Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, January 03, 1890, Image 1

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    unj pntii.C(
OO.lS.'tp pno
ip.nj si:t
Number 52.
Volume VI.
IWt ml m W.l m
Christmas does not always mean.
"Peace on earth, good will to men',
as the following list of crime will
show. At Jessup, Georgia, a battle
took place between the white and col
ored races, in which uot less than
four black, and two white men
were killed, and at Clarksville, Tenu.,
while some officers were trying to ar
rot two negroes, trouble ensued, and
one was seriously while the other was
fatally wounded. At Augusta, Geor
gia, while two otfieors were trying to
arrest a party of drmike'i nr-es.
they were disarmed and b rn "y the
drunks, who afterward lodgeii iu jail.
In San Francisco two chinamen were
wounded, probably both fatally, by
their own countrymen. At Indianap
olis. Iud., two drunken men were shot,
and fataly wounded, while trying to
kick a saloon door dovoi, after tby
had been locked out, while at Tus la.
111., a-ybuug man killed the fatlnr of
his intended bride, afier the latter had
snapped a revolver at him, and at
Omaha, Nebraka, George Jones,
stabbed and killed his quarrelsome
brotherinlaw with a butcher knife
the latter having tried to strike him
with a chair. f In Eagle creek pre
cinct near Shawnee, 111., a free fight
occured over the distribution of
Christmas presents, which werelabled
for people who did not receive them.
Some of the lables had dropped off.
and had been changed to other arti
cles, remonstrance was made without
avail and the fight ensued. At Ellens
burg. Wash., James Henderson and
Maxy Evens, the former janitor in the
Xash block, the latter janitor in the
reception saloon, quarreled, when
Henderson threw a hatcnet at Evens,
who ran to the saloon, returned with
m revolver and shot Henderson, who
died a few hours afterward. Hender
son is a white man aged GO, while the
- colored, and of "f"
In Memphis. Tenn., two murders were
committed, one, a negro was shot, and
the other was a street car driver, who
was stabbed by a negro in a dispute
over the fare. The negro escaped.
Near Lebanon. Missouri, some young
men attended a Christmas party un
invited, trouble followed and one of
ti.eyoangn.-r ' '
had a lively shooting aihay .:. in u.
Territory of which, the result La- ::ot
pH- nlso. The Deir.t . r:i I
ted States Maishal Tucker. .
othor deputy, tried L.-.rri : . ' .
laws, for introducing intoxicating nq
uors-iuto Indian Territory, when a
fight resulted in which one of the
outlaws lost his life.
This makes a long, and bloody list
of deeds, and shades much of the lus
ter of the holiday in our country. ,
The schooner. Ghetc lierwicK ana
Long are barbound at this place. j
The Del Norte. Brown, is due here. ,
i t
HI.Y "WKAtSi lilt ltKl'OltT.
"Weather report for December:
Temperature- Monthly mean. 45 1 :
below average.: maximum.
imum. 29; mean max.. 4.U; mean
min.. 43.3: greatest daily range, lo:
least dailv range, 3-. mean daily range.
Kainfall, 11.80 inches;
average. C10; snowfall. 0.00.
below j
days. 11); frosty days, 7;cleardsiys. 10:
fair days, 2: cloudy days, 10.
CJeohge Bennett,
Boron Bah- -The steamer Faralon
ingoing out of ia.jtuna J.ay 'C jrar s,(, hjts ,,,.,. ,,,,,.,, fur ;!H is
24th. in the worst storm of the season, j lnu.tica'..le. ami Govemmeni w.,.-k l..M-d-as
struck by three heavy swells. The They an- still dumping rock at Coo bay.
chief engineer, mess boy and three1 In our ortiele on the Myrtle 1' ball last
seamen were swent overboard. The , week we omitted the work honorary. We
, , , ., should have said that Company K hau
latter were drowned, while tho engiu-ij hcted ho menAten nf tho Myrllo ,,oint
eer and mess loy were rescued, while . hTilHA i,aml honorary members of their com
clinging to life boat The tug lteso- J p:iny.
lute succetided iu towing tho steamer Representative Hermann has introduced a
safe iuto tho Bay. Considerable bill, making n -vproprintion for the nnr
damae was done to the steamer, tho! chase of a Bit md the consti letion of a
extent of which is not yet fully esti-!
mated. 4UU tons ot wueat, insureu,
...... . i
Was. WCIl SUiiUBU uim is iuuuhuij a
tal loss.
We are under obligations to onr readers,
and especially so to the ladies who worked
V t t 1 't T . i .... F . , i Z .m
s laitniuuy io mane our uriHiiuH lennn- ijue rPCeivea word Irom ner uuminnd that
ties so grand a success, to aiwlogi'e for tho he i,n(i 8tepj)ed into a vat or well of hot wa
8mall simce we give them in the JIkcokdku ter nt tile Siskiyou sulphur springs. The
Inst week. We are not expert tyjw setters
yet, and failed to get over one colume of
matter in tj-pe, which we intended to publish.
Friday afternoon, January ML.
If you wish a good cigar try one of Marshal
A S.m's host.
A good .stock of shoos just opened at J. R.
Marshall'' Son's Mo -i.
Company K meets on the l'Jth inst. A good
attendance is exacted.
Mrs. Kd. Crook has been visiting friend
at Coquille Oiiy this week.
Horn, to the wife of J as. YVynnt, of this
place, on tho 21st ult.. a .-on.
We hope every body had a Meriy Christ
mas and a Happy New Year.
Now is the tin e to make good resolutions.
Yon can break them afterward.
Mrs. Fred Schr.-eder irf iu town visiting
her daughter. Mrs. Levi Snyuer.
,T. M. Upton has returned to Curry county
h r he will reside for the winter.
1). F. Der.nanu amily. of CoqnihV Citv.
were in town ov. r Sunday this week.
A rjaf-iuerad:- i.. -tal'edof as one !"
things io take p. . - in the near future.
Th winter rights eame u little late thi
season, but they rot here just the same.
The emulated of the prse ts on
he CtirUtmas at place is . 1 ."':.
Mr Frank Herusaui. write' r.s tlu.i he s
very well pleased wnh his Christina-. ul -ent.
On Tuesday midnight old took his va
lise and strolled ou" and has not been seen
"Willie Guerin. of Ellensburg. was in Coos
oounty this week on business for R. D.
Mr. William Sugg and wife, of Coquille
City, were recreating iu Baudon a few days
this week.
J. D. Asher started for the b..v this morn
ing. He expects to go troui there to Yn
quina bav.
Mrs. Frank Hermann, of Myrtle Point,
pre-ented to her husband a daughter as a
Christmas gift.
John Hambloch was in town a few days
ago and informed us that his pear trees and
strawberries were still in bloorn.
Mrs. A. H. Thrift passed through Bnndon
Monday last on a visit to her daughter, M s.
Frank Hermann, ft Myrtle 1'oiut.
Company K is still increasing. T. J. Thrift.
Edward Thrift. John Dedrickon and Chas.
W. Lauguead having recently enlisted.
Chas. Von Pe;:ert has been driving spiles
for the extension of the wharf at this place
for thst w-ek. when the watlier permit tad.
J. V. Decket. of Mvrtle Point, arrived in
Bandon Thursday evening and reports the
grv.und covered with snow when he left
A few tlakes of nov fell at this place last
evening, win. h were followed last night, and
this morning by Lnugh more to cover the
urouud. and civo the bovs a chance to snow
' all "ch otl:
r of Floras cr--k n.. ue "- tri;
this woek. and h'H '
,ck -t np Sea utav.
n u ' ij iu a. .-Hi .
Colonel H. H. Hosa and family started for
Han Francisco this morning by vny of Cuts
bay. They will go as far South as San Din
go, before they return.
Willi:-Kicardson. who recently closed a
term of school in the south oiu: of Curry
county, passed through Bnndon this week
en his way to the Valley.
The crew on th tng Triumph "pre treated ;
. t ..-. t iu' nrc
- ; - Z
tht. oth.r i,v Koin-rt Fi.dericU:
(, t Jo,in l rir,.Mlll has vhsir iti
! tug Liberty Co- bay..' nud lrak and
Abia Uarrovv. of this place. are res,xdivet
engineer ami tin-man on the same.
The itebekah bail at C.-,ut. Hty
IJ - ;;jh;;stn wIliN. th( U
fahti(lioIIS ,.,,, llttiiltf
Married, at the renidenre of Samuel 1 1-
.Smith. n Foitr-iuile Te-k. January !-t l.'Hi.
,v J. 15. .Marshal. .1. I.. .Mr. Kdwnrd .M- uu:
and Miss Annie l!;.tes. nil of ('xs count
Mr. John Yager, fonuerlv conneetel ' . h
tin- IVoneer Hardware Store, of Coi,:.iile
City, will S"t ut a tin and general hard .. re
store in Handon as soon as 'he scie. jcr
j CoquelloKcts back fnm the City.
('apt. It. S. Littlefield was iu town tins
1. u4...1ii. li. 1 .ltt tkitU V.'t i I. i tl t 1 .f
nrst. oruer ugui nonsu ai ine luuuiu oi me
Coquille. Also a bill to pay Christina Kd-
; of EllensbarK, for personal pt.qK-rty
: iiiKeiiimu uctuuj ..j ilUKuu..u ..iuuu.,
in IS!.
Mrs. J. W. Hume, of Bandon, started on
jjonday last to join her husband at San
Fnmcwco. She expects to be gone a month,
. .
j trnp 0r which had been left open, and scald
t ej ujK ef, ieK ualf way up to the knee. II(
thought he would be able to bake the train
for Sau Francisco by Inst Saturday morning.
Oh! my name's P..t McQuillan, 3 live clo3
to Ha.idoii.
The rNig young se.i I irt on bunk of thu
ud as Ion as Pve .':ot just a leg to stand on,
I'll st ick to ta Handon. she's darling for me.
This maiden's now famous, tho' her clothes
vet are swaddling:
Her'nmch older sisters now have reason to
to quake.
For as she giow.s older and ceases her tod
illint:. Their bulwarks and breastworks she 11 con
quor and take.
ihe Lmis nurses right many, with vim on
their faces.
J. Upton, Geo .-so Dver nud bold llalph H.
With Averill. Jensen, and onr short-legged
To dot with white racers her snug littto bay.
And as summer approaches, the roads will
be Mirongiug
With gay pleasure seekers, who from busi
ness" have Mown,
All rushing and crushing and anxiously
To get a goiltl whill of famed Pandon s ozone.
And the gayly decked steamers that madly
are forcing
Their waterv course tilled with guests com
ing down. :
And the Mrtlo Pint band who are sweet 1
The rigs and the jigs of famed Handon towa.
Now what place can compare with her beach
and location?
The air that surrounds her, from contagion
is free;
No place elo to be found in this wild rest
less nation
Where the gold from the mountains, weeds
the sand from the sea.
0, sweet gentle Nanno, thou were one 'mongst
the fairest
The most charming and graceful that e er 1
did know:
And fair girl unto me thou were always the
Put thou'st joined the bright angels, OTong,
long ago.
If to fortify nature, jnst step into Pob
And try his line crater; touch light, don t
get drunk.
You'll meet there Joe Barber, Pob Smith
and Jim Calker.
A monk will wait on yon, n uon-abstniance
Hksbi de 3Jourr.iN.
The Pari;, De.-eii.ber 1G, lbtf).
The following i.- annual summary of
meteorological c boarvntions mada by George
Bennett, Voluntary Observer, Eandon,
Uregun. tor ths Tear ending December
Temperature 1 Weather.
5 I
! i
, 2 T f T
c 1
jr.. ii
i G
. - 1
oil" k'!
, .... '2'
Notes Our fsosts wer.' all hoar frosts, not
killing frosts. Our rainfall in July did not
average 0 02 per day. and our rainfall iu
October was i'..V inches ,'bove the averago.
Nii.ks. 0., Dec, 22 -The communi
ty was startled this evening by the
d.eovery of otto of tho most whole-
sale and bloody butcheries that has
j t.vor occurred in this section of the
' .,.,1,.. Tho victims, live in number.
rhar,(,s Shflar, and wife, and
: i limo children, and the crime is sun-
itottr tins inon.ittg. When the inhu
inJUl ti.,(ll was dir-covrea at 5 o'clock
j this evening, all live bodies were stitf
and cold in death, with their throats
cut from ear to ear. Sheiar and his
wife were lying together across the
foot of the bed and the three ehildron
wero ou the tloor in different parts of
the, house. Shelarof late drank heav
ily, and it is rumored that ho and his
wife did not live happily. The theo
ry advanced is. that Sheiar, in a tit of
madness, cut the throats of his wife
and children and then his own. She
iar purchased ji ra.or on Snnday
llov. L. A. Fenton will preach in
Bandon the first Sunday in each
month tit 11 ju m. and 1 p. ra.
At Myrtle Point the second Sunday
iu.oach month at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m
A cordial invitation is extended ot
' aji
C1,W1, c.Lnnl nucL S!.in.lnv lit
Bandon at 2 p. in
Married, at Fmpiie Cit, Iecemler 'M,
j 188!I, Mr. Charles Snnd. lormerly nmto of
. . . m
the schooner I'arker-ibnrg, and Miss Maud
Ferry, of Handon, Henry I'logcr, J. P.. ofliei
tiling. The happy couple staited for San
Francisco on tho steamer A fax January 1st.
"We wish them a long, happy, prosperous
voyage across life's stormy journey, with
nice little Sun(d)s to shine on their pathway.
From tho Coqnillo Herald,
Geno Eobiusou had an arm broken
Diphtheria haa shown nc signs of
further spreading, and tho patients
are getting along nicety.
A business houso has boon erected
just east of Root's boarding houso by
Mr. Harkne: s and ho has moved his
soda works into it.
Mr. McAithur, tho banker, is at the
bay to meet his family. Ho will be
able to start business soon, as much
of the material for tho bank came on
tho Uurwick, and the building is out of
the carpenter's Hands.
Kick kind. John Sterdivant has
struck a rich quartz ledge in Iron
mountains, between tho forks of
Sucker creek. Ho has been blasting
for three months iu beautiful rock and
was about giving it up In dispair when
ho was urged to put iu one more
charge, which ho did. this revealed
tho richest rock over found 'in thi.
part of Oregon, running from S700 to
$2000 per ton. Ho had got within
s van inches of it when ho was about
giving it up.
Rochester, Mich., Dec, 28 A cold
blooded, triple murder was commit
ted two miles north of Mount Vernon
last night by William Major, who
killed his wife, daughter and grand
daughter, Major, who is fifty years
old and a woll-to-do farmer, was in
Rome yesterday and came home
cheerful, his daughter, Mrs. Joseph
Depew, of Brandon, and her little
daughter were visiting the house, and
after a conversation with them the
family retired.
The people were but fairly asleep
when Major arose and began his work
of slaughter. Ho took a revolver anil
shot his wife as she lay asleep, put
ting two bullets into her body and
niornHy wounding her. Tho noise
J ofciie' auOting awake a jd the others,
but the murderer did not hesitate,
springing into tho apartment occu
pied by his daughter and her child,
he coolly tired a bullet at Mrs. Depew.
and, when it failed to kill her, pro
cured an ax and knocked out her
braiPF. Then ho pulled his little
-her from bp- '' !b
'.. i . rut with oLivni -nt...'
a t- liw'ad open. Lii'ing Lr
Major then rushed i'lto tho rr.n.,
wheie his little son slept, and griped
nbou, .h,k bed for him. Tho lian- l.t.i
had crawled under tho bef. for safety,
and as ho heard his father searching
tho room ho said: "Aroyou going to
kill me too, papa?"
"No, my son," replied the murder
er; "do not bo alarmed, I will not
hurt you. "When I am gone, you get
.5150. which I will leave you. and di
vide with your sister.
Then ho hastened from the house.
and up to the present time nothing1
litis been heard of him
Ilia uniui:u
Tt 1 ,.i:,.,. I
that he went to a neighboring forest
and killed himself. Tho people tire
oarching for him.
The boy gave the alarm as. soon as
ho could, and tho neighbors found
Mrs. Major still alive. She cannot
survive, howover. Tho other two
were instantly killed.
Dr. Major's body was to day found
T Y- 1 t '11 . 1 ....
in a barn, no nan comiiimeu mh
cide by hanging.
A man giving the name of Charlie
Williams was arrested in San Fran
cisco last week bv detectives. He is
bolieved to bo
the man who. at dif
ferent times during tho past few
weeks, has successfully robbed four
stages in tho northorn part of Cali
fornia. Tho methods pursued in tho
robbery indicato that tho robber in
each case was identical. In his sud
den flight after robbing tho Bedding
stage last month ho loft a blankot bo
hind him. A merchant at Bedding
identified Williams as tho man to
whom ho sold tho blankot. It has
been ascertained that soon aftor each
robbery a man answering his de
scription has rogisterod at a hotel in
Bedding, under tho name of C. W.
"Williams, bears a close rosomblanco
to Plutriarch Lewis, and it is sup
, , it
posea tnat no is tne man wuo rooi;eu
the stage botween Marsh field ami
From the Gold Beach Gazette.
Supt. Stewart thinks of moving
back to his homo at Greggs creek.
Tho recont storm almost put a stop
to travel for a time by blocking tho
road with fallen timber.
George Morriman returned from
San Jose, Gal., Monday. He loft his
family woll, except Silas, whoso health
does not improve.
The severest wind storm of tho sea
son occurred last Saturday. Many
trees wero blown down and fences
leveled, but no serious damage is ro
ported in this vicinity.
Johu Culver, who has been suffer
ing lor sometime with a swollen leg.
the result of an old hurt, left for San
Francisco per steamer. Friday last,
iu company with John Vail, to seek
relief. It is feared ho will lose hi
At IrtfO o'clock Dec. 27th. the Union
Pacific steamer Oregon ran into and
sunk tho British ship Glau MacKeu
zio at Goflin Rock on tho Columbia
river, about ten miles below Kalama.
Charles Austin and Matthew Reed,
two colored sailors were instantly
killed, they wero asleep in tho fore
castle of tho Clan MacKenzie, and
when tho bow of tho Oregon struck
her. the sharp plate of iron ran into
the bunks in which tho sailors were
lying, cutting the two men in halves.
Thoy wero struck at tho waist and
tho upper part of each body dropped
into the river below and sank.
Captain George A. Pease, who was
acting as yilot on tho vessel, and
henco personally responsblo for her
aafn delivery to tho dock at Astoria,
made tho following statement yester
day afternoon to tho United States
"I was pilot on tho steamship Ore
gon, on her way from Toi'tided to As
toria, and left Portland al 10 o'clock
on the night of December 2G. The
night was very dark, with occasional
nov squalls.
"At about 1:15 o'clock on the morn
ing of the 27th. I made t he turn at
the lower end of Sandy island and
opened a light which I took to bo he
-ovor.:m. .
i .
.t,1- of ur
lo iiio ship ti;- with my helm Lrid
i ( .'it. 1 c v t not miss her, and tho
iv, o sLlt .- c.:.:ie into collision, the Or
egon striking tho anchored ship on
tho port bow, about tho cathead, cut
ting a largo hole iu her, causing her
to sink in a couplo of hours and dam
aging tho steamr Oregon about $15,
UU0." 1 'art land Tchyram .
If any of our readers aro not taking
tho weekly illustrated Went Shore
thev ought to do so. It combines tho
desirable teatures ot ail tne eastern
weeklies ami is superior to any one of
them. J'ispeciallv in its graphic pic-
lllieM ui we-ieiu Mi-m-a ir it -n niuul
. . r ..... ........... ... ,4 -t irviiiit
. . t . 1 U ic
llliei l'M. .IMHl' I lie HJl-tll ttli'l 11 in
the be.-t publication that can bo taken,
aud should be in every houso. Pub
liidiod by L. Samuel, Portland, Ore
gon, ;tt 1.U() :i year.
Tho Hero of Africa.
Henry M. Stanley stands now as
.he greatest explorer and adventurer
the world has known. He is tho he
ro of the most romarkablo discoveries
in ail tho records of daring and ex
plorations. Fiiiim Pasha was wandering sonio
whero in the tropical wilderness, and
struggling to hold the country of
which howas ruler. Stanley hastens
to the rescue. He vanishes from tho
sight of the civilized world; months
and reasons pas, and still no nows
Irom Stanlev.
After untold privations and amaz
ing triumphs, ho emerges from tho
wilds of the Utirk Continent accom-
lmnied bv Emin Pasha. In his last
great triumph ho has put tho climax
upon all his previous explorations
and victories.
His adventures and discovorios have
boon grand, wonderful and marvel
ous. Tho full and authentic accounts
will bo related in tho new genuine
Stanley book, from his first entrance
into Africa, and richly illustrated
with over 400 of tho grandest and
most wonderful new engravings and
colored plates over seen iu a book of
travels. The History Company, 723
Market Stroet, San Francisco, Cal.,
aro the publishers. Tho book will bo
sold by subscription only. Agents
- nro wanted to sell tho book, to whom
I most liberal inducements will bo
' ,v8reti ,
implication. Wo call at
tention to tho advirtismont in anothea
Having refitted my store, and laid
in a stock of holiday goods of first
class quality, I solicit tho patronage
of the people of Bandon and vicinity,
and will insure them prices as low or
lower than tho lowest. "In TJuion
there is strength." No need in future
to send to "circular houses," or wait
for traveling men. Patronize homo
industry and in return I will give
you low prices and "square deal
ing." Yours respectfully,
We have perfected our clnbbing ar
rangements for tho winter and it
embraces tho very best of each class
of matter offered. Our list comprises
77 CosmoiHjlitan, tho Home and
Farm, the San Francisco Examiner,
and the New York World. By taking
advantage of our offers Kecorder
-.tibscribers may at the smallest pos
sible excuse le supplied with widest
range rf the current issues from the
ire- of thn country. Tho Kecorder
Lui:heM a record of local happen
ing: the Home and Farm treating
of live agricultural topics m a
thorough and original manner; The
Lwmopolitan, a nigh class magizme,
fulfilling its mission admirably; the
great Examiner supplying the Coast
news in a style and witu a ruiinesa
heretofore unknown to San Francisco
journalism, and the New York World,
the marvel of tne centuiy a norary
in itself.
The list is not extended, but it is
comprehensive it covers a wide field,
and wo have no doubt of its meeting
with general favor.
Now for rates for either or all of
the publications named:
The Krcobdkr $2 00
The Examiner 1 GO
The Cosmopolitan 2 40
The Home add Farm M
Tho World 1 00
Regular rate $7 40
Club rate 6 0
TnK Rkcobdib 52 00
The Examiner 1 .r0
The Home and Farm T0
The Cosmopolitan 2 40
Regular rate . .
Club rate
The Recobdkr
The Examiner . .
4 85
. 50
.. 50
..ft 00
.. 3 40
..$2 00
.. 1 50
. . i7J
. . t, V J
The Homo and Farm.
Regular rate
Club rate
The Recoiidkk
Tho Examiner
' IB P .' OWDST.
Tli V or:l ..........
.$2 Hi)
R r-lar rr,t
itib rate
Tub REconD.tR
The Cosmopolitan ...
Regular rate
Club rate
Tnz Recorder
The Home and Farm.
..2 00
.. 2 40
..$4 40
.. 3 40
.$2 03
Regular rate $2 50
Club rate 2 10
The club rate is for new subscri
bers who pay a year's subscription in
advance, and for delinquents who pay
up and a year in advance.
Stanley is Back !
Jv. by the announcement of his safe re
turn to civi.i.atum. Il:s adventures ana uis-
overiis have been GRAM). WUNDEUr UJL,
MARVEIiOl'S. The world has seen noth
ing like them before. His thrilling adven
ture . marvelous discoveries, daring exploits
astounding privations, wonderful trip across
the Dark Continent, now ne iounii r-min
I5ev Kvervthiii" will be included, fom h.s
first en'rjMio into Airieu to the present time.
Every bodv wan' - tho new
From iSInnlev's ow willing and dis
patches O-.or -'00 o' the gi idivu and nust
wonderful new En,;raviugs and Colored
I 'late ever een m n book ot travels, it lias
been ei:ierlv awaited, ii'id will be more
sought afle mak more money for the a-.'ent
and tua',e it eau r than a. y book issued for
the pat hfiv vears.
PA! ITIONI Olu and unreliable ac
jr U I counts of .nntv'ri ttavels
are beitr; published. Do not bo deceived by
oki boouH e-haslies and liatttrod plates-
We announce tats to protect our ngents and
the public against the numerous, worthless
so-called St nley Rooks :.ll o" which nre
simply olu books that have been in use for
years, and are now lieing offered as new
books, with a few pages of new matter auded.
Veachers, Youne Men and Ladies, Minis
ters, Farmers, Mechanics and Clerks can
easily make from $5 to $25 per day. no ex
perience required, Canvassing outfits new
ready. Send immediately for ulustn1 ted cir
culars and terms free, or," to teenre an agen
cy at once, send 1.00 for the outfit and you
shall bo served first. Mouey relmided if
not satisfactory Address
72:1 Market Street, . San Francisco, Cal.
RANCH FOR SALE. The well known
John Lewis ranch on the Coquille riyer
ffve miles above Hai dou and one mile be
low Randolph, is for sale. It contains 35 5
acres of land, four-fifth of which is bottom,
with half of a mile of river frontage. Makes
a No. 1 dairy ranch. Hns a good dwaing,
barn and orchard: also shrubbery. Fur par
ticulars aqply to GEO. M. DYER,yBandon,