THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1919. PAPS THREE. si COAL MINERS WILL CONTINUE FIGHT TO BETTER CONDITIONS Indianapolis, Ind.. Nov. 14. "Coal miners did not go down to defeat when they submitted to mandatory rder of the federal court and cancel- lull 41 a ct-lb-o r This statement was issued to the United Press by John L. Lewis, acting president of the miners. Tb.ey.will continue their fight for a new wage and working agreement with the operators when they go into conference with their employers and government representatives at Wash ington tomorrow, he said .They ex pect "a square deal." "The miners are not defeated," Lewis declared. "They have acquiesc ed in the demand of their government. They now expect a demonstration of good faith in the negotiations by that same government. "The only thing that can restore peace and tranquility to the mining Industry is a Just recognition of the merltorous claims of the mine work ers in the matter of shorter hours, increased wages and improved work ing conditions. "I shall attend the Washington con ference in all good faith and shall meet with interest a manifestation of equal good faith by the coal operators and the government." 80 MEN AND 7 WOMEN ' ARE DECORATED FOR E (United Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, Nov. 13. Eighty men and seven women were to be decor ated today by the Prince of Wales for distinguished service in the war. The list included three, admirals, seven genera s, seven privates and seven nurses. Following this ceremony the prince visited many public buildings, went to Mount Vernon and called on President Wilson. Among those who were scheduled for decorations were: Admiral William S. Benson, grand commander of the Order of St. . Michael and St. George. Lieutenant General E. H. Crowder and Rear Admiral A. P. Niblack, knight of St. Michael and St. George. The following receive the Order of Commander of the Bath: Major General W. J. "Snow, Rear Admiral Ralph Earle; Brigadier Gen eral" G. W. Burr; Brigadier General M. Churchill and Colonel E. L. Mun son. The Order of the Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George go to Major General C. C. William, Brigadier General William Mitchell, Brigadier General J. J. Bradley, Col onel M. A. Delanoy, all stationed in Washington i Colonel M. P. Martin, Chicago; Colonel A. T. Perkins, St. Louis; Colonel A. M. Whaley, Camp Grant; Colonel W. G. Kilnor, Washing ton; Captain D. W. Knox, war college and Captain O. G., Murfin, navy yard, Philadelphia. LEADERS OF REDS ESCAPE WITH FUNDS Spokane, Wash., Nov. 14. While police here in a series of raids are rounding up every I. W. W. in town, their leaders have escaped with the funds of the organization, according to complaints to the cops. James Rowan, out on bail from Chi cago, James Robertson, Fred Kenne dy, James Rittenhouse, Harry Grady and Harry Grimme, ,all alleged lead ers of the industrialists, are being hunted by the police. One report says that they still are In hiding in the city. With more than 100 alleged I. W. W. Btrained, through the police net here late last night raids are continu ing early today. As fast as police detachments dump batches of alleged I. W. W. Into the central station they are sorted out, examined by three separate sets of investigators and either jailed or re leased with a stern warning to stay away from I. W. W. hangouts. Seven raids were staged' yesterday and last night f For Colds or Influenza, and as a Preventative take LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE . Tablets. Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature on the box .30a. (Adv) .and a pound of 'tea' "What kind, ma'am?" "Schilling's, of coursel" . There are four flavors of Schilling Tea Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, English Breakfast. All one quality. Ia parch myn-lined moisture-proof packages. At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co San Francisco Indications Point To Reduced Crops Next Year Washintgon, Nov. 14.- Indications point to greatly reduced crops next year, according to Senator Capper, Kansas, publisher of several agricul tural papers. Low profits, labor shortage, high wages and rising costs of implements Sore Throat. Colds, Coughs, Croup and Catarr Often Relieved in Two Minutes Is your throat sore I . Breathe Hyomei. . Have you catarrht Breathe Hyomei." Have you a coughf ! , Breathe Hyomei, Have you a coldf Breathe ' Hyomei. Hyomei is the one treatment for nose, throat and lung troubles. It does not contain cocaine, morhpine or other dangerous drug and does away witi stomach dosing. Just 'breathe it thru the little pocket inhaler that comes with each outfit. A complete outfit costs but little at Daniel J. Fry's or any reliable drug gist and Hyomei is guaranteed to ban ish catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, sore throat and bronchitis or money back. A Hyomei inhaler lasts a life time and extra bottles of Hyomei can be obtain ed from druggists for a few cents. (Adv) were some of the reasons assigned. "The American fanner won't go on strike, but he is getting mighty sul len," Capper declared. "Wheat acre age will fall off proably oruj third next year and the general crops are going to be smaller." REDS' BAIT, IS BIG Greensburg, Pa.; Nov. 14. Twenty alleged "reds" taken In raids in the vicinity of Monnessan, Pa., are being held in the county jail here here under $20,000 bail each!. 11 Ask Your Dealer Grand Prize fircajtos tfAimrninition write for Catalogue si W ,M!I Safe tad i JSgw H- ii WTvW sror imams n iiigm i St Invalids N Cooking A. Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quick Lunch at Home or Office Avoid Imitations and Substitutes HBWIIWBIWIII'ILMIM v. o TT. .Ml 7JW RTMU Mfll REFLEX SUCKER is the wet weather service uniform for the regular men who make every aa count. Look for the Reflex Edg-e A.J. Tower co. Boston Mass Established 1638 4mm 1' vMvi V tfvi l i VII Specials! FOR FRIDA YAND SATURDAY CUPS AD SAUCERS' reff"lar 30c value Per pair 20c JUST RECEIVED New Line of SPRINGS and MATTRESSES at REDUCED PRICES PERFECTION OIL HATERS AT SPECIAL PRICES CAPITAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. Where Your Dollar Buys the Most 285 North Commercial Street. Phone 947 r-i Began Today DID YOU KNOW That we carry one of the most complete lines of cooking utensils, dishes, kitchen accessories, etc., to be found anywhere in Salem? 'DID YOU KNOW That our prices on these articles are always way be low what you have to pay elsewhere? DID YOU KNOW That we are offering these goods at a special reduc tion beginning today and that it will pay you to take advantage of these low prices. ALUMINUM WARE 20 OFF Only EXTRA SPECIAL TWO WHITE CUPS AND TWO SAUCERS TO' MATCH, TODAY AND SATURDAY 35 cents THIS IS LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST Come in and see them Cooking Utensils in Aluminum, Graniteware, etc. Dishesa variety of patterns. Washing accessories Tubs, Boilers, Wringers,' Washing Machines, etc. Brooms, Mops, Carpet Sweepers. It's impossible to name them all. Come in and see for yourself. Frank F.Richter The Furniture Store Where You Can Save Money COURT STREET 3. m 0 11! Values csanniiniiEiinsiiiiiiiiooo H - Mi . n LU a u a m p m a i 0 a y d i a a o 1 0 0 Outstanding 1 I I n ABOUT a year ago today the tiost popular Clothes were y m most popular KAHAKI, and BLUE. TIMES have changed wonder fully, the popular clothes of to day are those sold at BISHOP'S. , . EVERY man who comes to us for clothes is entitled to the best values his money will buy; we are making it our business to see that he egts just that. THE reason why BISHOP has so many friends and patrons is that he has always endeavored to give them their full value and a little more. THAT'S why "ONCE A PATRON ALWAYS A PATRON," holds good here. m SOME necessities of life are found here in better values than could be purchased elsewhere. WHY? 1 ffl I m I m m i ! m BECAUSE BISHOP has had made to his order "BISHOP'S FABRIC Shirts. THEY retain the animal vitality, thus making longer pj . THEY are manufactured from pure "FLEECE WOOL" direct frojn the IJ sheep into your clothes other makes of shirts, do not guarantee their merchandise to be so maufactured. EI i " ' """"" "" 1111111 llm" lUVUHMJUmi IIWH I HHII I WIIMJIMItllllBMBBMWBMm' q WE have one of the most pleasing assortments of Hosiery for men and young men in the state. YOU may 'find hose to fit a 1 1 occasions,- they come in the plain SILK, SILKLYSLE, CASHI MERE in several colors. ose FOR the HIGH SCHOOL boy there are the colors of the school, they come in Silk and are ; a wonderful color combin ation. . . YOU may find here the latest in shades that are so popular with the man who is "up to the minute" in clothes style. ' "Every Family in Maron and folk Counties a Patron" , Salem WoOleillflsIIS Store a m P m fi i a a nnnnnniiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiinosDna DALLAS FOOTBALIi TEAM DEFKATS MIEIUDAN IIIGU .(Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Or., Nov. 14. The Dallas high school football team defeated the Sheridan high school team on the local grounds Tuesday afternoon by a score of 19 to 0. The day wan an ideal football' game-day, the field being cov ered with water in some places which made it impossible for either sideto do any fancy playing to any success and left the game in the hands of the team using the most strength in bucking the line. The Sheridan team outweighed the locals but the superior team work of Dallas was responsible for the Yam hill county boys defaet. A return game wil probably be played on the Sheri dan grounds before the close of the season. .mi OBSTINATE COUGHS ft When resistance is lowered and you come down with a cold that runs into an obstinate cough, your trouble is more than surface deep. You need AFRAID TO EATMEALS "Pape's Diapepsin" is the best Antacid and Stomach Regulator known When your meals don't fit and you feel uncomfortable, when you belch gases, acids or raise sour, undigested food. When you feel lumps of indiges tion pain, heartburn or headache from acidity, Just eat a tablet of harmless and reliable Pape's Diapep sin and the stomach distress Is gone. Millions of people know the magic of Pape's DiapvpHin as an antacid. They know that moat Indigestion and disordered stomach are from acidity. The relief comes miickly, no disap pointment! ,Tape' Diapepsin helps regulate your stomach so you can eat favorite foods without fear and a box of these world famous stomach tab lets cost so little at drug stores. (Adv) an easily absorbed tonic-nutrient, mixed with your blood to nourish and enable you to get a fresh hold on strength. For nearly fifty years Scott's has been helping break up colds by building up strength. Try Itl The enlnalve irrndeof cod-INrroll mtd !a Scatt'i Emuhloa in tin? hmnn 8. & H. ViucciK," made In Norway and Mflntd In our swi American Wtoratorlet, It la a guarantee of purity mid yalata'oiUtr Mauipatted. Bcott & Botrne, Blocmlkia.N.J. 19-11 ft $ TO RKUKVE CATARRHAL DEAFNKSS AND IIKAD NOISKS If you have . catarrhal deafness or are hard of hearing or have head noises go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmlnt (double strength), and add to It 1-4 pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring 'quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breath ing become easy and the mucus stop dropping Into the throat. It Is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take. Anyone who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. (Adv) Berrymen, Farmers, Small drchardist Order that Contemplated BEEMAN One-Horse Tractor Before It Is Too Late. We have but a limited numter available. When these are gone it will be next to impossible to insure deliveriesowing to the present labor disturbances and conditions. - Order now so as to avoid delay in your spring work! Roach & Trover Distributors for MARION AND POLK COUNTIES 444 Ferry Street Salem, Ore,