Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 27, 1919, Image 1

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Ultimatum Of Coai Administra
tor Favor Wage Increase Of
1 1 A aim?
14 rer tent Ana no Ad
vance In Price Being Con
sidered. By Ralph P. Couch
(ITnlted Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Nov. ,27. Coal miners
and operators from all sections of the
United States were to resume Joint con
ftrenecs here late today in a final at
tempt to settle the coal situation on
the hasiH of the pronouncement of
Fuel Administrator Garfield.
Gui'fleld, speaking for the govern
ment', declared that:
1 No Increase will be permitted in
the price of coal.
2 -Minora are entitled to an average
wage increase of 14 per cent to make
wages conform with an increase of 79.1!
per iont in the cost of living since
Poth sides went into exceutlve ses
sion this morning to outline policies.
The possibility of a complete break
teemed not far off as the hour for the
ji.iiit conference approached.
The questlonaire recently sent to
each teacher in the Salein public
schools h is revealed some very inter
esting facta.
The lowest Salary paid in Salem is
$765; the highest, excluding the super
intendent's, is $1900.
One-fourth of the teachers receive
less than J100 per month for nine
months. This means that many teach
ers now employed in the Salem Bchoola
must either receive help from their
families or supplement their incomes
by soma other work in he summet
or aftor school hours. Professional
. upkeep for teachers Is heavy. Even '
teachers who have completed certain
courses must, to keep pace with condi
tions,' attend school during the sum
mers. This demand in addition to the
ereat increase of living expenses makes
the teacher's stluatlon a really serious
one. . ;
Outside Aid Needed.
... Tweniy-tnree teachers In. the schools
reported that last year they received
.... . . ii , . 1 .. ' in . , .
ijn.iunjf niu liuiii uittir lumiiies twenty
others indicated that they received aid
iu me iorm 01 summer ooard. thus
phowliig that almost 60 per cent of the
oiiiem leacners receive support aside
from their- salaries. The approximate
lielii received, by these forty-three
teachers was $7875. Thirty teachers
reported that they assist in the sup
port of others. Twenty-one said they
had savings accounts. All who indi
cated that they were able to save stated
that thev did so at great sacrifice or
were able to do so only because thev
lived at home. A few have outside in
terests! which add to their incomes,
thus enabling them to increase their
saving accounts.
A number-added that they found itln7""" "l " l PjTu
cp-sarv w C,,m,v, v, T.K..,neaUh' and ln the observance of tho
necessary last summer to cash Liberty
bonds or to use money previously ac
cumulated. Most teachers mentioned
decided and specific Increases in Hv-
jjis in trie last lew months.
These increases are of course gen
eral, but in Sulem they have been most
marked since last snrlng when the sal
ary schedule was fixed. Moreover 45
t'achers now fulfilling their contracts
v-ith Salem were offered better payin?
positions during the summer, after
they had agreed to teach here. M-"
llfi llmiVit ilMmnH II linnl.l. 1. (
Vi - ...;.. iu miuii
tholr obligations, but a larger number
received their election elsewhere too
hite to be released here.
The Oregon law requires that teach. I
ers shall give sixty days notice forj
resignation. .'
Prosser, Wash., Nov. 27- Ten for -
nier service men last evening kidnap- j efforts to bring about corresponding
ed Waller Thomas Mills, radical le?-, increases in teachers' salaries, com
turer, just before an advertised meet- niensurate with the high cost of liv
ing. ' lng.
He was driven rapidly to a point 25 Be it resolved, that we commend
miles from Prosser and unloa.ea. our superintendent, W. M. Smith, for
Mills walked to Klona, hired a car the unusually excellent program pre
and was back In P-nsser at 11 p. n. pared for this institute and that we
Prominent socialists, armed with Hedge him our loyal support and co
Shotguns, met Mills and escorted him deration in carrying out the plans
to tho grange hall, three miles west he has made for the year, and we wish
of i.
was eid, u.i
Turkeys Slump
When Portland
Market Weakens
Tortlnnd, Nov. 27. Some Tortland
citizens are eating turkey toduy
which cost CO cents per pound.
It Isn't any better than that beln?
devoured by other Portlanders who
paid-65 cents, nor does it taste any
nicer than that which many purchas
ed for half a dollar.
Sixty cents was the price of the
Thanksgiving birds yesterday morn
ing but the demand for the high pric-
c-d iurks was so small that the price
i-oon dropped to 55 cents. In order to
get rid of their supply, dealers finally
had tp lower the price to 60 cents. .
Weather Forecast
Oregon: Tonight Mid Thursday fh
Mitximiun St
Minimum 23
RuUifuIl .05
Eiounty .court, in a resolution
jj ta the closing session of the
C3 county teachers institute at
th? h school yesterday afternoon,
is V- to Include in the budget for
19 j Ejovlslon for a county library
sysiiH.- It urges a central library and
"such branches as investigation may
Indicate that is needed." The teachers
also resolved themselves as favoring
the teaching of foreigners the Ameri
can language that "will make him a
useful and desirable citizen."
Other resolutions adopted are in
dicative of the progressive spirit of
the teachers. The closing session was
terse and business like. Edwin T.
Reed, from Corvallis, ably lectured to
the teachers on "The larger vision."
At the opening of the session in the
afternoon Mrs. Lula Dahl Miller.
prominent Portlund singer, rendered
a number of solos that were manifest
ly enjoyed. .
Resolutions Passed
The resolutions adopted by the
teachers during the three day insti
tute follow:
Whereas, there is a growing de
mand for adequate library facilities
for rural sections as well as for our
cities and towns, and in view of the
fact thnt the county library system
will bring the library privileges to all
with the minimum cost and the maxi
mum of books and service.
Bo it res lived, that this annual
county Institute recommend to the
county eou; t of Marion oounty, that
a sufficient levy be Included in the
county budget In 1920, to provide the
books and the service for a central
library and. such branch libraries as-
InvestigaUOa may indicate that is
n6Sl0.Mi.' ,
Resolve that we favor the estab-
languages our country, in our his-
torv. Bovernmnnt nnrl nitno-oth
tQry, government and altogether such
ko.aiTaWta a S
as will
make him a useful and desirable cit-
zen. We pledge support to the doc-
trine OI one ln.ncril.1sra nnrf nna na.-.
pie" for America.
Oiw riistory Advocated
Resolved, mat we endorse the-move
.......i I,
' w. wo uutiecuun, preservation
and stud of Oi-egon history to the
fv . wBBuii iimiory, to ine
end that communitv m-lrlo m ha-
stimulated, the study of hlstorv mn.
tivated by the socialized method, atid
HllA n...l i .1 , . .
a bivutt. eivoii uiiu uppi eciation w.,..v. ..u dmoh.
shown to those men and women of Greater part of his life. He has long
our own state who have made contri- heen recognized as a good roads en
butlons to our history; to the pioneers thuslast and took an active part in put
to the. war veterans and to deserving tlng over the $1,600,000 road bond is
public snirited citlKona nf sue recentlv voted hv TTnlnn nnuritv
munlty and of the state. We recom-
mend that the following standing com
iiuitee oe appointed to further this
purpose: Superintendent Smith. Mrs.
Fulkerson and A. N. Arnold.
Resolved, that since efficiency in
time of peace and in time of war. and
the dally happiness of our people are
dependent upon the possession of
good health, we favor such a cam
paign as will result in the better pro-
rules of hygiene, sanitation and right
living in order that the inherent right
to ncaitny bodies and minds may be
Reorganization favored-
Resolved, that we favor the reorgan
izatihn of our whole educational sys
tem resulting from a larger partici
pation in educational affairs by our
national government, indorse the pro
visions of the new Towner act estab
lishing the national department of ed
ucation with the secretary as a mem-
1 1 ... .. .. . .
ut-i ui me president 8 caDlnet, and gi"-
.ing federal aid in Americanization
work, to rural schools, to a health
program, and to the wider extension
of educational opportunities,
Resolved, that the Marlon county
institute commends the work nf nnr
state teachers' association and pledges
its loyal support to each individual
endeavor and to the principles of that
Whereas, the cost "of living has
greatly Increased and teachers' sal
aries have increased but slightly,
Raise is Sought
Be it resolved, by the teachers of
'Marion county that we use legitimate
to extend our hanks to the instruc
tors. ,
Be it resolved, that we thank Super
intendent J. W. Todd for bringing to
us the great pleasure of hearing the
soloists, Albert J. Gillette and Mrs.
Lulu Dahl Miller, and also for his ad
mirable work in leading the music at
these sessions.
Be it resolved, that we thank the
board of directors of school district
No. 24 for the use of the Salem high
school building during the time of the
annual county institute.
B it resolved, that the teachers at
tending the Marlon county Institute
extena ineir tnanks as a mark of ap
preciation for the support and pub
licity given to this eession of the teach
ers institute by the Salem press.
The Burns Commercial club Ir
' teeomm'nfS to the city council ar
' , !rn and we8tert road through th.
. . V. 1 " ,Ln lne ProPea Cen
?ac!fiC highway.
Journal Want Ads are
people a day and they dearer the goods. Try
one and see. They deliver the Goods.
Coal Shortage
Stays Justice;
, Court Is Cold
Yakima, Wash., Nov. 27. Justice
stays her hand in Takima county to
the will of the coal shortage. Super
ior Judge H. M. Taylor issued a public
notice yesterday In which the next 3urv
term here was vacated because the
court rooms cannot be heated. The
notioa follows:
"Because of the small amount of
fuel in sight to heat the court house
and the small number of Jury cases on
the docket, the Jury term scheduled to
begln on December 2 In department
No. 2 of the superior court has been
ordered vacated and all persons who
have been summoned to serve thereat
may accept this as sufficient notice not
to appear for duty."
OF v.. trirtflio f Ti,n ritv
state senator from Union and Wallowa
counties from 113 to 1915, has been
-amed bv Governor Oloott to mioceed
:r ?n&a
" nignway commission, according
to announcement last night. Kiddle, it
was slated, was not an applicant for
P8ition' had not been apprised of
the governor's action at the time the
Bv.w...v. "v. iiuio nira
appointment was given to the press
anrt' "''efore, has not had an oppor-
tunlt'. to ither accept or reject tho
ffAmA. .Tl-iA nnnnlnfmont to fni. a-
. . r -
malnder of Burgess' term, which will
. M.fc
oxnire Mamm tl,
' Kiddle Is prominently Identified with
the milling -and stock industries In
T II I nil fnil II t V l.i. haa Bnaiit Y.
During the recent war he was prom'i-
nentlv Identified with the Red Cross
""a otner pariotic drives. Kxcept for
his service in the upper house of the
state legislature he has never before
held public office,
Board Not Authorized To
License Architects
TllO board Of enerineers "-Hmtner
cw the last state legislature la
J. ' , lo rep8ler Persons as
oHMiieera. tnut term not
being included in the definition of the
act Providing tor the registration of
engineers. This is the gist of an otiln
ion prepared by I. H. Van Winkle, as-
slsant attorney general, Wednesday,
in reply to'a query from O. Laurgaard was damaged by fire Sunday, caused Douglas county has 16 fully oqulp
of Portland, president of the board. by sparks from an electric motor. ped high schools.
0 " , a
From Plymouth to the Golden Gate
today their children tread;
The mercies of that bounteous hand
upon the l?nd are shed; '
The "flocks are on the mountain
hills," the nrairies wave with grain,
The cities spring like mushrooms now
where once was desert plain. '
read by oyer 25J
Trio Who Robbed Claremont
Tavern Guests And Killed
RiirCfACS And Ptfrri?MTr'slumDer unknown scoundrel stole
r.. '.3 CIIU1SCI ;up on the porch of the residence of
Plead Guilty To Crime.
Portland, Or., Nov. 27-David Smith,
"Butcr" Herman alias Walter Banas
ter and? James Ogle, the three con
fessed participants in the Claremont
tavern robbery and murders of Frlda
night, pleaded guilty Wednesday after-
noon before Presiding Judge Gatens nf
the Multnomah county circuit court
nn" w,erB sem8ncm 10 "le ""prison
ment in the Oregon state prison,
Sentence was pronounced upon Ogle
at 2 o'clock following his plea of guilty
to two indictmenfu charging him with
11.. . , . t -, . .1
niw uiurucr ui uunper pi. Burgess ana
n r. r.i j. .
O. V. Peringer, prominent eastern Ore-
gonians. Banaster and Herman sprang
nounced their determination to stand
Two Men Change Minds.
Pleas nf -not aim. wr n.rt
and Judge Gaterv, se their trial for
rext Monday. Morris Goldstein a
Frank J. Strelblg.-i who had been ap
pointed by the court to defend the ac
cused, at this Juncture asked to be re
ilee from any further participation
'n the case. The court refused their
,'ef"le6 an3 ordered them to prepare
for trial.-
Two hours later both the prisoners
repented of their earlier decision, and
sent word to Judge Gatens that they
were willing to plead guilty and re
ceive their sentence. When the men
were brought before the court they re-
Huestea permission 10 max.e statements
before Judgment was passed. ThiB was
acceded to bi."; court.
Smith spoke first and denied for htm
H(,if an n.niIItp. , -rf ln th. .
an fna84,,anJ P"V B
tual shootin. H'jB.dmitted the rob-
, , . .... .
bery but said that .Ogle was the oni
who had fired the fatal shots. He
Sill U .
Says Oglo Is Guilty.
"I wish to make a statement before
pleading guilty and have It go into thi
record that neither I or Herman had
anythlngto do with the shooting but
reallz& tha "nlr the law we are Just
" BU"lJ' " " " "uu
"Ogle, the man who pleaded guilty
here earlier this afternoon, shot those
men al the Claremont tavern, only he
ih not man enougn to aamit it. Because
it is by understanding that my mere
presence there makes me equally guilty
Is the reason why I am willing to plead
guilty of murder at this time."
"Dutch" Herman endorsed what
Smith had sold but made a plea to the
court for leniency upon the grounds of
his VOUth and nrevlnuil ennrt rornrrt tin
said that he was in the basemont when
the shots were fired but that as far as
he knew Ogle had done the shooting,
He said he was very sorry for the
The planing mill of the Brooks-
scanion number company at Bend
Circulation Yesterday
54 4 7
Only Salem Member Audit Bureau
Circulation. " .
Meanest Thief
Shows Hand In
Theft of Feed
During the war tho meanest thief
was the man who would steal pennies
from a Belgian baby relief bottle. But
the meanest thief alive today Is the
man who will remove the anticipation
of a Tblg dinner and the ardor of
Thanksgiving' day from its rightful
The meanest thief showed his hand
here last night.
Whlla ha V .,,,1. ,,1,1 I
Mrs. Charles H. Whitmore, 1237
Chemeketa, and removed a fatted
goose and a bottle of milk from the
cupboard. Although the fact was re
ported to "police this morning the fes
tive fowl had not been recovered in
time for the feast at noon.
uimiBi hci nwa lur nen rtuwuen
T.. . . 1 1 ,. e . ti t. 1 ..
- , . . . .
Jr., 31, a former resident of this city,
who died lnr Portland Tuesday
Rledon uldeTaklng Compaq 253 N.
" " " " .....j
ternoon. Kev,
.Putnam of the Bunga-
low Christian church, will have charge
X v,,;OB Durml wl" lu"ow m I
'ZowZn is 3ed bv three siste
I wTfS" ilfl .
Siverson, Salem, and Mrs. Mattlo
Gregory, Lodi, Cal.; and four broth
ers, James and George of Lodi, Oal.;
H. W. Bowden, of Salem, and Elmer
Hilton, Stlllacomb, Wash. . ,
According to a coroner's inquest
certificate! attached to the body that
arrived here last night, Bowden died
of a self inflicted gummot wound.
Bight vagabonds were the guests of
the city -last night. Arriving in the
city aboard a freight train late last
night, they Were rece.ved at theih"nd for immediate release of Jen-
Southern Pacific depot by. Patrolman
Victor and escorted to the city jail
where beds were given them for the
night. The octet, all of them young
McGuIre, Seattle; Dick Preston, Port
land; Raymond Taylor, Edwin Ow
ens, Astoria; John Hart, James Cog
, telle. Al Keenan. Portland and C.
Pyper, , Seattle. After partaking of the
c ty s hospitality the men were re-
leased this morning.
New York, Nov. 27. Stockholders o(
the "General Motors company will bo
oalledto a special meeting December
Sttn vntn nn o nliin -nlllr. tnr- tlio on.
thorization for the Issue of a $600,-
Ouo.000 par value, 7 per cent cumula -
tlve bonds andto authorize a decrease
in the $500,000,000 6 per cent deben-
ture stock at 90,000,000 it was an-
nounced by Dow Jones news tagency
late yesterday.
Heap high the -board with plenteous
cheer and gather to the feast,
And toast that sturdy Pilgrim band
whose courage never ceased. i
Give praise to that All-Gracious One
by whom their steps were led.
And thanks unto the harvest's Lord
who sends out "daily bread."
Foreign Office Says American
Cousular Agent Must Face
Trial Before Local Authori
ties; U. S. Course Uncertain.
1 By Ralph H. Turner
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Mexico City, Nov. 26. The Mexican foreign office
handed to the American embassy tonight a note declaring
Mexico cannot accede to the request for release of Wil
liam 0. Jenkins, American consular agent imprisoned in
Puebla for allege dconspiracy with the bandits who re
cently kidnaped him.
The note, which was In reply to a
demand by the American state depart
ment declared the case was In the
hands of the local, authorities and
that the constitution forbids the presi
dent to interfere in the affairs of the
various states.
Must Gird Ball.
Jenkins will be released as Boon as
he gives bail, which has beon fixed at
,000 pesos (about (500), the note
said. The demands of the United States
have no basis In International law, It
was contended. It was pointed out that
an American should expect no more
rights in Mexico than a Mexican en
(joys in the United States. Americans
in Mexico receive the same privilege
1 uw now asserted mat . denains is
well treated and recelvlne all the at.
tention due his position. The hope was
expressed that the American state de-
"vitia w eiiiitri urvvmi llinuvttlll or
Furthor Details Sought.
Washington, Nov. 26. America'
next step In the exchange of notes
with Mexico over the case of William
O. JenkinB. consular agent imprison
ed at Puebla, probably will be a de
mand that the Carranza government
supply more complete details of the
charges against him, and permit a
first hand investigation by an Ameri
can representative, It was learned to
day at the state department.
The Mexican reply to this govern
ment's note had not been received
here early today, but state department
officials were informed It had been
delivered to the Ao'rlftn embassy. In
Mexico-!lty. -. '
According to unofficial reports, the
reply Is a refusal of the American de-
Ultimatum Possible.
The government, It is understood,
desires to have M. B. Hanna of the
American embassy In Mexico City go
to Puebla and personally review the
entire matter, making a secret report
to the state department, which would
be checked up with the dotalled re
port, the Mexicans will be askel to
Meanwhile, It was suggested that.
th's government would advise Jenkins
to take advantage of the Mexican of-
fer to set him free on ball.
I fthe Mexican report does not
spree with Hsnna'a. or If the Mexicans
nfu mnit tv,r... .lot-llu k.
United States may send a flat ultl-
.matum to Carrange ordering Jenkins'
I release. In the meantime, however.
it was made clear that no dan porous
crisis exists mid that the entire slt
ution is expected to be settled peace
Paris, Nov. 27. The Bulgarian dele
gates signed their peace treaty at 10:36
o'clock this morning ln the town hall
at Neullly.
Considerable Interest centered in the
Bulgarian treaty because of the pre
vious refusal of Serbia to accept the
treaty of St. Germain liking peace with
Auh;j la. Serbians held off until the
last minute, only signing the St. Oei
maln pact last night. They had to do
this in order to become a part to the
Bulgarian treaty today which they
were most imxlous to see In effect.
The i xecutlon of the Bulgarian pro
tocol, iirnpllfying the terms of the trea
ty, will not become effective for some
time. It was understood, In order' to
pei. lit Roumanla to becor. e a party to
tli terms, as well ar to the Kweement
providing free movement of raclul mi
norities between Greece and Bulgaria
Washington Politicians Keep
Keen Lve On mm Dakota
Washington, Nov. 27. While politi
cians gathered In Washington today
for the preliminaries of the 1920 presi
dcutla! campaign, they kept their faces
turned in the direction of South Da
kota. During December South Dakota
pears likely to be the hottest political
unf.t lr (Via ITnll 01K Ht tnoa. Tho Bcnuta'
of both major parties are expected
make flying trips there to learn first
hand how public sentiment is shaping
up. The democrats seem to have a
slight advantage.
Tho national committee meets Jan
uary 8 to make its early plans, where
as tho republican national committee' dared that his place at this time la In
convenes hore December 10. (Washington working for a lasting
pence for the United States. .
1 A
Compromise Agreement Wd
Enable Congress To Ratify
Treaty During December Is
Opinion Of Senator. -
A compromise between opponents
and advocates of the peace treaty and
the league of nations conenant will b
reached soon after congress convene
Monday, and the pact will be paused
some time ln December, In the opinion
of United States Senator Charles I.
McNary, who returned to this city last
night. Senator McNary will spend m
week here, then return to the national
capital to take up the fight for Uta
peace treaty, ,, - . ... . . .
. More than two-thirds of the mem
bers of the senate desire the treaty
ratified, Senator McNary said in an
Interview hore today, with such reser
vations as will remove front question
all doubts and "controversies about the
meaning'of the covenant of the leagae) .
of nations."
Holds to Reservation,
Senator McNary said that he knew
of no member of the sonato who wish'
es to commit the United States to
course of action ln violation of the
constitution, therefore the bitter fight
on article ten. He said that he, per
sonally,, is Btrongly opposed to the send
lng of American troops to another na
tion without the authority of congress, .
and would hold out for a reservation
granting the league of nations the right
to direct troops of one nation to an
other. Unless a compromise on the treaty
Is reached soon after the convention
of congress, Senator McNary predict
ed a separate treaty with Germany will
i.p np-ntlnted. This is to be regretted.
he said, if such an event occurred, as
accent the league of nations In th
Utrht of an experiment that should ho
given a tryour.
Trpntv Must He Chnnged.
The nature of the private conference
he hnd with President Wilson on Mm
eve of the battle on the covenant, that
Incited much comment throughout the
K'an was not divulered bv the senator
further than "the president explained
the toatue of nations idoa."
'"r-he treaty as It stum's will never
ho acr-ented." Senator McNary declar
er "A'f houh strongly vouched for by
ha r..Hii,nt it is ambiguous. Why?
Because it is so suscentible to Interpre
tations. The Tinlted Hfn'e must know
where it stands at all times." - ,
Senator McNary promised Senators
Lo.iire and Hitchcock that he woaM
otii'i the first week after oongrese
convenes and strive for a compromise.
'n the following statement Senator
McNary made it plain that the action
of the senate ln rejecting the treaty
wns not for all time, but only wo
taken as a step of clarification of the
'""he senate's rofusal to commit the
United States precisely in the terms
urc-ed bv President Wilson must not be
accented bv the public as the purpose
of that body to defeat the peace treaty,
nor as to its final action. More than
urn.thlntti nf the member of the sen-
afe rtefire the treaty ratified with such
reservations as will remove from ques
tion ell doubts and controversies about
the meaning of the covenant of the
league of nations. I know of no mem
ber of the senate who wishes to com
mit the United States to a course of
action In violation of the constitution,
"or to overthrow those safeguards that
have mado this country foremost in
the fain II v of nations., 1 feel sure that
nn overwhelming majority of the sen
ile and that includes the friends of the
treaty would have the country certain
if Its postllon at the start, than later
'n to be denounced bv the other na
tions for Its failure to keep the faith.
''Greater differences exist with re
spect to the wording of the reserva
Hong than to the purpose they are In-
to!fen'',, 4 accomplish. This difficulty
will be overcome ln my judgment and
the treaty ratified within a few weeks.
The senntor is staving at the home
of R P. Bnlso. his brother-lnlaw. at
filU Court street. He expressed ploas-
- 'ur8
at being back "home,'' but d li