V IS RHKI9 Tndav Wannest Since Cold ' Snap Began; Streets Still Snow Covered and Relief ) NotlnSighr With' the temperature hovering be tween 1 and, 30 degrees throughout the day "toe- "feather in Salem today; ' , wnrmest in four days. At no wets. time during the night did the mer cury drop below .12 degrees and with the coming oi aawn n biuu.., ean to climb until at nine o'ctock 1 ranched 18 above. :rl.th the mod, eration came slight thawing ot ice and snow and conditions geueiu.i.j v.cro more agreeable. ' ' For the first time since the snow storm began local, car service, and trains on the Oregon Electric system were running on schedule today. By night trains on the Southern Pacific lines wilU be running on time, officials believed. They said that small lines to towns throughout the valley have been opened up and train service re sumed. ' Cleaning Gutters Khs orew of 13 men In the city ..t Hnftrtment Wert busy today i t e-ntters and making it cieumuB . , , possible for melting snow to run un interrupted into the Commissioner Low asked that any one throwing snow from sidewalks or from roofs be careful to not get it In ' to the open gutters. Anyone doing ' this,- he said, Will, be forced to clean . thaM nut. V '" '" : ' The gutters are Being nem y , prevent the flooding of streets should ; a rapid thaw occur. When the actual thaw sets in, Low said, he will bring the graders into play, and bank all L. the? snow in the streets along the . sides, clearing the street to traffic and '. heaping the snow. in such a manner that rappld thaw wilt be impossible.. TCVtuld Pile Snow . . . - expressed disapproval oi tne of hauling the snow from the Tonight and Tuesday rain or show. Minimum 12 3 3 IMsa far fcs Carrkrs HsSl&V if pi 6 tz O h in receire yesr u 81 before 630 o'clock aid cse r3 h j;x rOS SOVKMBKR, 11 - ' V 5'4;S, 9 : i Only blM KMibi AwHt Bareaa at OscaSatian. vi i It-.' - i I i n It' i : .m i ii r f -. a. , it- . -. A Tn'N A 42ND YEARNO. 296-8 PAGES salem, oregon; Monday, December 15, 1919. FULflLlHEIIT iOF PEACE PACT Criminal Negligence Has Salem's initiative and resource ; dnmaa-e suit resulting from Injuries froxen along with its water pipes? sustained by any person through oeg- or nearly a week the snow has lirence on th part ot the city In been lying from one to two feet deep making the streets and sidewalks safe I in the streets and no effort has yet I been made to clear it from even the business section. Where other cities Ioegan immediately after the snow stopped .falling to cart it away and make the streets safe and passable, I Salem has done nothing to speak ot. Individual parties have cleared, or I and ledges of various buildings in tne partially cleared the sidewalks In business section hugs Icicles and great at i. v (ironi 01 ineir Places ot ouauiess. oumumps oi irorcn bhuw - Uemanuintf Olffllin? OI irO-1 to c'ty street department has oon-1 constant menace to th mtety ot pr- - - J B 5 Z . - 1 fir,. German Reply to Allied Note would knock aH the economy out ot such a stand. Nor is this matter ot -cleaning the streets the only way In which the city administration Is neglecting to saf guard the live and limbs ot people 1 moving about town. From the cornices house rushes UIDERU OF PAPER BILL SUSTAINS Wii mm dw.ot Hinhest Tribunal Decrees Pro hibition Act Must Be Enforced Until Peace Is Proclaimed Decision Rendered Tc . tocol Submitted to Confer ence Today By Henry Wood (United Press Staff Correspondent) Paris, Dec. 15. The German reply to the allies' note demanding signature fined its efforts to clearing a narrow ditch, which will cave in and become clogged again as soon as a rapid thaw starts, along the curbs. Piling Dangerous Today the proposal is made to scrape the snow into large piles and allow it to melt away gradually. Such a method of handling it will not clear the streets and will add to the dangers of a thaw. The first drop in the tem perature below freezing following the of the peace treaty protocol was sub- thaw find the gtreetg and Blae mitted at 10:30 a. m. today. walks surrounding the ' piles ot snow sons passing beneath. Instead of com pelltng the owners ot the btniaings to .remove these, some of the dangerous spots are being roped oft and pedes-1 trians forced to detour rats the streets! In other places no attention Is appar-1 entiy Deing paiu iu iv udnfl.i , , On Bare txxirm i There Is but one safs and sans thing to do In regard to the snow in the streets cart it away. Trucks and other conveyances may "be comman- iWrort here as well as la ether cities ; and there are more men applying oai' Limitation of Size of Papers Considered; Anthony Pre dicts Famine: Canadian Sup ply Kay Be Cut Off 1 Washington, Dec. 15,-War time prohibition h constitu tional, the supreme court today decided. Enforcement of the act must continue until peace is proclaimed, the court decreea streets blocked, or partially. Snow and ice scattered from the piles will make the streets dangerously slippery at all times. Tift nlea that the city cannot at- be used in the work. High school and ucniom.ttn university students, now umlssed from school, are -seeking The present Inactivity of the city of ficials In tailing to taas some nri" ford the expense of carting the snow J toward protecting the Both- away is a poor economy stana. unoung nnun - change ratifications of. the treaty be- fore the end oi tne mom... He streets, saying! that the city has not , ding Scsipa Fiow. ' enough money to carry on such work. ) impression prevails that the By keeping the gutters open, . he j Qermans will sign the protocol and m- lieves, ana meiuns commodated, and the flooding of base-" - ments will not ooour. " f With the report that a fine of from in mn awaits any one who does -: not oleaH the sidewalks abutting his " property many citizens were out early this morning armed with hoes, shov els, brooms, and spaaes removes BniUs estimated that merchants down . town are losing 175.060 dally because , ..ii,. iodine into the business ' district, and ' thoroughfares down ..notiio to tet to town and i town are not cleared of do the usual shopping. -Christmas shopping - that was being done prior to the storm has come to an almost absolute standstill, because those who would come down town have been unable -to make their way over the impassible sidewalks. , ; Gas Turned on. At the council meeting tonight leg. lslation for the removal of the snow from - the streets as a .preventative against any flood may some up for discussion, it Is understood. Appro priation of a sum ot money to tin- ! ance this ork may be sought. - . All parts of the city were again supplpied with gas this afternoon. Water Sltuatalon Better -The water situation In Salem as improving today. The pressure reg j .,n,ninr station was ) on imdf be ow normal : pressure, but several pounds higher than it has been most of the tune since the storm wrought havoc to the system. With the continued rot ation of the weather water company officials believe the supply will M normal soon. Conservation of water, although not practiced generally, aided some in increasing pressure to. day. . .. m... j,,-trv. streets was ..o ,iv. But for the first time in years autos ww -minority.: teams being used to draw dairy wagons or sleighs, and other ae livery vehicles. V ' . The .meeting of the . Tuesday Mus ical club, scheduled to be held at tn - jr. nrni, nnton. has been ndinn.d inflef initely. The new date for the meeting will be announcea later. . - Baron Von Lersner handed the note covered with sheets of Ice, making l ly at the municipal employment era to Paul Dutasta, secretary of the peace traffic haiardous both to pedestrians; for work without success Wan eouia conference, with whom he discussed and horses. And it will leave the Its contents. The note declares Germany's inten tion to execute the peace treaty. It takes note of the allies' promise to re patriate German war prisoners, then develops Germany's desires regarding the Scapa Flow Incident The reply, it is understood is most conciliatory throughout" While still holding out against full reparation oe manded by the allies for Scapa Flow, the impression is given that solution will be easily arrived at. . ' Von Lemser announced mat m group ot German technicians will ar rive tomorrow to take up conversa tions with the allied representatives Paring Budget to Meet Tax Umiiai CountyiDepartmeni Head " " ' . - Ittl ST. trembling like the sword Ot Uamoc.es an incr J"" d over the recenUy published estimatea j .J"" ,".; library budget, the court and commiss oner. T,j.,4a.H: a nuanary as 1 1"""- - ll.- . . . ... For high school purposes, t M.rinn mtntv are in t knv th estimate win ioo the budget is established on December fund lilt 91 As the published estimate exueeun ho institutional limit by the sum of f 48,643.69, some of the estimates .ni ..,.,. n ho anared. and the ques- nn ,,nnrmost In the minds of most county heads Is, "Win tne ppri- tlon lor my department gei '."' . Schools Need Most. r i ....1,1, in rnuntv records the ma jor portion of the excess to. for the ... .1.. tic t4 1A con schools of tne couniy, ti.,.. ...ontlnff this. DOrUOn OI esti- PEEVEDWUSE Besets along .rural routes are in- rtlenant oyer uw - ., hn officials and .road PXTo make m County government and related at have rem - - ..Ments ot the highways passable IUi dm Polk county are n a simuai p CmUk outes have been forced o thfs continuance as have grocery de liveries. -J.. route, the l-?rh.-oniV assumed Tur diction over construction, long ago halts. . . , are Four hunorea hway which stacked along the W ' in W0uld relieve - brokel SaUm providing the roa bfe snow r Washington, Deo. ; 15. With the shortage of whits paper dally becom ing mora acute, the hous postotflce oommtttM today began consideration ot ths bill ot Representative Anthony, Kansas, to limit the site ot all publica tions transmitted through the mails. Anthony prsdicited that unless con- grew acts speedily scores ot the small er publications will be forced to sus pend tor lack ot paper. Us proposed to limit the sixes by refusing to allow mulling- prilvleges to any dally ot mors than 14 page and Bunday paper ot more than I pages, any weekly pun. U cation ot mors than 1i pages and any monthly uiagaslns of mors than 100 pages. Jason Rogers of the New York ninh. renresentatives of ths American Newspaper Publishers' association ana the magaslns owners are expecieu io appear before the committee. ' Will Cut Consumption. Th situation." Anthony said, "is Just this: the paper mills already have contracted for (0 per cent mors paper than they can manufacture in Hundreds ot smaller paper navs oeen unable to contract tor paper at any nm,m of ..ikMiimA i CI1IC1I VI w OF DIES mm Tt.. derision was a sweeping vW Jnty tor the contentions ot the prohihlth- Uta and ths government. It " that the mUUons ot gallons of Indi cating liquors now stored throughout the country ana vaiue . . 008,000.000 will be a near total kww .,nu MtM to nroclulmed before - stltutlonal prohibition becomes erf. tlvs. , . . IUwne Ijomi ms. Ths courts held that ths prvM ot the war time aft stating that pr hloMlo shall end at ths ennr)rtv ot th wa rn v tw oinrr ir. than lbs preelanuHW" Dr.' Thomas B. Ford. It years oA veteran Methodist minister and one ot VakMt known church workers In the Pacific Northwest, UHMJ ot n City Bunday afternoon. Ths nd cams as the agea ciery. . troiiav car tn front oi WH.VIIIH v" u.,Vil ths ruins ot ths Oregon v. i., t,ureh. recently destroyed by firs and of which Dr. rora na - tor tor many years. . Bines his appointment m Ford nas been superintendent ot tot a i HLtriot ot the Methodist fer.no. and at on. time restdsd hr. meaning , peacs,- vv " " Because of ins awwn" eminent will lose .. revenue from whlssey alone, ! ths baa to lifted before January It. . Ths opinion was reaa sy Brsndeto, ' . , Ths court's decision clamping down again ot ths Md to) wctlona where U was lifted by tw- eral court Injunctions ana suajww i ,w... bt lntaxIeattHK Itqwsrs M 11V . . orpseeutloo. .- . .... mvUOM HUMIB M w-r Bt. jlouis, nsw In IvootHVlll. Or leans and Proxldenee, H. I. rrt Hi. wit. died hers about four . t" u . .. i.y In In Kew tork. Hoston. BaMlmes. t.ST'Trori ha. glvVa htorvloe. Chicago, along th. Paclfto as !0"th.?Kur"; many rnvr,,n-; price, although tho co to the PuhMchur.hM ! "f,;., Hoo1 , ,n th. lmm t llshet per pound, wnicn w """ J" r.ri .V Omcon City In 1111. Kentucky weuiwrwa - , , " two ces before th. war, is now bs- W J -by'four eh.l- Tbtalnsd an InJuncHon asked for this year, oemg a $15,000 over last years ra m m ton . t toia tYt couniy rmovw i.. -- - t.il. 547.17 tor state tax purPu It to estimated that -" requlrea tor ne T" . . The general roao itn . 7 h cnuntv la placet i .".- in . : i ait th.!. 800. which to lower ny . last year's item for tns sam wv.. tHii.hd estimate, ths gen- cral fund call, for M.mM, while f, fund was 5261,m.M or an ......n. an hia Increase , li-.nA Of llJ.iO". ' :. fairs will cost l3.io-w o up principally ot th. foliow- .ot,a this year as compared to the to made up p M0.6J4.- v- - - . m A1t nn I Ittff 1IHIIIB. v. - . . tllJ.631.55 budget item oi :;,, , k. ieved to proviae nf 126.634.85 which sum is ... ' VV... ,.nfler ths Pierce ....iv. of 110.600 tor the SUverton county ,- ,d. i . nn cuuuu ' "" .. . .... .honrinrllntnrest on . Other comparative ' tend, beside many other sma ... nirht increases over uw -"- -- year are: Roads and highways, im- "e - prov,B0ns ot th. six per provement. maintenance SJSS lh' Z Hnn of roaas, DriaBes . i ,n Increase tne mu. irie. of deputy roadmasters. patro - .v .,9 ,52.jo over last year s en and assistants; $157,000 to e u-, . - - mted 1156,784.6$ for the year i.i.. s--- tween 10 and 15 cent "My bill. I believe, will reduce tn. consumption ot print paper by ons h.ir MrwH ths amount of weekly magaslns paper used by I per eent and that of the monthly puout about ii per cent. (..-.--"''"" Publications are loath U Increase adverttalnr rales' "d thus ' deewws. the space given to it. fearing their com petitors will not ioiiow sun. - - to the government, w - - tlv. tor thera to protect au Canadian Supply Threawned. u.i Que.. Dec Notifies Hon from th. dominion government .I ". .r.ln.councll.win be issued authorising ths minister ot customs to . ,nnrtLion of news print m- rr-..w who does (pw y 'r ,;; a..ercon. 0tc;a:,oda,to.n.hand. of th. Canadian ruip ' tion. with headquarters n-r.. mandata to th. ruu Kentucky rv. Ford to.urv.ved b, r tour - - th iMtM ,rw. dren, Badyey iy. : '"" ;mhihitin ths removal from bona s Mrs. Harold nor AT,. ' i i .n. ot sallon. of throughout in. ministers Ths gov.? w- Burfess Ford. Btsyton; Ford. Oak Grow, j imm.dtately appeal the mss Balam ministers snu iu.u.v. - w.- vm worker, ot Dr. Ford at. plana n. ' wemnimV Tk , m. Irom tne r4 -rT- .0wnm.n won a New Tor. pal church. 4 Similar - ova bm is HELD IU I1 ... m i . iiMi. 15. Mrs. rilnth. Atlantis .go. hospital unoer "''-""" ' ,,' Judis Kaoa refusing 'junetlon to Dryfoos, IuW t to rsmo vs. fifty barrels ot whtoy 'from bond. This was today Th. contention ot th. liquor injmr t. was that th. war tlm. . Hon act, becaus. of th. P' that It would ..tend ov.r until .mhlbltion becomes :" 'would deprlv. Ihem ot their prop.! 'without Just eompensatlon. , Th. question was dtod ' record breahlng tlm. by h. sowrt. 'final .rsuments being concluded N,.vembr $1 or about thr.s through tne ih city. ing hauieu ' ., BptprminedtoPass Sugar Ml oy uina ICY GRIP OVOl AIL NORTHWEST LOSES 15 House lead Washington, - the re8o- determined today thai ,ution extending tM . keep prlceB tion board for a year - .naring snau r . , Christmas 1 lreS that the equa..- --- measure eres action Imperative this the.measure CITY SCHOOLS HERE CLOSE UNTIL 29TH; mm is Th. new manaa '-"" ,.. -"";"-:..: ch.red wh IM "f.n..r of th. paper oontrw.i mine - -. ... VMLi old failure oi i f niiniie to1 .... uudily' . her flvs dUM,rCaTadr hou with new. "by drowning: hs U to UP1"' Canadian ower,iud furtlier today. .per sold -. r e-d. ,h. i nun visa" . . huv .ltd inicniiv. iib - airman - the house .hing. ortIand. Or.. Dea 15.-The cold wave shows signs today of losing its .... rMfir nortnwes; in icy grip on uw .. it has already Degui. w ....... The lowert point reached by the mer . .... ih was 13 above, ten cury here th. lowest mark degrees war.... "--, Xt 10 recoreo ji abovv iock the temper"" probably w Thursaay. The iinr is IIBII " . .(. I I. - j. 4, 4 i nu... . . . . ' ....j,''' A PEACE TRFATY BALtOT 2S nations, m ientatives of With , Following tne KiE d a; Paris a f-;- his wM eluding our own, drew up o Nations cow -Germany, part I being 7G ar.y. j November also signed under comPulnW Germ end d on N wM . Puring the special session of congr a d cojena g latWa series of 15 Etlon of the foreign re k hs senate on recomn'o" ..me to a , , Mnatsv- however, a tvoC to rtify inTt ratiaifc- . it ,n. defeated; 41 senators you voted again- ' : ' ' , ....MVaTlllUH. Tl .. . - renci'" . treaty " " . fr tonight and tomor- lom - . - ,,ine to "not so com; snuw, - t.. moderated , all The weatn" , tJ report. Uodaq. . in f.. ... ..... hnols in this city w... - closed until Monday. Imberj' This was decided oy Anlo1 MMlOII 10 . ssfttinir in - ooaiu, .v - , day, after It had been r no pupils had gone w morning. . blllIdlngs wa in most or in- rendered tor systems were froze" uwless. ana I--;- w heat possible in a.. i than tnw """. .,;,, have . Davarai m..u.' noUftod th. conlro the. will not continue ,ow Canada after " " terms as they n . . 1 1. i sit 1 1 1 iiuw " - - 1 and over 'Y'" Th, manufacturers the United States. Tht n -alntaln dton" cn.u....ra. cewtons - intruclon or ... t.. irnvamiiici'i whetner . attempt to not but n,e;V.tda rerlct the prlc. in Canaoa effcct on th. Port.'n''7hav. a hear- '. .i,iiiln Ihriftll tO th. woman iron. u.... - '"uTi iak. was ptas-4 t7eterday wh.n ths body ot hr .rswash.di..hbr. th. V.ntnor municipal v'- " t. delated from her or, . ' b- ,K.d by two nKT:; from her Sine .. " V.ni."r r i OF FACTlOIiS; UCK OFIKinCME tar th child whin Wlillsm Spragu., lice night morrow Uy amUhi C'tonfarrs, iiinl.r.1 1're- Waff Corrsspon.t Rom., te. 1.-Thw tnwsppra The manuiaciur. - " , before control." - row. them properiy. ,,T wm be The Wliiame.." ClTh. EXJSSSm 'college-open.-The Bs' . .urth, of the usual today wnn wy eonl,nu ...ndsnce. This scnoui . anil 11 l . uuv to ratify without any vin of the peo! pie will of tion on any coftdtiions .,, the w ui - This Is a ttemocmv, ---- - j wasn...B-uestl0n oi be acted upon by r,on Sis rnost state the!' oital Journal asks its rea ments which modern umea, t the ioii" 1 I attitude by checking that one . expresses their views. , n wservations favor compromuw treat and the league . .. Tdse reservi with an - regervstions- rheck here with immediate rati- of nation, covenant-- cation f the peace 2 I favor ratincaUon, but only ations. : flnfflBEWP 1 .AnornnililCMDinVn. JUDorUPitLnrLuiu -frasvaZlw.,; begin U in . , 14 and lam this school !." J I'!' Heart academy ha. Tne B"-"- . . . January closea EWI10TEDEH vstrrti BY VlUA BE FREED ho" "ou'.l tel. th. tru.h to- rtv,; jn ,he ctamk - U," Mrs! Wk. replied; )Bdlc.u, lh. .cv.rnm.ni Mih to Huy and 1 11 stois ..r... hank tomorrow . nwn riftfifroe. th. a"""""' ..".. ffnd tr.mf toglslaior . Buddy.' wny ao ' . Wum, .rh. ehamoer n r .... .d la eomPlinr " .glltors. . , namoer n r - . . a a Anltttnll MM- ; William b.rlns and is :..-h. p,tal wh.n l P-" 'Z, in fit cn- eld. at any tlm., "? rT- Kos, lnUMa .... (d ,hBt 0,ffl,.utt illuulion inio dltlon to be taa.n .u '"' ". rt,p, ,4 th, oiornale ini. .... ,. wry nervou. and hat swy issia .n iml-r . ,u...,.amnn l. I'-' I - . . . !. sine n. --r---: BoragU. Although th. hamh. n - r.n Friday. - - - I - ... . ... hrti the tars" v . ....111. IdUDOUUOD 1U .. . coff.4 at ..,. . .M-ctlv.ly, th ou - My "-'-""", or.." h.'l " , hav. cl..rly lndl,at- prs"-". ""ir. ,h,.w l..r T "Z " ,.f tMtnl J"l" ,i.inv - ---- biih--- : - irt the liU ! . dumbo- wa , .. to Pttrlim.ntry .or--- haliuoma""" . .mnt from child Into the o jity brought on not. to ... vi..inn. Dec- IS rresal-U" t. Carrans Meslco requeslln th. J- rnmnt W "" T amerlean ta.n . - ., . repnlll. fr n-r.rm'" " . .ould sw. ( u b laM nleM r- Cnit.dlherhu.lndsnd rr.mr ' , MW,. bring at. rle of two iced Vnemp.oymentcon.ncr m the city. ? -.v4tv , WB. planu cessauon f WOrk. and . been thrown out o. .j,. mb are com.- other dally seeking wora. $1 FROGHT EMBARGO TO mvcTuniiciim n h i nnni iiiiii.iui.iiiiiiii.a-i pplied i(n! labor at tne - -- Kln pee. 1 -Th O Hh.rn Pacific rssl- R- .n embargo today ?rimrlM with th. . ..... was anno"'1 r"'rw.r.7.pTu,.d in two Amwcaos wer. v iraid on Musqula. Deo. lS-" .Cr M of th. treasury, cnr rra, secretary oftn.' ..lnt.,0Hun .4 t. , f up trouble lultwn ., gr..r "o. rti"rtrx Tfl rfJ U sa 1 1 . . iimi. "Buddy ... t.f. .b Wa J"'"" "',. t.,t worda Th. 1. ta'UtboV. T l b.lad.l- foodstuff. who ra " -dln P'ohibltloa for ! rs. .uniptw. - tuat O eu..""- - mother and Istnsr. d rt phi. ur"c "r.; but H to sld tin f 4rlkia. arated for ' !f".ad KMi to, "Th. ' ..!P.:,Jrt lh. e could b.ma-1- by "- sm 1"'' do with tn. .,., atatlo .... thm." .. .a lilak. went i ' dK had ood I V ni,l k k. informed th. boy. f" ,.a ,bt t-od wouW drink." tb. Pfn-"" when Wforw.-. - ,d . men vv . h m for ror irtu ,iht with tn fr rarr "'1" ".ccmodate jfc" fcav. th. no other po-"- - Dlng rail shippm"- remalnm. R cbarge of JpracUcaJ JWf- f Oregon i-itv Kecui"-- - . .!,, to ... .. .-vi accoraina w .i. i ure .iwuh pp ' . . .n'a P.. -- .now. .h. a-ert CoaM " " - " . . .t,.nifa ar " terrn - - ; lapwd ing a new They are been found ano - - ' imtm l). " tbto " f, th. apparent rallo. ...u,-, bo Niiu ' "- . ,j.r. . . cut aid rad fourtr r.r-f , h4Wt,t.,r '::".;.m..y , ealled. " . ,d, W. .-. "-" nl lat. la s-: k h.r (H"" "" .mla oll..thlr th. sarns h, er.dlt ana ,f Bi.h. '-".r. b ..' ":"d. thM iniw"T- . i. ... itti lata iw -- -,iti nr Cau . --; . Mrto!fr M. : M ,Bd when complain"'. .. ... ,...,!. I attuut thinr ...-fixation oi o """: ,., ,ld: "h "" " ri0Uiy B.i--"" ii com- UKory- , , ..II country 1W th. 1MM aituailon seriously . a torn ChTJ fore. Pndi!hThe pasiles wr , , . ,lU with tn tlrly rt yuU th. Who trwt U.uid r ,.,.-, f th. li nn ki.vi:i biw!;.: ;rk.iidKd.rd( . . ..."rzrtn.a Bgro. V""" ...7- it nlh. -. f tror .n pke.d . . . r u, . v-' t ?JZ : ha-Ts of bu.- -.- rn""ourof .mp rrr--1 -Tand :--!-r.n sru - 31 favor ratification puy. Mr. WH.m Cberrlngto .an 1 hr M , Mrs. wl" j .a Cberrlngina.!1" ,.h.0IIU1piUe .uahter. Mto. 'n-Ia lb. mob of t haP" , . , Mk of " ,ych-d by ttt of . orvgon but only without any a.d id from a ----.-aoeord- lh Washiiotoa la t" ratification In in .ny orm- In 41 am opposed to ,. buUding. - fIne awa Ing to Oi" '" the warninr - ..walk av. HJKirW ear. to rn-sbto ; BhorMf ' the embargo- who do cln tn- - cleaB Tra. wer. hired by cii pff walk guMM Of irw- - Name Address t....H!l1. Sign and mall to Capuai