Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 28, 1919, Image 1

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    Weather Forecast
Tonight and Wednesday rain.
But no matter what the weather,
25,000 people read The Capital Journal
Circiilatica Yesterday '
53 9 5
Only Salem Member Audit Bureau
ot Circulation. , . . .
. J L
ktands nm csiro
p p .. .
Other Passer ers Narrowly
Escape By Jumping To
Dock In Darkness
Muskegon, Mich., Oct. 28. Twelve persons were kill
ed early today when raging Lake Michigan smashed the
' steamer City of Muskegon against a pier. Eight others
were missing six hours after the wreck occurreU and may
-have been lost. Others of the passenger list and crew of
68 escaped by leaping to the slippery, wind swept surface
vi uie pier.
It was nitch dark nnrl n nlvtv rutin
wind churned the lake into a boiling,
yellow mass when the City of Muske
gon attempted to nose into the narrow
passage between two mile long piers.
At the entrance a huge wave caught
the boat. The ship rocked for a mo
ment then was hurled Into the south
pier with sides splintered.
From below came rushing terrified
passengers and members of the crew
off watch.
Second Wave Sinks.
The boat was trembling, fairly atop
the pier. Captain Edward Millers or
dered all to Jump. Men and women
- ' J.
Portland, Or., Oct. 28. Bert E.
Kaney, United States, attorney for Ore
eon, announced his resignation today,
to become effective November 1.
Private- dispatches from Washing
ton state Attorney General . Palmer
lias recommended Lester W. Humph
reys of Portland as Haney's successor
"I submitted my resignation two
months ago, to become effective No
vember 1" Haney stated this after
noon. "Pressure of my own private
affairs, has forced me to retire."
Humphreys is one of the best
known of the younger lawyers of
Portland. He is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Oregon law school, which
he attended while working for a Port
land newspaper.
The lawyer won a commission-as
captain early in the war and while
serving . with the 91st division: in
France was promoted to a majority.
Washington, Oct. 28. Prospects for
early senate notion on the peace
treaty again looked bright today as
.administration leaders prepared to
force a vote on the Shields and Moses
amendments which deal with the
voting In the league of nations.
The Johnson amendment on this
subject was defeated by a vote of 38
to 40 yesterday. The vote came un
expectedly and many senators were
not present.
Senator Lodge yesterday said a
"few more remarks from senators on
the republican side were yet to be
made," before the Shields amendment
is voted upon.
The possibility of the prohibition
enforcement bill, vetoed by the presi
dent yesterday, coming before the sen
ate seemed the only obstacle in the
way of treaty voting today.
Police Aid In Search Of
Man Reported Missing
The disappearance of Claude Stan?,
22, a laborer, from his home here sev
eral days ago, was reported to police
Monday night by his brother, Kit Lacy,
and a search was being made Tuesday
for him. Stang is described as being
six feet two inches tall, weighting 160
pounds, having light hair and a light
com plexion. '
Listen for the Whistle ,
Capital Journal Carriers have equipped them
selves with whistles and will hereafter blow the
whistle when they throw the paper, so that sub
scribers can get it immediately.
- Make it your particular business to listen for
the whistle and if you don't hear it and ran't find
your paper, call up Capital Journal, phone 81, be
fore 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you.
slid over the sides of the quaking ship
or jumped to surface.
Most of them were In their night
clothing over which they had thrown a
few outer garments. Some hurried at
once for shore, a mile away where
they could get streetcars to Muskegon.
Ten minutes after the boat struck,
another wave rolled over the vessel.
It floated back Into the entrance and
sank, almost at once. Only portions
of the super structure protruded from
the water. Some lingering passengers
were believed to have gone down with
Co-operation of Salem
Mothers to Put Eugenics
Movement Over (s Asked
"Save the Salem Babies"--The object in a nut
shell of the Salem chapter of the Oregon Congress of
' . If you are interested in Salem," you are interest
ed in its babies.
Get back of the work to establish a regular child
welfare bureau in Salem, and prove your loyalty.
The welfare of every boy and girl in Salem di
rectly affects your boy and girl. See to it that the
ihild welfare bureau is successfully launched.
Those who are backing the move
ment in Salem to successfull launch
child .welfare work, are more than
encouraged by the Interest and enthus
iasm that has already been aroused.
Not only has the Commercial club
come forward with the most consistent
support, but practically every organiza
tion in the city, whether civic or social
has promised its hearty co-operation.
At a meeting of the D. A. R, Sat
urday afternoon, Mrs. C. C. Clark, act
ing chairman of the Salem chapter of
the Oregon Congress of Mothers under
whose jurisdiction the work is to be
carried on in Salem, -spoke before the
assembled members of the work and
was responsible in enlisting the sup
port qf every one present, all taking
out membership.
Thursday, afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
in the auditorium of the Commercial
club will take place the first actual
work of eugenic tests. At that time
will be present Mrs. N. A. Flegel, presi
dent of the Oregon pongress of Moth
ers, and its secretary, Mrs. A. Bagley,
both of Portland, who will start the
wuin iicici iviiB nuvivn uuu uiouui;-j
tions. xney win Drmg a complete
equipment with them.
Every mother, with children be
tween the ages of five months and six
years is most cordially invited to bring
her babies to this meeting, and they
are assured of expert examination,
both physically and mentally for their
children. A fee of twenty-five cents
will be charged and a score card issued
for each applicant for examination.
Mothers living In the surrounding
country are extended an especial Invi
Atlanta, Ga., Oct 28. Major Gen
eral E. M. Lewis, commander at Camp
Gordon, and three companies of regu
lars entrained for Knoxviile last night
for riot duty. . Governor Roberts of
Tennessee asked for the troops as a
precautionary measure to prevent fur
ther rioting In Knoxviile, in connec
tion with the streetcar strike there.
un jams
Coldest Fall Morning.
It was the coldest morning of the
fall and survivors hurried away at
onoe, making a check of the missing
The lifesaving crew put out at once
to assist the ship's officers in any way
The known dead are:
John Lynch, Milwaukee; Arthur De
Witt, Milwaukee; Albert Hough, Bill
ings, Mont.; Mrs. Jennie Hopkins,
Muskegon; Mrs. Agnes Johnston, Mus
kegon! John Aemster, Manistee, Mich.;
Harry Reese, Milwaukee.
In the darkness and confusion a
count of passengers was attempted.
Twenty were unaccount for. Some of
these were believed to have climbed
backto the pier after being thrown into
the water when the boat was washed
away from the structure. Ten were
known to be dead, Captain Miller said.
Others were missing but he hoped a
round up later would show only ten
72 People Aboard.
The City of Muskegon, a Crosby line
steamer, was the rebuilt City of Hol
land, a side wheeler which made local
trips on Lake Michigan for year. It
was a popular exoursion boat on short
trips and was used as a freighter.
On this trip, from Milwaukee to
Muskegon, it carried 37 passengers and
a crew of 36.
Washington, Oct. 28. Intimation
that the Netherlands will accede to a
request for the extradition of the kais
er for a trial before an international
tribunal was seen here today in a state
ment by J. O. Van Thienen, secretary
of the Netherlands delegation to the
lntenational labor conference.
Van Thienen said that no nation has
demanded the extradition of the kaiser
and that no tribunal before which he
could be tried exists.
The peace treaty, he points out, pro
vides that the allies shall publicly ar
raign the kaiser before a special tri
bunal and also provides for a reouest
of extradition.
Van Thienen then adds that it has
been publicly announced that the
Netherlands intends to "acredn to th
covenant of the league of nations after
having obtained the co-operation of
the states in general."
Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 8. With
the final decision on whether or not
coal miners will strike less than 24
hours distant, there seemed little pos
sibility today that the strike call would
be rescinded.
The executive committee of the Uni
ted Mine Workers of America; twenty
five district presidents of coal produc
ing states and members of the miners'
schedule committee will meet here at
headquarters at 10 o'clock tomorrow
morning to draft an answer to Presi
dent Wilson's appeal that the strike be
called off. . ' t
Confessed Auto Thief Is
Facing Serious Charges
Eugene, Or., Oct. 28. P. T. O'Brien,
a young man who admits having taken
a car from Portland and driving it to
Eugene, Is In the Lane county jail
charged with many serious crimes. Be
sides stealing the car he is believed to
be the man who enticed little girls In
to his machine and then abused them.
He is also accused of impersonating an
officer. -
Armistice day will be observed at
Independence under the auspices of
the American Legion.
Wilson Not To
Lift Booze Ban
Before Signing
Washington, Oct 28. (Uni
, ted- Press.) President Wilson
has no intention of lifting the
war time prohiblton ban until
.the peace treaty is ratified. It
was learned at the White House
With all indications pointing
to an early over riding of the
president's veto on the national
prohibition enforcement act, It
was stated that the president
may lift the ban as soon as ha
feels he has legal authority, but
no sooner.
A work house, an Intermediate Insti
tution between the state reform school
and the penitentiary, ; where "first-1
termers" and others between the ages
of 17 and 21 years, may be taken to
serve time, is held a dire necessity by
District Judge George Bingham. Oth
ers, familiar with prison conditions,
and who have associated with prison
ers and know what danger lies in send
ing "first-termers,' -and young men in
to the penitentiary With "hardboils,"
also speak in favor of Such an institu
tion.' - -. i
- In sentencing Joseph Mayer, 18, who
three months ago assisted in the rob
bery of a Salem store, to a year In the
state penitentiary. Judge Bingham yes
terday said he regretted that it be
came necessary to send Mayer to the
prison. ' ,
"In my judgment,', he said, "the
state should have an intermediate in
stitution a sort of work house
where boys too old to be sent to the
reform school, and too young to be
sent to the penitentiary to mingle with
hardened criminals, could be sent."
In referring to Young Mayer's case,
the judge said: . "
"This boy got into bad circumstances
when he was younger. His associates
were responsible. Had 'he been given
a chance to lead a betUllfe he would
have done so. I ant much impressed
with his 'appearance. It is entirely
wrong to send him to the penitentiary.
His character is in the formation, and
to send him there is to vitrually shape
his future life in crime. For he will
become associated wtih hardboils, as
they are called, and will lend an ear
to their tempting stories that lead to
no good.
"But that is all I could do. To send
him to the reform school would place
him among a group of much younger
boys. The influence of the older boys
tends to school the younger ones in
crime and wrong-doing. And the coun
ty jail is no punishment, so I was com
pelled to send him to the state peni
tentiary." It is pointed out that an institution,
as suggested by Judge Bingham, could
be established by the state under the
same jurisdiction as the penitentiary
and other state institutions. The only
additional cost would be for the build
ing. This, then, would enable author
ities to cope with the individual needs
of the prisoners for their betterment,
it is pointed out.
And action toward establishment of
an intermediate institution of this kind
must come from the state legislature.
It is possible that a campaign of men
interested in the welfare of prisoners
be instituted to wait on the next legis
lature for such action.
Plans for combatting any possible
recurrence of the Spanish influenza,
and action on government suggestions
regarding this phase of disease, will
be taken by the Marion -and Polk
County Medical association at its
regular meeting in the Commercial
club auditorium tonight at 7:30
o'clock. Physicians from all parts of
the two counties will attend.
Lectures from three former service
men will be heard. Dr. Chester Downs
who recently came to this city after
being released from service with Un
cle Sam, will deliver a talk on peace
and war conditions. Br. Julius Garn
1ohst will talk on and illustrate with
(X-ray the pulmonary centers. DrT
Roy Pomeroy will talk on venereal
conditions and the application of the
aquflavin treatment.
Dr. Roy Byrd, president of the as
sociation, will preside at the meeting.
Boys Who Ran Away From
Indian School Are Caught
Pat Bushman, 13, and Frank Jones,
11, Indians, who escaped several days
ago from the Chemawa Indian school,
were taken into custody here last night
and returned to the Institute this morn
Ing. The pair had sought to sleep at
the Draper prune dryer late last night,
and the night watchman reported them
In frtA rw.l t fa hrmiffht iriam tn
jail and held them until this morning.
vws veto
Prohibition Enforcement Bill
Becomes Law When Upper
House Of Congress Passes
Measure (her Veto.
Washington, Oct. 28. The na
tional prohibition enforcement
bill providing strict laws for
both war time and constitution
al prohibition became law this
afternoon when the senate, by a
vote of 65 to 20, overrode the
veto of President Wilson.
Similar action was token by
the bouse late yesterday.
The senate vote was eight more
than the necessary two thirds.
Washington, Oct. 28. The attempt
to obtain a speedy vote on' President
Wilson's veto, of the national prohibi
tion enforcement bill encountered op
position in the senate today when the
matter was brought up by Senator
Sterling, South Dakota.
Shortly before the senate session it
was made known at the White House
that President Wilson will not lift the
ban on war time prohibition until the
ratification of the peace treaty.
Hitchcock Objects.
The enforcement act under discus
sion in the senate applies to both war
time and constitutional prohibition and
will become a law when the senate
overrides the president's veto of the
measure announced yesterday. The
house has already overridden the veto.
Senator Hitchcock insisted the sen
ate continue treaty discussion, pointing
out that the body was in recessed ex
ecutive session and that the prohibition
measure could not be brought up.
Hitchcock's contention that Ster
ling's motion to put the senate back
in to legislative session was debatable
and was upheld by the chair.
Senator Underwood and Senator
Thomas then started to discuss the
motion. Underwood charged that the
men who proposed war time prohibi
tion "broke faith" and declared that
the president was exactly right and his
veto-should be sustained.
,, Tlugnns KarenstHv .
Sterling pressed for a vote before
King Albert was due. Thomas, who
had the floor, said he saw no necessity
of acting on the bill, before receiving
his majesty. 1
"It might be a considerable shock to
the senate to dlBpose of a bill so quick
ly," Thomas remarked. '
Shortly before 1 p. m. Senator Curtis
republican whip, moved the senate re
cess until 2 p. m. to permit King Albert
to be received on the senate floor. He
could not be admitted to the floor if
the senate remained in formal session.
Washington, Oct. 28. General Per
shing expects to tour the country to in
spect its military resources soon after
he appears before congress to discuss
Culture military policies, he said in an
Interview here today.
Pershing expects to go before the
house and senate military committees
In a few days.
The tour will extend as far as the
Pacific coast He will vlBtt canton
ments, army posts, factories, munition
plants, arsenals and other places where
military supplies are stored. He ex
pects to visit his home town Laclede,
Mo., on this trip.
Caught with two suitcases ull of
furs, throws and bolts of cloth, ped
dling them on the street, a man giving
the name of W. T. Atkinson, 42, was
arrested last night by Officer Thomp
son and is being held for Investigation.
The man claims that he and a partner,
under license, have been canvassing
the city selling their wares. But po
lice are Inclined to believe that the
articles were stolen somewhere, and
that the men are using this method of
disposing of their loot
Boy, 12 9 Turns
Bandit; Plugs
Fleeing Motor
. Eugene, Or., Oct 28. Chester Bu
chanan, aged 12, attempted to play at
being a lone highway last night at
Donna, near Eugene. He attacked J.
R. Hayden who was driving home in
his auto and when his orders were die.
nbeved beean numolne lead into the
'car. Mr. Hayden put on more gas and
I gathered a few neighbors to search for
the bandit The boy was located. Now
Chester is In jail. He admits having
robbed a private residence a short
time agi and having been mixed In
other scrapes. He was formerly an In
mate of a California reform school.
Certificate of
Death In Action
Held for Owner
An army certlfcate of death and card
of felicitations, issued by the war de
partment to next of kin of a man lost
in the war, are being held at the South
ern Pacific depot for their owners. The
certlfcate and card are contained in an
envelope addressed to Mrs. Bessie
Bradford, Salem, Or,, care of Southern
Pacific general agent The certificate
is : made out for ' Corporal Carroll
Farmer, Company A, 141st. Infantry.
He was killed in action in France Octo
ber 8, 1918 These articles .will t
held at the tsation until some person
can point out the whereabouts of Mrs.
Bradford or relatives ot Corporal
Knoxviile, Tenn., Oct 28.' (United
Press.) Governor Roberts today an
swered the challenge of a general
strike In Knoxviile, called for Friday,
by declaring that "our institutions are
in peril" and that "It is my duty to
sound the aiarm."
The governor made the statement In
addressing a meeting of the Law and
Order league, called to discus the situ
ation. Fourteen local unions have ratified
the action of the Central Labor council
in calling the general strike, it was an
nounced this afternoon. i
Knoxviile, Tenn., Oct. 28. The
central labor council has called , a
walkout pf all crafts except railway
employes, city firemen and police, In
sympathy with striking streetcar
workers, effective Friday.
The action, taken last night, was
supplemented by a decision to boy
cott the Knoxviile Railway and Light
company, both daily newspapers and
the Mono Ice Cream company, of
which Nathan B, Kuhlman, commis
sioner of public safety, is the head.
At another meeting it was deter
mined to put into circulation today
petitions asking recall of Mayor 2.
W. Neal, elected last month. Four
teen charges are made in connection
with the petitions, which become, op
erative it signed oy suv voters.
New York, Oct. 28. The congres
sional commute investigation Into the
alleged waste of money In the con
struction of a $4,000,000 railroad on
the Olympla peninsula, Washington
state, was held up for the first time
today by failure of a witness to appear.
The earlier sessions of the inquiry were
held In Seattle, Portland, Bellingham
and other Puget Sound points.
W. S. Kerbaugh, of Selms, Carey and
Kerbaugh, contractors and builders,
was the witness who failed to appear.
A summons was Issued on order of
Congressman J. A. Frear, Wisconsin,
and a United States marshal went to
seek Kerbaugh.
The investigation was to be contin
ued this afternoon if the witness ap
Complaint that most of the trouble
of lights being out In the ctly Is caused
by boys who jerk the hang cables and
release the lights from their sockets,
wa) made by officials of the light com
pany to police this morning. They say
that most of this trouble Is in South
Salem, where each night from five to
ten lamps are reported out.
Police are at a loss to know how to
act, as they say they can do nothing
in the matter without knowing who
the parties are. They appeal to citi
zens living in the affected vicinities to
report the names of all boys bothering
lamps to police headquarters.
Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 28. Four men
arrested here today for alleged con
spiracy to kidnap Edsel Ford and de
mand 1200,000 ransom admitted the
plot, but Insisted that Floyd Oray,
police Informant who said he was a
Burns operator, was one of the insti
gators, police ' announced today.
A Bargain Chance
On November 1 the subscription price of the
Capital Journal will be raised, on account of in
creased costs of publication to 50 cents a month by
carrier and $4.00 a year by mail, cash in advance.
Mai! subscriptions renewed at old rate until
November 1.' Now is your chance to save ironcy,
Belgian King And Queen Are
Officially Welcomed ft
Congress h Joint Sess&a
This Afternoon.
. Washington, Oct 28. The Amort
can congress today welcomed King Al
bert of Belgium. -.. ,s
-The senate and the house halted
proceedings and heard the Belgian
ruler, who with Queen Elizabeth and
Prince Leopold, ia finishing a tonr that
took him across the American contl-'
nent and back, urge In his slow pre
cise English, a tightening of the bonds)
between his country and the United
States through the Interchange of
Ideas and commercial relations.
Senator Cummins made the address
of welcome in the senate. At the first
direct reference to the king In Cum
mins' address, applause spread' over
the chamber. Prince Leopold entered
the chamber walking beside Senator
Hitchcock. . ...
Greeting King Albert as the mast
welcome man in the world. Senator
Cummins, Iowa, lauded the royal guest
as friend, defender and ally. -
King Albert's address to the sen-,
ate follows: v
"It is indeed a great honor for mo
to address this illustrious assembly. '
"I salute not only the eminent men
who receive me here today, but I
salute the memory of your great pre
decessors who, during one hundred
and thirty years have sat in this plaes
and given the whole world the exam
ple of the highest civlo virtues. From
the bottom of my heart, I thank your
president for the beautiful and far '
too laudatory words that he has a,
dressed to me. This welcome of the
senate seals that reception so warm
and so spontaneous I have received
everywhere during my journey across)
this magnificent country,
"I am deeply moved by the expres
sions of sympathy that the name ot
Belgium evokes from this noble Am-,
erican people. ? , i
"Nothing could better characterise
the reign of universal! democracy than
that friendship which unites the great
republic with its. one hundred anil
ton million citizens and the realm of
which I ana the constitutional head
with its seven million and a half la-r
habitants. If there is no equality of
power and riches between them then
is equality in the love .of liberty and:
in aspirations towards social progress
On both sides of the Atlantic the'
same Ideal inspires us. The exohangs
of ideas, the commercial .relations;
the Visits to Belgium of eminent Am-.
erican citizens of wham many sit in
this assembly are means of tighten
ing the bonds between the two na
tions." .
I'lume, Oct. 26. (Delayed)
Results of the general election
announced today showed that
tlie national union polled 89
out of 7555 votes. Tills was con
sidered as a triumph fur the an
nexationists. Rome, Oct. 27. Private corre
spondents of every lurge Italian news
paper stated positively today that
President Wilson has refused to ac
cept Foreign Minister Tittoni's last
formula for solution of the Fiums
problem, without numerous reserva
tions. p
The Glornale D'ltalla forecast com
plete failure of the present "conver
sations" in Paris between Tittonliuid
Frank L. Polk, under secretary of
state, declaring that .additional con
cessions by Italy are impossible.
Washington, Oct. 28. "There Is no
change In the president's condition,"
said a statement issued at 12:15 p. in
to day by Doctors" Grayson, : Kuffin
and Stltt. "
"His progress continues. He takes
his lunch and dinner in a semi-sitting
position which aids greatly in the en
joyment of his food and causes ns