Wallowa County Chieftain News wallowa.com November 18, 2015 A3 2'):FRQ¿UPVFDOIDWWDFNHGE\ZROI By Steve Tool Wallowa County Chieftain The Oregon Department of )LVK DQG :LOGOLIH FRQ¿UPHG D 1RY ZROI DWWDFN RQ D OE FDOI WKDW ZDV JUD]LQJ on a Forest Service allotment on the Imnaha Divide. The calf was seriously wounded EXW VXUYLYHG WKH DWWDFN 7KH DWWDFN IROORZV D FRQ¿UPHG wolf depredation of another calf Oct. 27 in the nearby Harl %XWWHDUHD ODFW wildlife biologist 0LNH +DQVHQ FRQ¿UPHG WKH incident Friday. ³7KHVWRFNJURZHUZDVDEOH WR ¿QG LW DQG EULQJ LW LQ WKH YHW¶V RI¿FH WKH 'RXEOH $U- URZ FOLQLF DQG WKH\¶UH WDN- ing care of it,” Hansen said. ³7KH\ FOLQLF VWDII WKLQN WKH FDOIPLJKWPDNHLW´ Hansen said there was lit- WOH GRXEW WKH DWWDFN LQYROYHG WKH ,PQDKD 3DFN DV LW ZDV reported in the area about two days before. “It’s part of their territory,” Hansen said. Wallowa County Chief Sheriff’s Deputy Fred Steen said the affected rancher no- WL¿HG KLP RI WKH DWWDFN ODWH in the afternoon of Nov. 10. Hunters in the area had dis- covered the profusely bleed- ing calf and its mother. They shot video footage of the affected animal as well DVWUDFNVDQGVLJQVRIDVWUXJ- gle in the area. The hunters QRWL¿HG D QHDUE\ KRPHRZQ- HU ZKR QRWL¿HG WKH DIIHFWHG rancher. The rancher located his calf the next day, although the search failed to turn up the calf’s mother. The rancher brought the calf to the clinic, where it was examined by Hansen, Steen and a veterinarian. All the ex- aminers agreed that the inju- ries were the result of a wolf DWWDFN According to Steen, the affected rancher has been gathering cattle from the area since mid-September and was VKRUWDERXW¿YHFRZVDQGWZR calves as of Nov. 11. The rancher could not be reached for comment. Winding Waters withdraws plan for school clinic Clinic awarded grant; proposal draws ire from community ” THE SCHOOL DISTRICT’S PRI- MARY MISSION IS TO EDUCATE OUR KIDS. Board member Nils Christoffersen By Steve Tool which led to the community discussions,” Christoffersen At a Nov. 2 Enterprise said. 6FKRRO %RDUG 0HHWLQJ At that point, Christoffers- Winding Waters Medical en advocated that the board Clinic withdrew a propos- VWHS EDFN DQG VORZ GRZQ al for a school-based health IURP PDNLQJ D GHFLVLRQ WR center to treat underserved open the clinic because of the children and other students at divisiveness it was creating the school. within the community as well While the proposal met as the board, school adminis- with initial acceptance from tration and teaching staff. the school board, subsequent “The school district’s pri- public meetings indicated mary mission is to educate strong public opposition, RXU NLGV´ &KULVWRIIHUVHQ which eventually made its said. He added that while he way to school board meet- understood that health care, nutrition and other forms of ings. School board member Nils support are directly related to Christoffersen said the board student performance, they are received the proposal from not the district’s mission and Winding Waters in the latter purpose. Other school board KDOIRI7KH6%&+SUR- posal stemmed from a grant members harbored similar that Winding Waters received thoughts. During the Oct. 5 board for a community health cen- meeting, Superintendent ter. “Given the evidence we %UDG 5R\VH UHDG D OHWWHU were presented with of the IURP:LQGLQJ:DWHUVDVNLQJ QHHGDQGEHQH¿WIURPVXFKD the board to table the issue. service and the fact it would %RDUG PHPEHU $GULDQ +DU- be provided at virtually no guess moved to table the mat- cost to the school district ter and the motion passed. Christoffersen suggest- except for provision of the space, we unanimously en- ed that at least some school dorsed a letter of support that ERDUG PHPEHUV NHHS DEUHDVW ZDVSDUWRIWKHLUJUDQWSDFN- of community discussion on school health care. age,” Christoffersen said. The following board meet- Winding Waters was awarded the grant about a ing on Nov. 2 saw Winding year later. Christoffersen said :DWHUV RI¿FLDOO\ ZLWKGUDZ board discussions started in WKH6%+&SURSRVDO “The challenge will be: earnest about renovating a &DQ ZH ¿QG RWKHU RSWLRQV space at that point. Around the same time the that are less divisive and that state legislature increased ZHKDYHWKH¿QDQFLDOYLDELOL- funding for school health ty to provide,” Christoffersen centers, a move that brought said. “I’m very eager for our criticism from groups op- school board, the school dis- posed to school-based clin- trict and school community WRWDNHRQWKDWFKDOOHQJHDQG ics. “Those concerns certainly address what appears to me seemed to resonate with parts to be a real need.” of our school community, Wallowa County Chieftain Facebook This Moffit Bros. truck was reported stolen Nov. 11 in Enterprise. 0RI¿W%URVWUXFNVWROHQ Wallowa County Chieftain Neither Wallowa County nor Asotin County Sheriff’s deputies ever laid eyes on the 0RI¿W %URV WUXFN WKDW ZDV reported stolen from an En- terprise residence the night of Nov. 11. 7KH WUXFN EHORQJLQJ WR 0RI¿W %URV 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ and Construction in Lostine, reportedly was seen by a Mof- ¿W%URVEXVGULYHURXWVLGHRI Lostine, according to Roberta 0RI¿W “He passed our bus driver just as fast as he could go,” she said. “It worried our driver; he thought something had hap- pened.” Thank You I want to thank my family and many friends, especially my daughter-in-law, for time spent making my 90th birthday party so special. This day will never be forgotten. Fern 0RI¿W VDLG DQRWKHU HP- ployee reported seeing the WUXFNKHDGLQJRXWWKH3URPLVH Road. ³:H WKLQN WKH WKLHI WRRN Wildcat to Troy and then went from Troy to Highway 3 and on north to Lewiston.” Wallowa County authorities headed north, but were unable WR ORFDWH WKH SLFNXS $VRWLQ County Sheriff’s Department informed the Chieftain on Monday that they had not seen the vehicle, either. 5XPRUV DERXQG 0RI¿W VDLG EXW QR RI¿FLDO UHSRUWV have been made since then. 7KH WUXFN LV ZKLWH ZLWK D 0RI¿W %URV ORJR RQ WKH VLGH The license plate number is Or- HJRQ1R=33 7KH6KHULII¶V2I¿FHQRWL¿HG authorities in Idaho and Wash- LQJWRQDERXWWKHVWROHQWUXFN If you have information regarding the vehicle, please contact the Wallowa County 6KHULII¶V 2I¿FH DW Anton’s Unique holiday giſts for everone! 06 S. Main Street • Joseph, OR Mon-Sat 8-6 •Sun 10-4 HOME & HEARTH 541-432-2690 Ensure a “Merry Christmas for All” ELKS CHRISTMAS BASKET/ TREE OF GIVING PROGRAM For Children & Teens through age 17 and Single Adults Living Alone PLEASE COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW TO BE PLACED ON A LIST TO RECEIVE A FOOD BASKET Injured hunters air-lifted By Steve Tool Wallowa County Chieftain Wallowa County Dispatch received a 911 call late Fri- day morning requesting Life Flight for two hunters injured in a horse-related mishap at Smith Mountain near Howard %XWWHQRUWKRI(QWHUSULVH Sgt. Kyle Hove, public in- IRUPDWLRQRI¿FHUIRUWKH2UH- JRQ6WDWH3ROLFHVDLGWZR263 WURRSHUV %ULDQ 0LOOHU DQG 0DUN.QDSSUHVSRQGHGWRWKH incident and arrived at approx- imately the same time as the two Life Flight helicopters. Hove said the incident involved two members of a WKUHHPDQ HON KXQWLQJ SDUW\ WKDWZDVRQKRUVHEDFNLQDJDW- ed area. One man was trans- ported to Lewiston, while the RWKHU ZDV ÀRZQ WR :DOORZD Memorial Hospital in Enter- prise. Neither of the two men had life-threatening injuries, ac- cording to Hove. He credited the Wallowa County Sheriff’s 2I¿FHDQGGLVSDWFKHUVIRUWKH timely coordination and assis- tance with the incident. MAIL TO: Elks PO Box K, Enterprise, OR 97828 by December 4th Questions: Call Donnie Rynearson 541-263-0598