Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 25, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Convict Offers To Sell
His Glands To Get Relief
For Widow of Slain Man
jg.js-pr if If .... . 0
Neiv York, Nov. 24. Jf Podunk or
Yapp's Crossing cluini the eastern
football championship this season,
they may get It. No one would be en
titled to argue them out of it, for it
seenin after the most chaotic season of
yearn that there Is no real "honest-to-goodness"
champion. .
TJii regal robes and the scepter had
been draped on Syracuse Inst week but
the New Yorkers allowed Indiana,
ninth in the western conference to
maul them Baturday.
Harvard's defeat of Yale made the
Crimson the only undefeated majo.
team of the east but the record of the
Cambridge eleven Is not Impressive
enough to carry a title.
Dartmouth, Pittsburgh and Wash
ington and Jefferson stand high on the
list but each has a defeut thut cuts
them out of a chance for the throne.
Affairs In the west are a little more
tangible. Illinois has first cull for the
honors with a victory over Ohio Stato,
the ciioice of the early season dopsters.
First and second place was thereby es
tablished but the ranking of the other
conference members is in a hopeless
Su ii rises were not confined to the
Atlantic zone Saturday. Along the Pa
cific the dopo bucket was given a hefty
kick when the Oregon Aggies beat
Washington State, 6 to 0.
The real big classic of the season
close the year next Saturday on tha
Polo Grounds when the Army and
Navy tome together.
San Francisco, Nov. 25. (United in which Deputy Sheriff Condon was
Press.) Floyd Lee McClure of Ta-jdespen.lel.v wounded. After Schoemb
coma, who has offered to auction his j nag billed the men were apftrchended
interstitial glands for the benefit of j in San Francisco but escaped in a run-
the dependents of the man he killed, ning gjn fight. The two were descrlb-1
"muy do so without interference from ed by Sheriff Lyle aB "hard boiled"
the laws of California." jaiul "tough as nails." They will be held
Tl.a opinion was given the United here until it is definitely ' determined
Press today- by Henry Eickhoff, state j that C" ndon will live. Then they will
prison director and himself a lawyer. ; be handed over to the Sun tranclsco
' - , IpOliC!?.
San Jose, Cal. Nov. 25. (United: As -the United Preijs correspondent
Press.) Deeply pentinent because the tnlkart with McClure, Chastian hooueu
University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov.
24. A bronze .tablet in memory of
John Wesley Johnson, first president
of the University of Oregon, is Boon
to be placed In the corridor of the ad
' ministration building, named Johnson
hall in his honor. The building was
named when dedicated four years ago,
' but no memorial tablet has yet been
i placed. The, tablet. Just received from
a Portland brass works, Is Inscribed
as follows:
"John Wesley Johnson, the first
president of the University of Ore
. gon, was born near Kansas City, Mis
souri, In the year 1831). In 1876 he
was appointed to the presidency of
the University of Oregon, He served
the university in this capacity until
1803 and subsequently as professor of
Latin until his death in 1 808. In com
memoration of a life nobly lived and
worthily dedicated to the cause of
higher education in the commoh-
V wealth of Oregon this building has
been named Johnson Hall."
dependants of Antone Schoembs have
been robbed of the San Francisco de
tective's, support,; Floyd Lee McClure,
who killed Schoembs, has offered to
auction his interstitial glands to the
highest bidder as a. benefit for the
widow and children of Schoembs.
McClure had been told that a busi
ness man had written to doctors at-
San Ijuentine prison offering tlO.000
for the Interstitial glands of a mur
derer soon to be hanged there.
"It Is not a very pleasant thought,"
said McClure, "and 1 would rather not
talk about it, b,ut I'll tell the world I'm
game for the operation If It is done be
fore I hang."
McClure has said he was sure hj
would hang and that he didn't cure
Is Very Penitent.
"I would do anything Wi make
his head in approval.
"I would be willing to die. too," he
said, but I suppose 111 not be hanged.
I think it is a good Idea to sell lie
Clure's glands, and I hope It can be
done for Schoembs' widow and chlN
1 WlI-AfM
Sv - w' - TT- SM
Letter Judd, of Liberty, pleaded
guilty before Police Judge Race
Monday of driving an aflto past a
street car as it was taking and dis
charging passengers and was fined V
amends, tor my crime anything in the Judd was arrested Saturdav hv T'ntr.,1.
world to help the widow of Schoembs," man Branson and was released under
he said "I wouldn't n.lnd -anything If bond of $10. He drove past a car ut
could get the $10,000 that has beei. ttlP poriiop nf T.lhAptv tiixl Slain
kffered for the glands of aman to bo! philio Winders. 870 North nm,m
' Set Figure For Expenses;
Of World Series Favored
New York, Nov. 24. Instead of
cutting' In for a full ten per cent of
the world aeries money, the national
commission In the future may be al
lowed a lump sum of $25,000 a year
for operating expenses. This recom
mendation is to be made by National
league club owners at the December
: meeting according to the committee
appointed to name a successor for
i (lerry Hermann as chulrnnin.
The American league men also fav
or the move, according to the board
of directors, which recently asked the
commission to turn over its share of
the last spoils.
Moth Han Johnson and John Ifeyd-
ler, presidents of the lenguns, ure said
to favor the move.
hung. I'll be glud to undergo the op
eration on condition . that the money
goes to Mrs. Schoembs."
"It is for Mrs. Schoembs that I feel
my only deep regret., I had to kill
Schoembs or be killed myself. I am
sorry It was so. I know I have to give
my life for the crime, and if they can
get .anything of value out of my car
cass they arejwelcome to It."
McClure killed Schoembs In S,i;i
Francisco when the detective climbed
on the running board of the automo
bile McClure and Willium E. Chastlno
had Jtolen. McClure and Chastlnc pre
viously had stolen many machines up
and down the coast nnd had engaged
in a desperate gun battle with Seat
tle officers ,
McClure Is "Hard Boiled."
The two were captured near San
.lose f.fter another desperate gun fight
Biliousness, Headache, Colds,
Constipation, driven out
with "Cascarets" Y
clal slieet, was to appear befor Police
Judge Race at 2:30 o'clock this after
noon to answer to a similar charge. He
is said to have passed a streetcar at I
the corner of State and Commercial'!
streets. He was arrested by Patrol
man Aiorelock.
It was reported to police by Mrs. R.
D. Barton, North 17th street, that she an auto bearing license No. 12933,'
drive past a standing streetcar ut Statu !
and Winter streets.
Look at Tongue! Eetuore Poison From
Stomach, Liver and Bowels
'"' 1
WhV talCR.llllHtV mrhiirtifa uinkan.
Ing salts, or stomach turning oils to
drive these rascals out? Let gentle,
harmless Cascarets remove the liver
and bowel poison which is keeping
your head dizzv. vour tnniriia nnntnil
your skin sallow, your breath offens
ive, ana your stomach sour. Oet.a box
Of CllHCli I'PtM Mt thn rlfiio otna tiiil
rid your liver, stomnch and bowels of
the excess bile, poisons, and waste
which are keeping you miserable.
Cascurela never gripe, never sicken,
never inconvenience. They cost so "lit
tle and work while you sleep. (Adv)
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only look tor the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the, best and n-.ost harm
less laxative or physic for the little
stomach, Iicr and bowels. Children
ova its dolicions fruity taste. Full di
.cctions for child's dose on each bot
tle. Give St without ftar.
Mother 1 You must say "California"
Stop Tobacco
Htup tobacco for d month and see
how much better you feel. You can
stop without suffering any Incon
venience or feeling the usual craving.
Simply get a box of Nicotol from any
druggist, use as directed and the hab
it qulls you. Your health will be bet
ter, your resistance to disease will In
crease and you will cease to be a
slave to nicotine. Head what Dr. Con
ner formerly of the Johns Hopkins
Hospital, says about the evil effects
of tobacco In an article soon to appear
in this paper. Nicotol Is dispensed by
11 good druggists In this city, especial
ly by . J. Fry. (Adv)
Dr. Carter's K. & B. Tea
Great Tonic Laxative
Purely Vegetable Make it Yourself
ut Trifling Cost
Keeping yourself fit and fine, bow
tls regular, liver active and stomach
sturdy Is a simple matter.
Just get a package of . Dr. Carter's
K .and 13. Tea and brew a steaming
up every other night for a few days.
You'll feel better, that's a sure
thing. Your skin will grow clearer,
your eyes brighter and you'll feel
more enegotia and ambitious.
Everyone In the family can take It
Including the children, because it acts
gently and Is purely vegetable. H'b
much better than Balls and harsh ca
thartics. (Adv)
Ifew Dfop of "Frseione," Thn
Corns Lift Off No Paint
A uny Dome ot "r reexone costs
o little at any drug store; apply. a
few drops upon any corn or callus.
Instantly it stops hurting, then short
ly you lift thut bothersome corn or
callus right off With your fingers
Truly! No humbug! (Adv)
Class and Character
Combined with
Quality and Fit
These features and other superior points distinguish t
Shoes for Boys
All leather shoes that Will withstand the hard wear
of the red-blooded American Boy. Built on the
famous Brown Shaping last.
Shoes for the Entire Family
Today and Tomorrow
Dry Goods
31 ..fotions
Just at the right time when you will appreciate the big sayings in buying your Thanksgiving supplies. This sale is
a wonderful success and the people are showing their appreciation by buying generously. Biggest Bargain Event
of the year BEAT THE H. C. L.Come her e for your supplies and be thankful
Money Saving Price Reductions in Every
Dept. Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes
Here are the prices that are makin the high cost of living a myth -
Fisher s hardwheat flour, per sack $3.05
Per barrel $12.00
Blue Ribbon hardwheat flour : $2.90
Valley .-, , $2.70
10 pounds rice ........ $1.00
10 pounds rolled oats, bulk 70c
10 pounds white beans ,...:.80c
10 pounds red Mexican beans 70c
10 pounds Macaronf r...... 80c
1 sackcorn meal .: '.65c
1 sack Graham flour .. ...t....... 65c
1 sack Pancake flour : 68c
50-pound sack Dairy salt .80c
50V2 gr, salt 55c
Mince Meat, per pound 28c
Coffee in bulk, 3 pounds j
One pound
Peaberry coffee, 3 pounds ,
One. pound
Selecto Coffee, pound
Reliance coffee, 3 pounds
One pound
Royal Club Coffee, 3 pounds
One pound
M.'J. B. coffee, 3 or 5 pounds, per pound
One pounl ,
Folgers, 3 pounds
One pound : .....
Tea, Gunpowder, 1 - pound
English Breakfast, 1 pound :
Spider Leg -Tea, pound
Lipton's Tea, 1 pound :
On-half pound ...........
One-fourth pound ,
:;: 39c
.. 48c
Milk, one can
With two dozen one can free. .
Sugar. Peas and String Beans ............ 15c
One can free with 2 dozen.
No. 2Vt Standard Tomatoes '. 15c
One can free with 2 dozen
Clams, one can ., 15c
One can free with each dozen.
Best Pork and Beans ........12c
One can with each dozen! ,
Best Pink Salmon ; ;.25c
One can free with each dozen
Tuna Fish ..15c
Flat Salmon L..j : ...15c
Holly Milk, Rice, Raisins .......'..: 12c
One can free with each dozen.
One pine bottle Catsup .....25c
5 boxes American Sardines ,. 35c
-I .. - ! I.H..II 11 I- f T lln II
Mixed Walnuts, Brazil Nuts,-Almonds, per lb 33c
Candy, mixed .... .....J.:.:..:,..... .35c
Lard in bulk 33c; Bring your buckets.
Best cooking oil, per gallon .....$2.20
6 pounds Crisco ....$2.35
3 pounds Crisco $1.15
No. 8 Cottolene ........$2.78
No. 4 Cottolene $1.40
No. 5 Shortening $1.30
No. 10 Shortening ....$2.60
Please place your C O. D. orders in each of our
stores early. - We are delivering any purchases of
$1.00 or over.
Commercial Street Store, 460 or 453
State Street Store, 185 ;
Best Burbank potatoes, per pound ,......,..3c
Dry onions, 6 pounds for ...25c
Cranberries, per pound 18c
Oranges, per dozen ..j 40c
Best Apples, per box ...,... ,.$1.25
Walnuts, per pound .- '. .32c
Pickled Rolled Meat, per pound .
Pickled Salmon, per pound
Salt Herring, per piece
Sauer Kraut, per quart J
Sauer Pickles, per gallon
Sweet Pickles, quart jar
Special for Thanksgiving. The prices for that line is
advancing rapidly on account of the shortage of the
maricei. . uur, management thought it best not to
advanccprices for our goods on hand at present un
til our new shipments arrive. Our prices are as fol
lows:' Woolen Serges of all colors $1 49 up
Woolen Poplins $1.93 up
Woolen Broadcloth , $4.98
Velvet of all colors $1.98 up
Velvetine in all colors $1.19 up
All woolen coatings of all colors .. ....!.$3.49
Heavy Satine in all colors $249
Crepe de Chine $2 49
Georgette Crepe ....J.Zi;.
latieta of all colors . $2 29
A surprise reduction for White Cotton GoodsT Cur
tain Goods, Table Cloth, Sheetings, Ready-Made
Sheets, Flannels, Toweling and others.
Ladies' UnderwearUnion Suits 65c up
Two-piece Underwear c Up
Flannel Undershirts 98c up
Sweaters, all wool ' ' $4 93
Kabo Corsets :. SZIIZmo up
bilk Hose ... (m on
Silk Lisle Hose . ?L2J2o?
Fine Cotton Hose Z 25c
Cotton and. Woolen Blankets, Comforters, Feather
Pillows---which will protect you from cold-Special
tor lnanksgiving.
Double full size. Cotton Blanket so oq
tua,' iai&c Bli xou, weignt b pounds all
colors U RQ
Woolen Blankets, full size '" "7qs
Comforters, double size "v ""$2 6?
Pure Cotton Comforters, full size, beautiful"-' '
Feather Pillows ........I."'.' ' l?'20
uiv; uj
1 ne new store ai 400 aiaie aireei is a Drancn 01 ine reopie s jash Store with all condition whs, w
means. The prices will be the same-low-.-as in the Commercial street store. Alsi SddT4? wUh
dollar and over. Free premium coupons will be given free with each purchase of parh Hniiar V. m
.vC. OJfc orders for Ihanksgivtat:. Phone 1739. We are giving trlSlTZZ