THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1919. H9I0P SHIER TO OPEN DOORS FOR EPISCOPALIANS BOLSHEVIK ARMS ..VICTORS IN BAM AGAINST KOLCHAK ORE THROAT COME TO SALEM 1 mm or Tonsilitis, gargle with warm salt water then ply COME TO SALEM 30!?8?!COUGHS ICffSVAPORl "YOUR BODYGUARD" -30. PAGE TWO, IP! Wa urn The nation wide campaign of the Episcopal church, which has been in musurated for the revitalizatlon of its spiritualities and temporalities, Is stir ring up intense interest among the members of that denomination thru out the diocese of Oregon. The confer Bnca held in Portland Wednesday was well attended by clergy and laymen from the various cities and towns of western Oregon; and Key. C. H. Powr U reports that there was manifested enthusiastic determination to carry the campaign through to a successful conclusion. The primary endeavor will be to wake up the sleeping and dor mant members of the church and to et them to work in one or more of the several departments of the local church activities. Nationally, of course there will be emphasized the need of inspiring the leadership of America and the world to adopt Christian prin ciples as guide of all human endeavor. Arrangements have been made for a conference and mass meeting to be fceld in St. Paul's church, corner of Church and Chemeketa streets, next Monday afternoon and evening. The conference, appointed for 4 o'clock, will be for the purpose of advising the local workers In the campaign as to their duties. And the mass meeting at 1:30 will be inspirational in spirit, with the urgent request that every member or friend of the Episcopal church be present. The speakers at the mass meeting will be Bishop Sum mer of Portland, and prominent min isters and laymen sent out by the Mew York hedaquarters. These speak ers will make a tour of this section of the state for the purpose of ad dressing mass meetings at various places. SPECIAL TRAINS WILL Two speclaj trains are to carry the Willamette valley football fans to the Oregon-O. A. C. game in Eugene to morrow and, according to early reports these will be well crowded. Sulem alone being expected to send in the neigh borhood of BOO to the university city. On both the Oregon Electric and the Southern Pacific, trains will leave Portland at 8 o'clock In the morning and will arrive here about an hour ' and 45 minutes later. The electric is scheduled to pull out of Sulem at 8:45 -a. m. and the S. P. special will get away three minutes later. Those who .fexpect to make the trip over the nteam line are requested to get in touch with Walter, Winslow, who is making arrmysyienta to have ample ccommoutuioim. Both of .the trains will stop In Al bany, but aside from that will make no tops and will reach Eugene at 12 o'clock. To accommodate those who wish to return Saturday evening trains will leave Eugene at 6:25 and 6 p. m. on the electric and at 5:25. This will enable Salem people to be back home by B o'clock Saturday night. STATE OPERATES MINES. . Bismarck, N. D. Nov. 14. The state of North Dakota has begun operation of lignite coal mines. Coal was sold to customers at cost plus a royalty of 10 to 25 cents per ton to compensate the operators. , Sage And Sulphur , - Darkens Gray Hair Brush tWa tuibugh (faded, streaked looks and they become dark, glossy, youthful Almost evfryono knows that Sago Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the ouly way to Ret this mixture wna to make it Bt lioine, which, is mussy and trouble some. Nowadays, by askiing at any Arag store for " Wyoth's Sage nnd 8ui lhur (Compound,", you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, im proved by tho addition of other ingre dients, at a small eost. IXm't stay gmy! Try itt No ono can possibly tell that you darkened your bair, as it does it ao naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush., with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small struud at m time; by morning tho gray hair dia appears, and after nuothor application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. (Adv) For Bad Breath Coated Tongue, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Sy Headache, Bloating, Gt, Constipation, or other result of luditfei fton, no remedy it more highly recom. ended than rCLEY CATHARTIC TABLET! TVy came no griping or name, , vwim the bowels, sweeten the ttom ach and benefit the liver. Never diu appoint. Ilia. ElhutMih Sl.,,.on, 137 So. Main St. J"-0; loon: 1 can hooettly toy foloi Ctatwtic labials a woadarful." " OVER-ACIDITY of the stomach has upset many a right's rest K your stomach it acid- disturbed, dissolve two or three IIMIOID ea the tongue before retiring and en lorrefretiuna sleep. The purity and goodness of KMnoiJ guaranteed by SCOTT A BOWNK MAKERS Or SCOTT EMULSION London, Nov. 14. Russian bolshe vik armies have had a week of almost continuous successes, the British war office statement indicated today. Since Monday, the statement said, the red forces have advanced over a front of 200 miles in the east, an aver age depth of fifty miles. Admiral Kol chak's forces are reported to have lost large numbers of prisoners. On the western and southern fronts bolshevik forces; have continued their drives vigorously, over fronts of ap proximately 200 miles in each district. The- soviet armies have pierced the anti-bolshevik lines in some places, pushing ahead an average of forty miles. In the south a red cavalry detach ment penetrated General Denekin's lines south of Kromy, capturing Bon ulry and Fatezh. The white army counter attacked and succeeded in closing the gap. The red forces were reported to have been surrounded. ' Tells Dyspeptics What To Eat Avoid Indigestion, Sour Acid, Stomach xie&rcuurn, uas on acomactJ, tac. Indigestion and practically all forme of stomach trouble, say medical author ities, are due nine times out of ten to an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, Chronic "acid stomach" is exceedingly clangorous and sufferers should do either one of two things. Either they can go on a limited and ofton disagreeable diet, avoiding foods that disagree with them, that irritate tho stomach and load to excess acid secrotion or they can cat as they please in reason and make it a practice to counteract the effect of the harmful acid and prevent the formation of gas, sourness or premature fermentation by the use of a little Bisuruted Magnesia at their meals. There is probably no bettor, safer or more reliable stomach antiacid than Bisurated Magnesia and, it is widely used for this purposes It has no direct action on the stomach nnd is not a dt gestont. But a tcaspoonful of tho pow der or a couple of five grain tablets taken in a littlo water with he food will neutralize tho excess acidity which may bo present and provont its further formation. This removes tho whole wliolo cause of tho trouble and the mcaj digests naturally and healthful ly without need of pepsin pills or arti ficial dgostonts. Get a few ounces of Bisurated Mag nesia from any roliablo druggist. Ask for oithor powder or tablets. It never comes as a liquid, milk or citrate and in the bisurated ferm is not a laxa tive. Try this plan and cut what you want at your next meal and see if this isn't the best advice you ever had on "what to eat." " (Adv.) M mm r m Hi -TABLETS - aw. 'Bli! Wf Mi Daniel J. Fry, druggist. QUICK RELIEF Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That is the joyful cry of thousands since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. No griping results' from these pleasant little tablets. They cause the liver and bowels to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a soothing, healing, vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. If you have a bad taste, bad breath, feel dull, tired, are constipated or bilious, you'll find quick and sure re sults from Dr. Edwards' little Olive Tablets at bedtime. 10c and 25c a box. Guaranteed Waterproof CLOTHING We have a full line of Fish Brand and Sawyers Guaran teed Waterpoof Coats Pants and Hats. Fish Brand, black, long coats ....$5.00 Fish Brand, black, Storm King coats $7.50 Fish Brand, black Motorman Coats .....$5.50 Fish Brand, black, short coat or pants $3.00 Fish Brand, Olive green coats $6.00 Sawyers dead grass hunting coats ..." $7.50 SQUAMHATS For men ..... 75c For Boys.....: ,.50c Sawyer'sBoys' Long Black Coats $4.50 Rose City Aquapelle coats , $4.50 Rose City Aquapelle pants ..: $4.00 Rose City Aquapelle Leggings $2.50 Extra sizes 25c extra RUBBERIZED RAINCOATS In both work or dress coats $11.50, $12.50, $18.50, $20 FULL LINE OF U. S. RUBBER BOOTS Every Pair Guaranteed ENK N6AUM 240-246 North Commercial Street "Where They Stand Back of Everv Guarantee" REGULAR DEPOSITS MAKE BIGGER BANK ACCOUNTS GET the habit of making regular trips to the bank whenever your income or earnings ar rive in hand. The United States National bank feels that the starting of hew accounts moreim-" portant than encouraging the old ones to grow SAVINGS OR CHECKINGS ? miMmmmmM I BSsoorLJi l'pa"'"" Women's Neckwear ..' Spick and Span New Novelties from' New York's clever fashion artists. Collars in great variety of shapes, designs and materials. Also cuff and collar sets, vestees, etc. It's truly a very fine collection to choose from now for Christmas giving. Popular prices. ; Handkerchief Linens- Underwear Bargains At reduced prices, on our ! bargain tables Boys', Wo men's and children's two piece cotton' and wool un derwear of good quality. Auto Robes We still have a, few excellent AVool Robes at from $8.23 to $13.43 Pure Irish linen in many degrees of fineness. Now is the time to get busy on those. Holiday Handker chiefs. These linens are 36 inches wide. One yard will make nine 'kerchiefs.: Our selling price is less by several cents than: the present wholesale cost. While they last at yd....75c, 8oc, 95c, $1.25, $1.40, $1.60 China Silks We are closing out a lot of "China Silks at a price less per yard than that of a ound of raw cotton. Think of it! Good Silks that can be put to many "uses. Good assortment of colors and 27 inches wide at, yard : .;.................35c 141 N. Commercial Street This is the place, Now is the time to equip yourself with appropriate Foot .Wear and other wearing apparel. Our stock of Men's Clothing, Shoes, Underwear, Shirts, Sweaters, Mackinaws, extra Trousers, Gloves, Mittens, Hats, Caps, Ladies Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Hosiery, Shoes, also Boys, Misses and Chil dren Shoes and various other articles of wear is here ready for your inspection and comparison. Quantity buying of this class of merchandise for our chain of stores enables us to offer you this high grade merchandise at these astounding low prices try us first, you'll see to what extent you profit at this low price store. , ' YOU DO BETTER HERE FOR LESS Mens Worsted Suits Factory Samples of Ladies Coats, Suits Blue or gray $25.00 and Dresses Mens Fine Raincoats If your size is here the quality and $7.50, $8.50 to $14.50 nf . , w . Mens Heavy' Mackinaws t.,'J5S Plaids $g 45 to $12 50 ?1-25' 1,J"' P j,4i) t0 Men's Flannel Shirts ' SePSe?orSS ?S $1.85, $2.25, $3.45 to $4.45 $4.95. $6.85 to $9.59 Men's Shirts and Drawers Women's Brown Kid Shoes Gray and Tan $1.98 and $2.25 Lace, Louis or Military Heels $7.g5 Cotton Ribbed Shirts and Black Kid, same as above . .... $7 85 Drawers ., 9gc ,,ou p Union Ms rlT C. on Hfed 1.75 m ?4 g5 mM mS Cotton Fleece Lined $1 Q8 -n.-u ei no l io c $1.30 Children's Shoes 98ctO$2.45 Zt: , 2-95ad B.,s Heavy School Shoes ::. I wumm m ' d i. H7 i j n i Boys Brown English Shoes Men s Part Wool and Wool sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1.2 ... $4 95 fo $5 85 Socks " 35c, 45c, 60c and 85c Size, lf x x.2 to 2 11 4;95 Mens Gloves and Mittens , Samples, all styles in lined or Men s Leather Jerkins unlined r 75c to JQ With or withoutleeves $7,85, $9.85 Men's High Shoes Cotton, Part Wool and Wool Blankets $4.45, $6.85, $7.85 to $10.00 $3.95, $7.90 $8.45 to $13.85 Chiewa Plain Toe Work and Loggers ' Comforters . $3.65 $7.50 to $12.95 See Us for Rubber Footwear Men S Heavy Work Shoes We have added a nice Kne of $2.98, $3.85 $4.85 to $7.00 Trunks at. $9.95 to $23.85 WE HAVE MANY MORE ITEMS HERE AT SURPRISE PRICES. C. J. BREIER CO. You Do Better Here for Less. I Thanksgiving Is Coming !! Are you -properly Prepared to R oast That Turkey To a Turn? One of our Roasters is just what you need. The famous "LISK'Sanitary Self casting a-piece Koasters:-- No. 0--$3.25 No. 1 $3.75 No. 2--44.00 No. 3-$4.25 No. 4$4.75 No. 5---$5.25 1 1 .' We also carry the "SAVORY". Roaster which is priced at $1.35, $2.40 and $3 If your curving set is dull call on us for a new-one. Prices Cor. Court and Com'l. Streets RA L FARMER Wl. CO. ?2.50 to $15.00 Phone 191 Let Farmer take care of all your HARDWARE TROUBLES n n 11 n 4- MttttlttttHMH'