelings to
wards him.
While she peeied the pimtnt terre
or skane the milk, something seemed to
be whispering in her ear the name of
A briar I. This continued until ou e day
as they were leaning over her slate cor
recting her spelling-lesson, her bright
and Huffy hair tickled the ear of the
young tutor, and he felt so shocked that
he looked around to see if lightning had
struck the house. Again he looked at
thespclling. It was no go. He had for
Vtii'n how to spell for once. With a
glad cry he spiang to his feet and threw
the slate about four rods as the crow
llies. Then he took ihe chin of Heloi-e
iu one hand and putting the other back
! f her head, so that he would not break
her neck, he turned the fair young face
1 "l so tliat he could scan it without
' straining Ids eves too much, and planted
11 h'lge Auieiie K ves kiss on her luoiilh
vviiu -lien
sincerity and earne.-i uess tnai
the clock stopped and covered its lace
with its hands.
After this her spelling got worse. He
punished her by keeping her after school
and making her write iho.-o mis speiled
wor Is on the blackboard. The parents
of lleloise saw how it was going. Thev
went to Ihe school hoard about it. lie
bought her a big red apple and she knit
ted him a iimlller. which they ncd to
wrap around their heads jointly, us thev
went to revival or telurtied a!ler they
had aided in the great work. To cut a
longstoiy short. ihy had a stormy lime
of il wilh ihe oid people. And though
thev at last wen. married, the were har-a-.-ed
by relatives and Un-illy eruellv
sepal aled. The par -ills gol the
in Abelard and he died in II II.
The tomb is faindi ir and you recog
nize it among the 'iO.llOO graves of IVre
a Chaise, because everybody has seen
it least the picture of Ihe (Jolhic canopy
mil sarcophagtie with recumbent statues
the shrine of disappointed love.
I had the pleasure of being arrested in
French the other evening and so got in
"o the papers. Lest a garbled account
of the matter should reach home and
alarm my legion of friends in America I
will give a brief account of il myself. It
was ou Ihe Mtli of .Inly and of course a
great nation d holiday. Paris whs tilled
with life. Paris was tilled with excite
ment. Paris was fail of serging human
ity. I was theie. hul did not seem to
attract any attention at fust. Finally
I went past the door of an Knglish grog
simp, and us u-al several tables stood
outside tliti door. One had a glass of
wine on it. I heard the glass fa'l long
after I had pass-d ihe place. When I
reached the Hotel Custiliognc a waiter
followed me in and recpicsled me to pay
for the glass. I said "Seur.-elv." The
grog proprietor then came and demand
ed pay for the glass and contents. I re
plied with perfect polish and wonderful
naivete thai I would ucc him doing tiuio
over yonder before I would do m
3-72SBU V
.mi rignt, we win ave a poncemnn,
then." he .straightway to me did make
reply. I did not think he would do it.
hut he did. Then he told the policeman
his story, and the o Ulcer told me I would
have to accompany tmn to the Commis
suire. I said I had agreed to go some
where else that evening. He did not
understand me. Just us we were starting
for the station-house (he proprietor of
the C.isliiingnc and the young Count de
Passauo, both of whom I had met only
a moment before, interfered; told the
ollicer he was harking up the wronij
tree, I think, though it was all in French,
so I am not sure of the exact words. At
last he finally hitched up his linen trous
ers, touched his cap ami hacked away.
De Passano is u young Italian here go-
ing to s( hool. and having also yet n good
time already. He was verv polite and
wai.led lo pay for the glass himself, but
I would uol pennit it. bee mse il was
wrong for anybody tit go about paying
for the general breakage of crockerv and
glassware iu a large place. You cannot
keep it up. I was qu te ill a I ease for a
little while. I will adini;. for it is so
rarely that 1 am arrested nowadays that
I haidly know what to say. B-sides,
vou cannot atguc with a Fiench police
man in Ivigiish and make that favorable
ini- re-sioii you would like.
While wi ping I his utv laiin Iress hns
hopped iu wiin mv linen and the bill.
There is soiuel long wrong about it. I
-cut six siiiri- and on lliebill 1 aineh irg
ed wilh six cheat se-.. A mm can't he
too c refill heie m ilus lown. You never
know w h ii a Iva-itagc wdl be taken of
vou by radc-tu-oplc and everybody else.
A man who in ike- men'- -huts iu Piris
call- huii-elt a eheiui-ier. or something
IlKe pi--iii.y II S ehenii-eiter. bill
it is iu odd lisle, it se.-ui- l me. Win
don't he call hi- csi .ibii-i. in -nt i siiirtory V
Thai is i-laoi and u little .-e ga-ii withoiii
I'e'iig i fins! ve. ;. AV hi Sex Yuri.
An Old Buffalo Hunt.
The Hon. C. ,L dimes, tin: veteran
biill'alo hunter of America, i- the uvn-
t lemau who originated the idea of rais
ing the buffalo for domestic purposes
In an interview he gave the follow
ing "ntero-ting -ton regarding lii.
early day.- a- a hunter and hi- pet hol-
oy o dome-tieatiag this now almost
extinct race of bovine-:
"I began hunting the butfalo in 1871
at ."iO cents apiece. All 1 did was to
shoot them down fo. a company, which
would take the hide- "n to Hayes City
ami Fori Wallace ami -ell them. They
would split the hide down the belly,
culling the leg- a little distance down.
Then i hey cut the neck ami .-lipped it
back a little. Taking a loop iu a rope
they would hitch one team of horses to
the hide and one to the horns and
whip the hide olT in less time than it
take- to tell it.
"I have often killed from forty lo
sixty biill'alo right in their tracks! I
ligured out a plan of my own to corral
them on the prairie, f made an etlort
to get in front of the herd when they
were traveling, so that they would
come within twenty yards of me iu
pa ing hv. I then shot the leader
through the head and dropped her
iu her tracks. The leader was general
ly a cow. The old bulls were lazv and
usually lagged behind. The herd
would fall back in the direction from
which they came about one KM) yards,
stoppingo mni around and look for
danger. In a few minutes out! of the
cows led out to go around on one side
or the other, ami then I could drop her.
a- l tint the lirst. I hey would again
fall back a short distance and huddle
together clo-ely.
"Alter a short pause another cow
might undertake to go around on the
other side and invariably met the same
fate a.-the other two. The herd after
this wa.- sure to form iu a very close
group upon the ground w here they
hajtod alter the lir-t shot. Biill'alo re
tiace their -tops ouiy a short distance.
"Now .they had trouble ou three sides
aii. I on the other their backtrack. I
wa.-flee lo shoot down as many as I
wanted, provided I did not shoot too
rapidly and alarm them. Whenever
one aitempieii to lean away i mane
.-tin to kill it. and this taught the oth
ers that it w:ls sure death to the lead
ers. "To be sure, it was cruel, but I could
hear the crack of guns on every hand
and I thought 1 would have my share.
"I began to realize that these animal-
would soon become extinct and I
turned my attention to saving the rem
nant. I began to save the young to
alone for my slaughter. In l.S.S-1 1 be
gan to gather up calves. It was very
dillicult to raise them. At first I lost
ill per cent, but after a little exper
ience I could save DO per cent. I
stocked my farm near ('ardeii City
with young ones as rapidly as I could
gather them. At the close of iy.Sl I
had raised only four, the next-year
seven, and the next year thirty-two,
ami so ou until I had a herd of nearly
one hundred." Han FrannUcu L'x
uitttiur. When -Joint Orr -o! home in Camden !
from a trip i Wilmington. IM.. his
T,',s" c ,lM'n "' icin.-mh.rred thm
he had for-olt,,,, U,e l,v. n.,
ouiul some OII FriI . , L
1 hiladelphia polieo. J
Do "We. Know More than the AnoIentH
I think we had better give up sneer-
, ing about the simplicity of the ages
, that feared witchcraft and " shuddered
or were glad at omens and were guid
ed by superstition. They had their ex
cuse iu the mysteries of "nature and all
her works. They wen; ignorant of
j Jaws and forces and methods of tins
I creator. We who know so much, who
recognize the practical in everything,
who have driven from the language
the word supernatural, still are uihy
' T.r t. i . i-. . o J
ox a.s mueu aosuniity as our forefath
ers. We have no excuse. We are
taken in by the patent medicine man,
who in the past hail not so many
curious and inexplicable diseases to
eater for, but who made his way just as
eUeetually with other kinds of pills,
lotions, and herb decoctions, destined
to cure human nature's ideas of dis
eases as tin; patent medicine mau of
to-day. We have the faith cure. In
the days of old the faith cure was not
any more generally believed in. Aro
we ever any thing but children, scared
by phantasies, frighted by imagina
tion? Js it within the bounds of possi
bility that a storyteller may arise and
scare us with the stories of witches and
goblins so badly that we would fear to
go a block on a dark night. There are
some things that progress, science,
knowledge will never drive ouUof us,
and from the days of Adam and Eve
down to this present nineteenth cen
tury man has had a fear of death am!
he has pursued desperate means to pro
long his lift;, even when it has lost its
usefulness and become a burden to
everybody else. -Sui Francisco Chron
icle. Murders in London.
Out of twenty-eight
ouly mitted in
Loudon last year in
six instances were the
brought to justice.
Letters fn the United Kingdom.
Fifteen hundred and lifty-eMit mil
lion letters, or forty-one per head of
population, were delivered iu the United
Kingdom during the rear vehiel. .i...i
' - .i oi last .vtarcli. Besides
mere were .S(M).()00.(mm)
newspapers, ami parcels. The tele-raida
service showed a delicitof "l'40 fMio
11. H. ROSA,
lough and Planed Lumber.
Bandon, Oregon.
Cedar Flooring, Ceiling and Bustle
Manufactured to order.
Orders rrumptly Filled For All KIiJ o
ItOIJT. WALK Kit, Prop.
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Uitttt &m Fraucuco and Count Paper.
Goo. K Dyer & Son.
Shipping and Forwarding.
Huvo on hand and aro rooolTing- by
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Groceries & Provisions
Of standard brands and guaranteed
purity and strongth.
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